Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, January 19, 1918, Image 2

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Painters Disguise Craft to De­
ceive Foe Lurking in
Enemy Waters.
Accomplice o f llcm slorff
Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Even Dreadnaughts Made to Appear
at Something but the Monstere
They Are— Navy Men Like
Gray the Best.
Evente ufCNoled,"People, Government#
and Pacific Northwest and Other
Things W orth Knowing.
Correspondent Chicago News
Norfolk. Vn.— "And what Is that old
tub lying over there, captain?"
A successful daylight air raid has
“ That happens to be a brand new
been made on Karlsruhe, according to
torpedo boat destroyer that has Just
a British official communication issued
arrived to be manned and put Into Im­
Monday night.
mediate service.”
The thing that made roe call the new
Austria-Hnugary has officially recog­
: * <
destroyer an old tub Is the thing that
nized the inde|«andence o f Finland, ac­
makes the commander o f a Herman
cording to a dispatch received in Am ­
l'-boat look through his periscope and
sterdam from Vienna.
rem ark: “ A fine morning, but not a
Damages for Being Called Traitor.
The British food ministry announces
ship In sight." If the next Instant
St. I.ouis.—John li. Boyer has been
that it intends to make compulsory the
finds the submarine banked straight
employment o f a certain percentage of
down into I*avv Jones’ locker. It Is he- awarded S! actual and $200 punitive
potutoea in breadmaking. This is for
caust> the commander failed to launch j damages from t.us \. It. Mcchln, » h o
the purpose of saving cereal foods.
a torpedo at the "fine morning" and ^
for' " «• ’! « »«' s<:lnd " h‘ **
because the ’ fine morning’ got In Us ; T,U‘ Star-Spangled Banner” was be-
Mrs. Thomas Edwards o f Oberlln,
Major Augustus P.
Gardner, of
shot first
I nfi P,ny*Kl-
Boyer testified that he O.. tit the age o f ninety five years lias Hamilton, Mass., died late Monday at
' it is ‘ the naval camouflage— the 'vas called a traitor and aasaultod.
supplied her four sons and numer­ the ( ’amp Wheeler base hospitul at
painting o f ships to look at a short dis­
ous grandchildren with enough canned Macon, (la., a fter a short illness from
tance like what they are not and at
Coal Gas for Motors,
stuff from her own garden to supply pneumonia. Ho was the first congress­
a long distance like nothing at all.
r0!1' *-’-ls Instead o f gnso- . them for the winter. She did all her man to join the army a fter war was
, ! The ust’
____ _____
,____________ i line for motor fuel is rapidly it -..-is- garden work except the plowing, and
a Superdreadnajght.
1 declared.
Impossible as It might seem to make
ln ' ng!lsb cities despite the fact eanned h<-r products under the dlrec-
President W ilson’s address defining
superdrendnaughts nppenr anything thl' t e['Klaf * ,b;lt " r^
a by 11
, tion o f manuals furnished by the na war aims of the United States has
but the monsters they are, there are I J ' 1” *’ ‘ ‘“ l
*u r ' l'“ t of the P ° " ‘‘r ,,b
been published in full by the Berlin
nevertheless | roci ss. s ,.f enm.'utiage ;,a ne<* *roiu
newspapers and by pa|H'rs in other
fo r them. It is obvious that details
northern cities o f Germany, according
as to what designs are being used on
to reports made to the State depart­
various types o f ships are not fo r pub­
ment from Copenhagen.
lication. especially in view o f the fact
Frederick L. Small, a former Boston
that experimental schemes for having
broker, was hanged at the state prison
ships sail ln false colors— not under
at 12:18 o'clock Tuesday morning for
them are constantly being tried out Seeks Vengeance for Brutal Mur-
No one could have hailed the en­ the murder o f his w ife, Florence Ar-
I saw one of the largest o f the naval i
trance of America Into the war with leen Small, at their home in Ossi|>ee,
colliers, which has several times
der of His Boyhood
more real Joy than he. It would give in September. 11)16.
