I t REJECTS PEACE I M German Empire Not Now to Be Trusted, Says Wilson. of International honor; which chose Its own time for ths war: delivered Its blow fiercely and suddenly; stopped at no barrier either of law or of mercy: swept a whole continent within the tide of bleed- not the blood of soldiers only but the blood o f Innocent women and children also, and of the helpless poor, and now stands balked but not defeated, the enemy o f four- fifths of the world. “ This power Is not the German peo­ ple It ts no business of ours how that great people came under its con­ trol. or submitted with temporary seat to the domination of its purpose, but it is our business to see to It that the history of the rest of the world is no longer left to Its handling. mo NEW S i vs rames n STATE IN BRIEF. á A á A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A , OF C I U M WEEK —— ——— Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. • j A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A W H E A T DEALER S S H Y Buyer* Not Inclined to tions Make Quota­ Until Government Arts Farmers Fret Over Delay. Marshfield cranberry raisers on North Inlet and in other sections re j port a probable average crop thia year, although the berries will be sinull. A ll bushes are loaded and, owing to the dry weather, the quality will be o f the highest grade. Pullman, Wash.— Pullman's grain markets have been at a standstill dur­ ing the last week, the dealers not be ing Inc-lined to offer quotations in the face of the government's investigation leading u|> to the estnliIlHtiment of stnmlnrd price. Most of the warehousemen, upon in truel Ions from the government, are attaching to the grulli recelpta (he governmental clause rulHng for th sale of the' cereal within 30 days ami empowering the warehouseman or elevator operator to dispose of It at (he end of that time at the highest Most Serious Situation Mrs in Trans­ procurable figure Farmers and buy er* alike are fretting under the delay portation Order Must be Main­ In establishing prices. tained, Declares Kerensky. Determination Is Shown by All Races to Serve Nation. Coroner Hartnetts, o f Hood River, G e r u ta n ‘ e W o r d Ito u b te d . has received won! that Hubert Amos, "To deal with such a power by way o f peace upon the plan proposed by Ills Holiness the Pope would, so far as we can see. Involve a recuperation of Its Tuesday. He w h s swept away by the strength and a renewal o f its policy; sw ift current o f the cascades. The would make It necessary to create a hostile combination o f nations against Events o f Noted l’ rople. Governments body has not been recovered. the German people, who are its instru­ Coos BayJ notes the change in ad­ and Pacific Northwest and Other ments. and would result In abandoning vanced wage scales and although the the new-born Russia to the Intrigue, mills ami camp« have been (laying the Things Worth Knowing. the manifold subtle Interference aud greater remuneration but three months the certain counter revolution which would be attempted by all the malign the resurrection o f better times and influences to which the German gov coulidence in affairs is marked anil eminent has o f late accustomed the The Dutch minister o f agriculture business men and capitalists «lik e arc Moscow The clear desire o f all fac­ world. Can peace be based upon Peaches and I’ rara l eaving Yakima si restitution of its power or upon any has decided that the bread ration of feeing the difference. tions to arrive at an agreement how Rate o f 150 Cars a Day. word of honor it could pledge in 2800 grams per head must suffice for Tw o or three hundred women in treaty o f settlement and accommoda­ 11 days after September 2. best to preaerve the nation was North Yakima.— Fruit shipments Eugene meet in the Red Cross head­ tion? evinced at the three sittings o f the na­ "Responsible statesmen must now Eight slackers from Tacoma and quarters on Wednesday* and Saturdays from the Yakima valley lust wm-k everywhere see. If they never saw bo other Southwest Washington towns each week to knit and do similar work. aggregated 406 curlouds. a large part tional conference, which ended its ses­ fore, that no peace can rest securely of which wua of mixed fruits, purlieu upon political or economic restric­ were sentenced to ja il by Federal Wednesday a little Chinese woman lurly peaches, pear* and prunes, al sion* here Wednesday. tions meant to benefit some nations and Judge Cushman, and one was re­ came to the headquarters and an­ ('ra d ica l result* o f the conferencs (hough some straight carloads of cripple or embarrass others; upon vin manded for trial. nounced that she wanted to do her bit peur* and peaches were included. This are *niall, but the sessions allowed s dictive action of any sort, or any kind for the soldier boys at the front. week the heavy movement of Bartlett An order for 1,000,000 khaki pocket free discussion o f problems from many Washington, D. C.