Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, September 22, 1917, Image 3

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    W H E N IN
Spain May Prove A Second Russia
New York. U nfortunate Hpaln—a
few elllzeiia fabulously enriched nnd
Hie i ii it kh of Hie population bitterly Im­
S E A T T L E 'S L A R G E S T H O T E L poverished by the war, her banks so
Only U i m b lo c k . t a p
ami Dock*. O p - surfeited with gold th at the yellow
p u i lt . <l<> H all I ' * « ■>»>! Court Houa*.
metal Is at a discount aud her people
T D K riN K H T IMII.I.AH H o i ) « IN A N EM IC A
mostly golug without sufficient to eut
W ith d a t e c i » ' U l h . I iwrau«.
II 00 II 10
I parauna, 11.10 11.00
— seems to keep International observ­
W ith p rivat« t a lli, I paranti.
«1 no « . H H 00
I par am a. I l i » M IO 14.00 ers here on the brink of plunging Into
" W h i n I n S e o tu « T ry t h » F r y » ’* s s t a t e of disorderly turmoil like th at
recently witnessed In Russia.
The sanguinary events of the world
(« a lia i L à
(u n von 1 * 11 1
war distract attention from King Al­
fonso XIH'e country. Hut history Is
baring made there, which In normal
Hines would All (he front pages of the
new spapers aud bs the principal topic
of dlacuaslon here from Hie tea table
to the cabinet room.
Hpaln la probably the hardeat hit
by Hie w ar of all the natlona except
thoae actually In the conflict. Ia the
early p art of the w ar tha agitation
between pro-ally and pro-Oennan
fftrondwsjr A Ankeny Mts..
Portland. Or*. «roups was looksd upon ss s possible
source of trouble, but this In tern a­
Unten, 75c, | l . 0<). f l . 50,
tional queatlon la now o v e r s h a d o w e d
Kdw. II. (iou d y,
U n s M inuta from W ssh
Inn tun S l r w t
M su sifsr.
by a m ultitude of Internal maladies
any one of which would ordinarily be
considered of m ajor Importance.
Alfonso Is Hlsssd.
Alfonso, the athletic young king,
S lith siu l Evcrctt SM., 1'orlUnd, Orr.
has l o s t his former popularity.
Four Illudi* frum llnluri (Mimt. T w o blanks
Is hissed tn the th eater and stays
front N «w I'uatuA W Mmlern and
away from polo games because of an ­
O m 1UÜ o u ts bis ruim *. lis to s 76c to 62.0U.
ticipated disagreeable boaUle dem ­
CMAfl 0 II« m a m , M anajrr
onstrations. This la because he la
blamed for the series of Impotent gov­
ernm ents which b attle weakly and
Ineffectually ngulnat tha nation's mul­
tiplying dlfflrtilUes.
Hut Alfonso Is
C I |U
S lo t « « , P o o l H a lla a n d C a n d y
no knlser. He Is as much at the mercy
D s a l s r s , a a k lo r P r o p o s it i o n C.
of the conflicting polltlcul currents
S pecialty S ales C o .,
as his subjects. However, It Is the
•IS ■ • m ho * tr .
prerogative of a king's subjects to
D snlars in Kale# Stim ulator»,
hlamo him for everything th at hate
M h II dispatches received hers de­
scribe the labor disorders In Spanish
cities, which have resulted In several
Are made from your O IJ) CAR-
PETS, (tax Rug* woven all sizes.
hundred deaths, as likely to Increase
M ailorders receive prompt nml ca re­
rather than diminish.
I'erbapa this
ful attention. Send for booklet.
Is the most serious of the dangers
threatening A l f o n s o today.
E . M lh an al T a y lo r S ta.
P o r t la n d , O r .
Tha radical workman, to be com­
parand with the Holahevtkl of Petro-
grnd, are pursuing a course of sabo­
tage nnd destruction tn an effort to
W * P sjr t b s P o e ta i* .
Intim idate the authoritlre.
