N e w H o u s to n H o te l A GREAT DISCOVERY 04920810 (U r J. It. W atson. U . D .) Hwollan hands, ankles, fast are due to W ith «n.l K » i f l t S U . IW tUiul. Ore. a dropsical condition, often caused by Kuur blw k t fruni UnU.n I>«.| mi I. T u r Muck« disordered kidneys. N a tu rally when the from N —w l'miUilttp«. M.ninni «m l ftmi.rijuf. kidneys are deranged tha blood la filled U ».r IUU out.1,1. ruolo. Unire U r U, IZ.MJ. with polsonoua w aste m atter, which set­ CHAH. C IIOI’KINN. M.n.*.r tles In the feet, anklca and w rists; o r un­ der the eyes In bug-llke form ations. As a rem edy fo r those easily recognised sym ptom s of Inflam m ation caused by urto acid—as scalding urine, backache and fr e ­ On* huiHlrmt hih I «U ly -H v« «11 quent urination, as wall as sedim ent In li»»l»ruv«»ii»«i>l*. fi»»*» iihiin»« on w *r> fluur.l the urine, or If uric acid In the blood has caused rheumatism, lum bago, sciatica, R ate« 76c to $1.60 p«r day: $2.60 to gout. It Is sim ply w onderful huw quickly $6.00 par waak. A n-u -rtc acts; the pains and stiffn ess OblKMlta < out thou«*. ‘i Mix'ka from I'u* turtle««. rapidly disappear, fo r Anurtc (double F tr« M I* « ik I Oratfon Kiactric p«M «tour. stren gth ), la m any tim es more potent than llthla and often elim in ates uric acid us hot w ater m elts sugar L>r. t'ls rre 's I'leueant P ellets fo r tha liv er and howela have been favorab ly Am mmli) frum your 01.1) CAK* known for nearly 10 years. F irrs. Rug R u n t o n a » 1 1 aises. Anurlc Is a recent scien tific discovery Unii iinU-rn rvovlve prompt nml rnru- I'riaonrm Arc Thought to hr Mrmbrra by Dr H e re «, C h ief of H taff at the In ­ valids' H otel and rturglcal Inst., In B u f­ 7ul attention. Sunil for bookltiL falo, N V Hand 10c there fo r a trial o f Secret Anarchistic Society to pkg o f Anurlc. N O R T H W E S T RUG CO. AS FOES OF ALLIES Hotel Rowland Eighty Taken in Round-up in Northwest This Week. BEAUTIFUL RUGS RESISTANCE IS MET *S and Taylor Sta. ■ Cortland, Or. Help Cernían Propaganda. e l e c t r ic m o t o r s R our I i I, S u U , KanU d *mJ K apali«d WAI.K M l M.frXTItlC W O llK H • ••■» >»• Purtland. O r e B ig g e r P a y fo r Y o u . Ruhrik«-Waikf»r Hualn«»« 0 »llr*«v 1‘ortland, O r* larR#*l tit N i i i i I i w m I, I rutti« you in all busi- R*ai cour«««. Knroll uny tim*. ( '«lain « Seattle, Waxh. — A h the reault o f a aeriea of raida agents conducted by Federal working under the direction of Henry M. W hite, immigration inspec­ tor, 66 Italians, alleged to be interna­ tional anarchists, are locked in cells at Mualcal Cam ouflage. the Seattle immigration station, while Knew His Table Manner«. Tho suggestion of the food conser- vers that wo eat whale rocalle the story of the schoolboy who was being questioned by the examiner. Bald the latter, "D o we cat the flesh of the whale?” “ Y-y-yes, sir,” faltered the young­ ster. “And what," pursued the questioner, "do we do with the bones?" "P'Please, sir," responded the hoy. "w e I leave them on the s i sides of our plates.”— Exchange. Tlio « a y U 1 0 piano aaiatcur nene the a number o f othera are under arrest at loud pedal S|)okane and Tacoma. It fa believed he plantai and the conductor abak- Latest In Torpedoes. uda after tha flualo of the con- that in all nearly 80 men are under ar- A torpedo w ith a corkscrew course reat. has been observed. If It misses the Thoae arrested are believed to be « t t l 's o rc h e a l ra tion . port side It turns and strikes the star­ ir rlalng on hla tona to Project members of the Cirrola Studi Sociali, a board; sometimes on missing there it 1 ole. secret anarchistic society said to have /•» i'D ii turns again, striking the port • .* ■ di lai hltchlng back In bla cbalr a membership o f 200,000 in the United side. The ship's officer unaccountably «''ire begluuiug thè Di lavo pari States. They are said to have plotted omitted to add that after the explo­ , ixlh rbapaody l>y Ideai. the assassination of the King o f Italy sion the fragments reunite and return A ale critica ilreaa aulì.