PAGE 4. FALLS CITY NRWS Sty? JfallB (Ktt|i NrutH SATURDAY. SKPTFMHEP I, I'M?. Mrs. Kneebone Oies Mrs. Lucy Ann Kneebone died ' WE S ELL TH E BEST at her home near Falls City, Ore., i Wednesday August 29, 1017, aged L. WOOD The best chow at the «era tonight ¿3 yeara ;{ months and ;t ilays. i Publisher She had been ailing for nearly a i ■ntnuö M ».«•oiKl-rtaa» n u ll a t tb . poatoffic Clothes cleaned and pressed. a t ralla City. Polk Caoatr. Ongaau a»4ar tba Today, tomorrow, or next week you Aft a t Coafraaa at h ». 1*7» \Vm. Hohle. year. will find the best that can be bought Funeral services were held from T t l t » h o » e - Hew» O flict. W. B. Stevens left Wednesday the Adventist chinch Friday morn­ at any time or any place. Subacriptkm Kata»: Oaa r « r . »10«: »** moatl«. aftdrnoon for his home in Port­ ing ut 10:00 o’clock and interment I* «M ts: tkraa month*. « eanta; aine I* copy. » eta. land. SHOES AND LOGGERS SUPPLIES in the l.O. O. F. cemetery. The A dvartlalng Ratea: Diaplay, 18 « « l u n Inch: Recruiting officer in town Tues- i body was followed to its last earth- Buaineaa Notice». S canU a Una: For 8*1». K ant Price* us low usf consistent with B ichan*». W ant an d Pay R n tartaln m an t No­ day. ly resting place by a host of sor­ first-class merchandise. ticaa. » eta. a Una. Card o lT hank» SO CU; La*» Motion». la*al raiaa. _____________i EVERGREEN BUCKAERRIES WANTEO rowing friends to pay a last sad tribute to the departed and offer Copy (or new a d a andchan * eaah o u ld ba aanf I am prepaired to handle ever consolation to the bereaved. to The Saw» not later th a n Wadnaaday. green blackberries, and anyone Lucy Ann Paine was born at desiring to sell berries should see Indian Lake, Hamilton County, N. Issi' ed E v ery S atvrday M orning C. J. Pugh. Y„ May 26. 1851. With her jiar- For Sale—Three good cows. ents she moved to South Dakota J. C. March, Falls City. Ore. in 18t?7. In 1812 she was married Ai The Churches Fresh Bread, Cakes,Cookies,Pies to Thomas Kneebone. moving to and other bakery goods, every Oregon October 12, 1910. To this Free Methodist union seven children were born, day, at the Falls City Bakery. Sunday School 10 a. m. three sons and four daughters, all For Sale—Five-acre tract, good Preaching service 11 a. m. living. They are: Frank and Otto t o j p Q t a a s k ra Q o c á ? 8-room house, out buildings, all in Song and praise service 7:30 Kneebone of Flandrean, S. Dak., followed by preaching at 8:00. fruit. Apply to Mrs. Mary Miller Henry Kneebone, Mrs. Jessie The constant strain of Mid-week prayer meeting 7:30 p.m Miss Loleta West left Sunday Jones and Elsie Kneebone of Falls Everyone cordially invited to for Clatskanie, Oregon where she Cky; Mrs Angie Bowick of Top- factory work, very often will teach school which will open fie,*d Canada, and Mrs. Genevia attend these services. results in Headaches, Edgar N. Long, Pastor. September 3. She taught there (joyjg,. 0f Corvallis, Ore. She also Backaches and other last year. leaves a husband, six brothers. Aches, and also weak- The Farmers’ Union will give four sisters and eighteen grand- CHRISTIAN CHURCH an ice cream social at Bridgeport children. ens the Nerves. Divine Services each Lord's Day tonight A good program has ---- ----------------- Bible School 10 a. m. D R . M IL E S ’ been arranged. VIEWS COLUMBIA HIGHWAY Divine worship 11 a. m. ANTI-PAIN PILLS Good piano and buggy for sale Christian Endeavor 7 p. m. T. D. Hollowed and wife and cheap. M. J. Smith, Dallas, Ore. J Evening Service 8 p. m. Harley Kerr and wife returned will quickly relieve the The public is