FALLS CITY NEWS PAGE 4. SCHOOL NOTES fflfrr J a l l a (E itii N r iiig Local News Items SATI Mt PA Y, ori'Q hw ii „ j 9 ,7 J U S T R E C E IV E D f>ro(coptonn\ dai^e School is more successful this Sci .A - year than ever. p h y s ic ia n A FULL LINE OF two There is an enrollment of L. WOOD F. M. HKLLWARTIl The best «how at the ilem tonight hundred and twenty-five in the Publisher P H Y S IC IA N A N D SURGEON Bnt*r*A M M » n 4 ^ u a n u l l «I t b . p**t*f fio* W.M. Black was quite ill this »trade school and forty-eight in the Olili'« o n e door *a«l of I*. O, b« F a lls CU ». P ol» C ount». Or*g*u. an«*» tb* high school. A r t «f Ocuifrve* of Har, b t. 1ST«. 0 * 1 * and I II». week. Kfllllllll'« I llt*HO lililí Falle Ot«|Ult Style, Quality and Prices Right The boys of the 7th und 8th Ttkpbeee—Hews OfTk». Austin Titus was in Dallas last grade and the high school boys S u b s c rip tio n R a t* . O u* T ra t t l 90: a l l m o n 'b n . Tuesday. I« c u t s . tb r* . month., » c*nt«; *ln*l* cop». » cU. held a meeting to organize an DR. FOSTER, Chiropraeter Mrs. Trimble was a Salem VIS- athletic club. A dvertising Rat*»: Display. IS cent» an Ini h Treats all Chronic Trouble« suc­ Husmeas N o tte« . S cents a line ; Tor Sal*. Rent. itor Monday. The girls of the high school will cessfully, using electricity inali ■ achanga. W ant a n d P a r e n te rta in m e n t No­ have complete rule this year as tte*». ft eta. a line. Card of Than*» 60 eta. Lags Clothes cleaned and pressed. forms. The Electric Brush for Notte«*, legal rate*. Wm. Bohle. there are three times as many all scalp troubles. Phone 1024. C op * fo r new ade. a n d c h * n g c » e h o u l d b* te n ! girls as boys. j Nattional Bunk Building, Suit 21 M. L. Thompson was in Dallas WE SELL THE BEST to T h e New* n o t !*t*r t h a n W edne a da y. Those that visited school this Dallas, Oregon. Box Na 362 O fficiai R ew epaper e f tb a C ity a f T a lla City Wednesday. week are, Olive Deal, Hal Thomp­ Mrs. Nita Gilbert visited in Dal­ son and Mrs. Hopkins. I ssu e d E very S aturday M orning las last Saturday. MARY r. IRVINE Miss Graham, the first grade p ia n is t T K A citr h Post Office Time Card Household furniture for sale teacher, is seriously ill- School in Today, tomorrow, or next week you G R A D l 'A T K A l . « A N Y O O L U O X C 'o S i o R V A T O N Y See Clay Oxford. the first grade will not be held un- will find the best that can be bought Office hours: Daily, except Sun­ M E i lIN N E R H O K A D V A N C K D P U P I L * The bean crop is yielding better til Miss Graham is well or another at any time or any place. day. 8 a m. to 6.30 p.m. ru|>lle will b* |l»*u teacher can be secured. than was expected. m o u m ' h o o l c r e d it Mail arrivée, from SHOES AND LOGGERS SUPPLIES ( ' • I l ( H II lnl*r* *lwl. There are two new teachers in AllieTeal is serving on the jury Salem 8.45 a.m., 5:45 p.m. the school. Miss Johnson is help­ Prices as low as consistent with at Dallas this week. Dallas. 8:45 A. M., 5:45 P. M. ing teach the 7th and 8th grade first-class merchandise. Portland via Gerliuger, train 102 Josh Talbott of Portland was in and Mr. Wonderly is manual » u o ln c o ö d a r t e 11:55 a. m. the city last Saturday. training teacher. Black Rock, 1:30 P. M. Il OTRI, Farmers in the Valley are pre­ The fire department of the M«nl closes for: paring for fall seeding. school has been organized. They Salem. 8.50 A.M., 1 P.M. and 5:30 Geo. W. Brentner of Newberg have put out every single fire P. M. S e m p le R o o m * there has been, even the janitor's was in town Wednesday. H *» t A c c o m m o d a tio n « + - H " HL4 + -H " ! " H - l"l- H --î--l--M - - H - b - H - h HH W I - H ' I M I I I I I' H - H - l - H - H - Dalian, 3:50 A. M. and5:30P. M. F D ro « u « . P r o # r l« l« r Mrs. Clay Oxford went to Port­ fire. Portland via Gerlinger train 102 The teachers of the school went land Tuesday morning. • 1 p. m. up the Luckiamute for a picnic, G E T YOUR l iA t l i.E H n i t o r « Mrs. Viola Keeney of Black They each tried to see which one Black Rock, 1 A. M. Rock was in the city Monday. could eat the most weenies, and Mail Order and Postal Savings BUTTER W RAPPERS Whooping cough is whooping it of course