Y o u C a n b e a Better T e a c h e r by T ra in in g Y o u r s e lf P'">- FIR E ESCAPE IS HOME fessionally at the Robin Oregon Normal School, Monmouth, Or. Domicile to Rear Brood. O R E G O N ’S SCH O O L FOR OREGON TEACHERS State Fair Rules Out. for Salem- Secretary I-ea, of the State acuity Fair board, has announced rules which will govern the entries o f all exhibits COURSES ProfcHHion&l, Supervisor, Rural and Primary. for prsmiums at the fair ami declared that these rules, which are as follows, First Semester I W in s September 10, 1917. shall be rigidly enforced: ^ « I mmi I your p ru fm liiu al (msai'iiilitiiHi. The 1V17 ratalugue tails. Thu R egUtrer h u on« “ The fairgrounds will be open for the reception o f all articles six days before the commencement o f the fair, W H E N IN ROMANCE SEEN FROM SADDLE and all sntries for premiums must be made in person or by letter with the Qalloplng Hoof* Conetltute an Eternal secretary, as follows: Challenge to the Spirit “ In the horse, cattle, sheep and of Youth. swine departments on or before Sep­ tember 16; in the poultry end indus­ Romance llkee to come on home- trial department, on or before Septem­ hack ; the Jingling epure nnd bridle ber 20, and in all other department be­ S E A T T L E 'S L A R G E 8 T H O T E L Irtma chant a happy pean In hla earn, fore 6 o ’clock in the afternoon o f Sep­ OShr U rn a M orii, frolli |W.,..,I. .n.| Ikicka U|>- and from the aaddle, aa from the tember 23. The board reaerves the Clln 11.11 l ’w li ami Court llu u v . TUR riNRHT IMit.I.AK BOOM IN AMERICA throne, he looka out over the workaday right to accept entries in the livestock world, any» a writer In Hcrlbuer'a department after the expiration of W lth it .t a .t ia l l* t h . I | »ra in . I l (IO I l i o t u n u m ., fl.a u i l i » Magazine. September 15, but i f this is done a Wlth privato batti. I i>.r«,i,. ti uo U Ut »0 0 Itomauce always haa been linked penalty o f 26 per cent o f the premiums ■t p n a i. fa uu fa to Uno “ W h e n In S ea tU a T r y t h è r r y s ” with riding; In the playroom mounted | earned by the entry will be exacted. on u gallant rocking chair youth tides ’’ A ll goods, articles ami animals Into a land o f golden deeda; later he must be in place on exhibition by 10 iwlnga in long gallop* on the faithful o'clock on the forenoon o f the opening bohhyhorae Into aplcy and fugitive ad­ day o f the fair, and all horaea entered venture. T o the page on a prancing for speed contests must be in stalls palfrey and to the cavalryman In ami entered in accordance with the khaki the lure o f romance la the «nine; rulea governing the racing progranf.” the rhythm of gulloplng hoofa thud» Fifteen hundred pounds of cherries ulwaya In the Imagination, the Intly'a from one Bing tree on the L. B. Hab- favor on the lance and the quivering erly place, northeaat o f Salem, with a M-arlet guidon flutter ellko a my»terl-1 value o f $90 for the product from the oua and eternal challenge to the »plrtt one tree, is a record just reported. W e Pay the Pcaetsae. “T o horae* and away,” and The cherries sold for 6 cents a pound. I f In nmal o f P u re I>rugs end C'hem ireta. A rch of youth. Supports. S h ou lder UrersNi, 1HUH31.H. Kleatic all the world'« before one. S tockin gs. A h d o m tn e l S u p p o rt*»«. S u ip en s orr Eighteen were injured when the O.- Ktevennon «Iw n y« wanted to write a H sitiiaara fur M on. a m l ell oth er Kiibt*»!- fktuda | p f ev e ry dee<-Ht>Uon. er>n<| U* the •tory about a mao galloping up to an W. R. & N. crack Overland Limited I LAUE D A V IS DRUG CO. No. 17 Inn at night, and the very «uxge»tlou paaaenger and mail train P Trum a E x p e r t * crashed head-on into a 2200-ton freight bring» a tingle to the Imagination; T h ird an d Y a m h ill, P o r tla n d , Or. at Hindman, 16 miles east o f Baker at |ty on th» hlahwrr low and loud. 6:20 o ’clock Monday morning. One Hy at th. gallop goa a he. ilo heard him In the alreplea» mid­ man may die from the effects o f his night« of hi« chlltfliood; nod. Indeed, injuries. A re matlo from your OLD CAR- the sound o f thudding hoof« always Fridays will be meatless days at the m 'S ling Hugs wovun all aises. make« the heart beat faster. The so­ Arlington Club, Portland, in future in Mail onlers receive prompt ami care­ ciable clattering of a single fooler on order to help along the cause of food ful attention. Send for booklet. asphalt, the crackling o f tw ig« and conservation. Members of the