FA Q E 4. F A I J .S C I T Y N E W S S a t u r d a y , k k h r i ' a p y - - V- — FRUIT GROWERS ATTENTION Œ ljr F a l l u ( it it i N r u iB Local Nows H o m s L. W OOD P u b lis h « EntorMI ta •»«'rnd-eUM m H et tba •t r illi otty. rota C w *t;^ CW»oa. 1 he beet show at the Geui tonight ffira to« ▲et ó t Coa «rata of March Ttlrpk««« -IW « i Office. Sahaerlptioo B ato: O «* r««r. « OC; « l i » » t i » . B Mata; tb m moaUu. t i c a la; ainsi« coas. »cu. »da artlaln f K at«« : Diaflar. 1 » «anta aa Inch Busi d m « Notfteaa. »«anta a Una; For iala. Rant. Racha ns«. Waat and Fa y RataftalaaM at Ro­ lle««. » eta. a lia « . Card o» Thanks » CM ; La*a Notices, lassi ratea Copy for now ad* »m l change* should bo **nt to The New» not later then Wedneedey. Offtdal Nawapeper ef O « City *f Telle ClU I s s u e d E v e r y S a t u r d a y M o r n i n g A f The Churches Fra* M a th o d ia t Clothes cleaned and pressed. Wm. Bohle. Mrs. Lonnie Frink of Newberg was visiting relatives here this week. Miss Alma Hoppe, who is teach­ ing at Cherry Grove, spent the latter part o f the week with her parents in this city. See Bohle for International Tai­ loring Co’s, clothing. Have them made to measure. Mrs. Esther Montgomery spent Saturday and Sunday in Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Wicklander and family o f Salem are newcomers to our city. They are living in the Sampson house on the hill. Prof. C. 1. Lewis. Department o f Horticulture Ü. A. C will ad­ dress the Fruit Grower* at their annual meeting Saturday. Feb. 9, on the subject o f Lime for Prune Orchard. Ho will also dis­ cuss the general outlook for Orchardirts o f Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. On the same date Mr. Larson, (he newly appointed Agricultural Agent will outline the plan o f work to be carried on by this office this year. The election o f officers for the Fruit Growers Association will take place at 1.00 o'clock. Fol­ lowing the election will come the program us outlined. The meet­ ing will be held at the Commer­ ; cial Club rooms at Dallas. F. V. Brown. Sec. BLACK ROCK ITEMS training class Friday 7 JO. Fresh Bread, Cakes, Cookies, Pies Opal Wallace made a business You are most cordially invited and other bakery goods, every trip to Dallas on Tuesday. to attend these services. day, at the Falls City Bakery. A. F. Hanson. Pastor. Mrs. H. A. Johnson of Salem Mrs. G. T. Graves and Tier is visiting Mrs.Scott Hunter a few mother in law were up to visit the Post Office Time Card days this week. school on Wednesday. Office hours: Daily, except Sun I f you fail to get the News, one day, 8 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Lora Hawk, who has been work­ o f these days, call and find out the cause. Perhaps the post­ ing at Holt’s camp, was down to Mail arrives, from master failed to “ look,” and then visit the school on Wednesday. Salem 8.45 a.m., 5:45 p.m. “ SOMEWHERE" IN FRANCE December 29, 1917. Dear Uncle: Yes! We do Job Work Compare our prices with others and see samples. I thought while I had time I would write you a line or two. I 'e ft New York some time ago and arrived safely across the ocean, but we almost got torpe­ doed about 500 miles off the Irish coast They think the Spring D rive will wind up the war; .1 hope so. Tell the boys Hello for me. I f its the Lord’s Will, I will be with them next Christmas. W e spent Christmas on the water and had our Christmas dinner the 28th. Some swell turkeys sent from the good old U. S. A. They can talk o f the different countries, but I will take Oregan in preferance to any o f