Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, September 15, 1917, Image 3

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    Eastern Washington Industries Buffer
On Account o f Men Being Taken
Original slang Is often poetic. I’er-
hups the best way to prove thLs to the
professors will be to remind them tlint
some o f their own worthiest and most
classic and r c n e 'la b le words are
themselvea, 'f we go back to tbelr
' f l u i U M r f o r A I .A in liin g P l a ç a
origin, Juat the same alangy vagabonda
VS ill i-uy nil ra*h. W «lit |
TflÜÜ.UUU. Ukvv • <j|iii>l«ta titMcriptUiM Mini list as these.
Examine, for Instance, the
word Inveigh, Max Kastman writes In
the New Republic, There Is a staid
) Uwrllttger Mill*..
Portland, Or#*t>n and dignified term, lit to he Incorporat­
ed In a president's Inaugural: “ I will
not at this time luvelgh against tha
custom prevalent among my contem­
You can Imagine how It
M i atoro», Pool Haltii and Candy poraries."
would sound. And yet, poetically, what
DaaleiM, ask tor Proposition C.
i I oi - b that word uiseu? In means ’in to ."
S pe c ialty S ales C o .,
Vclil means to sail. “ 1 will not at this
time aull Into my contemporaries I"
iHalvrM in H a U hi HLlmulalur«.
Here Is another Latin word— Insult.
In Its origin It means to jump on— ex­
W e W ant Your
actly what la said everywhere by the
schoolchildren o f Americu when the
appropriate situation arlsea.
Diatribe Is a pretentious term. It
W o P a y C ash .. N o C o m m is s io n a
Implies something more thorough than
an Insult, a more lasting denunciation.
V4 Front st.,
Portland, Ora You not only "Jump on” somebody, hut
you "rub It In." We used to say of a
W O ES , P ELT 8 , CASCARA BARK, cruxy person that he was "off hla trol­
ley." And the word delirious meant
substantially the same thing In an
it i f t** lir a Sfili tac pneu M i
earlier stage of rtvlllsutlon. It came
I H. P. R om o« Co. Nfiliii. Ori ; lutili. «•
from the I,atln worda de and lira,
which mean off or out o f your fur­
row. The word precocious means pre­
Vaal, Pork. Baaf.
cooked, or, as wo say, half baked,
Poultry, Buttar, F.||i
('iiprleliius menu: like a gout, nml the
and Farm Produce.
slang correlatives here are luuumer-
to the OM R*ll*l»l* Kvuiln, houa* with a
rwort ot 4f> y'
of Honor* ItuHnio ud
ba wauml of TOP MARKET PRICES.
Imuglne some worthy, refined and
graduated soul being offended by a
S i 7 f r o n t S troat
Portland. O . . , . ■
young upstart and responding some­
what as fo llo w s: ” !t seems to me you
are a trifle capricious. I would hard­
It W on't l>«.
ly expect any one to Inveigh agulnst
he Great One: I am afraid your me In this delirious manner, deliver­
taation is juot. Many SetOOS ara in- ing such a diatribe. Is It essential to
toltn ibly concietod.
Indeed, it is your precocity to Insult your elders?"
aMti/mg to think h o w many imagine And then suppose we translated this
they an play Hamlet as well aa 1 can. somewhat according to tho etymologic­
al dictionary: "You gout t You must
lie off your trolley to suit Into in# like
Hint r.nd then rub It In I Just because
Unconquerable Trait.
"W h a t makes your huaband so inter* you're hulf-tmkcd you needn't think
you cuu Jump on your elders I"
ted in reincarnation7' ”
“ 1 don't know, unless it's his ab-
A Guarantee.
ntmindedness. He ia sure to want
come back after something he for* j “ You say you can offer me a fortune,
but is it all clean money?”
“ It ought to be; I made it in soap.”
— Baltimore American.
A New Horror.
“ Do you know my hairdresser has
The Average Consumer.
increased her rates for goldren hair?” |
" Who’s this man who ia telling me
"T h e wretch! To the high cost o f
jiving she ban now added the high coat to'eat the luxuries o f the table so as to
save the staples?”
o f dyeing."
" Why, what'a the matter with you,
H e’s either got to give me tha mon­
ey to buy lobsters with or tell me I'm
one my self 1” — Exchange.
m to BUY
B U Y D IR E C T ^
Y o u r O w n P lu m b in g |
By bujrln* dlroet from ua at wholmate pricoa
am! aava tha plumber'a profit«. Writa ua to­
day your noeda. W* will riva you our rock-
bottom "dlrect-to-you” price*, f. o. b. rail or
boat. Wa actually aava you from 10 to W p«r
«writ. AH rood a ruarmnteod.
