Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, February 09, 1918, Image 2

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Climax is Violent in (Lerman Strikes
Stories o f
Trouble« Cause Dissatis­
x i
London— A bomb was thrown at the
. imperial palace in Berlin by strikers
Saturday evening, according to Berlin
brier Kesume Most Important
Mpu/c lie
Itp m
m s c .
Udlly NcWo
e. r* - v w l by lh* Time* by w ,y
Twenty-five persons were arrested.
Amsterdam — The T eleg ra a f’s fron-
; tier correspondent says that the meas­
ures taken by the German officials
‘ against the strike leaders in Germany
evoked great discontent among the
| German soldiers in Flanders. The cor-
Events o f Noted People, Governments , respondent adds that in many cases the
| soldiers have incited Belgian laborers,
and Pacific Northwest and Other
who have been forced by the Germans
Things Worth Knowing.
to work, to go on strike.
A semi-official telegram dated Mon­
day, received here Wednesday from
Berlin, says:
Belgium was granted another loan
“ The number o f strikers in Greater
o f $3,500,000 by the treasury Wednes­ Berlin has declined. A large number
day, making her total loans from the o f works again are operating.
United States $98,900,000.
In other big armament works the
Wyles B. Bradley, o f Mount Vernon, number o f those at work varies from
N. V., dying cadet at Ellington Field, 76 to 80 per cent o f their full comple­
was burned to death when his plane | ment. A further abatement is ex ­
fe ll 30 feet Wednesday, the gasoline pected at once, so that the strike now-
may be regarded at an end.”
tank exploding.
tion Camps
2197 Soldiers Aboard; 1912 Are
Reported Saved.
Torpedo Strike« . Tuscania
Near Irish
First Troop Boat to Meet
Mishap in Barred Zone.
Many Dying.
Italian Army Headquarters — Ex­
changed Italian prisoners, who hav«
just arrived from Austrian concentra­
tion camps, tell o f almost unbelievable
cruelties practiced against prisoners,
particularly Serbians, who are reported
confined in cages and fed through bars
like animals. An authoritative sum­
mary o f the statements o f these re­
turned prisoners says:
“ The treatment o f the Serbians is
even worse than that o f the Italians,
indicating that Austria intends to de­
stroy the Serbians as a race.
“ As a result o f these conditions
there are up to now not less than 30,-
000 to 40,000 dead from starvation.
“ They are permitted to receive no
parcels and are unable to work because
o f weakness. They are put like ani­
mals in cages with
wooden bars.
Through these bars the keepers throw
them scrap« o f uneatable bread, car­
rots and turnips as their sole suste­
nance. The mortality, already great,
is increased, as they are given no care
and there are no doctors and no sanita­
tion. ”
Concerning the Italians, the state­
ment says, they returned in rags after
suffering ill treatment and exposure to
cold while compelled to work on enemy
trenches under the guard o f Hungar­
ians, who are declared to be particu­
larly hostile to the Italians.
They received a small loaf o f bread
daily for division among them.
“ Conditions are so terrible, the re­
port says, that they will result In not
more than one-third o f the Italian
prisoners coming back a live.”
Washington, D. C. — The Cunard
liner Tuscania, carrying 2179 American
soldiers, has been torpedoed and sunk
off the Irish coast, but official reports
late Wednesday night said 1912 o f the
officers and men had been saved and
indicated that the list o f rescued might
prove even larger.
The troops composed chiefly o f de­
tachments o f Michigan and Wisconsin
Zeebrugge was violently bombed
London — According to a Wireless National Guardsmen, were traveling
Tuesday afternoon by a number o f air­ Press dispatch from Berne a series of on the Tuscania, a British vessel, un­
planes which hovered over the coast, ! conferences took place s i Berlin Mon­ der convoy o f British warships.
according to a dispatch from the fron­ day. The German emperor and Crown
A brief dispatch from the W ar de­
tier. Bombs fell in Bruges harbor.
prince received separately Vaseil Rad- partment from London announced the
A mutiny which involved a large oslavoff, the Bulgarian premier; Count disaster and reported the landing of
proportion o f the Greek army infantry Czernin, the Austro-Hungarian foreign only 1100 survivors.
