PAOS 4. FALLS CITY N FAN'S CTlir 3Fallfl (Ciìii Nrtofl Three car-loads o f friends cam e' from Salt Creek Sunday, A uk . L-\ to say goodbye to Lloyd Miller be for»1 lie left for San Francisco*to enter the Navy Band training The best show at the lieui tonight school. D. L. WOOD Publish«- «olir»« a« »»oonJ-cl»«« nuli »« th* P»««»"'1'* • t Poli» Cttg. MS CoaatY. (>r»»ofc M** «SO Art *f Ooagreaa of March S. 1ST» Tdrphtkf News Off»«. S n b m ip tlo o R a I m : O n o y o o r .il 00 ; » 4 * montHo, IO conto, throomonths. rrnts; «in»!« cdv J. Set». A dvertíalo« Roteo; Duplay, 15 c e n t»on Inch; Bu»; urto Sot l e « , » c e n t o » Uno; Por Sol». Reni. Rochonge. Wont and Poy Kntertolnment No­ tte»«, 5 «lo. n line. Cord o f Thanks 50 cto; Lego Notice», lego! rote«. Copy for new Ad«. M d c h i n f f i i h o i i l d h t «enî to Th© New* not Uter th*n Wednesday. Official Newspaper of th# City ef Falla City I s s u e d E v e r y S a t u r d a y M o r n in g DRINK PUGH’S LOGANBERRY JUICE SOLD EVERYWHERE Af The Churches Free Methodist Sunday School 10 a. m. Preaching service 11 a. m. Song and praise service 7:30 followed by preaching at 8:00 Mid-week prayer meeting 7:30 p.m Everyone cordially invited to attend these services. Edgar N. Long. Pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Divine Services each Lord’s Day Bible School 10 a. m. Divine worship 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor 7 p. m. Evening Service 8 p. m. The public is invited to be with us in these services. F. Claude Stephens, Minister. M. E- CHURCH Sunday School 10:00 Morning Worship 11. AFTERNOON Junior League 3:00. Epworth League 7:00. Evening Service 8:00 Clothes denned and pressed. Will. Bohki. Mrs. W. P. Lewis came Thus-' |day from Salem for a few days! Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mehrling re­ visit with her mother, Mrs. Mary turned Tuesday from a few days Miller. She will leave today for visit at Newport. Tillamook where her husband is Mrs. Emma Hinshaw returned employed. Sunday from a blackberrying trip. Miss Ora McClain, Commercia 1 Lots o f berries and scratches. teacher in the Wasco high school spent Saturday and Sunday at W. H. Munson of Etna Mills. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hopkins', the California was here the tirst of guest of Miss Junie G. Braden. the week visiting his sister, Mrs. C. M. Olts. Mrs. C. R Cleveland and little son. of Glendale, Oregon art' here J. R. Moyer and wife returned visiting at the home of Mrs. J. M Monday from a two weeks visit Cleveland, and other relatives. with their daughters in Clacka- mas county. Claud Ellison has received a 50 horse gasolene engine which he will install at his electric light plant to supplomeot his water Mrs. Will Wood and son Leon­ power. It is to he hoped that the ard of Dallas came Tuesday to lights w ill be better. visit with D. L Wood and family. N. F. New house received his The Falls City Logging and Limi­ certificate of exemption from the ter company have received aril local board on Friday o f last week are operating their jitney on the but must now procure atlidavits lumber dock. further verifying his family's de- Mrs. Hanson and Faith are re- pendency upon him, for the dis-! covering from their illness of the triet board. Mr. New house and i family moved here recently from past week. Oregon City and is employed in C. J. Pugh and family left last the Cleveland tie mill. Sunday for a few days outing at Mrs. A. H. Dodd went to Lewis- Newport. They returned \\ ednes- uille Thursday. day. Mrs. Alfred Vick of Salem re­ Miss Bessie Cleveland and her turned home