Northwoat headquarter* fo« flatter Water
Ryatema and Kullar A Johnaon Knrinaa.
212 THird Stmt.
Pori tend. Or* row
W ell, Hardly.
"Atlas held the world on bis shoul­
“That's the story.”
"Still, he probably didn't have his
hands as full as the chap who pitches
a crucial game In a world series.”
Human Nature.
That mnu doesn't live who has not
at one time thought he had all the ele­
ments o f greatness concealed within
9 q 6 ó
$6 Werk
Many Women in this Condition Re­
gain Health by Taking Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.
Convincing Proof o f This Fact.
Ridgway, I ’cnn. — “I Buffered from female
trouble with backache and pain in my side for over
seven months b o I could not do any of my work. I
was treated by threo different doctors and was
getting discouraged when my sister-in-law told me
how Lydia K. I “Ink ham's Vegetable Compound had
helped her. I decided to try it, and it restored my
health, so I now do all of my housework which is
not light as I have a little boy three years old."
— Mrs. O, M. H iu n k s , ltidgway, Penn.
M r s . L in d s e y N o w K e e p s H o u s e F o r H even .
Tennille,Ga.—“I wnnt to tell you how much I have been benefited
by T.ydia K. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. About eight years ago I
got in such a low state of health I was unable to keep house for throe in
the family. I hacl dull, tired,dizzy feclingH, cold feet and hands nearly
all tho time and could scarcely sleep at alL The doctor said I hod a
severe case of ulceration and without an operation I would always
be an invalid, but I told him I wanted to wait awhile. Our druggist
advised my husband to get Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
and it has entirely cured mo. N ow I keep houso for seven and work
in the garden some, too. I am so thankful I got this medicine. I feel
as though it saved my life and have recommended it to others and
th e y have been benefited”.— Mrs. W . E. L in d s k y , R .R .3 , Tennille, Go.
I f y o u w a n t s p e c ia l a d v ic e w r i t e t o L y d i a K . P ln k h a m M e d i­
c in e C o . (c o n fid e n t ia l) L y n n , M a ss. Y o u r l e t t e r w i l t b e o p en ed *
r e a d a n d a n s w e r e d b y a w o m a n a n d h e ld tn s t r ic t c o n fid e n c e .
for War Union ia Formed.
The car shortage on tha Southern
Pacific dropped from 1067 to 798 last
Spokane- - A labor shortage o f 10,000
Saturday. The big difference is made
in the increase in the surplus o f closed woodsmen and mill operatives faces
timber operators o f eastern Washing­
cars from two to 280.
Plans are being inaugurated already ton and Oregon and northern Idaho, it
by McPherson Post, No. 6, G. A. R., was declared here Thursday at a meet­
o f Albany, for the entertainment o f ing o f the IiOggera’ club, com pos«] o f
the grand emcampment o f Oregon o f lumbermen of that section and attend­
that organization, which meets in A l­ ed also by several operators from Mon­
bany next June.
Of these, 7000 were lost by army
A petition numerously signed was
enlistment or draft, it was stated, but
presented to the Lincoln County court
about as many now engaged in har­
Wednesday asking that a special elec­
vesting and firefighting w ill be avail­
tion be held for the purpose o f voting
able for woods work later.
The oper­
on a proposition to bond the county
ators took no action on wages, and no
for $200,000 to build roads in the coun­ decision for uniform resumption o f
operations was announced.
Plans for circulating among lumber
The fall Ashing "season opened at
noon Tuesday at Astoria with every manufacturesra and their employes pe­
indication that there w ill be a large titions for congress asking for a uni­
catch. An unusually large amount o f versal aigth-hour day in the lumber
gear will be in the water and if the industry were formulated and the club
weather conditions permit many trai­ realfirm «l its indorsement o f the eight-
hour day.
lers w ill be operating outside.
A resolution indorsing the boycott of
The long drouth was broken Friday
coast building trades unions against
at Heppner by a shower which cleared
lumber manufactured in camps and
the air o f smoke and dust and stopped
mills running 10 hours a day was
the forest Ares in the mountains.
passed by the local Central Labor
Threshing is in full swing, and many
council, and referred to the Spokane
farmers who counted on 10-buahel-per-
Building Trades council.
acre crops are now reporting 18 to 20.