Hut the
I f In n m l o f P u r s D ru s a a n d ( h s m ir s ls . Arci»
S u p p orta. .HIiould*r Hr a r s a . T K U S 3 U . b is s ile
outbreaks In different cities appear to
S lo f k m i « , A b d o m in a l S u p p o rta r» , S u a p o n a o ry
R a n d a * » ! fu r M *n. s u d «¡1 u th n r K u b b o r lÀuuds have little connection and the move­
o f av n ry d a s rrip tio n . »»nd U> th*»
ment la not well organized.
W hatever power the workingmen’s
T t u m E x p o r ta
revolution has arises from the fact
T h ir d a n d Y a m h ill. P o r t l a n d , O r.
that It costa two and a half times
as much to live In Spain na It did be­
fore the war, while wages, contrary
to the experience In moat other coun­
Boaa.lal. S old . R a „ la d aaad R a p a ,, ad
W A1.KKK K l.aC T R IC W O R K S
tries, have remained stationary or a c t­
Humait!«. <mr luth
f o r t land. O ra
ually decreased.
Mini}' lines of profitable m anufac­
You na man and wom an w ith bualnaaa tr a in i na
And p o .lt toft. ev e ry w h er e
(«> to N orthw nat'a turing have had to cloae. because »heir
la rsa a t lloaliiaaa ('oliava IIR IIN K K W A I.K C K .
m arkets In the Teutonic countries
Purllan I Or«. A llvouraaa. Paallkma auarattlaatl.
slid In Russia have been cut off
W rit« fu r frwa llliiatrataal catalua.
by w ar lines snd because England,
Frnnce nnd Italy are atringently lim ­
I'roeraa of Civilaztlon.
"H a v e you m issionaries civilized the iting Importations. In a few lines the
entente allies have demanded all Spain
savage* among whom you d w elt?"
. “ We went part way w ith th e m ,” re­ could produce nnd hnve made mer­
plied the earnest worker. " H u t we chants and m anufacturers wealthy be­
•a re n 't the people who taught them the yond their wildest dreams. Hut these
ex p ert use of modern firearm*. ” — exceptions have not rclloved tha gen­
eral situation.
W ashington Star.
Army Its Own M atter.
so far has proved depend­
Officer — Want* a new mesa-tin, do able when set to the task of putHng
down the revolutionary workingmen.
you? Where'» your old one?
Hut Spain’s army Is almost self-gov­
P riv a te—1 haven't got it, air.
P riv ate— Please, air, th e re ’s a cha­ erning. as Russia’s was for many
weeks Inst spring, before Kerensky
teau on top of it, s ir.—Punch.
w>i able to uae the spectra of defeat
by Oermnny to restore discipline.
Every nrmy corps and sm aller unit
A llan'* Foot-FaAM, th** sn tin ap tir pow der.
t* tlphtnaa* and Ml* trying. Ib'llavee Corn*. hns. It appears, a council of defense.
I »revan
I union», nntl S w ollen , S w m tin ir, A rhinir F eet,
(•iv ea rant and com fort. A ccep t no n uh atilu te. T his Is especially representative of the
S a m p le FKKK.
Addrean. A llan 8. Olm nted. 1«# noncommissioned officers nnd commis­
Hoy. N. Y.
sioned officers of lower grnde, who feel
themselves Ill-treated by tha b ureau­
A ppropriate Ejaculation.
D e n tis t- Are you game, air?
For cracy a t Mndrtd. It will be re­
you’ll have to have all your upper membered that In the nrmy crisis
of a few weeks ago the officers were
te eth pulled out.
P atien t—Then I ’ll do it, by gum !— able to force the release of their lend-
rs who had been throw n Into fortress
prisons. The army trouble Is not set
tied. The officers demand technical
HIDE8, PELTS, CASCARA BARK, changes In organization, more pay, and
less favoritism In promotions.
