CITY NEWS PALLS CITY, OREGON, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 29. 1917 All night Jitney dance after the N. Selig was in Portland this I knowed a whole souled feller minialrwl ahnw New Year’s eve. week, oace, way back in Illinois. C. Kirkpatrick, manager. *vho had a friend in ev’ry one Mr. and Mrs. Z. Batourney and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Driggs spent Mr. and Mrs. Gus Anderson spent from old men down to boys. One reason that people liked him so, Tht> show at tha Geuj tonight Christinas with their son at Gas­ Christmas out o# town. (they all wus for him strong; was ton. Clothes cleaned and pressed. Little Milton King one and one- 'cause he always greeted them Wm. Bohle. J. B. Flint from Long Beech, half years old, is now a member with, “ How you gettin’ ’long?’’ California is here visiting his son, of the* Red Cross. Milton has Most fellers used to say, “ Good N. N. Christy was in Portland Frank Hint. taken pennies from his past years day” or “ Howey do,” and “ Hello last w«ek. collection for his membership. there,” was sometimes used by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Buell spent "Cloi'd Miller was home on a fur­ people passin’, too. But while Christmas with their children in lough Chris nas. There will be quarterly meeting them folks had lots of friends the Portland. sendees held at the Free Metho­ fellow had a throng who greeted Big Min*l»d Show at W agner's dist church this week, beginning them just smiling like with “ How Rev. Edgar N. Long and Bert ‘Hull New Y ear’s eve. Friday evening, Dec. 28, and last­ you gettin’ ’long?” It sort o’ Keller were in Monmouth and Mr, and Mrs. John Walker spent ing over Sunday. Rev. J. A. shows an interest in the welfare Salem Monday. Christmas out of town. Hopper will be with us and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Powell preach. We are expecting to of a man. No greetin’ could you Willis Montgomery came home spent Christmas with relatives in have good services and you are ever find in story or in song that to spend Christinas. carries half the friendliness of Oregon City. invited to attend. Miss Mary Hammond went to “ How you gettin’ ’long?” —Exch. Edgar N. Long. Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes and •Attack Rock Friday. children spent Christmas in Dallas Several of the soldier boys came with Mr. Hughes' mother. You are invited to come in and A subscriber once received a WHe to spend Christmas. pay up your subscription. Eon’t dun through the postoffice and it , ,, ..... . . . . Walter Nichols of Sheridan was put it off and then forget th at you made him mad. He went to see S eethe coon* at the^irmistrel spending Christmas ¡with friends owe i t The high cost of every­ the editor about it, and the editor show New Y ear'sev eat Wagners in this city. thing has hit the newspapers as showed him a few duns of his Hall. . , •••*.. Elmer Sowers came up Monday well as other business institutions own—one for paper, one for type, H. H. Lowe’s father and mother from Hoskins where he has been and they must collect their sub­ fuel and various other expenses. from near Ashlang^ spent Christ­ at work during the past two scriptions. We are only asking “ Now,” said the editor, “ I didn’t mas with him. that which is due and th a t which get mad when these came because months. every honest man will pay. I knew all I had to do was to ask Rev. and Mrs. Edgar N. Long Dance the Old Year out and several reliable gentlemen like and son Gerald spent Christmas the New Year in. after the min- you to come in and help me out, in Dallas. strri show at W agner’s Hall Dec. NOTICE TO RED CROSS WORKERS and then I could settle all of them. Fresh Bread, Cakes,Cookies,Pies 31st. All workers in the Red Cross Whe the subscriber saw how it and other bakery goods, every Fred Holman and wife of Dallas are urged to be on hand next was he relented, paid up, and re­ day, at the Falls City Bakery. spent Christmas in this city. week at the different auxiliaries, newed for another year. Mrs. Jessie Moyer went to Port­ MORAL:—Don’t wait to be 1 have a self-playing piano play­ as there is an urgent request for land Friday to visit her mother dunned. er, which cost $200 and $50 worth slings to be made and sent in at who is quite ill. of choice music for it, I will sell once. Miss Alice Bedient who has mighty cheap or will take g o o d _______________ Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local application«, aa th ey cannot "been home on a visit for about a trade. This player can be attach- reach the diseased portion of the car. here is only one w ay to cure deafness, month returned to Portland Wed­ ed to any piano and anyone can BLACK ROCK RED CROSS T and th a t la by constitutional remedies. D eafness la caused by a n Inflamed condi­ nesday to work where she has play the finest music. Call at my tion of th e mucoua lining of the E usta- * chlan Tube. W hen th is tube is Inflamed 1 The second call of the Red Cross you Accepted a pyegtiyp as bathroom residence. J. 0. Mickalson, have a rum bling sound or Imperfect hearing, a n d w hen It la e n tirely