ft I A Soldier's Strength scorn EMULSION Every enlisted man would stand up stronger during the first year’s service if he could have the benefits of because it fortifies the lungs and throat, creates strength to avoid grippe and pneumonia and makes rich blood to avert jrheumatic tendencies. Send a bottle of SCOTT’S to a relative or friend L. in the service. *n>* « « I l l m oil 1« Scott's Kimilsiun U now rrfliircl In our own Amrrhnit UUnatortes w h ’ c b make« It |»uie «m l palatable. •cott & Itowue, DIuotuActd.N.J. 17*14 lOO Ho N ear Roth Depots 100 Rail»« Absolutely Fireproof I Hotel Hoyt C o f M f SUlK «m i Hoy I Hi»., FortUnd, Oro. LOU IIIMKS. Mntt«ir*er Columbia plants and to some ^ 5 a a , Dus#and W i n d gunhly on the sound. The follow ing are some JUT**1 » 0 / ^ relieved by Murine. Try It III Chambers creek your fc>c**iul In Uaby’ ft Eyes. o f the shipments: 1,000; Sammish hatch­ No Smartn|, Ju»t EjfrCrdsrl hatrlw ery, 3,000,000; Wenatchee, Peteras Marine Eye Remedy ■ y« »«»V «. In Tul- • «/-. >» «/ />« r » « » . and Middle Fork hatcheries, 1,600,000 Ark M a r in e E y e R e m e d y C o .. C h lc a a o . cm-li; Kooksook hatchery, 2,000,nun. Y o im tvtS AAAAAAAAA A A A A «▼▼▼▼▼▼” wwwwwwww « « « « w a a a a a a a a a a a Tukc u r I/ i n s of Salta if your Hack hurla or Iiluddcr bothers. The run o f silversides at Gardiner, which has been exceedingly light the past two weeks, is increasing and the Thu American men and women must fishing fleet is out in full force. guard constantly against Kidney trou­ The reapiiearance on Coos Bay o f ac­ ble, beesusu we eat too much and all tive I. W. W. members is givin g riae our food la rich. Our blood Is filled with uric acid which the kidneys to much speculation as mills and ship­ strive to filter out, they weaken from yards at North Bend are filling govern­ overwork, become sluggish; the elim ­ ment contracts with spruce for air­ inative tlaaues clog and the reault Is plane and hulls for several ships. kidney trouble, bladder weakness and A fte r reaching the lowest point it a general decline In health. When your kidneys feet like lumps has attained for 15 years, the W il­ of lead ; your back hurt», or the urine lamette river at Albany is beginning is cloudy, full o f sediment or you are to rise slowly as a result o f the recent obliged to aeek relief two or three rains. The river has been stationary times during the night; If you suffer at 0.8 feet above low-water mark. with sick headache or dizzy, nervoua Farm and garden and general pro­ spells, acid stomach, or you have rbeu- matlam when the weather Is bad, get duce raised at the Oregon State hos­ from your pharmacist about four pital for the 10 months from January ounces of Jad Kails; take a table- 1 to October 31 this year amounted to spoonful In a glass o f water before $87,948.73, according to a statement breakfast for a few days and your kld- filed with the State board o f Control neya will then act fine. This famous by Superintendent Steiner. salts Is made from the acid of grapes Ray Mark, a private in Troop A, and lemon Juice, combined with lltbla, and has been used for generatlona to Oregon cavalry, died early Monday flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; morning at an eastern cantonment, ac­ to neutralize the adds In the urine so cording to a telegram received in Sher­ It no longer Is a source of Irritation, idan by his father, P. Mark. He was thus ending bladder disorders. overcome by gas, the message, which Jad Kalta Is inexpensive; cannot In­ jure, makes a delightful effervescent gave no other details, said. llthla w ater beverage, and belongs In Miss Sarah Crahen, representing ex- every home, because nobody can make Govcrnor West, paid to Sheriff Bert a mistake by having a good kidney Geer, at Toledo, $7774.87 in payment flushing any time. o f the Oregon California land grant delinquent taxes for the years 1914, Qualification. 1915, and 1916. This is all the tax Master— W hat! Forgotten your pen ctl again? What would you think of money the county w ill receive until a soldier who went to war without a the lands are patented to the settler. gun? The per capita cost at the State pen- Tom m y— I'd think ho waa an offi­ itenitary increased from $21.33 in Jan­ cer. sir.— Passing Show. uary when there were 436 inmates, to $28.40 in October when there were 341 Flashed From th* Star. inmates, it developed at the State "Ah. Miss Kthel. may I not dream Board o f Control meeting Monday. that one day you will be mine?” State Treasurer K ay declared that “ You may, but It won’t come true.” the |ears, $1.75682.25; grapes, $1.35 681.75; casabas, 2c per pound; cran­ berries, $156/17.50 per barrel; quinces, $2.256(2.50 per box; [lersimmons, $26/ 2.25; pomegranates, $2.75. Hops— 1917 crop, 24(/(25c per pound; 1916 crop, 16c. Wool — Extra fine, 50 68 60c per pound; coarse, 556/60c; valley, 6568 60c; mohair, long staple, 55c. November 7, 1917. C a t t le - Best beef steers............. $ 9.0068 9.60 Good beef steers.............. 7.0068 9.00 Best beef cows............... 6.0068 7.00 Ordinary to g o o d ............ 4.0068 5.00 Host h e ife r s ................... 6.5068 7.60 C a lv e s ............................. 7.0068 9.50 Bulls................................. 4.5068 6.75 Stockers and fe e d e r s .,.. 4.0068 7.25 Hogo— Prime ligh t h o g s ............ $16.006816.26 Prime heavy h o g s .......... 15.856816.00 Bulk ............................... 15.866816.10 P i g s ................................. 14.006814.50 Sheep— * Yearlin gs..........................$12.606813.00 W ethers......................... 12.006/13.00 E w e s ............... 8.506810,60 Western lambs............... 14.006814.60 V alley iambs................... 13.506814.00 A severe earthquake shock was felt throughout the Lakeview district Sat­ urday at 6:46 o ’clock. Force of Circumstances. "Artesian laborers are more healthy than other people, I suppose.” “ W hy should they be?” “ Aren't they all well diggers?"— Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative— three for a cathartic. A Sure Way. "Old MUlyuns can't please his young w ife any way he tries, and yet he lives only for her.” "Then let him try dying for her.”— NURSING THE WOUNDED It takes strength and courage to nurse the wounded. E v e ry woman should m ake herself fit fo r w a r’ s call at home or abroad. H ealth and strength are w ithin the reach o f e ve ry woman. T h e y are brought to you by Dr. P ierc e 's F a v ­ orite Prescription. T a k e this medicine, and there's a safe and certain rem edy fo r the chronic weakness, deran ge­ ments, and diseases peculiar to the sex. It w ill build up, strengthen, and In v ig ­ orate e ve ry "ru n -dow n ” or d elicate w o ­ man. It regulates and assists the n a t­ ural functions. requires a special tonic and nervine. A t some period In her life, a woman I f you're a tired or a fflicted woman, turn to "F a v o r ite Prescription,” you w ill find it n ever falls to benefit. 8old In tablet or liquid form. Send Dr. Pierce, Pres. Invalids’ H otel and S urgical In sti­ tute, Buffalo, N. Y., 10c fo r trial pkg. tablets. Tou w ill escape m any Ills and d e a r up the coated tongue, the sallow com plex- tlon, the dull headache, the tasy liver, tf you will take a la x a tive made up o f the May-apple, leaves of aloes, root of Jalap, and called "P le a s a n t P ellets ' The old saying about the shoemak­ e r’s children going barefooted is well illustrated in the case o f J. H. Cham­ bers, o f Cottage Grove, who has sold thousands o f cords o f wood during the past year, but now finds himself with­ out a dry stick o f wood fo r his own use, owing to a fire that recently de­ stroyed his milL Throught the office o f the Wheeler eotlnty agricultural agent, a carload o f rye has been distributed among the farmers near Fossil. A shortage of rya seed necessitated a shipment from outside points. A ll available rye in tha county was sold at $2.50 a bushel, but this carload brought $1.90, a sav­ ing o f $720 to the farmers. A package of “H.O.” Oatmeal should always be on hand in every home because it can be made ready for the table with only 20 minutes’ cooking. “H. :he only steam-cooked oatmeal—a process which re­ tains all the natural flavor of the oats—a delicate, full aro­ ma, more delicious than any oatmeal you ever tasted. “H. 0 .” costs only one-half cent per dish and is good for old and young, weak or strong. Your grocer has it. a b s o r b in e With the Fingers! Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain You reckless men and women who are pestered with corns and who have at least once a week Invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug called freezone, which the moment a few drops are applied to any corn or callous the soreness Is relieved and soon the entire corn or callous, root and all, lifts o ff with the fingers. FYeezone dries the moment It is ap­ plied, and simply shrivels the corn or csllous without Inflaming or even Ir­ ritating the surrounding tissue or skin. A small bottle o f freezone will cost very little at any o f the drug stores, but will positively rid one's feet o f every hard or soft corn or hardened csllous. If your druggist hasn't any freezone be can get It at any wholesale drug bouse for you. Two men were convicted in the Marshfield Circuit court fo r selling liquor. Andy Erickson was fined $200 Hnd given six months in ja il, but both penalties were suspended. Fred Niem e was given like penalties, but was not paroled. Corporations have no moral charac­ ter, according to an opinion given by Assistant Attorney General Benajmin to State Labor Commissioner Hoff, and consequently licenses cannot be granted them to conduct employment agencies. Following reports from Camp Lewis, Washington, that a large number of Oregon drafted men are being sent back from the cantonment because o f physicial defects, or for other reasons. Governor Withycombe said that he would ask the Adjutant General to advise physicians to be more careful in examinations in the future. ‘ ‘ Made in G erm any" w ill no longer he imprinted on all articles o f pottery ware sold in America. Clackamas county is to have a manufacturing es­ tablishment that w ill turn out articles of pottery that w ill compare with the product received from Europe. The plant is to be established at Molalla, and has already been incorporated for $100,000. The incorporators are P. M. Boyles and Guy Dibble, o f Molalla, Clackamas county, and H. H. Dailey, o f East Liverpool, O. W. H. Jewett, o f Gardiner, an­ nounced Saturday that he has arranged for the immediate construction o f a new 60,000 to 70,000-capacity sawmill at Gardiner, to replace the old m ill be­ longing to the Gardiner M ill company, which burned last spring. Arthur Caskey, o f Springfield, died at the Eugene hospital Thursday night as a result o f injuries received at Springfield when he stepped from the running board o f a moving automobile and was thrown, his head striking the sidewalk. He is survived by his w ife and two small children. dealer* or delirered. Liberal trial bottle for 10c ataafa. V. F. YOUNG, P.O.F., 40t T*m#U %L, Sprin.gfiald, K m Those Poor Relations. Every day some more o f Germany’s diplomatic relations turn up "broke.’' — Birmingham Age-Herald. Not Much Different A t That. W ith the arrival of September, the bathing girla on the cover of the mag­ azines changed to evening dress.