A N N O U N C E M E N T O F A D V A N C E IN PRICE VAUGHAN S PORTABLE DRAG SAW 4 H. P. Now $145; Sept IS will be $155 1 ho» I .I k » ml Htrunvwit I> r «( Haw mad* <’*n la»aU ReoaM 100 Balk. i l a t e s t a t t r a c t io n planned FOR C ITY OF LOS ANOELES. Abaolulal, flrapraal I •Its Hotel Hoyt Of Ono of the Oldaet Qrsvaysrda Known, Dating From the Pleisto­ cene Period— Deathtrap for Animals. Cornar Stalls and Muyl Si».. Portland. Ora. No other city In tha United Htates ran equal I » « Angeles, Cal., In Its unique typo o f public park, mude pos­ LOU H lVIKM. Manaaar. sible by the deeding recently by U. A l­ I A L Waah or Munth lan lluucock of a tract o f 32 acrea of laud at the city's western edge In the famous La Urea a«phnlt bed». The thing which mukcs tbla tract, hereafter to he knowu as Hancock park, unique, la the fact that It la probably one of Ibe oldest gruveyards o f wlilrli any­ thing la known, for It dutea back to B U S I N E S S C O L L E G E (he Pleistocene period. The tract, lo­ k P L ir . D N K * IM’ lt.D IN O cated close to some of the best oil wells T a n n i a m » \V utMiMttrttM, P umti ^ n p , Ona«ioM In the Houthweal, has been the sources j, Jiitiv II I .<»w*t A 1’ AMtswraoMu J i n r C onnum of both oil uud asphaltum. and It was \ ..'..air .lui I >«-|IU( til »»Silt |*l Ili. 11 NiL A «iimM y 0|d*n «lay ami rvrntni all tha In pits from which the latter was >t-ai tvuilniit« a-lutili»'.t at any lima. Hook* taken that bones o f prehistoric mon­ I kirputtf I turiti liuti» wiIlls'll wnrk, atartly aa prac- sters were found. |lim i tu I miriimnm Slitutliuml un<| ( >| n < m tiling by At first these bones were not deenmd r«|irtts S| nm '||«| jiutiructiort for civil m > i viro o&aiiii- I of any great value, those finding them itnlum* M h I* i r ! o tuition. Imikt »1 »mail nisi. I I ’.«it»on a« «s in tut coin|M’ti»nt. InvmtigaU»- it «rill huvlng an Idea thut they were o f ani­ pay ( ’ail, u»l«iilumu IliuaUway I» I, < writ«. mals o f recent years. It was not until someone o f a scientific turn of inlnd noticed that they were too lufao to be­ long to any modern aulmul, that the search for more bones gradually Ross City P â li, Port Is mi, Oregon. Plione Tabor I OHI. rrnwdcd the production of nsphult to A S E L E C T B O A R D IN G A N D the side, until, today, there have been D A Y S C H O O L I O K G IR L S made u hundred excavations within I B o y a U n d e r 10 A d m i t t e d . ! I r Offers o»l ml vantali« ». Limited mini Ihe tract, iiiuny of which have yielded l»er o f tiuiiil». Indlvklual rare Thuttmifh moral, rich tlnds of well-preserved bones. mentisi. i>hy«tcal4 trainine. Modern InuruagM. M uri «-. Art. From the hones and teeth which have been found, scientists have re­ stored the skeletons of uiuuy varieties GATE C u t t i n g of animals, great sud small, which row » i m w * am.*, o n » n o lived many thousands o f years ago. MOUNT « ou » m u t i in A MXiO t o «•«(> »M t cuv ggno a n II Is believed that thta Is the only place llMOia AN« A4)» vg und only Instance where the fauna of one period and one region have been preserved and handed down Intact If all the Pleistocene remains In all, Ihe museums o f the world were to he T R A V E L A N D P R O IT T . brought together, the qunntlty would You nir tnm » iv l «ra m m w ith bti.tnwM tm inluir have to be multiplied by 50 In order to Ami Lmsitlun. f v w y w h w . (Jo t " N o r t h w « .» '» U . « ~ i H u a i « . t o ll« * * H K IIN K K W A I.K K K . approximate the amount already taken I'artlan 'l. Ora. A II l ‘ .valUun« ifUAnuiteevl. from the l.a Brea beds, and the end Is W rite fur from lllu .tra in i r a U k « . seemingly far off. Scientists who have E G - O • I.K.NE Tha hnI.-^■ n r . » hrm ut'i .uh- siudled the pits and the composition of l :. , - . t i t ut... lily >uil.. Marnala h alf their surroundings advance the theory liutai. « Hit dutAÜe. 10»\ Kifo t o . Somerville. N. J. thut the tnr beds were In reality death­ traps for the birds and annuals which l ark» in the Office. wandered through the section. Even liof.it — 1 want to speak to you, Mr. today the visitor will see small pools Ix>vuro, about your attention« to M i»« of liquid asphalt which have o o z e d Sweet durinit office hour«. 