Mr. Lowe won the con­ window closes at 6 P. M. F a l l s City, O r e g o n test, up in the Gilliam neighborhood. S unday O nly «hrrr yes css got « Ihm . Heir Cut. talk •r 'Jh/nr P R I N T E D AT T H I S OFFICE. Office hours: 9:30 to 10:80 a.m: Bernie Freer and Lester Brown News Items from 7th and 8th Grade Attui far Dallas ".treni laundry Mail arrives from Salem, 9:00 of Pedee were in this city Satur­ At the first of last week forty- Bu nd le « lo rw • d lo tl T u c u l* ) « v e n i a s a m. day. pupils were registered in the Jun­ ■ I I' l l l - H t l I l ' M - h » H " 4-4-H - t - H U t l- t " M + » » I » » »■ *" > Mail closes for Salem, 8:50 a. m. Grace Hastings spent Saturday ior High School Department with M O B Ü MIC N T S General Delivery Window Open and Sunday with homefolks near the addition of two since. From 9:30 to 10:30 A. M. Great interest is being shown G . L. H A W K I N S Pedee. Effective March 11, 1917. in the 8th grade agricultural class. M A R B L E AND G R AN ITE Use engraved calling cards and A number of experiments are I r a C. M e h r l i n g , Postmaster MONUMENTS stationery. Call and see sample planned and apparatus is rapidly Dallas, Orage« cards and get prices. being collected to commence work. Don’t forget to bring in news items, or drop them in our “news Fresh Bread, Cakes,Cookies,Pies With Monday came Claude Hud­ F V N K H A I nlHKCTOR box” at the postoffice. We appre­ and other bakery goods, every son from Olymphia, Washington. day, at the Falls City Bakery. He is enrolled in the 7th grade. ciate them. R . L. C H A P M A N Don’t forget that raincoat you The girls of the 7th grade report Extra copies of The News are FUNERAL DIRECTOR printed each week, and will be sent promised yourself last spring. for Domestic Art Mondays and Wo sitsnd lo all work promptly. Wednesdays, while the 8th grade to any address desired, postpaid, Wm. Bohle can supply you. Long for 5 cents per copy. Rev. Long and family and Mrs. f r,s W * Tuesdays and Thurs­ Dallai and Falla City, Ora. hours, close and days. The boys of the ith and Alex Courier viewed the beauties Better catch up with your letter 8th grades report for Manual tedious work, are very apt It KAI. I »TATK writing before the 3-cent letter of the Columbia Highway Tues­ Training the same periods as the day. to result in Headaches or postage goes into effect. girls report for sewing. J. O . M I C K A L S O N other Pains. Don’t suffer. W. A. Persey of Salem was in Our department plans to organ­ D ealer in D IZ Z Y SPELLS. the city Wednesday and Thurs­ ize a Student Body in the near $100 R e w a rd , $100 D R . M IL E S * "M y n erv e« b ecam e »11 K C A L LISTA TE T h e r e a d e r s o f th is p a p e r w ill bs He shipped his household future. p le a se d to le a rn t h a t th e r e is a t le a a t one day. w o rn o u t. I h a d h a d head* Lull» City, Oregon. d re a d e d d ise a se t h a t scien ce h a s been ach e* a n d «ever« d l u y ANTI-PAIN PILLS goods to Salem. a b le to c u re In a ll it s sta g e s , a n d t h a t Is The new 8th grade pupils of apells. t could n o t sleep C a ta r r h . H a ll's C a ta r r h C ure is th e only p o sitiv e c u re now k n o w n to th e m edical p e tite w an poor. D. L. Wood, Jr. left Monday this year are, Albert Morgan and will quickly drive your a 1 n d b . g m t y n a p u sin f r a te r n ity . C a ta r r h b e in g a c o n s titu tio n a l g D r. Kill**' d ise a se , re q u ire s a c o n stltu U o n a l t r e a t ­ Those in the 7th grade m ent H a ll's C a ta r r h C u re is ta k e n In­ evening for Eastern Oklahoma to Guy Ross. A n tl-P a ln P ill* a n d th e y Pain away, and te r n a lly . a c tin g d ire c tly upon th e blood He expects to are, Esther Ross, Esther Lee, Clair a lw a y s g a v e m e In s ta n t r e ­ a n d m u c o u s s u r f a c e s o f th e ey stera. th e r e ­ visit his old home. b y d e s tro y in g th e fo u n d a tio n o f th e d is­ no m a t t e r w h a t th e and Louise Brown, Lois Wilhelm ease, a n d g iv in g t h e p a tie n t s tr e n g th b y be away about a month. Dr. Miles’ Nervine lief p ain . T h e n I uaed Dr. b u ild in g u p th e c o n s titu tio n a n d a s s le tin g 1 Garence Yount and Claude Hud­ d o in g “ M ile»' N e rv in « re g u la rly S ^ i » I n a«1Sr ^thWXkit.T^ v W ^ ! W ANTED.