Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, October 06, 1917, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Brenta o f Noted People. Government*
and Pacific Northweat and Other
Thing* Worth Knowing.
Robert Eakin, associate justice o f
the Oregon Supreme court from Janu­
ary 1, 1907, to January 1, 1917, died
at his home in Salem, Monday, after
an extended illness.
The marriage o f Adele Pankhurst,
daughter o f Mrs. Emmeline Pank­
hurst, the English suffragette leader,
to a seaman named Walsh is reported
in a Reuter dispatch from Melbourne.
The battleship o f the United States
N avy which went aground in home
waters on September 28, was floated
Monday. The sea was smooth and a
large fleet o f vessels pulled the war­
ship off at high tide.
Russian troops have made another
advance in the R iga region, according
to Tuesday’ s war office announcement.
, German poets were pressed back south
o f the’ rail way in the Spitals farm sec
tor, the Russians advancing between
800 and 1000 yards.
Two hundred and twenty alleged
draft resisters and conspirators were
indicted by the grand jury which ad­
journed Saturday night at McAlester,
Oka., instead o f 120 as at first re­
ported. Practically all o f them are
under arrest, it was announced.
A ll
expectations that Argentina
might follow the lead o f her nieghbor
and break with Germany have been
dispelled at Washington, with the
news that President Irigoyen is deter­
mined not to heed the action o f the
Argentine congress and popular de­
mand for action and w ill continue a
neutral course.
The Coos Bay Barbers' union has ad­
vanced the price o f a haircut from 35
cents to 50 cents, assigning as the
cause, the increased cost o f living and
boosting o f barber supplies by the
wholesale houses.
Some other items
o f tonsorial service have also been ad­
vanced. Shaving, however, remains
as before, at 25 cents.
Officials o f the Swiss legation at
Washington, which is caring for Ger­
man diplomatic interests in the Unit­
ed States, arrived at Atlanta, Ga., to
inspect the German prison camp at
Fort McPherson, where are interned
the crews o f the former German com­
merce raiders Prinz Eitel Friedrich
and Kronprinz Wilhelm.
More than 100 Mexicans have been
illegally drafted for service in the Na­
tional Arm y by boards in New York,
and many subjects of Mexico are being
secreted there to prevent their arrest
by m ilitary authorities, according to
Juan T. Burns, Mexican consul gen­
eral, who declares he would “ go to any
extreme to protect the rights o f M exi­
cans^ residing here.”
The great Liberty loan drive started
Monday throughout the country with a
Telegraphic reports to the
Treasury from every section indicate
tremendous enthusiasm on the part o f
tens o f thousands o f workers and a
fa ir first day volume o f subscriptions
toward the $3,000,000,000 minimum,
which has been set as the goal o f the
four weeks’ campaign.
Secretary o f W ar Baker reiterates
that there is no serious shortage o f
rifles for any of the troops.
For the
expeditionary force in France five
Springfield rifles per man have been
provided, and the ammunition store
being assembled is so great that the
secretary believes there is no ground
fo r fear that interrupiton o f the trans­
port lines for a time would create em­
England Sots Embargo on Supplir« at
Kr<iur«t o f U. S.
More Pressure
l’ ut on German Economic*.
Bomb Germany Soon With Compound
Interest” Word o f Lloyd George.
London— A crowd o f poor people in
the southwest district o f London W ed­
nesday appealed to Premier Lloyd
George, says the Daily Mail, for re­
prisals against Germany for the air
raids on London The premier Bhouted
to the crowd:
“ W e will give it all back to them
and we w ill give to them soon. We
shall bomb Germany with compound
The crowd cheered the promise o f
the premier wildly. The premier had
just completed a tour o f the area dam­
the raids with Viscount
o f the home
Toronto, Ont. — “ The only way to
deal effectively with the German raids
in England is to do as the French are
doing — give bomb fo r bomb,” said
Lord Northcliffe, head o f the British
War mission to the United States, who
arrived in Toronto Thursday.
