FALLS CITY NEWS FALLS CITY, OREGON, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1917 VOL. XIV Washington Herald, where I hap­ At a meeting of the farmers, pen to find the account, but I grange arid farmers’ union lead <>rs at Spokane, Wash. Aug. 27. have seen it in a'l the papers. Assistant Secretary of Agricul­ “ These are the headlines: Senator Reed Favor« Enforcement ture, K. A. Pearson stated that “ Draft rebels may be shot of Draft, But Oppose« Drum- this year’s production of wheat Court-martial and firing squad, Court Martial. in the United States will be aprox- says Crowder, is penalty. imately 660 million bushels, a “ Reading from the text: Army Offcers Autocratic, Without “ The short shrift of court mar­ production scarcely exceeding Taot, or Common Sense tial and the firing squad will be the normal requirements of the the lot of those who persist in United States alone. Rye, he resistonce to draft. The iron says, could supplant wheat in ‘‘On the front paw of The 1 hand of the full military power America’s war exports to her New Northwest, we have a t­ of the nation is ready.“ overseas allies, since the people tempted to pay tribute to the “ Mr. President, when I voted of these countries had learned to drafted man. who. recognizing for that bill 1 wanted, if we had use rye. in the draft merely the call of the draft, to make it effective. his country, responds readily und I do yet, but I thought we were It now appears that the inces­ resolutely to that call. This trib­ voting for a bill that would send ute to the common soldiers of to the penitentiary a man who sant urging by government offl this country was made in protest would not obey the draft. I had cials, experts and near experts, against the injustice heaped up­ an idea of a trial in a civil court. for farmers to plant larger crops on hundreds of thousands of the I had no thought at that time has not resulted in the increased noblest and bravest youths of that it would ever be asserted yield that was expected. Thro’ the land by autocratic army offi­ that a drumhead court-martial the idea that in planting large cers without tact, or common could take out poor wretches crops they were showing their sense, or adequate knowledge of w ho were too cowardly to come patriotism they planted more their own countrymen. forward in response to the draft than they were able to properly and ran away because he feared cultivate and the resulting yield Senator Reed says ‘‘We adopted a military bill. death, and stand them up and was smaller than had they main­ I am willing, Mr. President, to Bhoot them to death. I am get­ tained their usual methods and compel obedience to the draft; ting a little charry about giving acreage. It is an easy matter but 1 do not think when we pass­ authority when I find that kind for officials in Washington to sat back in an easy chair and. at the ed the military bill that we were of construction placed on it,“ peoples expense, farm large —The New Northwest. passing a bill to empower a drum arears. Tell you how, what and head court-martial to try and when to plant; cultivate and har­ condemn to death nien who simp­ Notwithstanding Russia’s mul­ vest your crop, when they prob­ ly ran away or failed to appear tiform governments and revolu­ ably couldn’t tell the difference tions she appears to get good in when called. in a field of navy beans and crop “ And yet in the papers of time to get the customary bowl of cotton. Kill off the food spec­ of soup Uncle Samuel is handing yesterday morning we find this ulators and let the farmers do 1 reaitthe opening lines from the out to all good little allies. the farming without being dicta -1 ted to by some half-baked pie­ eating politician. Would Enforce Draff Law 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Jules Verne’s Great Story of Under- Seas Navigation THIS M O S T W O N D E R F U L ST O R Y W ILL 1 I E R EP R O D U C ED IN THE MOVIE AT THE GE M Saturday, Septem iber 22 AFTERNOON; Matinee 10 and 20 Cents NIGHT; - - 15 and 25 