■ > , J * - U. S. DESTROYER HIT On« killed and Five Wounded b> Tor­ pedo Limps Into Tort Seriously Damaged Details lacking. Weekly War Information CEB* * 1 « BE* TO STOP WASTE IIIU IN ARMÏ CAMPS WORKS FOR LIBERTY LOAIi Brief Stories Prepared Under the Washington, D. C.— An American War Department Propares Plans Direction o f the Committee on destroyer on patrol duty in the war Public Information and the State to Enforce the Most Council o f Defense. tone was torpedoed by an enemy sub­ Rigid Economy. marine Wednesday. One man was German Food Experts Equal Their killed and five wounded. She man­ Diplomats in Mistakes. aged to make port in spite o f severe damage. It is to avoid a condition such as has V ice Adimiral Sims cabled a brief report o f the incident to the Navy de­ been experienced by Germany that the i partment. He gave few details, but department o f Agriculture has sug- j Effect of New Plan Is to Turn Into .... - ■ . it is assumed there was no fight and gested “ save the s o w " as both a slo- j Largo Profit What Hitherto Has that the U-hoat made good her escape gan and a working plan for those who Been a Vary Consldsrabl# Brenta o f Noted People, Governments after launching a torpedo without Sea and Air Fleets Card in Fighting wish to prevent the threatened meat ■ «pan««. showing herself. for Possession o f Gulf Entrance and Pacific Northweat and Other shortage. Gunner’s Mate Osmond K elley In­ Washington.— The war department When the lack o f meats and fats be­ Thing* Worth Knowing. Chat Leads to Petrograd. gram was the man killed. He was has taken elaborate and comprehen­ blown overboard by the explosion and came felt by the central powers, Ger­ sive precaution« to prevvnt wn«te In his body was not recovered. K elley's man food economy experts advised (he urmy cantonment«, which will «»on mother. Mrs. Betty Ingram, lives at that the hogs be killed, assuming the Several Minneapolis flour mills w ill Pratt City, Ala. Petrograd German battlcahipii air­ ' contain more than 2 . 000.000 men, nnd decline further orders until those on In accordance with the policy o f feed and labor required to raise swine planes and truo|>s are uniting in the In the embarkation eumps. In the ! hand have been filled. The action is secrecy concerning American naval could profitably be diverted to other j attack upon the outer defense« o f \ feeding o f the men »lis le will he mini- i in accordance with a request from the operations, the department did not di­ uses. Only a short time elapsed be­ Petrograd, at the entrance to the Gulf | lulled through the fact that the food > food administration. j will be prepared under the direction vulge the name o f the destroyer or the fore the meat and fat situation became j o f Riga. worse than before, and the food ex­ Fighting for the possesaion o f Oesel | o f mesa cooks, who will be trained by Mata-Hari. the Dutch dancer and ad­ exact place o f the encounter. None o f the wounded was seriously perts were forced to make a complete ! Island continues. Arensburg, its cap­ special courses In urmy cooking venturess. who two months ago was They are: Herman H. Pan- switch of policy and lay down strin- j ital city, has been occupied by the schools. found guilty by a Paris courtmartial on hurt. The ottlcera' training c tun pa huve not the charge o f espionage, was shot at kratz, gunners’ mate, St. Louis; W il­ gent rules for the protection o f what I enemy. Naval and air forces are energeti­ been under the control o f tho war de­ liam E. Merritt, seaman. New York hogs remained. dawn Monday morning. Hogs furnish meat more quickly and cally supporting the land operations partment so far us the food «upplle« C ity; Frank W . Kruse, fireman, To­ The London taxicab drivers at a ledo; Patrick Rutledge, oiler, New more cheaply than any other stock; a and are attacking the mirth and the are concerned, and the waste In thoae meeting recently decided upon a strike York City, and W illiam Seimer, fire­ shortage can therefore be met most south o f the island. The south squad­ camps has been due to the luck of next Monday, owing to the refusal o f readily by intensive swine production. ron o f enemy cruiser«, torpedo-boat« skilled management In the linmlMiiu man, Dundas, Minn. the Home secretary to sanction a 50 As breeding stocks are now being sml trawlers attempted to force the | o f food. A committee repre«eutlng the This is the first time an American per cent increase in fares. warship has been hit by an enemy depleted throughout the United States | entrance to Irbe channel. Its further war departmeut ami the United States Four banner carriers o f the woman's since the war began. Destroyers con and the situation w ill become very ser­ I movements into the Gulf o f R iga are food administration will ulso assist In, party were arrested Tuesday in front voying troops and merchantmen have ious if the country continues to be | covered by Russian long-range artil­ dealing with problems o f eliminating waste. of the W hite House. A ll four were engaged submarines and are believed drained o f its meats, the department lery from the island o f Oesel. The northern group o f German war­ The food administration has re- j in the group arrested 10 days ago and to have accounted for some o f them o f Agriculture is suggesting that ships dispatched a squadron of torpedo- dismissed without sentence. and the ships patrolling the European swine production be increased. oelved from the secretary o f wnr an lioats between the islands o f Oesel nnd A «trlkliig «-zampi«« of tini valuti ol According to a Copenhagen dispatch, shipping lanes undoubtedly have had Food Administration Plans Canvass o f Dago which pressed hark Russian pa­ announcement o f u thoroughgoing many an encounter o f which nothing plan for Conserving all the waste ran- woiiieu In bt-lplng America In thè gretti Germany has offered to supply a cer­ trol boats in the direction o f the Moon- 22,000.000 Homes. was learned, but until Wednesday none terlul o f the Nutlonul army cump«. tain quantity o f potatoes to Denmark. sund. Russian naval forces, reinforc­ which