N ew H ou ston H otel Hlilh »ml Kvfit-ll HI».. IN»rtl»nd. Orv. Ftmr blovki fruiti Union h ip oi, Tw o block» front N «w ro»b»ft1r«. M lh„ milIllgwl sonuunce. Each customer will pay his own tax and tickets "-III be issued by the picture houses fur this pur|>o»e. The Eugene Fruitgrowers’ associa­ tion Wednesday received a carload o f cull ap|>ea from Rogue River vailley. It is ex|>erted that a number o f similar shipmenta w ill be received later. The apples are to be manufactured into vinegar. Are matlu from your OI.D CAR- PETS. Rag Ruff* woven all alses. Mall orders receive prompt and care­ ful attention. Send for booklet. The Imnd election in the various pre­ cincts o f the north unit irrigation dis­ NORTHWEST KUC CO. E. Hth and Taylor Sts. Portland, Or. trict at Madras carried by a large ma­ jority in favor o f the irrigationista. W e W a n t Y o u t; All o f the precincts officially heard from indicate a m ajority in favor of i he bond* o f DO, standing 237 for bonds and 147 against. W e P a y C a sh . N o C o m m is s io n s Governor Withycombe haa appointed H E ID E N R E IC H CO. Clmrlea Wendt, o f Baker, and William 74 r r o n t S L , P o rtla n d , O re Hanley, o f Burns, as members o f the Advisory Livestock Brand Adjustng board, created by the last legislature. Jerry Snow, brand inspector at the ITnlnn H t n r ijlr ik nf North Portland, acts as ex-officio member of the board. B EA N S THE VOGEL PRODUCE CO. You can turn gray, faded hair beau tlfully dark and luatroua almost over night If you’ll get a 60 cent bottle of "W yeth ’s Bago and Sulphur Com pound" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Bags Tea lleclpe, Improved by the addition of other Ingredients, are sold annually, •ays a well known druggist here, be cause It darkens the hair ao naturally and evenly that no one can tell It has been applied. Those whose hair Is turning gray or becoming failed have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair van Ishes and your locks become luxuriant ly dark and beautiful. This la the age of youth. Oray haired, unattractive folks aren’t want ed around, ao get busy with W yeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound to-night and you’ll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful ap pearance within a few days. 'I hla preparation Is a toilet requisite and Is not Intended for the cure, mltl gallon or prevention of disease. By the Size of It. A minister confided to hla old friend that he waa considering an Invitation to another parish at a marked Increase In salary. "W hat I do not know for sure la th&t this is really a call.” "Call, dominie? It’s a command.” — Christian Register. Among tho Latinists. "W h at la tho moaning of 'in medio tutlaslmua Ibis?’ ” “ It moans a middle course Is safest. In other words, tho middle man al­ ways gets hla.”— Exchange. Will ru»r»nt< «* you l«*t* market | ir k « »t »11 time« for your Vo»l. I I » vb , Poultry, K kk «, Ilutlmr. Hid»«. K ir. i f you h «vc not ihl|)|mtl to u*. try ua. D. G. Horn and J. L. Sparretorn are To keep clean and healthy t attempting to raise funds with which Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. They regu 113 F ro n t, P O R T L A N D , O R . to build the grade o f a spur from Bo­ late liver, bowels and stomach. na nxa to the new Klamath Falla Mu­ SHER1DAN-BECKLEY COMP’Y, Inc. nicipal Railw ay being built from Klamath Falla to Dairy by Robert E. Strahorn, and a considerable sum for Produce Brokers. that purpose is already in sight, ac­ ,M Cash buyvra In local and car luU. cording to J. 0. Hamakcr, United H O .S i W rit. f..r Hhlppta* Tkfi t APPLES States commissioner, o f Bonanza. VEAL H. l’Ut P o ta to . . ECCS 1 N * U m m .u .u n . I ONIONS "Scores of letters come to the office o f the State Fish and Game commis­ 126 Front Street, sion asking us to extend the hunting I M ad« an Automobile PO RTLAND . • - OREGON E xport o f T h is Man In and Ashing seasons," said State Game Refwrvnc«* llibern i« Savina* Hank. Just Seven Weeks. Warden Shoemaker, who was in Salem DO YOU W A N T TO BE AN EXPERT this week. "T h e commission has Autom obile Driver ua. O l H O power to close a season at any time, Veal, Pork. Beef, Autom obile Repairman Autom obile Salesman I Poultry, Butter, Egg* but it has no power whatsoever to ex­ Gas Tractor Engineer ^ 11 1 and Farm Produce. tend either a Ash or game season. Stationary Engineer to th« Old KoliabUi Kvrrdln* bou a. with a and earn from $100 to $600 Only the legislature may do that,” he ncord o f tú year* of Sanar« I Malin» a