WORLD mies F0"E,Ml sum "*E WILSON RE STATES WEEK ITesidcnt W ilxon Tell* IVm ocr»l> o f llo u w He Earnestly Desires Fa­ vorable Vote on Meaaure. Washington, D. C. — President W il­ son Wednesday night threw his sup­ Resume Most Important port to the Federal amendment for woman suffrage. Daily News Items. On the eve o f a vote on suffrage in the house 12 Democratic members called at the W hite House with word that many o f their colleagues wanted advice from the head o f their party as to the position they should take. There was a conference o f 40 minutes, Brenta o f Noted People, Government* | the results o f which was described in and Pacific Nortkweat and Other i this statement, dictated by the Presi- I dent himself and made public by the Things W orth Knowing. I delegation: "T h e committee found that the President had not felt at liberty to British patrol* have again crossed volunteer his advice to members o f the Piave river, on the Italian front. congress in this important matter, but They forced a passage at various when we sought his advice he very points causing alarm in the enemy ■ frankly and earnestly advised us to lines. ! vote for the amendment as an act of | right and justice to the women o f the John Stark, o f Athol, Mass., an country and to the world.” American student at a French flying In these few lines sutTrage cham­ school, was killed on Saturday when pions saw certain victory where a few his machine suddenly plunged to the days ago most o f them privately were ground while he was flying at a height conceding defeat. A large majority o f 200 yards. i o f the Republicans in the house have An official report received from < been counted upon to support the Aden, a British port on the Southern amendment and enough Democrats are coast of Arabia, says that the British committed to assure a close vote. destroyed the defenses o f Hatum, Sat­ With the weight o f the President's in­ urday. Severe casualties were inflic­ fluence to swing doubtful Democrats, ; Representative Parker, chairman of ted on the enemy. the suffrage committee, jubilantly pre­ A British torpedo-boat destroyer has dicted that the necessary two-thirds been torpedoed and sunk in the Medi- 1 would be exceeded by 15 or 20 votes, terranean Sea according to an admiral­ ty announcement issued Tuesday. All the officers of the destoryer were H O S P I T A L SHI P T O R P E D O E D saved, but ten members o f the crew were lost. Missile Goes Through Red Cross Sick and Wounded Saved. Senator McNary is assured by the Brief COMPILED FOR YOU W ar department that there is no foundation for rumors, current in Ore­ gon, that a transport bearing some of the Oregon troops had been sunk. A ll the Oregon troops, he was told, had landed safely. Bristol. England— The hospital ship Rewa was torpedoed in the British channel without warning, an hour be­ fore midnight, January 4, and sank within an hour. According to custom, Heavy artillery fire took place dur­ the vessel was lighted up after dark ing Tuesday night near Bezonvaux and Friday evening, so that there could be Chambrettes, Northeast o f Verdun, the no possibility o f submarines mistaking Paris war office announces. A German her identity. raid on French trenches north o f Hill The torpedo struck the vessel with 304 and the opposite bank o f the a terrific crash and was so effective Meuse was repulsed. that there was no chance o f saving Senator Smith, o f South Carolina, her. There were 550 persons on board, has been chosen by the senate steering including 30 bed-ridden and a number committee to be chairman o f the in­ o f soldiers suffering from malaria, on terstate commerce committee, succeed­ their way home from Gibraltar. The lights on the hospital ship were ing the late Senator Newlands. He will have charge of the administration put out by the force o f the explosion and the wounded and sick had to grope railroad legislation in the senate. about in the dark for their clothing. A t a meeting o f the official board of Many of them were unsuccessful in the parish school o f the Trinity Ger- | their quest and had to leave the ship man Lutheran church called Tuesday without clothing. W hile in the boats at Sterling, Colo., to consider abolish­ and on rafts they had little or no pro­ ing the teaching o f German, it was de­ tection from the piercing cold wind. cided to go a step further and suspend A ll the patients, the ship’s staff and school for the duration o f the war. the members o f the crew, with the exception o f three Lascars who were Butter is selling in Berlin at $2.25 killed by the explosion, were safely per pound, sugar at 56 cents a pound, rescued from the boats and rafts. They ham and bacon at $2.11 per pound, and had hardly le ft the Rewa, which was American soap at five bars for $1.12. sinking on even keel, when the steam­ This information, received by the food er suddenly plunged forward and dis­ administration, comes through a reli­ appeared. The rescued men were two able source. The prices are from four hours adrift before they were picked to five times as high as those prevail­ up. __________________ ing in the United States. Two million ripe bananas