A third clearly defined source of
» • « t i l ni ] tm i m
w nti fir p r ia i u * itipp au tigs
trouble Is the sep aratist movement In
T H I H . F . M o m * C O . fortUa». O n .; S u ffli. Wi
Catalonia. The C atalans speak a d if­
1 '
— 111
"" '
. in ■ i in
ferent language from the people of
Madrid. It might be described as mid­
n i T i n
V s a l . Pork. Beef,
way between French and Spanish, ns
1 1 Y *
P o u l t r y , B u t t e r . F.«g«
Catalonia Ilea between France and the
anj F « rm Produce.
rest of Spain. The C atalan la Insult­
to th « Old RallikhI« Kv«*rdlna houM w ith a
ed If called a Spaniard—"C atnlan” Is
roeord of 46 y«am o f Rquarr IW Hnir*, tn d
h* aMurad o f TO»» M A R K E T PRJCfcS.
w hat ha likes as a designation of na­
4 M 7 F ron t S tr«ot
P ortlan d. Oroffon
T he provtncfl of Catalonia la the
w ealthiest, most prosperous and most
progressive In the country. Its cap­
ital, Barcelona, Is the center and hot­
bed of most revolutionary movements
In Spain. Most of Its people would
rath e r he p art of France than of
Rpnln. They believe a hidebound. In­
curably antique government at Ma­
drid la preventing th eir taking a place
with the most advanced people« on
the globe.
O ther Hpnntah provinces would also
like to break aw ay from the Madrid
government, perhaps partly In Imi­
tation of Catalonia, but more on ac­
count of whnt differences In race, lan­
guage. m anners nnd habits of thought.
T hese three canses of trouble men­
tioned are easy for a foreigner to un­
derstand. Hnt when the nntutored
American comes to plunge Into the ln-
trlcsctes of Spanish political parties,
constantly dividing,, changing th eir
platform s and making new alliances,
the head swirls.
W rite about your w ants in th is line to
Threa P arties Pre-Ally.
F I N K E B R O S .,
At the present moment the social­
183 Madison 81.,
Portland, Ore. ists, republicans and reform ists, m ak ­
ing qp the so-called "Block of the
Left,” are combined. Until the recent
P- N. U.
No. 38, 1917
N e w Houston Hotel
tones, like Nicholas Romanoff. He Is
a soldier and a real on#.
Hut Alfonso might bow to reason,
where force would not avail.
In a
light moment he offered ones to ran
as candidate for Hpaln'a first president
should the people desire a repubUc.
Yet Hpaln’a troubles are too deep-
seated and to Involved to be cast off
with a change of constitution. W hat
King Has Lost His Popularity and Is would help her moat la the ending of
the greet war. If the war goes on
Hissed When He Appears In
Public—Three P arties
Hpaln'a woes appear certain to In­
Are Pro Ally.
Country Seems to Be on Brink of
Plunging Into State of
Brothers Who Have Never Been Sep­
arated W ant to Be Together
In Army.
SUGAR MEN WILL AID Free Fare to Portland
Refiners and Hrokers Are W orking Out
in Conference Details of D istrib­
uting Agency and Prices.
Washington, D. C.— Beet sugar re­
finers and brokers opened conferences
here Wednesday to work out d etails of
a plan for a central distributing
agency, planned to cooperate with the
food adm inistration and to agree on
standard prices.
About 10 per cent of the refiners
protested ag ain st prices proposed, say­
ing they had mode contracts w ith beet
growers a t unusually high ratea. The
food adm inistration announced, how­
ever, th a t many of the grow ers affect­
ed by those contracts had agreed to ac­
cept a lower price as a p atrio tic duty.
A solution will be sought a t other con­
Food A dm inistrator Hoover, in an
address to the sugar men, said th a t
voluntary service of all industries is
the only dem ocratic means of meeting
the w ar emergency. In a contest be­
tween methods of autocracy and democ­
racy, he said, economic problems in
the democracy should be regulated by
business men in cooperation with the
government ra th e r than by arb itrary
acts of the government.