invited to be with Rfd. No. 2. Thursday noon from a sight-seeing Nerves, or Pain, while us in these services. Ronald White of the Coast Artil- trip up the Columbia Highway S E V E R E P A IN . D r. M ile s ’ F. Gaude Stephens, Minister, lery came Sunday to visit his par- an(j points in Washington. They "I u*od to a u lfa r a g ra n t d**l w ith lum lutgo In niy »hotilder* ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed White. He left here Tuesday morning and a n d b a rk . A f rta n d Indu ad inn Heart Treatm ent I., tr y D r. MHa»' A n ll-P a ln returned Monday evening to Fort went to Gladstone, and by way of I'tUa a n d I a m o n ly U o * l»d to M. E- CHURCH Columbia, Washington where his Gresham to the Highway and as a t t a a t to th o rnllnf is very helpful when h t h a a t ah l la g o to t fro m tb a a a apian,lid Sunday School 10:00 Co. is stationed. He looks as if far up as Multnomah Falls reach­ pllla. T h ay fo rm a v alu ab le the Heart is overtaxed. m ed icin e a n d d o a ll t h a t It 1» the service agreed with him. ing there at 4:30 and returning to Morning Worship 11. claim ed th ey w ill d o ." IF F IR S T BOX, OR B O T T L E . Gladstone at 8:00. They were de­ L E W IS J. C U T T E R . AFTERNOON C. L. Starr of Portland was in F A IL S T O B E N E F IT YOU. YOUR M a rie tta . Ohio. lighted with the wonderful scen­ M O NEY W IL L B E R E F U N D E D . the city Sunday. Junior League 3:00. ery, the grandest they ever saw. Epworth League 7:00. The Polk County Observer has On the trip Mr. Hollowell took Evening Service 8:00 changed owners again. particular notice to the condition W EEK -D A Y SERVICE A. C. Powers’ father, of Cherry- of the crops. He says that gar­ i I I I I I t I 11 I M-1 t 1 I' M"M I I' H'> 1 + 1 I I' I' I 1 i I" ' Tuesday Gospel Chorus and Grove, Oregon, came Wednesday- dens are in fair condition. There T ♦ H orchestra practice 7:30 p. m. on a visit i is a large acreage of potatoes and Wednesday, Bible study and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Russell and where they have been cultivated G E T YOUR prayer meeeting 8, p. m. children came Tuesday evening, are looking good. He does not an- Friday Senior choir practice 8. from Eastern Oregon where Mr. ticipate that the consumer will be BUTTER WRAPPERS Russell has been employed on a cempelled to pay such fabulous prices if the speculator can be Come to the M. E. S. S next farm. choked off. Winter grain was P R I N T E D AT T H I S O F F IC E . Sunday with a prepared lesson. Mr. C. A. Fisher, late of Cali­ Stay for preaching service; the fornia has located in the Trask fairly good. He returned much pastor will have a soul-stirring property on North Main street. better satisfied on the food ques­ tion than he was on his trip to •H U I I H - l - H - l - K - M - t" l - H - I - H - H - H message for you. He has purchased Percey’s jewel­ | Independence last week. The topic for Epworth League ry store. devotional meeting, Sunday even­ Mrs. Ida Davenport of Albany ing Sept. 2 will be, “ Has summer E C O N O M IC and M ILITA R Y was a business visitor to Falls Wm. Elli3 of Dallas was in this playing brought leanness to your City on Wednesday. city Thursday. PREPAREDNESS eou I? ” Leader John Ronco. Rev. Hanson has been preach­ Cloid Miller of Albany, who has --------------------- THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON ing a series of vacation sermons. just recently opened up a receiv­ to addition to cornatela c e o r .e e bt g en eral and Statement of the Subjects for the last three Sun­ ing station for the Hazlewood eclontirtc edu