1 engaged ' from the earth, and often will see you hh billing clerk only; no cooing ( ground squirrels, rabbits, hens and mentioned. That will be all for th e , birds o f various kinds which have been pre«ent. ■ — Tid-Bita. cuught by foot or wing In the sticky tar. dying where caught, nnd gradually sinking deeper Into the nsphnltum each Veterinary Need». " W e mult do something about blind day as the sun warms the pools. In the wonderful museum In Exposi­ tiger». ” " I nay so, too,” declared innocent tion park In lx>s Angeles have been as­ Mr«. Squab. "Th ose unfortunate ani­ sembled types o f the animals which mal« should have the servieea o f a good once roamed the region, whose bones have been taken from the La Brea pita, veterinarian at.once. and these Include mastodons, Imperial elephants, saber-toothed tigers, care WATCH YOUR SKIN IMPROVE hears, giant sloths, horses, lions and mammoth birds Hint lived and died When You Uae Cuticura— The Soap to 150,000 to '-*00,000 years ago. Besides the mounted specimens, the store rooms Purify and Ointment to Heal. of the museum contain somo 3,000 On rising and retiring gently smear boxes o f unassorted bones, which will the face with Cuticura Ointment Inter find their places In the restored Wash off Ointment In five minutes skeletons. w ith Cuticura Soap and hot water. It Is planned by the county authori­ Continue this treatment for ten days and note the change In your skin. No ties, to whom the tract has been deed­ better toilet preparations exist. ed, to have set up uhout the park Kreo «ample each by mall with gigantic groups of statuary depleting llook. Address postcard. Cuticura, the animals o f the Pleistocene era. Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. The asphaltum has served to preserve — Adv. the bones In a wonderfully perfect state, making their study n matter o f Hopeless Case. The lenp-yeur maid hnd Just pro­ greater ease. It Is probable that It will posed, hut had been handed the frosty take a year or more to develop the park as planned, hut the supervisors digit. “ I never thought,” she sighed, “ that | hnve voted $25,000 as an Initial appro­ you would have the heart to turn ine priation for the work. Hancock park will, when fully developed, become one down." "X haven’t,” he replied. "Sty heart of the most Interesting places In the belongs to another at the present writ­ already Interesting Southwest ing." Riches In Tennessee Caves. The development o f two historic caves, known ns Arch cave and Bone cave In Van Buren county, Tennessee, Veal, Pork, Beef, ts now under way. The enves are esti­ Poultry, Butter, Egg* and Farm Produce mated to contain from 50,000 to 75,- to ike OKI KelUMe Keenline houaa with a 000 tons of hat guano, which Is rich teoord o f 4» ream of Hquare Deollne*. and In potash nnd ammonia, bealdes other he emu red of T O P M A R K E T PRICES. elements of plant food. The under­ F. M. CRONKHITE ground area Is nbout six miles. M il­ 4S47 Front -«tree» Portland. Oreeon lions o f hats Inhabited these caves for centuries prior to the Civil war, when HI0E8t, PELTS. CA8CARA BARK, they were driven out by the manufac­ turer* o f powder. It Is told that when WOOL AND MOHAIR. • i m l ill |H hm Writ* fir pricii ini ihioptsi lagt Oen. John II. Morgnn'a detachment which raided Nashville during the T he H. F. N orton C o . on ;.sutin. m Civil war becamo separated and was hard pressed by superior federal forces they concealed themselvea In the Arch cave for several days. * Thoroughly Renovated & Decorated — HOLMES - ACADEMY OFJTHE HOLY CHILD SHIP By btiylne dlreet from as at whobmtl* p rim and a n tha plumbar'a proflta. Writ* oa to­ day your need» W * will ,w „ y « , „ k. bottom dtrrrt-to-you" prime. f. o. b. rail or boat. W * actually »a »« you from 10 ts u par rent. All rood, aiiaranteed. Northweat headquarter. fn leader Water Syateme and Fuller a J oh neon Knstnse. STAR K -D AVIS CO. * 1 * Third Street. P. N.TU. Portland. O r• atm No. 35, 1917. A La Laundry. A colored Baptist was exhorting, "N o w , breddern and aistern, come up ! to de