ITALIAN LEADER GREAT GENERAL START APPLE1PICKING Harvest o f Jonathans and King Davids S E T T H IS S IL O UP In * tiny. N o hoop»; no nails; no s te e l; no «V ' m I. W n li' for particulars Stay Round S ilo C o . 706 Rnthehild Bldg. Portland, Or. ■ When In thr Market (or a l'Uno, I'laycr l ’Uno, flayer Musk, or In «hurt, anythlnu In the music line, write to S h e rm a n .Jp la y & C o . fMath ana Moni*.... Sla.. 200 Koonu 100 Hath* IM)KTI.AN I». OMK N * «r Both Depot* j H o te l Absolutely Fireproof H oyt 1’onMMT SUth and Hoyt St*.. Portland. Ora. LOU IIIM K8. Manairar. RATRBr 71c to Kl. MPRT1AL Weak or Month WANTED, TURKEYS fo r T H A N K S G IV IN G and CHRISTM AS trade. W rite f u r p rlrm . Ship ua yuur V«*al. Itoira. P o u ltry. Kmr*. t ik i« * * ik 1 l ! * w * r * bark. Tup prfraa and fa ir treatm ent. C LE A SB Y -H A N SO N CO. U S FRONT ST. PO R T LA N D . OKI DON’T BURN GASOLINE Kara lot) par rant o f fual coat by aqulppln^ your Car with a DISTILLATE GASIFIER Thousand* o f Hati*A«d l i e n . Prica for tarda. $A OO. Othar Make*. $11 00 D IS T IU -A T E GASIFIER SALES CO.. 711 Clinton (it , Portland. Oration LET UB INCREASE YOUR PROFITS C leat stoien . Pool Hatla and Candy D ealers, ask tor PropoalUon C. S pecialty S ales C o ., »a it , P** TLA NO Dealer» I I Halee Stim ula lor*. HIDES, PELTS, CASCARA BARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. W « ml e m >m unti 1 er priai te iSippMi tifi T« H. F. Nom» Co. Nrtle«. Or» ; »ata, »• N I J -J Vaal. Pork. B m I, 1 I Poultry, Buttrr. F-gu« 111 and Fani. Produce. to the Old Ketlnble Krerdlne houn. with ■ I o f 46 year* oí Square Dealtnjr*, and ! of T O P M A R K E T PRICES. F. M. C R O N K H ITE 4 M 7 front S treat Portland. Ore «an Young man and woman with hu*lnaaa tralnlni And position* evarywhere. tèi to North w p r I i U r « .- , ItuR'.nae* (è>lle«a. HER N K K W A I .K KK PortUml. Ora. A ll count*«. Position* guarantead W rite for free M lu* tra ted catalog. Granulated Eyelids, J S ore E y e«, E y e * In (l»m r il by ^ S s i o . />u*raiui W in d qua kly • relieved by Murlna. Try it In 1 your f c y « and in baby's Eyes. &NoSmartipf,Just F.yc Comfort Marine Eye Remedy «re aetre, in TUtew Me. Fur /Gw»* o f I*« Kw* — 9r— . Aak M u r in e Ejre R e m e d y t o . . C h ic a g o . Home Hope LeTt. "H e n ry , the flour is all out.” " S o in my m oney." “ The potato«« are all gone.” " S o in my credit. ” " W e ll , we can’t Htnrve!” “ Can’t we? That’« Rood; I was afraid wo m ight.” — Boston Transcript. Not So New. " I see you have a new regim e in your club, Mr». Comeup." " Y e » , everybody take« it for a new outfit, but it ’« really only the old thing« done u p ." — Exchange. Regulating Nignt street frame. Experiment« nre being made by the pollee of Glasgow with u new method for Ihe regulation of street vehicular traffic nt night. At two of the most rrowded crossings In the centrul dis­ trict of the city the constables are provided with helmets to which nre attached small electric lamps, con­ trolled by a battery carried In the coat pocket. The lumps show the po­ sition of the constable and Indicate to which lines of truffic the crossing la clear. Silk-Producing Countries. China still len d s In silk production, although the actual amount Is un­ known, with Japan second. France la the greatest silk prndnctng center o f Kuro|K>. In Ainerlcn the Industry Is largely centered In Patterson, N. J., where silk mills give employment to a large proportion of the city's Inhab­ itants.— New York World. P. N. U. No. 39, 1917, Ilom«.— It Is said In Ihe Itttlo Italian water town of Pallanzn on the border of the l e g o Maggtore, away up toward the Swiss Alp«, where I/oiut>urdy and lledtnont meet, that aome years ago a learned German with a particular In­ terest In heraldry paused at some length before a weather-beaten crest embossed In u quaint old-fashioned doorway, and observed to those In hie company 1 “ Remarkable — most remarkable. The composition of this coat of arms points to a line of fate running lu the same family from father to eon, and to tremendous achievements to crown the faintly Uoe. I wouldn't care to he pitted against tbe star of that fam ­ ily." And be marched hlmeelf