i V VOL. XIV FALLS CITY NEWS KALLS CITY OREGON, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1917 1 1 ...... .. B U C K ROCK ITEMS SOLDIERS' LETTER DAY-HOY. 11 LIVING LONG AND W E LL Supt Crowder and wife visited On Sunday, November 11, write Cat* the P roparly Balancad a letter to your boy, or if you In E v e ry Lifo our school on Thursday. la tha W inno r. Mr. and Mrs. Zim Hinshaw via-1 have no boy or relative in the W’bat profltetb a man (bat he gain T ha IMint allow at th» (lem tonight t ited at the home of Mr. and Mra. American Army or Navy, write the whole world yet loae hie health) a letter to your neighbors' boy, In the race for power and place, for Wm. Tillotlson on Thursday. euae of circumstance and relief from and «end him a copy of the old the allmulua of hunger, tha modern Clothes cleaned and preaaed. , ^eUwarth made u proles- home newspaper. ta t him know man la apt to forget that unleaa he la Wm. Bohle. onu* m our c‘ty 0,1 Monday, j you are thinking of him, that you careful of hla body he will eoon be to auffer for the Infraction of ^ Mrs. Z. Batoumey of I’owell s Mrs. (j. price made a busi- believe in him, that you are back- made Nature'* Inexorable phyalca! law. ( amp was in the city Wednesday, ness trip to Kalis City on Monday, ing him and you want him to With the loes In body tone cornea an loea In mental acuity, and the ‘The mill shut down Wednesday Little Jane Hammel was oper- mu*te g°°d physically and morally, equal brain, which for a time waa able to nnd part of Thursday to repair ated on Saturday in Dallas for Cell him to make um of the Army operate despite the complaint* of au the boilers. her tonsils und adenoids. She is and Navy Y. M. C. A’ It’s the overfed, nndercxerclaed, aelf poisoned boy that is lonesome and heartsick body, atop# working. Newly furnished rooms to rent, getting along nicely. have discovered that , for a letter from home that of- the Statisticians mortality rate of persona In the Close to mill. M. R. Matthews. Mra. Dimmick was a caller in times fails. Many of the boy« Untied State* over forty-five years of The mill company is filling an tails C ity on Monday. are homesick and a letter from age la Increasing. The strenuous life today la not alone responsible for order for the Government this The Black Rock people gathered home—from you will do much to- of this. Lack of health giving exercise, 1 week. at the home of Mr. and Mrs Geo. ward effecting a cure. Will you superfluity of diet, lack of restoring sleep, overstimulation, the high press­ Miss Mary Hammond returned Graves Wednesday evening for a do it? ure of tha race for power, wealth and ---------------------- Thursday evening from Powell’s Hallow-een party. Th* evening position, plus physical neglect—these The conservation of food, or bring early decay. The goal la reach­ Camp where she has been the was spent in playing games. A lunch consisting of roasted ween- the prevention of waste, is a ed—wealth la amassed—honor, posi­ past week. tion and power are just being grasped ies, bread and butter and Elder move in the right direction not when the apple of accomplishment The usual Hallow-een pranks berry juice was served to all. only as a war measure, but for turns to ashes of dissolution. The were played Wednesday night. The guests went home at mid- the reason that it is wrong to be brilliant mind becomes clouded, the steady band la no longer accurate, the BEEF BY THE QUARTER- night having spent a very pleas- wasteful at Any time. A great eye which once gazed fearlessly on the ant evening with one another. many Americans are born wast- whole world la dimmed, and It ta not ut 10 to 13 cents a pound, cash. before the final breakup occurs. Nan Smith went to Corvallis on ere. and no difference as to what long Knlls City Meat Market. All of this was entirely preventable. Tuesday. straights of want they are re Other things being equal. It Is the Mrs. E. A. LaDow’, who has man who leads the well balanced life duced, they will waste. I been in Salem the past month tak­ Earl and Wm. Frame started to who lasts the longest, whose work to the end ta uniformly the best—be who ing treatments is at home for a school on Monday. neither overworks nor overplays, nei­ few days. She is much improved The war tax will never be ther overeats, overdrinks nor over­ and will return Sunday and con­ equitably adjusted, or distribu­ sleeps, he who maintains a standard SCHOOL NOTES tinue treatment. ted until all alike contribute their of simple, healthy diet in moderation, One day last week the high share. So long as the manufac­ who offset* mental work with physical Fresh Bread Cakes,Cookies,Pies «ch«,, dujf the rK)Ultoes that turer or jobber can add to the recreation, who-Is as honest with his 4» own body as he Is with bis own busi­ r , other bakery goods, every1 were planted by the High school | price of an article a sufficient ness. When success comes to such a ay, at the Falls City Bakery. last year. There were twenty- amount to pay the tax and net one hla physical and mental condition such that he can enjoy In peace of Mrs. W. M. Black and son An-'seven sacks. These potatoes will a handsome profit besides, and Is mind and contentment of body the drew were Dallas visitors last be used by the science girls in the j pass it on down to the next man, fruits of hla labors.