FALLS VOL. XIV Federal Farm Loans I TROUBLES OF THE WATER BOARD $ ■■ ■ ■ m i FALLS CITY OREGON,«ATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1918 ALCOHOL PERMITS ISSUED IM 1917 BUYING OUR BONDS A rupture of diplomatic rela­ The total amout of alcohol per­ tions between the City Council mits issued by the District Attor- Total Plaoad In Polk County Since and the Water Board was seri­ ney in Polk County during the Registered and Coupon Securi­ ously threatened during a discus­ year 1917, are as follows to wit: June 191 7 S I 0 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ties of the United States. sion at a special meeting held on Druggists, 201 5 gallons last Monday night. The discus­ Physicians 8.5 At the annual meeting of the sion was not “ freedom of the HOW THE TWO ISSUES DIFFER. Hospitals, 15. Dallas National Farm Loan Asso­ seas,’’ but freedom of the city ciation, which includes all of Polk water. The Falls City Lumber This amount was uses by seven A R a g is ta rad Bond Loat or Stolan la County. H. G. Campbell, of Dallas Co. wanted to use the water to drug stores, eleven physicians and Still A baolutaly S a f a F a r Ita L agiti- was elected president, Jacob Van sluice down a certain hillside and m a t a O w nar, W hila Loaing a Coupon Well, vice-president, and E. K. the question of how much, if two hospitals. In addition to the Bond la Liko Loaing Monay. Piaaecki secretary-treasurer. The anything, should the company be alcohol used, permit was issued When an Investor buys a United directors chosen are, H. G. Camp­ required to pay. Some were in for ten gallons of wine for sacra­ 1 States bond be buys what Is called bell. Jacob Van Well, Stephen O. favor of only a nominal sum, mental purposes. cither a registered or a coupon secu­ Waite, A. E. Calkins, J. L. Fink others advocated “Justice to All rity. Tbe "bloated” capitalist Is usual­ ly pictured us occupying much of his and Irving Scl.neider. The loan and Special Favors to None,’’ 'ommittee members are J. F. while others, it is claimed, were Jean and Ord Bohannan lime in “cutthin coupons,” a task tbe \ very notion of r-bicb Intrigues tbe im­ Ulrich, Lynn Jones and Thos inclined to r stifTer amount. agination of tbe poor cbnp w ho writes The Bohannans are artists of about tbe doings of mul'iinillioualres. The discussion waxed warm and N. Ottinger. And yet—and though it be to destroy Mr. Piaaecki, has just been ad­ but for lack of military equip­ International reputation. Their so well accepted a tradition—tbe fact programs are both original and ment, ( machine guns and small vised by the Federal Farm Loan is that the "predatory plate” rarely Hoard, that congresu has taken cannon ) the causualties would different. Jean Bohannan. Pi­ clips a con|ion. He prefers registered Isolds for the commonplace reason that favorable action appropriating have been large. The pacifists anist and Soprano, has won envi­ they are safer. able distinction as a composer. won the day. however, and a funds to be used for the purchase Tbe government issues, let us say, a of Federal Farm loan Bonds, as treaty was prepared whereby the She was the winner of the Grand * iwud bearing ooupous. It is forwarded t o Johu Smith, tbe purchaser, who may be required to keep all asso­ aforesaid company would tie re­ Prize in the anthem oontes con­ signs u receipt for it. But suppose tbut ducted by The Etude Magazine quired to pay *200. ciations in funds for continuous Smith mislays or loses tbe botid or sup oiieration during the present peri­ ' The editor of the News shall in competition with almost two pose that it is stolen from him, it is Her Just as uegotiable as a $ 5 0 0 n o t e aud od of close money matters caused maintain absolute neutrality in thousand other entries. be ia that much money "out." piano work is marked by unusual this imbroglio. by heavy financing in .connection But if the bond ia registered tbe case command over tonal contrast and Is quite difTere.it. Suppose that it is with the war.