ca«len . attore M l oaaortwnWtoo In days are as follows: Creamery Co. in Dallas, came Bank of Falls City MILITARY DRILL, DOMESTIC SCIENCE Aug. 12, “Thro Nature to God.” over and visited Sunday with his 0f pajjs City, County of Polk, State ARTS AND COMMERCE F lan tor etteettve luture t o n k a . Yottr country 19, Jesus Among the Flowers. brother-in-law, J. O. Mickalson of 0f Qregor,, showing the amount nooda K. S e n d for tree lllu a tr.te d k e e t d e ta .T ra m 26, Jesus on the Lake. t k . Brain »er P a a r e e r W e r" and “ The W enten and this city. standing to the credit of every «Me U niversity." A d d roaa R agtatrar, The last of the series will be Little Doris Mickalson, who has depositor July 1, 1917, who has UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Euteet. Or«««« given next Sunday night and the been quite sick for some three not made a deposit, or who has subject will be, “Jesus in the weeks past is again able to be up not withdrawn any part of his de- Mountain.. The attendence has and about again. posits fcommercial deposits), prin­ been good. This last one is the QUESTION FOR BIBLE STUDENTS ciple or interest, for a period of C.H.Fisher has sold his jewelry Mrs. Warren Ward and two best of the four. more than seven (7) years imme­ business to A.H.Brownlee of New Which day of the week is the The Probationers' class will daughters started Tuesday morn­ diately pryor to said date, with Jersey, who arrived here on Mon­ Lord s Day.” meet in the League room Monday ing on a visit to her sister who the name, last known place of day of this week and has taken Give scriptural reference. resides at Norton, Ore. They will afternoon at 4;00 o’clock. residence or poetoffice address of over the busines. Mr. Brownlee be gone several days. such depositor, and the fact of comes well recommended as a Miss Clara Olson of La Center, death, if known. BLACK ROCK watchmaker and business man., Post Office Time Card Wash, is visiting a few days at Eagle Lodge, Falls City, August 27, 1917. $8.00 and will be gladly welcomed in Bohles’. Geo. Hodges, Falls, City, .50 the community. Mr. Fisher has Office hoars: Daily, except Sun­ Auther Chapin and wife return­ A very pleasant day was spent John Vernon, Falls City 1.57 been in business here for nearly day, 8 to 6.30 p.m. ed to Spaulding Camp Tuesday four years and has made a host of Mail arrives, from from Dallas where Mr. Chapin Wednesday at the home of Mrs. State of Oregon, I __ Frank Horn when about twenty friends during that time who re­ Salem 8.45, 5:45 p.m. County of Folk, 1 3 was being treated at the hospital. gret to see him and his estimable Dallas, 8:46 A M . 6:46 P. M. Rain Russell who was hurt at relatives and friends dropped in I, M. L Thompson, being first Portland via Gerlinger, train 102 Spaulding Camp last Tuesday is to help her celebrate her birthday. duly sworn, deposes and say upon family leave Calistoga. He is a 11:55 a. m. doing nicely: was able to set up Supt. Lowe arrived Friday oath, that I am the President of good jeweler and a reliable man and the best wishes of everyone Black Bock, 1:30 P. M. last Saturday. He is at the Dal­ morning from somewhere— the Bank of Falls City, County of here go with him wherever he las hospital. Mail closes for: M. G. Ellis of Dallas was In the Polk, State of Oregon; that the may decide to locate. —Weekly James Day and wife returned city last Saturday. Salem, 8.50 A.M., 1 P.M. and 5:30 foregoing statement is a full, true, to Camp Saturday after a few P. M. correct and complete statement, (Cal.) Calistog’an. Miss Nettie Murray left last showing the