WOHLD M S OF CURRENT DERI Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Brents o f Noted People, Gon ents and Pacific Northwest and Other Things W orth Knowing. General Pershing reported Sunday the loss o f two soldiers swept over­ board and drowned from a transport at sea December 17, and the death o f two others from gunshot wounds. The British armed steamer Stephen Furness has been torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine in the Irish Channel, it was officially announced. Six officers and 95 men were lost. Dr. James Beall Morrison, reputed to have invented the dental chair, the dental engine and many other access­ ories now used by dentists, died at his home in Kansas City Sunday, aged 88. Troops passing through Grand Junc­ tion, Col., are being given scores of boxes o f apples from the orchards of the Grand Valley. Ranch*'.» are do­ nating the apples, and eacn trainload requires about 25 boxes. A buffalo has been presented to the Red Cross at Omaha, on which it hopes to realize several hundred dollars within the next day or so. The Red Cross has asked a public market to dispose o f this giant buffalo at retail. Myron B. Rice, theatrical producer and manager, died Saturday at his home in N ew York, at the age o f 53 years. He came into prominence when he produced “ My Friend From India” and "T h e Man From M exico.” An air raid was attempted on the Kentish coast o f England shortly after 6 o’ clock Sunday night. One raider was forced to descend close to the coast, the crew of three being cap­ tured alive. No other machines have come over land at this time. TO AMEND LOAN LAW Bureau Heads Spent Millions for M ili­ Farm Loan Board Advocates Changes in Hanking Art tary Equipment Before America “ Two bits clubs” are being formed under direction o f war savings commit­ tees in a number o f cities. Members agree to buy one 25-cent th rift stamp evey day. The executive council o f workmen’s and soldiers’ deputies has proclaimed a state o f siege in Petrograd in an effort to repress disorders due to the looting o f wine cellars and shops. Attacks on » a a a x a a a a a a a A A A ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼»▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ Amendment Expected. Washington, D. C.— Clothing, shoea and food supplies for the American army were investigated by the Senate m ilitary committee Saturday, turning its general inquiry into war prepara­ tions to the Quarter-Master General’s department. It was developed that millions o f dollar« were spent just be­ fore the United States entered the war to provide for the great army since raised. Major-General Sharpe was before a committee. An hour was given to confidential questions behind closed door». He was closely examined, es­ pecially regarding the admitted short­ age o f overcoats, which, he said, was principally due to late deliveries o f large orders. Except for overcoats and a few other winter garments, o f which, he stated, complete stocks would be in camp by December 31, the general de­ clared there is no clothing shortage. Shoes, also. General Sharpe said, have been provided in ample quantities per captia, but the average d r a ft«! man o f the Naitonal Army has proved to be so much larger physically than the regulars and guardsmen with whom the department has had to deal in the past, that many o f the shoes and overcoats have proved useless. Manufacture of the smaller sizes has been stopped, but the situation re­ sulted in some hardships for the d raft­ ed soldiers before it could be corrected. Food, General Sharpe stated, and the committeemen assented, had been ample and o f fine quality. Committee members stated that the investigation o f the Quartermaster- General’ s office had only been begun. Cantonment locations and contracts, sanitation, the relation of the winter clothing shortage to recent disease epidemics and transportation o f the army by rail and water are subjects to be taken up later. General Sharpe told in detail o f the vast task o f supplying the expanded war army. He said he authorized 30- day service equipment for 1,000,000 more men in February and March, and for another 500,000 men in June. O r­ ders aggregating many millions of dollars were placed before the war and without authorization o f a dollar by congress. By December 31, the General said, complete supplies for 1,078,000 men would be on hand. Washington, D. C. The federal Farm Loan board announced Monday that it advocates amendments to the farm loan act under which many pri­ vate farm mortgage bankers may en­ ter the government system as joint stock land banks. At the same time the board also gave warning that it expects those seeking to break down the system to Ale a suit soon to test the constitutionality