and *r month? If you have said. ba aaaunwl of T O P M A R K E T P V U C li wo hand« and a common s e n »« F. M. C K O N K H IT L M 7 Front M r «» » Portland. O r n e » ELECTRIC MOTORS Bought. Sold, R .ntod and Rapairod W A L K Kit KLHCTKIC WORKS Burttaidk, cor. luti». Portland. Oro. B ig ge r P ay fo r You. Hahnke- W«llu-r Musine.. College. Portland, Ore.. lameal In Nurthwaat. traina you In all Imal* naaa couraea. Enroll any time. Fee« Catalog. Her Versatility. No one Is more versatile than a smart woman, and we suppose those W hite House pickets who havo been whiling away their dull hours in Jail eeK engaging In rough and tumble ghts with male guards and colored • lady prisoners wilt goon be at large again, earnestly presenting the crying n e e d 'o f woman’s gentle Influence in our public life.— Ohio State Journal. •'What u i»»».e p ie . THEXOf WHEAT, CDOKU «multi/ FORCE' ■ TOASTED ~ WHEAT FLAK ES I Â ^ CUTICURA KILLS D A N D R U FF I The Cause of Dry, Thin and Falling Hair and Does It Quickly— Trial Free Anoint spots o f dandruff, Itching and Irritation with Cutlcura Ointment. Follow at once by a hot shampoo with Cutlcura Soap, If a man, and next morning If a woman. When Dandruff goes the hair comes. Use Cutlcura Soap daily for the to ile t Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard. Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. — Adv. Wheat— Bulk basis for No. 1 grade: Hard white— Bluestem, Early Bart, Allen, Galgalus, Martin Amber, $2.05. Soft w hite— Palouse bluestem, fo rty­ fold, W hite valley, Gold Coin, White Russian, $2.03. W hite club— L ittle club, Jenkins club, white hybrids, So­ nora, $2.01. Red W alla — Red Rus­ sian, red hybrids, Jones fife, coppei, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less; No. 3 “ H ere’s a substance which breaks grade, 6c less; other grades handled down when exposed to light,” remark­ by sample. Flour — Patents, $10.20; valley, ed the chemist. "That must be the stuff politicians $9.30; whole wheat, $10.40; graham, are made of,” observed the cynic.— $ 10 . 20 . M illfeed — Spot prices: Bran, $30 per ton; shorts, $33; middlings, $41; rolledd barley, $55(357; rolled oats, $54. Com— Whole, $83 per ton; cracked, $84. Hay — Buying prices, f. o. b. Port­ land: Eastern Oregon timothy, $27 per ton; valley timothy, $23(325; al­ falfa, $22.50(324; valley grain hay, $20; clover, $20; straw, $8. Butter— Cubes, extras. 44(344}c per pound; prime firsts, 43(343}c. Job­ bing prices: Prints, extras, 48c; car­ loads, tons, lc extra; butterfat, No. 1, 51<3:52c. Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­ ceipts, 52c per dozen; candled, 54(3 57c; selects, 58(360<\ Poultry — Hens, large, 18 (3 19c per pound; small, 17 cents; broilers 10 cents: ducks, 18(320c; geese, 10@ 12c; turkeys, live. 20(325c. V eal— Fancy, 15<((;15ic per pound. Pork— Fancy, 18J(iil9c per pound. Vegetables — Tomatoes, 760$?$!.75 per crate; cabbage, lj(ff'2c per pound; lettuce, 50(fi'75c per dozen; cucumbers, 40f»/'60c; peppers, 9ff£10c per pound; cauliflower, 90c @ $1.60 per dozen; sprouts, 10c per pound; artichokes, 90c per dozen; horseradish, 9c per pound; garlic, 6f(i8c ; squash, l| c; pumpkins, lc ; carrots, $1.25^fl.50 per sack; beets, $1.50<9T.76; turnips, $1.50(3) 1.76. Potatoes— $1.SOffit.75 per hundred­ w eight; sweet potatoes, 3<33{c per pound. Onions— Buying price: Oregon, $2.35, country points. Green Fruits— Peaches, 75@85c per box; apples, $l(ff.2 ; pears, $1.75ff£ 2.26; grapes, $1.25(3)1.65; casabas, 2c per pound; cranberries, $13.50 per barrel; quinces, $2.25(32.50 per box. Hops— 1917 crop, 26(327c per pound; 1916 crop, 17(3)20e. W ool— Extra Oregon, fine, 50(360c per pound; coarse, 55(360c; valley, 55 (360c; mohair, long staple, 65c. October 31, 1917. Cattle, Beat beef steers........ ..$ 9.50(3)10.00 7.25(3 9.00 Good beef steers........ .. Best beef cows.......... . . 6.60(3 7.25 4.00(3 5.60 Ordinary to good . . . . . . 6.50(3 7.60 Best h e ife r s .............. .. 7.00(3 9.50 C a lv e s ......................... .. 4.60(3 6.75 Bulls........................... . . 4.00(3 7.25 Stockers and feeders. . . Hogs— Prime light hogs . . . . . .$15.75(315.85 Prime heavy hogs .. . . . 15.65(315.75 Bulk ......................... .. 15.50(315.75 P i g s ........................... .. 13.50(314.00 Sheep— Yearlings................... ..$12.60(313.00 W ethers..................... . . 12.00(313.00 8.50(310.50 F .w e s ......................... . .. Western lambs.......... . . . 14.00(314.50 Valley lambs............. . . . 