Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, October 13, 1917, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Eventa o f Noted People, Governments
and Pacific Northwest and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
Heavy snowfalls and severe cold are
reported from the Italian Alps fron­
tier. Skiis and sledges already have
made their appearance and the winter
campaign has begun.
The Uruguayan government, which
has severed diplomatic relations with
Germany, has notified the German
charge not to leave the country until
the Uruguayan diplomatic representa­
tives are safely out o f Germany.
F ifty thousand dollars for flood suf­
ferers in China was cabled by the
American Red Cross.
The entire
$200,000 suggested by Paul Reinsch,
the American minister, w ill be sent in
the near future, it is announced.
Poolville, Parker county, Tex., has
raised a $1246.50 reward to be paid
fo r the delivery of the German kaiser
into the hands o f the American author­
ities. Practically every male resident
o f the town contributed to the fund.
Allies as
Soon as Possible is Aim o f Par­
ties Now in Authority.
Consumers’ reports to the food ad­
ministration from 52 cities and towns
in all parts o f the country shows wide
differences in bread prices. The low­
est price reported was from Pleasant-
ville, N. J., where a 16-ounce loaf
sells fo r 6 cents. The same size loaf
Bells for 15 cents in Rock Falls, Ills.,
Eastport, Me., Red Bank, N. J., M i­
ami, Okla., Nashville, Tenn., Laramie,
W yo., and Newport, R. I.
The Peruvian congress is considering
the international situation as affects
relations with Germany. The foreign
minister and the minister o f war have
been summoned before congress to
g iv e information it desires.
Although nearly one-half of the pop­
ulation o f Glenwood, W is., is o f Ger­
man descent, the city council unani­
mously adopted resolutions demanding
the expulsion of Robert M. La Follette
from the United States senate.
A cting on telegraphic orders from
Attorney General M cAllister A. L.
McCawley, special agent fo r the attor­
ney general, Thursday seized the rec­
ords o f the St. Louis Coal Club, which
w ill be used as evidence when the coal
hearing is resumed.
Captain o f Warship Westfalen Thrown
Overboard and Drowned.
Amsterdam — A mutiny among the
crews o f four battleship« o f the Ger­
man fleet has occurred at Wilhelms­
haven. One o f these battleships was
the Westfalen, whose captain was
thrown overboard and drowned. The
crews landed. Marines refused to fire
on them, whereupon soldiers surround­
ed the sailors, who surrendered.
A mutiny also is reported on the
German warship, Nürnberg,
was at sea. The men seized the offi­
cers and proceeded in the direction o f
Norway, with the intention o f being
interned. The Nürnberg was overtak­
en by destroyers and forced to surrend­
Emperor W illiam went to Wilhelms­
haven and ordered that one out of ev­
ery seven mutineers be shot. Chancel­
lor Michaelis protested, with the re­
sult that only hree were shot.
tences aggregating 200 years’ penal
servitude were imposed on the others.
One o f the reasons fo r the mutiny was
bad and inadequate food.
Eleven British merchantmen o f more
Miners Demand Increase.
than 1600 tons each and two vessels
Cheyenne, Wyo. — Formal demand
under 1600 tons were sunk by mines or
submarines last week, according to the for an increase in wages o f 33 1-3 per
British admiralty statement.
cent was tendered operators in the
W yoming coal district by representa­
A war fund o f $35,000,000 for the
tives o f the United Mine Workers em­
benefit o f the American Arm y now in ployed here Thursday.
About 4000
Europe and for A meric».,: troops In the men are affected.
Arm y cantonments w ilt be solicited
The operators submitted the demand
throughout the United States by the by telegraph to Dr. Garfield, coal ad­
Young Men’s Christian Association in ministrator, declaring in their message
the week beginning November 11, ac­ that i f such advance is made coal
cording to announcement.
prices must be advanced to the public.
Pending reply from him no action
The Chilean government has pur­
was taken.
chased all the nitrate o f German com­
panies and sold it to an American firm.
Von Lnxburg is Interned.
