Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, March 02, 1918, Image 2

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    '! * r
Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
' X j i ',.
This pnotugruptt snows u class of soldiers of the remount ue|H>t, No. 3U8. stationed at tam p llaiicoca, Augusta,
Ga., learning the not very gentle art of horse-shoeing. These men use the hoofs taken from dead horses to practice
on; each man is hoidiug a hoof In his hand. They will eoou sail to France to shoe Uncle Sam's horses over there.
Shipbuilding Program Renews * • * • * • * • * • * • * • * • * • * • * • * • * •
Interest in the Performances
of Old-Time Vessels.
Slippers That Outsailed Steamers
Showed Us How to Gain Mastery
of the Sea— Some Remark­
able Voyages.
j *
Washington. — When George
Walter Plants of draft age, pre-
sented himself before the oxernp-
tlon board with his father It was
shown that he had two brothers
already In the service.
“ No, sir," replied Plants Se-
nlor when asked If he wanted
exemption for the third son. *T
have two boys In the army and
I am willing not only to seno
George Into the service, but have
two more boys at home you can
have If you need them.”
•★ •* •★ •* •* •* •* •* •* •* •* •* •
The Dreadnought made many fast
passages, however, In the total of sev­
enty to eighty credited to her. On sev­
eral occasions she maintained a uni­
form speed of O',4 miles an hour from
shore to shore. Her host eastward voy­
age was 13 days S hours from port to
port, and her average speed for Atlan­
tic voyages was higher, probably, than
that of any other sailing ship.
The record of a clipper ship for
crossing the Atlantic belongs, how­
ever, to the Red Jacket of New York,
which crossed In 18&4 from Sandy
Hook to the entrance of the River
Mersey In 13 days and 1 hour. The
best passage In the opposite direction
, was made In 1860 by the ship Andrew
' Jackson, 13 days from the Mersey to
; New York.
Washington. — Much Interest has
>ecn shown by the public In the United
States shipping board's program of
building many fast vessels for carry-
Ing supplies to France during the war.
»nd to transport freights, mall and
passengers as the vanguard of the
In a single day. which exceeded by 42
great merchant marine that Is to be
miles the best day’s run made by a
maintained when pence returns.
steamship up to that time.
National pride, say shipping experts
In 26 consecutive days, on this voy­
here, has always found strong expres­
age. the Flying Cloud sailed 5.912
sion over the ability of the United
miles, an average of 227 miles a day. or
States to produce fast ships. It Is
miles an hour. For four days, when
therefore nothing new for Americans
. .
she made her best speed, she averaged
to watch the Products of their ship- 314 mlIes „ „
or , 2H knotg „ „ hour
yards with swelling breasts.
j The shlp.s „ plolt wns ^ bnte<1 ln
Half a century and more ago the gRn Franclsco w(th reJololng an(J ^
whole country took pride In the rec-, n(?wg Qf ((
pleasure to every
\ 0f,A,mer
C'1r per T fleets * of
S, the
,P k ’
led the Can
American shipyards then produced
vessels which made long voyages at an
average speed equal to that of the
steamships of their time. The sailing
records they established were never
'»qualed by the ships of other nations.
These vessels were the direct prod­
uct of daring experiments by Yankee
builders, who were never content to
rest on their laurels, which were many.
Each year they excelled their previ­
ous efforts, turning out flyers that
challenged the attention of the mari­
time world.
The Flying Cloud.
One of the most notable American
vessels ln the heyday of the clipper
ships was the Flying Cloud of Boston,
which ln 1831 made the run from New
York to San Francisco, around Cape
Horn, ln 89 days, 21 hours, establish­
ing a record that has stood since. On
Its voyage the ship sailed 374 mlles
“Boys, you look bully 1” said Col.
«Theodore Roosevelt to twenty-four
boys of the diet squad of New York
Public School No. 42, who are Indulg­
ing ln an extra meal each day ln an
effort to gain weight. The youngsters
like their Job, that of eating the spe­
cially prepared meals of the food ex­
perts. The kiddles are being weighed
after their first week’s diet; In anoth­
er month they will change from the
lightweight class to the heavyweight
The colonel la showing the
keenest interest ln the weighing of
each member of the diet squad.
American who heard of It.
