Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, August 25, 1917, Image 1

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    ■M M ..-■•semi
The English War Lord* need a
As the thermometer w as doing
Daniel to Interpret the "hand­ its record breaking Alpine {climb
Thursday, a young woman o f
huge dimensions mopped fever­
ishly at her dripping brow, and
’lhe Orgonian elaborated on the
glowing with heat and satisfac­
officers searching the Governor
tion panted, ’ It is heavenly 1
and party for booze, on a return
am losing pound after pound.”
trip from California, but neglect»
to state with what success.
Conscripting the wealth o f the
and profits on war mate
Somehow the title o f ‘ Dictator’
do more towards estab­
doesn't sound good whether it is
than all the Popes
. ih coni dictator, food dictator or
Some o f thp
eny other kind. It sound» too
tax on the
much like Russia and the Czar.
ground that it will make the war
unpopular. Wealth is more pre­
It is stated that there is con­
cious than human life— with such.
siderable doubt in the minds of
Government officials as to their
There are many who believe
constitutional ligh t to force draft­
for all Japan’s effusive pro­
ed men to cross the seas to fight.
„... _ »
testations o f her great love for
the United States that she is sore
If the big newspapers exag­
and only awaits opportunity to
gerate their war stories in the
pounce upon us. We only need
ame ratio us they estimate the
look back to her attack on Ger­
damage done by forest fires we
many to imagine what she would
may well doubt is there really is
do to this country if opportunity
any fighting being done.
writing on the wall.”
it is t incerely hoped that I’ res-
ident Wilson will be more suc-
c ssful with hint food and other
dictators than he has with his
high (ost investigators. A fter
each investigation prices were
invariably boosted.
The great 1. W. W. strike that
wns scheduled for last Monday is
reported to have failed. But for
the traditional veracity o f the
press one might believe that some
enterprising newspaper reporter
had made an overdraft on his im­
agination in planning the strike.
Too bad that some charge could
not have been brought against
the 2t> 1. W. W ’s. arrested at
Spokane, Wash, last Sunday. To
arrest them on general principles
without a specific charge only
affords them the opportunity of
posing as martyrs.
"D o your bit.” is a phrase that
comes to the United States from
England and English criminals.
It is a term commonly used by
English criminals in referring to
punishment metpd out by the
governme nt for crime.
L e ts
use some term that is not so sug­
gests c ol doing penance.
It is unbelievable that any con­
siderable number o f citizens,
either by birth or naturlization
would betray their country into
the hands o f a foreign enemy.
There are great numbers opposed
to this war, yet would not want
to : ee Germany win, and would
rise to a man was there a parti­
cle o f danger o f an invasion.
The Salem papers state that
the doctors at the insane .asylum
have discovered that a man who
has been an inmate eight years
is not insane nor has lie been.
He was placed in the hospital
while drunk and as he made no
effort to get away they concluded
he was crazy. It appears now
that lie only w as a damphool.
Recriminations will never set­
tle a disputejior right a wrong.
The Government accuses the I.
W. W” s. o f various and sundry
violations o f the law. The I. W.
W ’s. in turn accuse the Govern­
ment to permit conditions to exist
that cause hardships and suffer­
ing and bring about strikes. All
this does not remedy the one or
remove the other. The Govern­
ment should take a hand and see
that no injustice is done to any­
one and force the employer and
employed alike to obey the laws
and respect the rights of others.
It was claimed by those who
favored conscription that its op-
peration would be perfectly fair.
That the rich man’s son must
bump the hard places with the
poor; the saloon loafer would be
gathered into the big herd. This
in a measure was true; but when
the "branding” time came it
was discovered that a great per
cent o f the saloon bums and sons
o f the elite had lived such disso­
lute lives as to render them unfit
for military service
Thus it
stands, as it ever has. that the
horny-handed son o f toil must
fight that these same loafers can
Jules Verne, the great French
romancer, is doubtless responsible
for the invention of the submarine.
From his wonderful story, 20,000
Leagues Under the Sea came the
inspiration o f the submarine that
is threatening destruction o f the
world’ shipping today.
Like his
story o f a "T rip to the Moon,” his
boat was regarded
as the dream o f a dreamer; but,
in the face o f the wonderful
strides o f science during the past
score o f years, who shall say that
even a trip to the moon may not
becofne possible. Twenty Thous­
and Leagues Under the Sea will
be reproduced in the movie Satur­
day nik,ht, September 22 at the
Gem. See it and thus obtain a
comprehensive idea of what the
submarine if as a fighting boat.
Matinee 10 and «?0c. Night IB
and 25c.