o f the act. Amendments to the existing law which w ill be specifically recommended to congress in the board's forthcoming annual reports are: To remove the present restriction permitting a joint stock land bank to do business only in the state where it is situated and one contiguous state. To permit a bank to issue bonds to the amount o f twenty tim e« its capital stock, which must be $260,000 or more, instead of fifteen times, as un­ der existing law; and, To raise from 6 to 6 ) per cent the maximum interest rate which joint stock land banks may charge on loans. Joint stork land banks would still be compelled to limit interest rates on loans within 1 per rent more than the selling price o f their bonds, even though the maximum were raised to 6 ) per cent. They also would have to compete with the Federal land banks' new rate o f 5 } per cent. In a statement explaining the finan­ cial condition o f the Federal land banks, the farm loan board said : “ We are advised that the next move o f those who are seeking to break down the system, will be to institute a suit contesting the constitutionality o f the farm loan art. The purpose o f this suit w ill be to alarm investors who have already bought bonds, and to dissuade others from buyng them. “ There is not the slightest reason to fear it, however. The system is so strong and its administration is of such paramount importance to the agricultural development o f thé coun­ try that attacks on it are bound to fail. It is only proper, however, that this warning should be given in order that the farmers and all friends o f the system should grasp the sinister pur­ pose that is behind these attacks.” Recent charges that the Federal land banks are not self-supporting, based on the board’s application to congress for an appropriation o f $100,- 000,000 a year for this and next year, with which the treasury might absorb any farm loan bonds not sold privately, were met by [explanation that the av­ erage impairment of the $750,000 cap­ ital with which each bank started six months ago, representing government stock subscriptions, amounts to 6 per cent, or $45,000 each. This is more than counter-balanced by farm loan as­ sociations’ subscriptions to additional stock, amounting to more than $1,500,- 000, or about $125,000 for each bank. Actual capital of all banks consequent­ ly is about $10,000,000. or $1,000,000 more than their original capital, fur­ nished by the government. MAY R E S U M E WAR ON K A I S E R John W. Riis, pacifist. Socialist and exponent o f the doctrines o f conscien­ tious objectors against war, was sen­ tenced to one year’s imprisonment by Judge Johnson in the Federal court at Salt Lake City, for failure to present himself for physical examination in connection with the draft. Riis w ill be available for m ilitary service when his prison term expires. STATE N E W S IN Made Open Declaration. Financial figures fo r the seventh German war loan were 12,635,660,200 M A N Y IN G E R M A N Y S T A R V I N G marks, according to a Reuter dispatch from Amsterdam, quoting a message Berlin Paper Says Rich and Farmers from Berlin. Based on 23.82 cents, Live in Luxury, However. the value o f the German mark before London— According to a Reuter dis­ ^he war, the amount subscribed by the se-, ^jnth war loan would equal $3,009,- patch from Amsterdam Vorwaerts, o f Berlin, in a plain spoken attack on the 81-T259. system o f Herr von Waldow, the Ger­ It »¿-as announced at Republican N a­ man food controller, declares that t io n ^ Committee headquarters at great masses o f German people not Washington, D. C., Monday that Chair- only are hungry, but are literally tnar, W illcox has called a meeting of starving. The paper adds that agri­ tfcie committee in St. Louis February cultural producers and rich residents in "*12. I t h understood Chairman W ill­ towns are living in plenty, as hoarding cox recently has told friends pressure is no longer prohibited. o f other business makes it desirable “ Every war profiteer and million­ fo r him to retire. a ire,” says the paper, “ has his kitchen A service badge for all officers and and cellar full o f ham and bacon, the men o f the regulars and National middle class ekes a precarious exist­ guard who participated in the occupa­ ence, Bpending all it possesses on food, tion o f V era Cruz, the various puni­ but 40,000,000 o f the masses are starv­ tive expeditions across the border and ing and are unlikely to sit silent. “ We might have within a month an in the border patrol duty for a period o f more than two years has been ap­ absolute catastrophe in Germany and proved by Secretary Baker. The a collapse worse than Russia, resulting badge is similar in design to the Span­ in German defeat and loss o f the