“ I have always advocated reprisals,”
he added. “ Pairs is only 125 miles
away from Germnay and do you ever
hear o f raids upon Paris? The French
g iv e them bomb fo r bomb. That is
the remedy anyone would propose who
understands Germany.”
Fatherland party, which he treats o f
as a harmful ebullition o f would-be pa­
triotism. The chief aim o f the Ger­
man policy he said, is that honest Ger­
mans who honestly desire peace shall
meet equally honest opponents.
sequel w ill be that the jingoes will be
ejected from power.
í ™2 F R Y È 1
Flllmorr. Gal,, la Menaced by Flames
Which l>estroy Derrick* o f Union
Brief Storie« Prepared Under the Direction o f the t'ommitte on Public
Information and the State Council o f Defense, and Published With-
out Charge by This Paper to Impart Knowledge Essential for the
Common Good.
Waahintgon, D. C.- -Great Britain's
embargo on the export o f all supplies
to the Northern European neutral coun­
Miss Martha Montague Russell Repre­
tries, just announced, was declared a f­ President Approves Junior Red Cross
sent* Nurse Service.
Work in School*.
ter every phase o f its possible effect
Montague Ruaaell, of
was gone over in conferences between
ior Red Cross work in schools will be Pittsfield, Mass., has been appointed
American and allied statesmen.
American officials, it was learned read to 22,000,000 school children. It official representative o f the American
Red Cross nursing service in France.
Thursday, initiated the discussions and follows :
“ My Dear Mr. McCracken: 1 am She is attach«l to the Red Cross com­
insisted that the British step be taken
to make sure that there be no nullifi­ very much in terest«! to learn that you mission to France, and in addition to
cation o f the purposes the United have taken up the work o f orgam iing advising Major Murphy and his associ­
States government had in view in put­ a junior membership o f the Red Cross ates on problems relating to this serv­
for work among the school children, ice, she will represent at Paris head­
ting into operation its own embargo.
The step indicated that the allies and 1 w rite to express my very deep quarters the 900 American nurses now
serving in France under the R « i Cross.
have united in a decision that the neu­ interest in the movement.
“ I f you have an [opportunity, will Since her arrival abroad Miss Russell
trals must cut off the shipment o f all
supplies to Germany. The new policy you not bid the young people whom has been active in organizing a system
can be accomplished through rigid em­ you are assembling in this organiza­ of enrollment for American nurses in
tion a very warm welcome from me Europe not a flilia t«) with the R « i
bargoes applied by all the allies.
The neutrals cannot long exist w ith­ and give them a message o f the heart­ Cross.
out British and American suppiles and iest good cheer as they enroll them­
First Essential in Winning
within the next two or three months selves among the servants o f the na­
the War.
all o f them are expected to delcare tion and o f the people everywhere who
need help and comfort and encourage­
flat embargoes to all countries.
The food administration has issu«!
This w ill hit England as well as ment?
the follow ing:
“ I think they w ill all look back upon
Germany, but the British, who can
A ll the blood, all the heroism, all
draw on the United States, are in a this work they are undertaking as a the money and all the munitions in the
position to do without neutral goods, happy circumstance of their school world w ill not win this war unless our
while Germany, cut off from the rest days.
allies and the people behind them are
“ Very sincerely yours,
o f the world, cannot exist, officials
here say, i f neutral shipments cease.
They will not be fed. your sacrifice
Schools are to be recruited as units o f blood and money will be in vain, we
T o those fam iliar with the m ilitary
and economic situation in Germany the with membership fees o f 25 cents for shall go hungry and a great cause wiM
new policy indicates that the allied each pupil. In addition, to stimulate be lost unless you stand guard each
governments have come to the con­ and educate children in the Red Cross, day in your home over your supply o f
clusion that by making every use o f plans are being made to utilize the wheat, meat, fats, sugar and milk.
economic weapons the war w ill be youthful members in the making of
ended much more quickly than by m ili­ the simpler articles and supplies need­ War Notes Show Important Event* in
ed in the hospitals abroad.
tary supremacy alone.