them. hear from home once in a while. From your nephew, HER LOOKS FALLS CITY HOSPITAL A woman feels as old a* she looks. Many would fe e l younger if they used -- EQUIPPED AND m P A K t U 10 HANDLE General Surgery, Sickness, Accidents, Nyal Vegetable INCLUDING THOSE THAT COME UNDER Prescription State Industrial Accident Commission Th* Ideal Woman'* Toni* Rooms $2 to $3.50 per day, including general nursing and board. Thompson’ s Drug S t o r f t i 1 Mrs. R. M. Massie, Matron Dr. G. E . Prime, Mgr. irmi E. K. PIA8ECKI H -* U I I U ' I H I f + H - H - h m -H -K H U t l t I M-M -H - » > 1 > ■. A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W •• FALLS CITY MEAT MARKET Farm Loans 5 1-2% 6 2 0 M ilt S tr a « t. • Dallas. Oragan C. J . BRUCE, Proprietor. SCHOOL HOTES Sunday School 10 a. m. Preaching service 11 a. m. Home canned fruit for sale. 25c Song and praise service 7:30 a quart. Phone 1516. Junior S tu d e n t Body H ew s followed by preaching at 8:00. E. C. Phelps o f Wells. Oregon Mid-week prayer meeting7:30 p.m Mrs. Hopkins and Mrs. Gris- was in town Friday. Everyone cordially invited to wold visited us last week. attend these services. Watch for a blue mark on your The Gym was opened Monday Edgar N. Long, Pastor. paper. It means that you are for use, after a big celebration behind with your subscription and Friday night. About 17 girls are expected to pay up. C H R IS TIA N CHURCH were present last night and were The saw mill was closed down instructed in regular gymnastics, Divine Services each Lord’s Day Friday and Saturday of last week and enjoyed it immensley. Bible School 10 a. m. and several days this week put­ Divine worship 11 a. n v ting in a new engine and repair­ The result o f the Gym Festival Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. ing the burner. was a sum o f $13 for the Gym. Evening Service 7 JO p. m. The Honor Guard girls are hon­ Wanted —To exchange Salem The public is invited to be with ored by having cleared the largest and Portland property for Falls us in these services. amount from their booth. They City property. Phone 77. F. Claude Stephens, Minister. made about $25. Six-weeks old pigs for sale, on The absenses this week were the Word place. M . E- C H U R C H Anna Peterson, Edwin Horn and Sunday School 10:00 A basket social will be held at Arlyne Naper. Bridgeport on Saturday February Morning Worship 11. 9th. A program will be rendered. Epworth League 6 JO. Ruth Haven, editor. Everybody come and bring full Evening Service 7 JO Prayer meeeting and teachers baskets. you may have failed to pay up Dallas, 8:45 A. M., 5:45 P. M. Portland via Gerlinger, train 102 your subscription. 11:55 a. m. For Sale or Trade—Good 3J inch Black Rock, 1:30 P. M. wagon; suitable for logging or Mail closes for: lumber. Also good cream separa­ Salem, 8.50 A.M., 1P M. and 5:20 tor. C. F. Anderson. 3-1 miles P. M. east Falls City. Dallas, 8:50 A. M. and 5:30P. M Mr. Adla Thibodue o f Portland, Portland via Gerlinger train 102 and his sister, Maudie Thibodue 1 p. m. o f Califoania came Saturday to Black Rock, 1 A. M. visit their uncle, Mr. Z. Batourney Mail Order and Postal Savings and family. Mr. Thibodue is em­ window closes at 6 P. M. ployed as book-keeper for the S unday O nly Oregonian. On Monday they, in Office hours: 9:30 to 10:80 a.m: company with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Mail arrives from Salem, 9:00 Anderson, visited Powell’s camp &. m. to watch logging operations. They Mail closes for Salem, 8:50 a.m. returned on the speeder in the General Delivery Window Open evening, having