* coloring. Her technique, interp­ lost or stolen. Tbe thief or tbe Under All applicants whose loan has retation and musical inteligence cannot sell It or collect tbe Interest on POWELL'S CAMP not been approved for a longer it when interest Is due. That bond Is placed her in the front rank. recorded in a book In tbe treasury de- period than six months, can be Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freer were as tbe property of John permitted to close their loans at in Fa'ls City Saturday night and Her compositions, among them liartmcut Smith. To him atone can principal or “ If I Were a Rose;” “ To Y ej;” the old rate' of 5 %, providing Sunday. They attended the dance. interest be paid unless be transfers tbe “ The Plaidle,” are being sold in | , bond to somebody else, in which case prompt steps are taked to do so transfer la recorded in the book. without further tdelay. Appli­ Mr. and Mrs. Cox spent a very large volume all over the world. the Hence, obviously. It is much sufer for Ord Bohannan, Tenor and Mas­ cants whose loans have been ap­ enjoyable over-night visit with any one who subscribes to a govern­ proved for a longer period than Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellis, '.out ter Impersonator, a pupil of Jean ment loan to ask for registered bonds. De Reszke, SDriglia, Lamperti. * He will then have a separate account six months and have been dilatory from Falls City. .. is the possessor of a highly culti­ kept for him at the treasury’, in which in their own actio« in not taking .■very payment made to him will be One of the donkeys has been vated natural voice which he uses set down. If his bonds are mislaid or steps to complete the transaction, be need only notify the treasury in will be obliged to come in under moved onto the new logging site. ; to amazing effect in melodies ' lost order to be sure that nobody else shall worth while and of populor favor. the present prevailing rate of 5JV ■ollect the money to which he Is en- Mrs. Dora Anderson was in and if they are to complete their Falls City several days having (Mr. Bohannan’s peculiar adapt­ | titled. The missing securities will be ability for lyceum and Chautau­ replaced when be has fulfilled certain loan without the necessity of a some dental work done. qua is, perhaps, best stated by formalities. new application, they must do so Interest’checks for bonds are mailed at once. A great game of checkers was | this comment: “ Equipped with quarterly. On being returned through banks canceled they are not de­ plaved by the champion checker a beautiful voice, a fund of spon­ < the taneous humor, a perfect knowl­ stroyed, but are carefully preserved in players of camp last Friday. The the treasury. So excellent Is the sys­ coveted cigar being won by Frank edge of dialects, and a deep and tem adopted that reference can be made WILL BUILD HEW THEATRE to any such check in case of dispute as Ellis. Mr. Cox took his defeat symyathetic understanding of to puyment, no matter bow ancient Its It is reported that C. J. Pugh human pathos, Mr. Bohannan is with good grace. at a minute's notice. The signa­ is making arrangements for the indeed a Prince of Entertainers. date, ture of the payee on the back settles erection of a fire-proof building The program will include Duets the question. All bonds Issued since Miss Hettie Newman, brother for his picture show. The build­ and wife of Idaho and a young Solos. Pianologs,. Character i 1880 are likewise kept iu storage. Heirs ing is to be of tile with a concrete gentleman friend were visitors in Sketches in Costume, Short Plays, lo estates In litigation sometimes wish to refer to them. floor and will have double the camp Saturday. etc. Tbe |Mitrlotic person who decides to seating capacity of the old one. Falls City. Jan. 22. Lyceum Course. help Uncle Sam by lending him money may have the additional satisfaction of It is expected that work will be­ The Woodfin and Keeney boys Seats on Sale at Thompson's. knowing that there is no security in quit work here this week. gin early in February. It will tbe world so absolutely safe as our be erected where the old one now government bonds. Nothing short of tbe Miss Esther Cleveland spent disruption of this great republic could stands, except that it will occupy B ta to o f O hio, c ity o f T oledo. 