Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, August 18, 1917, Image 1

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    F A L L S P - IT Y N E W S
T ? PEACE ? ?
At on«* time. President Wilson
advocated peace without victory,
n peace that could he accepted
without humiliation, without in­
tolerable sacrifice« that would
leave a «tin« of rosentment—an
honorable peace «uch a« an hon­
orable nation might lie expected
to agree to. Pope Benedict XV
has addressed a note to the be­
lligerent nations offering such
terms us President Wilson BUg-
^•‘jted. namely:—Reduction of
^Eipiamont, freedom of the Boas,
restoration of Belgium, Serbia.
Romania: indpendence of Poland
und the statUBof Alsace-Lorraine
to be an after-war conference.
So cloMely doe« it follow President
Wilson’s one-time policy as to
cause much alarm in the ranks
of munition manufacturers and
speculators. It is argued that
peace upon these terms would
really leave Germany the victor.
England and France not having
been able to crush her; but now
that the United States has been
drawn in, see visions of great
There is much apprehension as
to the Htand the Catholics in this
country will take in the matter.
There is one thing that appears
to be perfectly clear and that is,
there will be no peace so long as
the munition manufacturers and
their coterie of newspapers can
It would seem that this would
be an opportune time for good
Christians, who believe in the
efficacy of prayer, to humbly get
down on their marrow-bones and
beseech the Great Ruler of the
Universe that an honorable and
lasting peace may be brought
speculators in war material. A
part of their platform read thus:
“ We therefore demand that our
Government, before proceeding
further in support of our Euro­
pean Allies, insist that they, in
common with it. make immediate
public declaration of terms of
peace without annexation of ter­
ritory, indemnities, contributions
or interference with the right of
any nation to live and manage
its own internal affairs.
“ We demand the abolition of
secret diplomacy.
“ To conscript men and exempt
blood-stained wealth coined from
'he suffering of humanity is re­
pugnant to the spirit of America
and contrary to to the ideals of
“ We declare freedom of speech
to be the bulwark of human lib­
erty, and we decry all attempts
tc muzzle the press or individuals
upon any pretext whatsoever.
A declaration of war does not
repeal the Constitution of the
United States, and the unwar­
ranted interference of military
and other authorities with indi­
viduals must cease."
If this party continues to grow
it will probably become necessary
to brand it as pro-German and
therefore treasonable.
The average American m >• ^
abiding and violates the law only
in the heat of passion or becaisf
of great injury and oppression.
Bomb throwers, dynamiters and
assassins rarely have American
names- Officers in an Oklahoma
town recently raided some joints
capturing 1000 gallons of booze.
The names of those arrested are
a« follows:
Fete Committi, Mike Palvar-
audo, Angelo Farum, Mike La«
araff, Joe Alick, Angelo Ross,
A. Segna. Bill Prantil, Joe Tes-
sone, Anna Frantil. Mrs. Stew­
art, Mary Swartz, Kate Strong.
It is the foreign element that
stirs up trouble and violates the
laws, yet the Government would
import a large colony of Belgium«
and cause more trouble. Better
deport the undesirables and close
the ports until anarchists and I.
W. W’s. are weeded out.
The Library Committee met at
the city hall Monday night and
President Mrs. C. L. Hopkins,
Secretary Mrs. W. Ward,
Treasurer Wm. Bohle.
It is requested that all who
have books that belonged to the
former library pjeaselretum them.
Any who have books they would
donate will be very kindly appre­
In the near future a reading
room and good library will be
open to the public. A step in the
right direction.
The Oregon
Agricultural College
W h e re tre in * d tpeetelleM w ith m ode rn U b
• V i M r i N a n d a d e q u a t e e q u ip m e n t f l * e la
• t r u a t l a a l»*4» nc 1» c o l l e g i a t e d # f r * e a i a t b a
follow in g
ich on li
A O I I C U L T U R E , w l t k 1» d e p a r t m e n t a l
C O M M E I C R with 4 d e p a r t m e n t *
w i t h ft d e p a r t m e n t * , fa
e l u d i n g C iv il , K U r t r l t a l f l i g h w a r I n d o a t n a l
A r t* I r r i g a t i o n a n d M e c h a n i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g
r O R E H T R Y . in c l u d i n g L o g g i n g E n f i a a a r
Ex- Senator Works of Calif.,
says that he believes the majority
H O M E E CONOM ICS, with 4 m a jor d e p a rt
i n c l u d i n g t r a i n i n g to t h e P r a c t i e a
of the people are opposed to this ■tent*,
tin u ae:
war; but are being terrorized
M IN IN G w ith th re e d ep artm en t* , Icelad
and intimidated into silence by l > f C h e m i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g .
the newspapers and secret agents
T H E SC H O O L OF M USIC, affera in a tm o
of the Government; but it will li o n in t h * p r i n c i p a l d e p a r t m e n t s of v a r a !
a n d i n s t r u m e n t a l m u ai e
not last. This is a Government
T H E M IL IT A R Y D E P A R T M E N T , enrolled
of the people and sooner or later J O I 5 c a d a t a in I 9 l f t 17, a n d w n n r a e n m m e n
W estern Depart
the people will be heard and their d rn a en t i n t n of f o t r h e O l* A 8 C W fr a n r m D »he
epartm ent
n n a of
th* fifteen " d ia tin g u U h e d in a l i t a t l m a i " of
voice will be for peace.