were offered by the United States Fruit company o f Boston, Wednesday, to the Food administration o f Maryland for distribution among the poor. Owing to the fact that the vessel carrying the fru it was held up a week by ice in Chesepeake Bay, the bananas had be­ come unsaleable through regular chan­ nels. Reorganization o f the W ar depart­ ment, begun with the creation last month o f the war council o f high gen­ eral officers, advanced a step further Tuesday with the appointment by Sec­ retary Baker o f Major General George W. Goethals, acting quartermaster general to serve also as director o f W ar department transportation and storage. Premier Clemenceau, a dispatch from France says, has sent this mes­ sage to Prem ier Lloyd George: " W it h my most hearty congratulations, I hasten to send you those o f the French nation, those at the front and in the interior, for the admirable speech in which you so happily stated the truth that one must never become weary of opposing the Germans.” BUY 30 P E R C E N T O F F L O U R I Food Administration to Purchase from Every M ill in Country. Washington, D. C.— To supply the needs o f the army and navy and the nations associated with the United States in the war against Germany, the Food administration w ill purchase from every flour mill in the country not to exceed 30 per cent o f its output. Out o f the flour purchased, it was explained, the Food administration w ill retain at all times a reserve stock and w ill ship flour to any point where the local supply m ight be short. ‘ ‘ This measure is not taken with a view o f diminishing supplies to the m arket,” said an administration an­ nouncement, but is fundamentally to further adequate handling o f trans­ portation in respect to army, navy and export requirments and a regular sup­ ply o f flour for the associates in the war o f the United States at favorable loading points and more regular flow o f the commodity and to prevent con­ gestion and inequalities in stocks of flour owing to transport difficulties.” The central powers, within 10 days, Conscience Money Bogus. w ill make new declarations regarding Washington, D. C. — Secretary Mc- Germany’s peace conditions, a dispatch from Geneva to the London Daily E x­ Adoo Wednesday received an anony­ press quotes the Munich Nachrichten. mous letter containing $108 in bills. " I am deeply repentant,” wrote the A heavy demand in London for cop­ sender, ‘ ‘ for having defrauded the ies o f the American blacklist has de­ government out o f this sum, and now veloped the fact thnt the names o f a return it .” number o f representatives o f British The money was sent to the treasury firms in South America are on the list. cashier for deposit in the conscious Hence the American Consul General fund. and other American officials have been • Thursday it was discovered the bills asked fo r details. were counterfeit. Now Chief Moran, The probability o f the Germans now o f the secret service, is looking for the man with a counterfeit conscience. taking a vigorous offensive attitude on the western front was pointed out by ! Chicago Still Blanketed. Major General F. B. Maurice, chief Chicago— The efforts o f all Chicago director o f m ilitary operations at the to clear away the blanket o f snow London W ar office, in his weekly talk which for four days has menaced the to the press. city with famine and conflagration, The Japanese freigh ter Shinyo Maru, No. 2, o f 5909 tons. Captain Matsomo- to, which le ft an Am erican Pacific port December 22 fo r an Oriental port, was reported Thursday night to have sent out a distress call from some­ where on the Pacific, saying the ship wa* on fire. Thursday still le ft 90 per cent o f the streets blocked to vehicle traffic. M il­ lionaires and laborers, in answer to the call o f the mayor, worked side by side in the streets to clear away the drifts and permit deliveries o f food snd fuel. Efforts were also made to uncover Are hydrants to avoid the danger o f Are. “ We Stand Together" President Says in Great Address. ALLIES ARE UNITED Foundation for Genuine Peace i* Free­ dom o f Sea*. Kvacuation o f In­ vaded Land* and Reparation. | legation who, when Ambassador Klkus 1 returned to America, heenmo nllaebes j of neutral legations (hat they might j carry on the work which they knew I must be done to save these children. All sums of money are being dls patched to the workers with the least possible delay. The funds go direct to Switzerland, from whence the bank­ ers transmit the sums to the Armenian committee on thn ground. Supplies are purchased In the markets there. The committee wherever possible e* Witness Says Profiteers Scented tabllsbe* the homeless and dependent In such - way that they may earn the Wealth in Shoddy. few cents necessary for exlatence and Huge Fund Needed to Check help other* In the muno labor. They woik on relief supplies and hospital Sufferings of Women and materials so that the work can bo ex- tended through their own labors. Children who Have Been The campaign la a moat worthy one and one which will demand doubled because It* horror* are uot Driven From Their Homes. support quite na well knowu to overyono a* are the sail atorle* of Belgium and Fal Contracts Said to Have llung on lands u few thousand miles nearer our I’rrntiaaion to Use Inferior Cloth ow n shores. The committee Is helped In a few days overy man and wo by the American Rial Cross, which In Making Army Uniforms. man in Oregon will be approached by gives $300,000 per month to tho work, a member of the Armenian Relief | but must rely on the spirit of every Committee. That worker probably man, woman and child In this and will have much ground to cover and other states to k««p hundreds of thou Washington, D. O.