By this operation it was possible to
Buenos Aires— Count von Luxburg,
acquire from Germany nearly 30,000,-
the German minister who was recently
000 pesos o f Chilean gold deposited
handed his passports by the Argentine
there as a guarantee o f paper money.
government, has ¡been arrested in the
The proposal to examine for m ili­ southern part o f Buenos Aires prov­
tary service all men registered for the ince, according to the highest author­
A rm y d ra ft and not yet called was ity. He is now being taken to the
killed, fo r the present, at least, Thurs­ island o f Martin Garcia, where he w ill
day when the house and senate con­ be kept in the German detention camp
ferees elim inated an appropriation for under m ilitary guard Juntil an oppor­
the purpose from the war deficiency tunity is found to send him out o f the
Scheme Found lu Ko.ui Committee o f
Delegates to Force Peace
Summarily Dealt With.
Brief Stories Prepared Under the
Direction o f the Committee on
Public Information and the State
Council o f Defense.
Washington. — All commis­
sioned olDcera wear a black and
gold hat cord
On the collar
of bla shirt a second lieutenant
»en ra a bronze ornament—for
Infantry crossed rifles with
tint number o f til« regiment In
the Upper a n g le ; for cavalry,
crossed »atiers; field artillery,
crossed cannon; •'oast artillery,
a shell oil the croeeod cunuou;
engineer corps, a turreted cas­
tle; signal corps, creased flags
with ii flaming torch; medical
corps, a wand entwined by two
serpents ; quartermaster eorpa,
gold key eroased with aword and
surmounted by a wheel and
a buratlng
shell, lie will aleo wear one-
quarter-inch atripe around his
A first lieutenant will wear
the same Insignia ami In addi-
tlon one single silver bar on
each aide " f ids collar, tin Ida
overcoat he wear* a single acroll
o f uarrow black braid.
A captain weara two allver
bars mid a double scroll o f
A major wears the same In-
sigilla with a gold oak leaf ou
his shoulders and three scrolla
o f braid. A lieutenant colonel
wears a allver oak leuf and four
scrolla o f Itrnld ; a colonel, a
sliver spread eagle and five
acrolla o f braid.
A brigadier general weara a
silver alar; a major general, two
silver stars ; a lieutenant gen-
eral, two stars with a coat o f
arms o f Uie United Htates be-
The noncommissioned olflcera
wear chevrons above the elliow
to deunte their rank; a corporal,
two chevrons; sergeant, three;
first sergeant, three, with a dia-
mond or lozenge In (he center,
t\>l>enhagen -Vice Admiral von Ca-
pelle, German minister o f marine, an­
nounced in the reichstag Wednesday
that a plot had been discovered in the
navy to form a committee o f delegates
General Pershing Praises Work o f Red on the Russian mode! and to paralyze
Cross in France.
the fleet so as to force the government
The Red Cross commission to France to make peace.
The guilty parties have been arrest­
has received the following letter from
Adjutant General Benjamin Alvord, o f ed and have received their just deserts,
the minister added.
General Pershing’s s ta ff:
Admiral von Capelle attempted to
"O u r army is keeping a war diary
which is to be the official record o f the
war here. 1 have received an official plot. Ho said the ringleader had dis­ War Should End Only When Kaiser Is J
communication from the commander- cussed (he plot with Deputies Haase
Teuton Hurreaa Would
in-chief o f the American Expedition­ and Voherr in the radical Socialist con­
Stop Spread o f Democracy.
ference-room in the reichstag building.
ary Forces reading as follow s:
** ‘ It is well to place on reconi the
attitude o f the management o f the the dangerous nature o f the plot and
Washington, D. U.— A movement to •
American Red Cross in France.
From had advised the greatest caution, but
the beginning they have simply wanted had agreed to furnish propaganda ma­ lead and express public opinion on the
war was inaugurated here Monday by •
to know what they could do to assist in terial.
Socialist deputies interrupted the formation o f the League o f National •
the great work before the army. The
gentlemen at the head o f the American s|ieaker with cries o f dissent. Deputy Unity, representing church, political, •
Red Cross in France are men o f great David, o f the majority Socialist, de­ labor, agricultural and industrial or­ J
experience in handling large affairs in manded the governemnt produce proof ganizations, to which President W il­ •
the United States and they have ex­ and that the reichstag should suspend son gsve his indorsement in sn address •
•mphsaizing the need for team play by •
hibited wonderful resources in accom­ judgment in the meantime.