war, ish W ar badge. Charles H. Feige was shot and killed by United States Arm y patrols when he attempted to cross the river to M exico at El Paso, Tex., Monday. Feige was believed to have been a German spy, and when his papers were examined a notebook, drawings and ground plans o f troop camps, Fort Bliss and other fortifications near there were found. > m «t WAR WAS FO RESEEN Bolsheviki Declares i f Peace Terms Are Offensive Struggle W ill Go On. Petrograd— Leon Trotzky, the Bol­ sheviki foreign minister, in addressing the council o f soldiers and workmen declared that i f the German emperor offered “ offensive peace term s,” the Russians would fight against it. “ W e did not overthrow czarism to kneel before the kaiser,” he cried. Continuing he said: “ But i f through our exhaustion we had to accept the kaiser’s terms we would do so to rise with the Ger­ man people against German m ilitar­ ism.” Jail Opens at W ar’ s Call. Astoria, Or.— Delmer G. Stickler, who has been held in the county ja il for several weeks in default o f $1000 bohd to await the action o f the Circuit Court grand jury, on a charge o f steal­ ing a boat, was released Monday by Justice o f the Peace Carny, on the recommendation o f the district attor­ ney. The reason this action was taken was because Stickler has been called under the draft at Goldenldale, Wash. The authorities believed that the man would be o f greater service in the army than in serving a term in jail. L ittle material damage was done by the Germans in Tuesday night’s air raid over London, Essex and Kent. Ten persons were killed in London and 3 British Aviators Killed. 70 injured. Outside the capital five Fort Worth, Tex. — Three British persons were wounded. One enemy machine was brought down and anoth­ aviators in training here were killed er is believed to have been destroyed, Monday when two machines collided in The losses to French shipping by the air. Tw o o f the men were in one mine or submarine for the week end­ machine. The collision took place at a low altitude and less than half a ing December 16, were exceedingly mile from the landing field. The dead light. Only one vessel under 1600 are: Arthur Eden Webster, 19, Kings­ tons was sunk and none over 1600 ton, N. Y . ; Lieutenant Russell Jenner, tons. One was attacked but escaped. 19,. Kingsville, Ont.; Clyde A lbert No fishing craft was sunk. Banker, 20, Kent, England. The Vassar College at Poughkeep­ Brazil Curbs Dutch Consuls. sie, N. Y ., w ill be used for war pur­ poses next summer, it was announced Rio de Janeiro— A decree has been Thursday. A committee o f trustees promulgated cancelling the exequa- has been appointed to work out plans teura o f G re mans acting as consuls o f The de­ fo r a school for the intensive training neutral countries in Rrszil. o f students who wish to become regis­ cree is directed against the consuls o f Austria and Holland. tered nurses. Secretary McAdoo is Appointed Director-General of Lines. MOVE IS NECESSARY President Deems Unification o f Trans­ portation Pertinent to Country During Period o f War. Washington, D. C. — Government possession and operation o f the Na­ tion's railroads for the war period was proclaimed by President Wilson Wed­ nesday night, to become effective at noon Friday, December 28. William G. McAdoo, retaining his place in the cabinet as Secretary o f the Treasury, is placed in charge as Director General o f Railroads. Every railroad engaged in general transportation, with its appurtenances, including steamship lines, is taken over, and all systems w ill be operated as under the Director General. In a statement accompanying his proclamation, the President announced that as soon as congress re-assembled he would recommend legislation guar­ anteeing pre-war earnings and main­ tenance o f railroad properties in good repair. The President's move, although fore­ cast for weeks, came at this time » great surprise to nearly everybody in Washington, including railroad offi­ cials. It had been generally believed he would await the re-assembling o f congress before taking any step. He acted through Secretary o f War Baker under authority conferred in the army appropriation act. Direct management o f the railroads w ill remain in the hands o f railroad officials, and the Railroad War Board, comprised o f five railroad heads, w ill continue to direct actual operation under Secretary McAdoo's general su­ pervision. The chief practical effect o f govern- 1 ment operation w ill be to permit a ; complete unification of all rail sys­ tems, impossible under private opera­ tion because o f statutes prohibiting pooling o f rail traffic and earnings. The railroads themselves had gone as far as they dared in this direction and it became known only recently