closed matron in the Portfa'nd Medical Falls City, Oregon. members at Black Rock was made D eafness la th e result, a n d unless the In­ m ation can be tak e n out and this by Jessie Moyer Saturday Dec, flam hospital. tube resto red to Its norm al condition, earing will be destroyed forever: nine 22. She added 53 members to the h cases o u t of te n a rc caused by C a ta rrh , w hich is nothing but a n Inflam ed condi­ new list. tion of th e m ucous surfaces. One H u n d re d D o lla rs fo r a n , c u e o f The people of Black Rock always P o W a fn e w e .s ill ■ s ca i ve u sed b , c a ta r r h th a t c a n n o t be cu re d b f B a ll's C a ta r r h C ure, good f o r c irc u la rs free. show their colors in this great r. J CHBNBY, A CO. Toledo. Ohio. Bold by D ru g g ists, The. work of patriotism. The ladies of T»Su LUlli t auuly m is for couaUpaUec. this city carry on the work of making the different garm ent' for the Red Cross through the J o h n W esley ’s M o th er’s A dvice. Falls City auxiliary. They have 7 John Wesley's mother once wrote to him when he was In college: “Would ladies that help do the work and you Judge of the lawfulness or the un­ in four meetings they made 72 lawfulness of pleasure, take this rule: pieces for this great and glorious •Whatever weakens your reason, im­ pairs the tenderness of your conscience, Cause, Mesdames Builis and obscures your se n se o f God or takes off Price visit the Falls City auxiliary the relish of spiritual things, whatever every Wednesday afternoon of Increases the authority of your body over mind, that thing to you Is sin.’ ” each week helping here and there. —Christian Science Monitor. They carry material home to have a meeting in their city on Friday afternoon of each week. They War Food—Coro gave a caffeteria [supper at the Parent-Teachers meeting, also a dance of which they turned in CLO sjo $61.25 for this Red Cross work in­ to the Falls City auxiliary. If you want to find people that are patri­ j?N 632 A- RNELIUS otic in this work just come to ^CO CO GHETTO C ornucopia , Black Rock. T h e w e l l know n List of new members who joined KERNEL OF THE the second call of the Red Cross: KENTUCKY B lue b ir d Mr. and Mrs. Price brig ad e , c o r n et 1 McGovern of, the C orntassel co rner c u ib of Builis musicians ;AND CORNELL SCHOOL PROFESSOR WA8 -WE FIRST DISCOVER CORN* Lamm H s found rr c r o w ih s w * l it t l e SPOT OF GREECE A HO ALSO NEAR LESOV Stevens r o a s t t ,T u r k e y » h e brought s o m e OVER n s THE U-S- AND IT w a s TRieo OUT G. Brown AT LON CHEON,NY-A n O FOUND Tb BE A FIRST- CLAST---------- Baker Phelps Shiltz IS T he " o ld est " S r T he E. Balderee ON the COB t e l l us that * Tromong M ostly a l l c m il o r e n * .LIKE PO P CORN« HE'S Mrs. L Graves THE'R g en era l fa v o rite C. F. Hughes Lillie Fisher Tillottaon EQUIPPED AND PREPARED TO HANDLE IS A REO ____ I Lizzie Neal IS PARTLY covered W ith smau . riATHtRt, WHICH MAKE* IT VERY I James Day U Q M T CA TIH Ô A N D Joe Gasnen, Mr. McKern, Miss EAS Y FO R OiGtSTiONa Geneva Sayre, Bessie Scott, J. H. INCLUDING THOSE THAT COME UNDER Vinson, Geo. Balderree, Charles m e « H is t o r y t i l l s us B. Thornton, Carl Louden, Pat THAT JOSEPH «HO HIS BRITHRIN _ E A R S OF E G Y P T IA N CORN, ANO SAIO Weadick, Paul Jakey, E. Ritan, - — AT w •» Pet Peshall, Peter Burnetta. W. E. Elkins, Ben Short; Ray, Mabel Rooms $2 lo |3.50 per day, Including and Irvin Baker; Lida. Valmore, general nursing and board. Winnard and John Builis; Clifford lì? m Ì kii Ì« FIFES* IT 'S llv a p i p * TO m a k e McGovern, Jessie Moyer, Jake ___ THBM SMOXCO « • - » Dr. C. E. Prime, Mgr. StAVH Mrs. R. M. Massie, Matron Beer, W. E. Elkins. No. 18. TO MY FRIENDS: A Happy and Prosperous Year Portland hard wheat flour Vim, hard w heat flour D rifted Snow, hard wheat flour 12.75 $2.85 #2.85 . I Monday Night, Dec. 31st. AT THE Theatre Conserve Flour and your Pocket Book by trading with us SELIG’S, Cash Price Store, “ Meeting and Beating Competition". YO U S T A R T A T Z E R O We all sta rt out in life from Zero mark. It is uphill all the way. The higher we go the more we are looked up to. The man who attains success must take him­ self seriously, look to his own interests and conserve his strength, wealth and ability. Many people are depositing their money with this bank, paying by check, and furthering their own interests, thereby raising their marks high above zero on the gauge of life B A N K O F F A L L S C IT Y . Cost Is Little More to go East through Six Reels; One Comic U S U A L P R IC E S FALLS CITY HOSPITAL General Surgery, Sickness, Accidents, State Industrial Accident Commission California Attrations offered; Sacred summits of 'Siskiyous. M t Shasta, San Francisco, the cosmopol­ itan, the Old Missions, Del Monte, Santa Barbara. 100 miles along the seashore, Los Angeles, Sunny South­ ern California, the Apache Trail, and the border camps. Stopovers places. permitted 4 T r a in s a D a y fro m at various P o r tla n d Inquire at any S. P. agency or address John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent Portland Southern Pacific Lines