Cents Close attention to work is the cause of much Pain and msfViy Headaches. Obtain relief by taking one or two D R . M I L .U S ’ a w f u l s u f f e r in g . " I auftered untold agony w ith neuralgia. I th ought J w o u l d g o m a d w i t h p a in . A frien d of m in e advised me t o t a k a D r. M il» »' A n t l - P a t n P il ls . I d i d a n a n d t h e p a i n stopped alm ost at once. T h e n f com m enced usin g D r. H ite s' N e rv in e a n d b e ­ fo re lo n g T w a s a n t h a t 1 did n o t h a v e th e s e patna a n y m o re." B. J . W I N T E R , M l E. r t a t t e A r e . C o l o r a d o S p r i n g s , Colo. ANTI-PAIN PILLS Then tone up the Nervous System by using D r . M ile s ' R estorative N ervine IF FIR ST B O T T L E , OR BOX, FA IL S T o H E L R YO U , YO U R M O N EY W IL L •e r e f u n d e d . New G erm an C hancellor A Law yer and Economist Dr. G lorie M ichaelis, successor to Von B ethm ann-H ollw eg a s tb e Im ­ perial G erm an chancellor, w as little know n to th e public outside of G er­ m any until his appointm ent la st F eb ­ ru a ry a s special com m issioner on food q uestions fo r P ru ssia, w ith th e ra n k of m inister. T he son of a P ru ssian official, he w as born on Sept. 8, 1857, ln H ainau, Silesia. H e received a u n iv ersity edu- Always Glad To Give You Benefit Of Any Declines SUGAR RECENTLY DECLINED. WE NOW QUOTE BERRY AT $8.65 Per Sack 11 P O U N D S FOR $1.00 00 NOT STOCK HEAVY ON FLOUR AS IT WILL BE CHEAPER A L IT T LE LA T ER In the meantime you will find our pr ices as low or lower than elsewhere. SELIG’S, Cash Price Store, “ Meeting and Beating Competition**. DRINKING FO U N T A IN S The old-time drinking cup has been displaced by fountains that gurgle forth nature’s sparkling beverage. More sanitary, says our learned friends. But are they? That depends. If they have sufficient force to throw the water above the outlet so as to “ bite the the bubble” instead of sucking the bulb, and the over­ flow bowl kept reasonably clean, so they do not look like a recent goose pond, they are an improve­ ment over a rusty tin cup. But. if you must close your ruby lips over a bulb where the water is weakly trying to wash away the tobacco juice left by the last thirsty individual, and you gaze down into the miniature frog pond and you can almost feel the green frog-crest in your teeth, you will probably pine for even a gourd to drink from. HIS S E X T O N ’ S SUGGESTION. 0ÖC Students having* exhibits for the County School Fair are re­ quested to leave them with Mr. Lowe before Monday evening. Tbe exhibit will bo taken to Dal­ las Tuesday morning. For infor­ mation yvhat to bring, phone to Mr. Lowe. Grant Holt, Superintendent at the Spaulding Camp was slightly injured Thursday by being struck on the head by a rock. A log running down the schute threw the rock. Mrs. W. A. Allensworth and daughter who have been visiting with Mrs. J. M. Cleveland, left Tuesday for their home at Carson, Iowa. Lemon Social at the M.E. church tonight. Admission 10 eta. Bring 25 cents with you. M. L. Thompson and family are in Portland this week. No. 3. It W as M eant to Be S arcastic, but It H it Dr. Hale Ju s t Right. T he sexton of E d w ard E v e re tt H ale's church suffered from th a t convenient form o f d eafn ess th a t p rev ents a man from h earin g w h at he does not w ish to h ear an d enables him to h e a r w h at he does w ish to hear. O ccasionally when aw eeplnsr th e sidew alk In fro n t of the church som e stra n g e r w ould ask him for Inform ation, and his usu al an sw er w as a w av e of th e hand. “ I'm totally deaf, to ta lly deaf. You w ill have to ask som e one In th e ch u rch ." It o ften happened th a t Dr. H ale In the m idst o f a busy d ay would And the luncheon h o u r a t hand aud an Im por­ ta n t ap p o in tm en t «till unm et. I t w as his custom to Invite his caller Into his study a n d ask th e Ja n ltre ss to m ake an oyster ste w T he sexton resented D r H sle's ln fo rin sllty . The tim e cam e fo r a new