Tuesday after a few cousin. Miss Allensworth, were in days visit here. She assisted in Dallas Thursday. the postoffice during the post F. K.Hubbard went to Portland master’s absence to the Coast. Thursday. Nora Cleveland and Edith New house spent a pleasant afternoon j Ferris Dodd is harvesting near with Mrs. Randolph Butler on Pendleton. Wednesday last. Don’t forget to bring in news Mrs. Z. Batourney was down items, or drop them in our "news from Powell’s camp Monday. box” at the postoffice. We appre­ Mr3. N. Edith Brown, who is ciate them. now representing the Benjamin Corset Co. as State Organizer for Uncle Tom Hollowell intimates Oregon and Washington, was vis- that some one will carry off some- iting her mother, Mrs. Mary Miller thing besides onions and summer squashes, some night, if they are last Sunday. ! not careful. For Sale—Three good cows. W alter L. T o o l,', D allas, O regon. Jr. Lawyer ti. C art* WE SELL THE BEST m ilie u * G R O C E R I E S F. M. HELLW ARTH PH Y SICIAN ANI» BURGEON Today, tomorrow, or next week you w ill find the best that can he bought at any time or any place. (■He r o l i o tlitor i ’ i . h I u l I’ . (V om* r mi l J ralla « My. Ill • ilriM n I llOlIM (MtgMll SHOES AN!) LOWERS SUPPLIES Prices us low as consistent lirst-cluss merchandise. FALLS CITY LOGGING & S u e in c o o tín ic o with lin i>1 jftilla ilitç lb o tc l LUMBER CO. S s rn p l« R o o m « R o « t A c c o m m o d a tio n « f D roooo. F ro p rla to r «nom Bohle’s Iterber Shops I olio C it y , O rego n ^ÊXDO ù Î} SQ Q ÍK foP tf(P©lr¡j] tf(?aQŒ ) t e x ü a d i f â s ' Where «ou <»« get 4 Shut. Njir (ui, 841h er ‘lliliic Aérnl for Os'lti li am (sundry Hi id U r tura «rd rtl I UI' m U » «'tr illiti W hen travel­ ing, attending MON I XI t M 4 G . L. H A W K I N S m a r b l e a Theatre or a n o n g a n i r e MONUMENTS som e Social Function, or r, Dalloo, if S h oppin g, O regon 4 I IM ,;‘w don’ t forget to have DR. M IL E S’ IM I P l i a « l n il R. L. C H A P M A N i. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Wu altind to all work promptly. - A n ti ■ PAIN PILLS 0 ilia« ami fall. City. Oto BRINO D E S IR E D R E LIE F . " I have ua»d Dr. M ite«' Anti Pain P ill« for Bom* llm « ntul flrul t£»#m ait InvaluAhl* rem ed y fo r h©adi»* h©. I hav© always taker» pleutmr© in r©eom m ending them to my frl«*nd*. tx 'in f confident th at they ya 'H »»ring th# d#mr© T A T K J. O . M I C K A L S G N I) ’ -ilcr in k i HK.NBON, :.\ i , r .s T W i K KulU City, Oregon. \V©at I lm e n , Conn. 3 R 0 W N SI 3LCY A B ST R AC T ■!■ ! !' ! 1 I 1 1 I l -I-H -H * f H - !"F I H I I M - H 1 I CO; §10 Mill P #n«#. «»m f jt* JOHN H P.tlLK Y , U m n i n . I 'H -H -l-H -H * Our mhbtrim t ?>1©nt I* «■ » 4 s » l « « 'i l k Notice to Ntws Subscribers Y J. C. March, Falls City. Ore. W. H. Dorman and family left Fresh Bread, Cakes,Cookies,Pies last week for Brighton Bush Hot and other bakery goods, every Springs for a months outing. W E E K -D A Y S E R V IC E day, at the Falls City Bakery. Mr. Otto Teal, wife and baby Tuesday Gospel Chorus and Miss Bessie Cleveland and Mr. and Ralph Harrington made an orchestra practice 7:30 p. m. Ben Graves were visiting the lat- auto trip over near Blodgett, on Wednesday, Bible study and ter’3 relatives in Corvallis last Sunday with a view to locating. prayer meeeting 8, p. m. week. Friday Senior choir practice 8. Paul Paulson of Silverton of Statement of the was here Thursday with a view You are most cordially invited o f investing in real estate. B a n k o f F a lls C i t y to attend the Sunday school of the The party who borrowed a Ford Cit>- ? unt>’ of