VOL. XIV FALLS CITY NEWS SOME ARMY TERMS 1 r B A KALLS CITY PRESERVE YOUR i i .......... — SHOES. OREGON. S A TU R D A Y , SEPTEMBER 1. 1017 THE BIGGEST GUNS • It W ill R e p a y Y o u to O iv o T h o m P r o p ­ er C o r o end Attention. "roarer” the opposing counsel In hla ] loudest tones ssld to the witness, “ I f you say that my client'a borne waa a ‘roarer,* Just represent to the Jury the sort o f noise be made." "No,” said the witness “ You must understand that that Is not my business. Now, if you will be the borne and make the noiae, I, aa veterinary surgeon, will ezpreaa an opinion as to whether you are a ‘roarer’ or n o t!"— Farm and Home. N o. 1. SHOE SALE We all wear shoea. I f we manage them rightly they will last longer, we Those Used on Land Outweigh tin will not need so many new ones and Largest In the Navy. there will be more left for others. The following suggestions from the leuth er nnd puper laboratory of the United HOW A R M Y U N ITS A R E N A M ED . Staten department o f agriculture can OUR C O A ST D E F E N S E G IA N T S . He la a braie man who refute« to be lie utilized by every one who walks: Hlioca ahould be oiled or greased T h a S ix te e n In c h M o n s t e r s at B a n d y disheartened by tbe fact that he was Tha Varlaua Designations From a beaten yesterday. H o o k a n d P a n a m a C a n 8 in k a V m i l Corp# to a Squad—In Bpsaking of a whenever the leather begins to get B a fo r a It A p p e a r s A b o v # th a H o rizo n , hard or dry. They ahould bo bruabed C o m p a n y , T r o o p or B a tt a r y tha L a t - H u n g r y A n ts. H o w tho B i g G u n s A r o M ade. thoroughly and then all the dirt and tar Should Always B a N a m e d Firat. To have his'm ail eaten up by white mud that remains washed off with There are two classes o f gunt—naval T o IU« ordinary civilian, who la not warm water, the excess water being nuts la sometimes tbe lot o f the resi­ particularly well poali-d on military taken off with a dry doth. While the guns and arruy or land guns, iter ause dent o f Hlaiu. owing to negligent or matters, an lnl«r|ir«latlou o f Ilia army "hoes aro nttlt wet and warm apply they cuu be Hiunlpulab-d more easily » rtininnl |*ostul officials. A few months terms In general u»o may prove of In- th« nil or grease with a nwnli o f wool Hum those of a ship, laud guns are the ago a whole bag of mall was lost lu trroal Tlio follow Inn aro among II cko or flannel It Is best to have the oil or heavier. Tho largest naval gun Is the au outlying district, and tbe letters that aro moat ooualanlly employ«,! grease alsuit as warm aa tin- hand rail fifteen Inch gun, and the largest land were afterward found In tbe Jungle F A corps la two or more divisions ls*ar. and It ahould Is* rublicd well gnu la the German howitzer, or 10.5 partly eaten. and la commanded by a major general Into the Icaiuer, preferably with the Inch gun. I A division la cotn|M»ied of two or palm Fame has only the span of a day, Of the two the naval gnu fires a shell I f necessary the oil can tie sp- I anore hrtgadea and la also commanded ! piled to dry leather, but It penetrates weighing over half a ton, while the they say. Hut to live in the hearts of I by a major general belter when the latter Is wet. After other fires a projectile a ton In weight. the people—that Is worth something.— A brigade, commanded by a brlga (rcntmrnt the shoes should Is* left to Hut the lietv giant sixteen Inch guns Guida, dler general, la composed o f tw o or dry lu n place that Is warm, not hot. o f the United Ktutcs defending the H is t o r y R e p a s t s Itse lf. more regiments and tnde|>cnd«nt ram* Cantor oil la satisfactory for shoes Panama canal and New Y’ork at Handy "Can't say that the workl Is getting panlea or battalions. Hook shoot projectiles weighing 2,370 that are to Is» polished; for plainer a bit smarter." n rerted grandpa “ My A regiment o f Infantry consists of footgear nentsfoot. fish oil or oleine pounds, which Is over a ton. These grandson asks rr ? Hie same silly ques­ twelve line companies and three addl may tie substituted If It Is desired to Immense ateel guns cau sink a t^ilp be­ tions that bis father asked at bis age." tloual companies It Is commanded by fore It ban really come Into sight on make the shoes nud hoots more water­ a colonel, with the following additional (ue horizon, the location of tbe battle­ proof beef tallow may be added to any officers: One lieutenant