club NORTHW EST RUG CO. E. Hth and Taylor Sit. Portland, Or. leaves on the quiet autumn trails, the unanimously approved the plan by bal­ muffled rhythm of a canter on the turf. lot. Judge C. H. Carey, president of Its resonance on a bridge— all these the club, suggested the idea as a patri­ make lnu»lc In tha ears and bring the otic step. very smell o f adveuture. To him who Citi Perk, Port le nd. O regon , Logging operations on the California kone la b o r lOHl. ride» there la always "something lo»t Barrel company’s tract of timber in A S E L E C T B O A R D IN G A N D behind the ranges” —and his heart the Kiatakanie river district are to be D A Y S C H O O L T O R G IR L S yearns for It. B o y a U n d e r 10 A d m it te d . commenced in the immediate future. Will learn what * ~ to - teach ami how to » teach. . You ---- ;........ ...... ; •;— -- « « • . The achool prepares elementary work in city ami country schools. Kvery member o f the has professional preparation. ? ou S E A T T LE [ TRY THE D R U G S B Y M A IL BEAUTIFUL RUGS Spokane, Wash. — Emily is a house­ w ife who believes in safety first. Emily is a modern horns builder who selected the fire escape of the Spokane Chamber o f Commerce building as a most desirable site for a fam ily domi­ cile. Probably it was the solidity o f the iron platform which appealed to her, or perhaps she fe lt safer in the city than elsewhere. Anyhow, the fact that below her roars the traffic o f s busy street and three feet sway a noisy office force hammers typewriters and slams desks and chairs around m ale« no difference. Emily is th rifty. She believes in conservation o f material. Pieces o f an old rope twisted around the fire es­ cape and a few stripe o f bunting ap­ pealed to her as valuable. So she worked them into the foundation, weaving the loose ends o f the rope through the bottom o f her summer home and using the bunting in the side walls. Paying no attention to the interested audience nearby, Emily collected rub­ bish and completed her nest. Then she settled down to housekeeping and motherhood. Three beautiful blue eggs soon appeared and three weeks later Emily had a fam ily consisting mostly o f yawning mouths. The youngsters are now about ready to fly. The nest is located just outside a window o f the Spokane Interstate Fair offices. President Thomas S. Griffith, o f the Fair association, sees in the visit o f the bird a good omen for the annual show to be held September 3-8. " W e have had mascots before,” says Mr. Griffith, “ but this is the first time any mother became so interested in our work that she made her home where she could watch all o f our preparations.” ACADEMY OF THE HOLY CHILD vare|itioneI « I ventage«. Limited num* apila Individual i irt H pataffi — t i l p h ilt e r ' training. len gu agee. Carl L. Koster, president o f the Hum­ boldt Cooperage company, will be in Á.L A salary scheme Is being worked Astoria in about a month to establish out In Italy, which promises to have the camps. good result». Salaries will be paid by A ll three o f the girls who escaped employers to their employees, who are on active service the continuation of from the State Industrial school for SUth and Kvrtrtt Sia . PorlUnd. O r«. which will be regulated according to girls Sunday night, and who were I Pour block* from Union Depot. T w o biorka from N ew PoatoAe*. Mod*rn enti fireproof. the number of yearn o f previous serv­ chased through the brush and woods near the school by bloodhounds at the aOver KD outaide room*. H its « to tU.OO. ice. The first clause provides for the orders o f Mrs. Minnie Darst, superin­ C H A S . C. H O P K IN S . Manager reinstatement In their former posi­ tendent o f the school, were back at the V ____ _____________ ■ ■ ■■ ^ tions of all employees having served institution Wednesday. for at least ons year with the firm In the Two-M ile school district, in for which they were working at the The Cooe county, where two buildings have B o u illi, Sold. R .n lo d *o *l H o p ..ro d entrance o f Italy Into the war. W A L K Kit E L E C T R IC W O R K S clauses relating to snlartea during the burned down within the past year, the llumalilo. fur. Ulta. Portland. Ore. war are ns follow s: All workingmen directors, at a recent meeting called the colors who have been with a an election for the purpose o f voting HI0E8, P E L T S , CA 8CA RA BARK, with firm for ut least five years are en­ on the construction o f another building W OO L AND