FALLS CITY NEWS FALLS CITY. OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 5. 1918 ' ................ XIV Local Newt Itemi y i , ^ I l -■ 4 . lì • : Praises Red Cross Work December 30, 1917. Dr. Starbuck, Chrmn. Christmas Red Croas Thu liw»l «how at III« Gem tonight Membership Drive, Clothe* cleaned and pressed. Lallan, Oregon. Wm. Bohle. Dear Do;tor: B. 1 Carey and w iie of Salem Your iT —irstgn workers braved wo;*? «.4own Friday. tne weather and*Went from house Mias Uaninmnd was in Black to house and farm to farm, can­ vassing for Red Cross member­ Rock Thur»'luy. ships. There was no hardship C. L Starr o f Portland was in they were not willing to undergo. town Monday - The distressing shortage o f buttons MI m Velma Goodspoed spent the and other supplies embarrassed holidays with friends in Amity. them, hut they went ahead with Start the year right by paying lofty courage. They were anima­ ted by love o f our country, affec­ up your back subscription. tion fur our soldier boys and a James Bohle who has been very desire to he of actual service in o f pneumonia is improving. relieving the suffering caused by pie G. Braden visited this frightful war; also they were determined Polk County should do opkins last week. its full share in the enrollment o f Mis.1 Altna Hoppe of Fir Grove members in response to the ap|>eal holidays with her pa­ o f President Wilson asking every in. man and woman to join the Red h Brown came home Cross. The results in Polk County speak e holidays with her for themselves. To your heroic H p rs. Mary Miller. workers belong the credit. It was j . Lucas o f Irish Bend is individual work like this all over Kfrthia month with his daugh- the state that won again for Ore­ f j p * A. H. Dodd. gon the proud distinction o f being Bread, Cakes,Cookes.Pies among the formoet states in the other bakery goods, every Union in patriotic achievement and -Falls City Bakery. No letter o f thanks can convey n Byreley and children to your workers anything like the t New Y e a r’s with credit that is due them. Their devotion demonstrates that they town. were not striving for personal ed Wells suffered an cred it Their rich reward is in rsday breaking his the consciousness o f sacrifice made places. A truck-load and duty done, but in behalf of fell on him. the Northwestern Division Cam­ rl. Dodd is home from paign Committee, will you kindly i. a h Bend' he will remain with convey to each and all of them, through any channel that may be J lyrtle Ellis returned last available, the deep sense of appre­ from a visit with her ciation felt at Division and Head- 'Frank McConnell, near Headquarters for their devoted service. illis. Yours gratefully,, Falls City Public Library Hervey Lindley w a s open Saturday and New Chairman N. W. Div. Years, and will be open Saturday Campaign Committee. from 2:30 to 4:30 p. m. C. C. Chapman, Henry E. Reed, - The minstrel show given Mon- Members for Oregon. y night turned over $100 to the ffed Cross Fund. . M W anted—To exchange Salem ^¿*and Portland property for Falls • 'C i t y property. Phone 77. Soldier’s letter New Jersey, Dec. 25, 1917, Dear Pa and all: frokard, Mr. Harry Pack- I received your welcome letter . a rd anfl Miss Lena Morse all of and also the tobacco vou sent me F o r tu m «, and Mr. and Mrs. P. J. and was sure glad to get it. I JL Shepherd o f Oregon City spent the am going to keep it until we go ‘ holidays With Mr. and Mrs. W. T. across, for they say it is very G rie r. ! scarce over there. The rhembers of the Epworth * We are kinder up against a ¿fgtfp jf'O f the M. E. Church, held stump. We are under quaran­ y m * tneir regular monthly meeting in tine for mumps, measles and Les true rooms Monday night scarlet fever, and have been for ’* ’ 1 A fter a lively business meetinr — enjoj^d an evening o f jollity. a week. There are several cases ¿ A t twelve o’ clock a short devo- in the regiment and it takes \ tional meeting was held, and those about half o f us to guard the present left with a determination other half and keep them inside. " * * f9r better work for the year be- I don’ t know how much longer T r«m -thsm : we will be quarantined, but for * “ 7 3 * ------------------ a long time I think. We are get­ B U C K ROCK ITEMS ting fat laying around. They Nlrs W. T. Wallace was taken give me a book to study on field DaUas hospital Wednesday, Artillery and I have one o j my Jicos» nber 26. own that I paid a dollar for so I Nlr. and Mrs. A. F. Donmayer study quite a bit, Cochran, were visiting with I t M r a i n i n f f h e r « t o d my a n d panent« during Christmas the snow is going very fast. vacation. I have just received a present Bulah Bly was a Dallas vwitor from a girl in New York, con­ on Monday. sisting o f a nice little red bag to Mr. Wallace is staying in Dal- keep toilet articles in: a writing biH while his w ife is in the hospital tablet, pack o f envelops, pencil, Marie Tlflott8on. after a serious bar o f toilet soap, pack o f figs, 't! pneumonia, returned to candy, caramels and a can of »1 this week. tobacco. 