Few Words.
W hile the Americarv^and British em
In order to arrange for the distribu­
bargoes cut off virtually all supplies to Red Cross W ill Erect Permanent Base
tion o f the available sugar in the world
the European neutrals there still is the
an international sugar committee o f
chance that some goods w ill reach
Permanent buildings o f a modem five members has been formed.
them from South America, despite the
type to supplant the tents and tempor­
British blockade. To meet this situa­
The W ar department and the food
ary structures now occupied by the
tion the United States and Great Brit­
Red Cross base hospitals in France are administration have arranged for full
ain are prepared to embargo coal ship­
urgently needed before winter sets in j co-ordination and co-operation in the
ments to South Am erica i f neccessay,
according to cables received from Ma­ subsistence problems that will arise
and are ready to refuse bunker coal to
jo r Grayson M. P. Murphy, Red Cross when all the army units are in the can­
European neutral vessels.
commissioner to France, who has tonments.
The new embargo on shipments o f
cabled the Red Cross war council to
The American Red Cross announces
practically everything to Sweden, Nor­
ship quantities of building materials that Dr. Charles Ulysses Moore, o f
way, Denmark and The Netherlands is
at once.
Portland, Oregon, ha* been sent to
regarded here as a most important
Increased suffering, owing especially France to reinforce the infant welfare
move in tighening the cordon which is
to the shortage o f coal, w ill result un­ unit now at work there under the di­
slowly but surely killing the military
less structures built to w thstand the rection o f Dr. W illiam P. Lucas, o f
power o f Germany.
cold can be erected before the rigors the University o f California.
As the British embargo excludes
o f a French winter grip the country.
everything except printed
Unanimous approval o f the food ad­
The building problem is so serious in
about the only thing that w ill be per­
France, owing to the scarcity o f tim ­ ministration’s tentative plans for the
mitted to go to the German people by
ber, that Major Murphy cabled for licensing o f potato shippers was the
way o f the neutrals w ill be expressions
immediate shipment o f 2,000,000 feet outstanding development o f the meet­
o f world opinion that they should reor­
ing in Washington o f upwards o f 80
of fir.
ganize their system o f government to
potato shippers, representing
do away with the m iltary autocracy.
Retail Delivery Methods Become More practically every important potato sec­
tion o f the United States.
Paris— Continuing their reprisals for
attacks o f German airmen on French
cities, French aviators
night dropped bombs on the German
town o f Baden, the W ar office announ­
ces. Baden is 55 miles from the fron­
Much o f the country’s great corn tier.
crop is now safely past danger from
A m sterdam — The German m ilitary
an ordinary
killing frost, weekly
authorities have issued orders that all
Weather Bureau reports indicate.
light in the governmental district of
A further credit o f $40,000,000 was Düsseldorf and a great portion o f
extended Thursday by the government Westphalia must be darkened at night.
to France. This brings the total ad­
vanced the allies up to $2,466,400,000.
German Claims Too High.
London— The total losses to world’s
The board o f naval officers under
Rear Admiral Helm, charged with rec­ shipping since Germany’s ruthless U-
ommending locations for additional boat war went into effect aggregate
navy yards, soon w ill resume its in­ about two-thirds o f those claimed by
vestigations, interrupted by the war. the Germans September 1. A t that
time the Germans alleged that an aver­
P art o f the fleet o f the Great Lakes
age o f 900,000 tons had been sunk
Transit Corporation has been taken
monthly for seven months. The actual
over by the government and the cor­ tonnage sunk compiled here shows that
poration w ill cease accepting freigh t not even during the most successful
at Milwaukee on October 2, according
month for the U-boats— A p ril— have
to announcement.