— President W il­ of revenge or deliberate injury. A m e r ic a s u f f e r » W r o n g s . The proportion o f boys who have pears la on und peach shipment* will angles, s/al brought forth from race testaments for American soldiers and son has rejected the Pope’s peace pro­ "The American people have suffered sailors has been placet) by the National signified their intention o f re-entering also lie heavier. Thu anticipation I* Ihut from 900 to 1,000 carload* will a fter race o f the Slav people pledges Intolerable wrongs at the hands of the posals. imperial German government, but they W ar Work Council o f the Y. M. C. A. the University o f Oregon this fall is leave the volley this week. Curs are o f loyalty to the provisional govern­ In a note dispatched Monday night desire no reprisal upon the German with the American Bible society. almost as large as the number o f girls, plentiful uml (he prices are firm at Karl W. Outflank, secretary to Presi­ $40 per Ion for pears, delivered in ment and cementing all factions in a and made public here Tuesday night people, who have themselves suffered Choice beeves sold in Chicago at the the war all things in this war. which they did dent P. L. Campbell, stated recently. bulk ami 50 to 70 cents per box for determination to continue the President says that, while every not choose. They believe that pea Union Stockyards Tuesday at $16.30, The falling off in the number o f men pouches, according to variety and against Germany to a successful con­ should rest upon the rights o f peoples, a new high-price record for cattle on heart not blinded and hardened by the grade. Several cash buyers o f apples clusion. will be largely in the upper clasaes. not the rights of governments—the The new figure was 80 are In the valley and within a few "T h e provisional government,“ de­ terrible war must be touched by the rights o f peoples great or'small, w eak the hoof. Secretary C. N. Kavlin, o f the Hood days the closing of some large deala clared i're/nler Kerensky, in closing or powerful; their equal right to free­ cents higher than the record price es­ moving appeal o f his holiness, it would dom and security and self-government River Chapter o f the Red Cross, has ts anticipated. tablished last week. ths conference, “ w ill stand on guard be folly to take the path o f peace he nd to a participation upon fair terms sent to the San Francisco headquarter* over tho revolution. It wilt auffer no Sheriff Boone Gosney, o f Campbell In the economic opportunities of the S tu d e n t G a rd e n s L a r g s points out i f it does not in fact lead to world— the German people, o f course, county, and Mayor A. J. Livingston, of the humanitarian organization an counter-revolutionary attempt», what­ North Yakima.— High school stu included, if they w ill accept equality o f Newport, Ky., were indicted Wed­ order for $660 worth o f woollen yam », dents and some grade students are ever be their source, for the provis­ the goal he proposes. and not seek domination. the material to be used by women o f ional government is the incarnated To deal with such a power as the "The test, therefore, of every plan nesday, charged with non-feasance in the local chapter in knitting outfita for going In heavily for fruit drying and w ill o f the whole Russian |mnple. It canning, as well us gardening this of peace is this: office. The indictments followed a cru­ present rulers o f Germany upon Pope the comfort o f American soldiers the vear. according to Prof. C. rt. Cole of does not regret having convoked the T e s t a o f I* e a e e l is te d . sade against gambling. Benedict’ s plan, declares the Presi­ coming winter. the high school agricultural depart conference at Moscow, which, although Ts it based upon the faith of all the The Argentine minister to Germany, inent, who hus Just completed his sec it has not yielded practical results, has dent, would involve a recuperation of people Involved or merely upon the Continued search has failed to reveal ond tour of Inspection of upwurda of word of an ambitious and intriguing in a cablegram received at the foreign the strength and renewal o f the world government on the one hand and of a any traces o f Horace W. Marshall, en­ 500 gardens whose owners have en allowed all Russian citizens to say office, says he expects within a short dominition o f that power, now balked, group of free peoples on the other? time to receive Germany’s reply to gineer o f Klamath Agency, who has tcred in the annual school garden con frankly what they think