Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, September 22, 1917, Image 2

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Severance With Germany Indicated by
Vote o f 23 to I in Senate
Daily News Items.
Brents o f Noted People, Governments
and Pacific Northwest and Other
Things W orth Knowing.
K ing George, in the course o f a visit
Tuesday to the river Clyde, in Scot­
land, went on board an American pa­
trol ship. The crew lined the decks
and cheered him lustily.
Labor’s Loyal Legion, recently or­
ganized in Minneapolis, w ill pay $1000
to the American soldier who may suc­
ceed in capturing, dead or alive, the
kaiser or the crown prince.
Dr. Gratz, minister o f finance in the
Hungarian cabinet, formed by Premier
W ekerle last month, has retired from
the ministry. Dr. W ekerle has tem­
porarily taken over the portfolio of
The Pan-German Tages Zeitung,
chafing under the persistent rumors
that Germany has decided to yield up
Belgium, calls on the government to
make an unequivocal declaration o f its
Japan w ill send to the United States
next month an official commission
composed o f financiers and business
men who w ill study wartim e finance
and promote business and economic
relations between Japan and America.
Diplomatic relations between Costa
Rica and Germany are considered sev­
ered, as the result o f steps taken by
General Tinoco, the president, who has
discovered that German residents there
had joined with some o f the followers
o f ex-President Gonzales in conspiring
against the government.
Several congressmen probably w ill
visit Europe and the western battle-
adjourns next
month. Members are already planning
a trip, either with or without official
status. Should none o f the official in ­
vitations be accepted some members
plan to go in a body at their own ex­
pense. It is planned to ask Speaker
Clark to head the delegation.
Queen Eleanore, o f Bulgaria, died at
Sofia, Bulgaria, Thursday She had
been ill some time, and recently King
Ferdinand and Crown Prince Boris and
Prince Cyril were summoned to her
The government Thursday advanced
Ita ly another credit o f $55,000,000,
bringing the total advanced that gov­
ernment up to $255,000,000, and the
total advanced the allies up to $2,321,-
department’s purpose in making public
copies o f the cablegrams was only to
expose the
German government's
world-wide system o f duplicity and in­
trigue, it is no secret that Argentine’s
participation in the war would be wel­
Even the breaking off o f relations,
it is pointed out, would have a power­
ful effect on public opinion in all
South American countries where Ger­
man influences are known to be strong.
That action also probably would re­
sult in considerable material benefit to
the allies by restricting Argentine
grain and meat exported to neutral
countries through which they might
find their way to Germany. Argentina
is now the only great neutral food pro­
ducing country.
Much-Criticized Executive Appeals to
Citizens in Soldiers’ Behalf.
Chicago — Mayor W illiam
Thompson, whose opposition to sending
troops abroad aroused comment all ov­
er the country, apparently climbed in­
to the patriotic band wagon Thursday
with a proclamation occasioned by the
departure o f selected men from Chi­
cago to the Rorkford cantonment. In
the course o f the preamble he says:
“ Whereas, it is the duty o f all pa­
triotic citizens to stand by our country
in times o f controversy with any other
country and to show in an unmistaka­
ble way that the American
stand behind the Arm y and the Navy,
which represent the majesty o f our
government.’ ’
He calls upon citizens o f Chicago
“ to show soldiers and sailors we are
united in a common love fo r the bless­
ings o f our free government.”
Rich Man's Son Evades.
Bisbee, A riz.— Warner A. Shattuck,
son o f L. C. Shattuck, millionaire cop­
per mine owner and banker o f Bisbee,
has been reported to department o f
Justice officials as one o f 49 men who
failed to appear for transportation to
Camp Funston to enter training for the
National army. The crime is punish­
able by death. According to the boy’s
father, he is somewhere in the state o f
Sonora, presumably at Guaymas where
he was last heard from.
C. L. Shattuck is reputed one o f the
Giuseppe Canepa, the Italian food
controller, has ordered the introduc­ Southwest’s richest men.
tion o f bread and flour cards through­
Dewey’ s Collier Sold.
out Ita ly a fter October 11.
Seattle, Wash.— The sale o f Admiral
A bill proposing prohibition in the
Hawaiian Islands was introduced by Dewey’s former collier, the Zafiro, now
Shaffroth Thursday.
