V BIG MONEYv IN FURS BETTER PRICES~QUICK RETURNS O H 4 4 4 H * m m «4 m * »H School children in Benton and eounty districts will hold a rural week February 17-23, in which will feature George Washington farmer. HV’ Want Immediately M USKRAT SKUNK COYOTE RACCOON MOLE MINK FOXES O TTER AND OTHER FURS. Pareie Officer Keller has received letters from three men now out on parole tendering their services to go to France in event a company o f prison­ ers ia selected from the state peniten­ tiary, along the line o f Keller'a sug­ gestion of a few days ago. Srtul /or Now Fur prler litI todau. H. LIEBES & CO. Formal organisation o f the Central Oregon irrigation district, r e c e n tly voted b y settlers on the C e n tra l Oregon Irrigation company project, baa been c o m p le te d a t Bend, with th e election o f J. A. Thompeon as president and James G. McOiffie as secretary. D«i>t. K. R aw Far^Daalart and Fur Manu­ facturara 149-151 Broadway. Portland, Or. Hi* bed Market Prices Par RAW FURS G u a ra n i«« quick return»; charge no commission. M ak « trial shipment and g « l Ihr most for your FURS. N. M. UNGAR CO., 191 Broadway, PORTLAND. ORE. f -----------------------------------------------> N e w H o u s to n H o te l S tilli and K m tlt Sts.. P« »filami, Ors. Pour block» from Union Depot. Two blocks front New Fwtafflc». Modern and fireproof. Over 1U0 outside room», lutee 7le to 12.(JO. CHAS C. HOPKINS. Manager _____________________________________________ Hotel Rowland One hundred ami »Uty-rtve Room», 'all Modern Improva-dfiit». free pitone» on every flour. Rales: 7 Sc to $1.50 p « r day: $2.50 lo $5.00 per w ««k . Opposite Courthouse, S block» from Poatofllea. Pire Prtxtf. M. I* and Orrgun Klee trie pa*a door. B E A U T IF U L R U G S A m mad« from your OLD CAR­ PETS M | R a n woven all aitea. Mail order* rerviv« prompt and care­ ful attention. Send for booklet. NORTHWEST RUG CO. E. Hth'and Taylor Sto. Portland, Or. " t h e VOGEL PRODUCE CO. Will guarantee you top market prime at all times for your Veal, Hog«. Poultry, ICgg». Ruttar. Ilidee, Etc. I f you have not shipped to us. try us. P O R T L A N D , OR. 1X3 F ro n t, ELECTRIC MOTORS Beusht, Sold. Rented end Repaired W ALKER ELECTRIC WORKS Hum aide, «or. I Oth. Portland. Ora M ONEY FOR YOU. Thoueamla of trained!__ young people needed. Behnke Walker Ituetneee College. Fortland, place« ■ (udente in poaitMUU. Enroll i any time. Free Catalogua Misunderstood.* “ Did you brar of poor Fathead’s mis­ fortune ?” "N o ; what 1» I t i ” "H e observed to Mlaa Oldftlrl when ho Haw how ahe won at bridge that he would like to have her hand, and now aho’a suing him for breach o f promlso.” — Exchange. Varied Activities. " I see now why you call your yacht the Flirt.” "W h y do you think I call her so?” “ Because I notice she is either kiss­ ing the waves or hugging the shore.” No Reel Equality. She— At last the time Is coming when the sexes will be on an equal footing. He— That can never be. She— Why not, sir? He— There w ill never bo any real equality between the sexes while a man can’t go through his w ife’s pock­ ets for the loose change he wants.— An Appropriate Hoax. "Did you hear that the foreign count tho Comeups have been entertaining turned out to be an Imposter?" "Y e s ; quite a rank Imposition.”— O l l i n ^ f " ì | V -* ‘- Pork- Beef. Poultry, Butter, Egg, and Farm Produce. to the Old Rail ah)« Fverflln* hnoee wtth a F. M. CRONltHITE 5-4T Front Straal Portland. O ra r*. B U Y DIRECT jg lDo Your Own Plumbing | By hn.tna direct from n. at wholaaala pries« and aara tha plumbar'a profits. W rit« u. to­ day yonr nsada. Wa will f l u rou oor rock- bnttom "dlract-to-ynu" price«, f. & b. rail or boat. W . artoally save poo from 10 to U par cant. All good« guaranteed. Northweat h.adquartera foi leader Walar Syatema and Fuller A Johnson Knirinaa. S T A R K -D A V IS CO. SIX Third Straat P. N. U. Portland, Orator No. 4, 1918 Polk life they as a The Umpqua river is expected to become one o f the industrial centers o f the state, and the first of three