off, grow i­ ng: "Remarkable, most remarkable I’’ Hut It never occurred to him to ask the name of the family who had once gone through tho deserted gateway, nor. at the time, did his reflection strike his Italian host as anything but a freak of "kultur." Time has proved that the Oertmtn was right for once. Tho star and the oak tree and what not that had atmek his fancy ao aro the creat of tho Ca- dorna. who come from poor but un­ sullied provincial nobility, with two chief Ideals running In the fam ily ; Faith In (Jod and devotion to Italy. The present General Cadorna's grand­ father wna minister to King Carlo A l­ berto, who led the movement for Ital­ ian Independence, granted the constitu­ tion to his kingdom (then restricted to Piedmont and Sardinia), abdicated In favor of his son when be thought that aurh a course of action would help the formation of new Italy, aud died an exile at Oporto. General Cadorna's fa ­ ther, Gen. Count IlufTinie Cndornn. led In lHrttl ,he Italian advance on the Isanzo, which was cut ahort by diplo­ matic Interference and the subsequent grunting to Austria of the Italian lands beyond that same Isonxo and the Adri­ atic; an unjust and therefore unwise move wiilrh ultimately resulted In the war o f today. The “tine of fete running tn the fam ­ ily from father to son” la evident now. when Gen. Count Luigi Cadorna tnkes up the reshaping of history left un­ finished by his father, as all Italy of today takes up the strand of fate Ill- twined and distorted by the unfortun­ ate events of INI® Luigi Cadorna himself was horn In rnllanxa on September 4. 18.10, und he was barely 19 years old when he entered the military nondemy, gradu­ ating therefrom as a full fledged lieu­ tenant In 1870. and receiving hts cap- tnln’s commission In 1879 In an artil­ lery regiment. Opportunity for experi­ ence In Infantry work was afforded him by his appointment as a major tn the HIxty-sccond Infantry regiment In 1883 ; tmt since 1802, when lie got his colonelcy, he has been Identified with the Itcrsngllerl, Ihe “wideawakes" of the Italian army. All these years were spent hy him In active study of general military problems, ns well ns of Italy's partic­ ular characteristics In the military Hue. To this day his essay on the Krnnco-Gcrmnn war of 1870 and hla pamphlet nhout teetlos nnd the proper use o f Infantry tn legitimate warfnre nre consulted by Ihe experts to advan­ tage. ns nre hts studies on the Italian boundary lands. These ho knows ,o perfection, so that he hardly ever needs to resort to charts nnd maps for his plHnn; he has It all mapped out In his head, nnd the fuclllty with which he draws from his memory the nnntcs nnd positions of Intricate passes, val­ leys, mule paths nnd roads Is nothing short of marvelous. When lie took comrannd of tho Tenth regiment of the Itcrsngllerl, he started to work on It after hla own mind, nnd brought It out In the grand mnneuvera of 181)9 In splendid form, practicing, In fact, on the adversary forces that same type of outflunklng and sur­ rounding move that works so capitally on tin- Cnrso today. Again, In 1911, (he Imd attained his generalship then since some years), he led In the "grnndes maneuvers,” the Mlue party against the Red, with all the strategic odds against his party, and astonished all experts hy the working out of a capital plan first; and when this fell through on unforeseen clrcumstnnccn, hy the promptness with which he sized up the new situation nnd turned It once more to Ills advantage. Rut nothing then seemed to point out tho magnificent heights to which lie was called. In fact, Ihe breaking out of the Europeun wnr In 1014 still found him a general on the list for the command of an army In ense of war. And the Itnllnn chief of staff was Gen­ eral I’ollln. who, by the way, was blessed with an Austrian wife. Ills timely death was n good turn of fate for Itnly, for the king appointed Gen- ernl Cndornn to his plnce. General Cadorna, It may he frankly stated now, found the Italian army In practlenlly desperate conditions of un- prepnredness. Tho way he went to work nnd reorganised and equipped It was as remnrksblo and as brilliant an achievement as any of his most brilliant achievements