VALUABLE AS OREEN FODDER o fim M m // WITH OUR WARSHIPS IN FOREIGN WATERS T h e r e ’* a Opinion of Grower* of Sudan Oraaa la That It W ill Largely Taka Plaea • f Mlllot and Sorghum. HOLMES — H eap o’ Com fort in a Bottle o f B U S I N E S S C O L L E G E n IK IIN K I« WI’ ll.n iN O Moat o f the earlier accounts o f Hu- *iiTi.»«ru, O n . » » » » I H o te l H o y t C e ra e r l u i h •»»*! H o rt l u , l*.»rtl«od. O re. Thoroughly Renovated & Decorated Hcenu on board oue of the American battleships atrlpped fur action and ready fur work with the gun*. 1 JOU IIIMKM. H u m » . HAT KM Ita teT*f. SrBCIAL Week or Month BRITAIN TRAINS YOUTH FOR THE ARMY ACADEMY OF THE HOLY CHILD Knss C ity P n rk. P « fils n d . O re go n . I*kuna» Ukof I OH I A SELECT HOARDING A N D D A Y CICHOOL I ON GIRLS Thousands of Boys Given Pre­ liminary Drilling for Serv­ ice as Soldiers. ( B o y » U n d e r 10 A d m i t t e d . I Offur« ■S(*a*ptiuruil mlvnntnu«Hi. L im it«! num ­ ber o f i>ut>lU. Irttlivklunl « nr®. Thoruuifh mural. iltd itn i. |ihy«iitsl training. Mutlnm U n g n s g t*. Mualf Art. A g a te C RESERVES OF THE FUTURE u t t in g ram l i s o w i w h i cut a *» o M fiU H t VO US AOATI IN not o »•wo i » ( c o r O» 9 I w o « » A M H..> s in o » f l« A WO A O A t l Work la Carofully Laid Out to Avoid Strain, Physical or Msntal— Education for Thoao Neodlng It. London.— Great Britain ha* some­ P I f i n V e « I. Pork. Beel, thing tike five million men In Its mili­ Sudan Oraaa In Texas. S H K Poultry, Butter, Egg* tary force*. General Kobertaon an­ AAA mnj |.'tn n Produce two cult Inga. Tlila exceptionally high nounced that another half-million must to th » Olii Kvttrdinir housn with ■ record of 46 y<-«r* of Houar* Itaallnjro. snd yield wua marie possible by unuaually be provided In order to maintain re­ b » a ssu m i o f T O P M A R K E T PR IC E S . fertile aoll and good culture. The serves and keep the fighting unit* Up F. M. CRONKHITC plota were drllletl about tha middle of to full atrengtb. When thla 500.000 4 M 7 F ro «» l i f s s t PorlUasd. O r t « o a Muy, tialng 20 to 25 pound» of need to have been provided there will be an­ (lie acre, aeetled with un ordinary other demand for further augmenta­ drill. tions later. HIDES, PELTS, CA8CARA BARK, grain The flrat crop waa cut when the Su­ The Inexorable demand* from the WOOL AND MOHAIR. dan grime waa fully headed, and the trenches must be met somehow. How Si » mi m JM im ante tar price* eat itigpwi tag* second crop In time to avoid the drat they are to be met, how man po»ver T n i H. F. N onton C o . nmaai o n . tut#*. w* froat. Is continually to he provided to meet Where Sudan graaa haa been grown the wastage o f war la Indicated by the TRAVEl. A N D PRO nT. for two or three yeara It la the opin­ progressive «rganlxatlon o f the coun­ Y o u r»» aier» an.I wom en w ith hu.lneee t r e ln lu » flcul |N»*»tl«»n. rv rrv w h er... le* N n rth w eet*. ion o f the growera that It will largely try's youth for tratnlug In anticipation M reeet t lu .ln e .. C o lta *.. B E H N K K W A I.K K H . take the place o f millet and aorghum o f the time when they shall arrive at fo r lle n .l lir e A ll ro u rw .. 1‘u.iU on . iruereiHeetl W r ite fo r fre e illuptm ted c . t . k a r mmm for fodder piirimsca, and also he valu­ military age. . able na a green fodder to cut for aup- All over the country battalions of plcincntlng puature. boy*, none of them beyond the nge of O ld F alse T eeth B ought 'X IR o T J Z elgliteeu year* and eight months, are oU a r tile I n -II. t , rrtrw itf.lrrtrig».w ork bought. A. 8. Wight. Uu* HW. i ’ortlaml. Oregon. being systematically trained for the army. Schoolboys, college boys, ap­ prentice*— youth of all claasee aa soon as they are physically capable of un­ dertaking the work of training*, are Cincinnati authority says corns put Into the organizations for prepara­ dry up and lift out tion. with fingers. Strain Carefully Avoided. Do Your Own Plum bing ] Careful measures have been adopted Ouch ! T ! T 1 ! This kind of rough to Insure