Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, August 25, 1917, Image 2

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Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Brent« o f Noted People, Government«
and Pacific Northwest and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
An embargo has Eieen proclaimed on
Chinese as well as Siamese credits in
German banks, according to a dispatch
from Berlin.
Count von Bernstorff. the former
German ambassador to the United
States, has been appointed, according
to the Berlin Vossische Zeitung, to the
post at Constantinople.
An Amsterdam dispatch to Reuter’s
Limited, London, states that Berlin
newspapers announced the seizure o f
all property in Germany belonging to
the government o f Siam or to its c iti­
Mobilization o f the second increment
o f draft troops was changed Tuesday
from September 15 to 19, and the
third increment from September 30 to
October 3. Mobilization o f the first
increment w ill be as previously an­
nounced September 5.
Sheriff James N. Taylor, a member
o f the Logan county, Kentucky, ex ­
emption board, and J. W. Edward,
county judge, were arrested by a dep­
uty United States marshal on the
charge o f conspiring to violate provis­
ions o f the selective draft law.
Burma beans, found on analysis by
the state
laboratory at Bozeman,
M ont, to contain strychnine, were or­
dered destroyed by the state board of
health. Tons o f them had been ship­
ped into this state and sold to innocent
German agencies are sus­
In prinipcle the British government
is o f the opinion. Lord Robert Cecil,
minister o f blockade, told the house
committee Tuesday, that neutral ship­
ping which has been
assisting Great
Britain’s enemies
should be treated after the war on the
same footing as enemy shipping.
It costs the United States just
$156.30 to equip an infantryman for
service in France. Figures just made
public show that o f this total, clothing
represents $101.21; fighting equip­
ment $47.36, and eating utensils $7.73.
The soldier’s gas mask costs $12; his
steel helmet $3 and his rifle $19.50.
Hog prices, which have risen every
day since July 21, reached a new high
record in Chicago Tuesday when they
soared to $19.75 per 100 pounds. In
August, 1914, hogs sold fo r $8.90. The
top price during August, 1915, was
$7.85; during August, 1916, it was
$11.50. On August 1, 1917, the price
was $16.30.
Warning against exploiters o f wo­
man labor was sent from Washington,
D. C., to its state and local branches
Saturday by the National American
Woman Suffrage association. A cir­
cular letter urges every woman who
does a man’s work to demand a man’s
pay, “ as a matter E>oth o f justice to
herself and duty to her fellow work­
A dispatch to the London Daily Mail
from Vevey, Switzerland, says the
barns o f the Zeppelin works at Fried-
richshaven are being used for the
building o f a new type o f airship from
which much is expected. The body of
the machine is serpentine in form and
from both sides of it smoke clouds can
t>e thrown out which w ill entirely con­
ceal the machine.
Buckwheat cakes w ill t>e plentiful
this winter, according to predictions
made by state officials o f Pennsylvania.
That state has led the nation in buck­
wheat production for years and this
season there was an increase o f 15 per
cent in acreage.
Consequently, it is
stated that last year’s crop o f 4,250,-
000 bushels may lie increased to 6,200,-
000 bushels in 1917.
German Newspapers Beginning to Take
Seriously Preparation« o f Uncle
Sam for Prosecuting War.
Amsterdam - The Cologne Gazette,
which is the first German newspaper
to take seriously the American war
preparations, in a leading article warns
the public that a fter all it might be
worth while to watch the United
It is possible that the Cologne news­
paper is acting on instructions from
Berlin, for it is felt in the German
capital that it would be foolish to al­
low the newspapers to publish derisive
reports o f Uncle Sam's war work when
the authorities know that American
aid w ill decide the war against Ger­
many. Two months ago fashionable
Berlin considered the American war
preparations little more than a circus
“ Am erica’s arm y,” says the Cologne
Gazette, "becomes stronger daily. The
country’s factories are doing all they
can to turn out air machines and other
material, ships are t>eing built at all
the yards— everything is being done to
increase the m ilitary value o f the
army to the highest possible point.
“ N o wonder a new hopefulness is
noticeable in the souls o f our enemies,
who are encouraged to hold out another
winter, after which, with the new
troops from America, they w ill defeat
the central powers and bring the war
to a triumphant end.