Mtos Jeannette Rankin, Cong­
resswoman from Montana is in
had odor with the mine operators
and the press. Miss Rankin has
made a fatal error in investiga
ting the Rutte trouble and expos­
A few days ago whi'e cutting
ing the "Rustling Card” system fire wood on Chas. Coonrad’s land
u.ied by the mine owners. She G. W. Hudson found a cut nail
should have reported the miners imbedded in the center o f the tree.
to be a lot o f cut-throat assassins There was nothing to indicate
and she would have been lauded how the nail got there or how long
to the skies and due to soon be­ it had been there. The wood had
c o m e a millionairess.
But alas, : grown perfectly smooth around it.
and alack! To espouse the cause The tree had forty-five rings indi­
o f the workingman is political cating a growth o f forty- five
i years.
..... -
c H twr«»»r In lu ll« •
Mrs. Hellwarth and Mrs.
If suspicion o f Japan’ s «mister
Gilbert delightfully
the Ladies Art ( lub to a n ovelty* motives prevail in the United
shower given in honor o f Miss 'dates, it is due to .Japan itself.
Bertha Frink. Tuesday, August Suspicion creates suspicion, and
21, at the home of Mrs. H e l l w a r t h . distrust, distrust.
The eager-
The event which was a surprise, , e98 w *Th which Japan, on the
to the bride-elect was planned by slightest pretext, parades with a
chip on its shoulder, as if chall-
the two hostesses.
'1 he color scheme was effective­ enging Uncle Sam, is responsible
ly carried out in pink and white, for the wide spread feeling in
sweet peas and roses being used. this country regarding the sincer­
Dainty refreshments in the fame ity o f its professed friendly feel­
color were served. The table de- ing for the United States. The
orations were cupids and hearts, American government sent a
and had as a centerpiece an im­ note to China expressing ‘*regret
mense liowl o f sweet peas, above over the dissensions which were
which was suspended an open tearing that country apart.’ ’ It
umbrella from which were ribbon was at once cabled back to us
hung cupids which upon investi-
gation were found to be attached
to parcels containing many useful
and lieautiful gifts. Table favors
were tiny cupid mounted candy
Phonographic selections were
rendered also. Music on the piano
furnished bv Miss Sybil Wilson
was enjoyed'very much.
JaPan resented the alleged
failure o f the United States to
conBU^ ' l
presenting its
n°f® an(!
^ °k '° Times semi-
officially used this forceful langu-
age: “The Fore*tfn Office officials
must °b tain from the l n'f e^
T ates an assurance that it will
no* repeat its action in interfer-
with the domestic affairs in
1 hina, completely ignoring the#
existence and position of Japan. ’ *■
It added that negotiations over
Last Sunday ('has. Kerr and the matter had already begun
T. D. Hollowell and w ife motored with the United States and that
to Independence to visit friends it was a matter o f 'great g ra vity ’
and view the crops. They dined as it concerned the future o f the
with Moss Walker at the Walker empire.
Hotel and then visited Dove’s
Going still farther the Tokio
Island. This was at one time the paper warned America that, ‘ ‘in
hop growing center o f the Wiliam- order to prevent future misunder-
ette Valley; but the hop vines are standings, Japan would seek
gone and sugar beets planted in- America’s recognition o f Japan’s
stead. The Grants Pass Sugar special position in China. " Other
Beet Co., agreed to erect a sugar newspapers o f Tokio resented
beet factory at Independence if the American note as " a glaring
the farmers would plant an aggre­ interference with Japan. ” They
gate of 1500 acres. But after the ! w arned the Japanese government
beets were planted failed to coni- that it was probably “ an epocli-
ply with their agreement, but will making precusor o f further ac-
ship the beets to (»rants Pass.
tivities. ” I f these are the words
They then visited Mr. Hollowelts 0f friendship and if they ihdi-
old-time friend. Lyman Damon cate a desire to maintain friendly
and found him working up to his relations,, then the cable must
knees in mud and water irriaga- have curiously garbled them.
ting a five acre tract o f beets. Mr
Damon said that last year he had
The city will probably neglect
cleaned up $3500 from hops on the repairing the foot bridge until
land but doubted if it would yield someone breaks through and is
over $500 in lieets this vear. Mr.
injured. The decking is
.. »
it,, u u- ..
badly worn and needs re-flooring
Hollowell told him that lie was too the entire ,ength.