The the British auxiliaried power ship
Bowler, was confirmed here Thursday
measure was referred to committee.
by the receipt o f a telegram from New
Proclamation by the President of a York announcing that the French in­
day o f prayer fo r American success in terests purchasing the craft had rati­
the war is proposed in a bill by Sen­ fied the deal and paid over the pur­
ator Myers, o f Montana, passed Wed­ chase price.
The Bowler is now be­
nesday by the senate.
ing reconstructed into a twin screw
A fte r a chase o f several hundred motorship at a British Columbia yard
and w ill be ready for commission soon.
yards, which took her pellmell through
a house, Police Matron Ada Todd, of
600 Chinese Are Killed.
Tacoma, Wash., single handed cap­
Amoy, China, Monday— More than
tured J. W. W alters, a husky young
600 natives were killed by the typhoon
prisoner who had escaped from Jailer
which struck Amoy at the end o f last
Rivard near the courthouse.
week. Eighty-five per cent o f the w a­
A ll wheat on track in the nine states
under the control o f the St. Louis office
o f the Federal Grain Control was
seized Monday, it was announced by
Edward M. Flesh. The amount seized
was more than 100 carloads. It was
apportioned among m illers according
to their needs.
Brief Stories Prepared Under the Direction o f the Comniilte on Publie
Information and the State Council o f Defense, and Published W ith­
out Charge by This Paper to Impart Knowledge Essential for the
Common Good.
Buenos A ires - - The Argentine sen­
ate, by a vote o f 23 to 1, Thursday de­
clared for the breaking off o f relations
Warning Against Irresponsible Opera­ Potatoes on American Table
with Germany.
tors Given by Markets Bureau.
Wheat for Men in France.
The resolution now goes to the
more potatoes you eat tho leaa
Chamber o f Deputies. There is strong
hay or feed are advised by the bureau bread you need at the same meal. On
public feeling in favor o f its final paa- o f markets to deal with no person of an average, one medium-size«! potato
unknown responsibility. Some buyers w ill supply about as much starch as
w ill order products under a transac­ two medium-sized slices o f bread.
Washington, D. C.— News that the
tion known as the "shippers order bill
Therefore those who make potatoes
Argentine senate had voted over­ o f lading. ”
Some o f these buyers or­ an important dish can safely cut down
whelmingly to sever diplomatic rela­ der products shipped in the hope that on the amount o f light or hot bread,
tions with Germany was received in the price will go up in the meantime wheat mushes or macaroni.
Wherever potatoes are plentiful lo­
and enable them to sell at a profit to a
Washington Thursday night with Grat­
local dealer. Some o f theae operators cally, especially in the case o f the
ification and no little surprise.
have insufficient capital and the goods early summer varieties which do not
Officials had recognized that recent may fall back on the shipper.
store well, housewives are urge«) to
In one case a man without financial use them plentifully as a substitute for
disclosures concerning cablegrams sent
to Berlin by the German minister at standing succeeded in purchasing large bread and thereby funriah wheat for
Buenos Aires through the Swedish for­ shipments o f hay and mill feed. As the men in khaki in France.
eign office had aggravated the situa­ there was no advance in price and as
New 1 a w W ill Make Aliens Subject to
tion caused by Germany’s sinking o f he had no cash to meet the drafts, he
American Draft.
Argentine ships, but it had been as­
sumed that, with the German minister cars. Some were on the track 20 days
m rruiting offices in the
The day the de­ United States are authority for the
handed his passports, no further offi­ before unloading.
cial action would be taken pending re­ partment investigator was on the following:
ceipt o f Berlin's explanation o f the ground this man had 22 cars on the
British and Canadian subjects in the
track, papers
for 17 more to be , United States w ill be unable to evade
Although it is understood the State
i the conscription acts o f their native
Property damage reaching several
hundred thousand dollars, heavy dam­
age to crops and drowning o f three
negroes resulted from the heavy rains
o f the last few days in Eastern North
Carolina. A t Wallace, a dam burst,
driving approximately 300 people from
their homes.
. A
. A
W W W W W W W W ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ !
▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼
Jear. Baldwin, sent to the peniten-
I tiary from Clataop county In 1915 for
I seven year« for larceny from a dwel-
ling, and John Ryan, sent from Mutt-
nomah in 1916 for five year« for burg­
Save lary, escaped Wednesday night. Both
were tru«tie«.
