4 FALLS CITY NEWS | 1 OBITUARY | SUSAN C BRYANT M tb . Susan C. Bryant was born in Posey County, 22, IKK). Her No. 25. FALLS CITY. ORKGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY IB. 1S18 VOL. XIV Indiana Dec., parents, Capt. Wm. and Nuncy Davis, gave her the heritage of u noble character, which made it natural to be the true woman that she was. There u family of eleven children in the Davis home; seven are still living. On March 30, 1H66, she was married to Abner M. Bryant, a teacher and minister o f wide in­ fluence, and one time President o f the Macl'herson Normal Col- Ige Nebraska. Eight children grew to matur­ ity under the tender and devoted care o f this mother. Hut many sad bereavements crossed her pathway, She suffered the loss o f her husband 21 years ago and lived to watch over the deathbed o f five af her children. The three remaining children are Mrs, Maymie H. Hogue o f lsuits, Mr. W. C. Hryant of Moro and Mrs. Jessie C. Moyer o f Falls City. As a child she united with the M. K. Church and throughout her life, her Master’ s work has been her chief concern She took deep interest ' ’ temperance work and was a zealous worker in the W. C. T. U. from the beginning of that movement. Long a resident o f Falls City, for the past ten years she made Jier home with her daughter, Mrs. Hogue at Lents and it was there, on February 9th that she passed quietly away to her heavenly home. Services were held at Portland Sunday February 10th for the friends and relatives there, and the following day the remains were brought to Falls City for interment in the old family bury­ ing ground. Services were con­ ducted in the M. E. church by Rev Hansen and Rev. Dodd, and attended by a large number o f her friends and relatives. There will be many especially V*>d features connected with the Indies' Minstrel Red Cross Hene- fit Saturday evening. Among them will be a juggling act by Senor Carl; a ladies quartette, good readings and fine singing. *— — -----------------------------r*-------- WAR STAMP DRIVE Weakly Report For Polk County BLACK BOCK ITEMS The sportive frogs started their Spring Drive a little too early. Opal Wallace went to Portland Groundhog or no hog, we are last Sunday, returning Wednes­ At a meeting held Tuesday getting some weather that real day. afternoon^ the W ar Stamp Com- estate boomers don’t advertise. rnitte, for Polk County decided, Some of the pupils of the Black through the courtesy o f the news­ Rock school were snow-hailing and The flag raising ceremony on papers o f the county, to keep the ' one of them put snow down Vesta Tuesday was well attended con- |)Cople advised of the progress Hughes’ neck making her ill. siddering the unfavorable weath­ this county is making in attaining Mabel Baker made a business er. Rev. Mackenzie o f Dallas the amount apportioned for Polk ; delivered the oration. trip to Falls City on Friday. County, to be sold during the year The Junior leagu e held a Val­ Oliver Baker went to Falls City 1918. entine party at the church parlors The figures given below will be on Thursday. Thursday afternoon. Each boy revised each Wednesday, and the The school had a Valentine box,: and girl brought their lunch. A different localities designated by and had a very fine time. short prog ram was rendered. their iMjstofllces, so that it may be The pupils will hold a literary readily seen what each community club meeting here tonight. Mrs. S. E. Robinson, Mrs. Flor­ is doing toward the success of the ence Robinson and Mrs. Ruth Gladys Williams and Mrs. Rob­ W ar Stamp Drive in Polk County. Brady took dinner Firday with The amount allotted to Polk inson went to Falls City Tuesday. Mrs.Marion H.Bennett and family County by the Government, seems Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ChilccAt of at first glance to be large, but Hebo, were visitors in this city on there is no question but what we last Saturday. Had you noticed the huge smile will meet the problem as we have Glen Keeney and Karl Hawk that illuminates the face of the met and conquered all such prob­ went to Portland Thursday. pester like-un-to the flicker of a lems to date. It will also incul­ 25-watt electric light? He has Ed Sodestrom went to Portland cate the spirit o f thrift in both just received instructions from old and young, and liesides doing on • Sunday. the Department to weigh ail out­ its bit towards sooner ending the Mrs. Price made a business trip going and incoming mail for a war, will make a more prosper­ to Portland last Saturday. period of 10G days. Hence the ous and saving people of us. Mr. and Mrs. Brown and daugh­ “ smole.” Total am't to lie raised $3^1,160.00 ter Kvaline went to Dallas Mon­ The Government 'is spending 13.406.00 ] day. Stamps sold to date thousands o f dollars o f real money 30? 454.00 Balance to lie sold Mrs. Bly made a business trip in sending out “ dope” to the news Stamps Sold for week ending Feb .; to Dallas Wednesday. papers, that the editor never even 12. 