In the fighting line; In fact. It was only the prepara­ tion of 1914 that maken victory pos­ sible In 1917. H e Is the only commander In the al- Med world that has retained his posi­ tion, we might aay, kept steadily his Job, throughout the war, without ever ns much as a hint of a breakdown either In the wholesale confidence that hla country, hla king, his army— and the alllee— have placed In him, or In the lively, energetic, all-around quality o f hts action and command. In fact, Intimate Sketch of the Man Who Has Beaten His Enemy’s Military Machine. LUIGI CADORNA'S BIG RECORD He Hae Molded an Army That Drlvee Auetrlane Out of Alps Mountains In Hardest Campaign of World Conflict During Summer. NEED PLENTY OF GRUB Napoleon eald, “An army flghte on Ita stomach.” No one hat ever dis­ puted hla wisdom, so it must be right. If any further proof la needed, to con­ vince “ Doubting Thomases," a visit to any army camp at mess time will dis­ solve all contradictory opinions. All United States soldiers are real fight- era, so It is little wonder that they are all great eaters. Uncle Sam’s grub la good, but it must be plentiful and the eupply must be on a huge scale to feed the million or more men Uncle Sam Is to train and place on the bat­ tlefield In Frmnct. he seems to thrive on his work, and to gnther new strength, as the days go nnd as time tests It, In the conscious­ ness that It Is good. His faith In God supports his fntth In victory. For ho Is a deeply religious man, hla favorite daughter, by the way, Is a nun, and while such feeling moans a good deal to human lives thnt are Intrunted to him. It helps him to request o f them all tbe sacrifice that the higher Ideals may require. It la his firm conviction that “to sacrifice one life wantonly Is a crime; to use a hundred thousand If neces­ sary Is a duty,” for the commander of a nation at war. “If necessary" Is his condition; nnd “If necessary, let It be done," hla slogan. Just ns the slogan of the officers with heavy responsibili­ ties Is: “ When In doubt, go to Ca­ dorna." The particular characteristic of his mind Is breadth of vision and the sweeping nslde of nil minor Issues, not to speak of petty details. He Is, above all, prnctlcnl and simple. The funda­ mental lnw of his thought Is “common sense nnd a remarkable clearness In seeing things ns they are”— not ns he might like them to be or ns he might object to their being. H e even has gone the length of writ­ ing thnt "T h e art of w ar must be gov­ erned chiefly by common sense pure nnd simple.” And hy the study of wnr on this basis he has reached n deep knowledge of the world, on the princi­ ple thnt “there Is everything In wnr. from geology to the human heart." Given his simplicity nnd directness of thought, Ihe simplicity nnd directness of his written words are consequential, and It may fairly he said tint since the "Commentaries of Julius Caesar” Itnly had heard nothing to compnre with the splendid simplicity nnd the Latin "line” of his w ar bulletins. It Is whispered among those who know thnt. In the early days of the war, the task of drafting the dally communique had been Intrusted to a very brilliant Itnllnn Journalistic of­ ficer, whoso headline ran. "Oran Qunr- tlere Generate” (Chief Headqunrtera, or something to thnt effect, with ob­ vious reference to the Germanic equiv­ alent). General Cadorna, after hav­ ing firmly established Ills men on the outer side of the Itnllnn border­ line nnd parried the war Into the land of the enemy (a privilege which the Italian nrmy nlone of the belligerents has enjoyed since tho beginning of the w nr), turned back nnd snw thnt the reports were not half so good ns the work— literary, hut not razor-keen. And this Journalist was thanked (which, by the way, In the Itnllnn war zone slang. Is expressed hy sllnrnte (torpedoed), and this characteristical­ ly Lntln headline wns adopted: Cora- ando Supreme (Supreme Command). From that day on, the communion to Cadorno has brought to the expectant Italy the dally word o f her great gen­ eral and the unspoken assurance of his faith In ultimate victory, every day made nearer and more reaplend- eat. for tbe general believes In what might bo called the