PALLS C IT Y N PW S baturday . ■ Q>lir iFnlln (Cittì Nruis D. L. WOOD Publisher E n t e r » « «• M n i a i d w m all >t IS » (*■'•loffio* F a ll. C ity . M l Oouuty. O r * .»., .o d » f tb » Art Al l> n .i.M at Mirrh », 1 ST*. tt Tfltphonc S u W H p t lo n K * t f » News OfTice. O n « » » « . I I 00; » I* m onth«. W Mate; Ihr»» month*. IS c»nU; .In.l» mp». IcU. Advertising R«l»»: PuplbT. I® i'»nl»»n lo»h . Su«tn»». Notices. t c«nt* » I ib » . For »*1», Rent. Kirhanr». W«nt m l e »» Eotertslninsut N o lie*». 5 el*. « lino. Card olThank* SO CM; L«*» Nolle««. legs! rate«. Copy lot new id i. « nil c h » nge»«Sonld b» *» b I lo Th» New» noi later then U*etlne*»l«y- O f f ic i» l N .«» iw p » i »I lb ^ C m ^ 0 l^ r ^ _ ^ O I s s u e d E v e r y S a t u r d a y M o r n in g Free Methodist Sunday School 10 a. m. Preaching: service 11 a. m. Song: and praise service 7:30 followed by preaching at 8.1*0. M id-week prayer meeting 7:30 p.m Everyone cordially invited to attend these services. Edgar N. Long. Pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH local News Hems The liest show at the tieni tonight Miss Dna Campiteli and Julia Nunn o f Dallas visited at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adams last Sunday, Office hours: Daily, except Sun day, 8 a.tu. to 6.30 p.m. music, banjos, violins, guitars, etc. turned from Salem to Dallas, after a very pleasant visit. at John C. Uglow’s, Dallas. See the juggling act by Senor A tram road has beembuilt over the Miller Hill, which enables the Carl Saturday eve. auto trucks with their loads to Clover hay for sale at Treat’s “ navigate” more easily. warehouse at $18.00 per ton. See Special bargains in waists, P. S. Calkins. Mail arrives, from Salem 8.45 a.m., 5:45 p.m. Dallas, 8:45 A. M., 5:45 P. Si. Portlaud via Gerliuger, train 102 corsets, and petticoats at Mrs. • 11:55 a. in. Gregory Store, at Dallas. Black Bock, 1:30 P. M. Elsie Kneebone left Tuesday to Mail closes for: care for her sister, near Corvallis, Salem. 8.50 A.M.. 1 P.M and 5:20 who is recovering from an opera­ P. M. tion for appendicitis. Dallas, 8:50 A. M. and 5:30P. M. Portlaud via Gerlinger train 102 I f you intend to buy fruit trees this spring see Christy for prices. ] p. m. Black Rock, 1 A. M. Mrs. John Dunn has gor.e to Mail Order and Postal Savings Salem. window closes at 6 P. M. S unday O nly Hear the Southern quartette. Office hours: 9:30 to 10:80 Girl wants general house work. Mail arrives from Salem, 9:00 Apply at News office. a m. Mail closes for Salem, 8:50 a. m. The U. S. Shipping Board is urging workmen, more particu larly skilled workmen, to enroll in the Public Service Reserve M that ship building may not be hampered by lack o f efficient la bor. Enrollment does not, says the chairman of the Board, mean immediate employment, nor does it obligate the applicant to aceept any position which may be ten dered. The Board wishes to keep in touch w'ith men competent anc willing to do fche work. You can enroll at the postoffice in this city State Industrial Accident Commission Prescription Rooms $2 to $3.50 per day, including general nursing and board. Th« Ideal Woman’« Toni« Mrs. R. M. Massie, Matron Ji Utility. "They're going to build a sausage factory on tbs golf course." "W hat fo r i” “ To make use of the links, I pre­ sume."—Exchange. Its Nature. "M y dog can scent a storm hours off." "Then his nose must be something of a storm scenter."—Paltlnioie American. Find the plare «h e re Ood wants yon. and when you have found It bum to the socket.