— Front and bloody disturbances in this coun­ to the submarine as a complete missile e ’ cal Courlar. try as part of the world-wide propa­ ready to be fired anew.— New York ganda for Teutonic victory in the war. Bun. AA IN NUW SHOKS A I.W AYN liHK The Federal net, akilfullly aet for * f i w i d j w . Oic entleepli.' jnreiinr. Il “ W e met by chance." tighln«AM unii lilisUtriitR. K#l>«v«» Coma. the alleged plotters, began to close "Y es, It was no more your fault than tnt Hatflieii, HvkcMaUnir. Aching K m I. Sunday and the laat arrests were made • ami ouinftirt. A tempi no «uliatttut«. It was my misfortune."— Brooklyn K t. AtttiiwMi. Allan S. Uliii«toV: — Adv. According to Federal officers the t you "H ut aren't you afraid of eye atraln?” MU8|>ecta, in co-operation with other l ’ater Kamillas (describing a speech) anarchistic societies throughout the — The audience was that absorbed you A W lae Beggar. country and Europe, have been plotting could have heard a pin drop. I leaf and Dumb lieggar — Do you j to ruin the morale o f the Italian arm­ Curious Hopeful— Did anybody drop think It looka like rain, Sam? ies by the circulation of the literature one ?— Exchange. ^ l i i i u d B eggar 1 daren't look op to branding the w ar one waged for capi­ H p . Here cornea ono of my beet cu e ; "Mamma, what does It mean when talistic profit. U* inert.— Exchange. you're wined and dined?" "T h a t’s an obsolete term, Harold. Qualified. P L A C E L A R G E S T M E A T O R D E R N ow you are only grapelulced and Huaband.— Your extravagance la cornbreaded.”— Life. awful. W hen I die you'll probably have to beg. Food Administration Buya for Allied W ife— W ell. I ahould be better off Nations, Ited Cross and Belgium. than aome poor women who never had any practice.— London Opinion. Chicago - The greatest meat order H is Dire Threat. He waa 4 and hla older brother waen't respecting hla dignity. •'I' m going to grandm a'« for a night and a day and then I'm going north," ha threatened.— Indianapolis New*. H U E S , P E L T S , C A S C A R A BARK. W O O L A ND M O H A IR . We m l SI you t m Write tor prices M4 shipping tags T n i M. T. M in t o n Cl. o n , Siam«, w« SHER1DAN-BECKLEY CO M P’Y, Inc. Mil P ro d u c e B rok ers. Cash buyer* In local and car lota. H O G S 1 Write f..r Shi,>|i.ns Taira , A P P L E S v E r A i l L ( y ... «ml I'rlt-a List P o ta to e a V EGGS N o Ch* ' « * cU a reiaa la «. ( O N I O N S 126 Front Street, PORTLAND. - - OREGON k * »f* r«n r e M ì I h tti I b S tivin e* HanV. W t W a n t Your BEANS W e Pay Cash. No Commissiona H E ID E N R E IC H 74 rront at., CO. Portland, Ora THE VOGEL PRODUCE CO. W ill *u«r»ntr«Jyoti top market p rie«» at all tlmaa for yaur Vaal, lion«, Poultry. F'irir*. Ruttar. Midas. Ufc'jr. I f yau hava not ahippad to ua, try ua. K l Z Front, SHIP PORTLAND, OR. V u l , Pork. Beet. Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Farm Produce. tm the Old Reliable K w r tln r bonne with i record o f 45 rea r, of Hu..arc Dealing«, and be enured of T O P M A R K E T PRICES. F. M. C R O N K H 1 TE S-47 Free) Street Portias*. Oregea W E W AN T YOUR Poultry. Veal and Hogs HIGHEST M A R K E T PRICE NO fCOM M ISSION PR O M PT RETURNS, H E N N I N G S E N PRO DU CE CO. 18-20 Front St. P. N. U. Portland. Ore. No. 48. 1917 in the history o f the Chicago stock yards, and probably o f the world, was placed here Thursday. Joseph P. Cot­ ton, chief o f the meat division o f the food administration, waa the buyer, and the purchase was for the allied na­ tions, the Red Cross and the Belgian R elief commission. The tonnage, the kinds o f meats in­ volved and the time for deliveries w ill remain secret, as w ill the namcH o f the 15 packers who divided the orders. The order for the United States army failed to arrive in time, it was said, and w i.f vje divided later. It also was said the greater part o f the order w ill be delivered a fter the first o f the year, ami that cured meats and lard w ill make up a considerable portion o f the whole. The order was placed under the new prices established Saturday by the food administration, allowing the packers not more than 21 per cent profit on meat sales. The order was unusual, in that there whs no competition, the whole thing being shared out at the government’s own prices, practically at the dictation o f Mr. Cotton. San Diego Remains Wet. San Diego, Cal.