M O H A I R . titled to a third o f their usual sal­ to replace the new one which was de­ S« *ul ni N* Un. Unti tir priest Mf itippMl lift aries during the continuation o f the stroyed three weeks ago. T n i H. F. M osto « C o . fwoei. or*. letiit, w* war. This applies to married men De W itt Van Ostrand, owner of with families. In all other cases the extensive timber interests in Douglas S C IE N T IF IC A S T R O b O O IC A I. In .tn irtlon . employers shall pay the men at the county, arrived in Roseburg recently f g n c u l i . Rowltne. limit.. . I f . A cvn<-r.l fun* m at for A year»» with *|>*ctal Indication« for 1 year; rate o f s quarter o f their former sal­ from Grants Pass, where he is devel­ or any t» ** a Jrular Queetion with advice, for 81.00, Men with ten years' service to oping the Waldo copper mine. Mr. a«n»t fu ll, rth data. A H T R O U X A IC A L S T U D IO . aries. Portland. Oregon. I*. O. Ho* 82ft. their credit will receive. If married, Van Ostrand says he has enlarged the with fnmllles, one-half o f their sal­ stamp mill at the mine and its capac­ shorthand, to Wcnpkr. BTUDY »-jkkoe trrrmilted aries, nnd If not tnnrrfed a third. The ity is now six times greater than the M )« .m .n .h i| * K n s ! K h on l. w r it ., or I'h im . Main 6S0 fo r ra to k ia o »; decree only applies to firms employing original plant. S r w lu .t r . r u ir a n t m l iMMittona. H a h n k .-W u k w ut least three workmen. CSwénM . Collose. 1*7 «th Street. n « i r Morrtoon Grant county is again threatened P o rtla n d . Oreson. with a grasshopper plague. In the Different. Beech Creek district the insects are Grimly Classical. Grandma— I wouldn’ t eat that hard reported to have started to damage the “ Do you regard the study o f Iditin crops. Reports from other parts of apple in that way, W illie. as an advantage?” W illie I shouldn't think you would, the county indicate that the grasshop­ “ Not now,” replied Mr. Growcher. grandma. I wouldn’ t either i f I did­ pers w ill work great damage and " But sometimes I wish literature had n’t have no more teeth than you’ ve efforts are being made to stop the atuck to the old language. I can’t ; plague, but so far without result. got.— Pearson’s Weekly. imagine anybody w riting best seller | A ctin g on a report o f an expert ac­ stories or ragtim e songs in Latin .” countant, the stockholders o f the Ump­ Just So. Washington Star. qua Valley Fruit union have decided to “ What are these?” “ Just some cakes I have been mak­ reorganize the affairs o f the associa­ Fears for the Sheepmen. tion by the elimination o f F. H. I f the Idaho farmers attempt to hold J ing. A few trifles. ” “ I wouldn’t call them trifles, my Davies as bookkeeper and the election fo r $20 hay this fall it w ill force the ' Mr, love. Trifles are said to be as high as o f A. L. Kitchin as secretary. Kitchin has been manager for the sheepment o f the state to reduce the a ir.” — Louisville Courier-Journal. union. The stockholders also decided size o f their flocks and have the effect o f causing many to withdraw from the to employ a field representative. Getting Oil From Needles. business, according to Hugh Sproat, Sheridan’s cannery, built by the Investigations o f the yield and the fruit growers to handle the fruit, president o f the Idaho Wool Growers’ assoication. Sproat does not agree value o f cedar oil obtainable from some vegetable and berry market o f that with Harvey Allred, director o f the o f our southern nnd western trees have district, began this week on its first state farm markets bureau, that the been mode by the forest service partly regular run for the canning season, farmers must get $20 a ton for their with a view to the possible utilisation and marks the initial venture o f any alfalfa if they are to make the same of waste material left after lumber­ cannery in that district. The first twe margin o f porflt on their invest­ ing In the nntlonnl forests. or three weeks w ill be spent canning In these Investigations, longlenf nnd the berries and the last o f the season ment. . western yellow pine leaves produce the w ill be devoted to making juice. Green G olfer (to caddie)— “ What most promising results, but the needlo School Superintendent Churchill has lls obtained from these pines did not issued a ruling affecting male teachers are you looking there for? I must have driven it 50 yarda farther than mrpass the already firmly established o f the state who have enlisted, in spruce