—Health Bulletin. Saturday. soup kitchen this winter. the plan is wrong. He evades OUR PORPOISE FISHERY. A new flag pole will be erected Payment of his share of of the Mrs. A. M. Vassal and Mrs. C. L. Hopkins were dinner guests at on the school ground in a few war burden, O n* of tha Oldevt and Least K n o w n In . duatrioa In Am orica. Mrs. Eleanor Butler’s Saturday. days. ------------— ■■ ■ One of the oldest and least known The Honor Guard held a meet i Come to the M. E. church next Industries In America la the porpoise Matron wanted at the Falls City Mrs. A. F. Oshery, which bas been operated from Hospital A good place for mar­ ing Monday after school, to ap- Sunday morning. Hatteraa, In North Carolina, for point a committee to look after Courier will sing. The Pastor’s Cape ried couple who can do general about 200 years. It should attain an the Christmas boxes that are be- message will be in commemora- unusual prosperity in the next few nruse work at times. ing made for the soldiers. tion of the four hundredth anni- years, for the bureau of fisheries Is more general use of porpoise Apples for sale. Apply to George Wagner, Vernon and versary of the nailing of the urging bides In place of cowhide. It Is an Floyd Jones. Emerson Murphy, Winfield John- Ninety-five Theses to the door of excellent leather and could undoubted­ Mrs. Belle Elwood of Portland son and Laverne Mickalson visited the Castle Rock church at Witten- ly be used more widely. the most valuable prod­ spent several days visiting her school this week. bury. Come and bring your uct Heretofore of the fishery has been the oil mother, Mrs Mary Thorne, last Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Lowe enter- j friends. Strangers especially which Is extracted from the Jaws of the porpoise and Is worth about $20 a week » tained a few of their friends on welcome. gallon. It la universally used for lu­ bricating watches and other very del- Mrs. A. M. Vassall spent sev­ Wednesday eve with a Hallow- The Epworth League meetings Icate mechanisms. The body blubber een party. The house was artisti- are growing in interest. The eral day; in Dallas this week. Is also valuable. Attempts to manu cally decorated with Jack-o-Lan- League room was filled Sunday facture fertilizer out of the carcasses Mrs. F. K. Hubbard is improv- terns, autumn leaves and black night. You come next Sunday have failed because of the distance from a fuel supply. i ing. cats, witches, owls, and bats, night. The porpoises are taken at Hatteras The Red Cross Benefit tonight jteered out from their hiding At the evening service the Pastor In seines operated from the shore, and It Is probably the only place hi Amer at Wagner’s Hall desires your pa­ places behind pictures and cur­ will have a helpful message. lea where this has ever been success tains. Games and pranks were tronage. Buy your tickets wheth­ Special music will ibe rendered fully done During the fall, winter er you go or not. The money will played. At 11 o’clock an appro­ at evening service; also Dr. Ford and spring many porpoises are seen off priate lunch was served. The will conduct the 1st quarterly i the south Atlantic coast and at Hat- be used in a good cause. they come within a few hundred guests, at a late hour departed, conference Nov. 9. Full attend-! (eras yards of the surf. They are taken by John Farrier and Clinton Hub­ having spent an enjoyable even­ spreading seines about 200 yards out­ ance desired. bard of Co. E. 44th Infantry, visi­ ing. side the surf line. As soon as the por­ A. F. Hanson, Pastor. poises have come inside the seine It ted at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ta dragged ashore. Often a whole W. M. Black last Sunday. Mr. school of these sea creatures Is taken NOTICE OF FINAL TLEMENT Farrier is a nephew of Mrs. Black In a single haul—Baltimore American. CARD OF THANKS and belongs to the sharpshooters, Notice is hereby given that M. We desire to express our sincere and is the crack-shot of the regi­ L. Thompson, administrator of thanks to our friends and neigh­ H o w ’a Th is? ment. the estate of Matilda