PAGE â lii' J ia llö (£ihi Neuttf . ------- D. L. Kntrted »• «Kx-n .1 r t i a m»II «I t*» it riti» CttJ Pol* Count». Cro*o»* «»dor too it llirrb S ‘ * 1 *- Ttlrpiiaae— N«*** OR*»*, ------- f - ----------------------- SuboorirUon R i t t i : O n o r a r 11 co. »I* monti». » coni» : litro, month«. Ri erti»; »it>«l» «p». * et». A d»»rli»in g R iU t : Ih»|>tay.l*een»*a«lnch! Butt u n i None»» I c»nt» * lin o; Pot 8*1». Hint, Ktohnngo. W»nt »nd P»» KnUrUlnmonl No ttr*«. S cti • Un». C»rd olTh»uk* SOcl»; L«g» Nolle«», lefkl ml«». Copy for nor* id i. ondoh«ng«»»hould b» tent •o Th» New» not liter then WednoeJ»». Official Krmpnper ef tie Ctty ef fntl» CUr I s s u e d E v e r y S a t u r d a y M o r n in g W ANTED A N D FO R Local Haws Horns F ibs Methodist ------- Sunday School 10 a. m. The ties! show at tha Gem tonight Preaching service 11 a. m. Song and praise service 7:30 Clothes cleaned and pressed. followed by preaching at 8:00. Wm. Bohle. Mid-week prayer meetingTrflH p.m Everyone cordially invited to Newly furnished rooms to rent. attend these services. Close to mill. M. R. Matthews. • Edgar N. Long. Pastor. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Moyer re­ turned last week from a visit. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Miss Maliel Sheppard of Salem Divine Services each Lord’s Day is visiting friends in town this Bible School 10 a. m. week. Divine worship 11 a. in. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. C. F. Vick of Salem was trans­ Evening Service 7:30 p. m. acting business in this city Tues­ The public is invited to be with day. us in these services. Mrs. C. L Hopkins spent a few F. Claude Stephens. Minister days in Salem last week. SALE M. E- C H U R C H Good farm for sale cheap for cash. Will exchange. Phone 77. Better insure that auto now. Don't cost much. See N.N.Christy N. Main St. Sunday School 10:00 Morning Worship 11. Epwoi^h League 6:30. Evening Service 7:30 Bibe study and prayer meeeting Friday 8, p. m. You are most cordially invited to attend these services. A. F. Hanson. Pastor. Fresh Bread, Cakes.Cookies.Pies and other bakery goods, every day, at the Falls City Bakery. “ No wonder sugar is scarce when we consider that the United States has sent eighteen times more sugar to our allies the past CRAWFORD-KIMBER year than in any former year. In Paris you can go into a gro Sunday. November 11th at the [eery ami buy all the sugar you home of the bride's parents, Mr. have the price to pay for, while and Mrs. liewis Crawford, occur­ here at home it is fifty cent» red the marriage of lhefc daughter ¡worth to a faini'y. Brother Ida 1. Crawford to Walter R. Hoover should see to it that the Kimber of Spring Brook. Oregon. | American people are not played The nuptial rite was performed for patriotic dunces — Exchange. by Rev. Hanson, pastor of the M, E. Church of Falls City, in the presence of a few near relatives and friends. A brother, of the H ow 'ii Thin f bride. Ira A. Crawford, came Wo offer On» Hundre«! Dollar* II* from the Vancouver Barracks to ward for any cat« of Catarrh that cannot b* cured by Halt's Catarrh acts as best man, while Margret Cure » Kimes was the bridesmaid. Mr. F J. CH ENEY A C O . ToWdo. O IV». Ui» uner will make their Ch»n»y for Hi» U»t 14 y»ara. »nil h»l|n» him perfectly honorable In all bu»ln-»» home on the farm of the grooni trancacilon» and Onanrlall» ahi» lo ca n y any obllaallon» mad» by bla Orm. near Spring Brook. Their many out NATIONAL PANK O r COUMF.nCE, friends extend heartiest congratu­ Toledo, O. H all'» Catarrh Cur» I» laknn Internally, lations. acting directly upon Ih» hlood and mu 18th at 2:30 p. m. welcome. aurfacc» o f ili» »vaim i Teatlmonlal* »«nt free Prie - 7S cent« per botti», told by all DnntKlata comi + + + + H -H -H -+ -1 -H -+ I + + + + + + + + + + Let’s both be Thankful th is coming Thanks­ giving D a y - TUESDAY N,fiHT’ NOVEMBER 20. SPECIAL ATTRACTION (4 AROUND THE WORLD In Eighty Days” By Jules Verne Also Author of “ Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” THRILLING INTERESTING! EXCITING! THE CAMEL RACE! THE HAREM! THE CHINESE OPIUM DEN! THE JAPANESE CABARET! Bring the Children—Will Please Both the Young and the Old COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH Adulfs 20 Cenls You for the money we can save you on your new Suit or Overcoat and us for the pleasure of gaining a satisfied customer. Ira Crawford of the 44th came down from Vancouver last Satur­ day night to visit his parents, Mr I and Mrs. Lewis Crawford. They ; had a family re-union on Sunday. Ira returned to Vancouver Sun- 1 day night. BOHLE’S ALSO AN UPROARING COMEDY Eight R e e l s ............................................. Eight Reels \Q0 Close attention to work is the cause of much Pain and many Headaches. Obtain relief by taking one or two 1 A W *U L BUFFERING. " I «uttered untold Agony w ith neuralgia. I thought I w ould go m ad with pain. A friend ot m ine advised me to taka Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pa In Pill*. X did bo and the pain ■topped alm ost at oace. Then I e o m m e n -d using Dr. Miles’ N w rln e and be- fo r* long I waa ao that 1 did n ot hav* these pains any m ore." 1 J. FTlfT B R , M l E. f U t i * Are., Colorado Springs, C*lo. D R . M I L t S * ANTI-PAIN PILLS Then tone up the Nervous System by using D r. M itts ’ Restorative Nervine IF TO F lffe -T H E l> B O T T L E , O H B O X . F A IL S YOU, Y O U * B E .R E F U N D E D . M O N E Y W IL L FOR ONE AT Thompson’s Drug Sto profeoetonal 1footcI S a ir .p l» R o o m * • U»a< A c c o m m o d a t io n * r, O rooo*. Froprlefor HAIt,.nr »imr* Bohle’ s Barber Shops F a ll* C lip , O r e g o n kfhrrt y*u eia I HKCTOR R . L. C H A P M A N C. J. BRUCE, Proprietor. DIRECTOR d«pk w I , Falla City. Ora. IIKAL »«T A T * J. O . ....UNDER NEW MANAfiEMENT«.. M IC K A L S O D e a le r Ift H I I A L ! -S T A T E Kalb City, Oregon. Frwh Beef, Pork, Fish, Poultry, Etc. Will buy your Beeves, Veals, Hogs and CMokens. CALL AND DIVE US A TRIAL. FA LLS > > H r u n i C IT Y H -H H m WE WILL PLEASE YOU. M E A T M A R K E T u t -H - H H -I 'M M 1-1 I ■> li-lt,!.,lwlT r r i i i r .l. H I H I +»b4 Í f . . i n i r n r f.■ t T * I . rTTr i t I. r * i N. N. CHRISTY REAL ESTATE - - SURETY BONDS If you want to Buy, Sell, Exchange or Rent Property Come and see me. I respectfully solicit your business. A l (he fiEM ToNight IN S U R E TH AT H O U S E OR AUTO NO W Usual Price« Don’ t bother your friends to become Personal Surety for you when the largest Bonding Company in the U. S. will be glad to do so. For more than twenty-five years the Hicks Almanac has had a world-wide reputation. The 1918 Almanac has been prepared by Irl R. Hicks, Jr., assisted by Rev. John B. Noys, for many years the assistant editor associ­ ated with Rev. Irl R. Hicks. Big­ ger, brighter better than ever is a concisB description of the 1918 Almanac. It is now ready and is sold a3 before for 35c postpaid. Word and Works is the name of the monthly family magazine founded by Rev. Irl R. Hicks. The subscription price is 41.00 a year, including a copy of T hef Hicks Almanac to the subscriber. Send 5 cents for a sample copy. Write, W o r d a n d W o r k s Pub.Co. 3401 Franklin Ave, St. Louis, M o MAKE ARRANGEMENTS P "BLACK FRIDAY ’ T h » Hick« 1 9 1 8 Almanac COME IN AND FUNERAL Insurance in All Lines .41 ¿1. ( IIR ibIM AH PRESENE W o a lt o , id f p r | l w o r k p r o m p t l y . S. VV. Baldwin of Ada. Kansas came Thursday to visit his aunt. Mrs. Hattie Wood. He ha3 been visiting relatives in Washington. He will go to Long