Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, January 26, 1918, Image 2

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Paralyse Traffic and Hinder
Movement o f Goal
Alert and Guards Doubled.
New York — Definite information
said to have been obtained by the go v­
ernment that German agents had been
instructed to use all means to paralyze
the effort to move freight and clear
ships is understood here to be responsi­
ble for the doubling o f guards Tuesday
at all piers, shipyards and terminals.
Copies o f instructions sent to Ger­
man agents by the headquarters o f the
Eventa o f Noted People^ Government« German spy system are reported to
have been obtained by agents o f the
Loyal Adherence to IVlicies Outlined
and Pacific Northwest and Other
United States government.
by Wilson and Lloyd George In«
Things W orth Knowing.
Orders were received here Monday
dicated at Toilers’ Meeting.
night to take all precautions to pre­
vent attempts to do damage.
Guards o f all kinds, military and
The Philharmonic Society o f New
have been doubled at all
York has announced that no composi­ private,
Nottingham, England The British
tions o f living German composers shall points where shipping and shipping Labor Party Thursday declared its po­
be played by the Philharmonic Orches­
interests are concerned.
sition as regards war and peace. By
tra for the duration o f the war.
In addition to extra guards, it was a m ajority o f about two-thirds in a
Letters have been sent by the Treas­ learned that orders were also issued to
ury to 12-1,000 ministers asking them scrutinize with more than usual care viva voce vote the delegates supported
to impress upon their congregations the credentials o f persons seeking to the war aims program recently pro­
mulgated by their executive commit­
that it is their duty to pay their in­ pass the barred zones.
tee. which corresponds generally with
come taxes cheerfully and w illingly.
The orders came from Washington the recent utterances o f President
To the bill requiring the W ar de­ and were issued by telegraph. It was Wilson and David Lloyd George, the :
partment to furnish Army officers with learned they called for prompt action. British premier.
uniforms at cost. Secretary Daniels It is understood they applied not only
President Wilson figures as one of:
has asked the senate military commit­ to New Y'ork, but to every port on the the Labor P arty’s prophets. In th e !
“ Nobody loves n fat man,“ but when be Is wearing the uniform of an
tee to add a provision for naval offi­ Atlantic and Gulf coasts.
opening session his name was men­ American marine und Is In France serving bis country, nit changes and the fat
tioned no less than six times, in each man becomes the Idol o f the people, especially the children. This Jolly plump
less Monday was reported throughout case in connection with his recent wari Yankee marine Is playing pupa to these French kiddles and he Is the “ great­
Two persons were killed and 15 seri­ the country.
aims speech, which was described as est nun In the world" to them.
ously injured at Omaha early Monday
Many railroads were assisting in the
night when a railroad coal car loaded effort to supply homes and trans-At­ essentially the same point o f view as
with cinders broke away from a switch lantic shipping with coal, and were the British Labor P arty’s.
The delegates o f the French Social­
train and crashed into a streetcar load- inoving ilttie general freight.
ists gained hearty applause when he
ed with passengers.
Coal and foot! were virtually the
A Christiania dispatch says all poli­ only commodies moving, aside from a
“ President Wilson has declared on
tical parties agree that the terms o f­ small amount o f necessary war sup­ behalf o f the common people o f the
exceedingly un|u>pu!nr with the Ger­
fered bv the United States to Norway
whole world the terms which the com­ Episode Illustrative of One of
m an: It had recently put several of
The volume o f coal reaching sea­ mon people want. This statement has
regarding food supplies and shipping
Many Diverse Phases
Ids guns out of action, besides account­
cannot be accepted. Norway w ill pro­ board for bunkering ships was steadily now been agreed to by every allied
ing for u big mlnenwerfer that had an­
pose a new basis fo r an agreement.
including the Russian
noyed the Infnntry In the front line,
State Fuel administrators reported
Observance o f the Sabbath by all most office buildings, although per­ Bolsheviki. In the face o f this unan­
nnd It was evident that he meant to
men in m ilitary and naval service was
discover Its position somehow. There
mitted certain exemptions, were burn­
directed by President Wilson in a ing only enough coal to prevent freez­ ments are silent, but their peoples arc
were several German balloons up a* It
restless and disturbed, and before long
statement issued Tuesday at the W hite
wns, though n fortunate rise lu the
ing o f pipes.
they, too, may come into the agree­
House. A ll Sunday labor, he asked,
ground Just hid the battery from their
Department stores and other estab
ment. ”
be reduced to the measure o f strict ne­ lishments generally were closet).