altar and have you’ sins washed HWay." A ll came but one man. "W h y , Brudder Jones, don’ t yo* | want yo’ sins washed away?” " I done had my sins washed sw ay.” " Y o 1 has? Where yo ’ had y o ’ sins washed aWay?” “ Ober at de Methodist church.” "A h , Brudder Jones, yo ’ aint’ been washed; y o 'je a been dry cleaned.” — Haiti more’ Trolley^News. when I was sura ths Fokker was don* fo r I looked around for them." Thaw Is Wounded. Thaw’s fallow-airmen weren't there, but two airplanes of the enemy were. "My qulok-flrer had stock and as I had no other arms I got a little out o f the enemy’s way preparatory to arrang­ ing tho gun. Unfortunately, I did not get far enough and when I was reach­ ing for the quick-firer I got a bullet through my arm. I turned toward our lines and the bullets hit my little Nleuport In several places. When one o f the missiles struck my gasoline tank, tearing the bottom open, I shut off the motor and dived for the French trenches." Thaw's flrst “ big league” experience, so to speak, la cited simply as an In­ dication o f what the Americans forced themselves to do from the very first. They shirked no responsibility nor danger and battled their way to the thickest o f the clashea between the Gorman and French air forces, which became more and more frequent as the Importance o f aerial warfare In­ creased. 8lde by side with Thaw was Kaonl Lufbery, who was the first American mentioned for bringing down five hos­ tile planes. Hla case was rather unique. In that his parents died when very young and he was brought up by a family at Do urges. At thirteen he ran away from home, his tours finally bringing him in contact with the avia­ tor. Msro Ponrpe, who trained him to be his assistant. Lufbery was o f French nationality, but when be desired to enlist tn the French army at the start o f the war On May IT. 1910, the American flo­ be was turned down because it was tilla o f the atr took part In an ex­ discovered he wae so American. A f­ pedition over the Oertnan lines for tba ter many appeals be was allowed to first time as a unit. Bullets were spat­ go with Pourpe as his mechanic. tered at them by the thousand from Lufbery Sweara Vengeance. the German anti-aircraft guna, strik­ Pourpe was killed soon afterward ing the tall piece and propeller of and Lufbery swore to avenge him. He Lieutenant Thaw ’s machine. Corporal Importuned hla superiors to allow him Victor Chapman's plane was also hit, to train as a pilot, and his request was bnt both managed to return behind the finally granted and shortly after he re­ French lines In safety. ceived his pilot’s certificate he was The second expedition took plaea transferred to the American flying two weeks later and while the Ameri­ corps. can squadron was reeonnoltering five The fact that he was not talking o f the American machines attacked 14 Idly when he swore to avenge hla German nlreraft, hoping to drive them friend's death Is shown by the fact behind the German lines. The Ger­ that he la the premier “ ace” o f the mans opened fire with marhtne guns Lafayette Bacadrllle. Now “ winging” and the Americans responded. The a machine behind the German lines explosive bullets used by the Germans means nothing, or rather not as much did grent damage and soon two Ameri­ as bringing them down behind the can machines were forced to tha French lines, because the latter Is a ground, one with s ripped gasoline much more difficult feat. T o bring tank and the other with a broken gun. down five German planes in back o f Then two German machines were the French lines la the necessary re­ forced down by the fire o f remaining quisite to be termed an “ ace.” Luf­ American pilots. Corporal McConnell, bery, who cornea from New Haven, who hnd two machine gnns on his was the drat American aviator to turn swift machine, did great execution the trick. with them, hut Anally after nine bul­ So month by month ns the Escm- lets had struck his machine he was drille grew, with more and more Amer­ forced to descend. icans attracted to It by Us exploits, Such was the baptism o f fire en­ the number o f German planes destroy­ countered by those Americans who