This was made public shortly after
regiments stationed at Lamia, about minister, and Talaat Pasha, the Turk­
90 miles northwest o f Athens, and a ish grand vizier, a fter which the em­ 10 o ’clock and fo r more than two hours
fe w artillery men in the town, occurred peror presided at a crown council. it was feared that probably 1400 men,
last Friday evening. It was promptly Various conferences continued through­ including members o f the liner's crew,
out the day. The Austrian food con- had gone down.
When a message came to the State
j troller, Herr Hoefer, has arrived at
Orders that Kansas C ity clean up al­
Berlin to make urgent representations department from the embassy at Lon­
leged immoral conditions, which the
to Germany regarding the necessity o f don saying, at 11 o ’clock, that 1912 of
W ar deparment has had under investi­
| helping Austria in her food difficulties. the American had been accounted fur.
gation for several months, were con­
the joy o f officials almost swept away
veyed to city officials Wednesday by
the distress occasioned by the earlier
Lieutenant E. R. Beckwith, o f the
sanitary corps, central division.
The list o f detachments aboard fo l-1 Celebrated Pugilist Succumb« to Heart
The French commander o f a sausage R elief Workers Urged to' Hasten Funds lows:
Failure in Eastern Home.
to Stricken People.
Headquarters detachment and Com­
balloon squadron, who was an artillery
Mass.— John L. Sullivan,
panies D, E and F o f the “ 0th Engi­
officer at Verdun during the heaviest
By R. A . Harris,
neers; one hundred and seventieth en­ one o f the most interesting fighters o f
fighting and also participated in the
R elief workers in behalf o f the gineer train; one hundred and seventh prize ring renown, died suddenly o f
Somme offensive, declared Wednesday
that the work o f certain American starving Armenians and Syrians are engineer train; one hundred and sev­ heart disease at his farm in West Ab-
batteries at the front is “ almost per­ reminded that their greatest possible enth m ilitary police; one hundred and ington.Saturday. As was his wish he
efforts are needed now more urgently seventh supply train; one hundredth died with his shoes on.
fe c t.”
than ever.
trouble three
aero squadron; one hundred and fifty stricken with heart
Emperor W illiam created a special
In humanity’s name, do not cease eighth aero squadion; Two hundred weeks ago, he had quickly improved
decoration for U-boat crews on the an- your work nor forget your individual and Thirteenth aero squadron; replace­ and was in no sense an invalid.
niversary o f the inauguration o f ruth- pledges. Forward your contributions ment detachments Nos. 1 and 2 o f the was about to leave his house to pay a
less submarine
warfare as "recogni and collections as rapidly as possible to 32d division; fifty-one casual officers. visit to Boston to see his old friend
--------- “ -------------------------------;
tion for meritorious work during the your nearest local treasurer or direct to
The 32d division is composed o f N a­ Captain James P. Sullivan, o f the Bos­
w ar.” The Vossische Zeitung says the | the Armenian R e lie f committee, 613 tional Guard troops from Michigan and ton police department, when he re­
decoration is available fo r officers and j stock Exchange building, Portland, Wisconsin.
The division trained at ceived his final knockout.
crews after three voyage«.
I Oregon. Do not pay money to solici- Camp McArthur, Texas.
His friend and companion, George
TI m 107th engineers was composed M. Bush, rushed to his aide as the old
Whale meat w ill be the principal ar- t o « unle“ >'ou know them well and
t id e of food at a luncheon to be ten-1 they have authentic written creden- o f the First Battalion o f Michigan En­ gladiator sank to the floor unconscious
gineers, the 107th m ilitary police was and revived him with cold water ap­
dered 30 members o f the American tials.
The most urgent and heartrending made up from the Fourth and Sixth plications to the head. "John L . ” ,
Museum o f Natural History in New
York Friday, planned as a demonstra­ o f appeals has just reached state Wisconsin Infantry, and the 107th responding quickly to this treatment,
tion o f the possibilities o f whale meat headquarters fircet from Secretary o f Supply train from the Fourth, Fifth as in his palmy days in the prize ring,
struggled to his feet and refused to
consumption as an offset for scarcity State Lansing and is backed by tele­ and Sixth Wisconsin Infantry.