sign to be placed on th e fro n t o f th e church, and Dr. H ale an d th e a s s is ta n t p a sto r w ere sta n d in g In th e vestry aisle discussing Inst w h a t th e w ording of It should be. T o th e ir su rp rise th e conversation w as suddenly in te rru p te d by the d eaf sex ton, w ho stood fa r enough aw ay to m ake d o u b tfu l th e a b ility of a norm al person's o v e rh e a rin g w h a t had been said. " I'll tell you w h a t to p ut on th a t sign!" he exclaim ed “Com e In! Ev­ erybody welcom e! M eals served s t all honrs o f th e day sn d n ig h t!" “ All rig h t," said D r H ale quickly "T h a t's w h a t w e w ill do. I'v e alw ays w anted to call th is church th e E xeter club!"—Y o u th 's Companion. The way to have a Bank Account is to start one. r There must be a Beginning sometime. De­ lays are only a waste of time. One Dollar will start. Every additional dollar will help. This bank invites you. DB. OF.OBO M IC I1 A E I.T S . cation, m aking the law his profession. In 1S79 he becam e a co u rt referee In B erlin and In 1884 w as a tta c h e d to th e d istric t a tto rn e y 's office in th a t city. Several y e a rs la te r he w en t as pro­ fessor of law and political econom y to th e U niversity of Tokyo. lie tn rn ln g to* G erm any In 18S9, he w as chosen d istrict a tto rn ey fo r B er­ lin. In 1897 Dr. M lchaelts w as tr a n s ­ ferred to W estphalia, w h ere he w as chief councilor for th e governm ent. In 1900 he w as m ade provisional president a t I.lenltB and in 1902 first privy councilor In B reslau. I lls w ork th ere w on him an ap p o in tm en t as un­ d e rse c re ta ry of s ta te In th e d e p a rt­ m ent of finance In 1909, w hich post he still held in connection w ith h is w ork a s food com m issioner. The Oregon Agricultural College We pay Interest on time deposit«. BANK O F FALLS C ITY . OREGON S T A T E FAIR SALEM SEPTEMBER 24-29 Agricultural Exhibits, Grand Live Stock Parade. Harness and Saddle Horses,Running and Trotting Races Hogs, Cattle and Poultry, Farm Machinery Exhibits. Portland Day. Salem Day. Scandinavian Day. Reformation Day and many other special events. Something of inter­ est every minute. Wh# re tr a in e d specia lis ts w it h m od ern l a b ­ or a to ri es and ade qua te eq uip m ent give i n ­ str u c ti o n le a din g to collegiate de gre es in the following schools r A G R IC U L T U R E , with 15 d e p a r t m e n t s ; COMMERC E, with 4 d e p a r tm e n ts ; E N G IN E E R IN G , with 6 de p a r tm e n ts, in eluding Civil. Electrical. H ig hw ay, I n d u s t r i a l Arts. Irri gati on, and Mechanical E n g i n e e rin g ; F O R E S T R Y , inc luding Loggi ng Enginee r H OME ECONOMICS, with 4 m a jo r d e p a r t went*, in c lu din g tia ln in g in th e P r a c tic e H ouse; M INING, w it h th re e de p a r tm e n ts, inelnd ta g Chemical En ginee ri ng; PHARMA CY. T H E SC H O O L OF MUSIC, offer s tn a tr ue •ton in th e p ri nc ip a l d e p a r tm e n ts of vocal and in s tr u m e n ta l music. T H E M I L I T A R Y D E P A R T M E N T , enrolled 10S5 cadets in 191® 17. a nd won recomme n da ti oa for O A. C. from th a W es te rn D e part m e nt of tha U. 8 W ar D e p a r tm e n t a t one of the fifteen " d i s t i n g u i s h e d i n s t i t u t i o n s " of higher le a rn in g All cadets will be furnis he d te m p le t« u nif orm s by th a U 8 G ove rn m e nt and the ju n io r a nd senior cadet«, enrolled in th e R O T. G„ will be given com m uta ti on for •ubaiatenca. as well a« all tr a n s p o r ta tio n and • u h tis te n c a a t th e sis week«* Rummer r a m p R E G IS T R A T IO N BEG IN S O C TO B ER R, 1917. I n f o rm a tio n on reque st . Address R e g i str a r , Orego n Ag ric ulture* Colleae C orvallis. Oregon. ^ ^ LOW ROUND TRIP FARES on sale September 20th to 29th, from all points in Oregon. Final raturn limit Oetobar 3rd. ALL TRAINS DIRECT TO FAIR GROUNDS Ask your local agent for particulars, John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent Portland Southern Lines