New Houston Hotel P i r ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ \ SALÍS IS FINE FOR T i r S a ♦ . STATE NEW IN BRIEF. Mitb ami KotnH Ma. C.wtUml. <)>• Four Uaalia horn Union Itopol. Two Mur ha from Now I'.ioloffira MtaUrn ami «reproof lO o o o a a a a a a o a a a a a a a o A A a o A o (too* tuo maialilo nanna. Halao fio lo H.IIU. I MAS i IIIll’HIN Manana« I Walter Hrubsct was arrested .Satur­ _______________________________________ d a y at Medford, for failure to support | his four children, ranging from 2 to 11 | yenrn old. On failure to supply $500 bail he was given a room in the county O n « » h iim I m n I « m l s ix t y H v* lv» '"‘,,,u f'"* p I miiim on ovary ftour. Hmiméi 75c lo $1.50 por days $2.50 lo The Corvallis fire department waa $5.00 por wook. presented with a service flag Wednes­ («»urthoUM. V blwli* fft»m l'astntTli'«. day. The (lag contains 27 stars, one ITIra 1‘ruof H »* ami Ul^wi Klar«»U» |»o** door, o f them being o f gold to represent the death of George Watts, of Company K, who died o f pneumonia in France. Hotel Rowland BEAUTIFUL RUGS Arc mail« from your 014) CAK- PUTS. Hn|f Itu^a woven all ■Ilea. Mail orders receive |irofii|>t ami care­ ful attention. Keful for booklet INORTHW KST RUC CO. E. 8th and Taylor St». Portland, Or , ELECTRIC MOTORS The county court at Pendleton will lie required, under three auita filed against the Spokane Flouring Mills company, to determine the damages Buttered by three Umatilla county farmer* whose grain last year did not come up to expectations. Edward I). Pierce, the 15-year-old u Bought, .Hold, Rented end Repair« m I son o f Mr. and Mr*. A lfr e d D. Pierce, * w a i . k k k n.wrniit: wok km o f Blind Slough, near Astoria, fe ll olT Hurnald«. cor. U»th Portland, Ope. a logging train on Larkin-Green road Tuesday evening and waa run over and |m badly crushed that he died before Inedicul attention reached him. TH E V O G E L «O D U C E CO. The llumburg Manufacturing com­ Will guarantee y« T HE H. T. NORTON CO M PAN Y, Part',ad. Or«., Sentile. Wn, ll.-lltn* hem. Wn. They Alwaya Do. The druggist (lied amt face to face With I ’eter at the entrance atood. Halil Peter: “ T ry the other place; “ Yoil'll doubtlcaa aay Ua ‘Juat aa good.’ ” Load, Aim. If every one haa hia war aim cor­ rectly, let'* ahoot.— New York Bun. Natural Obatacla. “ I here can't be many rumor* In the air et thla place." **\\ by notT" *T »cause the atmosphere la too clo*< BIG, STRONG CHICKS We Want Immediately M USKRAT S k u n k COYOTE RACCOON M O LE M IN K FO XES OTTER A N D O T H E R FURS. Prices aré higher than ever. Send tor Haw Fur prior list today. H. L1EBES & CO. Pwt. K Raw Fur Dealer» and Fur Manu­ facturer* 149-151 Broadway, Portland, Or. W e Pny the Highest Market Prices For RAW FURS Guarantee quick returns; charge no commission. Make trial shipment and get the most for your FURS. N. M. UNGAR CO., 191 Broadway, B U Y PORTLAND, ORE. D I R E C T £ By bnylng direct from na at wholesal« price« and aare the plumber’s profit*. Write a* to­ day your need*. We will glee you our rock- bottom “dlrect-to-you” priced, f. o. b. rail or boat. We actually nave you from 10 to 86 par eanL All good* guaranteed. North wee t headquarter* fot [«coder Water and Fuller A Johnson Engine*. STAR K -D AV IS CO. SI 2 Third Sir «at. P. N. U. Portland. Oraawa No. 8, 1918. J Plinth (he Kidney* at one« when Hack hurts or Hludder bothers. No mao or woman who eats meat regularly can maka a mistake by flushing the kidney* occasionally, says a well known authority. Meat forms uric acid which clogs tha kidney pores so they sluggishly filter or strain only part of the waste and poison* from the blood, (hen you get sick. Nearly