“ The enemy countries know better
than to try to bring about a decision
this year, but their people have sweet
hopes. Small detachments of Am eri­
can troops are paraded in the streets
o f Paris and London, and are welcomed
there as a symbol o f the E>etter days
which w ill take place o f these sad
“ We cannot doubt that the A m eri­
cans w ill fight, not only because the
great financial and industrial powers
in that country do not wish to drop the
golden fruit o f war orders, but t>ecause
they look forward to the days o f peace
when lettered Europe w ill have to be
rebuilt with American help.
“ The American government does
not know whether next year the en­
tente with the help o f American sol­
diers w ill win, but it knows that it
w ill need an army to enforce its posi­
tion in Central and South America, in
the Pacific and Far East. This is why
Washington does not wish to do any­
thing at>out the pope’s peace appeal.”
Senate Adopts Amendment Affecting
Receipts o f $500.000 Yearly.
Dealers and Middlemen To Be
Regulated Next.
Washington State is Highest, Having
Base Kate o f $3.25 Per Ton
S. Divided Into 29>l>istricts.
Washington, D. C.— Bituminous coal
prices were fixed by President Wilson
Tuesday night for every mine in the
United States. The next step in coal
control, a White House announcement
said, w ill t>e to fix the prices to be
charged by middlemen and retailers.
Prices were set on cost o f produc­
tion estimates furnished by the Fed­
eral Trade commission after months of
exhaustive investigation.
The coun­
try is divided into 29 districts, and
every producer in a district w ill mar­
ket his output at the same price.
The President named no agency to
carry out the provisions o f his order,
but is expected to appoint soon a coal
administrator, who will be given en­
tire control o f the coal industry. Ru­
mor here has named President H. A.
Garfield, o f Williams college, as the
man. Mr. Garfield now heads a com­
m ittee named by the President to fix a
government price for wheat.
work w ill end by September 1, when
the'wheat committee probably w ill be
The prices named for run of mine
coal in the large producing districts
average slightly more than $2.
In a
few districts they are below that fig­
ure. and in the Western territory they
are higher. Washington state is high­
est, with $3.25 at the mine. The price
for Washington state prepared sizes is
$3.50 and for slack or screening $3.
The President’s statement said:
" T h e scale of prices is prescribed
for bituminous coal at the mine in the
several coal-producing districts.
It is
subject to reconsideration when the
whole method o f administering the
fuel supplies o f the country shall have
been satisfactorily organized and put
into operation.
Subsequent measures w ill have as
their object a fa ir and equitable con­
trol o f the distribution o f the supply
and o f prices not only at the mines,
but also at the hands o f the middlemen
and retailers.”
The prices fixed range from 20 to 35
per cent under the maximum price of
$3 fixed by government officials and
operators at a conference here more
than a month ago.
The $3 price
agreement, however, did not hold, as
many operator« refused to abide by
it a fter Secretary Baker, as the presi­
dent o f the Council o f National De­
fense, repudiated it as too high. Prices
recently have ranged far at>ove the $3
The fixing o f prices was the “ second
step in the direction o f coal control.”
The first was taken Monday when the
President named RoE)ert S. Lovett as
o f transportation and ap­
proved an order issued by Mr. Lovett
directing that coal shipments to the
Middle Northwest lie given preference
over other goods.
French at Verdun
Berlin Claims
Paris— A smashing French victory
on the Verdun front is recorded In the
official report issued by the War office
Tuesday night. The French have cap­
tured the enemy defenses on both sides
of the Meuse over a front o f more than
11 miles, penetrating the German Una
st divers points to a depth
Soon for Call to Military Serv­
Evacuation as Planned.
a mile
and a quarter.
^ More than 5000 unwounded German
prisoners have been taken.
Berlin— Tuesday’« official report con­
tains the follow ing:
“ The French occupied without light­
ing Talou ridge, east o f the Meuse,
which since March o f this year had
been given up as a line o f defense and
had been occupied only by outposts.
These were withdrawn Tuesday, in ac­
cordance with our plans and without
disturbance from the enemy. A t all
other places on the wide front fighting
is in full sw in g.”