1 «, i cause them to lose even a fraction of L u c a s C o u n ty . f the entire lot. This will give Saturday with her mother. F r a n k J . C h e n ey m ik e s o a t h t h a t ho ti . their uegotiable value. If you have » enlur p a r t n e r o f th e firm o f F. J C heney Falls City an up-to-date picture such a bond you can convert It into & Co., d o in g b u sin e ss In th e C ity o f To­ John Benschuttler is now watch­ C o u n ty a n d S ta to a fo re sa id , and cash offhand at any bank. show that will accommodate the ing at Spaulding’s, Mr. Cox taking ledo, t h a t s a id firm w ill p a y th o su m o f OKU One can hardly conceive of a more H U N D R E D D O L L A R S f o r e a c h a n d ev­ theatre going public. The show his place on the little shay. e r y earno o f C a ta r r h t h a t c a n n o t be cured comfortable form of wealth thau Unit­ b y th e u so o f H A L L ’S C A T A R R H C U R E. business has but little more than ed States registered bonds. You have F R A N K J. C H EN EY . re m e a n d su b scrib ed in 1 your name down in the treasury books paid expenses, but Mr. Pugh be­ Mr. Wilson Miller spent Wednes­ ir.y S w p o re rn te t n o c e b , e fo t h i s 6 th d a y o f D ecem ber, with, let us say, the magic figures A. D ISM. lieves that by making it larger day in camp visiting. $100,000 attached to It Every quarter (S eal) A. W G L E A S O N . N o ta r y Public. and better will stimulate the vif tho Interest is 3 per cent) you re­ K a il’s C a ta r r h C u re Is t a k e n in te rn a lly business until it makes adequate a n d a c ts d lre c tlv u p o n t h e blood a n d m u­ ceive a check for $750. It is enough co u s s u r f a c e s o f th e s y s te m . S en d for to live ou. modestly. Hard times may returns. te s tim o n ia ls , free. SCHOOL H0TES bother other folks, but they do not dis­ F J. C H E N E Y & CO .. T oledo. O. Fnlls City needs a few more Sold b y a ll D ru g g is ts , 75c. turb you. The H. C. of L. becomes to a Take U ail’s Family P ills for constipatio n . Raws of the 7th and 8th Grades great extent an academic pro|K>sition. energetic men to help pull the Very rich people own the bulk of the town out of the rut. registered bonds, which run up as high The following pupils were ab­ C ooking th e R ooster as $50,00«l each. A piece of printed sent from school this week for To M ake Flesh Tender pai>er two feet long will represent that various reasons:—Reba Powers, sum. It is a fortune which may be folded up and put away iu your card DOG, AHD OTHER LAWS Anna Pederson, Esther Ross, Al­ case. You cannot possibly lose It. If Hang the dressed fowl up for sev j bert Morgan,* Violette DeWitt and Mr. Editor, eral days before cooking to soften the i anybody steals It Uncle Sam will re­ Bob Kirkpatrick. fibers, but be careful it does not spoil. } place i t Dear Sir: Long, slow cooking In moist beat is ; The paper used for bonds is of a spe­ Helen Selig will leave for Eu­ best for meat that is likely to be tough cial and distinctive kind, with two I noticed an article in your bands of red and blwe fiber running paper relating to the enforcement gene Sunday, January 20, to make The flreloss cooker is the best for this j through every sheet. It Is almost all Add one or two tablespoonfuls of vine of the dog law of this city. We here home there, which we all gar to the water to help soften the I linen, but contains some cotton, so as have such a law as this citizen greatly regret. fibers. If more rooster meat is on band not to be too hard. The linen rags used than can lie used at once and If the for “atock" are carefully selected, refers to, and we also have an­ We certainly appreciate our supply of cans Is not short can tbe cleaneu. botled aud pulped—even the other law relating to stock in this surplus meat by the cold pack method wster for the pulp being filtered to In­ sure its purity. town and it* has been a question Domestic Science D epart now-a- for winter use. means a warm Do not always serve botled rooster: ; Uncle 8am owes a lot of money to in rhindif the sidewalks would *:)^cause m€a vary the dlsb. Mlx the meat witb . holders of bonds long ago called in - not be clfciner it so inafny \viuld, stay’ crumbs, seasoning and eggs and mak« people. that la to say, who through or for other reasons have not stake the cattle so close to the — The Camp Fire Girls held their "rooster loaf.” similar to meat loaf. | negligence asked for what was due them. walks. The law would not need to ^ cond at Mr Lowe.s on Make croquettes or chicken pie or Jel- never lied chicken. Many good recipes can Every now and theu some of these old be so strict if more poeple would last Friday ev#ning. They had a be found, using either gelatin or tbe bonds turn up; likewise ba«’k number observe the law more clos«ly. Let 9hort business ^ then ad. chicken aspic to set tbe stock for this ' Interest checks, which folks have a of hoarding. People are constant­ us all he p to make the city more ]0urned t0 th