and hemlock oils. that.” which he holds that any person who Diplomatic Caddie— “ Yes, sir; but The large quantities o f needles and has enlisted either in the army or sometimes they hit a stone and twigs on forest service timber Rale navy, and who is properly qualified, bounce back h terrible distance, sir.” nrens are not only a sheer waste, bnt may have his certificate within one — Transcript. nlso form a special Are hazard. An In­ year from the date o f expiration o f his creased market for leaf oil would mnke term o f service with the Federal gov­ possible tho utilization o f some of ernment. Many teachers who have this waste material. enlisted are entitled to teachers’ cer­ tificates, either through examination or from having completed a teachers’ Fits Men and Women for Cats Fond of Needlea a life o f useful and profit­ Cats seem to have o habit o f swal­ training course. able work as lowing needlea. When n cat Is brought The Marion county court has finally to a veterinary hospital suffering with Druffletw Practitioners signed up the contract for the con­ n cough, the doctor always looks for a F. A . BR E W STE R , M. D., D E A N needle. In one Instance Doctor Childs struction o f a new steel bridge across 712 State, Salem, Oregon. of New York operated on a cat to re­ the W illam ette river between Marion The move what he thought was sn ordi­ and Polk counties at Salem. nary needle. He found a hatpin nine bridge w ill coat $237,901. n u m Veal, Pork, Beef, Inches long. Bat the cat's life was Sheriff Needham and Constable > | - f I K P ou ltry. Butter. F.gg« saved. Varne returned to Salem from the San 111 and Farm Produce R e w a rd in g Italian Soldiers. New Houston Hotel ELECTRIC MOTORS College of Neurology and Electro-Therapeutics, Inc., to th« Old ftallahl« Evorriln* hoiiM with a record of Aft year* of 8quar« Dealings, and b« «Mured of TO P M ARKET PRICES. F. M . C R O N K H IT E 4S-47 Front S t r ««t P. N. U. Portland. Oregon No. 30, 1917 Selects Spokane Chamber o f Commerce Building ae Modern tiam country late Wednesday night with Ray Graves and Mrs. Ruth Ab­ Naturally. bott, charged with threatening the life "Don’t the poor fisherman ever lose o f ex-Sheriff Tom Word, o f Portland, money In this aelne Ashing?” along with other persons who went “ Oh, no. It la a business In which with Word to claim ownership to the thera are bound to be net profits." Black Eagle mine near Breitenbush. Hot Weather Is In the Bottle! A Brew that Stands Alone. M ade by our patented process. Ask your dealer. in stock, ASK If he has’nt it US. Portland Brewing Co., Portland, Oregon. Obviously Exempt. One of the registrars in s V irgin ia country district tells a story o f a negro man, obviaoualy within the prescribed ages and o f powerful physique, who turned up on registration day. The registrar had a good deal o f difficulty in making the applicant understand the questions. "D o you claim exemption?” he asked. “ W hut’s dat, suh?” “ Is there any reason why you should not render m ilitary service— why you should not fight your country’s bat­ tles?” “ Oh, yes, suh,” replied the appli­ cant, much enlightened. “ Ise gun- i DAISY FLY KILLER - S S ä / S t B shy.” — Richmond Times-Dispatch. 'oivt wait for time to heal your skiiv-let R e s in o ! Candid. “ So you love the old songs best?” “ Y es” replied Mr. Cumrox. “ W hy?” “ Maybe it’ s because I haven’t much o f an ear for music and I don’t want to bother about learning any new ones.” — Washnigton Star. Supersensitiveness. The egotist with mind alert Is bound t o get his feelings hurt, Assuming with suspicion grim Each passing jest is aimed at him. — Washington Star. CROP OUTLOOK VERY BRIGHT do it now ■ ••• o b . Ma ■xtal. can’t spill or tip over; will not »oil or Injare any thing. XWZOLD t O H I l I . 14« D «Z *lk A n . . B m S ln . > . T. A Granulated Eyelids, so re Eyes?; sure to Sai. Desi and iuickly relieved by ye Kenedy. No Smarting, £ye Comfort. A t Your Druggitt’ « 50c per Bottle. Marine Ey# Salve In Tube« 21c. ForBeokef fkeEycFrceuk Druggii:i or Msriae Eye Remedy Ce. _ a # __ than S m a llp o x , A rmf Northwest Counties o f State o f Wash­ ington in Excellent Shape. Olympia — Some cheering news in regard to the food situation and forest fires came to Olympia this week. M. L. Dean o f the agricutlural depart­ ment reports that the northwest coun ties were never in better shape. The condition and some o f them w ill har­ vest as high as 150 bushels o f oats to