new sawmills now under construction will be ready for operation in two weeks, probably, and in three certainly. Prices are hlyher than ever. W e P a r tba War Recipes STATE N E W S IN BRIEF. SHIP TO NEAREST MARKET For the purpose o f developing a | saner and better syatem for the settle- | merit o f agricultural and logged-of? lands o f the state. Governor Withy- I combe has created a new non-aalaricd j commission, to be known as the Ore­ gon Land Settlement commission. Don’t Stay Gray! It Darken* So Naturally that N o­ body can Tell. You can turn gray, faded hair beau tlfully dark and lustrous almost over night If you’ll get a 50-cent bottle ot “ Wyeth's Bag« and Sulphur Com pound” at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Hage Tea Recipe, Improved by the addition of other ingredients, are sold annually, says a well known druggist here, be­ cause It darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tall It has been applied. Those whose hair to turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair van­ ishes and your locks become luxuriant ly dark and beautiful. This la the age of youth. Gray- halred, unattractive folks aren't want ed around, so get busy with Wyeth's Hage and Sulphur Compound to-night and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful ap­ pearance within a few days. This preparation Is a toilet requisite and la not Intended for the cure, miti­ gation or prevention of disease.— Adv. Cut out the follow ing recipea end paata them in your cook book to^holp you Hooverixo. T h ey have boon thoroughly teatod by inatructora end apecial lecturers in the department o f econom ic« at the University of W eahington. Largest Automobile Show Ever Held in the Northwest EggleM Rye Muffin«— 2 c rye flour, 4 tap baking powder, j Up salt, 4 Up sugar, 1 c milk, 1 tbsp melted fat. Mix dry ingredients, add milk and melted fat and bake in a hotjuven. Graham Biscuit— 1 c white flour, 1 c graham flour, 5 U p baking powder, 2 tbsp shortening, lc milk, J U p salt. Mix dry ingredienU and aift twice. Work in shortening with tip « o f fin­ gers, add gradually the liquid, mixing with knife to soft dough. It ia impos­ sible to determine exact amount o f liquid, owing to difference in flour. Bat and roll Sightly on floured board to j inch thickness. Cut with a biscuit cutter, place on buttered pan and bake in hot oven. Rye BiscuiU — 1 c white flour 1 c rye flour, 5 Up baking powder, 2 tbsp shortening, 1 c milk, } U p salt. Mix dry ingredienU and s ift twice. Work in shortening with tips o f fingers, add gradually the liquid, mixing with a knife to soft dough. Pat and roll lightly on a floured board to i inch thickness. Cut with biscuit cutter, place on buttered pan and bake in hot oven. _________ Feb. - 7 to 13 Portland’s Ninth A n n u a l A u t o m o b ile S h o w Latest models in Farm Tractors, Trucks and Automobiles Portland’s Magnificent New Auditorium One Week, Commencing Thursday, Feb. 7 ADM ISSION- 33 (K .trT S Reduced Railroad Rates— Certificate Plan Overburdened. "H ow does It happen that a prohibi­ tion community is obliged to arrest people for Intoxication?” "W e ll,” said Uncle Bill Bottletop, "It's another phase of the transporta­ tion problem. Every now and then Not only can yeast breads and hot somebody who wants to carry home a liquor supply from outside territory breads be made with other flours than undertakes to be his own demijohn." white, but cakes made with rye and graham flour are light, attractive and — Exchange. Last week Hood R iver residents delicious. Spices mask the strong Potsdam Please Explain. were unable to obtain fish. I»o a l taste o f the rye. ! dealers say that halibut has been un­ If Ood Is leading the Germans for­ Boston Favorite Cake— 2-3 c short­ obtainable in the Portland wholesale ward In Italy, who Is leading them ening (Cottolene, Kream Krisp, oleo­ market, and the cost o f salmon, 26 backward In Belgium?