the figures reached any such propor­
General Soukhomlinoff, form er min­ tions, while the August losses dropped
to almost half the April figure.
ister o f war o f Russia, was sentenced
to hard labor fo r life a fter conviction
Fatherland Party is Hit.
o f the charge o f high treason in the
Am sterdam --Dr. Bernard Demburg,
Madame Soukhomlinoff, his
the ex-German secretary o f the colon­
w ife and alleged accomplice, was ac­
ies, in an article in the Deutsche Poli-
tik, takes a stand against the new
T w o important reforms have been
enacted by the Russian government.
The first p .-ovides fo r the liberation o f
convicts before the expiration o f their
terms, upon promise o f good conduct.
Such convicts may be returned to pris­
on only a fter conviction for a new
M rs. L u c in d a W y m a n
P rin c e , d ir e c ­
The commercial economy board of
the Council o f National Defense re­ to r o f education o f the national retail
drygoods association and director o f
ports substantial progress in its cam­
the teachers’ training class in Sim­
paign to reduce deliveries of depart­
mons College. Boston, has volunteered
ment and other retail stores^ and cut
her services to the United States food
down the abuse o f the returned goods
administration and has been appointed
Within the few weeks
executive secretary in charge o f in­
which have elapsed since the board
struction in food conservation in stores.
made its first request to merchants to
ecnomize in their delivery systems t o , The council o f national defense has
aid in commercial readjustment for announced the reorganization under
war purposes its recommendation have the W ar Industries Board of the Auto­
been carried out in whole or in part in motives Products committee, which
80 different cities with a combined w ill have advisory supervision on all
population o f about 14,000,000 people. matters involving the use o f internal
This means that more than a third of combustion engines, including the pro­
the total urban population o f the coun­ duction o f motor cars, trucks, and am­
try is already affected by the board’s bulances, tractors, motor boats and
airplane engines.
Oil Go.
Enemies Blamed.
Fillmore, Gal. Tw o forest fire* in
the hills back of this town are believed
to have caused the loaa o f nine lives
and have destroyed oil derricks, pljte-
tinea, buildings and other property to a
value estimated Tuesday at $600,000.
The flames were sweeping toward
Fillmore, although a slight change in
the wind gave hope that the fighters,
directed by forest rangers, may b«
able to check their spread.
A dozen person* suffering from se­
vere burns have been brought here,
treated by local physicians and are
being cared for in local hemes.
Forest rangers freely express«! the
opinion that the fires were set by ene­
mies o f the government, saying they
s ta rt«! in inaccessible regions, where
neither hunters nor prospectors ever
The list o f the missing includes
Ruth Sansler, young woman; a Mr.
and Mrs. O. E. Webb and three of
their children; George R iley and W al­
ter Matthews, all o f whom were em­
ployed on or living at the Anaconda
lease o f the Union Oil company.
A. l’ rindle, o f the Leonard gasoline
plant, also is among the missing. Per­
sons returning from the scene o f the
fires express«! the belief that none of
the missing could have e*cap«i.
Mias Sanaler, it was reported, was
fleeing from the fire with her brother
when she stumblwi and fe ll; her broth­
er retra c«! his steps and attempted to
assist her, but his clothing caught fire
and he was severely burned and was
unable to rescue her.
A 8-year-oH child o f the Webbs was
rescu«l by the fire fighters and brought
to Fillmore. The child wa* severely
burned and was treated here.
Shortly before midnight forest rang­
ers and other firelighters found the
bodies o f all those listed as dead with
the exception o f O. E. Webb, two o f
his children ami George Riley.
In ad­
dition to the known dead, the body of
an unidentifi«! woman.
Expulsion From Senate is Wanted for
Stone, Gronna and I * Follettr.
“ W han
In Seattle Try the Frye”
New Houston Hotel
Slith and Ewratt Sts.. I'.titUml. Or*.