1 thing it was pretty , X ^ * * IB y r e and brother 1‘aul nice. We are going to have some big } - 1 Christmas with their pa- feed today— turkeys, pies and in Monmouth. * « r f c B. R. Bly was a Dallas everything a person could think t week. of. They have got us two pair o f E. J. Hunter will visit her boxing gloves and we will have m other. Mrs. W. T. Wallace, at Dallas, Jan, a three rounds each day. There V u are some good men in this Bat- Our Student Body will have an tery. , election o f officers, They had a big Indian war dance last night around the bar-1 Florence McDowell was absent racks- Battery C and the South Wednesday. Dakota bunch «»m e over, they The Proceeds from the Honor a r e half Indians, and we had Guard play was about forty-five some time. I believe that if the dollars. boys could have got out and got Hal Thompson, Maurice Selig, a little “ shot” there would have Claude Graham and Geo. Wagner been no barracks here this morn­ visited school this week. ing. We have ot our rifles, the 30- Look forward to the high school Springfield. they are a good gun. play, “ The Juniors.” We have to keep them shining, We will now look twenty years but I guess I can do ’that. They hence at the freshmen class: inspect them once a week and if they find Jone dirty they would Clyde Bancroft is a man weigh­ give us a week extra duty. ing about four hundred pounds. Yes, 1 guess the boys are en­ He is a vocal teacher. listing by the hundreds in O re­ Ensign Courier is a great ad- gon. Well, the more the better. mirer o f the ladies, He is often I don’ t think Germany will last asked to be a judge in a beauty long when Uncle Sam gets turn­ contest. ed loose over there. They have a strong force over there now, Mabel Murphy is Principal of much atrongor than we have any the Black Rock college a maiden idea o f and when we strike we lady. will strike hard. Yes we had a pretty tough Hallott Me Murphy, is a fatherly camt at Long Island. It dro«>- ^ gentleman. The Supenntend- ped to ten below zero with a bit- ent o f a kindergarten o f an orph- ter wind. 1 got one ear nipped ans bom®- a little, hut most everybody got Jeannett Brown, is a wonder- that. Some have pretty sore f uj orator, following in the foot- ears. I guess they are putting steps 0f her father, up a big howl up there about it. This camp is a paradise, every- ^ ancel Busch is somebody. The thing here a fellow would want, town sport. Well as it is time to go and get W alter ^ man> we the big feed 1 will close. Good look at him in sympathy. He is a bye and write soon man with a wife. From Chas. Stoddard, Harold Wagner, the children all gather around him in his home and he tells them stories o f his 66 Bgd 41 Division, Camp Merrit childhood days. N ew Jersey. Geneva Treat, an old lady called aunty smiles by the children who live in Fails City. POWELL'S CAMP Battery B. 147 F. A No. 19. January Clearance S a le Broken Lines, Odds and Ends, Ladies’ Hats, Cloaks, Shoes, Remnants, Etc. With the constantly in- creasing prices ot nearly all lines of merchandise, reductions now are doubly important to savings. You will do well to visit our store often, espe- d a lly d u rin g this month. SELIG’S. Cash Price Store, “ Meeting and Beating Competition’ YOU S T A R T A T ZER O Camp resumed work again on Coral Howell, after twenty Wednesday after a vacation d u r - ' Years o f hard labor trying to mak­ ing the holidays. j ter the Latin verb ‘aneo’ she has „ „ become a great teacher o f the W e all start out in life from Zero mark. It is uphill all Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cox returrn subjecL the way. The higher we go the more we are looked ed to camp Tuesday, after spend­ up to. The man who attains success must take him­ ing Christmas week in Portland«, We are informed by the self seriously, look to his own interests and conserve and Falls City. ^gra^e that Miss Cunning IS his strength, wealth and ability. Many people are ... . , . the only cne who is receiving love depositing their money with this bank, paying by A storm almost equaling a cloud letters. check, and furthering their own interests, thereby burst held forth here for four . .. * *' raising their marks high above zero on the gauge o f life days commencing last