— W ichita Bea­ margarine, drippings), 2 c sugar, 4 S C O T H I N U I H O N rents a pound in Portland, makes it con. eggs, 1 c milk, 3J c flour (equal parU so expensive as a food there that pa­ graham and rye), j U p salt, 5 Up bak- Tough Luck. trons cannot afford to buy it. Old Man (to crying b oy)— W hat’s in powder, I Up cinnamon, J Up cloves. Cream shortening, add sugar Bend policemen raiding a shanty o c­ the matter, my little man? gradually, eggs beaten until light, Boy— I ’m lo s t Boo-hoo! cupied by Joe Kaaiestori, in Terminal Old Man— Lost? Nonsense! We then milk, and then flour mixed and Addition, thia week, uncovered a com­ This re­ plete stilt used in the manufacture o f mustn't give up hope so soon. Where sifted with baking powder. The imported Norwegian cod liver oil used in Scoit'u £m»/non U now refined do you live? cipe makes two loaves. I f flavor o f liquor. A patent iron press and five in oor own American laboratories which guarantees it free from imparities. Boy— Don't know, sir. W e've Just graham flour and rye is too prominent, Scott & Bowne. Bloomfield. N. J. 17-13 gallons o f wine and an additional quan­ moved, and I c-can't remember the ad­ use a little more spice. tity in process o f fermentation were dress. also found. Kaaiestori is held under Old Man— W ell, what’s your name? Coffee Cake Without Shortening.— $100 bond. Boy— D-don't know. air. M-mother got married again this morning.— Ex­ 3 eggs, 1 c sugar, lc molasses, 1 c Tho United States government is change. coffee, 2 Up cinnamon. 1 tsp cloves, 1 making an investigation o f the ship-i Up allspice, 1 Up soda, 1 lb. raisins, THE O R IG IN A L THE LIGHTEST. THE STRONGEST. HAS M A N Y IMITATORS. building possibilities o f the Siuslaw A L L M EN A T HOME SHOULD 2J c rye flour, 2J c white flour. Mix BUT NO EQUALS. W rit« lor Inform al»*. river. A. A. Eiehler, o f Oakland, j dry ingredienU, add molasses, coffee P R E P A R E FOR W A R . Cal., special investigator for the Vaughan Motor Works, and beaten eggs and raisins. Emergency Fleet Corporation, has ar-1 PORTLAND. OREGON. T h e first test a man la put thru for rived at Glenada, and w ill check up eith er war or life Insurance la an exam t- Moscow Poultry Show Opens. nalon of hla water. T h is It moat essen­ reports on the river now on hie in Moscow, Idaho — The Panhandle tial because the kidneys play a moat Im ­ T h e Sim ilarity. Washington. portant part In causing prem ature old age Poultry Show opened in this city W ed­ “ How strange It Is,” murmured the and death. T h e more Injurious the pois­ The dangerous crossing o f the Pa­ on« passing thru the kidneys the sooner nesday with Pren Moore, head o f the I Cheerful Idiot, "that the children o f comes dec-ay— so says Dr. F ierce o f Sur­ cific Highway and the Southern Pacific gical these miners are like the most pre­ Institute, Buffalo, N. Y.. who further ; poultry department at the University cious and expensive o f flowers." tracks at Divide, just south o f Cottage advises all people who are past th irty to o f Idaho and president o f the poultry preserve the vita lity o f the kidneys and "W hat do you mean?” asked the Grove, must be eliminated during the free the blood from poisonous elements, association, in general charge. Oscar I Practical Grouch. “ How can they be?” coming year, according to an order of such as uric acid—drink plenty o f w ater— Nelson, o f Coeur d’Alene, is the judge, “ W ell,” answered the Cheerful Id io t the Public Service commission. An sw eat some dally and taka Anurlc, double and a poultry judging contest between strength, before meals. a bit apologetically, “ you know they overhead crossing must be constructed, T h is A n -u -rlc Is a late d iscovery o f Dr. teams representing the University o f the railway (tearing 40 per rent o f the P ierce end le put up In tablet form, and Idaho and the Washington SU te Col- Stop eating meat for a while if : are ore kids.”