Cold storage men conferred w ith the
food adm inistration on enlarging stor­
age facilities to help conserve perish­
able feed and to propose regulations
for warehouse licensing.
By buying a uaeil Car from us.
makes; all sizes; all models. Ranging
in price from $175 and up. L argest
dealers in used Cars on the CoasL
Western Motor Car Sales Co.,
Broadway at Burnside,
Portland, Ore
D istributors for Chalmers Automo­
biles and Kelly Springfield Tires. Pub­
lic G arage in connection.
Hava 100 p a r c en t of fuel coot by «quipping your
C o r w ith a
¿T housand. o f S*tUfWd U«er».
P r ic e for Ford«, $ 8 0 0 .
O th er M ake». $ 1 1 .0 0
711 C linton St.,
Portland. Oregon
l/JR/NE Granulated Eyelids,
*’1 Sore Eye*. Eye* Inflamed by
j S u n . O u s t and W i n d quickly
I-os Angeles. OaL—H arry T. and
relieved by Murine. Try « In
H erbert N. Langlols, tw in brothers,
your Eye*and In Baby"» Eye*.
N* Smarting, J * « EyeCamiert
twenty-six years old, played together
when youngsters, studied through
M arine Eye Remedy
Kye Salve. »r» Tobea 26c. W»r Book o/*Ae Av« -- T ree.
I school life together, received their
Aik M arin e Eye Remedy C e.. C kicage 4
diplomas on the same stage, were p a rt­
ners In the business world and had
never been separated a day In their
th an S m a l l p o x , A m y
lives when H arry was notified In Lo#
the almoat miraculous effF-
Angeles he had been selected for Uncle
e*ey, and b in s le n n n * . of Antityphoid Vaccination.
He vaccinated NOW by your phyticlaa, you and
Hinn’a Liberty army. H erbert’« number
fou r fatally. It la su r e vital than bcuaa Inaurmce.
was down near the end of the list, but
Aik your phyilcian, druggist, or tend for Hav*
you kad T retold /" telling o f T y y b o ld Vacctaa,
when be heard bla brother had to go
results from ua , and danger from Typhoid Carrier*.,
to w ar he Immediately began setHlng
tic a r m * labosatotv , bokiu y , cal
reoavcia* vsccrats a saaaaa uaaaa a. a. ao«. ucaas*
up his end In the Hughes Arizona Cop­
per company and announced he would
And They Never Gossip.
Join H arry In th e trenches.
“Wo are not golug to let the w ar
Hobbs — I understand you are living
separate ua now,” said the brothers a t
next to the cem etery out your way.
. their home here. “We have never been
How do you like it?
separated a day, and aa we lived to-
Dobbs— F irst rate. Good neighbors.
F ruit Shipm ent Records Broken.
1 ¿ether so we would choose death to­
Q uiet and peaceful. And they haven’t
gether, If such should be our let.
N orth Y akm a — All record* for borrowed a th in g from us since w e’ve
Neither of us w ants exemption. We weekly shipm ents of fru it in Yakim a been th ere.— Boston T ranscript.
are both ready to fight for Uncle Sam
county were broken in th e last week,
and we have no dependents.”
when a total of 1380 cars were sent
F ath er (severely) — D aughter, I
ouL The previous week the shipm ent
VIOLIN USED TO CATCH FISH was 816 cars, and the week before w ant an explanation from you. I saw
th at 827 cars. D ata compiled from you kiss young H uggins th is evening.
D aughter— Weil, papa, he kissed me
But It le Not the Lure of Muslo T h at reliable sources show th a t in every va­
riety of fru it shipped to date the act­ first.— Exchange.
Lands Them— New Fleh
ual total is exceeding all early e sti­
Y am .
mates. The S tate D epartm ent of Ag­
Macon, Mo.—"They have a new riculture estim ated the pear crop here
wrinkle for catching fish a t Elmer, ' a t 900 cars, but the railroads say they
and It Is wonderful the luck they have/* ; have handled 1560 to date.
