FALLS CITY NEWS KALLS CITY. OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1917 VOL. XIV The shipyard strikes have a are poor and degenerate who German odor to Washington offi­ have an “ 1. W. W .’ ’ »triin of blood in their veins. About the cials. only difference is that the rich I E . H. Woodlin Sand* Bullet Through W. W. is better able to get by. Russia has reorganized again Brain Monday Morning. Daod and will doubtless be in need o f Committed at Wifa'a Homa another generous loan. DIES BY OWN HAND ENGLAND EXECUTES SPY The attack on an American vessel off Nantucket reported a not worth the game. E. H. Wood- few flays ago proved to be a fake. fin sent a bullet crashing through The wireless got their wires X. his brain, Monday morning about Relieving, perhapn, that life w gj 7:30 o’clock. Tne eulogy paid to the memory The deed was committed in the o f the late Senator Lane at the woodshed at the Walker place on Sunday special session o f the sen­ Bridge street, where his wife, ate by those who had vilified him Kosu Woodfin is living. She says and caused his death, must have been a gruesome affair. that she heard no shot and knew rothing of the deed until going There is much disapointment after some firewood. The alarm was given and he was found in a over the results o f “ woman's pool of blood, a bullet hole through registration day.’ ’ Thep didn’t his head and a 32-calibre revolver respond as did the men on June by his side. He was yet alive and 5th. But there was no bayonet They will do was taken into the house placed prodding them. on a bed and made as comfortable their share, however, without as possible. The Ginuty Court anv blowing o f horns. Will the refused to take charge and it was men unfit for service do as much? probably 2:00 o'cl-ick in the after­ noon before definite arrangements Jurors at Astoria, Ore., have were made to give him aid. Dr. asked for mots pay. They say Prime took charge taking him to that everything has advanced in the Dallas hospital where he re­ price and that $3 per day is not moved the bloodclots and dressed sufficient and ask for #1. The the wound. He rallied, but the Judge told them that the legisla­ clots had remained too long, and ture fixed the compensation o f he died at 10:30 o’clock, about jurors and a refusal to serve three hours after the o|>eration. would be contempt o f court and The Doctor is o f the opinion that a term in the county jail. could have he received proper treatment immediately the chance Remember that in war vital o f his recovery would have been good. The bullet entered the right results may depend upon small aide of the head on a line with things. The old nursery story the top o f the car and about one tells us that “ for the want o f a and one-half inches in front, rang­ nail the shoe was lost, for the ing back ar.d upward, making its want o f a shoe the horse was exit about two inches above and was lost, for the want o f a horse the rider was lost, for the want back o f the left ear. o Mr. Woodfin came here Aug. 13 f the rider the battle was lost, from Fossil, Oregon and caused and all for the want o f a horse­ the arrest o f J. A. Mote on charge shoe nail.’ ’ Don’ t withold any o f living in adultery with his wife, nails, either literally or figura­ claiming that Mote had followed tively. her to Black Rock and then to this place where the arrest was made. Some o f the great dailies can In default of bail Mote is in the not understand why the working County jail awaiting the action of man is never satisfied. They tell the grand jury. you that if he gets $5 per day he Since coming here Mr. Woodfin will want $6. grant an 8-hour has been boarding at the Falls day and he will want a 6-hour City Hotel and working at the mill. day. Possibly this may all be On the morning of the tragedy he true; but how about the other ate a hearty breakfast, leaving fellow? Are the great corpora­ about 6:30. He had been in the tions satisfied with the profits of habit of going to this house and a year ago, and do they resort to getting wood and looking after more honorable methods to in­ the needs of his children before crease their profits than the going to work. worker to increase his pay and Funeral services were held in Chapman’s chapel