l all rheumatism, headaches, liver trou hie, nervousness, constipation, dlzzl- ' ness, sleeplessness, bladder disorders come from sluggUh kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache In (he kidneys or your back hurts, or If the urine la cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of passage or at­ tended hy a sensation of scalding, get shout four ounces of Jad Halt* from any reliable pharmacy and lake a tablcspoonfiil In a glaa* of water he fore breakfast for a few days and your kldneya will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Julco, combined with llthta and haa been used for generations to flush clogged kidney* and stimulate them to activity, alao to neutralize the aclda In urine eo It no longer causes Irritation, thus end­ ing bladder disorders. jad Halts la Inezpenslve and can­ not Injure; make* a delightful effer vescent llthta water drink which all regular meat eaters should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications.— Adv. Insurance Commiaaioner Harvey W ells has advised the Ford Car Own­ ers' Protective association, o f Chica­ go, which is transacting business In nr! land and other points o f the state, to either comply with the insurance Strict Regulation laws o f Oregon or cease doing busi­ Freeman was visiting at his grandpa’s ness. home, and as he was a mlachlevoua Seven hundred Lans county farmers little chap, waa constantly being told had returned agricultural survey ' Don't do thla," and “ Don't do that." Finally, with a look of disgust on his blanks, in connection with the plan of face, be climbed up Into a chair and the Federal government to obtain asked seriously, "W hat can a fella do knowledge o f food resources. Saturday In this house, anywayV — Exchange. night, according to a statement made by County Agricultural Agent N. S. W inter 8kepticiam. Robb. When touched by frost, the waters sleep. Out o f 17 men examined last week The Ice, at leaat, should be quite cheap by the Umatilla Medical Advisory Yet human faith hai failed a lot board, only five were passed for serv­ And something tell* us it w ill not ice. The county examiners, on the — Washington Star. other hand, have had a much better record, for, out of 20 examined Wed­ Qood Training. nesday, only one was referred to the "H ow very fluent your parrot la." “ Yea; I always hang hla cage up In advisory board. the room when my w ife's lub meets O. O. Calderhcad, o f the Washing­ here.” — Baltimore American. ton Public Service commission, haa been designated by the Oregon com­ mission to represent It at a hearing to W H EN IT LOOK8 DARK to any weak or ailing woman, be held in Chicago within a few days Dr.Plerce’s Favor­ by an In. 'rstate Commerce commis­ ite Prescription sion examiner to reopen '.he question comes to her help. o f rates on glass bottles from the east For "fem ale com­ to the Pacific Coast. plaints,” pains, in­ Th# Howler. U ». E ie — They sometimes call vo- al l-iaaona “ voice placing." E - » —That sot W ell, I wish you'd *k i hat girl downstairs to please place In the foreclosure o f delinquent tax or voice across the street Instead of certificate* issued to counties, service l ovr alrshaft.''— Brooklyn Citizen. can be obtained on delinquent taxpay­ ers by publication alone. Attorney General Brown held Wednesday in an Is thn rrault of using Peta­ opinion to District Attorney Biggs, of luma Incubators and Mro> 1 c water. Blend butter substitute and flour. Add ground nuts, orange, and water. Boil until well mixed, and do not strain. T H E O R IGIN AL. T H E LIGHTEST. T H E ” STR O NGEST. H A S M A N Y IM ITATO R S. B U T N O E Q U A L S .. Write far Inform al«.«.“ Vaughan Motor W orks, P O R T L A N D . O REGO N. Princeton Cheese— 1 c esnned tom s-1 toe*, 4 ts soda, 2 tb butter substitute, VVtSTERN TtiUCK ATTACHMENT 1 ts made mustard, few drop* onion; juice, 2 tb cornstarch, 1 c milk, 1 lb. grated cheese, 1 egg beaten. Cook the tomatoes five minutes, add soda and; strain. Cook butter substitute and cornutarrh together. Ad d tomato. Remove from fire, add milk, cheese, ---------- W ashin gton and O regon. muBtard and onion juice. Add egg. Do not stir much. Serve on toasted H ere’s G randm other’s R ecipe to The most vital point o f a truck attach- D a r k e n an d K e a u t ifv ! ment is the bearings. The Western is graham bread for lunch. D a r k e n a n a it e a u u iy the only truck attachment made with a Faded H air. Two-inch Timber. Bearing. Other spe­ Shrimp* a la Creole— 1 c shrimps (or cifications in port on. salmon or tuna fish) 1 c, boiled rice, 1 Why Buy an Inferior make? That beautiful, even shade o f dark, heaping tb butter substitute, 1 c A . J . L O R M O R , Factory Dis’rOo’or. glossy hair can only be had by brew minced celery, 1 onion minced, 1 can Porttond. O r e ««* . tng a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul S33-3S Utm Sew, pimento, 1 c milk, } c catsup (not too phur. Your hair la your charm. I i ------------------------------------------------ sw eet). Boil all together for f e w : makes or mars the face. When 1» U//,,, p n n High Prices for C o o n « ? minutes. Add | c catsup, and boil fades, turns gray or streaked. Just *n * * n y 1 u y — = = oou ps. again. Serve hot in pattee shells or on application or two of 8age and Sul Send ns t> end receive br return m»U S3 «rorth st phur enhances Its appearance a hun retail p n e *o f w ««h and Hand Soap«. to«*th*r toast. GRAY,USE SAGETEA a r e d r o la . Peanuts and Onions — 2 qt cooked onions (steamed or boiled), 4 c pea­ nuts, roasted and chopped, 2-3 qt white sauce, Balt, pepper. Put one-half the peanuts into the white sauce and mix this with the onions. Sprinkle the remaining half o f the peanuts on top. Quantity: 10 servings. County to Vote on Road Bonds. Olympia— The county commissioners have adopted a resolution setting March 26 aa the date for the county election to determine whether or not $600.000 worth o f road bonds shall be issued, the money to be used for pav­ ing the strip o f unpaved road on the Olympia-Tacoma highway and on the other main county thoroughfares. It is planned to pave the rest o f the T a ­ coma road at once if the bond issue carries. Provision also is made in the bond issue fo r a concrete bridge over the Des Chutes river in Olympia. Boosts Meat Production. Colfax, Wash. — B. E. Smead, the pig club specialist for Eastern Wash­ ington, is traveling through Whitman county, visiting schools and commer­ cial clubs in the interest o f general club work, especially live animal clubs. Don't bother to prepare the mix ture; you can get this famous old re clpe improved by the addition of other Ingredients for 50 cents a large bottle. all ready tor use. It Is called Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound. This can always be depended upon to bring back the natural color and lustre of your hair. Everybody uaes “ W yeth’s” Sage and Sulphur Compound now because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It has been applied You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw thla through the hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair has disappeared, and after another appll cation it becomes beautifully dark and appears glossy and lustrous. This ready-to-use preparation is a delight- ful toilet requisite for those who de slre dark hair and a youthful appear ance. It Is not Intended for the cure mitigation or prevention of disease.— AdT- The Final Reason. O fficer (w ea rily )— Now Smith, you have already had leave because your w ife was 111, because your little girl had measles and because you had to attend the christening of your young est son. What— er— what Is It this time? Private Smith (b risk ly)— P-please, sir— I— I'm going to get married. Probably? Over 1000 Satisfied Owners in with Auto and Furniture poll*he* and lo r a prara- ¡um, the Formulas to make at home at very lew eo«t. Writ* today, _ . —, w r . i p / ir \ y__ a C. O( F ■ D t llr v x . , U U . | m e 94 Eleventh St., PORTLAND, ORE. ---------------------------------------------------- H A V E Y O U B A R R A N COWS ? Arc your mare« or aowa troubled with Abortion? Overcome the dif­ ficulty by feeding Dr. David Roberts* BREEDING TONIC. Pries $1.00 it acta on the organ* of reproduc­ tion and put the animal in better breeding condition. Reed the rtidkal Kao l im a n s hat to Vn Waal* aa Atonal ■ (tors M to Dr. DnM Merit' let. Ci, 100 6r*M Be.. Wjutestz. Its. __________________________ ___ _______ __ „.„„ _ . ,... BIRCH ft.OTOR CARS ir/ w o M 0^TrucksL* 7 *** far out-ciaaa others of similar prieas: f.o. b. Chi- ra*o. Distributor. J. Schlatter. Bo* 7IL Twin F>u*. M*ho-_______________________________ kvf . r l a s t in g grim m a n d cossack a i - faifa plants m uo per iouc prepaid. Also Dakota «room Unmm teed. D. R. Ruble. Salam. Ora. — -------------------- ---------- -------- - Vary Clot*. First College Student— H e’s fond of his books. Second co llege Student— Is he a cioge student * Firgt college S tu d e n t-I ahould aay he ,8 He never Bpend8 8 h, do€BD-t have to.— Brooklyn Citizen. __________________ Not Pushing the Matter. Indignant wife— What on earth do you do to your clothes to keep me sew­ ing buttons on this way? Apologetic husband— I don’t know, my dear. I merely touch the button— I can't imagine what does the rest.-— Exchange. "W h o ’s that you're waving at?” "A n old flame of mine.” " I suppose your father has to put W heat— Bulk basis fo r No. 1 grade: him out whenever he calls.”— Brook­ Hard W hite— Blueatem, Early Bart, lyn Citizen. No Reason To. Alien, Galgalus. Martin Amber, $2.05. "A re you conserving food In your Acts Like It. Soft W hite— Palouse bluestem, forty- house, Mrs. Comeup?” There is one force which always -Don't have to; nobody In It Ukea fold, white valley, Gold Coin, W hite non ** f n G i e i m u n i f n v m ' ' _ wears a fatigue uniform. conserves.”— Exchange. Russian, $2.03. W hite club— L ittle “ Who are they?" club, Jenkins club, white hybrids, So­ "M essenger boys."-Baltim ore Am er­ Natural Humor nora, $2,01. Red W alia — Red ican. — " I was In time to bear only the tall Russian, red hybrids, Jones fife. Cop- pel, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less. No. Garfield Tea. by purifying the blood, end o f the Joke.” "But that was the waggish part o f 3 grade 6c less. Other grades hanledd eradicates rheumatism, dyspepsia and I t ”— Exchange. many chronic ailments.— Adv. by sample. Flour— Patents, $10. On His Dignity. M illfeed— N et mill prices, car lots: “ W hat’ll you say, ol’ man, if your Bran, $30 per ton; shorts, $32 per Thousands of trained young people i w ife asks if you've been drinkin' " Business College. Portland, ton; middlings, $39; mixed cars and " I sh’ll treat the queshun with (hlc) student* in positions. Enroll any time. r'ree less than carloads, 50c more; rolled dignified shilence.” — Brooklyn Citizen. Catalogue. barley, $66(368; rolled oats. $66. Butter— Cubes, extras, 48c; prime As we grow more sensible, we refuse W E E K S ' W E ^ U R-A-COL» firsts, 474c. Jobbing prices: Prints, drug cathartics and take instead Na­ COCOS A N D LA QRIPFC d a . « o o d y o u c a n a f fo r d t o I n s i s t a n d s o e extras, 62c; cartons, lc extra; ture’s herb cure, Garfield Tea.— Adv. r t * a t y o u « a t r a n u i n a lik e t a c k s k g e s h o w n butterfat. No. 1, 55c delivered. dn* * - “ 2 5 « Release of Energy. Eggs— Ranch, current receipts, 48c; "So you approve of the govern­ candled, 60c; selects, 52c per doxen. Granulated EyeEds, ment’s action in taking over the rail-1 Poultry — Hens, 254(0 26c; springs, roads?" Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by S u n , D ust and W ind quickly 24; broilers, 29(330«*; geese, 16(318e; “ Yep,” replied Mr. Growcher. " I ap -1 relieved by Murine. Try It In turkeys, live, 24@25c; dressed, choice, prove of that and prohibition for sev­ your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes. 30c. eral reasons, one of them being that No Smart inf ,Ju$l E y C — i*rf now a lot of people can quit lecturing Veal — Fancy, 20c per pound. Marine Eye Remedy on the subject and go to work.” — Ex K y s t a l v s . in T o b M SSc. For B o o k a f Pork— Fancy, 204c per pound. — t Sack vegetables—Carrots. $1.50 per Ask ! sack; beets, $1.50 (a) 2.00; turnips, $1.50; parsnips, $1.50(32.00. Potatoes — Oregon Burbanks, $l PRICES P A ID BY 1.25 per hundred; Yakimas, $1.60; US FOR R A W sweet potatoes. 6@54c per pound. FU R S ARE Onions— Oregon, buying price, $1.76 per hundred. EXTREME­ Green Fruits — Apples, $1(32.25; LY HIGH pears, $2.25; cranberries. Eastern. i ------------------ $17.50 per barrel. Write tor Price Ust No humbug! Any corn, whether February 20, 1918. hard, soft or between the toes, will loosen right up and lift out without Cattle— E . R . S K IN N E R & CO. 1131 ntOfTT STHIKT__________SACRAMENTO, C A L Med. to choice steers.. . .$10.36(311.50 a particle o f pain or soreness. This drug is called freexone and is Good to med. steers........ 9 35(310.36 Com. to good steers........ 8.00(310.00 a compound of ether discovered by a I Choice cows and heifers. 8.00(3 9 50 Cincinnati man. Ask at any drug store for a small Com. to good cows and hf 6.75(3 8.15 bottle of freexone, which w ill cost but C anners.................................... 4.25(3 6.26 a trifle, but Is sufficient to rid one's Bulls................................. 6.00(3 8 00 feet of every corn or callous. C a lv e s ............................. 7.60(312.00 Put a few drops directly upon any Sea* 29s In­ Stockers and fe e d e r s .... 6.50(3 9.60 tender, aching corn or callous. Ointment 25m4M< stantly the soreness disappears and Hogs— Prim e light h o g s .............$16.50(316 60 shortly the corn or callous w ill loosen Prime heavy h o g s .......... 16.40(316.50 and can be lifted o ff with the fingers. This drug freexone doesn't eat out P i g s ................................. 14.00(315.00 the corns or callouses but shrivels Bulk ............................... 16.00@16.50 them without even irritating the sur­ m »r he cheeked, and nor« oeriooo condi­ tion» of tho throet w ill bs oftoa »rotdod Sheep— rounding skin. h r promptly fiv ia c th « child a d «M of Western lambs................ $16.00(316.50 Just think! N o pain at all; no sore­ Valley lambs.................... 14.60(316.00 ness or smarting when \pplylng it or \ ear lin gs......................... 18.00(313.50 afterwards. If your druggist don't W ethers........................... 12.60(318.00 have freexone have him order It for E w e s ............................... 9.00@12.00 you.— Adv. M O N EY FO R Y O U . SUFFERING CATS! GIVE THIS MAN THE GOLD MEDAL Clear Your Skin Sais Your Hajr Willi S B CHILDREN’S COUCHS PISO’S