Three Whistles: Presto, Battery Cam­ view. Nor was It likely that on a day
A ll amendments suggested by paci­
when visibility was so good the enemy
ouflaged!—-In This Instance Ven­
fists were swept aside in favor o f a
would stop at one ensunl airplane. It
The Lokal Anzeiger, o f Berlin, says
PORTLAND AUTO SHOW SOON single resolution o f moderate length,
was far more likely thnt he would send
that unless Leon Trotzky, the Bolshe­
Plunged to Earth.
welcoming the utterances o f President
them over at Intervals throughout the
vik foreign minister, accepts the de­
Wilson and Mr. Lloyd George, and an
mand o f the central powers when he War Emphasizes Economic Importance invitation was put forward to the cen­
London.— The airplane sentry sat
o f Automobiles as Never Before.
returns to Brest-Litovsk on January
And so It huppened. Before an
tra! powers to make known their war on his solitary mound In the middle of
29, the central powers w ill break off
hour was past a second speck appeared
Portland — Special
rates w ill be aims, as the entente allies have dona. 1 the field in the hot sunshine. His busi­
One amendment, which was downed ness was to watch for hostile airplanes In the sky and ngnln the scene shifting
! granted by the railroads to the coming
with scant consideration, was a pro- | nnd warn the battery o f their ap­ took place on the blast of the whistle.
For assisting three Germans to pass
' I big Portland Automobile, Truck and posal to eliminate mention in the reso­ proach. It does not sound a very ardu­ Tills time the hostile plane was shap­
from the United States into Canada,
D u u
I Tractor Show, which w ill be held in lution o f President Wilson and Mr. ous business, but It Is one that requires ing a course that would bring It very
Alphonse Bachelder road manager r for
new c j
Auditorium from Febru.
Lloyd George, although the backers o f considerable training If mistakes are nearly over the battery, and the sentry
w as!
“ ^ w4iX ° rk T
fined $600 and costs by a Windsor,
the eco- it carefully explained that it was to be avoided. Airplanes fly too high watrhed It with some concern. On It
offered in no spirit o f unfriendliness, nowadays for
their distinguishing came, the shrapnel bursting furiously
Ont., magistrate. Bachelder professed
, i
* - .. ,
nomic importance o f the automobile as but in the b elief that the resolution murks to be discerned, even through round It, diving nnd wheeling to dis­
ignorance o f the law.
Qne o f the main pur_
It swept
would carry more w eight with the the best glasses. The aentry must he concert the gunners' aim.
A bill to acquire and maintain a sys- poses o f this automobile show w ill be German and Austrian Socialists if it able to detect the enemy ns soon ns he over the battery, went straight on for n
tern o f national defense and m ilitary to demonstrate the many ways in avoided the appearance o f approving comes In sight, at whatever angle be few minutes, then turned and came
highways and post roads in Washing- which the passenger automobile the the acts o f “ representatives o f capi­ may happen to be flyin g; and with so back again. Had It seen anything sus­
ton, Oregon and California, with later- truck and the farm tractor can help talistic governments.”
many different types o f machine In the picious? The sentry scanned the or­
al roads, to protect the Pacific Coast business and industry and thereby add
A t the opening o f the conference air this requires experience and s chard sharply. Everything was In per­
against invasion, was introduced Tues- j to the war resources o f the nation,
fect order, not even a bully-beef tin
Frank Purdy, the president, said that quick eye.
day by Representative Baker, o f Cali- | A ll the latest passenger car models i f Germany would not accept the terms
lay about to betray a sign o f human
The experience he had gained by be­
! w ill be shown, but the truck and the President WilBon.
Lloyd ing attached for some days to an anti­ occupation; there were no tracks visi­
$1,000,000,000 aircraft pro- farm tractor particularly w ill have a George and the Labor party had laid aircraft battery whose business It was ble across the grass; every trifle wns
down as the minimum, “ we must fight to spot all hostile plnnes nt on ce;! enrefully covered up. It Is on details
gram, presented first to congress in ' llacf ° ^ h° n° r
The regular estimates last December, tractor has added tremendously to the on.”