-A girl or middle- will assist you by relieving a n d « a l so o n In p e rfe c t aged woman to do housework. son. h e a lth a g a in .” l o r list c f te stim o n ia ls . the Nerve Strain. With the addition of four more MRS. 8. L. YOUNG. Phone Addresa F J. CHENEY &. CO Toledo, Ohio. Wakes $5.00 per week. Sold by »11 D ruggists, u g g iste, 75c. ■ 324 P itts b u r g 8 t., new students the Junior High IT F I R S T B O X , OR B O T T L E , FAILS 711, or 226. Wm. Bohle. T ake H all » Fam ~ m â ily P ills for co n stip atio n . N ew ca stle, P en n . TO BENEFIT Y O U , Y O U R MONEY School will have as many enrol'ed W IL L BE REFUNDED. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Lunde and as the Senior High. Here’s hoping son Ralph and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. that the outgoing class of 1921 will ORDEAL OF GRAMMAR. Bohle and son Freddie motored to be as large a3 it now promises. How It Came to Be Inflicted Upon an Lebanon last Sunday to visit with Unoffending Public. The first social event of the sea­ NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Candi"!, Tobaccos and Cigarf, at The world reached its highest known Mr. Bohle s brother. A f The Churches son in the 8th grade is planned to stage of intelligence before gram m ar L. B. WONDKRLY’tì The City Council will receive bids The Sowers property scheduled be a weinerwurst roast, in the was even Invented, much less studied. up to 8:00 o’clock Monday night, I have had some curiosity to find out to be sold at Dallas last Saturday park, Friday evening. Much fun for the construction of a foot­ t where and how so great a blight upon Free Methodist did not receive a bid; in fact, few is anticipated. bridge with approach, on Third young life first came into being and why it ever became a school study, in Falls City were aware of the After trying a week to handle street between South and North Sunday School 10 p. m. and I find th a t the Greeks knew it threatened sale. Defective adver­ two grades with one teacher, it Main street. City to furnish all Preaching service 11 a. m. not; th a t their trium phant literature material. See plans at City Hall. tising, perhaps. It was not ad was found imperative to secure Song and praise service 7:30 and their matchless oratory came to flower before gram m ar was dreamed vertised in Falls City. aid, so Mi3s Edith Johnson is The Council reserves the right followed by preaching at 8:00. to reject any or all bids. of; that it w as not in any sense one Mid-week prayer meeting 7:30 p.m Miss Mary Hammond returned assisting in the 7th and 8th grades. of the great arts which they wrought Everyone cordially invited to out and with which they armed the Thursday evening from Chicago [ School items were received human race. attend these services. T h e O regon where she has been spending the late and it was impossible to get I find that after Greece had declined F,dgar N. Long, Pastor. a barbarous Macedonian made himself summer. She visited in Toledo, them all in this issue. Ekitor ] A gricu ltu ra l College the owner of all Egypt, and in order to Ohio and Detroit, Michigan. She W here tr a in e d e pcc ia litta with modern lab- surround himself w ith the most spec­ says that she enjoyed the trip era to ri e e and a dequa te e quip m e nt give In- tacular form of ostentation of which Don't forget that when we say etru eti nn le ading to ri.llrgiiite d e g r e e s in th s CHRISTIAN CHURCH his vain mind could conceive he set to hugely and still signs her name, “ Have it Made to Measure” we following achoola' Divine Services each Lord's Day Headquarter« for Candy and Cibari collecting not only all the rare and “ Miss Hammond.” A G R I C U L T U R E , w ith I S d e p a r t m e n t s ; mean you. We have the new Fall C O M M E R C E , with 4 d e p a r t m e n t s ; precloua objects and books and manu­ Bible School 10 a. m. WEATHERLY CONFECTIONERY. Mrs. C. A. Thomassene of Port­ and Winter line of International E N G IN E E R IN G with 6 de partm ents, In ­ scripts there were In the world, but be Divine worship 11 a. m. cluding Civil, Electrical. Ilittirway. In d u s tr ia l