The governor's
crossed the Atlantic since America’s
him his long awaited opportunity to council refused a reprieve for Small.
entry Into the war, that had a very
gain some recompense for the murder
simple scheme o f camouflage ln which
Formation o f an athletic clasa com-
of his cousin, he thought. He was
only grays were used. Simple ln con-
agnln doomed to disappointment. A re­ j posed exclusively o f mothers, sisters
ceptlon and executlon^ppurently. but
cruiting officer told him that he was and sweethearts o f men in the military
It had an amazing effect on the ap-
too small. Nothing duunted, he car­ j service o f the United States is an-
pearance of the ship a short distance
ried his case to Washington ln person I nounced by Stanley Dougan, athletic
at sea, and from what happened at
Many Times by Recruiting nnd ,be matter was placed before the j instructor at the Eureka. Cal., high
that short distance I have no doubt the , Rej ' cted ” * ^ ,7
_ ° » a r department through an Influential j school. This is said to be the first
In United States and Can­
collier was lost to the eye when It got
( class o f its kind in the United States.
army officer In Chicago.
ada on Account of Small Size
much farther away.
Permission was given him to volun­
Ten army officers, including General
— Wants Blood for Blood.
The older naval officers incline to
teer ln the slgnul corps, and this he I^ocadio Parra, out o f 45 arrested in
the opinion that the regulation navy
did In Chicago last June. He has Just connection with a plot to kill General
gray by itself Is better than any enmou-
Camp Gordon. Ga.— There Is one lad been transferred to Camp Gordon ns a A lfredo Novo, commander o f the m ili­
flage that the artists have invented wearini; khaki in this cutup who en- member o f the outpost company of the
tary district in the state o f Mexico,
and they ore frankly skeptical about ! tered the nrnly wlth a
determln- 317th signal battalion under Major
and Augustin Mi Ban, governor o f that
these riots of color and freak designs ntlon t0 avenge a deeply seated pri- Hemphill.
Eugerly devoting himself i state, were executed Monday at Tolu­
that the scientific application o f one vmte wrong
to his duties and apt to learn, he al­ ca, the state capital, about 40 miles
o f the fine arts is Smearing over their
H e „ IjnvranPe R . Cavpl, pf Chl- ready has been scheduled fo r the rank ¡ from Mexico City.
j ,.ag0 flrst cousjn and boyhood cotnpan- o f top sergeant In his company. He
Agents o f the American steamship
The camouflage used by a great : |oQ of Edith Qivel| the i.;ngilsll Red also has developed his physique until
many merchantmen Is fam iliar to ev- ; CroS8 nurge who8e PX..PlItlon at the now he Is as hardy as the best soldier ! Texan, a vessel o f 14.000 to ";, re­
eryone who has observed the shipping hnndg o f „ Gertnan ,-iring squad in ln the nrniy. He hopes fo r a transfer ceived advices Monday from naval au­
In the harbors along the Atlantic coast. j[rug8e]g sent „ thrill of horror through to the uvlntlon section, as It Is the goal thorities that she was sinking at sea.
The location o f the ship was not given.
These vessels close up look like the world.
o f his ambition to hurl bombs on the
The naval authorities did not state thu
scrambled rainbows or like the palette
It was no easy matter for young Ca-
cause o f the Texan’s distress, but re­
o f an artist ln his cups. The weather
A visitor to Cump Gordon this week ports from other sources were that the
vell to break Into the army. Not un­
has much to do with the power of
til after several vain attempts, both In to see his son, Cavell’s father called vessel had been rammed amidships in
these gay colors to create optical Illu­
the United States and In Canada, did on Captain Allen of the outpost com­ collision with another ship.
he succeed In getting himself straight- pany and recited the story o f I-aw-
It is almost impossible fo r people
The dreadnaught Texas established
ened out on the first qunrter o f the rence’s long baffled determination of
living comfortably in large cities to
course which he expects to lead to the revenge, a thing the boy himself had j the highest record for gunnery prac-
imagine the hardships which the men
! tice last year, the Navy department
satisfaction o f his desire for revenge. been too modest to do.
who watch our coasts are suffering at
The father said the lud hud been announces, and w ill receive the Knox
this time o f year. Twenty degrees be­
brought up in the same house ln Kent j trophy, awarded annually to battle­
low zero ln the Rocky mountains la cousin he was only eighteen and small
with Miss Cavell, and that her rela­ ships scoring the highest nnmber of
not so cold as the weather around the for his years. His father had been en­
Captain Victor Blue, who
tionship to him wus rather that of a points.
rapes. The government hua supplied gaged ln business in Chicago since he
commanded the Texas, has been or-
the hundreds o f men on the patrol
It matters not what branch of serv­ j dered to Boston to receive the trophy
boats, the submarine chasers and the native heath ln the county o f Kent.
I am In,” the boy told his father. : from the Sons o f the American Revo­
mine sweepers with their allotment o f
die satisfied only when I have lution.
winter clothing, but they need knitted also the ill fated nurse's home, and as
for blood, and I pruy God
Warning o f the |H>ssibility o f a final
veloped an admiration and affection to live to see that day. I expect to. breach in the Kusso-GermHn negotia­
Cametimes Must Let It Sink.
tions is the outstanding feature o f the
Should disaster overtake a ship the for his cousin, some ten or fifteen years I He will answer my prayer.
“ Edith was murdered without a ¡ current news from Petrograd Monday.
rules in the district office nt Norfolk his senior, that bordered almost on
henring in cold blood by the kaiser. In the meantime according to the cor­
say the first consideration must be the adoration.
Inexpressibly shocked by the news She was an English girl, and they respondent o f the London Daily Mail
w ar needs o f the country. One vessel
must not risk danger to save another. o f his cousin's atrocious death, the sung the hate song over her dead hoily. in the Russian capital, the armistice
The conservation o f ships and o f men. boy Immediately presented himself to I expect to sing the song o f hate over has been extended until February 18.
not the chivalry and the courage and the agents o f the Canadian recruiting H*e 'lend bodies of Germans. No sne- The Russian delegation returned to
the heroism of the sea. must guide the forces ln Chicago for enlistment in rlflce Is too great, no punishment too Petrograd, hut the peace negotiations
decision o f those who would save a the overseas service, but he was re- ¡severe, no hardship too trying; death w ill be resumed a fter an interval at
shipwrecked crew. I f the number of Jected on account o f his age and size— j Itself a coveted reward. Just so I am Warsaw.
lives involved Is very great— great he was many pounds underweight. He permitted to put bullets Into German
Ratification o f the Federal prohibi­
enough to Justify the risk of a smaller even went to Cannilu and brought all hearts as that tiring squad under or­
number of lives— then the rescue may tho political influence lie could com- j 'lers put them Into my cousin s heart, tion amendment was recommended to
he nttempied. But If there 1« doubt pass to benr In order to enrry out his ' A atn It* the " ur f,,r 11 purpose and I the Virginia legislature Friday by
Governor Stuart in his message deliv­
shall accomplish It."
that a rescuing party will Itself return purpose, but again was turned down.
Deeply grained as his hatred o f Mie ered at the biennial session.
Teuton race had grown, Mr. C h g -II
The British admiralty reports the
said that his son had no quarrel with
sinking in the past week o f 18 mer­
individual Germans. Score* of them in
chantmen o f 1600 tons or over by mine
Chicago, he added, hud expressed to
or submarine, as well as three mer­
Ills family their horrified resentment
chantmen under that tonnage.
o f the execution o f Miss Cavell.
A record-breaking drouth for Tucson
‘FAMILY HISTORY’ LOSES SUIT and Southern Ariz., was broken Thurs­
day when rain began falling.
This is
New York W ife Charging Husband the firat rainfall since September 10
and rattle ranges have been badly
Flirted With Her Sister Is
Denied Divorce.
Edith CavelPs Cousin in Arm y
mentary Evidence Secured.
from n perilous Journey to stive a small
number o f Uvea, then the war time rule
is Arm.
Enrly every morning the ships go |
out In pairs, sister ships, with their |
huge "broom " stretched across from
the path for the merchantmen and
warships that must pass through the |
capes and out to sea and for those that
come In during the day, IX* they find I
any Oerman mines?
I don't know
But If there are Oermau mines to be
found near our coasts, the work of
the mine sweepers Is a risky business
Indeed. Even if there are no Oerman
mines, I suppose It Is quite possible
for nn American mine— there are thou
sands o f them planted In the district—
to break loose from the great mine
field In Hampton Hoads, or elsewhere,
and drift In the way of unsuspecting
ship. And there is always the possi­
bility o f the enemy within doing what
unceasing vigilance In the naval dis­
trict Is trying to prevent him from
and I toy-rd
Taken at Aviation Camp
Cold Spring, N. Y.— Justice J. A.
Young o f the supreme court, denied
In Dutches* county nn application
made by Mrs. W. A. Deyo o f Verplunk.
for a separation from her husband,
whom her sister accused o f flirting
with her.
The Justice refused a decree after
the plaintiff’ s sister. Lillian, admitted
Mrs. Deyo \yns the fourth of. their
family to bring marital actions, two
sisters having received divorces and
two having sued for separations.
The plaintiff's sister declared that
on two occasions when she called on
Mrs. Deyo, Mr. Deyo forced his atten­
tion on her and made proposals ts
her. Mr. Deyo absolutely denied the
accusations o f the sister-in-law, who
war » divorced
G i v u i i c i nuuitj
uiuü a
g i i from
ì r u u j her
some time
Scene In the Congo fr e e State showing native soldiers riding on » f l i l i : was
j husband, and be won the aetko.