The next year the ship Sovereign of
the Seas—from the yard of the same
builder, Donald McKay of East Bos­
ton—In the course of a voyage from
Honolulu to New York excelled some
of the dally runs of the Flying Cloud. !
In four days ln the South Pacific she
logged 1.478 miles, an average of 378
miles a day. or 15H mlles an hour. In 1
Samson listened to a woman, cut off
11 days, between March 10 and 21, she
his hair, and lost, literally, the sinews
logged 3,562 miles, a dally average of
of war. Now cometli a modern wom­
330 miles, and an hourly average of
an, harking to the call of Uncle Sam's
1314 miles. At times she sailed at a
sons, and cutteth off her hair to pro­
speed of 19 mlles nn hour, which few
vide said sinews. History simply sets
freight-carrying steamers today can at­
new music to old woi Is or vice versa.
tain. Her best day's run was 424
The photograph shows Florence Mans­
mlles. and showed an average speed of
field, Boston's patriotic daughter, ready
17 2-3 miles an hour for 24 hours.
to snip off her lovely hulr to provide
The Sovereign of the Seas also had
material for rope to be used In the
the distinction of having beaten a
making of a submarine tiller. Her
steamer on five continuous days of |
patriotic Impulse was original, spring­
sailing, while on the passage from
ing from the neisl of rope In the navy
New York to Liverpool In 1853, and
as outlined to her by friends In the
also of making the unique run of
United States Marine corps. She has
seven days from land to land, having
very long tresses, and she can amply
sighted Cape Race, Newfoundland, at
spare some. She believes every girl
6 a. m. June 24 -and Cape Clear, Ire­
In the country ought to sacrifice a
land, et 6 a. m. June 30.
lock of hair. She believes there is an­
Her best dny’s run wns 344 mlles on
other use for hair more Important than
June 28. In five days, June 25-30, the
wearing It herself—that Is for one of
ship outsailed the Cunurd liner Can­
our fighting men to wear It, In a wrist­
ada, which wns mnklng the eastward
band or ring. Then, when our boys
passage from F >ston to Liverpool, a
get real lonesome "over there” all they
total of 325 miles. The best day's run
have to do Is to take one long, linger­
of the Canada was 306 miles.
ing look at that strand of hair, and, ns
Greatest Day’s Run.
they gaze, the winsome face of the girl
The greatest day's run ever made by
back home will rise before them, and
n vessel under sail wns accomplished
all will be right ngalnt
Now, how
by another ship of Donald McKay's
about It girls? Who will volunteer
build, the Lightning, on her maiden
for such a worthy cause?
voyage, from Boston to Liverpool, ln
On the first day of March, when ap- SMALL BOY KNITS SWEATER
; proachlng ond rounding the north of
Ireland, In a strong gale from the Ten-Year-Old Youth Gets Yarn From
Red Cross and Turns In Fin­
south, the ship logged 18V4 mlles nn
ished Garment.
hour. Her lee rnil was under water
and her Jib and fore-topsail, new,
Chicago.—A “Sammle," “somewhere
strong sails, were blown ln shreds
from their bolt ropes. Such an exhi­ ln the United States" or "somewhere
bition of sall-cnrrylng rarely has been ln France,” Is today wearing a nice
recorded as that on the Lightning that warm knitted sweater and In all proba­
day; and It wns d me prayerfully, for bility dreaming of a beautiful girl
her master. Captain Forbes, was a "somewhere ln the United States,” who
knitted the sweater.
strong churchman.
Clifford Hammerherg, ten-yenr-old
At the end of the 24 hours the ship's
log showed that she had made a day's schoolboy, wns anxious to help the
run with parallel, of 436 sea mlles, or boys fighting for Uncle Sam, went to
the Red Cross headquarters, obtained
more than 500 land mlles.
This entitled the Lightning to the some yarn and went home and knit­
proud distinction of being the fastest ted the sweater. It was returned to
ship that ever sailed the seas. There the Red Cross and sent out with other
was no steamship of her day that sweaters for boys In the service.
could approach her record for a day’s
mileage by 100 mlles, and 25 years NEW
passed before a steamer was produced,
the Arizona, then rated as an ocean Pennsylvania Man Installs One In Hie
greyhound, that equaled her maximum
Chimney to 8pot Approaching
speed per hour.
Street Car.