contagiousness of faith, and the Identification of the Ideal with the reality In ultimate achieve­ ment. lie believes that victory, be­ fore materializing as a fact, must be potentially blazing aa an abaolute cer­ tainty In the hearts of the soldiers nnd their leaders— In fact, most de­ scend from the leaders to the masses ns on Irresistible, Joyous flow of truth. He believes thot discipline Is the spir­ itual flame o f victory. Never for one Instant has he doubted the ultimate Issue of tho w a r ; never once doubted Ids own power to win, not on ac­ count o f personal conceit, but be­ cause he considers himself as an agent of necessity, an exponent o f the Inevi­ table march of history. His will Is Inflexible, because he never seeks strength In the opinion of others. On the other hand, he never mikes up Ills mind until every side tins been considered nnd every Item of the contention outweighed. After that his conclusions are drawn, nnd anything that may follow finds him unswerving. Ills strength lies largely In his absolute, naive unconsciousness of anything that might disturb It; that, lu fact, would disturb another man. N'o useless anxiety In h im ; no nerve- racking Impatience. Once, away back In 1915, a mayor of an Italian city nent word that his constituents bud an Italian flag ready for Oorlts. Cadorna dlatnlssed tbe subject with a whimsical smile. “Tell him to put It aw ay In a drawer for now.” Hut when, about one year later. Go- rltz was taken, the mayor received this rather cryptic telegram from the general himself: “You may now send along that ob­ ject. Cadorna.” Which rather reminds you of I »ante's famous answer about the egg with salt, at one year’s distance. On New Year's day o f 1910, an ac­ quaintance sent him, with good wishes, the offering o f a shaggy fur coat, and the general answered accepting “tha fleece” as a good omen “fo r the con­ quest of our Ideal golden fleece,” and added: "B ut then, you know. In Ja­ son's time there were no barbed-wire fences nor other Infernal devices, and It was possible to step more lively." Which, by the way. Is a mighty good hit at the closet-critics o f the war. It Is characteristic of the general thnt such a gift he may accept with a smile; but he definitely waives any collective token or demonstration. Knowing his affection for his native place, and hla regret at circumstances having compelled his father to part with the family homestead. It was pro­ posed to purchase and present to him the house by national subscription. He stopped that, nnd desired tho pro­ ceeds to be given to the borne for mu­ tilated soldiers nnd victims o f the war. Other demonstrations were similarly thwarted, but It Is believed that he will not refuse to accept a sword once owned by Garlbnldl, since It Is planned to present It to him "at the end o f the war.” If a general proves unfit he Is “tor­ pedoed” on the sp o t; If a soldier shows the right stuff, he Is rewarded. H is constant preoccupation Is: “Find the men who have the stuff. W ith such men as the Italians, first values must have been developed during the w a r; find them and put them up.” Ills ruddy, genial, open countenance, hts boyish freedom of movement and gesture. Interestingly contrasting with the whiteness o f hair and mustache; his clear, forceful voice and the defi­ nite, resolute things that It expresses, with a breexy sense of vitality that Is quite refreshing to the hearer, all come In for a ahnre In the exceptional­ ly attractive personality o f this “gen­ tleman warrior,” who, as a young lieu­ tenant tn 1870 stood hy his father and helped him give Rome to Italy, and as n mature leader of men may or may not give Trieste to Rome In 1917, but will forever stand In the eyes o f Italy and the light of the world as the true representative of the righteous fight of Latin civilization against the barbaric brutality of the Huns. PUTS OUT FIRE IN THEATER Audience Cheers 8oldler W ho vented Building Burning In Texas. Pre­ San Antonio, Tex.