necessary for This is a test which goes to the root It has taken him a month to the state.” but not defeated, a fter sweeping a of the matter, and it is the test which Argentina's demands regarding attacks lieen lost for more than a week in the to il Whoever endeavors to wrest their muke the round aud he will tminedt Red Blanket country o f Western K la­ on Argentine vessels by submarines. continent with the blood o f innocent must be applied. math county. A number o f the best ately begin again so as to finish final conquests from the people,” he con­ "The purposes of the United States women and children and the helpless in this war are known to the whole Results o f the heavy fighting on the Indian scouts on the Klamath Indian Inspection before the annual contest cluded, “ w ill never succeed, for they lie says he have now become public property.” world— to every people to whom the Canadian front are reflected at Ot­ reservation have been combing the is held In September, poor, as well as o f soldiers. has not attempted to estimate the truth has been permitted to come. They Conditions in the army and among Permanent peace must be based do not need to be stated again. We tawa, Ont., in the casualty lists, total­ forests for several days. amount o f produce grown, but it Is the railroad workers o f the country upon the faith o f all the peoples and seek no material advantage of any ing over 1000 for the week-end. The Immense, ami that some of the stu The Oregon Normal Sijiool at Mon­ were the principal subject o f talks upon justice and fairness and the com­ kind. We believe that the intolerable noon list Tuesday numbered 327, o f mouth w ill be opened on September dents have had remarkable success Wednesday, wrongs done by this war by furious whom 19 were killed in action and 33 in cunning aud drying fruits and veg mon rights o f mankind, he adds, and and brutal power of the imperial Ger­ 24th, instead o f September 10th, as Railway representatives, including e tables. died o f wounds. “ we cannot take the word o f the pres­ man government ought to be repaired, previously announced. Please pass this M. Froloff, o f the Engineers' Alliance, ent rulers o f Germany as a guarantee but not at the expense of the sover­ Trial o f Frank C. Oxman, o f Dur- word on to all prospective students. reported that there exists a state o f o f anything that is to endure, unless eignty of any people— rather a vindi­ kee, Or., accused o f attempted subor­ This decision was made for the purpose W e n a tch e e P e a r H a rv e s t On cation of the sovereignty both o f those utter disorganization o f tran»|a>rta- explicity supported by such conclusive that are weak and those that are nation o f perjury in connection with o f allowing students to assist in the Wenatchee. Wash.— Tho pear bar tion, which, unless improved, w ill evidence o f the w ill and purpose o f the strong. the bomb murder trial o f Thomas J. season's work and to give longer per­ vest ts beginning. Chelan county will cease completely by November. German people themselves as the other D a m a ges N o t D em anded. Mooney, was set by Superior Judge iod for the completion o f buildings, re- The representatives gave warning "Punitive damages, the dismember­ Frank H. Dunne, o f San Francisco, (>orts J. H. Ackerman, president o f the produce In the neighborhood of 366 peoples o f the world would be justified ear* of pears this season, which ts a that the consequences would bo terri­ ment of empires, the establishment of in accepting.’ ’ school. slight Increase over last year's yield ble both at home and on the front, and selfish and exclusive economic leagues, for September 5. The tex t o f the President’s note to we deem inexpedient and In the end when a total of 334 enrs were shipped. that the army might turn on the coun­ Ten American regiments w ill carry As a part o f the food preservation the Pope follows: worse than futile and no proper basis The fruit this year Is of good quality try and commit unexampled excesses. in France flags presented by descend­ and conservation campaign, a demon­ for a peace of any kind, least of all for To H¡^Holiness. B enedict)» XV.. Pope: and Is bringing good prices. Prices The extreme demands of the railway That must be ants o f French officers who fought in stration in scientific canning and dry­ range from 76 cents to $1.26 a box. In acknowledgment of the communi­ an enduring peace. based upon justice and fairness and workers, the speakers said, played an the American war o f independence. ing o f fruits and vegetables w ill be cation of Tour Holiness to the belliger­ One firm Is reported as paying $1.25 im|iortant part in the disorganization. ent peoples, dated August 1, 1917, the the common rights