■< RUSSIANS QUIT RIGA OF WEEK Big Gulfport Kalla Into llanda o f Teu­ tona. but Winter May Prevent Brewing Their Advantage. ID E MADE ON I. » . » . reco vers po w er or speech GOVERNMENT ATTACKS ON BIG SCALE TASK OF MAINTAINING FOOD SUPPLY Riga, Russia's big port on the Gulf o f Raig, is in the hands o f the Ger­ S11.346.400 to Be Spent in Stimulating Production and Protec­ mans and its garrison and the civilian tion and Conserving of Crops— Farm Help Activities to Be population are in retreat eastward Following up rapidly the advantage Extended— Marketing Assistance to Be Ex-* they gained in driving the Russians tended to the Producers. across the Dvina river on both sides of Uxkrull last Saturday, the Germans threw bridges across this stream and soon were on the heels o f the former Washington.- The task of maintain- Mtore* and the normal consumption in defenders, some o f whom offered re­ fng during the war nu ample supply order that such action ** may tie nec­ sistance, but others o f whom showed o f fluid will he uttuckcd oti u still essary to Insure a sufficient supply the white feather, g ivin g the invaders larger scale by the United States de­ may be taken Intelligently. Farm Brenta o f Noted People, Government! no trouble in marvhing up the eastern Action Against Agitators on Eve o f partment o f agriculture through a stocks and *upplle* In retail stores and bank o f the Dvina toward Riga, 16 score or more o f projects, under the In the hands o f consumers will be es­ and Pacifie N o r th »eat and Other Report o f President's Investiga­ miles distant. ! provisions of the food productlou hill timated, and stock* held hy wholesale Things Worth Knowing. tor o f Western Troubles. W ith the fallin g back o f the Rus­ Just enacted hy congress. jobbing, storing, manufacturing and sians from the city proper and the ad While most o f the projects will he other commercial establishment* will vance o f the Germans northward along ! extensions o f present activities, some be enumerated. It I* contemplated both sides o f the stream, the Russians o f them will represent new undertak that the survey will be followed by The Christiania Social Demokraten still defending Washington. D. C. The government the western bank j Ings. The task will tie to tlnd Just monthly report* on several o f the more asserts that Norway has provisions for around Dahlen seemingly are in danger Wednesday took drastic measures to where the country stunds In so far Important commodities, and If the only one month. Import prospects are o f being caught between the two fast- end the anti-war propaganda conduct­ j as the adequacy o f the present fole the condition o f the country’s food trol line have been established every­ need o f supporting the government as dictments had been found by grand rect business relations through the months ago, has written Ids par­ where. parcel post. now constituted to save their father- juries in Chicago or elesewhere against ents that he U well treated. Ho I. W. W. leaders. It was intimated, With the extra funds furnished hy la evidently on one o f the In­ ONLY FEMALE ARMY SURGEON The National W ar Committee an­ land for Russia. however, that the investigation had the bull the bureau o f plant Industry terned Germnn ships seized by nounces a prize essay contest fo r chil­ only begun. Indications are that fed­ will greatly Increase Its war against tbe United States. dren between the ages o f 8 and 18 on eral grand juries in other cities will destructive plant diseases which annu­ the topic, “ Why Am erica Entered the “The walls are covered with be called upon also to investigate the ally bring about the loss o f considera­ W a r.” The prizes include a $50 Lib­ Illinois Guardsmen Disperse Rioting silk and Inlaid with silver. The activities o f the organization. ble proportions of the crops o f the erty Bond and gold coins o f $25, $15 room to which I was assigned Mob— Bricks Hurled Freely. country. The hurcuu also will seek and $10 respectively. was reserved fo r the kaiser to bring about Increased conservation when the ship was German," Springfield, 111.