He re­
Thus, all the soldiers were Wiscon­ take the decision o f “ tim e.”
o f other meats that might be caused grams from
American re lie f workers in the field. sin and Michigan guardsmen except luctantly consented to have a physician
by the war.
He quotes United States Consul Smith those in the aero squadron, who prob­ called, but a fter receiving medical
A 50 per cent reduction in the vol­ o f Tiflis, as follows:
ably were recruited from all parts of treatment, announced that he would
ume o f imports is one o f the measures
have a bath and keep his appointment.
“ Condition refugees critical; re­ the country.
under consideration by the administra­ sponsibility resting almost entirely on
The Tuscania was the first ship car­ Even aa he expressed his determina­
tion fo r making available ships for American committee.
Problem more rying American troops to Europe to be tion he became unconscious and died
transporting troops to France. Over­ difficult from unsettled internal condi- sunk by German submarines, but the apparently without further pain.
seas transportation is recognized as | tions. Committee besieged by appeals American transport Antilles was tor­
Hardly had the news o f the passing
the real problem facing the govern­ from all districts.
Delegations o f pedoed and sunk in the war zone while o f one o f Am erica’s greatest fistic
ment in its effort to put on the firing hungry people, often numbering hun returning to the United States from champions been flashed broadcast than
line a big fighting force and keep it in dreds, come long distance begging for France and 14 soldiers were lost, with messages o f sympathy began pouring
bread; refuse to leave without food or 156 other persons, including several into town from men in all walks of
life. Sullivan, in his prime, was a
members o f the armed naval guard.
The capital o f Ohio took delight promises.”
Mr. Lansing adds: “ In addition the
American warships convoying trans­ popular idol and he never entirely lost
Tuesday in “ sw atting” the Kaiser,
the Crown Prince and Von Hinden- American committee has to assume ports to France last June tw ice fought hia hold on the public. This was due
burg. Large billboards containing the the work hitherto borne by Russian off submarine attacks. Since then, not only to the success o f his prize­
pictures o f the Kaiser and his associ­ government and Armenian organiza­ however, there has been no reports of fighting days, but to hia rugged battle
ates were erected in the statehouse tions. Unless this is done promptly an attack on a ship carrying American later against hia old easy-going habits.
yards, and fo r 25 cents people were numerous orphanages caring fo r about troops to Europe.
Recently the N avy department has Teutons' Neglect Worries Bulgaria.
given baseballs to throw at the painted 10,000 children and many asylums fo r
Amsterdam— A dispatch from Sofia
pictures. Proceeds went into the Co­ old people w ill have to close; inmates feared that the Germans would make
homeless and destitute.”
a concentrated effort to intercept to the Voaaische Zeitung, o f Berlin,
lumbus war chest.
transports, the recall o f many subma­ says strong protests have been made
F ire late Tuesday night practically
American Sector Active.
rines to their bases being interpreted in the Bulgarian parliament against
destroyed the plant and bulidings of
the silence regarding Bulgaria’s war
W ith the American Arm y in France as preliminary to such a campaign.
the Anaconda, Mont., Standard, en­
The position o f the Tuscania when aims which have marked recent Ger­
tailin g a loss which it was estimated
she was sunk is taken to indicate that man and Austrian pronouncements.
probably w ill exceed $100,000.
The sector Tuesday afternoon, with the re­
she was bound to England. Her sink­ Prem ier Radoslavoff, speaking in the
blaze is thought to have started in the sult that there was fa irly lively shell­
ing definitely discloses that British Chamber o f deputies, attributed the
elevator shaft leading from the press­ ing at several points, as well as con­
ships are being used to carry American omission [to “ urgent business which
room to the upper floor, which con­ siderable aerial activity.
transport tonnage. This fact has been Germany and Auatriay-Hungary had in
tained the editorial and composing
Several air fights occurred above the
intimated before and probably arises their own countries.”
rooms and stereotyping department.
trenches and the anti-aircraft guns
from the decision o f the supreme war
In the debate which followed it was
The condition o f wheat in France on
council to make every effort to aug­ stated that the Bulgarian 'people were
January 1, compared with a year ago,
ment General Pershing’s army during astonished and disappointed at the
shows a gain o f 8 per cent. I f main­ the last 24 hours the enemy often has the present year.
omission and demanded unequivocal
tained to maturity this means a re­ shelled villages behind the front, which
N avy officials have insisted that, enlightenment in [regard to (the atti­
markable increase in the yield per
despite the most careful plans and e f­ tude o f Germany and ‘Austria.
fo r many months.
forts to safeguard transports, there
Amsterdam — Premier Radoslavoff,
was always a chance that a troop ship
increase in Britsih shipping
Sousa Auctions Baton.
would stumble upon a lurking sub­ o f Bulgaria, has arrived at Breat-Lit-
losses is shown in the official summary
Chicago — Lieutenant John Philip
issued Wednesday night, which reports Sousa, director o f music at the Great marine and the general b elief here is ovak for the continuation o f the peace
the destruction o f nine vessels o f more Lakes naval training station, offered that this is what happened in this case. conference, according to a dispacth
from Vienna.
than 1600 tons and six o f lesser ton­
his baton at auction fo r the benefit of
Drafted Men Eligible.
the fund that is being raised to obtain
Trolley Line Completed.
Washington, D. C .— E ligib ility for
An aerial attack o f unusual severity baseball equipment for the jackies at
San Francisco— Twin Peaks, a moun­
was made Tuesday afternoon on Zee­ the station, and it was sold fo r $120. appointment to W est Point, now given
brugge, the German submarine base in The prized wand has been in the pos­ by law to a limited number o f enlisted tain barrier which divided the eastern
army and the Na- and western sections o f this city, for
Northern Belgium, according to the session o f the bandmaster for 48 years, men in the regular
fron tier correspondent o f the Am ster­ having been presented to him in 18791 tional Guard, has been extended to in- the first tim e fe lt the rumble o f a
dam Telegraaf.
by members o f a band o f which he was elude privates in the National Army, municipal streetcar Monday aa it aped
Thirty-two months
the War department announced Thurs­ under its mass.
Controller o f the Currency, Williams
day. The number o f appointees re­ were required to make the bore, which
estimates the whole banking power o f
Tartars Advance on Sebastopol.
mains the same as before, 108 men is 2.27 miles long. It cost nearly $4,-
the nation at $37,529,000,000, an in-
the three military 000,000, and w ill shorten the running
Petrograd, Saturday— Tartar forces annually from
cerase o f more than $14,000,000,000
have occupied Yalta, in the govern­ sources.
Commanders o f divisional time between the two sections o f the
since the beginning o f President W il­
ment o f Taurida and are advancing on camps have been instructed to desig­ city by approximately 25 minutes.
son’s administration.
Sebastopol, Russia’s chief fortress and nate the men whose records indicate
Impressive ceremonies marked the
dispatch o f the first car through the
A piea for the protection o f sea naval base on the Black sea, according special aptitude for army careers.
gulls, described as the best submarine to a dispatch received by the Petro­
grad Post from Sebastopol.
The dis­
G. O. P. Opportunity Here.
detectors in the world, was made by
patch adds that the Tartars are dealing
Concrete Ships Ordered.
Washington, D. C.— Senator Penrose
Edward H. Forbuah, of Boston, state
mercilessly with the Red Guards, sail­ issued a statement Thursday, calling
Washington, D. C.— Contracts for
ornithologist, at a legislative hearing ors and soldiers.
for unity in the Republican party and ten 3600-ton concrete ships were let
on the bill providing for the extension
urging every member o f the Republi­ Monday by the Shipping Board to the
o f the closed season on water fowl.