at Dallas Wed­ nesday afternoon and interment in the city cemetery. shorten his hours of labor? When you give the ’devil his due’ you find but little difference—rthere are rich and influential and there 1 0-DAY AT TH E T HE G E M 20,0(X) Leagues Under the Sea A F T E R N O O N ; M a tin «* 10 and 20 Canta N IG H T ; N m - - IS and 25 Canta According to a postal received by Rev. T. H Simpson o f Port­ land, from Ripon, Wis., Lieuten­ ant Swartzkepcny, who traveled throughout Oregon last winter lecturing in the various churches claiming to have escaped from Siberian prison, was shot in Eng­ land as a German spy. He said he had been an attache o f the Czar and was sent to Siberia for refusing to fire on a crowd of workmen. DRAFTING TRE WORKERS The great strikes at the various shipyards has caused the govern­ ment to consider the necessity o f taking charge and operating under the supervision o f the government. It is also urged by certain interests, that workers be drafted as soldiers are. This, o f course, would mean enforced service at terms which the offi­ cials might determine. The strike question is a serious one. and especially at this time, but will the “ iron hand o f the fed­ eral government’ ’ by such dras­ tic measures solve, or only ag­ gravate it? Much work must be performed by skilled, and satis­ fied workers, and it is doubtful if such methods will accomplish the desired end. AN EASY COMFORTABLE LONG WEAR SHOE K* Cuviom CovtPaag- baaoWootftvrCirte'O« - F l u ii B r @ JS H SOME DIFFREENCE “ The Lord’ s Day’ ’ The late J. P. Morgan once testified before a Committee o f Dear Editor: Noticing in your Congress that he had frequently issue o f the first inst. a question, loaned a million dollars to a man upon no further security than his "W hich day is the Lord’s Day,” character. That seems to be the requesting scriptural proof, I manner in which McAdoo has pleasure in refering you to several loaned hundreds o f millions to i scriptures, each one o f which the provisional government of answers the question. Russia, taking the note of band First, Ex. 20: 8-11. This states o f the Russian representatives in that the “ Seventh Day” is the this country, to whom no author­ Sabbath, or Rest Day spoken of ity o f the Duma or other reposi­ in Gen.,2: 1-3. tory o f real power has been voted. Second, Mark 2: 28. Col. 1: 16. The difference between Mr. Mc­ St. John 1: 3. Adoo and Mr. Morgan is that the Third; Isa. 58:13, and Rev. 1: 10. latter loaned his own money, while the former loans the money V Another offers the following: o f the American people. In ad­ “ The 1st day o f the week is dition, Mr. Morgan's judgement without doubt the great memorial o f men was exceptional^ keen, day o f the Gospel. It seems that whereas Mr. McAdoo is not so people in all ages since the resur- noted in that regard. It is pos­ ection. have had to have a contro­ sible that some men in New York versy about which was the Lord's who have known both Morgan ¡D ay.'' The following scriptural and McAdoo, might find other quotations are offered: points o f differentiation between Rom. 12: 13. 14: 1:6. 8; a 13: 8. Isa. the two. 1: 13-17. Gal. 5: 14-22-23. John 1: 17. Matt. 2fl: 1-6. 2 Tim. 1:10. COUNTY FAIR AWARD CONTESTED Owinncngou - Another offers the following: Isa. 53; 13. Mark 2; 27-23. Ex. Mrs. F. M. W olf of Falls City 20; 8-11. Neh. 9; 13-14. Ezek. 46; has contested the County Fair 1. Ex. 20:9-10. award for produce grown from seed purchased from the Portland [Editors Note.] In asking the Seed Company. question, “ Which day o f the week The prize o f $10 was given to is the Lord’s Day,” we had refer- W. F. l^ee o f Falls City. ; ence to the day the Lord com­ Mrs. W olf in contesting, claims manded us to keep as the Sab­ that the produce exhibited by Mr. bath, with Scriptural reference. Lee was not grown from seed ob­ We shall not undertake to publish tained from the Portland Seed Co. any argument, as at best, it would The Seed Company has been be only mall's opinion, and in ‘our notified to this effect and request­ opinion’ people rely too much on ed to aid in adjusting the matter. the opinions o f others in shaping their religious beliefs instead of searching the Scriptures. If, in OUR FIRST DREADNAUGHTS. publishing