The German official communication
issued Tuesday evening follows:
“ The battle before Verdun is going
in our favor. On the western bank o f
the Meuse the enemy only succeeded in
penetrating our defensive zone at the
Avocourt wood and on I.e Mort Hom­
me. Elsewhere his assaults were re­
“ East o f the Meuse the enemy was
either completely repulsed before our
fighting positions or driven back in
counter attacks. French loeses were
exceedingly heavy.”
All Must be Heady.
IFrum oUtae o f Adjutant Uafter*1 U. N. U.)
Portland— Every drafted man who
ha« boon certified by his local exemp­
tion board a« not exempted or dis­
charged should keep himself in Instant
readiness to obey the summons from
his local board, to be made in a few
days, calling him to report at a de­
signated time and place for military
The mobilization o f the men to be
taken in the first draft w ill be handled
in each county by the local exemption
board o f that county.
Each*board w ill be re«|ionaible for
the mobilisation and entrainment for
the American Lake camp, to which the
Oregon men w ill be sent, o f its coun­
t y ’s full draft quota.
The mobilization o f the entire quota
w ill not be made all at once, however.
It will take place in four Installments.
The first installment o f 30 per rent
o f the men comprising the draft quota
o f each county w ill be called to mobil­
ize on September 5.
A second installment o f 30 per cent
o f the quota w ill be called to the col­
ors on September 19, according to la­
test orders o f the War department.
The third installment w ill be called
out on October 3. The remaining 10
per cent w ill lie m obilised as soon
thereafter as possible.
The dates,-of course, arc subject to
The local exemption boards will se­
lect the men to be called up in each
installment, and notify them when ami
where they are to report. The notifi­
cations to those selected for the first
installment o f 30 per cent w ill be sent
out in a very few days.
I f you are a drafted man, be on the
alert to receive your
Failure to receive the notification will
not excuse you i f you do not appear, so
take care also to see i f your name has
been posted at the headquarters o f the
board as one o f those ordered to re ­
Make it a point o f honor to report at
the exact time specified by the board
and to follow instructions to the letter.
And remember that from the hour
designated by the board for you to ap­
pear, you are in the m ilitary service of
the United States and subject to m ili­
tary regulations and discipline.
In setting the time for you to re­
port, the board is acting on a definitely
arranged schedule, with prompt en­
trainment o f the men in view.
not disarrange this schedule by coming
in late.
The board w ill provide meals and
quarters for you after you arrive at
the place designated for entrainment.
The board is instructed to see that
you take on the train with you only
light hand baggage, or better yet, only
a bundle containing necessary toilet
articles and changes o f underclothing.
Don’ t bring a lot o f baggage with
you when you report, for you will have
to leave it behind.
The success o f the mobilization de­
pends greatly on your patriotic co­
operation. A great deal is left to your
honor. Prove yourself a true patriot,
worthy o f the trust imposed upon you,
and help your county and state make
the good showing it should make in ac­
complishing the mobilization.
Military Detain High Officials
on Eve of Strike.
Idaho Guardsmen Hound
Up 27 A g i­
tators. Who Are Being Held in
Jail as M ilitary Prisoners.
Paris— Major General Pershing, the
American commander, told the Asso­
ciated Press Sunday that the war can
be won only by hard and forceful blows
delivered by a well-trained American
army working in conjunction with the
allied armies.
Deploring the lukewarmness o f the
American |>eople in regard to the war,
General Pershing added:
“ Every man, woman
and child
should support the administration in
its determination to arm and equip the
American army and to keep up its
morale and that o f the allied armies.
This war will not be won by talk nor
by subscribing to the Red Cross.
American people must come to a full
realization o f what the war means. It
can be won only by striking hard and
forceful blows, not otherw ise.”
The general was very emphatic in
the interview, which lasted but a few
Austria Considers Peace.
Copenhagen — A telegram from the
official Corr Bureau o f Vienna seemB
to indicate that Austria-Hungary will
accept the Pope's peace proposals. A
summary of Austro-Hungarian press
opinion circulated by the Corr Bureau
"T h e newspapers regard the
concrete proposal as a suitable basis
for beginning peace negotiations, but
doubt whether the entente shares this
In view o f the well-known
practices o f the Corr Bureau, this may
undoubtedly be regarded as the gov­
ernment’s voice.