Destruction o f the American Consu­
lar Agency at Dunkirk, France, by a
German bomb on September 7 was re­
ported to the State department.
The A M E R I C A N S H I P S I N K S D I V E R
consular agent, Benjamin Morel, was
not injured. The archives o f the con­ U-Boat Destroyed While Shelling Neu­
sulate were saved.
tral Vessel- British Bag Two.
The Buenos Aires railroad strike dis­
Two German subma­
orders are spreading.
A bridge 50
yards long has been wrecked, tying up rines have been sunk by British naval
two lines and preventing the move­ forces, reports the Bergen correspon­
Six men
ment o f troop trains.
Heavy rein­ dent o f the Tides Tegna.
forcements o f national troops have from the U-boats were taken prison­
been sent to Rosario.
An armed British steamer in the
Austro-Hungarian troops by four North Sea sank a German submarine
successive counter-attacks attempted which was shelling a neutral sailing
on Saturday night to reconquer the vessel. The second submarine was
ground they had lost on Friday to the sunk by a British torpedo-boat destroy­
Italians on the Bainsizza Plateau. er while attacking an armed steamer.
General Cadorna reports that all the
assaults were repulsed.
Christiania— The Bergen correspon­
Stubborn fighting is in progress on dent o f the Aftonsladet says that the
the northern end o f the front in Rus­ armed steamer which sank a German
Wednesday’s official statement submarine in the North Sea while the
says the Russian troops are fighting U-boat was shelling a neutral sailing
with determination, repelling German ship was an American steamer.
Attacks on the
front were beaten back.
ington Agreeably Surprised.
Brief Resume Most Important
tercraft in the harbors nearby was de­
stroyed. No foreigners have been re­
ported lost. The Japanese steamhsip
Amakusa Mam, 2356 tons, is on the
rocks opposite Kulangsu.
The form er
German steamship Keong W ai, 1777
tons gross, is in a hopeless position on
the Kulangsu rocks.
lands and this country.
Plans for Economical Meals Suggested
legislation will make such aliens sub­
by Food Bureau.
ject to the American draft.
I f a Canadian or Briton declines to
For housewives who wish accurate
information on the relative costs in serve in the American army, he may
planning economical and at the same be deport«*! to his native land where
time nutritious meals, the food admin­ he automatically becomes available for
istration has issued a statement show­ service. The British recruiting sta­
ing the comparative costs and values tions in the United States are now
o f 50 foods.
asking enlistment o f men who become
Bread is taken as the standard o f available under this legislation.
comparison, and the cost per pound
Chautauqua entertainers and even
and the relative cost per hundred cal­
ories o f the other material is shown. complete light opera companies w ill be
The table shows 12 articles are cheap­ sent to cantonment camps for the en­
er than bread on the basis o f calories tertainment o f troops.
obtained for the money, two are of
The fuel administratoin will make
equal value, and 36 higher.
Corn public through a local committee in
meal, notwithstanding its present high each community, data to enable every
price, continues to give the most food consumer o f coal to ascertain for him­
value for the money.
self its established price.
Liberty Loan Campaign
Last One Month.
It is contemplated that the second
liberty loan campaign w ill close on the
first o f November, and the active cam­
paign w ill begin not later than Octob­
er 1.
No subscriptions can be received un­
til the bill now pending before con­
gress has been acted upon.
W illiam G. McAdoo, secretary o f the
treasury, urges all liberty loan organi­
zations already existing to get them­
selves in readiness for the coming
campaign. As in the previous cam­
paign, the general direction in each
federal reserve district will be under
the direction o f the federal reserve
bank o f that district.
The use o f canned vegetable is pro­
hibited in Canada.
Enemy Diver Reported Near Nantucket
Light - Passing Steamers Refuse
to Succor Alleged Victim.
A second forest regiment o f ten bat­
talions to go to France has been au­
Two battalions w ill be
raised at once, by volunteer enlist­
ment. Information may be obtanied
from recruiting officers.
Women farmers o f the country are
making plans already for the 1918 har­
vest. To the woman's committee of
the council o f national defense have
come several letters asking the names
o f women w illin g to take the places of
men in orchards, running tractors, and
on threshing machines.
A mile and a half o f logging railroad
is to he built by the W. l>. Hull Shin­
gle Mill i*om|>any near its Si It coos
Lake plant. Lane county, according to
Mr. Hull, who was in Eugene on his
way home from Portland, where he
placed an order for rails.
