Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, August 04, 1917, Image 3

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I H o te l H o y t
C a r a a r M e * a a d M a r l S U .. fo itU iM », O va.
Thoroughly Renovated & Decorated
LOU HI MICH. Man»«»r.
R A T K * ; - « . to V .
W ltC lA b - W
o r M on ih
Organization and Methods Em­
ployed in Preparing Staff
of Life for Soldiers.
!)• • • CM » I'arli I'o t iU m l. O r » « o n
Phot»» l . l « » e I ON I
Kit» Mi’ii »ml Women Tor
» life o f UHi'ful «mi profit­
able work ■»
DriijflcMM Practitioner*
Salem. Oregon.
À gate
C u t t in g
ai U
ro» • - > Wf wn » cut
l »».»Oil AC*A»« W A KAlO
» (N il ........ f » l c u t M»eO * « «
O f »IMO»« ANO A o a tl
ROUTT U t i l Cl.
S O S T I. A N O
3 r * i* * j t iíik É íú á & u i
ritoiogriti.il taken during u British advmicc, allowing the barrel of g grt-ul
gun that I* delayed by lb* breaking down o f Ita tractor.
e w tO Q N
>• m l M rw km
wmi tar print mu tk«pM| :t|i
N orton
F iirw A » l» .
C o . •'•n u n . o n . S u m *. w i
in « «. I tool»«, rti*.
A « » f u ’ ia l
fo m *
»•at fo r b yoara w ith e|>«*«*l»l I m ite* turn a f<»r 1 ytxtr.
or any pat tli ulnr (jtinwtlori w ith ftUvlor, fur 11.(10.
I fu ll t.l.th liât*»
A S T K o D M iK A L S T U D IO .
|*orl U m l. O r« * o n . I*. O . B oa K!&.
Soldiers Remember How Feeny
Got Out of a Tight Cor­
ner in Ring.
m m
BTtJDY bnokkm'ptn«. shorthand. UUgrnphy.
anthlti. Kimiiib nranrho«, at an »rcm liT«!
aeh<»i, writ»*, or p hon e Main ù&u fu r c a t a lo g o » I
g r a d u a ta » «m iran t« ml |.ositiuna. I lc h n k e W a lk a r !
Buaénaaa C o ll« « » , tri; 4th H lr w t. naar M orrison . | At
P ortland. D ra gon .
O ld F a ls e T eet h B o u q h t J g / E S
older the l» t le t
r in iu u , liriiljiewnrk iMxivht.
Cloa* Quarter» Count Emmy Out—
Whan Faany Qoaa on Laavo Mo Qota
Tokan of Appreciation for
Lesesns In Balf-Dafanaa.
A . H. W ig h t. B oa H4U, r o it t a n d . O re go n .
S | |
I »
" . « . « „ m m i I H u i l l í n 11 « I l II H MINI II
A m
Murin« Is for Tired Eyes.,
m C Y l O S H ad K yra
S or» F v c ir * I
" ■ ■ ■ ■ — ■
W*»ta — j
lU-tUina M o n n n U a l ’avnrita |
T r e it n im i f-«r * » « • that fm*l dry an d « m a r l
U lva your H » »• a« ii.tn h • ( y "«ir I«.» in« cara
a» your l»<" h and » t h t im a • m « t.* u farli j . j
cut fot fitta
VN CâSMf Ml ftf* im i
tt.u! at lift » and O ptical hu»rt*a «.r hy M all, i
i t i ■erte* f »• R ;-^ty Co. C* ca*o for frw l u t \
I’arrnlal Super*¡»Ion.
"D ili you H»y you didn't raise your
e y t o l w i soldier?”
"Y e «. Hut that <loe»n't affect the
e»ult». 1 don’t sup|xHic that Shake-
pearc’» parent» rained him to be a
toet." — Washington Star.
Why lie Resigned.
"W h y did you resign from the Don't
Worry clu b ?"
" I discovered that the way the reat
o f them got out o f worrying waa by
telling all their trouble to m e ." —
Boaton Tranacript.
I’m Simply Covered
W ith Eruption—
W h a t Cun I d o ?
''I can't reat, I can't Bleep, and moat
of all, I hardly dare go out, for when
It atarta ItrhlnK. I »imply have to
scratch, no matter where I ain."