that they shall not he over­ Hr bujrln» dlrert from u . et wholreele rrtree talk will be heard less 1 ere In town If end m v . the plumber*« profit». W rite u . to­ people troubled with corns will follow trained and either physically or men­ iler your need. W e will ( I r e r « u our rock- bottom "dlreet-to-rou" prion . I. o. b. reU * soreness at once, and safely he demanded. A good deal of S TA R K -D A V IS CO. soon the corn or callous dries up and discretion In this regard Is left to com­ 212 Third Street. Port lewd. Or.,on lifts right o ff without pain. He aaya freexone dries Immediately manding officers and drill master», but and never Inflames or even Irritates after all the purpose Is to equip the the surrounding skin. A small bottle national youth for soldierly service as • AA *a **• •••••••IMltll tlltllllltlllllMItlllMIIMII of freexone will cost very little at any rapidly and efficiently as possible. I m ! Murili Is for Tired Eves. drug store, but w ill positively remove Much lighter requirements, however, M O V I6 3 R n l l y P S -S o r s F vps - every bard or soft corn or callous are Imposed on the youngest class of firitnniAiA«] Mvrlldft. H n t* — llAfrrhhrN Ito* tort»* Mnrtn« Is » Favorit« from one’s fe e t Millions of American Trffatmont f«»r I t w that f*«l dry and ■ m »rv prospective soldier». They are given womeu will welcome thla announce­ (JIvcfoiir I t a as much of yonr loving car» M your 'IV ai h and with t h » »atu« rAgalarUy. ment since the Inauguration o f the graduated Instruction In various drills CABf FOB THIN YOU CABBOT BUT B f « ITESI high heela. If vour druggist doesn’t for the purpose o f hardeulng their fkild at Imig and Oi'tlral Hkima or by Mall. Ash Muri«« fr « Berns«? Co . Chicifo. for irto Booh have freesone tell him to order a small physiques. Games, lectures and educa­ listili Siili III IIIMIIIIIIIUMHIMIIUIIIMOIIIIIMIMMIIIMIMII bottle for you. tional work are provided In addition to ordinary military training. Not Her Fault. DAISY FLY KILLER- Ü Z L T 7 . ' 7 3 ; There are twelve fortnightly periods All (lira . Neal, ilran, Aunt Mira — I shan’t take you to the ornamriital, (••liten- In the training course for youth o f this Imt, chr«|). L i t u l l seashore this summer, Edith. Last class. In the first period of two weeks i t i i o n . M * • Operated by One Man and Carried by Two Men. organizations. Those who need It are given the moat elementary educational Vaughan Motor Works, main opportunity, while the more advanced PORTLAND. OREGON ones are provided instruction In sub­ BUY DIRECT Æ Hurrah ! How 's This VAUGHAN’S PORTABLE DRAG SAW ject* most likely to be o f military Utility. Luring the first four weeks o f the course route marching with kits la for­ bidden, lest It Impose too heavy a phys­ ical »train. A fter they are properly conditioned they are gradually broken Into these heavier phases o f duty, and th* fourth fortnight's training In run­ ning and route marching with klta be­ gins; also bombing practice with dum­ my bombs. This la followed by the beginning o f general musketry practice and studies In field engineering. Offi­ cer* In these boy battalions are direct­ ed to take note o f the special aptitude o f their recruits for particular kinds o f service with the purpose of giving them training fo r noncommissioned officers, and ultimately for commis­ sions. Youngsters o f poor physique or weak health are especially classified and are given a number o f weeks of special light training with th* purpose of building them up before they shall un­ dertake the serious work of being turned Into soldier*. In this regard alone the benefits accruing to many thousands o f young men have been in­ calculable. WORK BEGINS ON VIST AIR FLEET Government Plan Calls for Huge Planes for an Army of 110,000 Fliers. ton, writes Henry M. Hyde In the Chi cago Tribune. With the signing by President W il­ son o f the bill appropriating $040,- 000,000 for building, equipping, and manning an enormous navy o f the air, these plans took a big step toward realization. Huge