I FALLS CITY NEW KALLS CITY. OREGON. SATURDAY. JANUARY 26. 1918 VOL. XIV ■t FOUGHT THE DRAFT The Scene In New York City Dur­ ing the Riots of 1863. A BRIEF REIGN OF TERROR. par P I « ( Day* «Ha Maba Oppaaad la C a n a e r lp t le n R a g s ii T h ro u g h th a •tra a ta , a n d M o r a T h a n a T h o u a a n d P a ro o n a W a r o K ill a d a r W o u n d a d . • During (be draft rlota In the war days o f lHtCI New York city waa In the grip o f a reign o f terror and hlood- ahed for nearly a week Couacrlptloo waa begun uu the morning of Tueaday, July 18, In a four atory brick building at Third avenue and Furty-alxtli «treat, under the aupervlaion of I'rovoat Mur- ahal Jenklna. Aaalatance aud protec­ tion had lieen promUed, but no oue came to help him mid hla little force. D rafting commenced at 0 o’clock, aud a big crowd atood outalde. A atone wua hurled through a window at 10.30 o'clock, aud eoou many more were bat­ tering agaluat the walla. Terrorized, the polk-e and draft offlier* tied to the «treat, where many of them were roughly bundled The rioter« ruahed Into the draft office and threw the enrollment hooka out o f the wludowa to the crowd, which tore the record« to ahreda. The draft wheel, chalra aud table* were amaabed, piled hi the middle o f the room, and a match waa applied. Thla building waa oue o f the many burped, the aggregate loaa by Incendiary Urea being eatlmated at $2.000.000. Kor negro«« In the city It waa a day o f doom, the mob looking upon them aa oue o f tbg chief euuaoe o f the draft- Many o f them were killed aud wound­ ed. aome being allot, other« beaten to death aud atlll other« hanged to tree« aud lampposts. The Colored Orphan aaylum waa burned. Near Kultou mar­ ket boys killed three negroes and left their bodies on the pier near Fulton ferry entrance. So suddenly did the abock come that the police and limited force o f uiJltla In town could not resist I t There waa u hurried conference between Major t.eiiciul Wool. ox-Uovernor Morgan. General Anthou aud brigadier General llarvey Drown; but. owing to the ab­ sence o f Governor Horatio Seymour, whose opinion was wauled, martini law wua not declared. Hrlgadler Gen­ eral Drown, however, took commaud of opa In the city aud summoned turn uearby points all available sol­ diers. Mayor George Opdyke Issued an antl-rlot proclamation. During the afternoon a mob swept along Fifth uveuue, destroying pro|>er- ty. They were ready to bum Mayor Ottdykc's borne, but Judge llaruard » • <1 It by telling the crowd tbo only nay to lesist the draft was by brlng- hig it before the court He promised r would Issue a writ o f habeas corpus for uny drafted man for whom appli­ cation ihould lie made. In all the mobs were many Infuriated women, ' r> h tlo'is were often worse tban • oi i he men. lloiuce Greeley, who was a particu­ lar object o f aversion to the rioters, I. ss usual, from his home In i-ieciitb street to go on a Fourth ■ lie . ur to the Tribune office. Fr ends told hint o f his danger, and he speut the dny In Wtmlust's restaurant, at Dark row and Ann street, and went borne at night In a closed carriage while mobs were deinnuding hla blood. Governor Seymour Issued a procla­ mation the next day calling on all cltl- seus to stand by the constituted au­ thorities and assist lu maintaining order. Dinting, however, continued throughout the dny aud night, the po­ lice. soldiers and inohs having many fatal encounters. Ou the third day the rioting contin­ ued. and many of the mob and the city's defenders were killed or wound­ ed The federal authorities postponed the draft, but trouble did not cense at once, as many o f the rioters thought the action was a governmental trick to gain time. The fourth day brought further disorders in New York and Brooklyn. Archbishop Hughes ad­ dressed a crowd In front of hla home, urging them to keep the peace. Hla plea had a aoothlng effect On the fifth day fighting ceased and order was partly restored A heavy storm also dampened the ardor o f the tired rioters. General James B. Fry. provost marshal general of the United 8tatea. Issued an order that drafting Would be resumed Brigadier General E. R. 8. Canby assumed command of the Federal troops In the city, reliev­ ing General Brown. A roundup of ringleaders among the rioters followed, and many were arrested. By July 30 order was completely restored. More tban 1,000 person* were killed or wounded during the rioting, among them Colonel O'Brien o f the Eleventh New York volunteers, then In the city on recruiting duty. He veutured out In uniform after having conspicuously opposed the mob. He was seized, beaten, dragged through the streets eud dually flung into his own back yard, where he died.—New York Sun. EN D LESS CHAIN LETTERS. POWELL'S CAMP The One That Started the Ball Rolling In This Country. The first o f the “ endless i bein'' schemes that have proved such au an­ noyance to postal officials In ull coun­ tries was launched on June 27. 