— In the course of the “B-10-19-cent” theatrical perform­ ance In a Houston street theater Sun­ day afternoon, one o f the actors had “died" and had been stretched out upon the “cooling board" with the con­ ventional candles at head and feet After the nctlon, which was somewhat rnpld, one of the actors, alone, stood before the audience and sang. Soon a candle fell from Its position and lay burning on the sheet that lay over the “dead" person. In the commotion thnt quickly fol­ lowed, civilians whistled, called, stirred about nnd motioned to the singer to put out the flame. A soldier, however, mounted the stage and put out thq fire with his bare hands, receiving a hearty cheer from the audience. And the singer continued his song. No Chance. Dingus— By the way, Shadbolt, talk­ ing of those X-rays------ Shadbolt (sheering o ff)— No use, old boy. You'll make no x raise from me this time. ^ Ih jg in s in Yakima Valley With " " ^ "r T a b o T T iu p p ly Plentiful. Wenatchee, Wash. — W ith the pick­ ing o f a big crop of Jonathans esti­ mated at 20 per cent o f the total apple crop of the valley this year beginning Tuesday the outlook for successful hsndling o f the yield is ’ excellent. There was considerable picking of King Davids and W inter Bananna laat week and some gathering of Jonathans chiefly thinnings but tbe real harvest o f Jonathans ia just starting. In a few days it will be in full blast proba­ bly the last of the week. Prospects are that there w ill be no scarcity o f labor. N ow there ia a sur­ plus. Many idle men are to be seen on the streets and at the Harvesters’ League it is said that work cannot be found for all applying now. Hundreds of laborers have come to the valley ex ­ pecting the harvest to begin at the us­ ual time. Instead, they find it a week or two late and their services are not yet needed. The result is that many o f them are without work. Neither the State Harvesters’ league nor the Federal department o f Labor is send­ ing men to the valley. Hundreds of men and women are coming to the val­ ley on their own account and they are having difficulty getting placed. Men, women and children come by train from Spokane, Seattle, Everett, Bell­ ingham and other points. Hotels are taxed beyond their facilities by de­ mands for rooms and in several hoe- telries people were glad to sleep on the floors and in halls. Among those arriving were a party of 35 from E v ­ erett who are to work in the Clark or­ chard. M ilk to Raise to 15 Cents. Tacoma, Wash. — Fifteen cents a quart and ten cents a pint is the new price confronting Tacoma consumers. This was announced by Tacoma dairymen, who predicted that the in­ crease would become effective about October 1. A ll dairy products, including ice cream, will be affected by the proposed increase, which will be caused by de­ mands o f producers for larger quota­ tions from condensaries. This will create a higher market level for milk and butter to city consumers. Get Good Yields in Latah. Moscow, Idaho— Nordby Brothers seem to hold the Latah county record this year for fall wheat, spring wheat and field peas. Their spring wheat, 24 acres o f Marquis, went 26 bushels to the acre and never had a drop of rain from the time it was planted until it was harvested. They had 23 acres o f fall wheat. Red Russian, that went 48 bushels to the acre. Their peas, 38 acres of Blue Prussian, averaged 875 pounds to the acre and they were offer­ ed 7 cents for these as they came from the machine. NORTHWEST MARKET REPORT It W orks! T ry It Talla how to loosen a sore, tender corn so It lifts out without pain. N o hum bug 1 Any corn, whether hard, soft or between the toes, will loosen right op and lift ont. without a particle of pain or soreness. This d rag la called freezone and la a compound of ether discovered by a Cincinnati man. A sk at any drag store for a small bottle of freezone. which will cost but a trifle, but Is sufficient to rid one's feet of every corn or callous. Put a few drops directly upon any tender, aching corn or callous. In­ stantly the soreness disappears and shortly the corn or callous will loosen and can be lifted off with the fingers. This drug freezone doesn’t eat ont the corns or callouses but shrivels them without even Irritating the sur­ rounding skin. Just think! N o pain at all; no sors- ness or smarting when applying It or afterwards. If your druggist don’t have freezone have him