Alva Willoughby, circuit clerk, re ­
Would "H ooverize” Straw.
marked. swapping experiences a t the
courthouse. "About fifteen of ns
Spokane — County Farm E x p ert J.
Try this yourself then pass
pitched camp on a lake north of town j R. Shinn, who is conferring w ith farm ­
It along to others.
Till* latest photograph of the P rin­ and then set lines across zlgtag. Ilk» ers to aid them in conserving feed, has
It works!
cess Jolsnda of Italy shows a smile German entaglementa, yon know. a new slogan, "H ooverize the pea
th a t reveals her Joy at the successes When all was ready the fiddler oat on I straw by baling i t . ”
" I wish every man who haa pea
the Italian arm s have been winning In a log and played T h e A rkansaw T rav­
Ouch ! 7 1 7 1 1 This kind of rough
the Carso and along the Isonzo, where eler’ and other classics. And yon ought | straw would g et it baled, as it is al- talk will be heard lees 1 ere In town If
the Itsllnn forces have been steadily to have seen the fish corns In I By ; most the equal of clover for cows, ” people troubled w ith corns will follow
driving back the A ustrians from one noon we had more th an the party j said Mr. Shinn recently. “ We need the simple advice of this Cincinnati
mountain fastness to «pother. It Is a could e a t They tell me they always every ton to tide us over th is w inter, authority, who claim s th a t a few drops
a drug called treezone when applied
smile th at she shares with everyone In take s fiddler along when they go and I w ant to see every b it of it go of
j through the balers.
I t is selling at to a tender, aching corn or hardened
Italy, for the whole nation Is filled
callous stops soreness a t once, and
with Joy at the glorious prospect of
sae.” County Clerkk Sears said. j from $10 to $15 a ton baled.”
soon the corn or callous dries up and
victory over their foe of centuries, and “T he music charm s them, and they go
lifts rig h t off w ithout pain.
well may they be glad, for the flghUug blindly tow ard It and are caught on
H e says freezone dries Immediately
and never inflam es or even irritates
men of Italy have covered themselves the lines."
th e surrounding skin. A sm all botUe
with glory In the fighting above the
“Not exactly,” Willoughby replied.
of freezone will cost very little a t any
clouds. Princess Jolnnda Is the eldest “You see. we put the musician a t the
drug store, but will poeltlvely remove
daughter of the king nnd queen of other end of the lake and In paddling
Portland ■— W heat — Bluestem, $2; every hard or soft corn or callous
Italy and like them she has endeared to get away from the noise the fish
fortyfold, $1.98; club, $1.96; red Rus- from one’s f e e t Millions of American
herself to the Italian people during the run Into the hooka.”
women will welcome this announce­
san, $1.93.
m ent since th e Inauguration of the
Flour—P aten ts, $10,60.
high heels. If your druggist doesn’t
Millfeed — Spot prices: Bran, $37, have freezone tell him to order a sm all
Internal troubles became param ount
per ton; shorts, $40; middlings, $47; bottle for you._____________
this “block” was concentrating Its ef­ , Ostia Again Will Supply Food and rolled barley, $55 @ 57; rolled oats,
forts on throwing Spain Into the war
Coal A fter 8leep of Nearly
The cynical spinster’s definition of
Corn— Whole, $82, cracked, $83.
ns an entente ally. Hpaln'a grievances
Ten Centuries.
H ay— Buying prices f. o. b. Port- m arriage Is simply an- opportunity for
against the Germans are almost ex­
E astern Oregon tim othy, $27 per a girl to throw herself away on soms
actly like the United S tates—contln-
Rome.—A fter a sleep of nearly ten
tim othy, $ 2 3 0 2 5 ; alfalfa, man.
ucd outrages ou undefended m erchant centuries, Ostia, the ancient port of
ships by the U-boats.
Rome, will now bo reconstructed to
Not to go Into all the maze of de­ supply Rome with cereals, coal and clover, $20; straw , $6.50.