Public Service Commission,
through Chairman Miller, has tele­
graphed the Interstate Commerce rom-
mission asking that tho propose«! sup­
plemental tariffs governing minimum
carloads for lumber and lumber prod­
ucts shipments he su«pende«l.
Surveyors have been at Silverton for
a few «lays making another survey for
the propositi railroad from Molalia to
Silvert«>n, an extension o f the South­
ern Pacific system
They will com­
plete the survey south to Sayton, it is
said, where the road w ill be extend«1«).
Dr. A. F. Sether, a prominent Rose-
burg physician, was taken to a hos­
pital Tuestlay suffering from typhoid
fever. This is the sixth case report«'*!
in the past 10 days to the city health
officer, who has onlor««! «irinking water
boilrol and other precautions taken to
prevent an epidemic o f typhoid.
Secretary of State Olcott has certi-
fie«l to the $900,000 worth o f the $1,-
000,000 bond issue o f the ()ch«K'o Irri­
gation district approved by the Irrig a ­
tion Securities commission. Fe«'S go­
ing to the state from the «'edification
amount to $2200, a charge o f $2 being
imp«)eed for the certification o f each
James Slevin, the promoter o f Bel­
gian colonies in Oregon, after his sec­
ond visit to Coos Buy, sai«i that under
his present plans 40 fam ilies would be
nil he would recommend to that ««H-tion
at first. He has made combination ar­
rangements there with several d iffer­
ent parties, wherein horn«» w ill be
built for the families and work sup­
plied for the men until they can get a
Three brothers in Lake county will
have a chance to decide in any manner
they may choose which one w ill stay
at home and care for the farms and
5000 head of sheep while the other two
go to war, according to a decision by
the appeal board o f the Second Oregon
district, announced Wednesday. None
of the three brothers is marri«Kl or has
«iependent relatives; all three asked
Young men who are regarding en­ exemption on industrial grounds.
listment as a death sentence are mak­
L. J. Stanton, a young farmer o f the
ing a mistake, according to reports
from France. During two years where Gopher Valley, six mil«'« north of
the fighting was the most disastrous, Sheridan, was gored by a bull he was
only one man out o f 12 engaged was leading Wednesday morning, the horns
killed, wounded, missing or taken ripping open his abdomen for seven in­
ches. The bull rushed him when be­
ing led into the «tail.
Mr. Stanton's
back was turned and he was pushetl to
o f the submarine’s victim.
the floor. Before he could get up the
The captain o f the American tanker, bull's horn had caught him. He rolled
interviewed by a naval lieutenant, con­ to one side and a neighbor came to his
firmed the statement, it was learned, assistance.
that his ship also heard the distress
The evergreen berry harvest is en­
calls. His vessel, he said, was less
gaging many women and children in
than 20 miles from the ship that was
Lincoln county, and even men are
being Bhelled, but he, likewise follow ­
picking. Many fam ilies have gone to
ing the new rule o f the sea, did not go
the large patches on Depoe and Olalla
to her aid.
sloughs, where the berries are abund­
ant. A Mr. White, who is taking the
P E A C E M E E T E N D S IN RIOT crop at 3 cents a piiund, says he ex­
pects to get five tons a day. Esti­
Speaker and Chairman o f Gathering at mating that the berries will last for
three weeks more, at thia daily aver­
Hartford, Conn., Arrested.
age about $10,000 should be «lisbursed
Hartford, Conn. — Riotous scenes in the community. School children are
marked a meeting here Sunday o f the making good wages.
Hartford branch o f the People’s Coun­
The special course for the prepar­
cil o f America for Democracy and ation of young men for work In tho
Peace, culminating in the arrest o f the ordnance department of the United
speaker, Mrs. Annie R. Hale, o f New States army to be given at the uni­
Y ork; the chairman, A lfred E. White- versity of Oregon has been limited
head, o f this city, and the abrupt end­ to GO students.
An Atlantic Port— Evidence that an
enemy submarine has begun depreda­
tions in American waters was brought
here Saturday by two steamships
which during the morning picked up
wireless S. O. S. calls indicating that
a ship was being shelled by a U-boat
in the vicinity o f Nantucket lightship.
One ship receiving the distress calls
was a British freigh ter and the other
an American tanker.