trtplanee o f the power, speed, and weight carrying capacity described have been built and now are being tested In Italy. Triplanes o f the same type, considerably smaller than the new giants but still of great sice and power, now are In actual use In Italy. The Italian triplane, driven by 900 horse power Capronl engines, for In­ stance, will make a military load of more than three tons to a height at 0,500 feet In 35 minutes. Defeat of U-Boata Seen. The fact that these great machines cost $40,000 or more each will not pre­ vent their being built I d large numbers In the United States, once th* neces­ sary Jigs, dies, and special tools are completed from the models furnished by the Italian government. Many experts see In the creation of a fleet o f such big airships, together with five or six times as many small fighting planes for their protection, the only certain method o f defeating the submarine peril, o f destroying muni­ tion plants and military and naval bates, and o f awlftly driving the Ger­ man army back behind the Rhine. “The program for which thla vast appropriation has Just been made,” said Howard El Coffin, chairman o f the aircraft production board, “ must be carried out with a promptness equal to that o f congress In passing the bUL Whatever crime* may later be laid at our doors, that of slowness In accom­ plishment must not be one of them. W e are ready to go ahead at once.” I t ’a the drink that fit#, drunk by thous­ ands everywhere, throughout the Northwest, because it haa taste, body and health qualities. Ask your dealer. T H E P O R T L A N D B R E W IN G CO., Portland, Oregon. Free triad o f Resinol for sick skins Pbr*icians have prescribed Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap (or twenty yeara ia the treat­ ment o f itching, burning »kin-eruption*. Sold by ail druggist»; for trial free, write to Dept. 1-T, Retinol. Baltimore, Md. THICK, SWOLLEN BUNDS that make a hot*« W h eeze, Roar, have T h ic k W in d or C h oke-dow n , can be reduced with also other Bunche. or Swelling.. Nobliater, no hair gone, and horse kept at work. Eco­ nomical—only a few drop, required at an ap­ plication. $2 per bottle delivered. li*N 3 N IlM. ABSORBING JR- the antiieptic liniment for mankind, reduce. Cy.t., Went, Painful, Swollen Vein, and Ulcen.$l and $2 a bottle at dealer, or delivered. Book “ Evidence” free. V. f. T0UN6, P.D.F., 401 Temple St, Spin|fl»H, I* ‘ Scarcity. “ Are dancing men scarce this sea­ son?” Airplane 8amplet Coming. “ I haven’t observed, ” replied Miss “ Within two week*,” went on Mr. Coffin, “ samples of many airplanes Cayenne. "B u t with all this demand for soldiers and farmers, I fancy now used by our allies on the Euro­ they’d better make themselves so.” — pean battle fronts will be on exhibi­ Washington Star. tion In the temporary bnlldlng erect­ ed for the purpose at the rear o f the Social Rivalries. Italian Triplane With Speed of 100 Smithsonian Institution. There they “ W hat’s the grouch?” may be examined and studied by the Miles an Hour, to Be Used ae “ General jealously,” replied the manufacturers of the United States. Model— To Profit by Alllee' “ The young “ In the matter o f aircraft, aa In oth­ hostess, disconsolately. Experience. er military matters, we have ceased men are sulking. Each o f them started to think nationally. Every step will in to be recognized exclusively as the Washington, D. C.— Vast airships, be taken after conference and In full life o f the party.” — Washintgon Star. each driven by three 700-horse power co-operation with our allies. engines, capable of carrying a mili­ Serious Moments. “ We are In dally conference with tary load of more than four tons, 8,- representatives of the British, French, “ Did your boy Josh show any en­ 800 pounds, and with a maximum and Italian flying corps here In Wash­ thusiasm on registration day?” speed o f 100 miles an hour I ington, and a decision practically has “ N o ,” replied Farmer Corn tassel. A navy of such great battleships of been reached as to the exact