— A fte r a campaign waged vigorously by both sides, this city Wednesday voted down by the small m ajority o f 247 votes a so-called “ bone-dry” prohibition ordinance pro­ posed in an in itiative petition. Ap­ proximately 21,000 votes were cast. The result was: For the ordinance, 10,385; against, 10,632. About 55 per cent o f the registered vote was cast. Much o f the dry campaign was based on the statement that the ordinance was necessary for the protection o f the soldiers in training at Camp Kearney. Large Army to be Needed. Boston -The United States w ill have to make maintenance o f a large army after war a National problem, as S w it­ zerland has, so long as the Nation is to be in a league to enforce peace. Presi­ dent Emeritus Charles W. Eliot, o f Harvard Univesrity, declared at the ¡m eeting o f the National Federation of Religious Liberals here. “ It has been demonstrated,” he said, “ that a democracy may be alow, hut that it is efficient when it gets going. GRAY. USE SAGE TEA H ere’s G ran dm oth er’s Recipe to Darken and B eau tify Faded H air. That beautiful, even shade of dark, glossy hair can only be had by brew ­ ing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul­ phur. Your hair is your charm. It makes or mars the face. W hen It fades, turns gray or streaked. Just an application or two of Sage and Sul­ phur enhances its appearance a hun­ dredfold. Don't bother to prepare the mix ture; you can get this famous old re­ cipe improved by the addition of other Ingredients for 60 cents a large bottle, all ready for use. It is called Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound. This can always be depended upon to bring back the natural color and lustre of your hair. Everybody uses “ W yeth's" Sage and Sulphur Compound now because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair has disappeared, and after another appli­ cation It becomes beautifully dark and appears glossy and lustrous. This roady-to-use preparation Is a delight­ ful toilet requisite for those who de­ sire dark hair and a youthful appear­ ance. It is not Intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. BLACK LEG If LOSSES SÍ1ELY PREVENTED k, CUTTER'S gLRCKlEd PILL* l . ow-p rlc fd . Irrah. n*Ilaide; I p r p f erred by 1 western Mock- men. bet ause they \ protect where ether' vnoelaee fell. Write hw booklet and testimonial«. 10 éose pkg. Bl »eklet Pitts, 11 00 Ot-Beee pit«. M n W m PIN«. $4 00 Uee any Injecter, but Cutter*• simple* and etronyeri. Th* superiority el Cuíte» prnductsje **ue to over IS Tear* I »I and skki el tprt spi lodging In VArt inks ........... m S ONLY. OH CUTTSA S. II unobtainable. V. INSIST I n onte» direct. Th« C«tt«r Isksrstsiy. •«rtsjsibC»Ut«rals Granulated Eyelids, 1 Sore Eves, Eyes Inflamed by ___ j S u n , D u s t and W i n d quickly relieved hv Murine. Try it in C your Eyes and in Baby’s Eyes. TOUR L -I L < 3N a Smarting. Just Eye Comfort Alpine Oasis Created. Marine Eye Remedy Geneva, Switzerland — Both the By* ftnlv«. ill Tnhe*« 25c. For Bock o f f* « K v - *»■••. Ask M a rin e E r e R e m e d y C o .. C h ic a g o 4 French and Italian frontiers were closed again Wednesday for an in­ definite period, while I .a Suisse an­ nounces that the German and Austiran m »r be checked, and mere serious condi­ frontiers, which already are difficult tion« o f the throat will be often »voided by prompt I t ti-in c the child a dose of to cross, will be hermetically sealed shortly. Thus it appears Switzerland will become an Alpine oasis