ed by the American airmen grew In risked expatriation because o f their number. Very few weeks passed but desire to flght. ‘‘Expatriation*’ Is cor­ what the Lafayette Escndrllle wns rect. Inasmuch ns when Thaw desired mentioned In the official French com­ to visit his folks after a year at the muniques, and there are so many or­ front he traveled home on a French dinary feats of bravery performed ev­ passport. The status o f these men Is ery day on the firing line that It re­ quires something above the ordinary as yet undecided. Incidentally. to break Into official reports. Exploits Attract Attention. Thaw and then I.ufbery were given It wns not long ufter the formation o f the Escndrllle that Its members medals of honor and several times started to battle their way to a niche cited for bravery. Others followed, o f recognition. One after another, the last being Sergeant Andrew Camp­ they lived up to the Ideals o f America bell, to whom official recognition came and “ winged" Hoche airmen nnd con­ but last week, nnd who could safely ducted successful expeditions back of be called a superman from his deeds o f the past month or two. the German trenches. Death Toll Heavy. Nor was It long before the exploits Naturally, the death toll was com­ of the American airmen attracted such nttontlon that readers of American paratively heavy. Among those who papers became accustomed to know were rated ns good fighters and who what the name meant In the headlines pn-.-p their life fo r France were Victor, nnd begntt to realize that, whatever Chapman, Norman Prince, James Mc­ the home authorities might be doing, Connell. Renald Heskler, Kenneth some Americans were flghtlng along­ Rockwell nnd Edward Genet. Others, side the French nnd British In n however, took their places, It betng manner that brought naught but credit only a month or so ago that eight young Americans o f prominent fam­ to the United Stntes. Thaw wns the flrst to gain wide­ ilies left for the front for service. spread attention. During the flrst of They were selected from one huiidred the raids o f the Escndrllle he wns applicants for the service. Such Is the brief record o f the La­ wounded In the arm, whBe attacking three German planes near Verdun fayette Escadrllle. an organization that He had been out with the squadron has fought as Americans should. Its for several hours and wns waiting to record will not be sunk tn Its trans­ learn by telephone that Germans hnd fer to General Pershing's forces, for been signaled ns coming toward sentiment on the part o f both Ameri­ France when the telephone operator can and French army chiefs favor the got a report that three machines of j retention o f the distinctive name. At present plans call fo r the com­ the enemy were In sight. Immediately four American nlrtnen missioning of Lieutenant Thaw as a hurried to their machines with Thaw major, with present members o f the the flrst oft. His plane quickly out­ squudron betng named as captains nnd distanced the others and soon after lieutenants, to take charge o f Ameri­ he sighted n Fokker hcntlpd his way can aviators who will shortly Join Per­ and not very far behind It two Ger­ shing's troops In France. man machines. He was over German territory when he climbed up to at­ 78 DRAFTED OUT OF 120 tack, thinking It Impossible for the enemy to aim at him without going Wisconsin Village Furnishes Largest Into a steep dive. This advantage Quota In Accordance With Its worked out to such purpose that he Population. was able to get close to the German. Cumberland, WIs.— In accordance to " I was so close,” said Thaw at the time, “ that I felt like calling to hint population this village probably will to get out o f the way before I pulled furnish the largest quota fo r the new the trigger o f the tyulck-flrer. The national army o f any single community fact that the gun Jammed after a few In the state. If not the nation. Out of shots did not prevent enough bullets a total population o f 2,000, 120 were from hitting him to send him below. registered, o f which 78 were among the I was so much Interested In my com­ first to be drawn In the great human bat that I forgot my comrades, but lottery f New York.