“ Don’t worry a bit—Just get a cake
of Kealnol Soap and a jar of Itostnol
Ointment. Uae them according to di­
rections and I am eure you will get
prompt relief, and that your akin will
be all right In a few days." Kealnol
Soap ami Ointment are sold by all
I.»glrnl Conclusion.
"T h ere ia one big difference be­
tween pie and w ords."
"W h a t's th at?"
"W h en you mince your words you
don’ t have to eat them.” — Exchange.
tram mark mg . us. pat . off.
a * "
Will reduce Inflamed, Strained,
Sw ollen T endons, Ligaments,
or Muscles. Stop,the lameneseaml
pain from a Splint, Side Hone or
Hone Spavin. No blister, no hair
one and horse can he used. $Z a
ottle at druggist* or delivered. De­
scribe your case for special instruc­
tions and interesting horse B ook 2 M Free.
ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for
mankind, reduce* Strained, T o rn Llga-
menta, Swollen Glam!«, Veins or Muscles;
Heal# Cuts, Sores, (fleers. Allay.« pain Price
M- 00 • hotrlr at iie»|»r«ortlrllrrrerf. Book "Frlifmce” free
W. F. YOUNG, PDF., 401 Tempi# St , Springfield, Mass
V eal, Pork, Beef,
Poultry, Butter, E g g ,
and Farm Product*
to tha Old RalUhla granting hotiaa with a
racord of «A year, of Snuam DnaHnri, and
4 S-47 Front 5 l r „ t
Portland, O r .r o .
B U Y D IR E C T ^
London.—How tha tactics o f the
prise ring got two little groupa of Brtt-
lah soldiers out of a tight corner, and
eventually gave them the victory In a
lively ''»crap" with superior numbers
of the eueniy, la told In an Interesting
story communicated by “ a correspond­
ent” to the London Times.
The etory opens with a glove contest
!u a room Itt by four large acetylene
lampe; on tiers of benches and boxes
stt hundred» of khakt-clad men. They
buve most of them been lighting all
through the week, and now they aro
going to watch other men fight— with
glove*. Two men In overcoata step
througli the ropes. As the glove* are
being adjusted an officer step* Into
the ring. He Is loudly cheered.
“ A all round contest,” he aa.va, “be­
tween two Irishmen. (Cheer*.) Ser­
geant Kennedy Mucdona, eleven atone
two. and Quartermaster Sergeant Tim
Feeny, eleven atone.”
Doth boxers are line specimens. Fee­
ny, although he gives away only two
pounds, looks much the lighter. Ills
body glistens tn the white light. As
ho closet his gloves hts muscles rtpple
from wrist to shoulder, and his chest
Is flanked with a padding o f muscle
to back up either hand. Mncdonn la
older. lit* frnrae looks nlmoat rigid.
There la not the tame subtle play of
the muscles, but he seem» made of
Iron, end he has abnormally long arms.
Ills ear« look ns If they had been
punched flat ngnlnst the side o f his
akull. The referee call«, "Seconds
out I"
Exchange Blow« From the Start.
The two boxers step Into the middle
o f the ring nnd shake hands. There Is
nn noise snve that of the slip, slip of
the soft kid hoots over the realned
canvas. Feeny feints with hla left, but
the other draws hack a pace wnrlly.
The feint hns told Feeny something,
nnd there tn the quick phut-phut of
lenthor on flesh ns he lends n left
nnd right tn the hond. As he steps
out the other tnnn steps In nnd lands
n hard one on the Junction o f the rlbn.
The blow hns told.
Still circling.
Feeny getn his mnn Into tho snllent of
the ropes nnd rushes tn with n well-
meant hut hndly plnnned nttnek. He
hns the shorter reach by Inches, nnd
ho knows he must fight to the body
nnd come Inside the long-rnnge blows
o f Mncdonn. Then he gets home ngnln
nnd the older mnn Is sent hnrd bnek
to the ropes, but, being n master of
rtngcrnft, comes back from them ns
If thrown from n catapult, nnd hts left
comes round with full shoulder weight
behind It. Feeny takes It ducking, hut
too late; the glove cornea home over
one eye. The round Is over.
Once more the boxers face each
other, but they now know each other's
tactic«. It ta n good round, but when
It finishes It shows that the mnn with
tho shorter rench must get In close to
hla opponent, who hns the range of
him. He known this, too. so he fights
hnrd, tunneling Into Mncdonn's defense
with Jnbs nnd short-arm hooks, clinch­
ing when hnrd pressed nnd smothering
In the hrenk-nwny.