— Exchange. can be obtained at alm ost any drug store. your Bladder is troubling expense, the county 30 per cent and For that backache, lumbago, rheumatism, I lege is to be a feature. Entries have Making Good. "r u s ty " joints, swollen fee t or hands, due the state 30 per cent. you to uric acid In the blood, Anurlc quickly j tome from many poinU in North Idaho, “ I hear that Cholly is boasting that the uric acid as hot w a te r does Eastern Washington and Western Mon­ County agents, home demonstration dissolves he saved a man's life at a seaside re­ sugar. T ake a little Anurlc before meals When you wake up with backache sort this summer.” agents and girls and boys clubs of and live to be a hundred. Bend to cents tana, with a few from Oregon. and dull misery In the kidney region "S o he did. He saved his own by not — Oregon have concluded a busy week of to Dr. Iherce for trial package of Anurlc. — Adv. It generally means you have been eat­ I going in swimming.” — Exchange. preparation for the big food campaign ing too much meat, says a well-known to meet the call o f the government for The Only Way. authority. Meat forms uric acid LOSSES SURELY PRETEXTES more food production id better con­ “ I have a friend who kept a cook for which overworks the kidneys In their kv CUTTER'S BUCKLES PILLS nearly a year.” servation. Plans to ’ Hnixing the effort to filter it from the blood and Low-prtced, "W h at Jail Is he in charge of.”— Bos­ fresh. reliable : í farm and the home the school they become sort o f paralyzed and W heat— Bulk basis for No. 1 grade: p referred by ' ton Transcript. loggy. When your kidneys get slug­ forces for concerted ar well-directed Hard W hite— Bluestem, Early Bart, gish and clog you must relieve them, effort by which every lick w ill be »retici wh»r» «ti Take care o f your health and wealth Allen, GalgaluB, Martin Amber, $2.05. like you relieve your bowels; remov­ vaccines fall. made to count for the most possible, w ill take care of you. Garfield Tea Write for booklet and testimonUK Soft W hite— Palouse bluestem, forty- ing all the body’s urinous waste, else were very thoroughly worked out, and promotes health.— Adv. lO-Saaa rtz.Bl*ck'e* prasTTTH fold, white valley, Gold Coin, W hite you have backache, sick headache, Í ' I 504e*artS. Hackle« FUI*. $4.00 ______ w ill be put into effect in the counties Russian, $2.03. W hite club— L ittle dizzy spells; your stomach sours, I U w a n y tnjecto*. b e t Cutter’ s simplest »a d « too * est. that have responded to the nation’s I T h e superiority o f Cutter products is due to over IS An Unexpected Answer. club, Jenkins club, white hybrids, So­ tongue Is coated, and when the wea­ I year* o f specialising iS V A C O M E « A N D SE R I'WS call for county agents in every county. "P olly, want a cracker?” ONLY. I n s is t o n CUTrfc* S. I f nactcóubiex nora, $2,01. Red Walla — Red ther is bad you have rheumatic I I QfrtrT direct. "N o ; I am conserving food,” replied The Henryville mine, near Marsh­ the Intelligent bird.— Louisville Cour­ Russian, red hybrids, Jones fife. Cop- twinges. The urine Is cloudy, full of J _ TO« Cuitar Irtefetery. Sarita!ay. Caitfarat* JJ pel, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less. No. sediment, channels often get sore, wa­ field, leased a year ago by R. M. Jen­ ier-Journal. ter scalds and you are obliged to seek 3 grade 6c less. Other grades hanledd nings, has been turned back to it own­ relief two or three times during the by sample. ers, the Coos Bay Lumber company, night. Al.LKN'8 FOOT-KAOS FOR THE TROOPS. Flour— Patents, $10. with liabilities against it amounting Either consult a good, reliable phy­ 1» the result o f using: Peta­ Shaken into the shoe, and aprinkled'in the foot hath It gives reat and comfort, take« the friction luma Incubators and Brood­ M illfeed— N et mill prices, car lots: sician at once or get from your phar­ to nearly $30,000. from the «hue and prevent« blister* and sore spots. ers. That's the kind you Bran, $30 per ton; shorts, $32 per macist about four ounces of Jad Salts; Makes walking easy. Accept no substitute: Sold want. Write for our bis Cyrus H. Walker, o f Albany, oldest everywhere. '¿6c. Free Catalog: No. 60. ton; middlings, $39; mixed cars and take a tablespoonful In a glass of livin