FALLS CITY NEWS VOL. XIV FALLS CITY. OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1917 No. 12. — NOTICE morning discourse will be: "T h e In addition o f the "Iron Hand" Greatest o f all Campaigns." We tonight at Wagner's Hall the Falls are glad to see you there each City Dramatic Club offer to the Sunday. Do a little missionary public a six act vaudeville i>er- work this week and bring some forrnance including the famous one with you next Sundav who Foster Girls, Eddie Harris, thej is not attending elsewhere. Remember the Epworth league Funnmker; Jack Gilbert, the Dancing Fool,and three other! meeting at fi.30 next Sunday night. good acts. Thus the program j This is an important meeting and consists o f two full shows all f o r , your presence is earnestly reques­ ted. the price o f one. Don't fail to hear the speaker Admission 28c. Reserved seats from Portland next Sunday night 88c. Bit* Dance after the show. at the M. E. church. Special Hawnian music; six-piece orches­ music assisted by the orchestra. tra. Tickets at Wonderly's. Get the church-going habit. It ’s a good one and don’t break it. RED CROSS WORK We welcome you. The Indies’ Aid o f the Christ­ You ought to be interested in ian Church have been doing Red the half-hour devotional exercises Cross work for two weeks now. each Friday night followed by the They have made 1 dozen handker­ teachers training class at 8 o’clock chiefs, 14 abdominal bandages and Start right now and get the bene­ 24 slings. The older ladies are fit of this thru the winter. This goint, to take up the knitting just will be helpful to you and conse­ as soon as they get their needles quently enable you to be of great­ and yarn. er service to the church later on. Anyone desiring to do Red Cross A. F. Hanson, Pastor. work is invited to attend. Quite a number o f visitors have been O R A M A T I C C L U B TO DI SB AN O present at these meetings and When the curtain drops upon helped with the work. the fourth act o f the Iron Hand Further information can be ob­ tonight at W agner’s Hall, The tained from the President, Mrs. Falls City Dramatic Club, an Bradley. organization which for the past Mrs. Paul. Secy. three years has done much toward satisfying the demands o f the M . 1 . CHURCH NEWS pleasure seeking and theatre go­ Come to the M. E. church next ing public o f Falls City and vicin- be a thing o f the past, Sunday. The senior choir will itv, will ' sing and there will be some spec­ The e Club and their actors will be ial music. The subject for the greatly missed as they have afford­ m i % m Mesdames Bullis and Price were in Falls City on Wednesday to make arrangements in taking up the Red Cross work in their city. _ Myrtle Gibson is on the sicklist. Mr. Wm Hawk was a visitor in our city on Monday. B U C K ROCK ITEMS Glenn Keeney returned from Roy McDonald of Falls City was Sweet Home on Saturday, in tow n on Fiiday. ^ Mrs. Anna prjce Rn(j grand- Mrs. fish er was a falls City daughter Mabel left for their caller on Friday. home at Hunter Creek Thursday. Miss Geneva Sayre, Paul Sayre Charlie Wallace o f Guthrie visi- and Ruth Rayre spent the weeks ted at the home of his parents, end at Monmouth with their p ar Mr. an Mrs. Tom Wallace, Sunday, ents. . Treval Powers and Eldon Frink Miss Fowler made a ua(jie8S yjyjtgd the school Thursday in be­ trip to Falls City on Friday. half of Y . M. C. A. work. Miss Mary Hammond of Palls Mr. Brinkley’s family moved to City was a visitor at our school^ Portland on Friday. Wednesday. Earl Frame Rpent Tuesday night with Jesse Keeney in Falls City. Your Dollars Go Just as Fa r, and Your Money Keeps Circulating. SCHOOL NOTES Mrs. Fred Mulkey was the guest Treval Powers has been ap­ o f Mrs. Christy on Monday. pointed to take charge o f the Y. Mrs. S. G. Pri;e made a flying M. C. A. work in Falls City, Airlie trip to Falls City on Tuesday. and other small places. He has Mrs. Warren Ward o f Falls City attended meetings in Salem and was a visitor in our city Wednes­ and has heard some speakers on the subject. Friday afternoon day. Mr. Powers gave the high school a Mrs. Geo. Graves and son Geo. lecture on Y. M. C. A. work. He spent Tuesday in Falls City. is trying to get the pupils of Mrs. George Brown and daugh­ high school and the upper grades ter Evelyn are spending a few to pledge