—Hastings. Catarrh C ann ot Be Cured with LOCAI, APPLICATIONS, as th»j rannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca­ tarrh Is a bleed or l ensfltutlonal disease, and In order to cure ll you must take In­ ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure 1* takm In'ernally, and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall s Catarrh Cur» Is not a quack medlelne. It was prescribed by one of the best phy­ sicians In this country for year* and Is a regular prescription. It Is composed of tha bet: tonics k.iown, combined with the best blood purlflers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combina­ tion of the two Ingredient* Is what pro­ duces auch wondertul result. In curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. T J CHENEY & CO , Props . Toledo. O. Sold hy Druggists, price 75c. Take UaU s i amity FiUe for constipation. C ITY M EAT M A R K E T 620 M ill Stragi, C. J. BRUCE, Proprietor. Fresh Beef, Pork, Fish, Poultry, Efe. jfallsCitvilfootcl Sample Rooma Bast A c c o m m o d a t i o n . Will buy your Beeves, Veals, Hogs and Chlokens. CALL AND GIVE US A TRIAL. FALLS C IT Y F ■ O r t « . . , Proprietor WE WILL PLEASE YOU. M EAT M AR KET FUNERAL t>IRECTOR l"l ■*■•* 1 1 I I I 'M I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ■ l- H - H - H - l+ l- l- H 'l I I M H H I f I I R. L. C H A P M A N FUNERAL N. N. C H R ISTY IN S U R A N C E - 0.11.* and Fall* City, Ore. REAL ESTATE Bohie’s Barber Shop AOKNt'Y UK I n t e r n a t io n a l T a il o r in o YOU CAN NOT AKKORD TO C A RR Y YOUR OWN RISK ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS. INSURE NOW! D a l l a s AFTE R T H E KIKE IS TOO LATE. Notary Public 2 8 Domes, 2 3 Cmntm. steam lau n d r y Huii'tlfM (orwiril«t| \\«iln«»iUjl¡É|oruhi| Mortgage. N. Main Street - Falls City, Oregon - •l~H - l "l"l"l l I 'M I I I -M - M - M - H - H - H - -M -M - M - H - H - H - H - H -'M - H !■ I l l I I- YOU COOK YOUR FOOD— WHY NOT YOUR TOBACCO? ('andina, Tobacco* and Cigars, at L B. W O N D E R LY’8 »usfc Y O U kn ow w h at broiling does to steak, baking to a potato— and toasting to bread. In each case flavor is brought out by cooking— by “toasting.’* So you toasting can imagine how improves the flavor of the Burley tobacco used in Headquarters for Gandy and Cigar« WEATHERLY CONFECTIONERY. the Lucky Strike Cigarette. TO A S TED Notice to News Subscribers A mark hero indicate* that your subscription I* dellnquejt. Please call and Ox It. M r . H o m e S a ah ae- [ C O M E TO FALLE C ITY . O REO ON and B u y O r o h a r d L a n d r ” * mm ' — 1 SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Passenger Train Schedule 1 0 < 161 i « i am. am. Salem . . . 7:06 9.86 'alias. . . 8.16 10.57 Fallt« City. 8.46 11.30 11:60 BPkRock. |M 164 ... timm KD am. pm. 1.00 Bl’k Rock Falls City. 9.20 1.20 Dallas. . . 10.00 1.46 Salem . . . 11.00 3.10 WIST ROHM» -A n ti • IF F IR S T BOX IS NOT SATIS­ FACTO R Y, YO UR MONEY WILL. BB REFUNDED. co . RATES ARE LOW D R . M IL E S * with you. They are in­ valuable for Headache and all other Pains. DIRECTOR Wo (Mond lo all work promptly. fe tffi? PAIN PILLS O tilia , HOTEL I T ’S When travel­ ing, attending a Theatre or j j j some Social Function, or ^ if Shopping, don’t forget to have - B u o ln c o o (Tnrbe ....UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Bad Habit*. Ä E . K . P IA 8 E C K I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Farm loen« 8 1-1% -| FALLS Mrs. Chas. Gregory of Dallas returned last week frem Portlani Geueral Delivery Window Onen A fully equipped confectionery where she has been attending the From 9:30 to 10:30 A. M. store and candy kitchen, located wholesale millinery opening, anr Effective March 11, 1917. also buying her spring stock o ' in Dallas, Oregon. I ra C. M e h r u n g , Postmaster ladies and childrens hats. G. O. Grant. u our strength and resources without making aDy proper return. On the other hand, ev­ ery task faithfully done, every responsi­ bility manfully borne in the path of duty, steadies us like well bestowed ballast. MMX Nyal Vegtfablt INCLUDING