colonel, three B u t H e D id . o f these allbalances at the rnte o f half ship having been determined by air­ majors. Ilfteen captains ns company Teacher—Bobby, give an example of a pound o f U llow to a pint of oil. The plane or tower. coiumandera. three of them also Isdng How these huge pieces are made Is the double negative. edge o f the aole and the welt should bo memls'rs o f the colonera stnIT as adju Bobby—I d o j't kuow none. described as follows by Ibe Popular greased thoroughly. Too much grenne tant, quartermaster and commissary, Science Monthly. Tbe first step Is tbe The love o f country Is more |>owevful tw o lleutenanta to each company, one cannot be applied to these parta, A simple method o f making the soles making of tbe pig Iron from Iron ore than reason Itself. -Ovid. lieutenant nettng on each o f the three more durable, pllatah* and water re- t In large furnaces like towers, called majors' staffs. blast furnacea. Then tbe pig Iron Is A battalion ta made up o f four com \ slstant Is to swab them oceaalonalty melted with other steel In large steel F I L T H , F I N G E R S AND F L I E S . with linseed oil. setting them aside to panics and Is commanded by a major. furnaces calk'd “ open hearth" until It dry overnight. A company of Infautry consists of Many o f the common shoe polishes ^ Is freed o f Us Impurities and con vert- T keaa A r e the M o s t P o to n t F a c t o r s In about I.V) men, divided Into two pla­ 8 p r a a d in g D ise a se . are harmful to leather. All those i ed Into ateel. toons; platoons are divided Into nqiinda. Tbe melted'steel, thin as water. Is Fingers as disease carriers rank next ' which contain sulphuric, hydrochloric A platoou la commanded bv a llcutcn run from these furnaces Into big Iron to files. Dirty fingers nnd finger nails ant a commissioned officer; two or 1 or oxalic acids, turpentine, benzine or molds, where It Is allowed to cool Into may carry about with them as many other volatile aolvenls have n tendency more squads are commanded by a ser­ large solid cylindrical or corrugated disease germs as dirty files. For this to harden the leather nnd make it mure geant; a squad Is commanded by a cor­ blocks A fter cooling these are reheat­ reason filth, fingers and flies are said poral and comprises seven men Itcsldes liable to crack. ed and reduced In size by (Knindlng to be tbe moat common means by It la |HMir economy. loo, to wear a the corporal. them with big steel hammers ami which disease Is spread. A safe rule A company of cavalry Is called a shoe with the tieel badly worn on one squeezing them In rolls until at last that has been given with reference to side This throws the slme out of troop, and a battalion o f cavalry Is the steel Is pressed Into a long barrel- avoiding any Infection that tbe hands shape nnd may Boon result In Its ruin. called a squadron. ; like mass, tbe embryo of a real gun. might carry Is to wash the bands Im­ A company of nrtlllcry Is called a It Is also likely to cause temporary This long skc.dton o f the in;,Ido o f a mediately before eating, before han­ battery. It la divided Into sections, j lujury to the foot. gun must be bored out from one eud dling, preparing or serving food, after and there may be different numbers of to the other ou Immense lutliu*. some attending the sick and a fte r handling Hair and Cold Watte. guns, according to the klud o f artillery. over ninety feet long. Heavy as Ibe anything dlrt.v. T o make your hair grow use cold Three batteries o f artillery make a mass Is. a huge lathe turns It around A common habit with many people water as It runs from the hydrant. us easily ns n body turns a spool. battalion. that Is not only dangerous from a The word "company,” “ troop" or Apply the water to your hair with A fter tile Inside has been rifled or “ battery" ahould not be ns,si liefore the your wet hands and run your Augers scored to form an Inside surface that health point of view, but Is disgusting­ ly Indecent from every point o f view, through what hair you have or rub letter, as “ Company B.” It would be gives Ibe shell a (w ist before It leaves the same as to any "Street Jackson." i your scalp with your wet cold hands. lb* muzzle and causes It to fly straight Is the constant picking o f the nose and This exercise will bring tin* blood to the lower or muzzle end o f tbe gun Is mouth with the fingers. A safe rule The letter comes first. Just ns the nu ineral comes liefore