Best remembered today of the Amer­
ican clipper ships Is the Dread­
Knoxville, Pa.—Albert R. Ballard
nought. She was a packet ship, run­ has Invented and Installed a periscope
ning on a regular schedule with pas­ I d the chimney of hie home. When
sengers between New York and Liver­ ready to travel Ballard sits In his (lin­
pool. There Is a tradition that In 1859 ing room with his eye at the periscope.
she created a record of 9 days 17 hours When the periscope shows a car
from Sandy Hook to Queenstown, but speeding over a nearby hill Ballard
the story has been decided to be myth­ dona coat and hat, strolls to tba corner
and meets the car just as i( arrive.
Events of Noted People, Governments
and Parifle Northwest and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
There are numerous indications in
Germany of a systematic campaign to
promote a new general strike, says a
Berlin dispatch.
Vernon Booth, of Chicago, of the
Lafayette Flying Corps, in France,
brought down a German airplane in a
tight several miles inside the German
lines Monday,
Nelson Morris, of Chicago, chairman
of the board of Morris A Co., packers,
26 years old and unmarried, has asked
exemption or deferred clsssifleation of
appeal board No 1.
The Carnegie Corporation has pre­
sented McGill University, at Montreal,
with $1,000,000 in recognition of the
institution's devoted service and sacri-
lico toward Canada's part in the war.
The American and Japanese embas­
sies and the Chinese, Siamese and
Brazilian legations are leaving Petro-
grad for Vyatka, or Volnogda. If
necessary1 they will go to Vladivostok.
Walter Best, of Fairfax, S. C., a
negro, was taken from the sheriff and
two deputies by a mob and hanged to
a tree by the roadside, a short time
after he had killed W illiam Weston, a
young white man.
A loyalty resolution including an
amendment condemning Senator La
Foliete for his attitude toward the war
was adopted by the Wisconsin state
senate late Tuesday night by a vote of
26 to 3. The resolution will now go to
the lower house.
Crrmana Advance Regardless of I'enre
Agreement Citizens Ordered to
Dig Trenches for Defense.
I’strograd — Blaring airena awoke
eleeping Betrograd Tuesday evening,
signifying to the inhabitants that the
Germans had entered Bakov,
blaats of the whialiea also served as a
summons to begin digging trenchea for
the defense of the rspital.
The district soldiers' and workmen's
councils of Betrograd were informed
over the telephone at midnight that
small German detachments had taken
possession of I'skov and were moving
toward Betrograd.
A general mobilization of the work­
ingmen who are supporting the coun­
cils was ordered, everyone being di­
rected to report to the Semolny Insti­
tute, the Bolshevik
Motor cars were requisitioned and the
tramcara were kept running all night.
Ailed with soldiers and members of the
Red Guard, who were dis|>atehed to
the various railroad stations.
Betrograd An official proclamation
issued Wcdneaday, calling upon the
people to defend the capital, saya;
“ In spite of the fact that the gov­
ernment has accepted the peace condi­
tions imposed by the German and Aus­
trian governments, the Imperialist as­
sassins are, nevertheless, continuing
their monstrous advance into the in­
terior of Kuaaia.
“ The cursed minions of W illiam and
the German Kaledmes, together with
the White Guards, are advancing
agninat and shooting the sovieta, re­
constituting the (lower of the land-
lirda, bankers and capitaliata and pre­
paring for the restoration of the mon­
"The revolution is in peril. A mor­
tal blow will be atrurk against Red
Betrograd. If you workers, soldiers
and peasants wish to retain power and
the power of the Soviets you must fight
these hordes, who now are seeking to
devour you to your laat gasp.
"The decisive h>ur has struck.
Workers and all oppressed men and
women, you must swell the ranks of
the Red battalions.
To arms, all of
That the struggle may only
cease with your laat breath.”
Camps and Mills Go On 8 Hour
Day Basis March 1.
Oregon and Washington Are Affected
by Order, Operators Are Told
Batrlotlr Support Bromised.
Absolute control of ths spruce Indus­
try of the states of Oregon and Wash­
ington has been taken over by the gov­
ernment. March 1 the logging
ng camps
and all the lumber mills of 1
stales fir, spruce and all other*
ami milla—went on a basic elghf'^m.,
day, presaging a government move to
take absolute control of the entire
lumber industry of the two states.