the “ joy •"’de” of their lives down the mountain. From 9:30 to 10:30 A. M. They were delighted with Falls Effective March 11, 1917.' City and are anxious to make an­ I r a C. M e h r l i n g , Postmaster other visit. *» « »■ The rest of the W. L Co. from the upper camp moved down to Black Rock for the rest of the winter to log. Buolucoo (Tarto ....U N D ER NEW M A N A G EM EN T . City Mrs. Jessie Hart. was in our city on Thursday. JFalb ttitç lb o tc l Fresh Beef, Perk, Fish, Poultry, Etc. S a m a la R e a m e S a a t A a a a m m a d a tla n a Will bay your B * t m , Vaals, H o p and Ch!ek*ni. CALL AND GIVE US A TRIAL. FA LLS CITY F. Draas«. Feaarlata« WE WILL PLEASE YOU. M E A T » 4 4 H H 4 m i i i m m n m M A R K E T + 4 - m - m - h h h i i u h ■ i i i u i n n •J0 *H0 »ll*J * “ ■ «11*0 10311 Kl T V H X S n d Bohle s Barber Shop REAL ESTATE AOKNCY OK I hove desirable property in all parte of the I n t e r n a t io n a l T a il o r in g oo . P a LI-AH s t e a m L A .ljN O E Y country listed with me for etching«. Mutuile« lor werdet! \>educad«? ruurniu« NO LISTING F E E CHARGED Í | Notary Public Mortgages I N. Main Street t Falls City, Oregon ;; •H -H -t-H -H -I-i-l-l- l' ■! -H - l-H -H -H -H - •H -H -H -l-H -H -H -H -f-H -l 4-1 » I ». ft' Mrs. Price, who has been visit­ ing with relatives in Southern Oregon, returned to her home on Tuesday. Miss Hammond o f Falls was here Tuesday. HOTEL II c IF ' WE WILL TAKE YOUR MEASURE FOR A SUIT OF Candi««, Tobacco« and Cigur«. al L K. WON PE R C Y'S Ed. V. Price 4 Co’s Clothing t o * MfeCC-O c FALLS CITY LUMBER 4 LOGGING CO. Mrs. Julia Frink of Newberg ¡3 here visiting her son W. Tillot- son. Headquarter« for Candv WEATHERLY CONFFu George Graves and Valmore Bullis are going to sell $50 worth of Thrift Stamps. Notice to Mabel Baker and Freeta Wal­ lale went to Portland bn Wednes­ day of last week and returned on Sunday. Pain and 111 Health rob you o f »11 your efficiency. Beulah Bly was in Falls City on Wednesday evening. DR. MILES’ Mr. W. T. Wallace made a trip to Falls City on Wednesday. ANTI-PAIN PILLS Miss Sayre was in Dallas on Friday. Several o f the school children attended the show at Falls City Friday night. Mabel Frenworth went to Sum­ mit, Oregon to attend the funeral o f her aunt, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Holt were at Sum­ mit, Oregon last Sunday. A .wirk here indimi»*« it your subscription la delinquen. Please call and fix it. REVERE h e a d a c h e . "1 on«!« had tatrtbla headifhAS anl faarad l Grippe. I could not at- tand to m r work. 1 took of Dr. Mila«' Anti Pain Pllla and tha pain wea quickly (ona. Then I atartad ueln* Dr. M il««’ Narvlne and tha trouble vanished «-ompleteljr and I felt well and active one« more." H E N K T FAJtWHAM. Spring Valley, Minn. quickly relieve P»in, but at the same time, when over-work or nervousness is the cause, Dr. M U««’ Restorative Nervine should be used to relieve the cause. IF FI BBT BOX, OR BOTTLE. F A IL * TO b i n i f i t you , your money W IL L BE REFUNDED. M r. H a m a Sa ak a COME TO FA L LS C ITY, OFCOON Í an d Buy O rc h a rd Land r -------- » 1 — SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Passenger Train Schedule 1917 >*• i»i waaraot'XD a m . am. pm . 3.46 Salem . . . 7:05 9.35 6.16 Dallas. . . 8.15 JO.57 6.46 Falls City. 8.45 11.30 11:50 Bl’k Rock. iW IM ÍM «Ä,TIK>t *r> am. pm. pm 1.00 Bl’k Rock 6.60 Falls City. 9.20 1.20 6 25 Dallas. . . 10.00 1.45 7.20 Salem . . . 11.00 3.10 Extra coplea of The News are printed each week, and will bs ssn* to any add re«« desired, postpaid, 5 cents