money for the Y.M.A.C. days in Dallas visiting friends. The orchestra will make its ap­ Mrs. Dimmick was in Falls Ct,y pearance in about two weeks. on Tuesday. We all expressed our deepest Mildred Stephens was in DallqA sympathy for the dealth o f Vel­ the first o f the week. ma Goodspeed s pet mouse Ginger Mrs. Ridenour made a trip t* and Mildred Thompson’s pig. Falls City on Monday. .. Piggy Thompson. The Honor Guard girls met at H. H. Lowe’s Wednesday evening , to make Christmas boxes for the soldier boys from Falls City that are in France. Some o f the arti­ cles that were put in the boxes were candy, cookies, gum, tablets envlops, pencil box, foot ease, new testaments, handkerchiefs, wash cloth and soap. Last Friday morning during assembly the high school gave the following program: Song School Piano solo Grace Hastings Reading Margret Dorman Quartet Esther Cleveland Laurena Treat Hallett McMurphv Treval Powers. Piano solo Lois Beard Song High School How often have we heard these remarks made by “ I dearly love to visit your store. Buy At Home! r Furniture! Furniture! Furniture! wives, daughters and housekeepers: m ed to the public many pleasant evenings. The organization ha* responded freely and gladly to any and all calls upon it for any worthy cause and have done their share on every occasion. I see so many w m beautiful pieces of furniture: just look at that exqui­ site dresser, wouid I not like to have that set com- p le te -th a t davenport and rocker and chairs to match. • » Mabel Sheppard. Nettie N ew ­ man, George Wagner, Chis Horn and Emerson Murphy visited the school this week. Would it not be a good thing to do—surprise them occasionally with a new piece of furni­ ture every few weeks. They will be pleased and at the same time make your home more pleasant and happier. Raws of the 7th and 8th Grades m m D O N T LET HER HAVE TO ASK FOR THEM S Ì m m DALLAS, OREGON, Quality considered. Free Delivery in and Out of Town The 7th and 8th grades held a Student Body meeting recently to see about a gymnasium. W e can get the hall for $10 a month. The high school is anxious to go in with us and we expect to have fine times. A fte r cleaning thoroughly and installing the gymnasium apa- ratus, stove, etc.,we will have a fairly presentable gym. By organ­ izing basket hall teams and chal- enging- surrounding teams, we in one way hope to prove to some skeptics that Falls City is not alto­ gether "behind the times." Miss Johnson was absent Mon­ day on account of illness. Always have the best, sell for less, We Buy and Sell Second-Hand Furniture in and let us figure with you. SELIG’S, Cash Price Store, “ Meeting and Beating Competition'*. YOU S TA R T AT ZERO We all start out in life from Zero mark. It is uphill all the way. The higher we go the more we are looked up to. The man who attains success must take him- * self seriously, look to his own interests and conserve his strength, wealth and ability. Many people are depositing their money with this bank, paying by check, and furthering their own interests, thereby raising their marks high above zero on the gauge-of life BANK OF FALLS CITY. Begin to save your pennies. The high school is going to give the best play ever. Arn’ t they nice;' Sterling Furniture Make out your list and bring m Treval Powers talked to the junior high school Friday about tne Y. N. C.A. work done all over the world. His talk was interest­ ing land impressive. Every boy and girl was moved by the des cription of trench life that they were anxious to give what they could to help on the good work. As a result several pledge cards were signed. Among those absent during the past week are Ruth Haven, Ida Buell and Esther Lee. LOW ROUND TRIP FIRES TO U M Q PRODUCTS SHOW. PORTLAND Through California To the East Cosfs buf lifffu Mora You have Choice o f 4 trains Daily Portland to San Francisco Superb Scenery o f Siskiyou and Shasta mountains Visit to Dear old San Francisco Choice o f 3 Routes East Through Ogden with Wonders o f High Sierra Nevadas Through Southern California and Sunset Route Visit Los Angeles—Tourist ¿enter o f West Visit the Apache Trail Let us arrange your trip to the best advantage Ask any Agent for full particulars or write John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent Portland Southern Pacific Lines