Car which ia propelled by native civilian*.
Lign ite mines in the northwestern
section o f North Dakota were offered
to the govenrment during the period of
the war at a meeting o f operators rep­
resenting mines having a total output
o f 5000 tons per day.
Norfolk, Va.
Naval intelligence
officers left here Monday night for
Baltimore with W alter S|M>ernian, hiih -
peeted o f being an active figure in
plota launched by Captain lloy-ed, the
former German m ilitary attache, and
believed to have been n captain in the
German army.
According to the story unofficially
told here, the man wa» arrested Salur
day while in the act o f attempting to
blow up a magazine in the unfiniahed
army aviation field under construction l ’Unta Frodili mg Food» May Continue
near Newport News.
Ten Monday Holi­
The prisoner w ill be turned over to
officers o f the department o f Justice nt
days Are Also Included.
Baltimore for a hearing.
So far the
only charge formally lodged against
him ia understood to lie that he is a
dangerous enemy alien.
Washington, D. C. Am erica’s man­
Documents found in his possession, ufacturing enterprises with but few
however, are declared to reveal hia
exceptions, in ul! states east o f the
connection w ill) Boy cd and former
German Ambassador lternatorff, and to Mlnninsippl river, were ordered by the
incriminate in n spy plot persons In I government Wednesday night to sus-
other [pend operations for five days, begin­
cities. Details o f the contents o f the | ning Friday morning, as a drastic
documents are withheld, but it is un­
derstood that they w ill lead to a num­ measure for relieving the fuel famine.
At the Name time, ns further means
ber o f arrests within a few days.
Spoermann's activities are said to o f relief, it was directed that industry
have attracted the attention o f naval and business generally, including all
intelligence officers many weeks ago,
normal activities that require heated
tint his arrest wus deferred until add I- |
| buildings, observe a* a holiday every
tional evidence could be gathered.
Officers followed him night and day, Monday for the next ten week*. This
however, the quest leading through will close down on Mondays not only
several cities, and even to nt least two factories, but saloons, stores except
fur the sale o f drugs and food, places
army ramps.
Frequently, according to the story, o f amusement ami nearly all officol
the prisoner posed as mu officer o f the buildings.
While the onler does not mention
United States army.
Finally he visited the great army shipyards, it i* known that they will
and navy hose on Hampton Roads. be permitted to continue operation* as
Before that n young naval agent, pos­ usual, all hough munitions plants w ill
ing ns n frtcr.d o f Germany, had made lie closed.
The government's move came en­
himself acquainted with S|s>ermann.
The officer followed hia man closely tirely without warning in an order is­
in Newport News and finally to the sued by Fuel Administrator Garfield
aviation field, four miles north o f this with the approval of ('resident Wilson
prescribing stringent restrictions go v­
city, where the arrest was made.
erning the distribution and use o f coal.
It was derided u|»>n hurriedly by the
ENGLAND NEEDS MORE MEN President uml government heads as a
desperate remedy for the fuel crisis
nnd the transportation tangle in the
Eastern states.
Britons to Carry Un War.
Even munitions plants are not ex-
I.undon Nearly half a million men cepted from the closing down orders,
from Great Britain alone are to b o re
Officials would not discus* the far-
oruited into the British army at the reaching effects the action would have
earlient date poMsible, and it ia prob on the industrial fabric, and questions
able that many more w ill be added t<> »* 1" bow *bu ordner was to be inter-
tliat numlier in the coming month.
preted to meet specific problems went
These w ill comprise the younger ■ unanswered,
men, who up to the present have been | • The onler prescrilies a preferential
exempt because o f their employment ,
o f consumers in whose Interest ft
in industries essential to the wur was drawn. These users w ill get coal
j in the following order:
This announcement was mnde in the
Railroads; hioushold consumers, hoa-
house o f commons Monday by Sir pitsls,
Instltiutona, and
Auckland Geddas, minister o f national army and navy cantonment*; public
service, whose statement o f the gov- utilities,
and telegraph
ernment’s man power proposals are re- i plants; »trictly government
p!cU with interesting details o f Great prise», excepting factories and plants
Britain's strength in the struggle, into j working
on government contracts;
which she n cans to throw her full re public buildings and necessary govern-
in nt. state and municipal rinuire-
The miniate* aet forth the status and j menta; factories producing perishable
needs o f the British fighting and mu- ! food* and foods for immediate con-
nitioning force.- and measures the gov- sumption.
eminent is taking a fter agreement j inclusion o f war industries among
with most o f the labor leadcra for re- those to which fuel will be denied
erviting from the classes o f skilled j caused some surprise, but fuel officials
workers, who were promised exi mp- , explained tlmt war plants have been
producing so much more material than
tion when conscription whs adopted.