— Kee|>onalblllty may not tell you the whole story of sands of children alive tills winter. Armenia. If he told you all that ha* Those who will not be personally soli­ for ahoowia o f army clothing wa* been said of condttloni. there, the mind cited can send funds to thn Oregon placed upon th* tm-osii«* committee o f |,y could not picture It. The most hor- j headquarters, 613 Stock Exchange. the Council o f National rlble storlea of Herman atrocity In Portland, to J. J. Ilandsaker, •••ire Colonel Elmer LimUluy, quai terms*- te r '» agent at I'hilaitslphia, testifying Belgium, the ravagea of Poland, Ser tary, or Ben Selling, treasurer. at the senate comimlees’ war inquiry. bla. all the torrlble history of devas Another w itn ««», W illiam Blanchl, a tat oil Kurope has been outdone by Germany's ally and pupil, Turkey. H U N G E R I M P E R I L S A L L I E S Nwe York dealer, who haa purchased The pupil has passed the master so colth for foreign armies, charged that far In the horrors brought to the an unnecessary wool ahortage "s c a re ” Food Situation in England, France peaceful Armenians that history Itself wa* created to increaae the Use of will shudder at the tusk of making and Italy Reported Grave. wool shoddy ordered for army gar­ record. Washington, I). C. Tho food situa­ ments by the supplies committee. Turkey, commanded by Prussian of Colonel Lindsluy contradicted the re­ fleers, drove off the farmer, merchant tion in the allied countries o f Kurope and peaceful Artneuian. Men of mill . is graver than it has been at any time cent testimony o f Vice Chairman CAMPAIGN FOR RELIEF RECENT WOOL SCARE El RANK SCHEME BARED Washington, D. C.— Am erica's pro­ gram o f war and peace, with definite terms upon which the nationa, great and small, fighting together againat German world domination, are ready to lay down their arms, was given to the world by President Wilson Tuesday through an address to congress in joint session. For this program, based upon the righting o f wrongs and the safety of peace-loving peoples desiring to live their own lives, the President commit­ ted the United States to fight and con­ tinue to fight until it is achieved. Thus he pledged the country to the al­ lied policy o f no separate peace. “ W e cannot be separated in interest or divided in purpose,” he said. “ We stand together to the »n d. ” The speech, heard by congress, was delivered as a direct response to the German charge in the negotiations with the Russians at Brest-Litovsk. It followed closey and approved the address of the British premier, but was far more specific in statement of terms, robbing o f force in advance any German peace drive designed to con­ fuse the entente and American gov­ ernments and their people. Fourteen concrete proposals laid down by the President began with the declaration that the days o f private in­ ternational understandings are gone and that covenants o f peace must )>e reached in the open. Briefly summar­ ized, they are as follows: First — Open covenants o f peace without private international under­ standings. Second— Absolute freedom o f the seas in peace or war except as they may be closed by international action. Third— Removal o f all economic bar­ riers and establishment o f equality of trade conditions among nations con­ senting to peace and associating them­ selves for its maintenance. Fourth— Guarantees fo r the reduc­ tion o f national armaments to the low­ est point consistent with domestic safety. F ifth — Impartial adjustment of all colonial claims based upon the prin­ ciple that the peoples concerned have equal weight with the interest o f the governed. Sixth— Evacuation o f all Russian territory and opportunity for Russia's political development. Seventh — Evacuation o f Belgium without any attempt to lim it her sover­ eignty. Eighth— A ll French territory to be freed and restored and reparation for the taking o f Alsace-Lorraine. Ninth — Readjustment o f Ita ly ’s frontiers along clearly recognizable lines o f nationality. Tenth— Greatest opportunity for au­ tonomous development o f the peoples o f Austria-Hungary. Eleventh— Evacuation o f Roumania, Serbia and Montenegro, with access to the sea for Serbia and international guarantees o f economic and political independence and territorial integrity o f the Balkan States. Tw elfth — Secure sovereignty for Turkey’s portion o f the Ottoman em­ pire, but with other nationalities under Turkish rule assured security o f life and opportunity for autonomous devel­ opment, with the Dardanelles perma­ nently opened to all nations. Thirteenth— Establishment