“ Service Handbook” Out.
80,000 Made Homeless.
Washington, D. C.— A “ National
Saloniki — The commercial quarter
o f this city has been destroyed by fire. service handbook, ” designed to point
It is believed the number o f fatalities the way to opportunities for serving
the Nation during the war. was pub­
is small.
lished Monday by the committee on
The volume con­
London — More than half o f the public information.
walled city o f Saloniki, In Greek Mace­ tains an exhaustive compilation o f data
donia, which is under occupation by al>out the government, army and navy,
the entente allied troops, was de­ and the many semi-official and inde­
stroyed by fire
Eighty pendent committees and organizations
thousand persons who were rendered which are helping to fight the war.
homeless are being removed to neigh­ Persons o f every occupation and trade
boring villages, according to a dispatch are shown where they can best apply
their abilities and energies.
received in London.
Japanese Seeking Steel.
Tok io—Japanese shipbuilders have
inaugurated a national movement to
seek modification o f the Hteel embargo,
and have formed a league for the pur­
pose o f bringing about a cancellation
of the American embargo on Iron and
steel. The shipbuilders have present­
ed lengthy memorials to the govern­
ment and to George Post Wheeler, the
American Charge at Tokio, urging re­
lie f from the embargo, claiming that
it would ruin the industry, close fac­
tories and bring about a discontinuance
o f the construction o f ships.
Jam Made for Soldiers.
Tacoma, Wash.— The government’s
first contract for blackberry jam, to
be given to the Puyallup and Sumner
Fruitgrowers’ associatin,
was filled
Wednesday. It consisted o f 3600 cans
to be distributed among the forts of
the Northwest. That the government
w ill follow England’s example and
supply jam to its soldiers is indicated
by the fact that the cannery has just
filed bids for 120,000 cans with the
quartermaster department in Seattle.
British Admiral Arrives.
An Atlantic Port - Rear Admiral
Hugh T. Hibbert, o#the British navy,
arrived here Monday on a special mis­
sion for the British admiralty. As to
the effectiveness o f submarine war­
fare, he said that while the situation
called for unrelaxed vigilance and was
undoubtedly serious, he did not believe
it would be effectual. He believes the
Germans are holding back their navy
as a last resort and that they w ill not
end the war without a great battle.
Armour Plant is Burned.
Chicago — Fire destroyed the ice
houses o f Armour & Co., at Round
Lake, in Lake county, early Sunday.
According to estimates o f heads o f the
company, the Urns will exceed $250,-
000. Freight cars valued at $50,000
also were burned, while the stock o f
ice, 50,000 tons,
valued at
»75.000. F. Senderson, the superin­
tendent, said the fire was o f incendiary
origin, breaking out in a dozen places
and gettin g beyond control.
Pacifists Plan Meeting.
Minneapolis— I/iuis P. Lochner, sec­
retary o f the People’s Council o f
America, arrived here Saturday to
take charge o f arrangements for the
national meeting here September 1 to
6 In the interests of peare. Mr. I.ocli­
ner, who was In the Ford peace expe­
dition in 1915, declared the chief pur­
pose o f the organization is to "b rin g
the boya out o f the trenches forthwith
and let the warring nations settle
their differences by other means.”
sumption o f strict training for all the
m ilitary forces, the free time o f the
soldiers to be devoted to gymnastics,
drills and games, and for a cessation o f
all discussions. “ Henceforth the only
language in the army is command.”
This is significant, in view o f abolition
o f the use o f the word “ command”
since the revolution.
5000 Uawounded Teutons Captured by Summon« From I .oral Hoard« lo Issue
Spokane. Wash. James Rowan, dis­
trict »eeretary o f the I. W. W. and. 26
other alleged member« of the organiza­
tion, were arre«ted at locnl I. W. W.
headquarters here Sunday by a com­
pany o f Idaho National GuariUmen and
placed In the county jail as military
Rowan and W illiam Moran, secre­
tary o f the local I. W. W. organiza­
tion, were arrested at the local i. W.
W. hall by Major Clement Wilkina, in
command o f a battalion o f guardamen
on (Mitrot duty here.