Feeny nttneks
with a flurry o f quick In-flghtlng. “ Go
e e * » e e « e e e * e « e e » e e e » e e e e
Your Own Plum bing ]
By buying dlmet from o , at wholmaln prieaa
and a n thn plumber’. profit.. Writ* ua to­
day your nonda. W. will rlr* you our rock-
bottom dimet-to-you" price«, f. o. b. rail or
boat. W « actually u u you from 10 to 84 p«r
* n t All rood, ruarantood.
Northwest hradquartor, trm Ixwdmr Water
Rjr.U-ln. and Fullar A Johnson Kntrinss
* * * Third Str.at.
P, N. U.
Portland. O ra*««
No. 31, 1817.
That Itch, Burn and Torture With
Cuticura— Trial Free.
Saved by Lydia E.
Pink ham's Vegetable Compound.
College o f Neurology and
Electro-Therapeutics, Inc.,
This woman now raises chickens and
A hot Cuticura Soap bath la sooth­
ing to Irritated skins when followed does manual labor. Read her story:
by a gentle application of Cntlcura
Richmond. Ind.—"F o r two years I
Ointment. Uae Cuticura for every­ was so sick and weak with troubles
from my age that
On* Million Fighting Men Require day toilet preparations to prevent
such troubles. After thla treatment
when g o i n g up
4,000 Bakers to tupply Needo—
baby sleeps, mother resta and heal-
stairs I had to go
»Frills» Eliminated While on
ment follows.
very slowly with
Free sample each by malt with
my hands on tho
Active «ervloe.
steps, then sit down
Address postcard, Cuticura,
at the top to rest.
Washington.—A bakery oompsny at Dept. L, Boston. Bold everywhere.
The doctor said he
— Adr.
war strength In the United Stats* army
thought I should
la divisible Into four sections o f three
have an operation,
The Little Lacking.
units each. The sections are lettered
and my f r i e n d s
thought I would not
A, B, C, and D, and the units ar* num­
live to move into
bered from 1 to 12. In peace times Joe Jarvis' son to volunteer for that
new house. My
there are nine units to a company, but very dangerous jo b !
I’ m so glad he
daughter asked me
for war service this Is Increased to got the military medal!
to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
12 units a company. One bakery com­
Mrs. Mullins (not to be outdone)— Compound as she had taken it with good
pany Is designed to supply normally Yea, Miaa. And my boy could have results. I did so, my weakness dis­
a force of the strength of a division | a got it, too, if he’d cared to have taken appeared, I gained in strength, moved
into our new home, did all kinds of
■ectlon, an Infantry brigade, and a the risk. — Punch.
garden work, shoveled dirt, did build­
unit, an Infantry regiment of war
ing and cement work, and raised hun­
Warned in Vain.
dreds of chickens and ducks. I can­
The organization and equipment ar*
Mrs. Housefly— I warned that daugh­ not say enough in praise o f Lydia E.
eucb that each unit, section or com­
ter of mine to beware of the men, and Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound and
pany Is complete In Itself, so that or­ now she’s gone and got mashed on an if these facta are useful you may pub­
lish them for the benefit o f other
ders directing assembly may specify old bald head. — Exchange.
1 wom en."—Mrs. M. O. J ohnston ,Route
•imply the nnmber of bakery units,
D, Box 190, Richmond, lad.
sections or companies required at a
given destination and the authority
to whom to report.
The total enlisted personnel of a
bakery company Is 61, o f s section
Tells how to loosen a sore,
12 and a unit 4. Thus tor 1,000,000
tender corn so it lifts
fighting men about 4,000 bakers will
out without pain.
he required, the Baker’s Weekly states.
I Boys U ndti 10 Admitted. |
O lf« n
iimnt * l v a n U « « 3 . L i m it « ! n u n *
t*N| o f i>iti•*i ■
>1 c a r * . T b o r o t t A mural.
Mi«l**rn laiiKUNu««
RWnlal, |ihy»le«l Ireinti
In the Old Days.
" W e got this boet*together In re­
markably short tim e ," remarked Noah
jubilantly aa he stood off and surveyed
the ark. "Y e a ,” replied Japhet. " Al l
we had to do waa to go ahead and
build her o f wood. There hasn’t been
any steel construction to stand and ar­
gue about. " - Washington Star.
f oo IQ to Walk Upright Operation
London.—Tho war hns hnd
the effect o f reducing orlmo In
Great nrttaln to nn astonishing
degree. There are now 7,000
fewer men nnd 700 fewer women
In prison thnn nt the beginning
o f the war. The total nnmber of
prisoners Is 9,0.12.