Chancellor Michaelia, earlier in the the forces of American thought ami 2
plishing everything they have been
session, had referred to the affair, opinion.
asked to do.'
Welcoming the leader* o f the move­ 2
" A copy o f this letter has been for­ rumors o f which evidently had gained
He declared he ment at the W hite House in a brief •
warded to the War deiuirtnunt for public circulation.
transmission to the headquarters o f could not co-operate with nor recognize speech, the President expressed the 2
the American Red Cross, by command a party which put its e lf beyond the b elief that American public opinion, ;
w ar’s •
l<ale by activities directed against the although understanding the
o f Major General Pershing.”
causes ami principles, needs guidance J
Subscriptions to Liberty Bonds Close
The disclosures in connection with to remember that the war should end •
the radical Socialists, i f they are true, only when Germany ia beaten and Ger­ J
on October 27.
came most opportunely to help the many’s rule o f autocracy and might e
Subscriptions for the liberty bonds
government out o f its embarrassment are superseded by the ideals o f Demo­ J
must reach the Treasury department,
over the interpellation regarding Pan- cracy.
Washington, D. C., a Federal reseoM
This is the issue which the A m eri­ J
German propaganda.
Admiral von
bank or some incorporated bank
Capelle hammered home a declaration can people should always keep in mind, •
trust company in the United States
o f the necessity for a proper "en ligh t- the President said, in order to avoid J
(not including outlying territories and ;
being misled into by-ways o f thought •
ment” o f the m ilitary forces.
possessions) on or before the close o f j
and the resultant scattering o f force 2
business October 27, 1917. The appli­
o f public opinion. Talk of early ;>eace •
cations must be accompanied by a pay­
before Germany ia defeated is one of 2
ment o f 2 per cent of the amount ap­
the evidences o f miedirectod thought,
plied for, and subsequent installments Government W ill Issue Sweeping Reg­
he suggested, and should not eloud th
upon bonds allotted w ill be due as fol­
vision o f those who understand that
ulations Within Few Days.
the United States is fighting now for
18 per cent on November 15, 1917.
Washington, D. C. — Virtually all the same ideal* o f democracy and fre e ­
40 per cent on December 15, 1917.
the staple foods consumed by the dom that have always actunted the im-
British Aviation Officer T e ll* H ow One
40 per cent on January 15, 1918.
American people w ill be put under tion.
The President gave warning
Reported A f te r Mlxop With
On the latter date, accrued interest government control November 1.
that it should not be forgotten that
a “ F rits ."
in the deferred installments will also
The food administration announced German aucrees would mean not only
Wednesday that within a few days prevention o f th* spread o f demoorsry.
be payable.
London.— “Thoso bally American fly­
President Wilson w ill issue an execu­
To Clear Up .Misunderstanding in Re­ tive order requiring that manufactur­ but possibly the suppreesion o f that ing chaps are a coollsh lot,” said a
already existing.
gard to Pay in the Navy.
ers and distributors o f some 20 funda­
The league, which w ill have head­ lieutenant o f the Royal Flying eorpa,
Starting at the very beginning it is mental foods o|>erate under license re­ quarters in New York, chose as hon­ hnck with about n pint o f German
possible for a young man by work and strictions designed to prevent unreas­ orary chairmen Cardinal Gibbons ami shrapnel In his body.
"T h e other day one o f those l.a
study to have continuous and frequent onable profits and to Btop speculation l)r. Frank Mason North, president of
advancement with increase o f pay. To and hoarding.
the Federal Council o f Churches; Theo­ Fayette boys ran afoul o f a Frlta
"T h e prime purpose o f the food ad­ dore N. Vail, president o f the A m eri­ ‘archie’ nnd hud to get to the ground
his base pay there is always extra
pay for special duties and with each ministration,” the announcement said, can Telephone & Telegraph company, In n hurry. He dropped near our aero­
enlistment his pay also increases. As * " i s to protect the patriot againat the as active chairman, with Samuel Gom- dromes nnd mussed things up a bit.
slacker in business.
pers, president o f the American Fede­ A fter untnngllng himself from hla ma­
“ It is the purpose o f the food ad­ ration o f Labor; Charles Barrett, pres­ chin e he limped up lo our commanding
ministration to effect conservation In ident o f the Farmers’ Educational and officer:
fn llo u iin jr p a y
A p p p a n t i^ a a a a m a n ,
$32.60 a month; seaman second class, the commodities and to keep them Co-operative Union, and George Pope,
“ ‘A re you the big noise around this
$35.90 a month; and seaman $38.40 a flowing toward the consumer in direct president o f the National association Joint?’ he asked our brass hat.
month. From this post he may be­ lines through the channels o f trade in o f Manufacturers, as vice-chairmen.