Four l>L*-k* frum Unkm D v in ì I. T wo block*
from Naw I'ualnfVt«*. M «l«r n awl flr«»|>ruuf.
Over 1UU ouUkla ruums. Hala* Tftc U» « UU.
I M ad« an Au tom obil*
■ ap*rt of T h l* Man In
Juat S*v*n W **k *.
Au tom obil* D river
Au tom obil* Ptcpalrman
Au tom obil* Sal**m an
Qaa T ra cto r C n oin **r
Stationäry E n gln **r
and aarn fr u m $100 tu $500
i*«»r tnmith? If you hav*
* wo handa amt n aim m on
sotts« «nt urat Ion. I OM
m nk« vou an «ap art In
fm m mit to r i g h t werk*.
I urovo It by mv " t ’rmm
T ria l '* W u t « tintay for
Imuklrt mul A !« t t * r from
m « timt w ill inak* you a
frl*n d o f m in « from th « atnrt
38$ Burnald* S tr**t. Portland, Or*.
in a day. No hoops; no nails; no
steel; no steal. W rite for particulsrs
Stay Round Silo Co.
706 Rot he hi Id HUItf.
Portland, Or.
Washington, D. C.— Petitions from
New York organizations asking expul­
sion from the senate o f Senators I,*
Follette, o f Wisconsin; Gronna, o f
North Dakota, and Stone, o f Missouri,
Are made from your OLD CAR­
were presented in the senate Tuesday
PETS. Rag Rugs woven all sizes.
by Senator Wadsworth, o f New York,
Mail orders receive prompt anil care­
and referred without action to the sen­
ful attention. Semi for booklet,
ate p rivilege« and elections committee.
The first step toward official consid­
Portland, Or.
eration o f the petitions wan taken, E. Rth and Taylor Sts.
w han Senator
Pomurene, o f
chairman o f the privileges and elec­
tions committee, c a ll«! a meeting for
W • P a y ih r P o s t a «« .
I f In nreel o f P u r « D r u s e a m i ( (ta m ii a lt. A r d i
next Wednesday.
S u p p o r le . S h o u l d . r B r e r . . , T R U S S E S . tJ a e tic
It was decided to have the commit­ S t o c k in g * . A b d o m in a l S u p p o r te r * . Nu e p e p e o ry
tee discuss a course o f action.
The B a n d « « * * fo r M *n . and all u th .r K u b la r j p * k
o f eve ry dnarrlption. *.n d lo Ih .
present attitude o f the senate leaders
was said to be in favor o f tabling the
Trusa Esperta
Third and Y am h ill, Portland, Or.
petitions in the committee.
Vice President Marshall also pre­
sented another lot o f petitions, letters
and telegrams from various organiza­
H a h n k «-W s lk «r
llu a in «*« ( 'o i l « * « , Portland.
tions and individuals on the same gen­ O r«., lariceet in N orthw aat. train * you In all bual*
n «a* couraaa. Enroll any tlm *. F r a « < '* tj»lo *.
eral subject.
In reply to one correspondent. Vice
President Marshall pointed out that
J So»* Eve*, Eve* InfUmrd by
while the senate may expel a member,
¿•Son. Z>w*faitd Wind quit kly
the initiative must come from a sena­ — >r- .
^ "• r * ll* v * d by Murln*. Try It In
your fcy «*n d In Baby's Eyes.
tor and cannot be forced by an individ­ V i v a , j y t t / c
l U U R L Y l .<3 No Smarting. Juit Ky* Comfort
ual or oragnization.