It is claimed that Lord North-
controlls 18 large papers in
the United States. This proba­
A new political party has been bly explains the stand taken by
formed in North Dakota and is great newspapers.
assuming such formidable pro­
portions as to cause both old par­
ties much concern. This party
It is unpatriotic to discuss the
is particularly distasteful to the "why » eare at w ar’’ unless you
munition manufacturers and agree with the administration.
f + > M .+ + + + + -H . I l m U M I I U H I I H H -H - M -M I I I H
Falls City, Oregon
M onday Evening, August 20, 1917 i
Good Singing and Dancing by Real Singers
and Dancers, Jugglers, Wire Walkers
___________ and Musical Artists
The oldest lady and gentleman will each
receive a valuable prize Monday night.
Children will not be admitted unless ac- :
companied by their parents.
higher le arning
All c a d e t* will he f u r n i s h e d
co m p lete uniform * by th* V 8 O a r e r n m e n t
a n d t h * j u n i o r a n d s e n i o r r*ri*te. e n r o l l e d in
t h e R O. T. C\. w ill be g iv e n > o m m u t a t i e a fo r
s u b s i s t e n c e , a* w*ll a* al l t r a n s p o r t a t i o n and
s u b s i s t e n c e at t h e six w e e k s ’ S u m m e r eamp.
R E G I S T R A T I O N B E G I N S O C T O B E R ft.
I n f o r m a t i o n on r e q u e s t
A ddreti.
O regon
A gricultural
C o r r al ! !* . O r e g o n .
R. M. Wonderly and family re­
turned last Sunday from a trip to
Eastern Oregon. They visited Mrs.
Wonderly's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Illingworth of Tygh Valley and
found them hale and hearty. They
traveled 45 miles up the Columbia
Highway and were delighted with
the granduer of the scenery.
Crops are fine in Eastern Ore­
gon, although newspaper reports
complete failure—probably to ex­
cuse high prices.
They left Falls City August 3.
and traveled 500 miles. The trip
was a delightful one and they feel
greatly benefitted.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
«V local D uplication#, an th e y can n o t
; re a c h th« d ise ased p o rtio n of th « ear.
1 T h e re Is o n ly o n e w ay to euro d e jfn fs a ,
an d th a t la b y e o n a tltu tlo n a l rem edies.
D eafn ess la c a u s e d by a n Inflam ed condi­
tio n o f th e m u co u s lin in g of th e E u sta ­
c h ia n T ube. W h e n th is tu b e la Inflamed
voti h a v e a ru m b lin g so u n d o r Im perf-ct
n e arin g , a n d w hen It Is e n tire ly closed.
. D ea fn e ss Is th a re s u lt, a n d u n le s s th# In ­
flam m a tio n ca n be ta k e n o u t a n d th is
i tu b e re sto re d to Its n o rm a l condition,
h e a rin g w ill b e d e stro y e d fo re v e r, nine
t a s « . o u t o f te n a r e c a u s e d b v C a ta rrh .
! w hich la n o th in g b u t a n Inflam ed condi­
tion o f th e m u co u s su rfa c e s .
\T e » III# !» « O ne H u n d re d rto lta ra fo r an » c,»« o f
Pe.-ifnc*. .r s u a e d h r r a t a r r h t th a t c a n n o t be « r e d o f
H a ll's C a ta rrh C nre. 8 rn d f o r c tr c n la r s free
T J C H B N B T , a C O , Toledo. Ohio.
Bold by n m t y t . t s . Tie.
T a k a H a l i l t ' a a u l r P il l s f o r eoa at lp a Uo a .
Elder Edgar N. Long and fam­
ily and Mr. Macey and family are
spending the week at Newport.
It is reported that Austin Titus
and Harrold Frink failed to pass
the final examination made by the
army surgeons.
Pat Murphy who was guard at
the penitentiary at Salem has
moved back to this city and is
working at the mill.
at 7:30
Show starts 8:30 :■ “ Fighting for world’s democ­
racy” is a half brother to “He
us out of war.
■‘M-H -l-H I f I 1 I 11 I 1 111 M H - H -H H-H-H-t
Doors open
Beauties of Taarskoa Salo, Built by
Patar tha Oraat.