— The transfer of the La­ fayette Eacadrille from service under the French flag to the Htere and Mtlpes recalls the record of the famous group of American airmen on the western front. From an bumble beginning the Ke- cadrttle has fought Its way up to a point where It Is recognised as ren­ dering Invaluable assistance to the efforts of the allies to defeat Germany. It started, to all purposes, shortly af­ ter the outbreak o f war, when William Thaw n o f Pittsburgh was In France for aviation purposes. Thaw Immediately volunteered his services to the French government and ts a private In the Infantry wal­ lowed In the mud of the trenches for six months until the French authori­ ties, realising the Importance o f avia­ tion as a war move, called for vol­ unteers. Thaw applied. He had already had considerable experience In aviation, having amazed society at Palm Beach and Newport with his mastery over airplanes, and his servieea were there­ fore accepted. His lead was followed by others, un­ til quite a number of American men of courage wero enrolled In the French aviation section. The formation of the Iuafayette Karadrilie followed shortly lite r. Young Thaw, for he had but reached his majority when the war broke out was commlaRlooed a lieutenant and with his comrades quickly made the Escadrtlle a thing to be feared by the Hun airmen. Qeta Baptism of Firs. Ji NATIONAL HfADQUABTERS O f THE ARMY,mdNAVY He May in 1960. “ Why do you look at the baby in that peculiar manner?” “ I was wondering i f he w ill ever tell hit children about the happy days o f 1917 when prices were so reason­ able.” — Louisville Courier-Journal. FIELD COMFORT COMMITTEE His Trouble. Visitor — My poor man, when you get out o f this place, do not yield too The urmy and navy field comfort hastily to temptation. Take time to committee has begun an active cam­ think; take time. paign to supply every American sol­ Convict— That's wot I ’ m in fer. I dier, at home and abroad, with a field took too many watches. comfort box. Headquarters have been opened In the Hotel McAlpln. New York, and subscriptions of one dollar for each box are being taken. Soma o f the boxes are being {»cited at the “ I can't have any fun! I am such headquarters. a sight with tbla eczema that people Each box contains 40 cigarettes, one avoid me wherever I go. And the briar pipe, one can o f tobacco, a pack­ itching torments me so that I don't age o f pipe cleaners, a bag o f ciga­ get any peace, anyhow.” rette tobacco, a pack of cigarette pa­ Don’t be discouraged! Even In se­ pers, a pair o f shoe laces, a cake of vere, well-established cases of eczema, sweat chocolate, a package of chewing or similar skin-troubles, Reelnol Oint­ gum, a high grade tooth brush, one ment, aided by Reslnol Soap, usually tube o f tooth paste, one lead pencil, relieves the Itching at once and quick­ a quantity of stationery, a box o f safe­ ly clears the eruption away. A ll drug­ gists sell Reslnol Ointment and Resln­ ty matches, metallic buttons, etc. ol Soap. T ry them. The picture shows Miss Natalia Van Honton packing the flrst comfort box for the Sammies. Granulated Eyelids, Don’t Let Skin Trouble Spoil Your Good Time T H EIR S IS WORK OF LOVE Red Cross Men In Charge of Supplies at Base Hospital# Serve Without Pay. Chicago.— The American Red Cross Is placing men with United Stntes army commissions In charge o f Red Cross supplies at every base hospital, and at every training camp, canton­ ment, mobilisation camp and other place where soldiers or sailors are as­ sembled. These men are chosen from volun­ teers who are more than thirty-one years o f age— the draft limit— and much more mature men are given the preference so that no one may be put at civilian work who might better serve with the army. They draw no pay. bnt are given quarters and subsistence In accord with their rank. At each such station there will be at least two Red Cross representatives, one o f whom w ill be commissioned captain, and the others lieutenants. They will have charge of all ship­ ments o f Red Cross supplies to such military station, and will