of mankind. "W e cannot take the word of the Ambassador Jusserand has transmitted given in Albany this week. It w ill be amt $1.00 while another pays 75 cents President of the United States requests this offer to the secretary o f war, who conducted in the basement o f the First and $1.10. Tw o classes o f the fruit They called on all those engaged in the present rulers of Germany as a guaran­ me to transmit the following reply: Methodist church and w ill be in charge are recognized in price fixing, the transport services to sacrifice |/ersonal •‘Every heart that has not been blind­ tee of anything that is to endure un­ said it would be accepted gladly. less explicitly supported by such con­ o f Miss Laura Cheney, o f the Oregon fancy and extrn fnney, or the first interests to those o f the country. M. ed and hardened by this terrible war clusive One hundred and fifty-tw o cadets o f evidence of the will and pur­ Grusenberg, speaking as the represent­ must be touched by this moving appeal I,ocal women aud second grades. pose of the German people themselves the class o f 1918 w ill be graduated at Agricultural College. o f His Holiness the Pope, must feel as ative o f the Jews, said that they loved are taking considerable interest in the the other peoples o f the world would the West Point m ilitary academy the dignity and force of the humane be justified in accepting. their country, notwithstanding their movement. and generous motives which prompted "Without such guarantees, treaties Thursday morning. This is the second unprecedented persecution under the it and must ferverently wish that we of settlement, agreements for disarma­ time within five months that West W illiam Duerst complains to the old regime, and had contributed great­ might take the path of peace he so per­ ment, covenants to set up arbitration in Public Service commission that he has Point has sent out a class o f newly- suasively points out But it would be the place of force, territorial adjust­ ly to the emancipation o f the people folly to take it if it does not in fact ments, restitutions of small nations, if made officers for the army. The class placed orders for three double-deck and the defense against the enemy. lead to the goal he proposes. stock cars at Am ity, one at Independ­ made with the German government, no o f 1917 was graduated in A pril last. Portland— W h eat— Bluestem $ 2.10 Representatives o f Ukraine and o f Stern Facts Govern. ence and two at Corvallis and cannot per bushel; fortyfold, $2.05; club. man, no nation could now depend upon. Western or W hite Russia said the peo­ Seventeen Mexicans, captured by We must await some new evidence of “Our response must be based upon secure them. Investigation by the $2.05; red Russian, $2.05. ple were ready to make any sacrifices the stern facts and upon nothing else. the purposes of the great peoples of General Pershing’s punitive expedition commission shows that such equipment Flour — Patents, $11.60. It is not a mere cessation of arms he the central powers. God grant It may in M exico and accused o f participation for the good «if the country. The is not available in the state, but efforts desires: it is a stable and enduring be given soon and in a way to restore M illfeed — S(x>t prices: Bran, $37 spokesman for the Io-tts declared Cour- in the V illa raid on Columbus, N. M., the confidence of all peoples every­ wiii be made to secure enough single­ peace. This agony must not be gone per ton; shorts, $40; middlings, $47; iand would never belong to Germany. through with again and it must be a where in the faith of nations and the pleaded guilty to second degree murder deck cars to handle the shipments, rolled barley, $55; rolled oats, $56. Delegates representing the Mussulman matter of very sober judgment what possibility of a covenanted peace. before District Judge R. R. Ryan, at which are destined to South Omaha. " R O B E R T L A N S IN G , H ay— Buying prices: Timothy, East alliance said all Mussulman citizens of w ill insure us against i t Deming, N. M., Wednesday and were "Secretary of State of the United "His Holiness, in substance, proposes Out o f an allotment o f $220,100 o f ern Oregon, $26 per ton; valley tim ­ Russia fully supported the provisional sentenced to serve from 17 to 80 years States of America." that we return to the status quo ante rural credits moneys divided among othy, $20; alfalfa, $23ound; woman, the forthcoming season, will temper of such a peace, due regard be­ may soon declare war against the ing paid to the aspirations of the peo­ United States because of the financial monarchy w ill soon be requisitioned to portionment, while Columbia, Gilliam, broilers, 186/19; ducks, live, 126/13c; resemble nothing so much as