createli by the four powerful nations surrounding it. CHILDREN’S COUGHS PISO’S A P P EA L TO SH IPPER S Hublic Service Commission Acknowl­ WILL YOU B E ONE? Thousands of thoughtlesa people neglect cold» every winter. A cough follows; they get rundown then stubborn sicknea* sets in. Sickness can be prevented easier than it can be cured end if you will give your system the benefit of a few bottles of edges Help and Asks Suggestions and More Aid From Pnblic. Shippers o f tho Northwest have been addressed by the Washington state public service commission, asking fo r a further effort to facilitate the Ibad- ing, movement and classes o f cars. knowladgea unloading The the o f all commission hearty shippers to its previous ac- reH|suiHe* of request, but asks both co-operation and suggestions in pushing for greater shipp.ng effi­ ciency. First, load even to the cars to extent of full capacity, 10 all published Don’t neglect taking S c o tt’s — oom monoo today. The im ported N o rw eg ia n cod liver oil always ased in S co tt's Em ulaios Is b o w rc&Aed in our own A m erica n laboratories which gu aran tees it fr e e from im p a ritie s . Scott * Borwne. Bloomfield. N. j . per cent above marked carrying capacity, disregard you will find your whole system strengthened. It will fortify your lungs and throat and enrich your blood against rheumatism. It is powerful concentrated nourishment without alcohol or opiates. tariff and VAUGHAN’S PORTABLE DRAG SAW Cuts 20 Cords in 10 Hours mini­ mums. Second, load and unload 17-17 cars the T H E O R IG IN A L T H E L IG H T E S T . T H E ST R O N G E ST . H A S M A N Y IM IT A T O R S . B U T N O E Q U A L S . W rite ter IWerreeBaw. day received, if possible, regardless of the 48-hour, free-tim e limit. Vaughan Third, give immediate notice to rail­ Motor W orks, PORTLAND. OREGON. road companies when cars are empty, or, telephone them in advance o f the approximate time when the cars wil! be emptied. Fourth, under no circumstances use cars as warehouses. Fifth, the practice o f consigning to any given destination without a bona fide sale, thereby affording prompt dis­ position or release o f cars, should be discontinued. Sixth, anticipate your needs as far in advance as possible. Seventh, co-operate with customers in arranging orders so that any avail­ able equipment can be used, regardes» of carrying capacity. Eighth, advise the commission promptly o f any delay on the part o f the carriers in setting cars for unload­ ing, moving cars when unloaded, or the prompt switching o f empties when released. May Increase Minimum W age. Olympia — The industrial w elfare commission met with the executive committee o f the state federation o f labor Wednesday at Tacoma on invita­ tion from Secretary Charles Perry Taylor. It is understood the federation com­ mittee proposes increase o f minimum wage and apprentice scales. The lat­ ter was increased from $6 to $7 per week on September 1. The present minimum w age limits are 810 per week for mercantile occupations and $8.90 for factories. NORTHWEST MARKET REPORT W heat— Bulk basis for N o. 1 grade; Hard white — Bluestem, Early Bart, Allen, Galgalus, Martin Am ber, $2.05. Soft white — Palouse bluestem, forty­ fold, W hite valley, Gold Coin, W hite Russian, $2.03. W hite club— Little club, Jenkins club, white hybrids, So­ nora, $2.01. Red W a lla W a lla — Red Russian, red hybrids, Jones Fife, cop- pert, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less. No. 3 grade, 6c less. Other gradee handled by sample. Flour— Patents, $10. M illfeed — Spot prices; Bran, $32 per ton; shorts, $35; middlings, $43; rolled barley, $56(<> 58; rolled oats, $56. Corn— Whole, $83 ton; cracked, $84. Hay — Buying prices, f. o. b. Port­ land: Eastern Oregon timothy, $27 per ton; valley timothy, $23@25; al­ falfa, $22.50(0,24; valley grain hay, $20; clover, $20; straw, $8. Butter — Cubes, extras, 43@43}c per pound; prime firsts, 421c. Job­ bing prices: Prints, extras, 45