be the con­ necting link between the people and their flghtlng men. Some, if not all, these officers will be given the oppor­ tunity to follow the soldiers to Eu­ rope, though no one In the volunteer­ ing Is required to pledge himself to go abroad. In calling for volunteers to serve In this capacity without pay, CoL J. II. Kean, U. S. A. Medical corps, said; “The Red Cross realizes that men o f the desired caliber cannot be hired, but must be attracted to the service by entirely unselfish motives, and a desire to help their country In this time o f national emergency.” HORSE MEAT IN WISCONSIN Health Commissioner of Milwaukee Rules It May Be Sold Under Proper Restrictions. — i V i s ■. wT * i Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by Sun, Du at hnd Wind quickly relieved by Murine. Try it In C your Eye*and In Baby'S Eyes. T O U R t l L O No Smart mr Jn.t Eye Co-fort Marine Eye Remedy Ey* Salve, tn Tube« 25c. For Book o f tko Eyo — Wr— m Ask M a rin e E y e R e m e d y C o., C k k s s s 4 TOD C A N T CCT O CT A Bog Spavin or Thoronghpln but you can clean them oft promptly with a b s o r b IN E * TRADE MAAK TRADE MARK MG.lL WG.aS.PAT. OFF and you work the hone same time. D oes not blister or remove the hair. $2.00 per bottle, delivered. W ill tell you more if you write. B ook 4 M free. ABSORBING, JR, the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptured Muscles or L ifim cou . EnlerzeS Gland». W ee*. C m A lla n pan* quickly. Price t l and S I akocxle af SnicKim or delivered. Made la the U. &. A. by *. F. T0UN6, P.D.F., 401 Tsofls St, Srr1»gfi*l4, Mast. An O.d Trait. Uncle Eben— “ I Just had a letter from my English cousin. He was In the trenches. He says one day his company was ordered to charge, and the first thing be knew he ran Into a lot o f barbed wire, several mines and a hundred German batteries.” Aunt Nancy— “ Just like George— never looks where he’s going."— Life. Disconcerting Candor. Surgeon (to patient be ts about ta operate on )— Well, old chap, If I don’t see you again, here’s luck!— Puck. Defined. Diplomacy Is the art of being disa­ greeable In a polite manner.— Boston Transcript. PAINS SHARP AND STABBING Would Milwaukee.— "Hortense. pass your Woman Thought She plate for a drumstick of old Dobbin, Die. Cured by Lydia E. or, would you prefer white meat?” Pinkham’s Vegetable Horse meat will soon he on sale In Compound. Milwaukee. Health Commissioner George C. Ruhland has received In­ quiry from a number of butchers, who. Ogdensburg, W is.— " I suffered from under proper restrictions, will be per­ female troubles which caused piercing mitted to market horse meat. pains like a knife All such meat, the commissioner through my back said, must be conspicuously designated and side. I finally as such and must bear the stamp of lost all my strength the health department. so I had to go to bed. The d o c t o r advised an oper­ V* ’V V W W W W V ation but I would not listen to it. I AND : SOUTH RALLIES RAL thought o f what I RAISES BIG CROPS had read about Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege­ Jackson, Miss. — The cam­ table Compound and paign conducted In the South tried it. The first bottle brought great Inst spring for food and feed relief and six bottles have entirely crops has been successful. The cured me. All women who have female corn yield o f Mississippi will trouble o f any kind should try Lydia E. be the grentest ever known. In Pinkham's VegetaDle Compound.” — some sections, 100 bushelk will Mrs. E t t a D o rion , Ogdensburg, Wia. be gathered to the acre. Ala­ Physicians undoubtedly did their best, bama, Oeorgta nnd Tennessee battled with this rase steadily and could do no more, but often the most scientific will nlso produce big yields. treatment is surpassed by the medicinal More acres were planted to corn properties o f the good old fashioned than ever In the history o f the roots and herbs contained in Lydia E. South, according to unofficial Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. reports. I f any complication exista it pays to w rite the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.,for special free advice.