Application for a charter in the
The hop crop in Lane county is far American Federation o f Labor was
short o f estimates made when picking made to the Central Labor council by
was begun last Monday, according to a newly organized union o f mill work­
a statement made by J. H. Seavey, of ers and timbermen, which it was de­
SpringAetd, who owns a 210-acre yard clared has 400 members. It ia com­
near that place where between 500 mitted to the principle o f the eight-
and 600 pickers have completed their hour day, it was announced.
S. 0 . s.
Send Over Some
Keep you r soldier o r
W ith the crops o f the sales agency’s
inspectors in charge, daily lectures, to
be given between the hours o f 1:30
and 3 o ’clock, w ill be features o f the
annual packing schools to be conducted
by the Hood R iver Apple Growers’ as­
sociation for the week o f September
17-22. The sales agency officials are
determined to conserve all o f the va l­
le y ’s big apple crop, and growers and
their fam ilies are urged to be present
at the lectures.
The Sherman County court has voted
$100 for the Sumpter fire re lie f funds.
The blocking o f the Columbia H igh­
way between Cascade Locks and Hood
River, as contemplated, w ill not stop
tourist traffic nor automobile parties
to the Pendleton Round-Up, it is point­
ed ou t It is possible to ferry across
the river from the looks and to return
to the Oregon side again at Hood
River, where the road is open.
Oscar Nelson, o f Coeur d’ Alene,
Idaho, has been named as judge o f the
poultry department o f the
state fair, according to an announce­
ment made by Secretary A. H. Lea.
Mr. Nelson is a native o f Sweden. He
came to this country in 1889 and for
16 years has been breeding pure-bred
poultry and fo r eight years has served
as judge at various poultry shows. He
owns a large poultry ranch near Coeur
Discrimination against the lumber
industry o f the Northwest states in
favor o f California and Southern states
is feared by the Oregon Lumber com­
pany o f Portland and other Northwest
concerns in changes o f
weights on cars o f lumber and lumber
products which transcontinental rail­
way lines propose to make effective
September 24.
Protests have been
filed with the Oregon Public Service
The safety deposit vaults o f the
Bank o f Jacksonville were
early Wednesday of $500 in money and
$500 in jew elry. The only clew to the
robbers is two chisels stamped “ F. E.
H .”
The recent estimates o f Hood River
apple shippers o f 75 per cent o f the 1,-
600,000-box crop o f last year, it is
now thought, have been placed far
too low.
growers are
daily visiting sales agencies and re­
porting an increase o f several thousand
boxes In their estimates and ordering
an increased supply o f boxes.
Portland— Wheat— Bluestem, $2 per
bushel; fortyfold, $1.98; club, $1.96;
red Russian, $1.93.
Flour— Patents, $11.20.
M illfeed — Spot prices: Bran, $37
per ton; shorts, $40; middlings, 47;
rolled barley, $55 @ 57; rolled oats,
Corn— Whole, $82 per ton; cracked,
H ay— Buying prices, f. o. b. Port­
land ;
Eastern Oregon timothy, $27
per ton; valley timothy, $23(d25; al­
falfa, $22.50 @ 24; valley grain hay,
$20; clover, $20; straw, $6.50.
B u tte r— Cubes, extras, 45c; prime
firsts, 43c.
Jobbing prices:
extras, 47c; cartons, lc extra; butter-
fat, No 1, 46@48c.
Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­
ceipts, 38c per doxen; Oregon ranch,
candled, 39<it40c; selecta, 43c.
Poultry— Hens, 18<d)18ic per pound;
broilers, 20c; ducks, 12(<?18c; geese,
8<if)10c; turkeys, live, 2<X<t22e; dressed,
V eal— Fancy, 15J(iil6c per pound.
Pork— Fancy, 22c per pound.
Vegetables— Tomatoes, 65(<?85c per
crate; cabbage, 2}(<?2$c per pound;
lettuce, $1.75(<i:2.00 per crate; cucum­
bers, 40(ii 50c per doxen; peppers, 6<jri
7c per pound; beans, 7c; corn, 30c per
Potatoes— New Oregon, 2|(u2Jc per
pound; sweet potatoes, 4(r?4ic.