The raid and arreata were made by
Major Wilkins, fetin g under orders re­
ceived from the district commander st
The immediate word for
the action o f the m ilitary was from K.
F. Blaine, chairman o f the State In­
dustrial Relatione commission, who
came to Spokane Sunday morning as
representative o f Governor l.iater.
“ You men are military prisoner» and
are not detained under civil law ,” Ma­
jor Wilkins told the men, after they
had been lined up In the corridor of
the jail, and were waiting to lie
searched and booked.
“ An inveatlgation o f your caaes will
be begun at once, and if it ia found
that any o f you are wrongfully held,
you w ill he released. ”
|.«ter Major Wilkins said the entire
proceedings were under m ilitary or­
der«, and that no chargea hail been
placed against the men.
A deputy
United Ststes marshal, who accom­
panied the soldiers, did so only to
identify the men arrested, he said.
Later the man who shouted from the
sidewalk was arrested outside the jail.
He gave his name as Jerome Baker.
A t the Main avenue hall, two men,
who insisted on mounting the stairs
after the soldiers had been placed on
guard, were arrested, bringing the to­
tal to 27.
The arresta were made on the eve o f
the day set for the strike o f the a gri­
cultural and
men In
Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Mon­
Strike orders advising farm workers
to “ let the fruit rot on the ground,”
and calling on construction workers to
lay.down their tools, had been signed
by Rowan.
Lumber workers in the four states
already are on strike.
"T h e only effect o f my arrest will
be to intensify the s trik e ," said Row­
an, while he was awaiting his turn to
be searched and booked. “ I think the
strike w ill spread further now, and
probably w ill affect Industries in which
no strike has been railed.
though all the officers or employes of
the organization are put in jail, and all
the halls closed, arrangements have
been made to handle the movement.”
Only a vote o f the members o f the
organization can halt the strike. Row­
an said, as there is no one with au­
thority to take such action.
strike order was to become effective
Monday, unless I. W. Ws., alleged to
be illegally held in jail, are released
by that time.
Rowan’s arrest differs from those o f
I. W. Ws. at Yakima and Wenatchee
In that it Is a result o f his telegraphed
threat to the governors o f the four
Northwest ststes, o f a strike to lie
effective Monday i f I. W. W. members
held prisoners in those states tie not
released. These prisonera, taken aa I.
W. Ws., include a number o f in tern »)
Germans and alleged or con vict»l
The 27 prisoners taken were not
lacking in money. Rowan had $207 In
hills and silver and $18 in small checks.
W illiam Moran had $181.
The total
o f the 27 was $1860.
Washington, D. C.— A fte r protract­
ed debate in which many senators
urged heavier levies on incomes and
war profits in the war tax bill, the
senate Thursday tentatively adpoted
Senator G erry’s amendment which
would add $40,375,000 by greatly in­
creasing surtaxes on incomes exceed­
ing $500,000.
On a test vote for elimination o f the
so-called Lenroot amendment made in
the house providing 25 per cent in­
crease in surtax rates on incomes ex­
ceeding $60,000 and raising about
$66,000,000 in revenue, the senate
voted 35 to 32 against their elimina­
tion by the finance committee.
Under the Gerry amendment the to­
tal tax levy on all m illionaires’ in­
comes, including the present
would be 67 per cent. W ith the Gerry
amendment the bill would aggregate
$2,035,000,000, with several amend­
ments by Senator La Follette pending
for further increases in the income tax
The Gerry amendment was
adopted without a dissenting vote.
A ll o f the Lenroot amendments as
Spokane I-aborites Demand Release of
adpoted by the house were retained by
I. W. W. Prisoners.
the Senate a fter reductions proposed
by the finance committee were reject­
Spokane, Wash. — Declaring its be­
ed on two test votes.
lie f that the Industrial Workers o f the
World were justified in resorting to
Germans Stir Mexican Hatred.
the strike as the only weapon at their
Mexico City — Friends o f Germany command, the Spokane central labor
are conducting in Mexico a newspaper body has made the follow ing demand*:
propadanga against the United States,
That these men now in ja il be re­
but, up to the present time the efforts leased at once.
have failed o f their purpose insofar as
That Governor Lister be removed
the better educated and influential from position o f public trust.
classes o f Mexico are concerned. There
That Major Wilkins be at once re­
is reason to believe that it has had no lieved from his command.
effect on men prominent in public life,
That all men representing latx>r re­
those associated with the government sign from the Council o f Defense.
or the high officers o f the army, but it
That a general strike o f all industry
seems certain that the German cam­ be called until such time as may be
paign has exerted a certain influence necessary to insure “ observation of
over the uneducated.
the la w .”