B utter — Cubes, ex tras, 46c; prime D isappear W ith Use of Cuticura Soap
tails, one may say In general th a t the other necessaries. U nder the Caesars,
and O intm ent—T rial Free.
P rints,
conservaHves, the clericals, the high in the most glorious period of the firsts, 44c. Jobbing prices:
arm y officers nnd the lenders of the Homan port, especially fo r th e land­ extras, 48c; cartons, lc e x tra ; butter-
T he first thing In restoring dry,
old nrlstocractlc fam ilies fuvor Oer- ing nnd storage of free grain, which fat, No. 49c.
falling hair Is to get rid of dandruff
the em perors had to give the Romans ceipts, 41@42c; candled, 45c; selects, and itching. Rub C uticura O intm ent
into scalp, next m orning shampoo with
But there are notable exceptions to if they would keep them In a good 4 8 0 50c.
C uticura Soap and h ot w ater. P re­
the general rule th a t the aristocrats temper. L ittle by little the T iber filled
Poultry— Hens, 17|@ 18ic; broilers, vent skin and scalp troubles by m ak­
favor Germany, one being the P uke of up the port with mud, nnd under the 19 (t£ 20c; ducks, 12@20c; geese, 8@ ing C uticura your everyday toilet
Alba, whose fnmtly hns beeu famous troubles of barbarian Invasion Ostia 10c; turkeys, live, 20@22c; dressed, preparation.
In history for centuries.
became wholly deserted. Many times 28O30c.
F ree sam ple each by mail with
Address postcard, Cuticura,
The king hluiself Is believed to lean the Romans have desired to rebuild
Veal—Fancy, 15I@16c per pound.
D e p t L, Boston. Sold everywhere.
tow ard the entente. His consort, Ena. the port nnd facilitate food supply,
Pork— Fancy, 211022c per pound.
Is British through nnd through. In hut It costs money, nnd Jealous Na­
V egetables—Tomatoes, 6 5 0 85c per
fact, she has Incurred some unpopular­ ples, whose port now supplies Rome, crate; cabbage, 2@2£c per pound; le t­
The com­ tuce, 50@75c per dozen; cucumbers,
ity by failure to coneenl her prefer­ raised great objections.
mune of Rome has, however, gained 40<ii 50c per dozen; peppers, 6c pound;
ence for England to Spain.
B ut whnt the king may do m ntters a victory, and the governor has sanc- cauliflower, $2.25; beans, 6<d)7c per
little. High officers In the government 1 tinned the rebirth of one of the oldest pound; corn, 30c per dozen.
at Madrid Is confined to u group of ports In the world.
Sack V egetables—C arrots, $1.7502
about a thousand men. bureaucrats
per sack; beets, $1.50@2; turnips, $2.
no less stupid If not so brutal as those SKIRTS W ILL BE TAKEN IN
Potatoes — New Oregon, l{@ 2{c;
of the czar. Cabinet follows cabinet
sw eet potatoes, 3 J0 4 c .
tn an endless, wearying round. Each P aris 8tyles for Coming W inter Are
Onions — W alla Walla, $1.75; Cali­
Could Do No Work.
fornia brown, $202.10.
one Is destined to fnllure from the
Designed to Economise on
Green F ru ita — Cantaloupes, stand­
start, because of the brainless hidal­
Now Strong as a
ard, 75c @ $1.75; peaches, 46(d)75c;
gos In positions of Importance, If for
watermelons, $10)1.50 per hundred;
uo oth er reason.
Paris.—Dress styles of the coming
Thus, unhappy Spain stumbles on. w inter are designed to economize on apples, $1 ® 2; pears, 75c @ $1.50;
She Is buffeted by blasts from nil woollen fabrics ns much as possible. grapes, $1®1.50; casabas, l |0 2 e per
directions. The Spaniard Is a nutnrnl The M aster D ressm akers’ association pound.