the word regiment Iho sculp, and only from the blood can made larger. This may be accomplish­ and n decent one Is to keep the hands —"Second regiment," not “ Itegtment you get new hulr or make the hair you ed In one or tw o ways. Either addi­ sway from the face, particularly the nose and mouth, and If these parts already have more luxuriant. You can­ ftceoud " tional shorter steel tidies are placed Troops are either "federal«" (regular! not get Inilr from grease. Nothing In over the mnlu Inner lube, or the main need nttentlon use a clean handker­ or national guard Every male citizen the world Is so good for the hair as tula* Is wound with w ire and finished chief. A dirty handkerchief Is as dan­ of the CnltMl Ktntes between the age* cold water applied with the wet hand» with an outer tube. The wire wound gerous and may be as much a means T h e r e must be a Beginning sometime. De­ of eighteen and forty-live la a member until the water hits reached the scalp guus are usually tbe heavier and are of spreading disease as dirty Sneers. The United States public health serv­ o f the inllftlu Never Use the word But do not Immerse your head In mid used on board ship. lays are only a waste o f time. One Dollar ice says: “ Disease germs lead a band when referring to organized In si lea of water. This Is all too mu- li of a Tbe gun bound with w-lre Is really will start. Every additional dollar will help. to mouth existence. I f the human race shock.—Los Angeles Times. troops stronger than the one built o f bands or would learn to keep the unwashed hand , This bank invites you. There are no nueb things as "militia , rings o f steel, one on another, for the away from the mouth many human dis­ Think Health. Never say muskets. There are not tlemen to treasure up, as In n nmgn- tra thickness of metal must be put on added a few American title*. f any. Artillery carry pistols nnd not j zlno, the most remarkable pieces on (he muzzle o f the gun. where the vl ENTERTAINS VISITOR FRIENDS the subjects above mentioned “ —Lon­ revolvers. bratlon caused by the shell leaving the Where trained specialists with modern lab Troops generally move In columns. l don Times, oratories and adequate equipment give in­ gun Is the greatest. Mr. and Mrs W alter Tice enter­ We are told that the. German The usual column la four men abreast, The breech, or the back end of n gun. struction leading to collegiate degrees in ths H e r F ir s t Jou rn ey. two ranks comprising s sqtind, with people are opposed to this war. tained a number o f friends Sun­ following schools: Margnret, five years old, was travel- Is a very Important part. Here the the corporal as the man on the left In AGRICULTURE, with 15 department«; but are forced to fight; England day at dinner. Those present; shell Is Inserted In a specially built the rear rank. They go into the tiring i tng for the first time. Mho sat as If COMMERCE, with 4 departments, chamber. After the shell Is in place line In "eztem lcd order," sometlmca entranced by the view from tho car ENGINEERING, with ft departments, in­ resorted to force— d raft— to fill Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tice of Spo­ the breech Is closed by the shutting of referred to ns n skirmish line. Troops : window. eluding Civil. Electrical, Highway. Industrial her quoto. Canada has been in a very complicated and strong door. Arts. Irrigation, and Mechanical Engineering; Her father, noticing the rnpt expres kane. Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Geo. arc sent Into battle or engagement as great turmoil; Russia has practi­ FORESTRY, includiug Logging Engineer- the firing lino, the aupport and the re­ slon on her face as the train sped along, It Is fastened or fitted In the gnn by Chilberg and daughter o f Tacoma, extremely strong screws, so that the lag. cally laid down, and the people in serve. The tactical unit In line o f bat i said: HOME ECONOMICS, with 4 major depart "W hat do you think o f It, Margaret?" charge will not burst the gun open at tie or engagement Is the battalion. Wash., Mrs. A. J. Shipley and this country have not enthused. went*, including training in the Practice She replied; “ Oh, father. It Is Just the back w hen It Is fired. A picket consists of several men, gen­ daughter o f Monmouth and Mr. House; Under such conditions the only Sometimes a shell explodes In the erally a squad. One of a picket Is a like a picture book, only you don't have MINING, with three departments, inelnd barrel o f Hie gun. In a wire bound Geo. Tice of Falls City. hinderence to peace appears to and Mrs. sentinel or aentry. In front and on the to turn the pages.'