Announcement of the basic eight-
hour day was made in Bortland Wed­
nesday simultaneously with the decis­
ion by the War department, announced
from Washington, that the government
had commandeered the spruce industry
of the two Banflc Northwest states
This announcement was made by Col­
onel Brice B. Bisque, commanding the
spruce production division of ths Sig­
nal Corps. United States Army, to ap­
proximately 200 members of the Lum­
bermen’s Broteetlve Association, com­
prising operators and millmen of Ore­
gon and Washington, following an ail-
day executive conference.
Direct from the shadow of the White
House. Colonel Disque, who returned
from Washington recently, made thia
announcement, which hitherto might
have been considered revolutionary,
and men who for years have even
fought the mention of an eight-hour
day applauded vociferously.
Batriotiam marked the prorgesa of
the meeting and the startling an­
nouncement from Colonel Disque wan
received with enthusiasm. A number
of the operators declared they would
willingly turn their buaineaa over to
the government, or would operate their
pro|N>rtiea on any basia whatever as
long as the war lasted.
” 1 am not in a poaition to give any
reason for this announcement,” said
Cot. Bisque, following the conference.
Resolutions were adopted by the
lumbermen expressing absolute confi­
dence in Colonel Bisque and in any ac­
tion the government might take.
At the conclusion of the conference
Bisque announced that a meeting of
the workers in the logging ramps ami
the lumber mills would be held in
Bortland early next week.
At this meeting he will he will pre­
sent the problems of production and
other details in connection with the
work of fulfilling the government's
aircraft requirements.
A thorough
discussion of various problems between
the representative of the War dcjtart-
ment and the workers will lie taken up
at this time.
Colonel Disque declared that his ac­
tion in establishing a basic eight-hour
•«y wss impelled largely through a
desire to show the members of the
Loyal legion of loggers and Lumber­
men the government’s appreciation of
their loyalty and patriotic endeavor in
the production of aircraft material.
Alleged to be an agent in the United
States for German interests which THREE AMERICANS GASSED
have been seeking to comer the
world’s wool market. Eugene Schwenlt,
a wealthy wool merchant of New York Sammies Do Effective Work Against
Enemy Take Many Briaoncra.
and Boston, was arrested Tuesdsy as
an enemy alien and will be interned.
W ith the American Army in France
The navy’s appeal for "eyes” for — Three American soldiers were killed
the watch officers has brought more and nine badly "gassed” in two form­
than 20,000 binoculars, spy glasses, idable gas attacks made by the Ger­
telescopes, sextants and chronometers. mans on the American positions in the
Assistant Secretary Roosevelt stated Toul sector early Wednesday morning
Tuesday. One day’s receipts amounted with projectors.
to 3000.
However, more will be
The enemy also heavily bombarded
the American
with gas
The former Austrian steamer Lucia, shells, but without results.
Only the excellent preparatory train­
equipped with a new “ non-sinkable”
system, has sailed from a Gulf port ing in quickness by the American
with a cargo. The steamer is equipped troops prevented the projector attacks,
with more than 12,000 air and water­ the first experienced by them, from
tight cells, which the inventor claims causing more casualties.
The attacks were made within 10
will keep the vessel afloat even should
of each other and were dierct-
she be torpedoed.
ed at a certain wood.
Seventy five
Meeting at the call of the govern­ eight-inch shells of 80 |ier cent gas and
ment, representatives of capital and 20 per cent high explosive sheila were
labor began conferences in Washington fired by German minenwerfer.
Monday to reach an agreement de­ flight of the projectiles was track'd
signed to prevent strikes and to assure through the air, the gas shells burst­
a maximum production during the war ing in the air and the high explosive
of materials necessary to maintain the denotating when they came in contact
American armies in France.
with the earth. Large fragments of
John Purroy Mitchel, ex-mayor of shells flew from both missiles.
The gas caught some of the men be­
New York, now a major in the avia­
tion Bection, Signal Officers’ Reserve fore they were able to adjust their MAY HAVE TO FIGHT ALONE
Corps, arrived in San Diego, Cal., masks and overcome others while they
Monday with Mrs. Mitchel.
Major were asleep in dugouts.
Kaiser Balked hy Austria in East —
Mitchel came on orders of the War de­
Turkey and Bulgaria Restive.
partment to report for flight duty to
Ixindon— Seventy-five enemy aircraft
qualify as reserve military aviator.