— Knew Their Waya. "B efore I take the case,” said tha lawyer, “ there is one thing to ha looked Into.” Congratulations. " I presume,” said the client, “ you ‘‘I'm afraid my speech was not much refer to my pocketbook.”— Exchange. of a success.” W ell Known Firm. "W h y,” exclaimed Senator Sorghum, “ Who painted Brown’s house?" “ I have called to congratulate you.” “ I think it was done by Fits Jk "People either went to sleep or Starts.“ — Exchange. walked out ot the hall.” “ Yes. but nobody threw anything at you.”— Washington Star. SKIN TORTURES Railroad and public service commis­ sions are advised to administer the Subsidized. laws with due regard to the security Mrs. Townley— W hat! You pay a o f investors as well as o f the consum­ girl $10 a week to cook for you? ers o f such utility, in a report received Mrs. Subbubs— Not exactly. W e pay by the Public Service Commission her $4 for cooking; the other $6 are from the committee on capitalization for staying.— Exchange. and intercorporate relations o f Nation­ An Unfailing Sign. al Association o f Railway commisssion- “ My dear, this child is going to have ers. lots of spirit in its voice.’’ “ How can you tell that now?” That the moving pictures which “ Because It already shows a ten­ have been funrished to the state insti­ tutions during the past few weeks are dency to high bawls.” — Baltimore American. ‘ ‘ vulgar, dirty and low-down,” and that in two institutions they were dis­ continued before half shown, develop­ ed at a meeting o f the state board of control when Superintendent Hale, of the State Training school, offered the first protest against the pictures. The Clatsop county exhibit for the Land Products Show has been shipped to Portland. It made a full carload. The exhibit w ill be under the super­ vision o f B. S. Worsley. ________ L A M E M £ 9 9 from a bone Spavin, K in g Bans, Splint, Curb, Side Bone, or umiiar trouble and gets horse going sound. It acts mildly but ouickly and good re­ sult» are lasting. D oee not Mia ter o r rem ove the hair and hone can l>e worked. Page 17 in pamphlet with each bottle tell» how. $2.00 a bottle delivered. Horse Book 9 M free. A B S O R B IN ’ F„ JR., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduce» Painful Swellingi, En­ larged Gland», Wen», Bruise»,Varicose veins) heal* Sore». Allay» Pain. W ill tell you more if you write. $1 and $2 a bottle at That Itch, Burn and Scale Quickly Re­ lieved by Cuticura— Trial Free. It takes about ten minutes to prove that a hot bath with Cuticura Soap followed by gentle applications of Cuticura Ointment w ill afford relief and point to speedy healment of eo- zemas, ltchings and Irritations. They are ideal for all toilet purposes. Free sample each by moll with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. — Adv. $oc Mann ‘Operations The Right Medicine in Many Cases Does Better than the Surgeon’s Knife. Tribute to Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound. Doctor Said Operation or Death—But Medicine Cored. Des Moines, Iowa.—“My husband says I would have been in my grave today had it not been for Lydia E. Pinkhanvs Vegetable Compound. I suf­ fered from a serious female trouble and the doctors said I could not live one year without an operation. My husband objected to the operation and had me try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. I soon commenced to get better and am now well and able to do my own housework. I can recom­ mend Lydia E. Pmkham’s Vegetable Compound to any woman as a wonderful health restorer.”—Mrs. B J , 703 Lyon St, Des Moines, Iowa. lanch e efferson Another Operation Avoided. Richmond, Ind.—“For two years I was so sick and weak from female troubles that when going up stairs I had to go very slowly with my hands on tho steps* then sit down at the top to rest. doctor said he thought I should have an operation, and my friends thought not live to move into our new house. My daughter oug I to would try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound as she had asked me taken it with good results. I did soy my weakness disappeared, I M. O. Route D, Box 190, Richmond, Ind. e n o u g h in p r a is e o f L y d i a 1 J o h nsto n , Of course there are many serious cases that only a surgical operation will relieve. W e freely acknowledge this^ but the above letters, and many others like them, amply prove that many operations are recommended when medicine in many cases is all that is needed. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. PlnVhatn Medi­ Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Tour letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. c in e