the acre. The Whatcom and Skagit county farmers are all doing a big business, and putting up more vegetables and fruit than ever before, in some in­ stances doubling the pack o f last year. Fire Warden Papex received word that the Skykomish, the forest fire re­ ported in green timber, was under con trol as the result o f a heavy rain. The fires in Pierce county that threatened the town o f McKenna were brought under control by back firing, and all danger is past. The most serious loss was that in Skamania county, where the Wind R iver company lost $50,000 worth o f logs, machinery and equip­ ment, including five donkey engine?. T h e D rin k T h a t The Cooler f»r TYPHOID Ï Laugh When People Step On Your Feet the almost miraculous effi­ cacy, and harm lessee**, o f Antityphoid V see I nation. Be vaccinated N O W by ym x physician, you and fou r family. It Is mote vital than house loeuranc«. Ask your physician, druggist, or scad foe Hay« pen had Typhoid?” telling o f T y p h o id Vaccina, resulU from ua , and danger from Typhoid Caniezs. | T ry t ic thle youreelf then It along to others. It works) a r m * lab o r ato ry , b o k o t y , c m .! raoauciB« vaccines a »sauna uaoce u. *. CUTICURA u c« a»X STOPS ITCHING Ouch I T I T 1 ! This kind of rough Instantly In Most Cases— W rite for a talk will be heard lesa 1 ere In town If Free Sample. people troubled with corns V lll follow the simple advice of this Cincinnati Cutlcura Is wonderfully effective. authority, who claims that a few drops Th0 Soap t0 cIeanae and purify, the of a drug called freezone when applied Ointment to soothe and heal all forms to a tender, aching corn or hardened of itching, burning skin and scalp af­ callous stops soreness at once, and fections. Besides these super-creamy soon the corn or callous dries up and emollients If used daily prevent little lifts right o ff without pain. skin troubles becoming serious. He says freezone dries Immediately Free sample each by mail with and never Inflames or even irritates Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, the surrounding skin. A small bottle Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. of freezone w ill cost very little at any — Adv. drug store, but w ill positively remove every hard or aoft corn or callous j from one's fe e t Millions o f American Misleading Labels. women w ill welcome this announce­ “ Women are said to be the spice of ment since the Inauguration o f the life .” “ You can’t depend on the la­ high heels. If your druggist doesn’t I figured on gettin g have freezone tell him to order a small bels, though. cinnamon, but I got pepper.” — Louis­ bottle for you. ville Courier-Journal. Urges More Food Conservation. Spokane — Care in investigation of facts before interference with normal channels o f distribution, lest sudden readjustment might force prices even higher, was urged by Carl Vrooman, assistant secretary o f the department of Agriculture, in addresses here W ed­ nesday. Mr. Vrooman also urged con­ servation o f the food supply. The U- l>oat has been defeated, he declared, basing his assertion upon the fact that food is being transported in quantity and with regularity. The fuel prob­ lem o f Italy is also being met, he said. NORTHWEST MARKET REPORT Portland— Wheat— Bluestem, $2:16 per bushel; fortyfold, $2.12; club, $2.12; red Russian, $2.12. M illfeed— Spot prices: Bran, $33.00 per ton; shorts, $36.00; middlings, $43.00; rolled barley, $49.00; rolled oats, $52. Hay— Producers’ prices: Timothy, Eastern Oregon, $26.00 per ton; alfal­ fa, $18.00; valley grain hay, $15.00. Vegetables — Artichokes, 80c per dozen; tomatoes, $1.50 @ 1.75 per crate; cabbage, l® 2 c per pound; lettuce, 35c per dozen; cucumbers, 40®86c per dozen; peppers, 30®40c per pound; peas, 5c; spinach, 6Jc; Leans, 7 ® 8c. Green Fruits — Cherries, 7®9c per l>ound; apricots, $1.26® 1.60 per crate; cantaloupes, $1.25®'3.50; peaches, 90c ® $ 1 .15 per box; watermelons, 2&c per pound; apples, $2®2.75; plums, $1.50®2; currants, $1.25®1.50; rasp­ berries, $1.90®2. Butter — Cubes, extras, 40c per pound; prime firsts, 39c. Jobbing prices: Prints, extras, 42c. Eggs— Ranch, current receipts, 35c per dozen; ranch, candled, 38c. Poultry— Hens, 16® 17c per pound; broilers, 19®21c; turkeys, 20c; ducks, old, 15c; young, 18®20c; geese, 10®, 12c. V eal— Fancy, 15®16$c per pound. Pork— Fancy, 1 9 )® 20c per pound. Cattle— Steers, prime, $8.00®9.00; good, $7.50®8.00; medium, $6.75® 7.25; cows, choice, $6.25®6.50; me­ dium to good, $5.60®6.00; ordinary to fair, $4.50®5.60; heifers, $4.00®6.75; bulls, $5.00®7.00. Hogs — L igh t and heavy packing, $15.40®16.60; pigs and skips, $12.50 ®13.60; stock hogs, $12.00® 13.00; rough heavies, $14.00®14.50. Sheep— Lambs, $6.00® 11.60; year­ lings, $6.60®9.00; wethers, $7.00® 8.00; ewes, $3.00@7.60. SELECTION OF CHOICE SEED The Grand Jury’ s Visitation. The grand jury o f Laurens county Crops Don’t “ Run Out,” Say Experta recently reported: at Ames— Fanning and Grading “ That the county jail, from which Are of Importance. two negroes under life sentence have The old Idea that farm crops “ run escaped recently, is in good condition, out” may safely be looked upon as a except the doors and locks.” — Macon humbug, say the farm crops men at Telegraph. the Iowa experiment station at Am es; H AV E YO U A SW EETHEART that Is, If reasonable care Is given to Son o r B roth er in cam p o r tra in in g fo r defense? the selection of good seed and proper I f bo . m ail him a p ackage o f A lle n 's Foot Ease, methods o f soil culture each year. the antiseptic P o w d er fo r Tired. Aching, Sw ol­ len Feet, snd p reven ts blisters and sore spots. Under careless management, o f course, Makes w a lk in g easy. Sold eve ryw h ere . 28e. crops will deteriorate the same as an­ Knew Her Botany. imals or men. If, due to careless handling, farm “ What was the form er talking crops do run down or “ run out,” the about?” asked the first: summer girl. best thing to do is to run them out " A whiffle-tree,” said the other. Dispose o f the poor stuff and make a “ W ell, I ’ve studied botany, but I nev­ fresh start with good seed from the er heard o f a whiffle-tree. Sounds farm o f a thrifty neighbor. Then like his idea o f a jok e.” — Louisville keep the seed good. Courier-Journal. With tests of hundreds o f varie­ ties o f different classes o f crops at the experiment station at Ontario, Can­ ada, Ames and other places, where reasonable attention was given to fan­ ning nnd grading seed each year, cases of "run out” are practically unknown. Tills has nlso been the case on all well- mnnnged farms, also. With proper management and nor­ Quinn’s Experience mal conditions the seed grown on the Mrs. Ought to Help You Over farm should always be the best seed for that farm. the Critical Period. WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE AUTUMN DEMAND FOR CELERY Tendency to Rush Product to Market Before It Is Well Blanched— Loss In Trimming. The bracing fall weather will stimu­ late the demand for celery. At this season when It Is selling readily at good prices, there Is a tendency to rush celery to market before It Is well blanched. This Is a mistake, because It necessitates severe trimming at the market end, nnd the product goea to the cheaper trade. To catch the best grade, celery must be fully blanched, clean and well trimmed. "Handling” celery should be finished promptly and the rows ridged as fast us possible. I f the soil la allowed to get Into the hearts o f the plants It will cause r o t Celery Intended for storage should not be ridged. In toms quarters there is a prejudice against blanching celery with boards. It Is claimed that blanching with earth makes It crisper and gives it a better flavor. Just the same, much of tha product grown In various parts af tha country la blanched with boards^ it sella for top prices, too« Lowell. Mass.— “ For the last three years I nave been troubled with the Change o f L ife and the bad feelings common at t h a t time. I was in a very nervous condi­ tion, with headaches and pain a g o o d deal o f the time so I was unfit to do my work. A friend asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's V e g e t a b l e Com- Ipound, which I did, and it haa helped me in every wav. I am not nearly so nervous, no headache or pain. I must say that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is the best remedy any sick woman can take. ’ 1 —Mrs. M a r g a r e t Q u i n n , Rear 259 Worthen S t , Lowell, Masa. Other warning symptoma are a sense o f suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, backaches, dread o f impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, nplpitation of tha heart, sparks before the eyes, irregularities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness, inquietude, snd dizziness. t»If you need special advice, write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. [confidential), Lynn, Maas.