Von Kuehlman to Wed.
can National committee to attend the Ferror Concrete Shipbuilding Corpora­
The issue o f $400,000,000 o f certifi­
London— A dispatch to the Exchange meeting in St. Louis next Tuesday. tion o f Redondo Beach, Cal. The first
cates o f indebtedness which closed Telegraph from Amsterdam says Dr. He said there had been 150 days’ delay vessel is to be delivered within six
Wednesday night was heavily over­ Von Kuehlmann, the German secretary in “ pushing preparedness” since the months and the other nine within a
subscribed, the Treasury department o f foreign affairs, is betrothed to Frau United States went to war, and that year. The building comp.ny w ill use
The allotments w ill be von Friedlaenderfuld, who, a fter Frau the best way to speed up was to make a new plan o f construction recently
made as soon as all subscriptions are Bertha Krupp von Bohlen und Haibach, the Republican party a party o f con­ patented by which it claims it can build
reported. The certificates are payable is reported to be the richest woman in structive criticism as well as o f patri­ the vessels more rapidly than under
A p ril 22.
otic co-operation.
the old method o f working concrete.
Are You Feeding Your Family Right?
Italy From Austrian Concentra­
faction in Ranks at Front.
n •
Barbarous t’ruelty Reach
(Prepared by the U. S. Department of Apicultura)
You know how Important the right
food Is In keeping your family In good
health. Right food does not mean ex­
pensive food- It means food wisely
chosen, o f the kind the body needs.
You eat so that the body rau grow
and keep strong and liuve energy to
do your dally work amt keep wans.
All foods can bo divided for conveni­
ence, Into five groups according to
their buslneaa In the body. If some
food la taken wisely from each group
every day, the body will have the prop­
er variety. When you exchunge one
3. i'create—This Includes bread and
all such foods as oatmeal, macaroni,
rice, hominy, breakfast cereals und
cornmenl. Their most Important work
Is to furnish the body with fuel,
though they also contain some pro­
tein and ash. They are the cheapcat
form o f fuel, so use plenty o f them.
The breakfast cereals often cost leas
per pound If you cook them at home,
Instead of buying the ready-prepared
kinds. Borne of the large package«,
which cost 10 or 15 cents, coutalu only
one-fourth pound o f cereal, while you
Day’s Food Supply for an Average Family as It Comss From ths Market.
food for another which has become
scarce or expensive, choose one or
mors foods from the name group.
1. Vegetables and Fruit— Everyone
llksa fruit, and It la good for you— so
ars vegetables.
Since they furnish
mineral matter, both help to build up
the bones and other parts o f the body
and keep It In good working order.
They help to prevent constipation. AH
kinds are good- use them, fresh, dried
or canned. I’runea, ralidns, apples sud
other dried fruits are good. You can
give them to the children Instead of
2. Milk, Meat, Eggs. Cheese, Fish.
Peas. Beaus and Nuts— They furnish
the “ protein” whose chief business Is
to supply nitrogen In the right form
to build up the body. In the young
child new muscles, new bones and all
the other parts o f the to d y are being
In the grown person these
parts are constantly wearing out and
must be replaced.
Foods supplying
protein and anh are needed for this
For example. In choosing
from group two, If you have beans or
peas, and some milk, you can use them
In place o f meat.
In this group (No. 2), milk Is the
most Important. O f course, it Is abso­
lutely necessary for the Infant, but
the growing child needs It. too. I f the
child has It, he needs but little o f any
o f the other foods In this group.
Scientific Notes.
A motor coal wagon has been
patented that loads Its contents
Into baskets and lifts them to a
height convenient for men to
France Is ngaln studying front
n technical standpoint the possi­
bility of making Parts a seaport
by deepening the Seine or build­
ing u canal.
The production o f hemp In
China, the original home o f tho
plant, Is greater than that o f
any other country except Russia
In nortnnl times.
To tench a golf plnyer to tnako
strokes correctly a machine has
been Invented to hold his head
In the right position and guide
his body.
Pressed down only part way,
n Virginia Inventor's automobile
pednl throws out the clutch;
pressed down all the way, It ap­
plies the brakes.
Pride of Durham.
A Durhnm (N . C.) enthusiast tele­
graphed to United States marine corps
"Terrier belonging to United States
marine kills huge rooster after battle
roynl In mnln thoroughfare. Indignant
chicken fnnclers witness affair and de­
mand dog pay death penalty. Then
they learn Ill-fated rooster’s name was
'Kaiser.' Result: Dog Is now pride o f
» W W W tW W W P tIW p n W
Electric Eye Burglar Alarm
Set Off by Rays of Light 3 IRISH PEASANT SONG
A burglar alarm set off by rays of
light Is possible as the result o f a
scheme Introduced under the trade
name o f the “ electric eye” by Dr. O.