uPo,k’ Sta* M. E. Church. Be a regular ' and pump from mv of Oregon, showing the amount attendent, you will like it more. inner tube, and pump from my , garage will please return them as , *tond“ « to the credit of every At the Sunday morning service I need them badly. * depos.tor July 1, 1917, who has the pastor will endeavor to ans- not made a deposit, or who has T. D. Hollowell. wes the question, "W hy a Chris­ not withdrawn any part o f his de- tian should join the Church.” Mrs. Nora Cleveland, Mrs. Edith posits (commercial deposits), prin- The Senior Choir will sing and Newhouse and small sons w ere! ciple or interest, for a period of some special music will be in order. callers at Mrs. Fred Perrins’ on more than seven (7) years imme Topic for the League meeting Thursday of last week. diately pryor to said date, with next Sunday night is "Echo Meet­ G. W. Green and wife arrived the name, last known place of ing for Summer Institute or Con­ residence or postoffice address vention.” Come and bring some from Long Beach, California on Tuesday to see Mrs. Green’s sister 8UC^ depositor, and the fact one with you. Mrs. Thos. Kneebone, who is very death, if known, At 7 o’clock next Sunday night $x.<»0 ill. : Eagle Lodge, Falls City, the third one in the series o f vaca­ Geo. Hodges, Falls. City, .50 Mrs. W. A. Allensworth and tion sermons will be given. Sub­ 1.57 John Vernon, Falls City ject: ‘Jesu3 on the Lake.” There daughter of Carson, Iowa arrived will be special music and the Tuesday evening for a months State of Oregon, ) ss County of Polk, f orchestra will assist. visit with her sister, Mrs. J. M. Services at Black Rock next Cleveland. The sisters had not1 I, M. L Thompson, being first duly sworn, deposes and say upon Sunday afternoon Aug. 26. met in 23 years. oath, that I am the President of The Probationers class will meet Dr. A. G. Attwaod was in ^u‘ the Bank of Falls City, County of in the League,rooms at 4 o'clock gene last week and reported that state of Oregon; that the Monday. city to be deader n heck. Many foreproinpr statement is a full, true, Rev. Hanson visited Black Rock houses occupied free of rent to correct and complete statement, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this keep insurance alive. Business of showing the name, last known week he took a hike to two o f the all kinds bum. j residence or postoffice address, Spaulding logging camps. For Sale—Five-acre tract, good fact of death, if known, arid 8-room house, out buildings, all in amount to the credit o f each de- fru it Apply to Mrs. Mary Miller | positor as required by the provis­ by local applications, as they cannot ion of Chapter 148, o f the General reach the diseased portion o f the ear. B. L. Ellis and wife and Dr. There is only one way to cure deafness, Laws of Oregon, 1907, and Chap­ and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condi­ Prime and wife returned Friday ter 214 of the General Laws of tion o f the m ucous lining o f the Eusta­ chian Tube. W hen this tube Is Inflimcd from a trip to Newport. Oregon, 1917. you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect DR. F O S T E R , Chiropractor hearing, and when It Is entirely closed M. L. Thompson, Deafness 1« the result, and unless the In flamraaUon can be taken out and this Treats all Chronic Troubles suc­ Subscribed and sworn to before tube restored to Its norma! condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cessfully, using electricity in all me this 14th day of July A.D. 1917. cases out o f ten are caused by Catarrh, which 13 nothing but an Inflamed condi­ forms. The Electric Brush for W. H. Beard, tion o f the m ucous surfaces VT« will « le e One Hundred fe U a u fot any e ««» e f all scalp troubles. Phone 1624. rv.afaess (raosed by cat»rrlii that cannot hocti Notary Public for Oregon. lia ll t (Catarrh Cur«. Send fo r circola ri free Nattional Bank Building, Suit 21 My commission expires March 22, V . J CHBFBT, A C O , Toledo, Ohio. Bold by Druggist«. 