T aarskoa Sain, th e city som e fif­
teen tnllea south of P etro p rad w here
th e fo rm er c r a r w as accustom ed to
spend th e sp rin g sn d w here th e p re s ­
e n ts seized th e h u n tin g preserve of
th e deposed N icholas, is a beautiful
T he c ity now has a population of
30.000. I t w as an Insignificant village
when P e te r th e G reet presented It to
bis consort, C stb erln e I., sn d began
th e construction th e re o f th e greet im ­
perial palace. T h e palace w as com ­
pleted Ju st a y e a r before P e te r's d eath
and w as g reatly beautified by bis
d au g h ter, E lizabeth P etro v n a. In later
Rome o f th e m ost m agnificent royal
a p a rtm e n ts tn E urope s re found in this
palace, n o tab ly th e bedroom of M arie
A lexandrovna, consort of A lexander
w ith Ite o palescent g lass w alls, its
colum ns o f purple glass and Its m oth­
er-of-pearl Inlaid floor. T h e walla of
an o th er ch am b e r a re paneled w ith am
bar; a th ird a p a rtm e n t la decorated
w ith »liver; an o th e r hae w onderful t a ­
ble* and chandeliers w hich glow w ith
so ft lig h t o f lapis lazuli, and th ere Is a
ballroom w hich gllttera w ith gold and
m irror».
W ith all th ese sum ptuous ap a rtm e n ts
at his disposal. N icholas I t . seldom oc.
eupled any of them , b u t preferred to
live In a m odest building no larger
I than th e co u n try bom s o f th* average
well to do A m erican.
T he ex ten siv e gardens and parks,
em bracing an area tw enty-eight tim es
as large aa th e U nited S ta te s capitol
grounds, a re am ong th e ch ief beauties
of T sarskoe Selo. P ictu resq u e grot
toes, a rtistic bridges, ch arm in g arb o rs
and d elightful aw an ponds a re to be
found on all sides, w ith here and th ere
an artificial ruin w hich c a p tiv ates th e |
eye an d quickens th e Im agination.
Beyond th e Im perial gardens and
grounds th e stre e ts of th e village a re
broad an d s t r a ig h t T h ere a re several
b a rrack s and hospitals an d eight
churches.—N ational G eographic Society
No. 51
These shoes were bought before
the extreme advances in leather and
at our Sale Prices are fa r under
present wholesale cost.
SELIG’S, Cash Price Store,
“ Meeting and Beating Competition".
The w ay to have a Bank
Account is to s ta rt one.
rThere must be a Beginning sometime. De­
lays are only a waste of time. One Dollar
will start. Every additional dollar will help.
This bank invites you.
We pay ialereal on tlm * deposits.
Tha Part th* Sidewalk Plays In Cold#
and Grip Epidemics.
T h at a close relatio n sh ip ex ists be
tw een sidew alks and grip epidem ics
Is asserted In Good H ealth by M artin
Nevlns. G rip and colds, says Mr. K ev­
ins, are germ diseases. G erm s are
floating about us In th e air.
b reath e them In by th e th ousand. “B ut
they a re cow ardly fellow s Once they
get Inside a h ea lth y body they re tre a t.”
H e goes on:
" I t Is only w hen one th in g or a n o th ­
er d istu rb s o u r h ealth equilibrium th a t
the •bugs’ m an ag e to gain a foothold
In our system . I t m ay be Injudicious
eating. It m ay be lack of fresh air, but
m ost freq u en tly It la aorae kind of e x ­
p o s u re -g e ttin g th e feet w et—th a t lays
th e fo rtress open to them .
" I t 1» not a t all hard to get your feet
w et And th a t Is w here th e sidew alk
com es In. T he o rd in ary sidew alk Is a
right hand a ss ista n t when you w ant a
cold foot hath. It Is built flat, w ithout
any slope to d ra in It.
“T h e condition Is ag g rav ated If there
occurs a n a tu ra l depression In th e side
w alk. T he w a te r ru n s Into It and
sta n d s until It Is dried or Is frozen.
T h e n a tu ra l re su lt is a h arv est o f grip
epidem ics and an y num ber of colds,
bronchitis and lung troubles. And tu ­
berculosis, too—th is disease can often
be traced to sidew alks, since It usually
s ta r ts w ith som e sim ple lung affection.
“ W e m u st stop building flat side­
w alk s an d m ake them convex Instead,
so th ey w ill d rain easily, and elevate
them slightly sbov* th e level of the
East Through California
Is a favorite route for those seeking diversity of scenery,
opportunity to visit many attractive cities en route and enjoy
the best in travel.
One Way Fares
First and second class to the East and
South apply via California. The trip
can be made economically.
Excursion Fares
Round Trip to principal cities in the
East will be on sale certain days in
August and September. These tickets
apply over practically all routes.
The Greatest Evil.
T he P ersian a u th o r Raadl tells a sto ­
ry o f th ree sages—a G reek, an Indian
and a P e rsia n —w ho In th e presence of
the T erslan m onarch debated th is ques­
tion: O f all evils Incident to hum anity
w hich la th e g re atest? T h e G recian
declared, "Old age oppressed w ith pov­
e rty ;" th e Indian answ ered, “P ain w ith
Im patience.” w hile th e P ersian , bow ­
ing low. m ad e an sw er. "T h e greatest
evil. O king, th a t 1 can conceive Is th e
couch of d e a th w ith o u t one good deed
o f Ilfs to lig h t th e d ark so m e w ay."
Ask your local agent for particulars, or write
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent
Southern Pacific Lines