In again I” "Keep at him I” the crowd
ahouta. And Feeny does as advised.
Macdotin, unwary, ha* allowed him­
self to he hacked Into u corner, end.
quick as a terrier, the shorter-armed
man stepa Inside bis guard and gets
home with two full-power punches on
tho solar plexus.
Macdona sways,
makes n step Into the ring, and then
Composition of a Bakery Company.
falls In a heap with one arm relaxed
There is one commissioned officer In
over the lower rope.
The referee
o f a company, his title being
reaches the count of "Ten" before the
assistant to the quartermaster; there
fallen man moves at all.
"Oood scrap,” says the machine-gun Is also a chief baker, with the title of
officer to a feilow lieutenant, “ but Fee­ quartermaster sergeant or sergeant,
ny would never have won If be hadn't Drat class; four assistant chief bak­
ers, one for each section, who are ser­
got to close quarters.”
geants of the quartermaster’s corps;
A Week Later; the Trenches.
there are 12 bakers who have titles
A week Inter. Two little groups of of sergeant or corporal, each one being
men are sheltering tn two shell hole* In charge of a unit, und eight other
far out nnild the German wire. The bakers for assignment to duty with the
trenches two hundred yards ahead of company or with detached subdivi­
them ar* occupied. A spray of ma­ sions, according to the necessities of
chine-gun bullets plays across th* lips
the ca se; 82 assistant bakers, who are
of tb* holes, and two men who were
corporals or privates of the first class;
making n "look-see" are sitting groan­
two cooks for each company and two
ing In the bottom o f the trench. The
other cooks or general police make op
two parties are twenty yards apart.
the total enlisted strength of a bakery
Presently the machine gun atop* Its
patter and there la comparative silence. company.
The commissioned officer In charge
There Is nn Isolate«] thud In the dis­
tance and the crescendo of an ap­ of a bakery company In the field Is
proaching shell. It bursts like an elder responsible for the operation of the
powder puff, high nnd to the left, but bakery and the training and discipline
some o f the shrapnel reaches one of of the personnel. He Is responsible
and accountable for all the results
tho shell holes.
The men have been out since before also, and can consider his work well
dawn, for they were an advnnoed pa­ accomplished when the men are well
trol. They were discovered by the supplied with good bread both In camp
Bochee only an hour ago. however, and and on me march.
The chief baker has general super­
their position la now made unenviable.
The ground behind slopes and they vision of the bakery company and the
would be exposed to machine-gun Are field bakery. He keeps the company
all the long way tc their trenches records, prepares bread-cost state­
Now the artillery Is beginning to search ments, and Is general custodian of the
them out.
The chief of each section Is respon­
They Try Out Feeny*e Tactics.
From the right shell hole there Is sible for the general efficiency, clean­
a flutter o f white, and slowly a Morse liness, etc., of his section, and it Is
message Is sent with a leaf torn from up to him to see that the bread pro­
a notebook. "Try Feeny'e tactics." It duced Is o f the proper standard. He
spelts out. “ How about It?" The ofll- j Inspects esch run o f bread after It
cer who receives the message smiles Is baked and before It Is put In
to himself. “Tee," he answers, “ we storage.
Each field bakery receives from the
will start when you signal. Give us
five minutes."
quartermaster general a complete
The slgnnt Is given. Both groups equipment, which Includes, for ex­
dash forward nnd only one man falls ample, 432 bake pans, 36 folding bread
Brenthless, hut revengeful, they fall racks, 4 rnnges, and such other minor
Into the machine-gun emplacement.! articles as axes, brushes, buckets, cans,
There Is some quick work with the j hatchets, fire hose, measures, paulins,
bayonet, the gun Is wrecked, a (logout scales, scoops, dough scrapers, etc.
Is bombed, four prisoners are taken.
Field and Garrison Breads.
Ten minutes Inter, leaving two parties
Bread used In the army posts In peace
o f Germans bombing each other Indus­
triously over n traverse, the raiders time Is known as garrison bread. The
streak across the No Man's Land term field bread Is applied to a type
They nre seen, but the machine gun of bread having a greater density, a
Is out of action nnd rifle tire ts all | thicker crust and a consequent higher
that they have to fenr. Then our men capacity for retaining moisture than
see them nnd a heavy covering Are Is garrison bread. Field bread la Intend­
kept up. They fall over the parapet, ed for consumption by troops at a dis­
bounce off the firing step nnd H e! tance from a field bakery. Garrison
panting on the duck boards In the hot- bread Is used whenever the troops are
not more than a day's Journey from
tom o f the trench.
And Feeny, who went on leave the the bakery.
Seven runs of garrison bread con be
next week, found nn envelope watting
for him before he left. There were made In the army working day. Insur­
two hnndred-frnnc notes In it nnd a ing a production o f 1,(512 pounds of
measnge o f eleven w ords: “ In payment bread to the unit, or 18.144 pounds to
for lessons received In the noble art the bakery company at war strength.
o f self-defense.”
In making field bread. It Is posslbi*
to have seven runs tn 16 hours, which
an average day’s work In the army
field bakery. Sevan runs will produce
1,008 pounds s unit each day, or 12,090
Ohio Farmer Raises Bloesome Just to
pounds for an entire company at war
Admire— Doesn’t Sell Any
of Them.
An arm ; division In camp at Galves­
Tex., for two years, composed of
Cleveland, O.—Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank
Selther, who live on a little farm near approximately 12,000 men, drew on
here, started mining peonies 20 year“ the average about 8,000 to 9.0Q0 pounds
ago. At first they had a small bed of of bread a day.
The field oven In which the bread Is
them. Then they began growing more
yenr by year, until now they have aev-1 baked Is o f the portable, knockdown
eral acres. They estlmnte they have variety. It will hake approximately
lflO.OOO blossoms In their pntch. They ; 8.S00 pounds o f Issue bread, or 2,000
don’t sell them; they Just have them pounds o f field bread a day if operated
to admire.
Mobilization o f th* 4,000 bakers
will be needed for an army o f a
Chopped Off Finger.
million men will take plac* gradually,
Hammond. Ind.—George Kosek, a
being regulated according to the ne­
Whiting butcher, hacked off hts thumb
cessities. Army bakers will be required
with a cleaver the other night.
to hake many other things besides
friend was condoling with him.
bread. Rolls, cakes and sometimes
don't see how yon did It," the friend
said. "Well, It was Juat like thle," said other delicacies are provided for the
Roaek, lifting up the cleaver, and lay­ men when I t . Is possible to do so.
ing his hand on the block. He let the though when the army becomes en­
cleaver fall, and accidentally chopped gaged In active field service the "frills"
off two more fingers and a part of are eliminated In favor o f substantial
his hand.
It Works! Try It
K ill A ll F lie s! Th3aîsr* l
No bumbug!
Any corn, whether
hard, soft or between the toes, will
Heard in a Cafe.
loosen right up and lift out, without
Waiter— Do you mind if I put your
a particle of pain or soreness.
This drug Is called freezone and la bag out o f the way, air?
The people
a compound of ether discovered by a
1 coming in are falling over it.
Cincinnati man.
Diner— You leave it where it is. If
Aak at any drug store for a small
bottle of freezone, which will coet but nobody falls over it, I shall forget it’s
a trifle, but ia sufficient to rid one's there.— Boston Tranacript.
feet of every corn or callous.
Put a few drops directly upon any
Awoke to Her Value.
tender, aching corn or c&Uoua. In­
Nell—So he jilted her,(did he? That
stantly the soreness disappears and
shortly the corn or callous will loosen must have made her feel cheap.
and can be lifted off with the fingers.
Belle— On the contrary, it gave her
This drug freezone doesn’t est out a very expensive feeling— she sued
the corns or callouses but shrivels him for (25,000 for damage to her
them without even irritating the sur­ heart.— Boston Transcript
rounding skin.
Just think! No pain at all; no sore­
“ Fair and warm er" is the dope.
ness or smarting when applying It or
That from many points we g e t
If your druggist don’t
And it gives us cause to hope
have freezone have him order It for
We shall have a summer y e t
: » , p 1 6 5 N o w
The Lightest and Strongest Drag Saw made—Can
be Operated by One Man and Carried by Two Men.
Motor Work*, {¡Ju6
In the Great War
are using W R IG L E Y S regularly.
It steadies stomach and nerves.
allays thirst, puts *‘pep” into
tired bodies.
Aids digestion.
Lasting refreshment at small cost.
Chew it after every meal.
X 734