Green Fruits — Cantaloupes, stand­
ard, 75cfd)$2.00 per crate; peaches,
75c @ $1.00 per box; watermelons,
$1.50 per hundred; apples, $l(d2.50
tier box;plums, 75ctn'$1.25; pears, $1.50
(t?L76; grapes, $ 1.00<ft' 1.65 per crate;
caaabas, 1 Jc per pound.
Hops — 1916 crop, 26c per pound;
1917 contracts, 40c.
C a t t le -
Best beef steers............. $ 9.0001 9.75
Good beef steers.............
7.50(d) 8.75
Best beef cows...............
6.75(d) 7.50
Ordinary to g o o d ............ 4.00(d) 6.75
Best h e ife r s ...................
7.00((i 8.00
4.000? 6.75
C a lv e s .............................
7.000? 9.50
Stockers and fe e d e r s ....
4.000? 7.25
Hogs -
Prime light h o g s ............$16.75^?17.00
Prime heavy h o g s .......... 16.500il6.75
P i g s ................................. 14.00@16.50
Bulk ...............................
Western lambe.................$13.000(13.50
V alley lambs.................... I k 750? 12.60
Y earlin gs......................... 10.000(10.50
W ethers...........................
E w e s ...............................
8.000? 8.50
G iv e him th e la s tin *
re fre s h m e n t, the pro­
tection against th irs t,
help to appetite
and digestion affo rded
by W rig le y’ s .
> *)
It’ s
fe a tu re o f th e w a r—
“ A ll th e B ritis h A rm y
Is chewing i t .“
The citizens o f Riddle at a meeting
last week, determined to make a pro­
test before a meeting o f the Highway First Venture in Eastern Washington
Brings Poor Results.
commission and have employed A ttor­
ney Elbert Herman, o f Koseburg, to
North Yakim a — Hunters who went
go before the commission and offer
proof why Riddle should not be elim ­ into the hills Sunday and Monday for
grouse did not find the birds plentiful
inated from the PaeiAc highway.
and few o f them got full bags. Game
F. A. Pierce, o f Day’s Creek, near Warden Greenman and a deputy sta­
Riddle, a breeder of mohair goats, has tioned themselves at the forks o f two
re p o rt«! for the California State Fair, roads leading into the most popular
at Sacramento, with 12 head o f his districts fo r hunters Sunday evening
fancy show stock. Mr. Pierce is the and held up and examined from 50 to
owner o f Dodo, the world's champion 60 automobile parties returning. In
long hair mohair goat, fleece o f which no instance was it found that the bag
measured 42 inches when clipped by lim it had been exceeded, and only
the judges at the San Francisco Expo­ four were found who could not show
their licences, each o f whom claimed
they had a license but had come away
W. A. Taylor, well-known rancher, without it.
living near Marleay, eight miles south­
east o f Salem, has received word from
Two More Mills Are Reopened.
the State Fish and Game commission
Seattle— The big sawmill o f the Pu­
that it intends to place a herd o f 30 or
40 elk on the headwaters o f the Abqua get Sound M ill & Tim ber company at
river some time in the near future. Port Angeles, and the plant o f the
No details were given as to where the Crown Lumber company at Mukilteo,
elk w ill be secured, but probably from have reopened each working 10 hour
daily at half capacity.
Spruce from
the W illapa harbor district is being
George H. Himes, of Portland, and shipped in trainload lots to Grays Har­
P. H. D ’ Arcy and George M. Post, of bor, to be cut into airplane stock for
Salem, apjieared before the Board of the United States. Twenty-one o f the
Control Wednesday and submitted 24 mills on Grays Harbor are running.
plans o f the new Pioneer Memorial The I. W. W. who have been on strike
building to be erected by the state at for several weeks, are returning to
Cham|>oeg, the site o f the formation work in the logging camps.
o f the provisional government o f Ore­
gon. The plans, which include a log
building and an open-air auditorium,
were approved and work w ill go ahead.
.s ill™
S S i________
4 H. P. Now $145; Sept. 15 will be $155
The Lightest and Strongest Drag Saw made—Can
be Operated by One Man and Carried by Two Men.
M o to r
W o r k * , main
U A 1/ KT v n i l nerve enough to send me 35c
l l H V L V U U for sample $1.00 article? L a ­
dies’ or Gent’s. W&gar.LBox 325. St: Louis. Mo.
Young men and women with business training
find positions everywhere.
Go to Northwest’s
largest Business College. B E H N K E -W A L K E R .
Portland. Ore. A ll courses. Positions guaranteed.