Purdy said Germany could claim quickness o f vision w h s Inbred In him. f like this thnt the safety o f a battery
was explained to the house m ilitary agricultural efficiency o f France and no longer that she was fighting a de­ for he had un Englishman's love of depends. Upon the slightest hint that
anything Is hidden In n particular spot
committee Tuesday at a confidential Great Bntaln. In [act farm tractors fensive war.
sport. The attitude o f wntchfulness
the airplane calls up Its guns and
session by Major-General Squier, the have helped so greatly to defeat the
seemed nnturnl to him as he sut with i
ranges on the place. And ever after­
ch ief signal officer. The great sum is German submarine campaign by mak
ing possible
ward one has tin- uncomfortable feel
to iui
be included in the army appropria- ! ,n& P°8s,bIe the cultivation o f in
searching the skies all about him,
creased acreage for food production,
log thut one Is suspected mid thut at
tion bill.
A couple o f hundred yards away, the
that the French and British govern­ Labor Leader, in Address to Miners,
any moment a torrent of shell may ar­
battery was at the height o f Its morn­
Government operation o f railroads ments have placed huge orders in this
Proposes New War-Time Measure
has eliminated 10 fresh meat trains country for still more o f them.
Pursued by 8hrapnel.
and Chicago and
The United States government is
Indianapolis, Ind. — A fte r a spirited
The plane wns perceptibly low er; It
where form erly 12 meat trains were encouraging the use o f tractors and contest the proposition to g iv e all dis­
almost seemed as If its suspicions
operated every day between Omaha trucks to offset the grow ing shortage tricts in the coal industry o f the coun­ ing ablutions o f their charges, washing muat have been aroused. It swept off
out the bores nnd scrubbing them with
and Chicago, but tw o such trains now o f man power and horses and to in­ try
in conferences
toward home, pursued by the bursting
are run.
The running time o f the crease food production and business where basic wage agreement is made, the long-handled plasnbu brushes that shrapnel that It dodged as If by a
trains has been lengthened from 27 efficiency. Added to this is the fact or a policy formulated that is appli­
series o f miracles. But suddenly It
hours to 42 hours per trip.
that they are cheaper to operate than cable to other districts, was defeated artificer was testing air pressures; the seemed to quiver. Its tall went up, and
in the convention o f the United Mine
It began to dive steeply. The sentry
Transportation on the trunk lines
Workers Thursday by a vote o f 958 to busy with the sights. Behind the guns, wntched It eagerly through his glusses.
east and west o f Chicago virtually has work.
A large attendance from outside 554.
Was It a ruse to escape the shell, or
recovered from the effects o f the re
The proposition had been before the In rows, taking them from the heaps In was It hit? Slowly the plane began to
cent blizzard, and all roads are run- P0'" * 3 ' a expected during Automobile
which they had been dumped by the
Special arrangements
ning their regular number of trains, | Show week.
turn over ns It fell, ami then, all at
are being made for the reception o f posed by district and intei national offi­ ammunition column during the night. once, all control seemed to leave It,
railroads announce.
dealers and other visitors from out­ cers as a menace to the life o f the or­
tivity, nnd concealment was out of the and It dropped steadily, turning over
During 1917, 920 saloons in Chicago side o f Portland.
and over, the sun flashing from Its pol­
went out o f business, involving a loss
The fight was resumed Thursday af­ question while It Insted.
ished fusllage us It did so. Lower nnd
of revenue to the city o f $920,000.
A rtillery Fire Increases.
ter Samuel Gompers, o f the American
Sudden Tranaformatlon.
lower It fell, until only a few hundred
This was announced at a meeting of
made a
Rome—-Increase in the artillery fire Federation o f Labor, had
Suddenly the airplane sentry stood feet from the ground, when It turned
the finance committee o f the council to
on the Italian northern front, between speech in which he suggested a univer­ up, gazed nt a distant speck In the sky on Its side and crashed swiftly to earth,
frame the annual budget.
sal seven-hour day during the war to throngh his glasses for a few seconds, a mile or so from the battery.