The National Guard division to go to
France, representing 26 states and the
Swiss to Lim it Bread.
D istrict o f Columbia, w ill t>e mobilized
Berne, Switzerland — The Federal
at Mineola, L. I., at a camp named
A lbert L. Mills, a fter the late B riga­ Council has chosen October 1 as the
dier General Mills. The Oregon troops definite date when the bread card sys­
are included in this division.
tem w ill be introduced in Switzerland.
The daily consumption w ill E>e limited
Following a thwarted attempt to
for the time E>eing to 250 grammes per
rob the McCloud State bank Thursday,
person, plus 500 grammes o f flour
one o f tw o robbers killed his compan­
monthly. The council also took meas­
ion as they were making their escape,
ures to reduce the coal consumption,
because the latter could run no longer,
especially through the conservation o f
having been shot in the heel by a
electrical energy. Each canton is or­
member o f the pursuing posse.
dered to save coal by the early closing
The insistent demand from abroad o f moving picture and public establish­
fo r silver from the United States gov­
ernment fo r coinage and fo r domestic
“ Command” is Used Again.
purposes was reflected Thursday in
Petrograd— Lieutenant General Kor-
N ew York in a record jump in the
niloff, commander-in-chief o f the Rus­
sian army, has issued orders for a re­
There is only enough wool being pro­
duced in the United States to provide
e very man in the country with a bath­
ing suit annually, according to t tat is­
ti cs discussed at the National Sheep
and W ool bureau conference in Chi­
cago. The bureau voted to put its
services at the command o f H erbert C.
Hoover, food administrator.
British Front in France and Bel-
guim — British tanks scored another
triumph in the capture o f important
German positions Monday morning in
the neighborhood o f the Ypres-Poelca-
pelle road, north o f St. Julien.
It was a tank show almost from
start to finish, and the infantry in this
case played the part o f supernumera­
ries in support o f the leading actors,
while large numbers o f the enemy
troops added a final melodramatic touch
by surrendering abjectly or fleeing in
terror as the heavy leads lumbered on­
to the stage and "reached for their
shooting irons.”
As recorded in the official communi­
cation, the British captured German
defenses along a mile front to a depth
o f 500 yards. Among the strongholds
occupied were the famous triangle,
Hibau and Cockcroft farms, the sites
of ecxeedingly strong concrete and
steel machine gun redoubts, that men­
aced the infantry advance.
General Tie-Up o f Northwest Indus­
tries Frustrated bv U. 8.
The general strike o f the Industral
Workers o f the World called for Mon­
day o f this week, failed to materalize
according to reports from various sec­
tions o f the Northwest.
Reports that 80 I. W. W. had gone
on strike at St. John, Wash., is denied
at Colfax, the county seat o f Whitman
It developed at Spokane that James
Rowan, district secretary o f the I. W.
W., who signed the strike order which
demanded the release o f men Eieing
held in jails in Washington, Idaho,
Oregon and Montana, may be court-
martialed instead o f being tried in
The federal government took steps
to check any threatened trouble by
placing troops at Lewiston, Idaho, and
at Wallace. Troops at Lewiston will
protect the orchards and harvest fields
and the soldiers at Wallace were
placed near the big lead mines.
A t St. Maries, Idaho, 11 members o f
the order are in ja il and none o f the
250 men employed in the lumber mills
there quit work. A t Sandpoint, more
than 500 men continued work in the
lumber mills.
Harvesting continued
as usual in the Eastern Washington
harvest fields, according to reports.
So far as civil and m ilitary authori­
ties o f Oregon could learn not a single
manotieyed the strike order. O f course
a large number o f defections were re­
ported by employers everywhere, but
the number was no greater than has
been usual on any day for the last few
months — since the abnormal demand
for labor has prevailed.
Pershing Deplores American People's
Lukewarm Attitude Toward War.