13.60(314.00 in Th * Imported Norwegian cod liver oil o«*d In S c o tt’ • L m u U io o ia B O W rein ed In our own American laboratories which ruarantec* It free (rum ImpuriUea. ScoW * Bownc. Bloomfield. N. J. 1 J-U He— W hy did you let me make love to you if it was hopeless? She— I didn’t know It was hopeless until I ’d seen your method of making love.— Boston Transcript Mrs. Knagg— You should stop fid­ dling away yonr time. Knagg— And you harping on one string.— Boston Transcript. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES. Allen’. Foot-Eaae. the antiaeptic powder. Make, tijrht or new shoes feel easy. Relieves Cora«. Bunions. Hot. Swollen. Tender. A chin* Feet. Sold everywhere. 25c. Don't accept any aubatitute. Sample FREE. Address. Allen S.lOlmsted. Le Roy. N .Y . ______________________ A lert for the Future. “ You’ve got a lot of weeds in your garden.” “ Pretty fine weeds, too, don’t you think?” rejoined Mr. Crosslots. "Surely you are not nursing them alon g!” “ Yes sir. I ’ve been finding out that so many new things are edible that I'm holding out to see whether science don't discover some way o f frying the jimson or stewing the burdock.”— Washington Star. SUFFERING CATS! GIVE THIS MAN THE GOLD MEDAL No humbug! Any corn, whether hard, soft or between the toes, will loosen right up and lift out. without a particle o f pain or soreness. This drug Is called freexone and Is a compound of ether discovered by a Cincinnati man. Ask at any drug store for a small bottle of freesone. which will coat but a trifle, but is sufflcleift to rid one’s feet of every corn or callous. Put a few drop« directly upon any tender, aching corn or callous. In­ stantly the soreness disappears and shortly the corn or callous w ill loosen and can be lifted o ff with the fingers. This drug freesone doesn’t eat out the corns or callouses but shrivels them without even Irritating the sur­ rounding skin. Just think! No pain at all; no sore­ ness or smarting when applying it or afterwards. If your druggist don’t have freesone have him order It foi you._________________ _______ ____________ BLACK LEG LOSSES STREIT PREVERTE! kV CUTTER t BLACKLES PIUS Low -priced, J trM»u celia» ie ; < p refereed by " protect wher» ethw 1 Write far booklet and »CTtimoniale. 10-dOM »k i.B I «c k l«f Pill«. *1.00 5 0 -4 ««« p «| . B M k l.fi HU«. *4.00 U m u t tslertor, but Cv«W • « d Wroof«. Th. mm mloctj ot Cottm peo*«rt is due to oror IS rm n o l specWIistn« l. VACCiax* a n d s iu ia l ONLY. iNSiST OH CUTTAA'A. I i UAobCuiuhia order direct. _ .. _ _ TM Cattar laMratary. fiwtator. CaOTaraM Sent Congratulations. Long before the days ot Dlrectolra gowns, when appendicitis was still the most fashionable thing one could have, a friend of the late Senator Hoar was stricken down. For a time an opera­ tion was thought necessary, but it finally turned out that the trouble was not appendicitis at all— merely acute indigestion. Whereupon the venerable Massachusetts statesman sent this message of congratulation: “I re­ joice that the difficulty lay in the table of contents rather than in the appendix.” — Exchange. The Slackers. Visitor— And do you find people come in here during the week for peace and meditation? Sexton— Aye, sir. that they do: why, I caught two of ’em in ’ere only last week.— Cassell’s Saturday Journal. FOUR WEEKS IN HOSPITAL N o R e lie f— M rs. B ro w n F in ­ a lly C u red b y L y d ia E . P in k h a m ’s V e g e t a b le C om p ou n d. Cleveland, Ohio. —“ For years I suf­ fered so sometimes it seemed as though I could n o t stand it any longer. It was all in my lower organs. A t times I could hardly walk, fo r i f I stepped on a little stone I would almost faint. One day I did faint and m y husband w a s sent for and the doc­ tor came. I was ta­ ken to the hospital and stayed four weeks but when I came home I would faint just the same and had the same pains. A friend who is a nurse asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­ pound. I began taking it that very day for I was suffering a great deal. It haa already done me more good than the hospital. To anyone who is suffering as I was my advice is to stop in the first drug-store and get a bottle o f Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound before you go home.” — Mrs. W. C. B r o w n , *844 W. 12th S t , Cleveland, Ohio. VAUGHAN’S PORTABLE DRAG SAW C u t s 2 0 C o r d s in 1 0 H o u r s THE ORIGINAL THE LIGHTEST. THE STRONGEST. HAS MANY IMITATORS, BUT NO.EQUALS^Writa for Informal)«». V aughan M o to r W o rk s , PORTLAND. OREGON. maw