“ ’ No, sir, but I am the commanding
come a petty officer, receiving a pres­ as economical a manner as possible. The object was stated as follows;
officer here,’ our chief countered.
ent war pay o f $41.70 fo r third class, The administration does not wish to
“ ‘Well,’ said the American, T v * Juet
" T o create a medium through which
$46.50 for second class, and $52.00 disturb the normal and necessary ac­ the loyal Americana o f all classes, sec­ dropped In to tell you that I ’ve sprink­
for first class. Rising to a chief petty tivities o f business, and no buainesa tions, creeds and parties can give ex ­ led gasoline all over your grass plot/ ”
officer, his present war pay is from factor which in performing a useful pression to the fundamental purpose of
$61.00 to $83.00, depending on his function w ill be expected to surrender the United States to carry on to a suc­
that function.
class o f skilled work.
cessful conclusion this now war for
"T h e producer must have a free the Independence o f America and the
There are other and higher grades
Flies With Blazing Tw ig Into the Hay
o f pay, also several avenues open for outlet and a ready market.
preservation o f democratic institutions
Loft and Blaze Causes Consider-
"T h e re must be no manipulation or and the vindication o f the basic princi­
promotion to commission.
able Damage.
speculation in foods.
ples o f humanity.”
Secretary Baker Speaks for American
"T h e re must be no hoarding of
The league plans an active campaign
Middle River, Minn. — Fire de­
Boy on Field in France.
to educate Americans to the idea that
stroyed the barn o f William Iiuff, a
unity o f throught and purpose is as es­
“ I f you want to sell bonds,” said
farmer living nine mile* south o f here.
Secretary Baker, addressing the wo­ must be eliminated.
sential to successful prosecution o f the
"D iscrim inatory and deceptive and war as co-operation in material prep­ Mr. Huff declared that the lire wae
man’ s Liberty Loan committee, “ get
caused by n bird which carried a twig,
into your mind the face o f some plain wasteful practices which in any way arations.
Conferences o f leaders in
one end o f which waa aglow, Into the
homely country boy — an ordinary
the numerous organizations represent­
hay loft.
American boy— standing on a field in stopped.
ed w ill he held frequently, statements
Not far from the barn a brush tire
“ These sre the provisions o f the o f principle formulated and attempt
France, with the noise o f battle going
on about him like a perfect hell. food law. The licensing system, which w ill be made to direct public thought was hurtling. The nesting bird car­
Think of him there as the boy to whom was authorized by the law, provides a through the medium o f the pulpit, ried a tw ig which hud been burning In
you are bringing support and succor by more effective machinery for its en­ press, public platform and many kinds the brush lire, but which was thought
co-ordinating back o f him the financial forcement. It must not be thought o f public, semi-public and private or­ to have Mown away from the Imme­
diate vicinity o f the fire, to the burn.
strength o f his country; and as he ad­ that these ofierations become illegal ! ganizations.
Mr. Huff, who was working In the
vances toward the front with his face only upon the issue o f licenses.
barnyard, said ho thought he saw
high in the air representing our na­ have been illegal since August 10,
I a slight trull o f sinoke ns the bird flew
tion, we feel way down in our hearts: when the law was passed, and numer­
“ Yes, son; that is your part. The ous cases coming to the attention o f •Shots Follow When Submarine Kails to past him, but did not Investigate. In
n few moments the barn was afire.
success w ill be largely yours, but the the food administration have been cor­
Answer Signals.
Tw o vnlunhle horses were burned anil
responsibility is common, and you will rected.
“ The proclamation w ill require all
Washington, D. C.— Vice Admiral the building destroyed. *
not find that the men and women o f
the country at home are leaving you those handling the commodities con­ Sims cabled the Navy department
cerned to apply for licenses before No­ Tuesday that an American patrol ves­
unaided in that distant land.”
vember 1, upon forms which will be sel, on duty at night in the war zone,
W ill Keep Card Index Record o f Ev­ supplied on application to the food ad­ had fired on an Italian submarine Indiana Man Nevsr Tasted Liquor,
which failed to answer recognition s ig ­
ery Soldier.