18US, by a young girl, Natalie BcbeucU, of Babylon. N. Y. Her project was pur* ly benevolent aud was auluinted by a spirit o f patriotism Desiring to raise a fund for Ibe sld o f American •uldlers tbVu Oghtlug Hpalu. she orig­ inated tbo endlesa chain Idea as an adaptation o f a scheme that hud a vogue lu England until It waa stopped by act o f parliament. The "chain" was started with four letters written by Miss Scheuck to as many girl frieuds. Each was asked to contribute 10 ceuts and write four similar letters to other frieuds. A few days later the Babylon pout office be­ gan to get busy, aud as the days went by the postal officials got busier and busier until they were fairly buried un­ der the weight of mall which descend, od upon them Uke au avalanche. A hurry call weut to Washington for extra help, and mall was delivered to Mis* Bcbcuck by the truck load. Now that young lady began to feel the e f­ fects o f the scheme. Her borne was littered from cellar to garret with let­ ter*. letters and more letters, all con­ taining dimes. Before the thing died out o f Its own accord «be bad received more (ban a (juurter o f a million dimes. Fakers all over the world beard o f It. and, as fakers will, they Immediately got imsy. Hundreds of thousands o f people were swindled out o f money In thla manner until the postal authori­ ties put an end to It. The famous endless chain prayer, which threatens endless punishment to any (sersou who breaks It, has been one o f the hardiest survivors o f all.—New York World. Despotism aa a Government. Unlimited power la the Ideal thing when It Is In safe bauds. The despot­ ism o f heaven Is the one absolutely perfect government. An earthly des­ potism would be the absolutely perfect earthly government If the conditions were the same—namely, the despot the perfectest Individual o f the human race und his lease of life perpetual. But as u perishable perfect mau must die und leave his despotism In the bauds of an Imperfect successor au earthly des|Mjtlam Is not merely a bad form of government; It Is the worst possible.—Mark Twain. A Use For Old Rubber. Old hot water bags make fine holders to use when wringing cloths out o f hot water, fur compresses, facial massage, etc. Cut the bag all around the scum. Cut the stiff top off and you have two flat pieces of rubber. This Is a great protection to the hands, and butter wa­ ter cun be used.—New York Tribune. Repotting Plants. Repotting plants becomes necessary at Intervals from two considerations. The plant uses up the available fertil­ ity In the toll and fills the pot with roots. In repotting plants It Is well to shake off whutever earth can be sep­ arated without breaking and Injuring the roots. Then water and sbudu for a few days. Mr. Lamb, surveyor, and W. G. Powell left Wednesday for the Siletz to do some surveying. Quite a number attended the dancp at Falla City Saturday night Representative Green o f Iowa including Mr. and Mrs. Freer and has introduced a bill to compel Mr. and Mrs. Cox. property owners to purchase Mrs. R. L Hart and friend Liberty Bonds. were up from Falls City, picnic- ing Tuesday. The Salem Capital Journal is The bridge crew are new thru greatly perturbed over the Ore­ with the pile driver. gonian’ s recent “ discovery” that Geo. Otte was notified to appear Senator Chamberlain was a great before the local board, at Dallas. man. That there are men in the on the 24th inst for physical ex­ Democratic party seeking the amination. true light and are being recog­ nized, strange as it may appear, It is reported that we are to as men who rise above party and have new neighbors soon, Mr. and work in the interest o f humanity, Mrs. Wingo and family. should be hailed as glad tidings We do bless the trainmen heart­ o f better things. ily when they bring the mail each day, and also bless ’em if they don't, only in a different language, Apparently, the Democrats anyway they do love pie and then have just awakened to the fact more pie. that politics is being injected into The hog family now numbers the handling o f the war. Not that the Democrats, themselves, 26 and they are a fine lol too. would be guilty o f playing poli­ Mrs. J. M. Cleveland received tics iu this, the nation’ s hour o f a letter several days ago from peril; Oh. No! In fact in order Clinton and Ralph Harlan and that there may be no politics, they expect to leave Camp Lewis where ever possible. Republicans for Butte, Montana Jan. 25. are forced into a back seat—and Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Vassall why not? “ To the victor belongs ! were overnight visitors in Falls the spoils,” even though they City Taturday, returning Sunday. spoil the victory. Everyone is enjoying the pretty days of this week and here’s a hope and a wish sincere there’s more of ’em. A letter lately received from Mrs. Joe Thrasher, states that they are near Bend, having left here Jan. 2. They went from Portland by auto, having purch­ ased a Ford while there. They drove part o f the way in a foot of snow. Bob Pomeroy, our genial com­ missary man is happy these davs, having qualified for running the speeder by adopting the superin­ tendents style o f hair-cut The cooks certainly appreciate the new bins for the flour, etc. just put in. Astoria, Ore. Jan. 23. Editor Falls City News, Falls City, Ore. Dear Sir: W e have moved to Astoria where I am at work as Receiving Teller in the Astoria Saving Bank. I have a much better position with better pay than I could ever hope to get in Salem and I like the town just fine. The population has doubled in the last two years, (now above 20,000) and I think the place has a great future. I expect to spend the balance o f my days in Astoria. Please send the News to Astoria, Oregon, instead of the Salem ad­ dress, and oblige. Yours truly, J. E. Beezley. Btata ot Ohio, city of Toledo, Lucas County. (“ • Frank J. Chaney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the Arm of F. J. Cheney P j WA, doing bualncee In the City of To- !