The empire has enrolled 7,500,000 the transportation systems can handle
fighting and labor battalion forces dur­ that no serious effects w ill be felt.
It is estimated the enforcement o l f
ing the war, according to the state­
ment o f the minister, and now has the order w ill save a total o f 30,000,
more than 4,000,000 enrolled, but 000 tons o f bituminous coal, whlcl
needs more men to hold its own against probably is »bout half o f the presell
the enemy until the American strength shortage.
The indications are that at the end
is available.
He praised the spirit in which the o f the ten weeks o f Monday holidays,
labor leaders have met the govern­ a permanent policy o f restricted con­
ment, but regretted that the Am al­ sumption w ill have been determined
gamated Society of Engineers had re­ on. This plan will lim it the use o f
mained outside the conference, adding, coal to the less essential industries
however, that the institution was still under a s elf rationing basis.
Officials who worked out the curtail­
open to the members o f this society.
He paid warm tribute to the work of ment plan came to the conclusion, they
the women and declared that some of said, that the home must be kept warm
the young men among the million ex ­ at all costs. Re|>orta have poured into
empted workers apparently considered the fuel administration’s offices for sev­
themselves a privileged class and eral days past telling o f intense suffer­
threatened to hold up by strikes the ing in many parts o f the country.
building o f airplanes and ships.
Mull Moose I’arty Fails.
I'rison for Emma Goldman.
Sab in, Or. The poor old Bull Moose
Washington, I). C .— Conviction o f party slipped another notch nearer ob­
Emma Goldman and Alexander Berk- livion In Oregon Thursday when A t­
man on charges o f conspiring to pre­ torney General Brown held that candi­
vent operation o f the selective service dates for that party are not entitled to
act by urging men o f draft age not to a place on the primary ballot in May.
register, was Tuesday sustained by the The attorney general holds that, a
Supreme court.
Conviction o f Louis party, to secure a place on the ballot,
Kramer and Morris Becker on charges must have at least 20 per cent o f the
o f conspiring to prevent persons of vote for presidential electors at the
draft age from registering, were also preceding election and the Progressive
Kramer was sentenced to party failed to secure that number.
two years’ imprisonment and a $10,000 Consequently there will be only Repub­
fine and Becker, to 20 months’ im­ lican and Democratic primaries.
School for Blind Named.
Announcement was
Fewer Deaths Reported.
Tacoma, Wash. Health conditions made at a ronferenre hero Thursday
at Camp Lewis improved const Jerably by Frederick II. Mills, superintendent
in the last week, according to the re­ o f the Pennsylvania Working Home
port issued by Lieutenant-Colonel I’. for Blind Men, that the government
C. Field, division surgeon.
There has selected the institution to be tho
were five deaths, including one from industrial training school for American
scarlet fever, one from pneumonia and soldiers made sightless during the
one from meningitis.
Representatives o f similar homes
The cases o f communicable diseases
the East and Middle West
total 146 among 31,800 men. Ger­
man measles and scarlet fever -howed attended the conference.
Factories East of Mississippi
Hit by Latest Order.
Government supervision o f prices o f
wool and cotton was sanctioned by the
National Retail Clothiers’ association
at a conference with representatives
o f the efficiency committee o f the Na­ a marked decrease.
tional Council o f Defense In Chicago.
Western railroads have issued orders
for a general resumption o f solicita­
tion o f passenger and freigh t business.
.Executives o f the road are now in a
position to handle more business, that
there is no pooling and, therefore, no
reason why ea<*h road should not go
ahead and obtain as much business as
Bril I »h Losses 24,979.
I/indon British casualties reported
during the week ending Monday to­
taled 24,979 officers and men, divided
as follows:
Killed or died o f wounds Officers,
117; men, 5149.
Wounded or missing— Officers, 304;
men, 19,409.
Week's Sinkings Lower.
I»ndon - Another marked decrease
in the sinkings of British merchant­
men by mines or submarines in the
post week is noted in the report o f the
admiralty issued Thursday night.
this periixl only six merchantmen o f
1600 tons or over were sunk and in ad­
dition two merchantmen under l®00
tons and two fishing vessels.
4 ;