falls VOL. XIV C ity news ||. (!. (six haH lieen on the sick Mrs. N. F. Newhouije and boy« list for several weeks. were Falls City business visitors PO W ELL'S CAMP Ye», we've been snowed in and Mr. and Mr«. G iih Anderson are wee • sometimes nearly snowed out but in Falls City, during the snowy The folks in camp are very well now that the train cornea twice weather. pleased to have Old Jupe Pluvius u wfM*k, we'll try and be more ,, 0 .. . , at work again for the enforced punctual. Mrs. S. W in go is abb to < pcst is not so pleasant in the snow almut at present. w e’d imagine, as on a torrid Au- We had three feet of snow but Mrs. Miller and Miss Wilson at present, Feb. 26th, have very went out a week ago and will lie little und the very welcome rain is rtvadily pit a paling on th«- rnK primary elections the cook luHise during Mrs. Vas­ ing at Mr. Shepard's this week. for the nomination by the Kepub- Mr. and Mrs. N. K. New house sals absence last week. . . . .. , w bean Party, for the office of returned about two weeks ago , , , , . . | While playing near the fire, Mr. . v Cierk of said Polk Countv. from Portland, having been gone One o f the donkey engines is Campbell's little child’s clothing ‘ „ u rm w two weeks. being moved. caught on fire. Fortunately the ___JOHN, l . UOLPW . fire was extinguished before the little one was burned. ®0WQffi)r. Mllea* N erv­ ine and also took Dr. Miles' I.lver n ils and now I feal per­ fectly well In every way. My bowels also arw In good shaps now." MUS. AUGUSTA KBISBR. 114» Portland Ava.. Itochsstsr, N. T. FALLS CITY HOSPITAL HOTES The Farmers’ Union held their regular meeting Tuesday night. ’ , .. , . .. Mr. J. Gage has disposed of his Holstein bull. Glenn and Viva Gage and Bud Sumpter were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Hardt. much better than in many months, Mrs. Minnie Hoppe will be oper- ated on this morning at 9 o’clock. Also Kennrth Thresher will have his tonsils removed. Several other operations have been scheduled for today, __________________ Mr. J. ( iage has recently t o p p ^ The ladies who put on the min- the three big fir trees in his ya rlF arrel show for the benefit o f the ,P. , ______„ Bed Cross wish to take this means The farme . u ‘ ~ o f thanking everyone who assisted glad to see the snow go. in making the affair a success, financially or otherwise. Espec­ ially the male quartette and Mr. SCHOOL HOTES Carl of Dallas who so generously assisted. The minstrel and dance Already the senior class has netted $104.11, w hich was turned , begun to make plans for gradua­ over to the Red Cross. There is now in the Red Cross treasury tion week. A meeting was held *289.55, and there has been ex­ Thursday afternoon and • the nec­ pended for yarn and other expen­ ses $63.09. essary committees appointed. 9 Hundreds of beautiful Fab- high school, rics to choose from - all rich Clara Weiser left school this in quality - variety in p n ce |toPwthnd from _______________________ $30.00 WM. BOHLE 19c Ladies’ Lisle, Bl’ k,‘ Brown Grey, and White 60c value, Sale . . . 39c Ladies’ 65c Silk Fibre, Black 39c - - Children’s Lisle, worth 35 to 40c, Sale D with a wide range at - - 25c There was a revival meeting Mrs. N. Lunde underwent a held at the church last week. The serious operation last Saturday attendance was g«»d. and is recovering rapidly, feeling The Falls City Auxiliary o f the I^ast Friday morning the whole school met in the assembly room Ked Cross, have sent the follow- ing articles to head-quaters and gave a short program. Triangular slings 330 The service flag ordered some Bed socks 11 time ago by the Honor Guard has Hospital leggins 53 been received. This flag was Hemmed handktrehs 219 dedicated the 12th o f February Knitted washcloths 28 and will now be placed in the Water bottle bags 36 postoffice. There are twenty- Napkins 57 seven blue stars and one gold one. Tray cloths 9 ID you ever As last Friday was Washing­ Knitted socks 54 prs w e a r a n ton’s birthday, a half holiday was Surg. wrapping for I n t e r n a t i o n a l granted the s:hool. The pupils of dressings 4 rolls M a d e - t o - M e a s u r e S u i t the h.gh school took advantage of Four-tailed binders 41 this and went visiting. Some Many-tailed binders 121 went to Black Rock, while others Abdominal binders 231 visited Professor Graham’s school Unh’md h’kchiefs 34 ■ at Guthrie. Total finished pieces 12228 Since the commercial class has Falls City can justly be proud increased so rapidly it was nee- o f the work the Red Cross is do­ Tl-y ONE this Spring and essary to add two new standard ing here and we hope to realize the need o f continued diligence enjoy its superior smartness ; typewriters. and feel it not only a duty but a and its greater economy. The manual training boys have privilege to help in this work as • fixed a better room on the third the need grows greater as the war progresses. — floor for their accommodation. This class is the largest in the $20.00 to $50.00 Ladies’ Lisle, Black and White, 35c value WAR STAMP DRIVE Weekly Report For Polk County Total am’t to be raised $321,160.00 Stamps sold to date 17.246.80 Balance to be sold 303,923.20 Stamps Sold for week ending Feb. How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars He- 27, 1918 ward for auy case of Catarrh that Airlie, $ 127.00 cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Dallas 498.00 Cure. F. J. C H E N E T A CO.. Toledo. O. Falls City 145.04 Wo. the underslgnrj. have known P. J. Rickreall 53.54 Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe hint pprfcctly honorable In «II b u ili»«* Monmouth 304.54 transaction« nn4 financially able to carry out any obligations made by hi« firm. N A T IO N A L B A N K OF COMMERCE. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure I» taken Internally. noting directly upon tho blood and mu- no,* surfaces o f tho system. Testimonials sent free. Frire 75 cente per bottle. Sola br nil Druggists. Take Uall'e r e a lly PUIe for ooaeUpatloa. So far Folk County is not hit­ ting the stride that will win out in getting anywhere near the quoto that the government has asked, for SELIG’S, Cash Price Store, “ Meeting and Beating Competition” . No Bank for Him “ I don’ t put my money in any bank,” says Slothful Sam. “ My inside pocket is good enough for me and I am going to keep it there instead o f letting the other fellow carry it.” But does he keep it there? He does not. The butcher,’ baker, grocer, clothier and druggist get Sam ’s money and they put it in the bank. Sam don’ t know where his money goes. But somebody puts it in the bank. Who is putting your money in the bank? I f it is good for the other fellow to have money in the bank it’ s good for you—and the other fellow gets rich at it. BANK OF FALLS CITY. WE W ILL TAKE YOUR MEASURE FOR A SUIT OF Ed. V. Price & Co’s Clothing FALLS CITY LUMBER & LOGGING CO. FALLS CITY HOSPITAL EQUIPPED AND PREPARED TO HANDLE General Surgery, Sickness, Accidents, INCLUDING THOSE THAT COME UNDER State Industrial Accident Commission Rooms $2 to |3.50 per day, including general nursing and board.