name, last known Mr. Fisher has purchased the days visit at Salem and Dallas. Dallas, 8:50 A. M. and5:30P. M. Lee Nixion and Duck Hinshaw Saturday for Floria, Ore. where residence or postoffice address, jewelry stock of W. A. Persey Portland via Gerlinger train 102 are planning a trip to the Siletz she will teach school this year. fact of death, if known, and and will open up for business next 1 p, m. This is her second year at that amount to the credit of each de­ week. Fair. Black Rock, 1 A. M. Sam Burkhart and wife have place. positor as required by the provis­ Mail Order and Postal Savings Mrs. B. Partridge of Winnipeg, ion of Chapter 148, of the General moved Powell’s Camp. window closes a t 6 P. M. Canada is visiting her sister, Mrs. CALLED MEETING Laws of Oregon, 1907, and Chap­ U. G. Holt was in Black Rock S unday O nly Martin Deal. ter 214 of the General Laws of A meeting of the Falls City Wednesday. Office hours: 0:30 to 10:80 a.m: Oregon, 1917. Dramatic Club will be held Satur­ DR. FOSTER, Chiropractor Ralph Adams is at the Spauld­ Mail arrives from Salem, 9:00 M. L Thompson, day eve, September 8, 1917 at 9:00 ing Camp reparing the incline Treats all Chronic Troubles suc­ Subscribed and sworn to before o’clock, Wagner’s Hall. All mem­ a m. engine. Mail closes for Salem, 8:50 a. m. cessfully, using electricity in all me this 14th day of July A.D. 1917. bers requested to attend. General Delivery Window Open forms. The . Electric Brush for Mr. and Mrs. James Day mo­ Any one desiring to take part W. H. Beard, From 9;30 to 10:30 A. M. all scalp troubles. Phone 1624. tored to Independence Monday. Notary Public for Oregon. in Club production the coming Effective March 11, 1917. Nattional Bank Building, Suit 21 My commission expires March 22, season will please apply by letter Gertrude Waltzing is visiting Dallas, Oregon, Box No. 362 1917. I ra C. M uhkling , Postmaster 11-18-26-1 to the Falls.City Dramatic Club. at the home of Mike Morrison. GROCERIES t FALLS CITY LOGGING 4 LUMBER CO. — —* profcofiUonnl tín ic o I'llVKK IAN F. M. IIKI.LWAKTH p h y s ic ia n and buhcko n O Ilion Oll« limit east «I I*. O. mul 111« il«' amt r«IU « itjr, rice Ulf m i< « i « «on SiHHiK’90 c a r c o IMITICI. ' J f allô C it y Is o tc l S a m p le R o o m s B a al A e e o m m o d a tlo n i r O ro e y e , P r o p r ie to r It A II i . l It M in i's Bohle’s Barber Shops Falls City. Ortgon Hhfff you c«s t»n « Shut, Hair Cal, lath if 'U iiaf A g ra i fur D a d j i .iru in l a u n d r y Him I Mu lot fur*arilfti I ucetltty evening MONOMI K PH G . L. H A W K I N S MARBLE A N D G R A N ITE M ONUM ENTS D allas, Oregon t l'NEIIAI. IllHKiTolt R. L. C H A P M A N FUNERAL DIRECTOR Wo sttond to all work promptly. Oslls* and Falk City. Ora. MKAi BSTATF J. O. M I C K A L S O N Dealer in H I.A I. t ìn t a t i : Kalla City, Oregon. \ U 1 l«-atli|tiartt-rn fui Candy am] Cibari WEATHERLY CONFECTIONERY. ('mull' a, Tobaccos mid Cigars, at L B. WONDERBY'S SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Passenger Train Schedule Effective July 15, 1917 1*7 4 ill W ESTRO U Mb a M m. am. pm. Salem . . . 7:05 9.35 3.45 D allas. . . 8.15 10.57 5.15 5.45 Fai Is City. 8.45 11.30 HI ’k Rock. 11:50 I (O’ IM ih EASTWH7ND am. pm. pm. 1.00 Bl’k Rock 8.8(1 Falls City. 9.20 1.20 6.25 Dallas. . . 10.00 1.45 7.20 Salem . . . 11.00 3.10 A C. PttWKRa, AaRNT DRINK PUGH’ S LOGANBERRY JUICE t SOLD EVERYWHERE E xtra copies ol The News are printed each week, and will be sent to any address desired, postpaid, for 6 cents per copy. Correspondents wanted in every neighborhood in this section ol ins country.