capped it all by making a collection of land who is visiting her sister, Tailoring Co’s, samples on display. Arts Ir ri ga ti on nod Mechanical E nginee ri ng; Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. the living men of the world who had Mrs. C. H. Fisher, has been em­ ' ■ ■— * 1 “ ' \ Prices from $19.00 to $45.00. We F O R E S T R Y , Includ ing Logging hu ginc er- any reputation anywhere for knowing Evening Service 7:30 p. m. Ing SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY ployed to teach the primary grade and thinking. Taking them from their also have another line from $14.75 H OME ECONOMICS, with 4 majo r d e p a r t ­ The public is invited to be with homes where they had some relation in the city school. Miss Graham, up also made to measure. Passenger Train Schedule See ments, Includ ing tia in in g in the Pree tie * to the daily necessities of human be­ the regular teacher is seriously us in these services. Home; Bohle at the Pressing Parlor. ings and bad really been of some use, l«7 rii MININO, w ith th ie e d e p a r tm e n ts , iuelud F. Claude Stephens, Minister. W ESTBOtiUD a t«i pm . he shut them up for life In one of hia ill and it was at first thought that am . tog Chemical E ng in ee ring . m. 9 .3 5 3 .4 5 palace* at Alexandria, which the folks the primary grade would be dis­ PHA RMA CY S a le m . . . 7 ;06 there were In the habit of calling “the continued until such a time as 5 .1 6 THE SCHOOL Or MUSIC, offer« Inetrue GOOD HOME FOR SALE D a l l a s . . • 8 .1 5 10.57 •ion in th e principnl d e p a r tm e n ts of vocal hencoop of the muses,” and out of 5 .4 5 F a ll» C i t y . 8 .4 5 11.30 AT THE PRICE OF RENT •n d in s tr u m e n ta l music M. I- CHURCH cheer desperation, since they could do Miss Graham would be able to 11:60 BI’kRock. THE MILITARY DEPARTMENT, enrolled nothing better to amuse themselves, take charge, it not being desirable ri« This is a chance where a work­ 1085 M# EàiTWOt’HD cade ts in ltllf l 17, and won recom m en­ pm . Sunday Schcol 10:00 they counted the words In the books am . pm . ing man can own his own home to employ an inexperienced teach­ datio n for O. A C. from the W este rn D e p a r t ­ 1.00 which real men had written and pre­ Bl’k Rock Morning Worship 11. ment of the U R. War D e p ar tm e n t ae one of 5 .5 0 pared table* of the forms and endings er, believing that, “ as the twig is and hardly know how he paid for the fifteen "d is tin g u is h e d I n e t i t u t l o n s " of 9.20 1.20 F a lla City. 6 .2 6 which the users of word* employed. Epworth League 7:00. D a l l a « . . . 10.00 1.45 bent the tree is inclined.” The i t I will sell my house in Falls higher le a rn in g All cad ets will be furnis he d 7 .2 0 The lifeless dregs of books which S a le m . . . 11.00 3 .1 0 ecm picte u n ifo r m , by th e L’ 8 Go vernment Evening Service 8:00 City for $850.— $50 down and $12 board was very fortunate in se­ their distilling left we now call gram A. C. P oweeì , A oskt end the Junior and senior cade ts enrolled I* Bihe study and prayer meeeting V ■a h — mar and study instead of books and curing the services of Mrs. Tomas- per month. Lot 75x145, next to th e R. O T. C , Will be given . e m m uta tio « for even speech itself. In their lowest srne as she is an experienced Juice factory. Look this up at subsistence, ae well ae ell tra n s p o rta ti o n and Friday 8, p. m. th e s is w e e k , ' Rummer cam p depth of indifference to the moving, 'v subs R E is G te IS nc T e R A a t T IO C orrespondent« wanted in awry teacher, having taught in the once; it’s certainly a snap. You are most cordially invited N BEGINS OC TO BEE S. pulsing life o f man not even the Alex­ 1 SI7 In f o rm a ti o n on request. Address, Address J. D. Gorden, Owner, primary department in the schools neighborhood in tbia ecclion of Ida to attend these services. andrians tank ao low as that.—Ernest B eg ls tr er , O regoa A gr ic ultu ral College, C. Moore la Yale Review. at Wichita, Kansas. Newberg, Oregon CorvaJUs, Oregon. A. F. Harson, Pastor. country. New Fall Shoes THE SH O E STO RE GROCERIES FALLS CITY LOGGING 4 LIMBER CO. j f a ll8 C it\?1 b o tc l Bohle’s Barber Shops *ïj îQDioag [ t e <]Q(âi}Q 3= 3 te a ] «fi: