Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, August 11, 1917, Image 1

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Eccentric Alexander II., Who
Gave Freedom to the Serfs.
Out of tha Roform Ho Sfarfod by thi
Liberation of tha Maaaaa Grow tha
Nihilist Movement, Which B rou gh t
About Hia Own Death by a Bomb.
koff adì iae<) Mio granilo.: nf a consti
tiillou lo Russili, and Alexander una
od Un* polii! nf IsMiihig n u' a-io lo that
effei-t lisd tndeed sii ned It w lieti In*
« a i alaln. March 13. |N.H|, by a nihlllat
Vanii y.
Vanlty Uni on thè olUcInl II I nf vlr
tue«, yet uo I cks a man has ii goni] »pln
Imi nf lilmu-lf he « III nevi- ainount t i
'itiicb -Clllcago News.
Regali! all new- wny« In thè II; hi of
fresh experlence fnr yt»e* If you oc» auy
hoiiejr, galla r II. c h 'x M le Flmiile.
No. 50.
I young each. Well fed, tbn young reach
that one of the most reliable ways to
i marketable size when three to four
a'lnlu pillili* Uy Is to say something at
the wrong time In the wrong place."— { months old and average from flva to
i tlx pounds live weight
Washington Htar
A Gaudy Voltura.
In the South American forests |A
found the most heuuiifully colored of
all vultures, and II Is the true king
over the black vultures and turkey
T he G reen Frog
buzzards. Its plumage Is of a delicate
cream, with black ipillls, and the head
Is brilliantly colored with red and
Once upon • time a little rtrl had a
birthday party, and one of the presents
I that ono small friend brought her was
Tha Signa.
a nice green paper frog.
"Mlm Gladys got no fewer Ilian six
The little girl had so many dolls that
gold headed umbrellas for birthday
*Jie took a fancy to the frog. She tied
"She must lie something of a reign­ j a string to one of his long legs, and
*v erywhere * the little girl went her
ing ladle" Baltimore American.
green paper frog was sure to go.
Now, one of the tasks that the little
F a t h e r K new .
girl did every day was to feed her kitty
Tonini:, Pup, what Is a glutton? a saucer of milk. Just outside the
Tommy’s Pop - A glutton, ray son, la a kitchen door stood a small brown dish
grow' man who can eat almost aa In this disli every morning the little
much as a small hoy.—Philadelphia girl used to pour a cupful of milk for
j the kitty's bieakfaat.
“ Would you like to help me feed the
The wise prove, the foolish confess kitten, dear?" the little girl asked her
by their conduct, that a life of employ­ pet frog. And froggy Jumped three
ment Is llie only life worth leading.— Inches and then squatted down on bis
green paper legs.
Plump, plump, he went across the
grass tlii be came to the brown dish of
Russian D em ocracy’s
milk. Then light Into It be Jumped,
F irst Envoy to A m erica because he bad not seen any water tn
so many days that milk looked too In­
viting to him
Wben tbe little girl saw her pet sit­
When the Russian special war mis­
sion to the United Stales ume to ting In tbe milk ef course the waa glad
this country It was beaded by Profes­ xba had him at Ibe end of a string.
sor Boris >. Bakhmetleff, who Is to re­ So she quickly pulled him out of the
main as ambassador, the llrst to repre­ milk and hung him up to dry on the
sent the uew Uuiuo, lucy at \\ ashing | ciotheallne.
It la ■ curium. fart, an.va tin* Kanaaa
fit}- Htnr, that one of Ilia paatM t ra- But It Completely Cured tha Bkippsr
of His Feer of U Boats.
foriju |l|y»ever rami* to llussla the
A skipper who took a cargo of loco­
Ufa ruling of tin* serfs In INttl «aim*
through Alexander II , u uian educated motives across the Atlantic when the
V boat warfare waa at Its worst gave
under lho I'rtMalan military system
this ringing story of the trip
Born In IhlH, the eon of a sternly an
"W e toft Philadelphia with sixty lo­
torratlr father, growing up In an at- , comotives, all Incased In huge wooden
uiospher** In which It waa Inoktd upon
boxes, lulact and ready to lie taken off
aa treason to rrltlrlar tin* corner police­
the ship and placed Immediately on the
man «line hr ttav a i epre u til nth e of
tracka to start dragging ammunition
the governnirnt, Alexander persisted
trains to the front.
In cherishing all Intrreat In all aorta of !
"The Jielauare waa as «untoth as a
hunihle |H*ople.
IHind as we made our way down to
lie ratlin to the throne In IHo5, when
the bay. but ibe first wavelets that
It ii tola waa floundering xvulst deep In
struck us at the capes started some­
the Crimean war. Hus«la waa defeated
thing that made me want to lake n
and demoralized, and It waa an unuau 1
header off the bridge. Every one nf
ally auspicious time for men with re 1
the sixty locomotive hells lu the hold
form Ideaa to get a healing
liegan to ring! And they all kept ring
wna made at the end of a year and
new lane paaond encouraging Industry lug all day and all night all the way
and commerce. 1‘laua were laid for an across Ibe Atlantic.
"A t drat I 'bought of going back to
etteiialve railway ayatem |iartly to de
d i s k to have the bells taken off
vclop the natural resources of the
ronntry and partly to lurreaav ila mill that would have amounted virtually tg
unloading the whole cargo be* ansa of
fare edlrlanry.
the manner In which the locomotives
Then In 1H5H Alexander received a
were stowed. It would have meant a
petition from certain great landownrra
week's delay, and I was supposed to
In l.llbuanla praying for a more satis
get to sea as i|Ulekly as |nisslble 8 «
factory adjiiatmeiit of relatlona lie 1
we put out that night with Ihoae sixty
tween tbemaelrra and their aerfa. The j
mad bells going hammer and tongs
exar replied with lavish p ra is e , of tbeh
public aptrtt ami assumed that what
"I thought we would all lose our
they wanted to d<> w u to Improve the
senses Bleep was out of the question
condition of the aerfa, which lu point i
It was like ringing ‘eight t>ells' eight)
of fact waa not true at all. Their |>etl '
limes a minute lu sixty different keys
Mon had given him an opening.
Without consulting his ministers the | You’ve seen Sir Henry Irving hi the
exar caused coplea of Ida Inst met Ions play 'The Bells?' Well, It was like
(hat, only this was no play, but real
to the governor general of Lithuania to
life It seemed, as one member of the
lie forwarded to the governors of all the
crew who Is by far too Imaginative
other Husatnn provinces, "suggesting"
that the landowners of lliolr provinces said, as If the ghosts of all the inur
dered ships were clanging up nt ua out
might also care to consider rmandpa
tlon of the serfs. Local committees of the depths o f the ocean, warning us
of the U tv tats that had littered the sea
went to work on the subject.
Then* were In Itusata nt this time floors with tbelr bones.
"W e fell In with some nasty weath­
some 28,000,000 serfs, slnves of the
soil. They could not l>e »old away er as we neared the other side. The
vessel rocked and tossed, and every
from the land on which they were
time she plunged a whole cataract of
bom, hut In all ether respects their
bondage waa virtually Complete. The bells went tearing down toward perdi­
c/.ar set the ball rolling by freeing the tion. 'W e’re In the U boat zone,' re­
marked the man at the wheel to me
3,000,000 aerfa on the Imperial estates
oue night. 'Good!' I cried ‘ I hope a
The altolltlon of serfdom was Inerlta
hie, hut the landowners tried to stare torpedo hits ua soon. Then perhaps
I'll get some sleep.’
It off as far as possible. They submit
"The destroyers that met us didn't
led a plan for making the aerfa agri­
know what to make of us. They
cultural laborers, entirely dependent
upon them economically. The czar re thought we had all gone crazy drunlc
fused to accept It. If the serfs were and were trying to tell the U boats
really to lie free be decided they must exactly where we were. But 1 told
Photo by Am erican IT ess Association
lie able to own land. A state loan, them I was cured of the fear of U
payable annually at 0 per rent for for­
ty-nine years, enabled the fornie^serfs
ton. Although under forty rears of
What la a Sapling?
to buy a certain share of farm fcmd of
age. Ambassador Bakhmetleff bus had
The soldier who thought a "sapling" a vurled career. After graduating as a
Itusata and become peasant proprie­
tors. The land wns held by I he village was a young pig was evidently a Som­ hydroelectric*! engineer he tiecame an
communities and by them apportioned ersetshire ntau. for a correspondent 1 Instructor and later professor In the
to their members. The ukase freeing writes "Highly amused, I read aloud l’ etrograd Polytechnic Institute.
the aerfa w as published March 3, I8ttl. your ’sapling' story to friends When
About thirteen yeurs ago he came to
Hope flnmcd Tery high In Russia at I had flnlshcd s Somersetshire woman ! this country and took up practical
who was present asked, ’ Well, what do work In hydroelectric Installations. He
that time, and men of the more vision
you call a sapling?’ ‘A young tree.' I relumed to Russia an American en­
ary sort looked forward to an imrae
dlate Utopia. They were disappointed, replied ‘ Is It?’ shtTreplIed. ’Now, I've thusiast. Under the old regime Pro­
of course, and they found that freeing always heard a young pig ealletl a sap­ fessor Bakhmetleff wns chief represent-
the serfs did not cure all the Ilia to ling in Somersetshire ’ Further Inquiry ■ utive tn America of tbe Russian cen­
which Russian flesh was heir. Out of revealed that others say the same." tral war Industries committee. Offl
their disappointment and their Impa­ From which we gather that the soldier daily he Is sttll head of that commit­
tience that Alexander did not make came from Somerset, while evidently tee. He left this country six months
Russia Into a Poclallst community his officer did not.—Ismdon Chronicle.
ago for a temporary absence. After
there developed the nihilist movement,
the revolution last March he was
whose passion for revolution Involved
nppolnted assistant vnlnlster of com­
Fooled Both Ways.
a passion for assassination.
A sportsmun came to grief at the merce nnd trade. The new ambassador
M un rii
The czar In the meantime was
first fence, riucktly remounting, he speaks English fluently.
■oiirye. It met the same fato at the second at
deavorlng to steer a middle con
Is one of the curious contradl llcl/ons of tempt
Asked the cause of his dis
car- asters, ho said: "U vos like z.ls Yen Produce R abbits to
his character that this man, who car
rlcd through the freeing of the serfs ve koms to xe first fence I did zlnk my
Increase M eat Supply
almost single handed, should have look­ borse vild Jomp, hot he did not Jomp.
ed with entire coldness and disfavor so I vent over his head Yen ve koms
upon Poland's aspiration! for freedom -to ze second fence I did zlnk he vud
Habilita, which have proved a valua­
"Embrace the union with Russia.'’ not Jomp, and he did Jomp, so I vent
ble source of food In Europe during the
he told the Polish delegates, "and over his tall.”—Milwaukee Fiee Press
present war, may well be raised more
abandon nil thoughts of Independence,
extensively In America by way of re­
now and forever Impossible."
Political Assassinations.
ducing the drain on the ordinary meat
And In 1863 when revolt broke out In
The llrst three months of 1913 were supply, according to biologists of the
Roland It was relentlessly repressed notable for their political assasslnii
United States department of agricul­
under Alexander II., and thereafter
tlon». There were five—the Turkish
every step was taken to crush the na­ war minister, Nazim Pasha. Jan. 23; ture. The business of growing rabbits,
the specialists point out, can be car­
tional spirit of Roland, destroy Its Ian-
the premier of Salvador, Manuel E ried on by youths and adults not en­
gtiage niul traditions and make of It an
Araujo. Feb. 4; the president and vice gaged Iti military or other national
Integral part of Russia. The doctrine
president of Mexico, Francisco I. Ms service or In regular Industrial employ­
of Ranslnvlsm took a strong hold on
dero and Jose Pino Suarez. Feb. 23, ment. The animals may he raised In
his Imagination, and he went to war
and King George of Greece. March 18. hack yards of cities and towns as well
with Turkey In 1877, feeling himself
ac on farms.
the chlvalrlc liberator of the Chris­
The Belgian hare breeds rapidly, ma­
Round tha Circle.
tian peoples of the Balkan country.
Friend—Why do you maintain such a tures quickly and produces a palatable
Rut his hopes of a confederation of
and highly nutritious meat. The cost
Slav slates under Russian rule In the large office force?
of production Is less than that of any
Balkan peninsula were dashed by the
other meat, not excepting poultry.
bothering me.
congress of Berlin next year.
The Belgian and Flemish giant rab­
"But I thought that was what your
The last years of Alexander's life
bits are recommended for meat pro­
wore dreary ones. More and more he executive secretary was for."
"Oh, no. He la here to prevent the duction, as the ordinary tame rabbit Is
yielded to depression aa he saw his
smaller and develops more slowly.
high hopes for nnssla fall to mate­ office force from bothering me."—Life
Rabbits are easily kept. They est
rialize. Numerous attempts were made
hay, grass, lawn cuttings and green
Tima and Plaea.
upon his life, and after the explosion
“There Is a time and a place for ev­ vegetation of many kinds. Females
In the Winter palace In 1880 the exar
should be allowed to breed wben eight
gave practically dictatorial power for erything"
“ Yes." answered Senator Sorghum or ten months old and during the year
six months to General Ignis Mellkoff.
a distinguished liberal officer. Mgjl- sadly. ’’ And It’s rather unfortunate should raise /nty Jitters of shout six
Mother’s Doll Story
Tha Whippoorwill.
The whippoorwill does not build a
n«*»t for Its eggs, but lnys them on the
ground, usually on fallen leaves.
Some o f the sidewalks o f Falls
City are in a deplorable condition
and unless they are repaired by
the owners of the property the city
will be obliged to repair them,
which requires considerable extra
1 expense to proceed according to
law. I f anyone is injured on ac­
count o f defective sidewalks, the
city is liable for such damages
and the taxpayers o f Falls City
must pay them.
Please repair
your sidewalks.
Street Committee.
The Oregon
Agricultural College
trained spc<*i»li8ts with modern lub
and Adequate equipment (ir e in
leading to collegiate degrees in the
You wonder when Advances will
ever stop
We likewise wonder.
We consistently believe it is to
your Interest to buy what you reas-
anably expect to use for sometime
ahead. In certain lines the jobbers
are now limiting the amount a mer­
chant can buy.
It won’ t be long a
matter of p ric e -lt will b e -
We are reasonably well supplied st present,
and are bought up fur (all requirements in
Again we suggest early buying ibis yeur.
SELIG’S, Cash Price Store,
“ Meeting and Beating Competition” .
The way to have a Bank
Account is to start one.
1 There must be a Beginning sometime. De­
lays are only a waste of time.
One Dollar
will start. ^Every additional dollar will help.
This bank invites you.
We pay interest on time deposits.
A O R I C U L T U R E . with 1» department«;
COMMERCE, with 4 departments;
ENGINEERINO. with 6 department«. In-
eluding Civil. Electrical. Highway, Industrial
Art« Irrigation and Mechanical Engineering;
FORESTRY, including Logging Engineer
HOME ECONOMICS, with 4 major depart
rnentu. including training in the Practice
M INING, with three departments, inelud
t»C Chemical Engineering,
THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC, offers instrne
lion in the principal departments of vocal
and instrumental mutie.
1095 cadets in 1916 17. end won recommen­
dation for O A. C. from the Western Depart
men! of tha U. S. War Department aa one of
the fifteen ’ distinguished institutions" of
higher learning. All cadets will be furnished
complete uniforms by tha V 8 Government
and the junior and senior cadets, enrolled in
the R. O. T. C., will be given commutation for
subnistence, as well as ull transportation and
subsistence st the six weeks* Rummer camp.
Information on request
Corvallis. Oregon.
Deafness C3nno* Be Cured
b v local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion o f the ear.
T h ere Is only one w ay to cure deafness,
and that Is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condi­
tion o f the mucous lining o f the Eusta­
chian Tube. W hen this tube Is Inflim cd
you have a rum bling sound or Imperfect
hearing, and when It Is en tirely closed.
Deafness Is the result, and unless the In­
flammation oan be taken out and this
tube restored to Its normal condition,
hearing w ill be destroyed forever: nine
is se s out o f ten are caused bv Catarrh,
which 1« nothing but an Inflamed condi­
tion o f the mucous surfaces.
\Te THU s it s One needr*<l P o ll»? , for »n r esse of
r '.fnrss (censed by eererrbi that cannot he cured bf
Doll IS Catarrh C ore Bro-l fnr clrenlsr* free.
r J. c n « I K T , A CO, Toledo. Ohio
Sold hr Drugsuts. Tbe
Take lu ll's Smalls fills for coastlpauon.
As Usual.
Willis How did ihr automobile acci
dont oc'fti'? GUI s- In the usual man
tier; the r*ad turned one way and the
car the ether. -Town Topics.
Only th<* man who Is In the wrong
must win at once Those who are right
can afford to wait.
People seeking rest and quiet recreation
will find them at
N e w p o r t Beaches
Good hotels, cottages and tents provide
pleasant abiding places for summer
Surf bathing, boating, fishing, and
W e e k End Fares
Are on sale Saturdays and Sundays,
limited for return
on the following
Season Tickets on sale daily.
Ask your local agent for tickets and descriptive boolet
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent
Southern Pacific Lines