that they had been warned by Attorney General Gregory that a violation o f anti-pooling laws could not be per­ mitted. This situation was fully realized by President Wilson, who in his state­ ment declared the roads had gone as far as they could and that already some systems were endangering their earnings in attempting unification. Although the proclamation applies S H I P O F M Y S T E R Y ARRIVES to all electric linse engaged in general transportation, local interurban sys­ Queer Craft Ruled by Committee, Said tems are specifically exempted. to Be Bolsheviki. Congress w ill be asked to guarantee earnings equivalent to the average net A Pacific Port— Unhearlded and re­ operating income o f each railroad in garded as a mystery ship along the the three-year period ending June 30, waterfront, the Russian freighter 1917. Railroad experts estimate that Shilka, Captain Boris Dogal, slipped in­ this will cost the government next to the'harbor here just before mid­ year in the neighborhood of $100,000,- night Friday. The Shilka is direct OOO, which can be raised in large part from Vladivostok and is under Bolshe­ by increased freights i f the Interstate viki control. Commerce commission grants the The steamer left Vladivostok No­ roads’ application for the 15 per cent vember 24 as a “ Kerensky ship,” but increase now pending. Otherwise it when a few days out the crew muti­ will be paid largely out o f the general nied and took control, declaring for government funds. the Bolsheviki regime. The wireless The Interstate Commerce commis­ operator attempted to send out word sion and other government agencies o f the mutiny and the sailors prepared which have to do with the railroads to shoot him, but changed their minds. w ill continue to perform their func­ Before the real identity o f the sh’ n tions as heretofore, except that they was learned Saturday members o f the w ill be subject to orders o f the Di­ crew attended I. W. W. meetings, it rector of Railroads. is said. The President makes it clear that The armed guards at the ship now his decision was not made because of have orders to allow no one to land any failure on the part o f the railroads from her. The ‘ immigration authori­ to perform their whole duty insofar as ties probably will take charge o f the they could while hampered as they craft. were by legal restrictions. No one in authority would venture “ The committee o f railroad execu­ to predict what would be done with the tives,” said his statement, “ have done ship. It is pointed out that she came the utmost that it was possible for into port with the men I in command them to do, but there were difficulties claiming allegiance to the Bolsheviki they neither could expect |nor neutral­ government, which has not been rec­ ize. In mere fairness to them the full ognized by the United States, and this authority o f the government must be may cause the temporary internment substituted.” o f the vessel. Miss Opal Whitsly, well-known na­ ture student, who is attending the University o f Oregon, sustained pain­ ful bums o f the face Monday. The ac­ cident happened where she has been rooming while attending school, Attroney General Brown has ruled that Ssctsrsry o f State Olcett need not audit 64 claims, amounting to $700, presented by Acting Adjutant General Williams, as officers’ allowances for uniforms in the National guard. Ukraine, Odessa and Cossacks Unite to Ditch Radicals' MOBS BEGIN LOOTING Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Hiatt, o f A l­ bany, celebrated the 64th anniversary Appearance o f German and Austrian o f their marriage Monday. Probably Officer« Causes Heartburnings - few people within the state o f Oregon have celebrated 14 wedding anniver- Constitutionalists Accused. sarlea after their gulden wedding. Bombs were set off on three sides of the house occupied by Samuel lliesel, w ife and five small children on Cedar Flat, near Eugene, Thursday night and Friday morning. Biesel found a warn­ ing, with skull and crussbonea and the worda, “ Move out.” London —- Thu Rada, the govern i ig laxly o f the Ukraine, apparently la maintaining its determined land aa to the Bolshevik government. It is riqxirted that it bss converted Its sym­ pathies with the movement o f Gsnert) The preliminary examinations o f Kuledincs, the Cossack leader, Into i Floyd Hertxell and John Walsh on a definite alliance. ^ charge o f attacking a 14-year-old girl Advices received from Russia ars to were held before Judge Cornelius at the effect that the Bolsheviki commis­ Astoria Monday. Both men were sioners, after receiving the Rada’s re­ committed to the county ja il to await jection o f the Bolsheviki ultimatum, action of the grand jury. sent another one, givin g the UlrrlWx State Game Warden