The Street
old and grey to be digging around Committee have warned property
in the mud on Sunday afternoon, owners to repair their sidewalks
He was pumping water from the and it would be a good idea for
river with an electric motor but the Street Committee to take
a little out of the same "bottle.”
his land was not properly prepar­
ed so as to get water to all parts
There is quite an acreage of
beans. They examined one 100 That It W ag Spiced With Gunpowder
Made It All the Better.
acre tract but the prospect for
been porridge was not very flat­ In reviewing his early life In Crui-
tering. The potato crop was not etantlnople Sir Edwin I’e.irs tells an
amusing story o f a coal contractor who
looking good, although good rains
w as supplying the British fleet with
might work wonders. The grain fuel. A commissariat officer on one oc­
and hay crops are generally short casion went to him to say that a man-
altho some fields gave a fair yield. of-w ar had just arrived In the Bos­
It is very evident that this country porus and was ordered to proceed to
must conserve her food supply to the Crimea with distinguished officers
on board, hut it was short o f coal.
feed her own people.
The Oregon
Agricultural College
W h .r . Irm n-d »p .r ig lis t» with modern t»b
•rein , ire end edoi,u»ti* equipment girt in
•tiu .lin n Im d in * to '-«tlrgiftte .iegroee in the
fo l l o w i n g i c k o o l l
A O R IC U L T U R F . Willi IS department«
COM M FRCE, With 4 departm ent«:
E N G IN E E R IN G , with A department«. In
eluding Civil, t.I . f trie*1. Highway, Industriel
A rt, Irrigation and Mechanical fn gin eerin t:
F O R E S T R Y . Including Logging Kngtaeer-
HO M E ECONOMICS, with 4 major dcpait
ments, including tiaining in the Practice
M IN IN G with three depaitmrnta, tnclnd
tag Chemical Kngiticci ing ,
T H E SCHOOL OF MUSIC, nffera lnutrne-
lion in the principal departmrnta o f eoeal
and instrumental muaie
T H E M I L I T A R Y D E P A R T M E N T , enroll'd
10S.I cadeta in lfl|t|17. and won reeemir.en*
dation for O A ( ’ from lha W o te r n Depart
' .
ment o f the I*
I S W * i Di-partmrnt •• ear nf
in in g ,Iinh.rf m .titu tiM M
the fifteen • ' d
higher learning
A ll cadet« w ill he ftirni»*,-»
complete unifnim « by the IT S Government
and the jnnior and «entnr cadet« enrolled in
the R O T. C . w ill he (to rn commutation for
■nhsiitence. a« welt aa all traa«pnriatloa rod
aubai«tence at the ala weeks' Summer camp
Inform ation on requaat.
C o iv tlh », Oregon.
The contractor answered that one of
his small sailing vessels had Just ar­
rived laden with a cargo of coal and
that he would arrange to have it dis­
charge tho fuel directly on hoard the
mnn-of war.
A day or two later when the contrac­
tor saw his manager he asked what
had been done with about ninety kegs
of gunpowder that had been stowed on
the top o f the coni.
“Oh, wo found all the kegs empty,”
said the manager. “ There w as no pow
der to remove."
During the next three weeks the
contractor lived in constant drend. TTe
feared that every ship coming from
the Crimea would bring news o f an
explosion on the m an-of-war and an
order for his arrest.
He became HI
from anxiety.
One day, a fortnight later, he heard
with fear and trembling from his Inner
office the voice o f the commissariat
officer asking to see the merchant who
had supplied the ship with coal. He
on a bold fa^e and went out.
“ Yes. yon re the man. said the
the com
mlssnrtat officer tw a loud voice. “ Ton
gave 11 s ROrt tons of coal. It's the host
we have ever had.
Instead o f our
having to stop thp ship while w e clear­
ed the funnels whenever there Is a new
firing up tho smoke goes with a puff
that clears the funnel Itself. I want
300 tons more; but. mind. It must be
| o f the same quality."
No. 52
C U T IN P R IC E . . .
These shoes were bought before
the extreme advances in leather and
at our Sale Prices are far under
present wholesale cost.
M ARKED...................................................
SELIG’S, Cash Price Store,
“ Meeting and Beating Competition” .
The way to have a Bank
Account is to start one.
'Th ere must be a Beginning sometime. De­
lays are only a waste o f time.
One Dollar
will start. Every additional dollar will help.
This hank invites you.
We pay interect on time deposits.
East Through California
Is a favorite route for those seeking diversity o f scenery,
opportunity to visit many attractive cities en route and enjoy
the best in travel.
O ne W a y Fares
First and second class to the East and
South apply via California.
The trip
can be made economically.
Summ er
Excursion Fares
Round Trip to principal cities in the
East will be on sale certain days in
August and September.
These tickets
apply over practically all routes.
Ask your local agent for particulars, or write
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent
Southern Pacific Lines