Chicago, 111. —“ For about two year*
Hops— 1916 crop, 25«T26c per pound; I suffered from a female trouble so I
T here seems little i of T arts hns decided th a t not more
was unable to w alk
likelihood of a solution of the coun­ than .1% yards of cloth shall be used 1917 contracts, 35036c per pound;
fuggles, 50c per pound.
or do an V of my own
try 's troubles—little chance that any : In making a dress.
This compares
work. I read about
Wool—E x tra Oregon, fine, 50O60c
sort of a firm, strong central govern­ with an average of ten or twelve yards
Lydia E. I’inkham s
ment will tnke control nnd lead the two years ago and seven yards last per pound; coarse, 55(060e; valley, 55
V e g e t a b l e Com­
@60«; mohair, long staple, 65c.
people In the ways of a modern pros­ year.
pound in the news­
Cascara B ark—New, 7Jc; old, 8c
perous democracy.
papers and deter­
The association also has decided to per pound.
mined to try i t I t
Carllsts Also a Danger.
use silk snd national products as
C attle—
brought alm ost im­
Unnsnnl as It would seem In these much ns possible and decrease the Best beef s te e rs ............. .$ 9.00(d) 9.75
mediate relief. My
days, Spain niny even witness con­ am ount of cloth Imported. T he Tail­ Good beef s te e rs ............. . 7 .50(® 8.75
weakness has en­
flicts over the crown. The Carllsts ors’ association and the large fashion­ Best beef cow s............... . 6.75<iS 7.50
tirely disappeared
are very strong. Most of the pro-
and I never had b et­
Ordinary to g o o d ........... . 4.00(d) 6.75
ter health. I weigh
German conservatives are Carllsts.
Best h e i f e r s ...................
7.00(d) 8.00
They fnvor the rlnlms to the throne form to 1L
Bulls.................................. . 4.00(d) 6.75 165 pounds and am as strong as a man.
I think money is well spent which pur­
of Don Jslm e of Bourbon. Puke of
C a lv e s.............................. . 7 . 0 0 9 . 5 0 chases
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Some Fish 8tory.
Madrid, only son of the lnte Poo Car­
Stockers and fe e d e rs.. . . 4 .0 0 0 7.25 Com pound."—Mrs. Jo s. O’B ryan , 1766
los, who now lives nt Frohsdorf, In
Portland, Oro.—When Gaorge H.
N ew port Aye., Chicago, III.
A ustria, nnd Is entirely Identified with Lynn returned from a Hood riv er fish« Prime light h o g s ........... .$ 1 7 .7 5 0 17.85 •The success of Lydia E. Pinkham ’s
the Oerninn party In th a t country.
Ing trip and cleaned one of hla tro u t Prim e heavy h o g s ......... . 17.65017.75 V egetable Compound, made from roots
One thing Is quite certain. Alfonso he found In the stom ach of a 17-lnch P i g s .................................. . 14.00016.00 ana herbs, is unparalleled. I t may bs
would fight for Ills throne. He would specimen a eeven-lnch m ountain tr o u t Bulk ................................
17.75 used with perfect confidence by women
who suffer from displacements, inflam­
not yield weakly to force—w hether of­ Stomach fluids were Juat sta rtin g to
mation, ulceration, irregularities, peri­
W estern lam bs............... .$13.00013.50 odic pains, backache, bearing-down feel­
fered by the Carllsts or by any other
of th e many potentially hostile par- prompted Lynn to open th e stomadh of Valley lam bs................... . 11.76012.50 ing, flatulency, indigestion, dizziness,
ties or combinations. H e would not the »wallowed fish and th e re he found Y earlings.......................... . 10.00010.50 and nervous prostration. Lydia E. Pink-
W ethers............................ . 9.75010.50 ham ’s V egetable Compound is t^ie stan­
climb down In trembling, silent lmpo- the rem ains of two still smaller trout
E w e s ................................ . 8 .0 0 0 8. GO dard remedy for fem ale ills.
Laugh When People
Step On Your Feet