an in­ ples whose political fortunes and a ffil­ aid given to Italy is recognized by ad­ fill the needs o f war industries. Malheur, Morrow and Washington large young white, 17 6« 18c; large verted triangle. Bulletins from the iations w ill be Involved. ministration officials. counties have obtained no loans from young white springs, 206/,22c; geese, Fashion A rt Ia/ague convention make The re lie f sailing steamer Neptune, A u to c r a c y Is C on d em n ed . It was carefully explained here that the $6000 placed to their credit. live, 76/8c; springs, 136/.15e; turkeys, this clear. Dresses are to be drawn " I t is manifest that no part of this there is nothing in the existing situa­ commanded by Captain Robert Bart­ neatly in at the bottom; there w ill be Brook trout planted several years live, 20(ii,22c; dressed, 286/30c. programme can be successfully car­ tion, either diplomatic or military, lett, bringing some o f the members o f Vegetables— Tomatoes, 656/ 75c per recrudescence o f the old billowy ried unless the restitution o f the status that would cause the United States the McMillan Arctic exploring party ago in Wahtum Lake, originally w ith­ quo ante furnishes a firm and satis­ to take the Initiative, but that an ano- out fish o f any species, have grown to crate; cabbage, 2$ Or 24c per pound; sleeves, with red ruching for the neck, factory basis for it. The object o f this molous state of affairs which may re­ from Greenland, is off the coast of a size o f eight and 10 inches, accord­ lettuce, 60c per dozen ; curumbera, 40 wide shoulders and imalest pannier* Labrador. war is to deliver the free peoples of ing to O. H. Rhodes and Harry Kemp, 6/60c; peppers, 8c per pound; beans, and bustles. the world from the menace and the sult in broadening the war does exist actual power of a vast military es­ was not denied. The San Francisco Iron Trades coun­ Odell men who have just returned to 7c; com, 30c per dozen. The bustle has been making a most Relations of the United 8tates with tablishment controlled by an irrespon­ Potatoes -New Oregon, 246/ 3Jr per determined effort to stage a comeback cil, representing 25,000 men, voted to Hood River, from a trip to the inland sible government which, having secret­ Germany's allies are defined as still call a strike Labor day in sympathy j body o f for several years, but thia is the first water in the Southwestern pound; Hweet potatoes, 7c. ly planned to dominate the world, pro­ a state of unbroken diplomatic rela­ Onions- W alla Walla, $1.50. season it has gained any ground. Any­ The returned ceeded to carry the plan out without tions. Officials hesitate to describe with striking car men o f the United part of this coupty. Green Fruits — Cantaloupes, stand­ how it ia now here, greatly modifle«! In regard either to the sacred obliga­ them as unfriendly, although admit­ Railroads unless the differences be­ anglers declare that the trout take to a tions of treaty or the long-established ting that they could scarcely be called tween men and the company are fly readily and that the sport o f fishing ard, $2.256/2.50 per crate; peaches, size, but the opening wedge has been practices and long-cherished principles friendly. 75c6/$1.10; watermelons, $1.50 per placed. for them is excellent. settled before that date. hundred; apples, $1.256/2.15 per box; Michaelis May Go Soon. Shortage o f carB on the Southern pears, $2.25; plums, 75c per crate; According to Die Morgen Post, o f Camofleurs Are Wanted. Accuses Ex-War Minister Berlin, the police in Germany intend Pacific lines in Oregon nets 893. The grapes, $1.256/: 1.50; casabas, l jc per Copenhagen— The possibility o f an­ Washington D. C. — For tho first Petrograd.— A t the trial for high to prohibit smoking in the streets, in shortage o f open cars is 1077 and the pound. other change in imperial chancellors American "cam ouflage” unit, the army treason of Gen. Soukhomlinoff, for­ view o f the decline o f tobacco stocks. surplus o f closed cars 184. Hops — 1916 crop, 22c per pound; in Germany is discussed by Georg chief o f engineers has issued a call for mer minister of war, Gen. Ivanoff, The prohibition w ill be extended to the The first carload o f pearn to be 1917 contracts, 35c. Bernhard in the Vossische Zeitung. enlistment o f “ ingenious young men whole o f Germany. W ool— Extra Oregon, fine, 506160c form er commander in Volhynia and »hipped from Roseburg this season le ft He says that it is plainly evident that who are looking for special entertain­ Instructions to intern K arl Arm- Thursday fo r the East. They were per pound; coarse, 55///60c; valley, 58 ment in the way o f fooling Germans.” the appointment o f minor officials like Galicia, testified Wednesday he had 6/ 60c; mohair, long