Both reported
the scene o f the attack as about 60
miles east o f Nantucket and the time
about 8 o’clock Saturday morning. The
identity o f the submarine’s victim was
not learned by either vessel, as far as
is publicly known.
According to the commander o f the
British vessel, the messages received
by his wireless operator from the ship
said she was being shelled and report­
ed her position, but only a part o f her
name could be heard — the word
“ A b b y,” which is the last name of
several ships in Atlantic trade.
The American tanker's captain con­
firmed the British skipper’s report,
but added no details.
Following the
new rule o f the sea, established since
German submarine w arfare began,
neither vessel went to the assistance
ing o f the meeting by the police.
Police action was taken after Mrs.
Hale had cirticise«! a high government
official and the war, condemned con­
scription and declared
the United
States had no right to go abroad to
fight Germany because o f a belief
that “ 50 years hence” Germany might
make war on this country.
When Mrs. Hale was ordered to stop
there was an excited rush by the audi­
ence to the platform. One man, shak­
ing his fist at the speaker, declared
she had insulted the President.
Mrs. Hale and Whitehead were tak­
en to police headquarters, charged with
breach o f the peace.
Arbitration is Refused.
Phoenix, Ariz. — Managers o f the
mines in the Clifton-Morenci district
have filed with the governor their
answer to the citizens’ committee of
Clifton, which requested the mine
managers to arbitrate the differences,
looking to a termination o f the strike,
which has kept 5800 men out o f work
for several months.
In their reply the mine managers
say it is impossible for them to accept
arbitration which, in view o f the past
experience, would be binding on the
mining companies only.
$5000 No Army Sesame.
St. Paul— Grant I a Moine, had trav­
eled nearly 700 miles to St. Paul to en­
list in a railroad regiment, offered
$5000 for the privilege o f going to
France, after being refused for physi­
cal reasons. I a Moine’s last railroad­
ing was in Mexico, a fter which he en­
tered business at Froid, Mont.
age, coupled with slight deafness,
proved insurmountable barriers. “ You
let me go and I ’ ll give you $5000,” IA
Moine urged George McCree, in charge
o f recruiting. McCree could do noth­
Diver Designer a Suicide.
Baltimre — Gotthold Prusse, one of
the designers o f the German merchant
submarine Deutschland, who came to
Baltimore on the first voyage, o f that
craft, committed suicide in the city
ja il Wednesday by hanging. Prusse
had been imprisoned as an alien enemy.
He was arrested by the United States
authorities on August 20 for leaving a
restricted zone without permission.
He was 41 years old and born in Ger­
Austrians Take 535 Men.
Vienna — “ Heavy artillery fighting
continues against our positions on
Monte San Gabriele and east o f Go-
rizia ,” says Monday’s war office state­
“ While clearing our trenches on the
northwest slope o f Monte San Gabriele
we brought in Sunday during desperate
engagements 23 officers, 536 men and
12 machine guns. .In the Tyrol and in
the Carina district torrential rains are
hamDering the a ctivity.’ ’
State Agent Paul V. Marls and W hit­
ney L. Boise met with tho Polk county
court this week, asking that Polk
county take advantage of federal aid
offered and give a county agent a
Although no decision
reached. It is believed the court will
act favorably and that J. D. Cootcr
would be appointed.
The Pacific Telephone and T ele­
graph company has filed a request
with the public service commission to
close Its long distance office In St.
Paul, Marion county, statin-’ that St.
Paul now la adequately served via Au­
rora, Hubbard and Newberg, and that
there Is no necessity for maintaining
the present office there.
Washington Cannot Understand
Shipbuilders’ Walkout.
Nation Must Have Ships i f Our Army
Abroad as Well aa A lii«* Are to
Have F imm I amt Munitions.
Washintgon, I). C. In the Pacific
Coast Ironworkers' strike the l)nite«l
States is up «gainst the moat serious
emergency it has has mot since it went
to war.
Wo must have shipa; all tho ship«
that can he built, regardless o f price.
There must be no interruption o f the
program to supply the deficiency in the
word's shipping caused by the submar­
ine destruction. Our army abroad,
ss well ns our allies, must be kept in
front an<l nnmiunition.