Ilannnrh o f Berlin. It Is merely a
sensitive selenium cell which will give
n signal, when It Is Illuminated.
“ The selenium cell acts In the usual
way as a relay," says the Scientific
American Supplement. "T h e cell Is
small and can easily be hidden In the
dec-orations of a safe or piece o f furni­
ture and covered with glass. The ad­
vantage claimed over ordinary burglar
alarms Is that the device will operate
na soon as a light Is Introduced Into
the dark room, while other alarms
have to be excited by the breaking o f
nn electric circuit or by mechanical
vibrations. As the electric eye works
with a suspended coll, however, acci­
dental vibrations might make It more
sensitive than Is desired.
can buy cornmeal for less |«-r pound.
Your purse and your preference both
deserve consideration.
4. Sweets, Sugar and Sirups— Jel­
lies and preserves are fuel for tbs
body, too, but. In geucral, they are
more expensive than cereals.
them for lluvor, bill n little wli! go a
long way.
I f the children eat too
much s w eets, they won’t bnve an ap­
petite for the foods they need most,
like bread and milk.
Instead o f
candy, you can give them fruits, which
contain enough augur to satisfy them,
but which are not likely to spoil their
5. Fats— Butter or other good fuhfc
cottonseed oil, lard, drippings, etc, aria
another kind o f fuel. People who do
hard work. especially oul loon, nsfjfl
more fats than those who are pot ■»
active. They are a r> luttVjlF « p e n ­
sive form o f fuel, an I bsatdfsttte sM-
tuul fats are scarce n
mut n»> ded for
our armies and our allies, so v «e Own.
These five kinds o f fooA—fruits
and vegetables, meats or meat substi­
tutes. cereals, sweets and fats— are all
necessary for the proper nourishment
o f the body. Remember that the cere­ s . .
al group Is the one most of us depend
on for the hulk o f our food. You need
the others, too. In proper quantity.
Don’t forget the five food groups. Sec
to It that you have some food from
each group every d ay!
I knead and I apln, but my Ufa la low
tha while,
Oh, 1 long to be alone, and walk abroad
a mile.
Tat If I walk alona, and think of nought
at all.
W hy, from ma that's young should ths
wild tears fall?
Ths ahowsr-strh-kan earth, tha earth-col­
ored atrsams.
They breathe on me awake, and moan to
ma In dreams
And yonder Ivy fondling the broken castle
It pulla upon my heart till tha wild tear«
fa it
The cakb. door looks down a furze lighted
And faf aa Lelghltn Cross tha Aside are
srnea and stilt;
But >n«« I hear tha blackbird In Leigh-
Ha’s h * ( w sail.
The ftvsHtsIwliigi Is on me, and ths wild
tears fall.
e Imogens Quinsy.
Ü Lr
Recruit Answers to His
Nearest Living Relative
A recruit In one o f the cantonments
when called up fo r examination was
"W hat Is your nearest living rela­
‘‘ What you mean ’relative,’ mister?"
returned the recruit.
“ Oh, I mean your nearest living kins­
“ Wal, that's my aunt you’re talking
Beveral other questions were an­
“ In case o f denth or accident, whom
shall be notified?”
"M y mother,” Immediately from the
"But you told me just a few min­
utes ago that your aunt was the near­
est living relative that you have," ob­
jected the officer.
"You asked me who my nearest
living kin was, didn't you? Wal, that's
Annt L iz—she lives Jest two miles
from where I been llvln ; mother Uvea
f i v e . " __________________
More Camouflage.
The victim of the tnr-nnd-feather
party couldn't realize what was going
to happen to him.
"W hat are you going to do with
me?” he asked, chattering with fear
and the cold.
"W e ’re going to camouflage you,” an­
swered the man with the feather bag.
'In other words, we're going to make
you look like a rooster, ao you can do
soma more crowing for the kaiser.”