staple, 55c. information showing that m ilitary se­ gaard Graves, self-Btyled international from the Garden Valley orchards and Dr. Michaelis, without general political Cascara Bark— New , 74c per pound; It is planned to organize a company o f crets had been communicated direct spy, were received at Kansas City Sat­ were o f excellent quality. They were experience, was a great mistake. camoufleurs largely from among iron old, 8c. Theodore W olff, o f the Tageblatt, from Petrograd to Germany and Aus­ urday from Washington. Graves was shipped by the Umpqua Valley Fruit and sheet metal workers, sign and C attle— arrested last week as an enemy alien Union. F ifteen cars of pears dismisses the new Bundesrath-Keichs- tria by way of Warsaw. Best beef steers........ . . . $ 8.2560 8.50 scene painters, «•arpenters, cabinet Gen. Velitchko, deputy director of whose freedom threatened the security will be shipped from Douglas county tag committee as “ a nostrum designed makers, stage carpenters, property the engineer corps, said he regarded Good beef steers........ . . . 7.006« 8.00 this season. to soothe the cry o f the German people Gen. Soukhomlinoff as having been o f the country. men, plaster moulders and photograph­ Best beef cows.......... . . . 6.506« 7.25 fo r popular control o f the govern­ principally responsible for the defeats ers. These men will devote their wits George J. Gould, Jr., o f Lakewood, 3.506« 6.00 Quick action on the part o f stock- Ordinary to good . . , . . . . of the Russian army. m ent.” to deceiving the Germans. N. J., appeared before the draft ex­ men has effectually checked the epi­ Best h e ife r s .............. . . . 6.75fri) 7.25 emption board Saturday and was re­ Bulls........................... demic o f blackleg among cattle near l oot Kept for Six Years. Arm y Gains 1900 Men. jected as being physically unfit. C a lv e s ....................... . . . Robbers Kill Tw o For Coin. 6.506« 9.25 Bend, the vaccination o f more than Roseburg, Ore. — Six years ago a Paris— The Am erican field service, Stockers and fee«lers. . . . 4.506« 6.75 Chicago.— Tw o men carrying $8100, The number o f British merchantmen 900 head o f young stock being com­ burglar entered the home o f George w ith 1100 men in the ambulance Hogs— branch and 800 in the transport branch, the pajroll of the Winslow Bros.’ Iron sunk by submarines or mines in the pleted. No further danger from the Prime light hogs . . . . . . .$17.256«17.50 Beeeroft, o f this city, and stole $65 in ia to be taken over by the American Works, were shot to death In front last week was only slightly larger than disease is expected this season. Prim e heavy hogs . . . . . . 17.006il7.25 gold, a camera, automatic revolver, army, the ambulance branch going o f the plant Tuesday by five robbers, the previous week, when a consider­ Despite the greatest difficulties ex ­ P i k » ........................... . . . 15.506« 16.00 rifle and other articles o f considerable under control o f the medical service who escaped with the money in an able falling off was noted. 17.25 value. Thursday Mr. Beeeroft received Bulk ......................... perienced in obtaining cam for either automobile. by mail from Chicago a package con­ and the transport under that o f the The imperial munitions board at Ot­ contractors or material men, State Sheep— Louis Osenberg and Barton Allen, $13.006/118.50 taining $80 in billa and practically all Quartermaster General. has an­ Western lambs.......... the slain payroll messengers, were re­ tawa has announced that the produc­ Highway Engineer Nunn 11.756/112.50 the loot taken from his home. On the Colonel Jefferson Kean, who is in turning from a bank in an automobile. tion o f munitions in Canada would be nounced that there is now under way, Valley lambs........ . 10.0061)10.50 package were the words, “ I f not called general charge o f the ambulance serv­ As they stepped In front o f the en­ discontinued, as no longer necessary, including' bridge construction, practi­ Y earlin gs................. 9.756« 10.50 for return to C. F. Brown, 33 Dear­ ice, w ill continue to serve the French trance in the Iron works a car con­ except in some lines, which in part cally $1,600,000 worth o f state high­ W ethers..................... taining the robbers drew up. 8.006« 8.50 born street, Chicago.” w ill be produced in lessened quantities. way work. E w e s ......................... . . . arm y as before. A M E R IC A D E C LA R E S FO R A R E A L P E A C E Object of War Is to Deliver World From Power Now Balked But Not Beaten — Permanent Peace Only Is Desire. C O M P ILE D FO R YO U I M UCH R E M A IN S TO DO FRUIT SHIPMENTS IMMENSE NORTHWEST MARKET REPORT AUSTRIA MAY DECLARE WAR BUSTLES GAIN IN POPULARITY