Beach, Calif, and visit relatives there before he returns home. Mrs. Grier spent Friday visiting friends in Falls City. Notice is hereby given that M. L. Thompson, administrator of the estate of Matildu TraviB, deceased, has tiled his final ac­ count as such administrator in the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County o f Polk, j and that Monday, the 3d day of j December, 1917, at the hour of | ten o ’clock in the forenoon of said day. at the court room of said Court, in the County Court I House in Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, has been appointed by ' said Court as the time and place ! for the hearing of objections to | the said final account and the settlement thereof. FALLS CITY MEAT MARKET Musical Art Quarttete Monday evening at Wagner’s Hall. Tickets now selling at Thompson’s. Miss Seviers of Salem spent Thursday in Falls City assisting Mrs. Hopkins with the Library. WOULD MAKE A CORKING » u ö i n c f w tlnrba -F + + + + + + -H -+ + + + + + + -I-M -+ + Mrs. Hellwarth was a Salem | visitor Friday. Children 15 Cents AMBEROLA NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Dated and first published Nov­ em b er 3, 1917. M .L. THOMPSON. Administrator of the estate of Matilda Travis, deceased. OSCAR HAYTER. Attorney To Measure Only at Will Hinshaw and G. D. Treat came Thursday night from Hos­ kins to spend a few days at home. Mr. Hinshaw is head carpenter and Treat, head painter for the Valley & Siletz rail road. A NEW Kill WON T ake d a ll a I a n n i» Pilla tor co a a tlp a tlo a . Iron Hand Tonight Jack Wagner and S. Crocker shipped ten tons of dried prunes this week. Wagner built a three tunnel dryer on his ranch this Use engraved calling cards and Correspondents wanted in every summer, 20 x 40. stationery. Call and see sample neighborhood in this section ol tne cards and get prices. country. The Public Library will soon be ready lor use. PHONOGRAPHS Every body Don't fail to see the Iron Hand Walter Williams is having a to night at Wagner’s Hall. This cement sidewalk put down in front is the farewell appearance of the | of his property on North Main st. Fulls City Dramatic Club. The members of the Falls City Dramatic Club will donate as a personal contribution a portion of the proceeds of the performance of the Iron Hand, to the Y. M. C. A. War Fund. 1 at Wagner's Hall, Sunday, Nov., Mrs. Eva Young of Petersburg. Mich, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harrington. WANTED To exchange city income property for ranch. See Don't forget to bring in news N. N. Christy. Phone 77. Falls items, or drop them in our “ news City. box” at the postoffice. We appre­ FOR SALE—Seven acres, un­ ciate them. improved, at the foot of Parry St. Extra copies ol The News are Terms. Make best offer. R. H. Clark, 225 N. East 55th St. Port­ printed each week, and will be sent to any address desired,'* postpaid, land, Oregon. 5 cents THE i U l L F H M I “ LET CHARITY BEGIN AT HOMU' APP0ST0LIC MEETINGS At The Churches »-■L"J ~~ WOOD Publisher A ct i t SATim PAY. NOV KM HK P 17, »917, FALLS C I T Y NEWS 4. N. Main Street - - Candi'*«, Tubaccoa and Cigars, at L. B. WONDKRLY’S Falls City, Oregon ++++-H-H-H.++++++++++++++++ +•! Ileadcpiarters for Candy and Cigar« WEATHERLY CONFECTIONERY. WE HANDLE THE Ed. V. Price & Co’s Clothing i: Call and Examine Samples and Prices FALLS CITY LUMBER & LOGGING CO. f --------------;------- — \ SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Passenger Train Schedule F taiiovnn Salem . . . Dallas. . . FallsCity. Rl’kRock. f. At TW OUND Rl’k Rock FallsCity. Dallas. . . Salem . . . 141 i«i am. am. 7.05 9.35 8.15 10.57 8.45 11.30 11:50 1M 1« Am . pm. 1.00 9.20 1.20 10.00 1.46 11.00 3.10 i«T pm. 3.45 a -fr P«]0 5.50 6.25 7.20 A. C. POWIM, AflEWT A ■■ ,