Brenta and the Piave, is reported in
conserve fuel, instead o f the present then blew three blasts upon his whis­
Oregon carries off first honors for
The sentry blew Ills whistle once
Tuesday’ s war office sta' ement. Some
plan o f having idle Mondays.
performance o f patriotic duty under
tle. Before the echoes bad died uwny more, and the battery returned to Its
reconnoitering operations were carried
Mr. Gompers’ speech to the miners a fnrlous scene-shifting began In the
the selective draft law as evidenced by
work cheering nnd whistling. Every
out on both sides.
was regarded as labor’s message to the battery. The cleaning squnds put
an elaborate report submitted by Pro­
one had seen the machine come to
The enemy’s fire
country on the action o f the Fuel ad­ down their utensils nnd drew up the
vost Marshal-General Crowder to the
earth nnd wns proportionately elnted.
against Italian positions south of Col
Secretary o f War. In three particulars
gun-covers, the artificer put his spnn- But. as ntwnys, n chivalrous feeling for
Caprile. West o f Osteria II Lepres, a
Oregon led all the other states; in all
ners In his pocket nnd sprang under their fallen enemy was mingled with
few prisoners were taken in a small
particulars its record is far better than
American Chinese Slack.
the nearest tree, where he wns Joined the men’s Joy.
surprise action. Northwest o f Monte
the general average.
Seattle, Wash.— What is said to be by the section officers and their assist­
Asoloe and in the valley o f Ponte
“ Plucky sportsman, thnt,” said one,
In declaring the regular semi-annual Della Priula, attempts by enemy pa­ the first instance in the Northwest of ants. The shell numbers hastily cov­ and the rest echoed his sentiments.
dividend o f 2 } per cent on the common trols were promptly frustrated.
an Oriental being accused o f violating
stock o f the Baltimore & Ohio railroad
the selective draft act was brought to wood, and hid themselves under cover
Friday in face o f a deficit fo r the past
Woman Slays Husband.
light Wednesday when Tom Wong, o f the shed thnt acted ns an ammuni­ GEORGIA PRISON DOORS YAWN
year, directors o f the road issued a
Boise, Idaho — George Burke, of aged 25, an American-born Chinaman, tion store. In fen seconds, where all
statement saying they expected that Mountain Home, near here, was shot was ordered returned to Portland for the activity had been the sharpest eye For Flrat Time In Memory of Oldest
any basis o f
which and instantlly killed by his wife, Mon­ investigation.
would have seen nothing but a compact
Inhabitant Dougherty County
might be determined upon for the Bal­
Jail la Empty.
Wong had been taken into custody orchard, with here nnd there a group of
day, as a culmination o f a fam ily
timore & Ohio under Federal control quarrel. Mrs. Burke accused her hus­ by the immigration authorities on suz- men sheltering under trees, Invisible
would prove sufficient for the mainte­ band o f anttempting to beat her.
Albany. Ga.— Dougherty county Jail
She picion o f his being in the United States from the air.
nance o f the 5 per cent annual rate.
The German airplane made a wide Is empty for the first time In the mem­
says he fired the first shot, which went illegally, but it was found that he had
Mrs. Burke fired been born in Oregon and is liable un­ sweep iver the lines at a great height, ory o f the oldest Inhabitant. There
Ivan Nock, a young engineer o f Bal­ wide o f the mark.
the nucleus o f a scattered. pattern of Is no record o f a time In more than
two shots, both o f which took effect. der the conscription act.
timore, one of the few Americans re­
shrapnel that burst nil around It, half a century when such n rendition
Mr. Burke was 55 years old. The cor­
leaving puffs o f smoke thnt bung like existed before, nnd the nnnouneement
maining in the French Foreign Legion, oner’s jury late Monday exonerated
Bolsheviki Busy Looting.
cottonwood ngnlnst the clear blue of caused something o f a local sensation.
is said by the Paris Herald to have Mrs. Burke, who pleaded self-defense.
Amsterdam -According to a Petro-
the sky. Then, apparently not liking Not only Is the Jail empty, the doors
died o f the wound received last week
grad dispatch to German newspapers
the look o f a couple of British fighters o f all Its cells swinging wide open, but
in the attack made by the Foreign L e ­
Price-Fixing is Sought.
which was received by an indirect
that rose to pursue It, It mnde off, there are very few defendants out on
gion in the neighborhood o f Fliery.