order It for you. ____________________ ep u ap n or n om in ee. Romance may be alive under the glare o f the bright lights o f the great cities, hut In this quaint old mountain town lta swan song has been sung. W itness»the following: A young woman employee o f a N ew York publishing house wrote her name on an Inside page o f a magazine pub­ lished by the company. The magazine felt Into the hands of A. B. Watson, twenty-one years old. of this place, who Is considered matrimonial timber. W atson wrote the young woman. Did he propose marriBge? Not on your life. H e told her she should be ashamed of herself for seeking ac­ quaintance In thla manner.— Weldon. W . Va., Dispatch In Chicago Tribune. In the Clutch o f Fear. “ How do you know that man drives a motor car? You never saw him in one. " N o , ” replied Miss Cayenne. " B u t he invariably acts nervous and looks over his shoulder when he hears a mo­ torcycle approaching.” — Washington Star. N o Objection. " J ib b s says he is ready to shed the last drop o f blood to defend his coun­ try .” " S o he is, i f it only happens to be somebody else’s blood.’’— Exchange. FOR ITCHING, BURNING SKINS Bathe W ith Cutlcura Soap and Apply the Ointment— Trial Free. For eczemas, rashes, ltchinga. Irri­ tations, pimples, dandruff, sore hands and baby humors, Cuticura Soap and Ointment are supremely effective. Be­ sides they tend to prevent these dis­ tressing conditions. If used for every­ day toilet and nursery preparations. Free sample each by mall with Book. A ddress postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L , Boston. Sold everywhere. — Adv. Height of Fame. “And how is your son Henry getting on In literature?" asked the visitor. “Oh, he's doing famously,” said the proud mother. “His autograph brought $10 the other day.” “Really?" “Yes— Blgned to a promissory note for $300. I bought It myself.”— H arp ­ ers’ Weekly. Portland— W heat Bluestem, $2.05; fortyfold, $2.03; club, $2; red Rus­ sian, $1.98. Flour— Patents, $10.60. M illfeed — Spot prices: Bran, $34 per ton; shorts, $37; middlings, $44; rolled barley, $55® 57; rolled oats, $55. Corn— Whole, $81 per ton; cracked, $82. H ay — Buying prices f. o. b. Port­ land; Eastern Oregon timothy, $27 per ton; valley timothy, $23® 25; al­ falfa, $22.50® 24; valley grain hay, $20; clover, $20; straw, $8. Butter— Cubes, extras, 47c; prime firsts, 45)c. Jobbing prices: Prints, extras, 48c; cartons, lc extra; butter- Positive Proof That Lydia fat, No. 1, 49c. E. Pinkham’s Vegetable E ggs — Oregon ranch, current re­ Compound Relieves ceipts, candled, 44® 45c; selects, 48® Suffering. 50c per dozen. P o u ltry — Hens, 17J@19c; broilers, B ridgeton,N.J.— " I cannot speak too 20®21c; ducks, 16®20c; geese, 8 (a 10c; turkeys, live, 20®22c; dressed, highly o f Lydia EL Pinkham’s Vegeta­ ble Compound f o r 28(0 30c. inflammation a n d V eal— Fancy, 28® 30c. other weaknesses. I Pork— Fancy, 21 J@22c. w as very irregular Vegetables — Tomatoes, 40@70c per and would have ter­ crate; cabbage, l j ® 2 c per pound; let­ rible pains so that I tuce, 50@76c per dozen; cucumbers, could hardly take a 40w 50c; peppers, 6®7c per pound; step. Sometimes I cauliflower, $1.25 per dozen; beans, 6 would be so misera­ ( ii 7c per pound; corn, 30c per dozen; ble that I could not carrots, $1.50 per sack; beets, $1.50; sweep a room. I j turnips, $2. doctored part o f the Potatoes — N ew Oregon, 2@2$c per time but f e l t n o pound; sweets, 3 )@ 3 {c . I later took Lydia E. Pink­ Onions — Oregon, $2.35; California change. ham’s Vegetable Compound and soon brown, $2.50. felt a change for the better. I took it Green Fruits— Peaches, 55® 90c per until I was in good healthy condition. box; apples, $1®2; pears, 75c® $1.75; I recommend the Pinkham remedies to grapes, $1 (it 1.40; casabas, l j e per all women as I have used them with such pound. good results.’’— Mrs. M il f o r d T. C u m ­ Hops— 1917 crop, 41® 42c per pound; m in g s , 322 Harmony S t , Penn’s Grove, N . J. 1916 crop, 25®26c; fuggles, 50c. W ool — Extra Oregon, fine, 60®60c Such testimony should be accepted by per pound; coarse, 55®60c; valley, 55 all women as convincing evidence o f tbe excellence o f Lydia E. Pinkham’s i