Marine Eye Remedy ;& !£ '
Bigger Pay for You,
RINE Granulated Eyelid»,
moon with no clouds or wind.
people o f London expected a raid and
were waiting for signals. Soon after
Theaters Continue Evening Perform ­ 7 o ’clock motors o f the volunteer corps Difficulty in Getting Out Spruce Re­
sped through the streets blowing their
sult* in Further Experiments.
ances in Spite o f Repeated Visits
sirens and displaying an illuminated
Washintgon, D. C.— The A ircra ft
From Hostile Aircraft.
notice “ take cover” and other meas­
ures were put into execution to inform Production board having found difficul­
London — The strongest air attack the populace.
ty in gettin g out enough spruce from
yet attempted on London and the coast
the Oregon and Washintgon forests to
Many o f the theaters were contniu- meet present demands o f the United
towns by the Germans was carried out
Monday night by four groups o f hos- ing their performances notwithstand­ States and the a lli« l countries, Wed­
tile airplanes. Some o f the machines ing the raids. A t the conclusion of nesday closed a contract for a million
got through to London and bombarded the performance in one o f the leading feet o f Douglas fir to be used in lieu of
London theaters the manager came to spruce.
the southwestern district.
The Germans bombed coast towns as the stage and invited the audience and
Preliminary experiments conduct«!
they passed over and proceeded toward stage-hands to vote on the question of by the A ircraft board have indicated
London. Two o f the groups succeeded
that fir is suitable for airplane con­
in getting a number o f
machines A ll voted in favor o f carrying them on struction and the quantity covered by
through the sky barrage.
Numerous as usual.
this contract w ill be used experi­
bombs were dropped on the southwest­
W hile a terrific barrage was kept up mentally.
ern district, which is thickly populated with the bursting shrapnel furnishing
I f it meets requirements, the board
with the homes o f the upper and mid­ one o f the greatest pyrotechnical dis­ indicates that further purchases o f fir
dle classes. The fire from the defend­ plays Ldndon ever saw, a thrilling bat­ will be made as the demand continues.
ing guns was longer and louder than tle in the air took place between en­
The price at which the government
ever before. A rain o f shrapnel fell emy aircraft and British aviators in is to buy fir for airplane construction
in all sections o f the town and the the northern district, according to is not announced, but it is s ta t«l that
streets were virtually deserted.
special constables who «said they w it­ this order ia to be distributed among
The weather was perfect for air nessed it by means o f powerful binocu­ Northwestern mills.
Only the best
operations, as there was a bright full lars.
grades o f fir will be purchased.
S E A T T L E 'S
Only thm* Mtshe frum lfet«.Ui .ml puck*. Op-
p o lls Otty 11*11 I'erk amt Court II duss .
TIIK riNKNT I s >1.1.AH Itookt IN AMKtUOA
With iUlachwl bath. I paraon.
It uo 1 | si
zparauna. lia s R an
With private hath. I paraon.
no tt So n.uo
% par m m *.
| ] uo IS M M 00
Pacifist Pastor Angers.
Seattle A movement to expel Rev.
Sydney Strong, pastor o f Queen Anne
Congregational church, from member­
ship in the Municipal League o f Seat­
tle was initiated at a meeting Wednes­
day. A resolution asking for the ex­
pulsion o f the clergyman because o f
his continued agitation against the
war |>olicy o f the government was ap­
plauded when read.
It was referred
to the trustees.
Dr. Strong has been prominent in
the activities of the Christian Pacifists
in Los Angeles.
Troopers to Get Mail.
Washington, D. C. — To make sure
that American troopers abroad get
their letters from home, 160 postal
clerks will be dispatched to France,
and the War department has given or­
ders that all transports bound toward
the battle front shall carry all the ac­
cumulated mail available and thus keep
the service up to the last minute. A p­
peals for letters, magazines and news­
papers have been pouring in on con­
gressmen. Investigation’ disclosed that
the mails were far behind because
transports were sailing without them.
Embargo ia (.aid on Coal.
Washington, D. C. — A ll shipments
o f coal into Canada from American
lake ports were ordered stopped by
Fuel Administrator Garfield to divert
coal from these ports to meet fuel
shortage in the Northwest. Central
com petitive field coal operators, dis­
cussing with miners' representatives
here a readjustment o f wage scales,
agreed to meet in part the miners’ de­
mands on condition that the govern­
ment increase prices fixed for coal at
the mines.