Shoemaker, a further 48 hours In which to recoh- ” during hia visit to Coos Bay recently aider its refusal. Another re|>ort received here says consulted with Deputy Game Warden Thomas and isaued an order to close that Odeasa now has definitely gone commercial fishing on Tsilcous Lake, over to the side o f the Ukraine, on the Southern Pacific railway, be­ tails o f the capture o f Roatov•on^ printed in Petrograd show there tween Umpqua and Siualaw rivers. six days o f lighting before the Reis Evans and Leo Allen, formerly ••arks e n te r«I the town last Hgttf members o f the Sheridan high school, The Red Guards ioat 800 men k ill» but now in the service o f Uncle SSfn gml 1000 wounded in the fighting. The in France, were given credit for high Cossacks gave short shrift to the “ K#d school work as a result o f having com­ Guards," whom they hate. The pleted nine months’ military service. sh evik l. chiefs, tjed from the town This w ill entitle them to their di­ board waofljintw plomas. There N m M rb no Important flgh mg st N ^ filJ p W n ii. 'province of tl Three directors have been chosen to Don, where'fTn MpUhcviki tnxips hay guide the destinies o f the Grande fraternized with the Cossacks. ¡A Ronde drainage district which, when clash lias taken place between the completed, w ill drain 42,000 acres of sheviki and Ukranians at tiolgl rich land in this section. O f the total Bessarabia. The town is on fire. area included in the preliminary sur­ It is said that a great quantl lt> < vey, 23,000 acres were represented at valuable property has been taken R o l a recent meeting. houses of the rich in Petrograi W illiam Albers, C’. C. Chapman ami mobs searching for liquor, W. B. Dodson, o f Portland, have been the buildings sacked is the named by Governor Withycombe as Grand Duchess Marie Pavlovna members o f a commission to investi­ o f Grand Duke Vladimir. While the peace delegates iJk- as­ gate creamery and dairying conditions in the state. These men w ill act with sembling the activity at Petrognud of Dairy ami Food Commissioner Mickle a nurnlx r o f German and Austrloin q P f cert apparently IS causing he* *l1 MB and W. K. Newell. ings. Circulars have been sprus Captain W. A. Arnold, who has i>een leging that the council o f soldier«’ so* organixing the loggers ami lumber workmen’s delegates ia in negotiations workers o f Coos county, has visited all with these enemy officers. The Prav hut one logging camp in the county the Bolsheviki orgsn prints sn unqu^M and has signed approximately 1150 I died *lo«gtl iiwl f i l l l, ■lilfTfTi*f gfix. members in the l.oyal I/egion o f trig­ ‘ Siftfinst the Constitutions) Demor. I gers and Lumber Workers, which rppr alleging that they are tfyin g to uf<| resents the logging strength there, ■ mine Trotsky and famine. * ¿1 J. W. Sumner, said to be a Mojftjppa land dealer, was Tuesday made defend­ ant in a suit in the Pendleton Circuit court for $30,000 damages. The suit was filed by Simeon C. Kilgore. Mr. Kilgore, who is s farmer o f Um atilla county, alleges that Sumner alienated the affections o f his wife, Frsnkie F. Kilgore, daughter o f Ben P. Ogle, once known as the wheat king o f that section. Mr. K ilgore seeks a divorce. J. W. Brewer, farm help specialist for Oregon for the department o f A g ­ riculture, is in Salem working in con­ junction with Labor Commissioner H off and his assistant, Lester B. Davis, in co-ordinating and combining the work for next year to be carried on in furnishing the farmers o f the state with a sufficient supply o f help when it is needed. Neal Baily, who is a native son of Grant county, died Ht his home in Prairie City Friday, following a short illness with pneumonia, Mr. Baily had served as city marshal o f Prairie City for 25 years. He is survived by hia widow, one Bister, o f Portland, and five brothers, Dan, Eugene, Jerry and Patrick, o f Prairie City, and John I). Baily, o f Boise, Idaho. I — One hundred and sixty-five moles, whose skins were worth a total o f $35, were caught in traps by Glenn Bailey, a 14-year-old boy, living east o f Eu­ gene. Only four traps were used and the catch was made in a single season. Some firms are paying from 35 cents to 40 cents for male pelts now, it is declared. The demand for them is greater than ever before. P U N T S TO C L O S E O N E W E E Michigan Coal Shortage Force# Fuel Administration to Act. -• Washington, p , c . — Fuel Mirhingan Gave latched ebb that Adroyiistrator has asked manufacturers in * A t state to Kuapund operations of industrial plants from midnight Saturday until midnight December 29. The only e^rci'tion* are factories making WsV' munitii#,* needs f prompt shipment. Mr.’ Prudden’s request whs e in telegrams sent a fter a coi rence field. here with Fuel Administrator It aaid: fuel “ In order to cotihok /'the s.. supply now on l)aud industri plants within the state-of Michigan, 1 sug- gest and requeat that every plant en­ gaged in manufacturing, directly or indirectly, any operation from mid­ night December 22 until midnight De­ cember 29.- “ No exception should he made ex­ cept.plants engaged in the manufac­ ture r>f*w at Munitions imperatively needed for prompt shipment. To con­ serve the greatest amount possible of fuel only such heating as is necessary to avoid great damage by freezing at plants should be allot-«¿1. “ A patriotic res|sinse and adoption o f the within request may obviate Is- sumi: pOCKiWrofllera covering a longer periixl. 1 “ Unless present condition# quick improve fuel on hand w ill be need for household use.” A Hunt Takes Over Office. Phoenix, A riz .— Thomas E. Campbell turned over the governorship o f A riz­ ona to Governor George W. P. Hunt Christmas morning, in obedience to the mandate o f the Supreme court o f the state which found that Governor Hunt is the legally elected governor by a pluralty o f 43. The ceremony was al­ most featureless except fo r the circum­ stances o f a change in administration under such unusual conditions, and o f the knowledge that the transfer marked the end o f a most remarkable election contest o f the state. Argentina Voices Hatred. Buenos Aires - Only the utmost v ig i­ lance o f patrols and mounted troops prevented an outbreak o f anti-German rioting Sunday afternoon. The down­ town streets were crowded with Christ­ mas shoppers and several attempts were made to organize demonstrations. The crowds dispersed when charged by troops, but patrols trotted through the downtown section all night, preventing marching crowds from joining each other. The publication o f additional Luxburg dispatches has caused a new outburst of bitterness against Germany. Governor Wihycombe has expressed Drug Addicts Increase. his disapproval o f a plan to provide an New York Declarations by Joseph executive mansion for the president of the Oregon Agricultural College. A. Warren, counsel for the New York The first fatal auto accident in Grant State department o f health, that there county occurred Friday when a car was an increase in the number o f drug containing D. A. Yokom and hia son, addicts reported by doctors, and that it A. C. Yokom, plunged over the grade was apparent many o f these doctors on Canyon creek. The father was “ are not attempting to cure th#se ad­ driving and turned his head for an in­ dicts, but are merely supplying them stant to hear a remark the son was with drugs,” were the outstanding making when the machine went over features at Monday's session- of the joint legislative commission Investi­ the narrow grade into Canyon creek. gating the drug traffic. Mr. Warren Librarian J. 8. RichardH, o f the HUKKested that only specially Licensed Carnegie Library at Marshfield, has physicians be permitted to proscribe. Slavs Violent in Speech. Petrograd, Wednesday — A mass meeting o f anarchists was held on Sun­ day afternoon at which inflammatory speeches against the United States were delivered, the speakers basing their attacks on the arrest o f Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman and Louis Kramer. Some o f the speakers urged violence against the American embassy, but only a mild resolution of protest was the outcome o f the affair. Peace Proposals Come. Geneva, Switzerland- According to a report in diplomatic circles in Berne, the German representatives in neutral countries already have received the German emperor's Christmas proposals for peace, which were divulged to the world Christmas. The conditions re­ ported in the proposals are said to be far more conciliatory than have been former documents on the subject, but vague and elastic and with no explicit declaration o f Germany’s terms. issued sn order that any books In the I*#»L Alamo Fighter Dead. possession o f families where scarletina had been noted must be burned and the San Antonio, i^-x.— Enrique Espur- borrowers would be held responsible sa, the last survive»» k,,f the Alamo, M for their being replaced. dead. When on March «*. 1S36, San^r Ana stormed in the final and » u w Earl Withycombe, 26 years old, the assault the rhapd where a hatiuful youngest son o f Governor Withycombe, Americans fought to their deaths sur­ has enlisted in the highway engineers rounded by piles o f Mexican He and been sent to Vancouver prepara­ victors found a group o f Mexic tory to entering active service over­ men in a barricaded section seas. It required three attempts on front o f the building. Among ihwn his part before he could finally join the was an 8-year-old lad, Enrique Espar ranks aa a private. sa, who died here Monday aged 89.