will result In salvaging many tight Is .Miss Antolucttc Funk, a mem- had been touched by a hostile shot. A house-to-house canvass o f the 22,- ber of thè »om in i'« cominltti-e tif tIn In exchange, however, Germany w ill Naval gun crews or armed American 000,000 families in the United States ing the patrol boata, accepted battle thousands o f dollars. coimctl o f tintinnai defense. expect Denmark to supply her with ar­ merchantmen have not been so fortu­ and the enrollment o f every man and and the enemy retired. Collecting the Waste. Tini pbotegraph show« ber hard al ticles of which she is in need. A third group o f enemy warships, nate. Many o f them have had to woman in the nation in a mighty food wurk In h«-r ottico lu tho treusury bulbi The army's first consideration In consisting o f cruisers and torpedo- Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, presi­ abandon their charges and take to the conservation army, w ill be conducted lag » l o re «he K doliig womlerful Work dent o f the National Woman Suffrage boats, usually after an unwarned tor­ by the food administration from Oc­ boats, approached the southwestern plaunlng this work has been the atinl- coast o f the Island o f Oesel and bom- tary and hygienic problem. At each In tini Intere*!* of thè Liberty luna party, w ill lead the woman's parade in pedo attack, and one officer and 13 tober 21 to 28. liarded part o f the coast. German cantonment the wastes will be collect­ She Is executive vb'e clinlrmnn o f Ih» New York City, planned for October m?n have lost their lives, while four “ On the success of this canvass,” submarines were observed several ed and transported to a single "trans­ «o m e ii't Liberty Inali conimlttce, ot 27, under the auspices o f the New men are in German prison camps. says Herbert Hoover, food admlnls -1 times at different place« in the Baltic. fer station" under the direction o f the whlch Slm. McAdno I* thè rimirimi«! York state organization o f the party. In all, the Navy has lost one officer trator, “ w ill largely depend the issue I The exodus from Petrograd, which sanitary Inspector, 'through the use She w ii « a«k«-d tu tuko thè post hy Seo An explosion in the nitro-starch dry- and 16 men— the only men o f Amer­ o f the war. ‘ Food will win the war,’ is ( has been noticeable since the fall o f o f the two-cau system, wastes will tie retary McAdoo bi-rnti«e «>ff Iter power« ica's fighting forces actually killed in the battle cry. house at the Du Pont Powder Works Riga, has greatly increased. Since tightly enclosed throughout their col­ of (»gleni appeal, her nhlltty ns t “ Nearly 2,000,000 women have speuker nnd her untlrlng nctlvlty Is at Gibbetown, N. J., resulted in the action. Lieutenant Clarence C. Thomas, taken the pledge to furnish the food Saturday the ticket offices have been lection. Sterilized caus will lie sub­ any work ctilinrctod »Itti thè greal instant death o f two workmen. A beseiged, many persona offering large stituted for the tilled enn« at the The third man is missing and probably commanding the gun crew o f the tank our allies and armies require. premiums for tickets. The situation kitchens, the nuisance of dUugreeuhUi muse for whlch America Is tlghtlng. dead. Another man was seriously in­ steamer Vacuum, and four o f his men small amount each individual is asked is aggravated by rumors which are odora and danger from tiles being re­ were the first o f the N a vy’s casualties. to save through substitution and avoid­ jured. tractcil. and the remainder ground and In addition to the men lost on mer­ ance o f waste, when multiplied by mil­ branded officially as unfounded, that duced to a minimum. Every step In used for fertlllx«-r or fi-eds. passenger traffic w ill be stopped the process of reclamation uud utiliza­ Germany and Turkey have made an chantmen and Gunner’s Mate Ingram, lions, becomes an effective total. By tho method o f toelnerntlnn fop shortly, in view o f the expected evacu­ tion la carefully sufegourded nnd Is agreement whereby Turkey is to issue two naval fliers have lost their lives The foods that must be saved are ation by the government. uuder the absolute direction o f n san­ tm-rly In use, not ouly would all the«« paper money o f the equivalent value at the French front. wheat, beef, pork, dairy products and valuable wnst«* materials huve beet) o f £50,000,000, against which the Naval officers do not doubt that the sugar; those that should be used gen- , No extensive evacuation is looked itary force, each contractor being destroy«*«!, but It wtmlil have coat ap­ same amount o f German exchequer torpedoed destroyer was taken un­ erously are fish, poultry, fruit, vege­ for, as no immediate danger threatens placed under heavy bond«. the capital. The new front ia still 300 At the tranafer atatlon. the wastes proximately $7no.0l*» for the Installa­ bonds is to be deposited in Turkish awares by the submarine and had no tables, and all cereals except wheat. miles distant, and roads are impass- ■re turned over to u contractor, who tion o f Incinerator plants and an an- banks, according to the Frankfurter chance to bring her guns into play. m ini e h a ra e o f i*iiiiro x lim il«*ly $r«0fV.IWU Zeitung. They think it probable that the U-boat, Place fo r Sm all In veetor in Second *U<'lnred the republic had been re­ per about a pint o f and half o f warm pose. soup, apparently consisting o f w aterj information have been reprinted in the series pennant is raised at Comiskey hog and enable It to add to Its weight stored. there wss much ronsternntloo German language: “ How the War park as evidence o f the superiority of one pound per day. At this rate, the because o f the disappearance o f th« The American navy’s war construc­ and turnips.” Smith was a horseman on the British | Came to Am erica,” and “ German Loy­ the White Sox in the great National garbage from these 13 cantomm-nts seals o f the republic, (ten. Ting Kivan tion program consists o f 787 vessels, including all types from superdread­ steamer Esmeralda, captured by the a lty .” will produce 18,980.000 pounds o f pork was urre*to