Washington, I). C. — Further evi­
One hundred and fifty-seven soldiers were brought down by the Royal Fly­ dence of the growing strain in rela­
— mostly Germans and Austrians — ing corps on the western front from tions between Germany and Austria
have been taken from the troops at February 1 to 22, according to an an­ over the refusal of the latter to parti­
Camp Greene, Charlotte, N. C. Some nouncement by the British air minis­ cipate in the renewed attack upon
will be interned and others assigned to try. During the same period 39 enemy Russia is given in an official dispatch
troops which will not have service aircraft were driven down out of con­ received here Thursday from France.
It quotes the Austrian premier as
Some are old men in the trol and six were brought down by
service and others recent volunteers. anti-aircraft defenses. Against these formally reiterating on February 22
120 machines of the enemy, says the that Austria-Hungary would take no
They come from almost every state.
statement, 28 of the allies are missing. part in military action against Rusaia
A site at Sacramento, Cal., has been
On the Italian front, since the arrival or Roumania and would not send her
approved by the War department for
of the British airmen to the present troops into Ukrainia.
an army aviation school.
The fact is strongly indicated thHt*
time, 58 planes have been destroyed.
English naval airmen continued to
the kaiser's other allies, Bulgaria
bombard docks, airdromes and other
and Turkey, may adopt the Russian
Tremor Felt in Montana.
targets in Belgium, and have account­
Rismark, N. D.- The Northern Ba- policy of Austria and leave Germany to
ed for four German airplanes, the ad­
cific operator at Glendive, Mont., Tues­ proceed alone and unsupported in her
miralty announced Thursday.
day evening reported a violent earth­ invasion of Russia.
Miss Martha Van Rensselaer, of the quake of three seconds’ duration.
Flyers Need More Room.
department of home economics, New Large buildings quivered, he said.
Washington, D. C. — Immediate
Weather Observer O. W. Roberts
York College of Agriculture, Cornell
University, has been appointed head here is inclined to believe the quake stejis to reduce the number of collis­
of the division of home conservation of was caused by the breaking up of huge ions by student aviators by spreading
the United States Food administration. masses of ice in the Yellowstone river. out the training areas are about to be
The shock, he reports, is frequently of
A German guardship stationed in sufficient severity to cause quakes ex­ taken by the War department. It is
planned to Iny out flying fields in vari­
the Baltic near Langeland Island tending over a limited territory.
ous directions from the training camps
(north of Kiel bay) has been damaged
to which the student aviators will fly
striking a German mine, according to
New Serum is Discovered.
each day in a regular schedule. It is
a dispatch from Copenhagen.
Baris—Brofessor M. A. Vincent, of believed this will prevent crowding in
20 men are supposed to have been
the Academy of Medicine, who became the air. All things taken Into consid­
widely known through the discovery of eration, however. War department offi­
An agreement for revision of the a serum for the treatment of typhoid cials feel that the number of accidents
two most important provisions of the fever, almost eradicating the disease has not been unduly large.
in the French army, announces he has
bill for a war finance corporation to
found a curative and preventive for
Mexlean Trade Bromised.
aid in the financing of war and con­
Malta fever. This fever is a type of
— BlanH to take over the
tributory industries was reached late
malaria prevalent in South Africa and hardware trade with Mexico, which,
Thrusday by Secretary McAdoo and along the Mediterranean.
before the European war, was almost
the senate finance committee.
entirely in German hands, have been
The Austrian premier. Dr. von
Corn Trading is Halted.
made by St. I^iuis firms, it is an­
Seydler, speaking in the reichsrath
Chicago — The Chicago Board of nounced by Baul V. Bunn, secretary of
Wednesday, entered into a long de­ Trade
afternoon the St. Louis chamber of commerce.
fense of the original treaty of peace stopped all trade in corn for delivery Four wealthy residents of Monterey,
with Ukraine and announced a subse­ in store by grade alone in Chicago in Mexico, visited St. I,oufs recently,
quent treaty appointing a commission the month of February.
The settle­ said Mr. Bunn, and stated that a large
to define the frontiers of Ukraine and ment price for this delivery was set at corporation to control the hardware
$ 1 . 28 .
trade would be formed at Monterey.