*—Chicago News. gun the wire tends to prevent a grave Ing Chemical Engineer tag; fl*nk« of all troops In camp are out­ be the leaders o f the waring na­ ----------------------- PHARMACY. disaster. It hinders the steel tubes posts—pickets. All troops doing guard D e h y d r a tin g . THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC, offer« instmr tions. from bursting Into many pieces and There Is more Catarrh In this section of duty, picket duty, OBtpoet dull, etc., Dehydrating Is simply w-hnt waa for­ lion In the principal departments of vocal the country than all other diseases put flying In every direction. The solid and instrumental music are commanded by "the officers of the merly known as drying fruits ami veg­ together, and until the last few years was supposed to be Incurable. For a great The old method o f paring gun Is wholly built o f tubes, while In THE M IL IT A R Y DEPARTMENT, enrolled day," ao designated for a period of etables. many years doctors pronounced It a local twenty-four hours, as are the troops on i and slicing apples, stringing the slices the wire wound gun there may be one 1085 cadets in 1918 17. and won recommen The Salem Journal opines that disease and prescribed local remedlea, and guard duty. by constantly falling to cure with local and banging them up to dry, although or two tubes, over which the wire Is j dation for O A. C. from the Western Depart the Medford Daily Sun should be treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Sci­ tnent of tha U. 8. War Department aa one of wound with the Jacket tubes shrunk | j called drying, was really dehydrating. ence has proven Catarrh to bo a consti­ over the wire. A bush for the breech »he nfteen ‘ ' distinguished institutions*' of denied the right to ‘shine’, for tutional disease, and therefore requires —New York Sun. Washing tha Dishes.* ring Is «crewed Into the rear end, higher learning. All cadets will be furnished alleged mispepresentations o f the constitutional treatment. H all’s Catarrh ' x| A convenient device In the form o f a re. manufactured by F J. Cheney A which Is also re enforced by a breech Complete uniforms by the V. 8 Oortrnment T o o k It to H e rse lf. 0 , Toledo. Ohio, Is the only Constttu good sized depression In the center or The Journal tlonal and D»« Junior and senior cadets, enrolled in acts of Anjerica. cure on the market. It Is taken In­ ring outside. “ She's « vain girl. There Is no mlr- j end o f a kitchen sink does away wiih the R. O. T. C., will be given commutation for ternally In doses from 10 drops to a tea does not give any detailed account spoonful the necessity of drawing and emptying , ror handy, ao now she Is looking at It acts directly on the blood subsistence, aa well as all transportation and mucous surfaces o f the eyetem. They water for a separate pan. n.v the ad­ ( the barometer." Tasi In Fortnaic Oratory. Subsistence st the sit woeha' Summer camp o f alleged Les-Majeste, that one end offer one hundred dollars for any case It dition o f a double set o f sieves the "H o w will tho barometer cater to her REGISTRATION BEGINS OCTOBER 8, may judge the punishment deser­ f«tls to cure. Send for circulars and tes­ It Is related that when a veterinary timonials. Address. dishes may be washed and drained vanity?" surgeon was enee calimi as a witness in 1917. Information on raquaat. Address: F. J CHENEY A CO , Toledo. O, without being touched by the hands. " I t says, 'Fair,* »-L o u is v ille Courier- . n case to prove that n horsç was a Registrar. Oregon Agricultural Collage! ved, but we would Venture to ad- Sold by Druegtate, TV. Light For the Layman Not Post­ j ed on Military Matters. ALL OUR LOW SHO ES ARE NOW M ATERIALLY CU T IN P R IC E . . . These shoes were bought before the extreme advances In leather and at our Sale Prices are far under present wholesale cost. THE SHOES ARE PLACED OUT ON TABLE AND ARE PLA IN LY M A RKED ............................. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER SELIG’S. Cash Price Store, “ Meeting and Beating Competition” . The way to have a Bank BANK O F FALLS CITY. The Oregon Agricultural College So Journal. I Corvallis, Oregon. vocat a s w ift and certain punish­ Take Hall’s Family PIUs for constipation. ^