g white man born west o f the less than carloads, 50c more; rolled water before breakfast for a few days PETALUMA INCUBATOR CO. Rooky Mountains, was struck by an A Marital Handicap. and your kidneys w ill then act fine. Petaluma. California "T h e girl is neither pretty, talented barley, $63(865 rolled oats, $66. auto in Albany Friday night, but es­ Butter— Cubes, extras, 50c; prime This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com­ caped serious injury. He suffered se­ nor rich. What is her attraction for firsts, 49 Jc. Jobbing prices: Prints, bined with lithla, and has been used you?" Distemper Can Be Controlled vere bruises, however. " A great and lasting one. She’s extras, 62(853c; cartons, lc extra; for generations to clean and stimulate by usina Dr. David Roberts' butterfat. No. 1, 56(857c delivered. Henry Hooker, said to have declared tongue-tied.”— Exchange. sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize Eggs— Ranch, current receipts, 51c; acids in the urine so It no longer Irri­ to his fellow workers in the Silver For a disordered liver, take Garfield candled, 53c; selects, 55c per dozen. tates. thus ending bladder weakness. Falls Lumber company’s camp, near Read the Jad Salts is a life saver for regular Poultry — Hens, 23(823Jc; springs, Practical Horae Veternarian Silverton, that he is an alien enemy Tea, the Herb laxative. A ll druggists. — Adv. meat eaters. It la inexpensive, can­ Send for free booklet on Abortion 26; broilers, 29(830«'; geese, 16(818c; and would return to Germany and fight In Cows. If no dealer in your turkeys, live, 20(0 25c; dressed, choice, not Injure and makes a delightful, ef­ town, write for the Kaiser if given the oppor­ Unsubstantial Returns. fervescent llthla-water drink.— Adv. Dr. David Drterts' tot Ca, 100 Grand In . »flirts to. m*. tunity, was taken to ja il at Salem by "Did you raise anything on your 33c. Veal— Fancy, 18(818Jc per pound. Deputy Sheriff Bowers. Hooker says promise to pay?” Would Kick at A nything. Pork— Fancy, 19@19(c per pound. "Oh, yes; I raised a smile."— Balti­ he was born in Prussia and has lived Granulated Eyelids. “ I don’t like that house you sold me,” Sack vegetables— Carrots. $1.25 per said the man who had been roped In. in America for years. He w ill be more American. Sore Eyes. Eyes Inflamed by 5 »n , Duet and Wind quickly sack; bents, $1.50 @ 1 .7 5 ; turnips, turned over to the Federal authorities. "Why not?” asked the agent relieved by Murine. Try It In Coated tongue, vertigo and constipa­ $1.50; parsnips, «1.60(81.75. “ Why, there's water in the cellar.’’ { ) 5 r C yourEycs****in Baby*»Eyes. R. Alexander, a prominent merchant tion are relieved by Garfield Tea.— Adv "Heavens, man! Don’t you want to Potatoes — Oregon Burbanks, $1@ l U U R L Y tdNoSn».rtinf .Jo.t Eye Comfort o f Pendleton, is considering becoming 1.25 per hundred; Yakimas, $1.50; take a bath occasionally?” — Exchange. Marine Eye Remedy ^ g - g g g g ’i a g j » a candidate in the Republican primar- sweet potatoes, 5@ 5tc per pound. Kira Sal.«, in Tab«« rte. For fimok •/ (A* KVs — h sa A ctively Employed. iea for state treasurer, according to Onions— Oregon, buying price, $1.75 Ask M a r in e E y e R e m e d y C e . . C U c e c e * word received in Salem. “ A re you employed at present?” per hundred. “ Yes, sor; looking for work." Green Fruits — Apples, $1(02.25; The Southern Curry County T ele­ pears, $2.25; cranberries, Eastern, phone company was granted a reclassi­ T h e ir Sort. $17.50 per barrel. fication o f its rates in an order issued "Didn’t the suffrage pickets sue for January 23, 1918. by the Public Service commission Sat­ mercy when they were jailed?” Cattle— “ N o; but they're suing for damages urday, to become effective February 1. Med. to choice steers.. . .$10.35(811.00 now." Under the present rates $6 a quarter You corn-pestered men and women Good to med. steers........ and Dictaphone Operators 9.35@10.35 is charged for its various classes of need suffer no,longer. W ear the shoes Com. to good steers........ 7.75