1918 Mrs. Hughes made a trip to Falls has time to look at, much less to Airlie, $ 222.00 City Monday. print. Were he to publish all he Balls ton receives, at a fair price, he would George Graves made a business Black Rock soon be able to purchase a seat in trip to Falls City Wednesday. Broadmead congress. But should he publish The Arbor Day exercises made it as “ news items,” as is urgentlv Buell a success. Buena Vista requested he would soon have to 1,803.00 Dallas walk out of town without even a 742.00 Falls City ge-string. A. B. Stahl and wife of Wilbur, i Independence Washington arrived last Saturday 107.00 McCoy O. L. Ferris and L. G. Bulgin and will become citizens o f our o f Salem addressed a fair sized 257.00 Monmouth town. Mr. Stahl is a merchant audience at the City Hall Tues­ Parker tailor and was engaged in busi­ 166.00 Perry dale day night on the subject o f fruit ness in Wilbur for nine years growing and marketing it. These Rickreall where he was esteemed highly, gentlemen, through the North­ 20.00 Suver both as a citizen and business west Produce Companp, propose Total *13,406.00 man. He is fitting up the build­ to handle all the fruit grown in ing on the corner by the bakery, this section, and are urging that, and will open up a tailoring estab­ a greater effort be put forth. ! NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC lishment in a few days. He will Those in attendance were very Notice is hereby given that ! also clean, press, repair and re­ enthusiastic over the movement. a t ier this date, I will not be re - 1 model clothing, always striving to This means much for the future sponsible for and debt! contracted please his patrons. He very cor­ prosperity o f Falls City; some­ by any other person than my self. dially invites you to call in and thing that will continue to grow Dated this 15th day o f Feb., 1918. look over his cloths and get his long after the promoters are for­ A. E. Seymour. ( prices. gotten with their kindred dust. Boost it along. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Our correspondent at Powell’s Winter, all in one day, and yet, camp must be snowed in. some will kick. CARD OF THANKS It keeps one almost as busy to i L ■ _ V . J - -------L M " ■ W e desire to express our sincere keep up with the Food Regulations1 and heartfelt thanks to all those as it does to keep Tup with Falls who so tenderly and lovingly City’s dog laws. ID you ever assisted in carrying out the last w e a r a n--------- and solemn rites o f our beloved SCHOOL NOTES mother. Susan C. Bryant, and In te r n a tio n a l thereby helped to soothe our ach­ M a d e -to -M e a s u re S u it ing hearts. Junior Student Body Newe Maymie B. Hogue Portland, Ore. Those absent this week were: W. C. Bryant Edwin Horn, Kenneth Wonderly, ■ Moro, Ore. Ruth Haven and Harold Atwood. Jessie C. Moyer A “ Hayseed” party was given Falls City, Ore, -------------» - Try O NE this Spring and Saturday night at W agner’s Hall. The boys wore old overalls and BRI08EP0RT GLEANINGS enjoy its superior smartness i shirts, and the girls hair ribbons and its greater economy. and aprons. Everyone looked The Farmers’ Union at Bridge­ quite “ hayseedy.” port gave an excellent basket so­ cial last Saturday night. Florence McDonald, formerly a Hundreds o f beautiful Fab­ student o f the 7th grade will leave Mr. Coye Morris of Falls City to make her home in Salem. was a visitor at the home o f Mr. D 9 rics to choose from - all rich in quality - variety in price from $20.00 to $50.00 with a wide range at $30.00 WM. BOHLE Lois Wilhelm, also a student of Glenn Gage last Saturday. this school left to make her home Mr. Harry Welton is staying, in Eugene. with Mr. Plankinton. Dorthy Guthridge, after a long Mr. Glenn Gage was in Falls siege o f chickenpox has returned City last Saturday selling flags of to school. the Allies. Edwin Horn, Jack Crocker and Chas. McCoy have sold $60 worth Mr. W. A. Brown will complete of W ar Savings and T h rift Stamps his model hog house soon. The school participated in the Mr. Harvey Gage lost a valua­ Flag Raising by a patriotic prog­ ble horse a short time ago. ram, Rev. Mackenzie o f Dallas delivered the address. There will be prayermeeting at Ruth Haven, editor . the church every Thursday night. ( ■ £ Hosiery Bargains E A R LY IN DECEMBER WE PI RCHA8ED FROM TH E BUSTER BROWN HOSIERY MILLS One Case of Hosiery Since we bought, hosiery has materially advanced in price and you will indeed save by taking advant­ age o f prices placed on this lot This hosiery is what is termed “ Seconds,“ which means a slight imperfection, however so skillfully mended as to require a close examination to detect. Note present prices and purchase before stock is exhausted. Ladies’ Lisle, Black and White, 35c value - Ladies’ Lisle, Bl’ k, Brown Grey, and White GOc value, Sale . . . Ladies’ 65c Silk Fibre, Black - Children’s Lisle, worth 35 to 40c, Sale 19c 39 c - 39c - 25c SELIG’S, Cash Price Store, “Meeting and Beating Competition”. The W ater’s Fine To the timid kid hesitating at in doubt, and afraid the water is cold, there comes the cheerful youngster already in: “ Aw , come the old swimming hole, too muddy, too deep, too call o f the venturesome on in, the w ater's fine.” The one who ha3 tried it is in position to know. A re you in doubt as to what bank to do business with? Do you want to know o f a safe, reliable institution that you can trust with your business? Just try the kid’s plan. Ask any o f the people doing business with us. They will tell you we are all right and cheerfully invite you to “ come in.” BANK OF FALLS CITY. East Through California Costs Little More Scenic Shasta Route. Sacred Siskiyous. Mt. Shasta, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Southern California. Choice o f routes. Let us make an itinerary for your trip showing train schedules, ptopover.s etc. Ask nearest agent or write J o h n M. S cott General Passenger Agent Portland. Oregon Southern Pacific Lines Write for folder on the Apache Trail o f Arizona