W rite for free illnstrated catalog.
Matter of Fact.
Great Is the power o f matter-of-fact,
greater and made up o f richer elements
than perhaps we care to remember. It
Is part o f the power— the eternal power
— o f the story teller OTer the mind of
man. There Is no great story teller,
from Hunter to Scott and Guy de Mau­
passant, who, whatever else he may
have, has not the faculty for matter-of-
It Is the treasury from which the wit
and cynic draw their Income, and often
the philosopher his capital.
Stranger still. It Is the bed rock upon
which the poets build their palaces;
glorious views from top windows are
made possible by the hard substance
below the basement, and the men who
build without It, trusting wholly to
Imagination, are not the men who en­
What reason Is to faith, matter-of-
fact la to Imagination.
« 6 . US. PAT Of F
Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankles,
Lymphangitis. Poll Evil, Fistula,
Boils, Swellings; Stops Lameness
and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cuts,
Bruises. Boot Chafes. It is a
Does not blitter or remove the
hair and horse can be worked. Pleasant to use.
$2.00 a bottle, delivered. Describe your case
for special instructions and B ook 5 M free.
ABSORBINF.. JR., udapu linnncnr tar maaldaA n-
doers Strains. Bainful, Knotted. Swollen Vein*. Coace»-
crated— only • lew drop* required at no application. Price
f t per bottle at dealer* or delivered.
«. F. YOUNG, P.D.F., 4CI Tsmplt St, Springfl.ld, I
Granulated Eyelids,
Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by
Duat and W ind quickly
______ W * relieved by Murine. Try it In
your Eyesand in Baby’s Eyes.
TOllR tYLONoSmirticf,Jest EycCcnfcvt
Marine E>c Remedy ’ xnwi,wcprr ixnuc.
I , . S . l v « , in Tutta* t fc .
F o r Book o f I » * Sita - F r * « .
Ask M a r i a e E y e R e n t e « ? C « . . C k l c a x s t
The Irish Method.
“ W hat’s become o f the dog you
“ Oh, he was w ort’ $10 an’ Oi
t ’ inkin’ i f some wan should stale
Oi could ill afford the loss, so Oi
him away, begorra.” — Exchange.
The Old W ay and the New.
Old-fashioned people used to spend
the long evenings o f fall and winter
Change o f Opinion.
at home, munching popcorn or apples
you believe in corporal pun­
over the Bible, Shakespeare or Dick­
ens. Moderns go to the movies nnd let ishment?”
“ N o ,” replied Farmer Comtaasel.
the Charlie Chaplins and Mary Bick­
“ N ot any more. My boy Josh has all
fords Improve their minds.
the best o f it when it comes to physi­
cal culture.” — Exchange.
B iting Reproof.
During a dust storm at one o f the
army camps, a recruit sought shelter
in the cook’s tent.
“ I f you put the lid on that camp
kettle you would not get so much dust
in your soup.”
“ See here, my lad, your business is
to serve your country.”
“ Y e s ,” replied the recruit, “ but not
to eat it .” — Chrijtian Reigister.
With the Fingers!
Says Corns Lift Out
Without Any Pain
You reckless men and women wno
are pestered with corns and who have
What They Find.
at least once a week Invited an awfnl
Those who go hunting for trouble death from lockjaw or blood poison
are always finding fault.
are now told by a Cincinnati authority
to use a drug called freesone, which
the moment a few drops are applied
any corn or callous the soreness Is
relieved and soon the entire corn or
That Itch, Bum, Crack, Chap and callous, root and all, lifts o ff with the
Bleed— Trial Free.
Freexone dries the moment It Is ap­
In a wonderfully short time In most plied. and simply shrivels the corn or
cases these fragrant, super-creamy callous without Inflaming or even Ir­
emollients succeed.
Soak hands on ritating the surrounding tissue or
retiring In the hot suds o f Cutlcura skin. A small bottle of freesone w ill
Soap, dry and rub Cutlcura Ointment cost very little at any o f the drag
Into the hands for some time. Re­ stores, but w ill positively rid one’s
move surplus Ointment with soft tis­ feet of every bard or soft corn or
hardened callous.
I f your druggist
sue paper.
Free sample each by mall with hasn't any freexone he can get It at
Address postcard. Cutlcura, any wholesale drag house for yon.
Dept. L, Boston.
Sold everywhere.
No. 37, 1917.
P. N. U.
— Adv.