o f and independent Polish state, including ter- eritories inhabited by indisputably Pol­ ish populations, with free access to the sea and political and economic in­ dependence and territorial integrity guaranteed by international covenant. Fourteenth— General association of nations under specfiic covenants for mutual guarantees o f political inde­ pendence and territorial integrity to large and small states alike. tary ago were slaughtered by thou­ sands. Women who were beautiful threw themselves into rivers by the thousands and thoao who were too old or too young died along the roads to the North untltl their bleaching bones are more numerous than the remains of the buffalo on our Western plains ever were. We of America who even look at the requests of the Food Ad­ ministration with a second glance, be cause we know not even the slightest want, can hardly picture men and women—human beings formed as we are, with affections and feelings as we have them—eating grass and the flesh of dead animals that they may find along the roads. And yet they con­ sider themselves more fortunate than those who are still under tho clawed hand of tho Turk where atrocity fol­ lows atrocity under the now historic excuse of the German director, name­ ly: “ Military necessity.” Since war was declared a t laamt 2,000.000 at these people have been slaughtered or have starved—merely because they were Christians, because they believed In the broader mankind and chose our faith Instead of that of the Turk. They prospered and made It possible for the Turk to live In his own land. But, when war came. It brought the orders from the German master of horror and his men who do what the beast of the wilds would never do, began driving the Armenian from the land of the Turk. The order commanded them to leave before night of the same day. aban­ doning all that their lives had built. The men of robust age were taken to the Turkish army and thence to the deserts, where they dug their own graves. Turkish soldiers bragged that they had used axe* to murder them with, as It saved the valuable abot. In this land of desolation the cim- mittee for the relief of Armenia la now working, doing the noble things that will save at least the children and babes of those who have been massacred or burned. The workers are former attaches of the American Irondon— A dispatch received here “ Deutschland Uber Alliea” Written from the Russian wireless service say* that 25,000 German soldiers In the re­ Arrosa la w y e r's Questionnaire. gion east of Kovno have revolted. German deserters stated In conse­ New Haven, Conn.— Maximilian von Hoegen, a young lawyer o f thin city, quence o f the government’s drafting who has attracted notice by German all soldiers below the age 'o f 35 for utterances, returned hts draft |ues- dispatch to the western front, the tionnaire to the draft hoard here, it aforementioned number o f men re­ was learned Monday, with “ Deutsch­ belled and marched out o f the battle land uber alles” written aero** it, and line. They then entrenched themselves stating that he has “ an overwhelming with rifles anil machine guns against desire to see Germany victorious the w ar.” A t one time he claimed to the o f other German units. The Ger­ be an agent o f the German govern­ man military authorities have been ment and a representative o f the form­ powerless [against the revolters er German ambassador to Washington, are trying to cut off their food ■ plies. Count von Bemstorff. $36,000,00« Court Award. Denver — A judgment for $36,516,- 038 to enforce a judgment for a simi­ lar amount awarded in United States court for the Southern district o f New York w u returned in Federal District court here Tuesday against the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad company in favor o f the Equitable Truat company, o f New York. It was the largest judgment ever returned in the local court. It took less than 45 minutea to empanel a jury, present evidence and obtain a verdict. Disloyal Act Stirs Men. North Bend, Or. — Because E. T. Mettler, a joiner at the Kruse & Banks shipyard here, would not sign the membership roll o f the Ix>yal legio n of lo g g e rs and Lumbermen, the rest o f the joiners employed at the yard struck Monday and refused to resume work until action had been taken. As Mettler persisted in his refusal to sign the roll he was discharged, together with his son. The men than resumed work. Mettler had been employed in the yard for more than tw o years. Banker is Rued by Girl. Indianapolis, Ind.