Home Every Night, Never
"Applicants will receive licenses nals, killing one officer and one enlist­
The most comprehensive card-index
Played Cards.
Hystem will be inaugurated by the War without coat, and the regulations gov­ ed man.
Secretary Daniels at once sent a
department follow ing passage o f the
Shelbyvllle, Inil.-—Through the ex­
message to the Italian ministry o f amination of men to obtain Shelby
general deficiency appropriation bill ities will be issued in due course.
" A f t e r November 1 no unlicensed marine, expressing the deepest regret county’s quota for the first National
supplying the necessary funds. Plans
have practically been completed for persons will be permitted to trade in over the unfortunate occurrence and army, Dr. William W. Tindall nnd i>r.
the creation in the department o f a the commodities named enumerated in tendering hia and the American N a v y ’s F. E. Buss, the examiners, believe they
sympathy for the loss o f life.
"statistical division” with a foreign the proclamation.”
have found a model husband.
A young man from Jackson town­
branch in Paris.
Mormons Huy $250,000.
Soldiers Bathe in Lake.
ship was unable to pass the physical
This division w ill keep a card-index
record o f every soldier o f the United
Salt Lake City, Utah— The Mormon examination, being under weight. Then
Tacoma, Waah.— Soldiers at Camp
States, whether on duty in this coun­ Lewis bathe tw ice weekly in the b ig­ church Monday announced that $250,- he volunteered the Information thnt ho
try or on the bsttlefields o f Europe.
had never tasted beer or whisky or any
gest bathtub on the Pacific Coaat. 000 o f the tithing funds o f the organ­
Every man in the army, whether officer
other Intoxicant, thnt he had never
They take their dip in American l,ake. ization would be used to purchase
or private, w ill be indexed by name
uttered a “ cusn” word In his life, thnt
Every day companies are marched
and the records filed in alphabetical or­
to the lake, a mile and a half distant history o f the church that tithing he had never played with cards or dice
der for immediate reference should the
from the ramp, and hop into the chilly funds have ever been diverted for a and thnt he would rather be at home
names appear either in army orders or
every night with his w ife than any oth­
water. They carry their own towel purpose outside the church.
casualty lists.
W ith the desrprition
T w elve hundred Latter Day Saints er place that he knew.
and soap and under the direction of
o f each soldier will be given the name
The examiners have mnrked a red
lieutenants take a healthy scrub. It raised their right hands in the taber­
o f his next o f kin with emergency ad­
proves to be great sport and the men nacle Sunday afternoon when The an­ cross opposite his name, so that he may
enjoy it to the lim it. The best swim­ nouncement was made, and approved he looked up In the future.
o f the heads o f the
mers look out for the weaker ones and the
I. W. W. Members on Job.
W hite Birds a Peace Sign.
act as life guards.
Pottavllle. I’ 1*-—'^ n •f'v»slon o f white
North Yskima, Wash.- When a num­
sparrows In this portion o f the statn
Finland to Elect Chief.
ber o f orchard employes at the E. D.
Bernhardt is Godmother.
Is the precursor of world pence In
Clark ranch, near Harrah, struck Sat­
the near future, county officials be­
urday for $4 a day for field men and Tuesday accepted the title o f godmoth­
lieve. Not since Ihe ending o f the Ulvll
seven cents a box for packers, three I. er to the children o f America offered new independent government for Fin­
wnr In IWVi imve these birds been seen
W. W. members o f the gang refused her at the m eeting o f the Children's land with a president elected by direct
here, but now they are appearing In
to go out with them.
" W e are satis­ Patriotic League, which she adressed. vote for a five-year term and with a
considerable numbers.
Deputy Pro-
“ Today a big fam ily comes to the cabinet responsible to the Diet, accord­
fied; why should we quit?” they asked.
thonotnry Hamuel Delbert and Deputy
We are getting what we hired out unhappy children o f France and Bel­
Sheriff Thomas O'Donnell saw n flock
fo r.”
gium with hands full o f g ifts ,” she Monday.