— Charging with fixed CHINA TO SEND PICKED ARMY From a concealed position on a of fixxl products hy encouraging natur­ says his letter. bayonets, Ilinois Guardsmen Monday mountainside near Middlesboro, Ky., al storage and drying of the products night dispersed a mob o f more than 15,000 Troops Are to Entrain to Aid 200 shots were fired across the valley best suited to these methods o f preser­ Retreating Russians. early Monday at a party o f repair 1000 streetcar sympathizers who half vation. an hour before had wrecked four men, proceeding to the mines o f the TO DO HIS Farm Products and Animals. San Francisco — The 24th Chinese SCULPTOR streetcars and were then attacking the L o w er Lign ite Coal company, where a Under the food production bill the army corps, composed o f 15,000 picked strike o f union coal miners is in prog­ headquarters o f the railway company department’s work for the conserva­ intent on wrecking and ransacking the troops from the northern provinces, is W ill T u r n Talents From Modeling In ress. Clay to Remaking Faces of the tion o f fnrm products, Including live being mobilized in a Chinese city for building. The Swiss sanitary authorities at Wounded. stock, will be greutly extended. The Dispersed by the soldiers from the immediate departure to Europe, ac­ Basel and all along the German fron­ corner in the main business section, cording to a cablegram received here states’ relation service will add to Its tie r are taking measures to prevent where the cars had been attacked, the Thursday night by the Chinese Daily staff many county and city agents, who Cleveland, O.— Max Kallsh, C leve­ dysentery, typhus and scarlatina, mob headed for the offices o f the rail­ World, venacular newspaper, from its land sculptor. Is going to do his bit will give Instructions und demonstra­ which prevail in Rhine towns, from road company and the Springfield Gas correspondent in Shanghai. tions to all parts o f the country In and It’s a strange bit, too. Kallsh Is entering Switzerland. A ll travelers & Electric company, subsidiary. cunning, drying and the preparation o f The dispatch, censored and deleted, turning his talents from creating face* coming from Germany are required to food products In other forms which Six soldiers on guard at the building indicated that the troops w ill lie taken In clay to remaking those o f human, undergo medical examination. held the crowd in check for some time, through Siberia to the eastern front, beings. Kallsh Is odo o f u small army will protect them against spoilage. The bureau of markets will seek to re­ F ive Italian aviators have returned but bolder ones in the mob finally where the Russians are being pushed of American sculptors who uro going duce losses due to fuulty handling, from a successful flight to Vienna. started hurling bricks at the plateglass back towards Petrograd. The message I to the battle front to help b a ttle packing, shipping and marketing. The Leaving the Italian front the machines windows, riddling the front o f the hinted that gaps in the Russian armies scarred veterans. They propose to r ^ bureau of plant Industry will endenv- passed over the Austrian lines unob­ building. As reinforcements arrived w ill be filled by these troops, and pos­ make the inangled features o f the sol­ or to urouse Interest In the uaturul diers Injured tn battle. served and flew straight to the Aus­ and charged them with the butts o f sibly by Japanese. The 24th corps was said to include storage during the foil and winter They call these fellow s plastic trian capital, where the aviators their guns, the rioters fled in confu­ mouths o f aemlporishable products. They replace the missing dropped pamphlets inform ing the peo­ sion, a few o f them being trampled, several companies o f engineers, com­ sculptors. Forces making for the conservation of ple o f the city o f the great Italian vic­ but none seriously injured. No shots manded by Chinese graduates from parts o f the face with copper or live stock and animal products will bo American colleges. were fired by the soldiers. papier mache and then graft skin over tory. put Into operation by the bureau o f It. L ittle Is known o f the science In The certificate o f death o f Kiolegn, animal Industry. This work will In­ Holland Fears Misery. Japanese Ready to Move. America and the sculptors are going an Indian, who died July 7, near Ro- clude, as already mentioned, cam­ Berne- In Russian circles in Berne to France shortly to learn the flna A m sterdam — Representing 150,000 nan, Mont., on the Flathead Indian paign for the reduction o f losses o f points o f the art. workers, a trades union congress that and Geneva the fall o f R iga was pre­ reservation at the age o f 110, has been live stock from animal diseases, losses filed with the