Their counter proposal
will ba submitted to the miners.
Repatriation Made Easy.
Washington, D. C.— The senate bill
to repatriate Americans serving with
the allied armies was passed by the
house Wednesday after being amended
to meet State department views.
As soon as the President signs the
bill, Americans may have their citizen­
ship restored by appearing before a
United Staten consular officer or court,
declaring their allegiance to the U nit­
ed States and disclaiming allegiance to
foreign authority.
Japan to Hold Vessels.
Tokio — An imperial ordinance pro­
mulgated Tuesday prohibits, without
permission o f the government, the sell­
ing, chartering or mortgaging o f Jap­
anese ships to foreigners. The edict,
which contains 13 articles, applies also
to vessels building or contracted for.
The minister o f communications is
given control over steamship routes,
passengers and cargo and rates, and is
also given authority to commandeer
shipping yards and material.
Pan-German Plea Urged.
Copenhagen — The Catholic Ger­
mania, o f Berlin, prints new evidence
o f official support o f the Pan-German
agitation against the reichstag major­
ity and a peace without annexation. It
reproduces a circular sent with the
appeal of the head o f the state ra il­
ways in the Breslau district to all rail­
way officials and employes, calling
upon them to sign a monster petition
circulated in Breslau and headed, “ An
appeal against the reichstag m ajority.”
K y e Set we. in T u l* * 2&e.
P«»r W «o* o / »A e A y » —
9w —
A.K M a r in e E y e R e m e d y C o ., C h lc a e o
Force o f Habit.
Crown (to ex-cabinet minister {in an
accident)— “ Would you liku to go to
the hospital?”
“ Shall I get you a
drop o f brandy?”
"D id you slip on
the banana peel?”
“ Did yer fa ll? ”
“ Are yer hurt, sir?”
“ Shall I fetch
h doctor?”
" I s that your hat, air?”
Ex-Cabinet Minister— The answers
to one, two, five and six are in the
negative; to three, four anti seven in
the affirmative.— Exchange.
“ Mr. Briggs was paying extraordi­
nary attention to the lady he took to
"T h a t was his w ife .”
“ And 1 said his attention was etxra-
ordinary, didn’ t I? ”
How It Happened.
"W h y
did you leave your
place?” asked the boss.
” 1 didn’t leave it. It le ft me”
"R a th e r strange, I should say.”
“ Not at all. I w o rk «! in an ammu­
nition factory.” — Indianapolis Star.
To keen clean and healthy take I)r.
Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. They regu­
late liver, bowels and stomach.
T h e firs t test a man Is put thru for
eith er w ar or Hfe Insurance Is an sxam i-
naton o f hla w ater. T h la Is most essen­
tial because the kidneys play a m ost Im ­
portant p art In causing prem ature old age
and death. T h « mors Injurious the pois­
ons passing thru the kidneys the sooner
comes d eesy—so asys Dr. P ierce o f Bur-
glcal Institute. Buffalo, N . T., who further
advises all people who are peat th irty to
preserve the v ita lity o f the kidneys and
free the blood from poisonous elements,
such as uric acid—drink plen ty o f w a ter—
sw eat some d ally and take Anurlc, double
strength, before meals.
Thla A n -u -rlc Is s lets d iscovery o f Dr.
P ierce and Is put up In tablet form , and
can he obtained at alm ost any drug store.
F o r that backache, lumbago, rheumatism,
" m s ly ” Joints, swollen fe e t or hands, due
to uric scld In the blood. Anu rlc quickly
dissolves the uric a d d aa hot w a te r does
sugar. T a k e a little Anurlc before m eals
and liv e to be a hundred. Bend 10 cents
to Dr. P lercs fo r trial package o f Anurle.