THOSE THAT LOME UNDER Shorty Price o f Black Rock was Mr. O. J. Smith left Friday of in town Monday. last week for Glendale. Calif., on account of the serious illness of Mrs. Gregory Store in Dallas his father. The elder Mr. Smith is the best place to buy Indies’ had gone there for treatment. c lothing o f all kinds. John C. Uglow, o f Dallas keeps On Monday morning, J. Pugh violins, guitars, banjos, etc., sheet i commenced clearing away the old I j music; Popular and Standard, Gem theatre, prearatory to build­ Century. McKinley 10c Editions. ing a new fireproof one. C. F. Vick of Salem was in town Go to Miss McCallon’s, Dallas, Tuesday looking after his property for the latest and most reasonably interests. He has been indisposed priced millinery. of late but is some letter at this Hereafter the meat market will time. be closed on Tuesday afternoons. Glenn Gage of Bridgeport was Divine Sex vices each Lord's Day town last Saturday. Bible School 10 a. m. Mr. Harvey Gage, a farmer of Watch for a blue mark on your Divine worship 11 a. m. near Bridgeport was in town on Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. I paper. It means that you ure Monday. behind with your subscription and Evening Service 7:30 p. m. Fresh Bread, Cakes,Cookies,Pies are expected to pay up. The public is invited to be with and other bakery goods, every us in these services. Mrs. Gregory o f Dallas has boon day, at the Falls City Bakery. F. Claude Stephens. Minister. remodling her store in order to Elsie Kneebone and Eva Cox enlarge her millinery department, were shopping in Dallas Monday. and make room for her spring M. E- CHURCH Go to Miss McCallon’s, Dallas, stock which is already arriving, Sunday School 10:00 for the latest and most reasonably and will be the largest ever shown Morning Worship 11. in Dallas. priced millinery. Epworth League 6:30. Wanted—To exchange Salem Evening Service 7:30 Mrs. Nan Headpeth has been and Portland property for Falls Prayer meeeting and teachers visiting her sisters, Mrs. Thresher City property. Phone 77. and Mrs. Byerley.a few days last training class Friday 7:30. Y ou are most cordially invite d week. Be sure to arrive in time for the to attend these services. opening chorus Satupday eve. Popular and Standard, Century, A. F. Hanson. Pastor. and McKinley 10c Editions: sheet Mrs. Glenn Ferguson has re­ Post Office Time Card General Surgery, Sickness, Accidents, 1 onday- I coeds were something over $50. Violins, guitars, banjos, etc.. I All enjoyed the program and had sheet music, Popular and Standard a good sociable time, Century and McKinley 10c Edi- Get your violins, guitars, banjos tions at John C. Uglows, Dallas. sheet music: Popular and Stand­ E. S. Ritan o f Black Rock was ard. Century and McKinley 1IK* Editions o f John C. I'glow , Dallas. in the city Monday. I«. A woman fe e ls as old ns she looks. Many would feel younger if they used EQUIPPED AND PREPARED TO HANDLE Clothes cleaned and pressed. Wm. Bohle. ,, , The basket social at Bridgeport H. W . Reynolds was m town WM VVt,n attended, and the pro F ebru ary HER LOOKS FALLS CITY HOSPITAL Rig reduction in ladies' cents, suits and dresses at Mrs. < Ire gory Store at Dallas. ■ BRING DESIRED RELIEF. " I have used Dr. Miles’ Antl-Paln Pills for soma time and And them an Invaluable remedy for headache. I have slwaya taken great pleasure In recommending them to my friends, being confident that they will bring the desired relief. I am never without them and use them for all attacka of pain, knowing that they will not disappoint me." MRS. W. II. BENSON, West Haven, Conn. Guaranteed by (A n Subscribe for the NEWS 1*7 pm. 3.45 6.15 5.46 |70 pm 5.60 6.26 7.20 A. O. PnwiM, A osst Extra copies ol The Newa are printed each week, *nd will be sent to any address desired, postpaid- 5 cents