It ia proposed to send diplomatic of the birds nt the rourthonse recently.
Sixteen packers at the warehouse o f said. "Thoao g ifts w ill put the light
When O’Donnell opened n window one
the Yakima County Agricultural Union o f joy into eyes which too early knew representatives to other nations and
In, perched on his shoulder, chirp­
in'this city struck Tuesday fo r an in­ the bitterness o f tears. It is the be­
ed gnyly and flew out again.
ginning o f an admirable fratern ity.” peace conference.
crease from five to six cents a box.
Petrograd— The new coalition gov­
ernment assumed control o f Russia
Wednesday, replacing the Council of
Five, organized a month ago.
nouncement was made that the new
government intends to carry out an ac­
tive foreign policy with "th e purpose
o f making peace in agreement with
our allies as soon as possible.”
while the government w ill take steps
to bring the army to its highest fight­
ing power and to restore economic and
social tranquility to the country.
The diplomatic corps in Petrograd is
more optimistic over the situation
than at any time for months past. A t
present it seems to be considered that
the only important political cloud on
the horizon is the election o f the radi­
cal, Leon Trotzky, to succeed N. C.
Tscheidse as president o f the central
executive committee o f the Petrograd
Council o f Soldiers’ and Workmen’s
delegates. The new committee o f this
council comprises four Bolshevikis,
two Social Revolutionists and one Min­
The cabinet discussed coolly the Bol-
sheviki soldiers’ and workmen’s ulti­
matum declining to recognize the au­
thority o f the government, the view
being taken that the influence o f this
element is decreasing.
The new government is facing some
difficult tasks, including the revolt in
Turkestan, from which district no
communication has been received for
three days, and the dissentions in Fin­
land. It is considered in diplomatic
circles, however, that the government
has now started upon an earnest effort
to solve these problems.
The W ar department has contracted
fo r ten carloads of Kansas jackrabbits
to be delivered at four army canton­
ments, it was announced at Hutchin­
son, Kan., Tuesday by Koon Beck, a Two Soldiers. Duck Hunting Along Rio
game collector, who obtained the con­
Grande. Seized, but Escape.
Tex. — Armed Mexicans
Increased wheat receipts have made
it possible for Minneapolis flour mills crossed the international line here
to operate at capacity for the first shortly after noon Thursday, captured
tim e this season, according to an an­ Sargeant Michael Zabosky and Private
nouncement by Frank Carey, repre­
W. B. Vincent, o f a cavalry command
sentative o f the Food Administration
encamped here, who were duck hunt­
Grain Corporation.
ing near the line and placed them in
Greece is nearly ready to put a large
and effective army into the field to co­ an adobe house at Saragoea, Mi x., five
operate with the allies, according to miles up the river from here.
dispatches from the Athens foreign
Later the Americans leaped from a
office to the Greek legation at Wash­ window and escaped to the American
ington. Lack o f equipment is being side with the Mexicans in close pur­
remedied rapidly with the allies’ aid. suit. The Americans left their shot­
An Exchange Telegraph dispatch guns behind. They had been hunting
from Melbourne says a whaleboat with on the San Eliza Rio Island, a large
a crew o f Germans from the raider tract o f land which lies on the south
side o f the Rin Grande, but on the
- v iji
Islands. The boat contained a gun American side o f the boundary.
The capture o f the two soldiers fo l­
and machine guns, the dispatch said,
and the Germans admit they were de­ lowed a raid Wednesday afternoon on
tailed from the Seeadler to make raids. three American ranches located on the
"isla n d .” Tw elve horses were taken
Leading Cuban sugar planters held a from the ranches.
Two o f the M exi­
conference in New York Tuesday and can raiders were captured by A m eri­
w ill go to Washington soon to appeal can army patrols.
to the food administration for “ a just
Two o f the large armed forces has
price” for their crop. Hannibal J. de been located
opposite here
Mesa, spokesman for the planters, said Guadalupe, Mexico, but American offi­
that Cuba next year w ill produce the cers have been unable to learn whether
largest cane sugar crop, about 3,300,- they are Mexican federal soldiers or
000 tons, o f which, he declared, the bandits, although the two soldiers said
United States and her allies would their captors wore the regulation army
need every ounce.
Weekly War
National Unity is Aim of New
League Just Formed.