Tuesday,') Thursday afternoon the high Christmas Day. school assembly listened attentive­ ly to an interesting account of Mrs. J. M. Cleveland and Mrs. Claude Graham’s experience as Vassall are doing the culinary teacher at Guthrie. work at the cook house now. Mrs. Miller and Miss Wilson will return Helen Treat can’t be beat later as the full crew have not as When it comes to speaking yet returned. on her feet: community, is interested in the an appeal from any decision o f a action o f the Local Boards on Local Board at any time, so that Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Newhouse Geo. Wagner, former student of each particular case. There will if you are aw*are the Local Board and small sons returned Tuesda F. C. H. S. gave us an hours talk be many cases in which Local has been deceived with reference after spending an enjoyable on door mats without saying a Boards have been imposed upon to the answers o f any registrant, at Forest Grove with relatives. word but in which persons affected do it is your duty as a citizen to not desire to inform such boards notify the Government Appeal It requires $140,000 to- equip a o f facts within their knowledge. Agent, that the proper action BRIDGEPORT base hospital overseas. It shall be the duty o f the Gov­ may be taken. Mrs. Chester Gardner is sick I have been designated aa ernment Appeal Agen to receive with la grippe. . Government Appeal Agent for such information and to prepare There are 2,600 meat inspectors Polk County, and as such I desire such appeals in cases where he Mrs. Chas. Ryan has pneumonia to inspect the meat used by the not only to protect the interests considers appe*,a to be to the soldiers. and Mrs. Hunter is nursing her. ___ interest o f the Government. It o f the Government but also each I {s likewise the duty o f every registrant under Selective Ser­ Miss Ona Brown is visiting with Making the country safe foi person who knows that someone vice Regulations, this however is Miss Loleta Dennis at Salem. the Democratic Party is going to ¡g taking advantage o f the Selec- a physical impossibility unless cause much activity in political ^jve g erv jce Regulations, to re­ each citizen who knows o f a vio­ Miss Osa Brown is spending her circles. port the facts to the Government lation o f the regulations will do week’s vacation with relatives and frien d « in Portland. • Appeal Agent, that he may pro- his duty and report the same to Dancing is to be provided for tect the other registrants in their me. I request your sincere co­ the Arm y and Navy. Most peo- rights as well as protecting the operation in this important work. SCHOOL NOTES pie were under the impression interests o f the Government. E. K. Piasecki, One new pupil enrolled in the that amusement was reserved for Section 116, provides as fo ’ - Govt. Appeol Agt- for Polk Co. 8th grade Wednesday morning, the Kaiser. lows, to w it: State o f Ohio, city o f Toledo, I Bob Kirkpatrick o f Washington is —— “ Every registrant shall, with­ I.ucas County, (“ • Frank J. Cheney make* oath that ha la the new comer. The Food Administrator has in five days o f the happening aenlor partner of the Arm o f F. J Cheney Co., doing business In the City of T o ­ thereof, report to his Ix>cal Board A ledo. County and State aforeaald. and Even though our Christmas tree undertaken to regulate price of that sold Arm will pay the eum of ONE any fact which might affect or H U N D R ED D O LLAR S for each and ev­ was prepared at the last minute, feed and sugests that dealers that caae of Catarrh that cannot be cured change his classification. Fail­ ery are charging exhorbitant prices by the use o f H A L L ’ S C A T A R R H CURB. it was very pretty and proved to A N K J. C H EN ET. ure to report change o f status Sworn to before F R mo be reported to the Commission. and subscribed In furnish a jolly time. my presence, this «th day o f Decembar, as herein required, or making a A. D. 1831 A. W . OLEASON, false report thereof, is a misde­ (Seal) Everyone was glad to fcet back N otary Public. GOVRRNMENT APPEAL AGENT Hall's Catarrh Cur* la taken Internally meanor punishable by one’s im­ to school Wednesdar. The teach­ and acta directly upon tha blood and mu­ APPEALS FOR ASSISTANCE prisonment.” cous surfaces o f tha system. Send fo r ers said they could tell from our testimonials, free. It is within the power o f the F. J. C H E N E T A CO.. Toledo, a sleepy appearance that we had a E very registrant, and to a cer- 8old by all Druggists, 7fc- tain extent every person in each Government Appeal A gen t to file Take Ball's Family Pille for constipation. vacation. B A N K O F F A L L S C IT Y . I