*«»• County and State aforetald. end the eum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each end ev­ ery cose of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the uee of H ALL'S CATARRH CURE. FR AN K J. CHENET. Sworn to before me and eubeertbed In my presence, thla 6th day of December. A. D. 1SS6. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. _____ ________ H .I 1 -. catarrh Cura I* to ‘ ‘ ^ i " n t ‘ . r n . H y end acts directly up coua surfaces of the system. Send for teatlmonlals. free. F. J. CHENET A CO.. Toledo. O. Bold by all Drugglate, 75c. Take Itali a Family n ils for coaoUpaUoa. WE HAVE FIVE TIMES AS MUCH CORN AS WHEAT • An eigh-hour day proclamation Mrs. Vassall and Mra. Cleveland for saw mills in Pacific North­ have had a Beige of the rheuma­ west is soon to be issued by Pres­ tism. ident Wilson. Joe Whetzling sprained his foot badley Wednesday and returned Fame la something which must be to his home in Falls City. won: honor only something which must not be lo s t—8cbeuliuuer. Two wheatless and two meat­ less days will soon be [the order. “ Button, button, who’s got the button,” or rather where is the button nearly caused the gallant young fireman a serious accident Tuesday, on the Teal Creek Li. R. A couple of ladies were aboard and one lost a coat button it hav­ ing rolled thru the engine floor and the engineer was unaware that the aforesaid young man was beneath the engine. Mrs. N. F. Newhouse was a Fa'ls City visitor Wednesday and Thursday. ANNUAL S. SCHOOL CONVENTION The annual Polk County Sun­ day School Convention will be held at the M. E. church, in this city, February 1, 2, 3. One of the features o f the convention will be a patriotic message by a company o f tw elve people. The program will be published next week. * Robert N. Stanfield O f Stanfield Umatilla County Republican Candidate for United States Senator From Oregon. ------------ --------- The man who believes in the developemant of OREGON’S OPPORTUNITIES i Eat More Corn The Food Administrator is making Strenuous efforts to conserve the wheat and the flour supply. . . . Be Patriotic and substitute corn for wheat products as much as possible. Our customers are finding good values during our January Sale. CS_ SELIG’S. Cash Price Store, “ Meeting and Beating Competition”. Drawbacks There is a drawback to nearly everything. The fragrant rose has its thorn, the busy bee has its stinger, the useful mule has its kick, and so on down the line. There is seldom success without economy at the start. It isn’ t always pleasant to pinch and scrimp and save, but most o f us who start out with nothing, have to travel that road. The savings thus attained i f placed in a good bank like ours where they are safe, will in time mean comfort, ease and satisfaction to you. BAN K OF FALLS CITY. Samuel Gompers is advocating the County Agent, or a com­ a 7-hour day. mitteeman from ’your local Farm­ ers organization, (Farm ers Union Hoover is trying to establish a or Grange, etc.), at an early date we can come in fo r our share o f "Born Bread Aristocracy.” fertalizer. Most all are fam iliar with N it­ The Falls City Electric Ligh t rate o f Soda as a fertilizer. To & Power Co. have made applica­ those who may not I wish to say tion to the Public Service Com­ that it is especially good fo r gar­ mission for permission to raise den and truck crops. It will give their rates. results on any crop that we want forcing o f stem and leaf growth. NITRATE FEHTfLiZER AT COST It is very readily available to the Office County Agent, plant and may be applied in small Dallas, Ore Jan, 22, 1918. quantities at time o f planting or Through the Secretary o f A g ri­ during the grow ing season. 250 culture, Houston, the United to 400 pounds per acre is suffi­ States department o f Agriculture cient for most intensive crops. Don’ t delay i f interested in is bringing into this country 100,- 000 tons o f Chilean nitrates for this proposition. Further infor­ fertilizer. This material will be mation gladly furnished by this sold to the farmers at cost. It office. J. E. Larson, will be brought to Seaports at a County Agricultural Agent. cost o f aproximately 176 per ton. This plus the freigh t to unload­ ing station will be the cost to the O P PO R TU N ITY FOR M A N OR W OM AN farmer. TO EARN EXTRA M O N EY This office has just received notification that requests for this A large Eastern Publishing fertilizer must be made through house has opportuity for man or woman that can be made very committees appointed by the profitable. Can be handled in ■ Director o f the Extension Service spare time. N o investment, no at Corvallis. The request must outfit to bny, everything furnish­ also be made before the 4th day ed free- W ar makes opportunity o f February. The necessity for doubly valuable for women. Ad­ quick action is apparent. I f you dress, Manager, |Box 1159 Boston, will make Your wants known to Mass. If you have not received a complete copy of my theofficeoftheCountyAge„tor principles write me at The Ladies Aid o f the Christian Church will give a 10c tea in the r basement o f the church Thursday S t a n f e l d . | afternoon, Jan. 31. There will be R. N. Stanfield. a sale o f useful articles in connec­ tion with i t Everyone is invited (P o litic a l A d v er.) to attend. No. 22.