76e. Dallas, Oregon, Box No. 362 1917. 11-18-25-1 Take □ a i l ’« * a m ili 1*111» fo r coasU p«u>o. Deafness Cannot Be Cured SATtm nAV. Al (il SI *25 . liti?. A i; ark here indicateli that your subscription I« delinquent, ricuce i all and fix it. I M r. M o m « S « « k « r — G M E TO F A L L S C I T Y . O R E G O N a n d B u y O r c h a r d L and I t » d u c » t l » r . * f « » r a fa ll » » n « » * u « M I - • la M U IT A R Y D R IL L , D O M C A T tC SC IE N C E A R T » AND C O M M E R C E F t , « fa r « I t . r t l » » fu t a .» • V aur M m t r y n a a d • H. S « a d l a » «ra a IM w «lra t»4 b o a f c la t » ." I rain « M I n i s f c r F » s - - o r W a r *an<< T b » W a r n « » « 4 U fa U n h ra ra lty .- » 4 4 « « , » • « I n i « , UN IVFR SIT Y O f 0 R E 6 0 N . ( u o m . Otrtoii BIRTHDAY PARTY On Saturday eve, Aug. 18, a large party of friends pleasantly surprised Mr. A1 Bowman at his home. An old-fashioned dance and a liounteous supply of refresh­ ments were enjoyed by all. The affair was in honor of Mr. Bow­ man’s birthday. CALLED MEETING A meeting of the Falls City Dramatic Club w ill be held Satur­ day eve, September 8, 1917 ut9;i)0 Headquarter* foi Candy and t’ i^ftr« o’clock, Wagner’s Hall. All mem­ WEATHERLY CONFECTIONERY. bers requested to attend. Any one desiring to take part in Club production the coming season will please apply by letter to the Falls City Dramatic Club. S '* HURT IN RUNAWAY Tuesday the Spaulding Logging Co. tried out their new method of dropping logs off the mountain by means o f cars attached by cable to a donkey engine and results were sudden and disastrous. The weight of the loaded car tore the main drum from its housings and in so doing demolished the rest of the donkey engine. Rain Russell the chief engineer of Black Rock camp was riding the load and after attempting to cheek the run away car h.v hand­ brakes and seeing th e. futility of such proceedure jumiled for safe­ ty, landing on the back o f his head injuring himself severely. He was taken to the Dallas hos­ pital. Q U E S T I O N FOR B I B L F S T U D E N T S Which day of the week is the "Lord s Day.” Give scriptural reference. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brown re­ Cande s, Tobaccos and Cigars, at turned Frirlay night of last week L B. W O N D ERLY’« from a trip to Newport. They repoit conditions better on the - N other side of the mountains; past­ SOUTHERN PACIFIC ures green and cattle looking line. PnnHonger Train Schedule Effect n - July 1 '». 1917 The fogs and dews have supplied 161 1*1 1*7 wiirtoi ni) am. a sufficient amount of moisture. am. pm. Salem . . . 7 or, 9.35 3. 15 They went by way of McTimmins Dallas . . . X.15 10.57 5.15 Valley and returned by way of Falls City M 5 11.80 5.15 Hoskins. They found some of the Bl’kRock. 11 ;5Q 170 10© roads badly cut up into ruts but tAhTHOt’W D (64 pm. pm. am. met with no mis-hap until near 1.00 Bl’k Rock Hoskins where they had a punct 5.50 9.20 1 .20 Falls City 0.25 C orresp on d en t« wanted in every ure which delayed them some. Dallas . . . 10.00 1.45 7.20 Salem . . . 11.00 3.10 n eigh borh ood in this section ot the They arrived home a 11 o’clock A c 1*01- res, AOSST ^ p. m. cou n try . b. ( COMPANY - i y