state board o f health. met here Tuesday discussed food prob­ dicted a week ago, when the archives of eggs through faulty handling and He was an Oregon Indian. lems in connection with the stoppage and treasures were removed to Pskoff, ACCLAIMED BRITAIN’S HERO from failure to produce Infertile eggs, o f imports from America and the un­ while most o f the ships le ft R iga for Doctor Markland is (he only female and movements to assist In the more Membership o f the American Red favorable outlook for the home crops, Reval. London Schoolteacher, Wounded lit surgeon In fhe British army. Doctor economical distribution o f hogs. In Cross has reached the 3,500,000 mark which have been greatly damaged by Riga was known as a hotbed of Markland Is a most unusual miss, and Battle In France, Attains the latter work field agents o f the bu­ and is increasing at the rate o f 25,000 the continuous rain storms. The meet­ Lenine pacifists and also o f German the distinction which she holds has High Fame. ’ reau o f aulinal Industry will bring to­ to 100,000 a day, according to a head­ ing adopted a resolution calling upon agents. j been won by her great skill a* a sur- gether owners of surplus hogs and quarters announcement. A t the be­ the government to reduce the maxi­ The Munich Neuste Nachrichten London.— A London schoolmaster ; geoa. farmers having facilities for raising ginning o f the year the total was 275,- mum prices on food, fuel and shoe says that a large Japanese force is She bolds n reputation In her pri­ named Wlman, who enlisted and lost more hogs. This should result In the leather, and to take other measures to concentrated on the Manchurian fron­ an arm and a leg In France,, returned vate practice which makes her one of distribution o f the surplus stock from Federal authorities at St. Paul, prevent misery an I want among the tier ready to come to the assistance of to teaching after his recovery and be­ the foremost women surgeons In the regions o f heavy animal production working classes during winter. the Russians. world. came the Idol o f his students» a fte r exam ining John Shoap, who told and expensive feed to parts o f the Doctor Markland will render service The discipline among mem hern o f hljs country where anlmnl Industry Is not Fort Snelling officers that 'h e'w as a 169 Whales Are Captured. Two-Platoon Fight is Won. very probably In one o f the hospitals class was perfect, the boys enforcing well developed and where pasturage German spy, announced that the man Aberdeen, Wash. — A total o f 169 Tacoma, Wash.— A two-platoon sys­ It among themselves. Finally, a fter the behind the filing lines In France. She and feed are relatively abundant and was mentally deranged and that he had whales has been brought in this season tem for the Tacoma fire department authorities discovered him t o bp a bet­ has won the commendation o f many cheap. The bill also makes provision been treated at b hospital fo r the in­ by the four whaling ships o f the Bay was authorized by the C ity council ter teacher than ever, the school ar­ physicians In Great Britain, and when for the extension of other lines o f tbe sane in Washington state. C ity station, fifteen miles west of Thursday. ranged for an exhibition hearing o f one she offered her services to the nrmy, work o f the department. here, with five weeks o f whale-hunting The present force o f 105 men in the o f his history lessons. At t’tkle exhibi­ she was accepted after some delibera­ Eleven men pleaded gu ilty in the tion ns to whether a woman doctor United States district court in Spo­ remaining. The year’s catch w ill ap­ fire department w ill be divided into tion Wlman asked: Berries Keep 21 Years. two shifts. Although the efficiency o f kane Thursday to having failed to reg­ proximate 250. "Now, boys, who is the gr la te s t out­ could eerve In the army ranks. Montlcello, Ind.— Mrs. Ida Foss, n Seven tons, 14,000 pounds, o f whale the fire department will be seriously There Is little question, hut that ister under the selective d raft law and standing British military lie ro o f an Doctor Markland will prove that wom­ farmer’s wife living near this place, w ere sentenced to from one day to meat, was taken recently from one impaired, all councilmen agreed, the t im e r , recently opened a can o f huckleberries six months in ja il. Three other men finback, which is the largest amount division o f shifts was decided as the The boys Instantly sto