Washington, D. C.— D raft o f a bill route, the Bolsheviki have seized a
without having been nnywhere near
The house bill for a patent protec­ g iv in g the President broad powers to portion o f the funds o f the Roumanian the battery. The airplane sentry blew bond. 1 he fact Is the more remark -
tion o f “ Garabed,” a mysterious in­ fix prices o f foods and other products treasury deposited in Moscow banks his whistle once more and the covers nble when It Is considered thnt not
vention, said to be a source o f limitless essential to the conduct o f the war or and also have taken the Roumanian were stripped off the guns and the In­ only are prisoners for the city and
superior courts held In the Dougherty
energy, was passed Thursday by the fo r domestic consumption was laid be­ Crown Jewels at Kishinev.
terrupted work went on ngnln.
county Jnll. but those for the Albany
senate. It now goes to President W il­
A Second Invitation.
district o f the United States court. The
son. A t the close of the last session committee Tuesday by President W il­ Marie o f Roumania has fled from
But the sentry redoubled his vigi­ officers ngree that prohibition Is gory
the President gave the bill a pocket son, with the request that it be pressed Kishinev to Jassy, the Roumanian
lance. The battery had made Itself largely responsible for the empty Jail.
for passage.
Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
German Attitude Toward Peace
Brings Call for Allied Aims.
On Watch for Airplane Scout
Dayton, O. The
Protective league, to co-operate
with Federal authorities In run­
ning down slacken and seditious
aliens, has been organised here.
Practically every factory, shop,
buslneaa bouse and Induatrtal
enterprise In Dayton la repre-
artiled lu the leaguo'a member­
The medium between the pub­
lic and government scent agents
for the transmission of Informa­
tion relative to seditious remarks
ami efforts to escape the draft
la Dayton's postmaster, who la
receiving written message* dally
from cltlr.cn* furnishing clues.
Kansas City Woman Resents Rsfar-
•nce to Her Pedal Istrem ltloa
by Judge.
Kansas f'lty. Mo Mr. and Mrs.
Uharlea Miller, u bridal couple, quar­
reled within 4H hours after their mar­
Their troubles caiue befora
Judge Jo.- Kclrtnan o f the municipal
Mrs. Miller explained that her hus­
band made u sarcastic remark about
her feet, ns she slipped on the tee
amt snow, on a downtown corner, and
the quarrel ensued. The police hud
to Interfere.
The Judge admonished them und
gave some sage advlee:
"T ry to be more careful next time."
he advised.
As the couple started to leave the
Judge remarked:
“ Your feet look like they ought to
hold you up.”
" I hope you fall flat the first min­
ute you step outside the door,” re­
plied Mrs. Miller, as, with reddening
cheeks, she hacked out of the court
J. D. Stlckney who Jolned Ihe Unlte«t.
States nnvy In lHC'.l ennie to n French,
port wlth bis sqimilron In the Frnnco-
Germnn wur of 1870.
Mr. Stlekney bas In bis ofllelnl ca-
pnclty ns gulde ut the Louvre, Paris,
tulked to all the erowned heads o f Ku-
rope wlth the exceptlou o f the kalser,
Ile In now attached to the American
soldlers In Paris und unofllclally acta
hm Interpreter.
Domestic Science Expert Ssys Thla
Method of Cooking Food la
Eugene, Ore.— "The frying pan must
go,” said Miss Lllllnn Tingle, head
o f the household arts department o f
the University o f Oregon, before her
clnss on the conservation o f food.
"It Is a utensil of the pioneer, who
hnd plenty of food to prepare In tha
quickest nnd simplest way. The peo­
ple o f this country always have been
wasteful, and unless we reduce ma­
terially our consumption o f meat w#
shall fnce a meat famine.
"French people cook In n casserole,
thus saving every bit of tho nourish­
ment o f the meat. W e could well learn
from them In this matter.”
Children of Oregon to Do Their Bit to
Brlgh«»n Life at Front and
In Camps.
Salem, Ore.— Schoolchildren o f Ore­
gon are going to do their hit to aid the
soldier* o f Uncle flam at the front or
In training enmps. As part o f the reg­
ular English work In the schools pupils
will be required to write neway letters
o f loenl happenings, nnd those contain­
ing real news interest will be forward­
ed to the soldlers. Scrap books and
magazines will be sent to hospital* for
the entertainment of convalescing aoF