— Alen Gray, pres­ ident o f the Citizens’ bank at Evans- villle, was sued for $260,000 damages and his brother, Wm. Gray, was sued for $100,000 in the United States Dis­ trict court here Saturday by Miss Amy O ’Conner, o f N ew York City. Miss O ’Conner alleges that Wm. Gray caused his brother to break his prom­ ise to marry her. She asks the $250,- 000 for alleged breach o f promise to marry and the $100,000 for the alleged interference by Wm. Gray in her love affairs. Mutton Not Restricted. Salt Lake City, Utah— An official bulletin, Issued by the United States department o f agriculture, which was received by S. W. McClure, secretary o f the National Wool Growers’ associ- ation, makes an emphatic announce­ ment that the United StateH Food Ad­ ministration is not restricting the use o f mutton or lamb In any way save on the designated meatless day of each week. Consumption o f mutton and Is to be one o f the subjects dis­ cussed at the coming convention o f the National Wool Growers’ association. Farmer Offers Services. Omaha, Neb. — Arnold Martin, o f Du Bois, Neb., nominated by the Unit­ ed States department o f Agriculture as the world’s premier intensive farmer, Tuesday offered his services to the na­ tional government through Governor N eville, o f Nebraska, to go to France to teach intensive farming this spring. Martin says he can teach French farm­ ers so to handle their land that France w ill be self-supporting and will not call on America for foodstuffs. Earl Reading Acceptable. London— The Sunday Observer says, in regard to the appointment o f a B rit­ ish ambassador to the United States: “ It is assumed that Earl Reading, Lord Chief Justice o f England, accept­ ing the office in the public interest and at considerable sacrifice, will be the new ambassador to the United States. It is known that his appoint­ ment w ill he particularly acceptable to President Wilson and the American people." Trading Rules to Stand. Chicago— Board o f Trade directors decided Monday to make no change in trading conditions in corn for future delivery. This action was taken, it was intimated, at the suggestion o f the National Food Administation. The present legal maximum prices o f com for future delivery is $1.28, al­ though cash sales touched $1.50. Far­ mers are said to have protested that present conditions discriminate against them in favor o f consumers. Italy Increases Armv, Washington, D. C.— Italy has adopt­ ed a drastic new policy to increase her fighting forces. Physical require­ ments have been modified, and all men between tho ages o f 18 and 44 years previously exempted fo r defect* are ordered to present themselves for further examination. Those accepted w ill be mustered into the army January 15. It is esti­ mated the decree will bring more than Ann nnn m a n t o t hn color«. Eiaenman, o f the supplies committee, that the committee had secured an abundance o f cloth for army needs. Hu said there ¡a now a shortage o f 1,- 000,000 yards o f cloth and that the supplies committee system was re- sponsible fur both delay* and friction, Garment manufacturers, the witness declared,, are withuut sufficient cloth to keep their factories working to ca­ pacity and in that connection he said that "h a g g lin g ” by the committee with the American Woolen company last summer over price* had caused a loss to the government o f 3,000,000 yards of cloth, msuy Naims laving idle for two or three nun ilia. Strikes o f garment makers also have caused some delay, he said. Hianchi said the wool shortage "s c a re ,” as he termed It, wa* in the interest o f mnnufncturera o f shoddy garment*. Msny American cloth makers, he testified, do not have .Xac-. tories equipped to make all-wool gar­ ments, and therefore could not have shared in the war contracts if shoddy had not been approved for army eolth- ing. European armies, he assarted, are better clothed than American aol- diers and he severely criticised t! use o f shoddy, declaring it wholly a necessary. since the beginning o f the war and is givin g American government officials deep concern. Official rc|>ortB picture extreme food shortages in England, France and Italy. The fact that conditions in Germany and Austria are far worse offer* the only grounds for optimism in viewing the situation. In England and France the situation is described as critical in a cablegram to the food administration Monday from Ix>rd Rhondda, the British foot! controller, which concluded with these words : " I view the situation with grave anxiety.” In Italy condition* are not a* good perhaps as in either England or France. Compulsory rationing w ill be *tarted in England immediately with meats the first com mini ( l y Iw |>ut under control. Diatrbution o f butter and margarine w ill be taken in hand next and other fowls will be added as they become scarcer. A ll o f the principal foodstuffs w ill be rationed by April. PRO-GERMANISM FLAUNTED SOLDIERS TAKE INSURANCE American Land and Sea Fighters Huy $3,000.UOO,OOO W orth . Washington, I) . C .- More than $3,- 000,000,OIK) worth o f government in­ surance has been bought by American soldiers and sailors. Secretary McAdoo announced in s statement urging upon the men necessity for filing applica­ tions for policies before the expiration o f the time lim it set by law. Men who joined the colors before last Octo­ ber 15 must apply for insurance before February 12, 1918, and those joining after October 15 must make applica­ tion for insurance within 120 days a f­ ter entering the service. Soldiers and sailors who are depend­ ing on the automatic m*ur»nce provid­ ed by the government until February 12, 1918, are warned that this I* onl partial and limited protection. GERMAN REVOLT REPORTED 25.0(8) Unwilling to lie Drawn to Big Battle on Western Front.