The allies are satisfied that they
have the measure o f the U-boats and
can keep them relatively harmless by
the defensive armament o f the mer­
chant ships ami the convoys o f destroy­
ers. I f our shipbuilding program is
not interrupt««! the German submarine
campaign will be en ataailute failure
and the end o f the war w ill come in a
comparatively short time, for on land
the Germans are steadily failing.
Naturally there is deep suspicion
that the sudden outbreak o f labor
trouble In San Francisco, just when
the government was congratulating
itself that a way had been found to
satisfy the Puget Sound shipyards
o|>«rative«, is due to German intrigue,
rather than to desire to enforce wage
demands, for the government hss made
provision for settling every latxir diffi­
culty by arbitrstion, ami it was the
understanding that (wilding an agree­
ment the men were to continue at
The navy yards have just increaaed
the wage scale approximately 10 per
cent. The San Franciaco demand for
50 per cent increase conies out o f a
clear aky.
So grave Is the situation that E*I-
ward N. Hurley, chairman of the Ship­
ping B«iard ami head o f our whole mer­
chant marine program, ia to start for
San Franciaco at once to make an
effort to straighten out mattera.
Ediaon'a New Device Claimed to Have
Prevented I a *» o f Big Liner.
Washington, D. C. - I f America has
not aolvroi the submarine problem, it
has cut down the danger from it to a
tremendous extent, it was declared
here W e lnesday, through the torpedo
deflecting device invented by Thomaa1
A. Edison. Thia is said to have been
tried out effectively with torpedo boata
and to have been installed on several
The moat spectacular test o f the
device so far, it is declared, resulted
in saving a big American steamship,
which arrived in an Atlantic port
Tuesday. The passengers arriving on
the ship, including mime army officers,
who were not in the secret, asserted
that the mechanism o f the torpedo
went wrong just before it should have
struck the vessel.
The torpedo was described as having
leaped into the air and gone off on a
tangent when it rc-entcrod the water,
passing to the stern o f the ship.
This torpedo, it is confidently assert­
ed here, was deflected by Mr. Ediaon’a
device which had been installed on
that ship and a few others. The work
o f installing the devices, which are
declared to be inex|wnsive, when the
service is taken into consideration,
will proceed with great rapidity.
Secretary o f the Navy Daniels de­
clined to discuss the situation at all
when asked about it. Since arming o f
merchantmen it has been nect'ssary for
the submarine to expend a much larger
percentage o f torpedoes In proportion
to sinkings by shell fire than previous­
It is hoped herp that the new Edison
invention w ill result in msking the
tt>rpe«lo a useless weapon and compel
submarines to fight with their guns al­
The Irrigation Securities Commis­
Italians to Fly in U. 8.
sion, created by the last legislature,
Washington, D. C.— Fifteen Italian
has formally promulgated a set of
rules and regulations which w ill gov­ aeroplanes are to fly from Langley
ern its work.
Field, at Hampton Roads, to Washing­
Union county claims a new dis­ ton, just as soon as the weather clears
tinction, that of growing the biggest
from the recent coastal gale. A t the
bean pod In the world. County A gri­
culturist Spillman now has on display declaration o f war between Italy and
a pod. badly shrivelled since it was Austria there were about 80 machines,
picked, that even now measures 37 all o f a French type, in Italy. Now
inches. He reports several Instances the Italians have 3000 machines.
of similar sizes found In and about
Several more Italian planes are ex-
Island City.
pecte«l to arrive soon, Including one
The appeal board at Eugene has capable o f a speed o f 157 miles an
granted exemption to Crawford W ill­ hour.
iam Smith, son o f "Buckskin Bob’’
Interests to Combine.
Smith, famous Indian fighter, that he
Atlsntic City, N. J. - Plans for the
may remain on his father's farm near
co-operation o f virtually the entire in­
Port Orford, Curry county and care
for his parents and three sisters under dustrial and commercial interests o f
the country in the conduct o f the war
12 years of age.
are to be discussed by high govern­
James W yre and Carl Smith, buyers ment officials and prominent business
for the Caldwell Horse and Mule com­ men from all sections o f the county at
pany of Caldwell, Idaho, bought two a special war convention o f the Cham­
cars of horses and mules at Heppncr
this week and will ship out at once. ber o f Commerce o f the United States,
The animals are Intended for the gov­ preliminary sessions o f which opened
ernment and will be sent L the front here Tuesday. The convention form ­
ality opened Wednesday.
for cavalry and artillery purposes.