Travis, We offer One Hundred Dollars Re­ bors for their sympathy and their Will those who donated books deceased, has filed his final ac­ assitance in the laying to rest, our ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh and Magazines please bring them count as such administrator in beloved husband, son and brother. Cure. the County Court of the State of to the Library building or notify F . J. C H E N E T A C O . Toledo. O. Mrs. Walter Tice, Oregon for the County of Polk, We. th e undersigned, have known F J me and we will get them. for th e la s t 15 yeara. and believe Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Tice Cheney him perfectly honorable In all buslnees Mr. C. L Hopkins. and that Monday, the 3d day of tran sactio n s and financially able to carry and family. December, 1917, at the hour of out a n y obligations m ade by hte Arm. NATIONAL BANK O F COMMERCE. The South Hill club met at Mrs. ten o’clock in the forenoon of —" — Toledo, O. Frank White’s Friday afternoon, said day, at t*he court room of ^ + h + h + h -K 'I i i H a ll's C a ta rrh C ure te tak e n Internally, acting directly upon th e blood and mu- at the Bungalow. The afternoon said Court, in the County Court roue eurtacee of th e system T estim onials •ea t free. Price 75 cents p e r bottle. Sold was profitably spent in work, House in Dallas, Polk County, ” by ell D ruggists. Take Ball's Family Pills (or coasUpetion. music, and a so:ial hour, after Oregon, has been appointed by " which a dainty lunch was served said Court as the time and place ! by the hostess assisted by Mrs. E. for the hearing of objections to It is very doubtful if the little Smith. the said final account and the " South American countries will be settlement thereof. 11 of any material aid in the war Dr. G. E. Prims has opened the Dated and first published Nov- against Germany so far as fight­ old Falls City Hospital in the east ember 3, 1917. j! I ing strength is concerned. The part of town and is prepared to M ,L. THOMPSON, You for the money we first thing would be a loan from care for the sick and afflicted. Administrator of the estate of ;; can save you on your the United States to equip them. Already he has operated on two Matilda Travis, deceased. new Suit or Overcoat It might be better for them to patients; Wm. Hawk of Black OSCAR HAYTER, Attorney and us for the pleasure turn their attention to producing Rock and R. M. Massie of this of gaining a satisfied munitions of war for the men in city. Mr. Massie was injured customer. the field and not hamper ithe U ., Possibly it may be a coinci While working at the mill, causing S. The indications are that this To M oatiiro Only of Tiernia. Both patients are doing dence, but had you noticed that I;; conutry will have to do the clean­ nicely. The hiapital will be open since the services of city attorney ; ing up of Germany and if these to the public, being no strings, as haee been dispensed with that i f little nations will keep out of the to who shall perform the opera­ real money has accumulated in way alittle while jt will be done, i the treasury. -I "l-l 1 1 1 I tion. Local Nows Items m Let’s both be Thankful th is ooming Thanks­ giving D a y - B O H L E ’S I No. 10. Flour Prices Drop At Our Store SUNSHINE FLOUR, per tack 12.75 3.00 3.00 - DRIFTED SNOW, Hard w h tal WHITE MOUNTAIN, Hard whaai AS USUAL You will find Our Prices THE LOWEST SELIG’S, Cash Price Store, “ Meeting and Beating Competition” . YOU STA R T AT ZERO We all start out in life from Zero mark. It is uphill all the way. The higher we go the more we are looked up ta The man who attains success must take him­ self seriously, look to his own interests and conserve his strength, wealth and ability. Many people are depositing their money with this bank, paying by check, and furthering their own interests, thereby raising their marks high above zero on the gauge of life BANK OF FALLS C IT Y . aax3 te a ? qiïï M s The constant strain of factory work very often results in Headaches, Backaches and other Aches, and also weak­ ens the Nerves. D R . M ILES* ANTI-PAIN PILLS will quickly relieve the Nerves, or Pain, while D r. Miles* Heart T reatm ent is very helpful when the Heart is overtaxed. IF F IR S T B O X , OR B O T T L E , F A IL S T O B E N E F I T Y O U , Y O U R M ONEY W IL L B E R EFU N D ED . S E V E R E P A IN . " I used to su ffer a g rs s t deal w ith lum bago tn m y shoulders and back. A fri.n d Induced m e to tr y Dr. Miles' A ntl-F aln Pills and I am only too glad to be able to a tte e t to th a relief th a t I got from theae splendid pills. T hey forte a valuable m edicine and do e ll t h a t It 1» claim ed th ey win do.” __ LEW IE J . CUTTBB, • Marietta. Ohio.