the foregoing refer­ ences it shall have caused some And Iha Paper Bettleehip the U. S S one to brush the dust from their Scared-o'-Nothing. One o f the most Interesting epieodes bible, or perchance borrow one to In Vice Admiral Sims' career was his read the quotations, we will feel championship In the year» 10O.T4 of that we have not labored in vain. the all hi* gun ahlps, the dreadnaughts. This was two years before the British brought out their first dreadnaught, revolutionizing the naval construction polljy o f the world. The progenitor of the dreadnaught Idea In the American navy was Lieutenant Homer C. Found- atone. Foundstone for months had W h irt Iriined specialists with modern lab treasured the Idea of all big gun ships, eratoriea and adequate equipment fire in- hoping to win the support of the nary atruction leading to eollegiata degrees fa the for such a construction change. Meet­ following schools: A O R IC U LT U R E , villi IS dnpartmtntt; ing discouragement, he sought out COMMERCE with 4 »t ship. The navy heads vetoed the plan R O M E EC O N O M IC». with « aaijer (Upnrl- o f the tw o officers as often as they *nnM. including training In tha Practise brought It up for consideration, but Rouaa: M IN IN O . with ttiraa department«, inalud 81ms sever abandoned the Idea The ship became a great Joke around the tng Chemical Engineering; PH A R M A C Y . navy department. It Is a striking co­ TH E SCHOOL OP M USIC, offera Inatrne incidence that the name given by these < Mon in tha principal department ot roeal two officers to their rarer battleship and inetrumental music. and the name by which the ship was THE M IL IT A R Y D E PA R T M E N T , enrolled known In the navy offlcea was the 10A5 cadeta in 191A 1?. and won recommen­ ü. 8. 8. Scared o-Nothing. T w o years dation for O. A. C. from tha Weetern Depart afterward the British admiralty called : ment of tha U. S W ar Department aa one of Its first all big gun ship Dreadnaught. | tha fifteen "dietinguiehed Inatituticna" ot Commander 81ms convinced I’ resl- | higher learning. All radete will he fnrniehed dent Roosevelt that the dreadnaught complete nniforme by tha tT 8. Ooeernment was bound to come. As a result the and the Junior nnd eenior cadeta. enrolled in plans for the battleships Mlchlgnn and the R. O. T. C„ will be gleen commutation for eubtiatenee. at well aa all tranaportation and South Carolina, which bad already euheletenre at tha ala weehe' Rummer ramp been authorized to be built In the old REOI STRATTON B E G I N S OCTOBER S. way. were changed so that they slid I»1T. Information nn raqnnat. Addrrae. from the ways tho first American Registrar, Oregon Agricultural Collage, Carvallla, Oregon. dreadnaughts —World's Work. The Oregon Agricultural College ,E a st s io n S o l e IS T H E COPELAND-RIDER SHOE Shoes are alt very materially higher, but you will find cheap shoes dear at any price. We aim, only to handle reliable footwear, and we believe you will find it to your in te r« if to obtain your footwear for fall and winfer from us SELIG’S, Cash Price Store, “ Meeting and Beating Competition” . , t - VS: / ■ When tempted to put the results o f your savings, which represents days, weeks, or even years o f labor, into some questionable enterprise, remem­ ber this: It is better to get four per cent, regularly with the principal always yours, than to get perhaps seven per cent, this year and probably no princi­ ple for the rest o f the time. Four per cent, and Safe is the Safe Course to fol- llow—unless you prefer speculation and the chances involved. B A N K O F F A L L S C IT Y . OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM SEPTEM B ER 2 4 -2 9 Agricultural E xhibi^, Grand Live Stock Parade. Harness and Saddle Horses,Running and Trottin g Races Hogs. Cattle and Poultry, Farm Machinery Exhibits. Portland Day, Salem Day. Scandinavian Day. Reformation Day and many other special events. Something o f inter­ est every minute. LO W ROUND T R IP F A R E S on tale September 20th to 29th, from oil points In Orogon. Final return limit October 3rd. A L L TRAINS DIRECT TO FAIR QR0UN0S Ask your local agent for particulars, John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent Portland Southern Pacific Lines