part to “ Josh had too much business on his the air, surrounded and protected by be played by each o f the allies In win­ mind to enjoy the luxury o f g ettin ’ out a swarm o f even swifter and much ning the war In the air. an’ hollerin’. ” — Washington Star. smaller battle planes! “ Our factories, o f course, will have I f not the biggest and most Impor­ the advantage o f copying the latest The Safety Valve. tant, certainly the most spectacular of and best types o f airplane engines “ When a man has sworn off/ drink­ all the present war plans of the Unit­ devolved In France, Italy and Eng­ ed States are built around such a vls- land. Nor have our own Inventors ing he is usually pretty grumpy for some time afterw ard.” and designers been Idle during the past “ Y es; after swearing off things he three years. There now are engines of usually indulges in a lot o f swearing at TAKES A LONG WALK entirely American design and Inven­ things. ” — Boston Transcript. tion which weigh only two pounds to the horse power. CARRY LOAD 0F8,800 POUNDS Three Training Fields Ready . “ Whatever may be the difficulty of turning out Immediately In the United States the swift and delicate fighting planes o f the latest type, we already are manufacturing In large numbers planes which nre fitted for the train­ ing o f air pilots and observers. “Three o f the 24 big aviation fields which we shall build for training our new air army already are completed, and the work of Instruction la under way. "Th e public, generally, has small Idea o f the Immensity o f these great training camps for blrdmen. Camp Wilbur Wright, for Instance, located near Dayton, O., home o f the Immortal Inventor o f the heavler-than-alr flying machine, covers a tract o f land meas­ uring two miles by four miles. Its hangars stretch unbroken for a dis­ tance of two miles. These buildings will house 144 biplanes for the use of the embryo aviators. The United States w ill be the great training camp for aviators for all the allied arml« One may get a faint Idea o f the al­ most Incredible expansion which Is proposed In the air branch o f the mil­ itary and naval arm o f the United States forces by considering that while now there are only a few more than 1 fifty commissioned officers in the avl- ; ttion section o f the signal corps of the army, It la proposed to Increase I It to t total o f 110,000 officers and men. Miss Genevieve Alexander, walking from Berkeley, Cal., arrived In Wash­ ington, D. C., recently. She Is writing n book on “ Woman's Age.’’ She made the long Journey mostly on foot. The picture shows her arriving In Washington. MRS. KIESO SICK SEVEN MONTHS Restored to Health by Lydia L Pinkham’ s Vegetable Compound. Aurora, 111.— “ For seven long months I suffered from a female trouble, with severe pains in my back and sides until I became so weak I could hardly walk from chair to chair, and got so nervous I would jump at the slightest noise. I was entirely unfit to do my house­ work, I was giving up hope o f ever be­ ing well, when my sister asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­ pound. I took six bottles and today I am a healthy woman able to do my own life ering housework. wish every ,ydia E. Pin ! Vegetable Compoun id. and find out fo r themaelves how good it ia ” —Mrs. CARL. A. K ieso , 596 North A ve., Aurora, I1L The great number o f unsolicited tes­ timonials on file at the Pinkham Lab­ oratory, many o f which are from time to time published by permission, aro proof o f the value o f Lydia E. Pink- nam’s Vegetable Compound, in the treatment o f female ills. Every ailing woman in the United States is cordially invited to write to The Golfer's Criticism. the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. “ Do you think my sermon waa too (confidential), Lynn, Mass., for special advice. ' I t is free, will bring you health long?” asked the new minister. « “ W ell.” remarked the golf player, and may save your life . “ I think you halved too many holee that you should have won.” P, N. U. No. 33. 1917.