Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, July 28, 1917, Image 2

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queats, and therefore w ill not continue
the war a day longer merely for the
sake o f such conquests i f it could ob­
tain an honorable peace.
“ The Germans." he said, “ wish to
conclude peace as combatants who
Remaking of the Eye Region fnce wounds In many caaea are so
bad that no ophthalmic (kill could
have successfully accomplished their
One of the Wonders
l>osalhly save the sight.
But here
purpoee and proved themselves invinci­
plastic surgery, «in«» o f the wonders
A condition o f 'peace is the in­
o f the war, comes In to make the
violability o f Germany’s territory.
victim’s face agnln presentable. Plas­
No parley is possible with the enemy
tic work goes further than the re­
demanding the cession o f German soil.
making o f shattered Juwa and nosea;
“ We must by means o f understand­
the upper purt of the face, Including
ing and in a spirit o f give and take
the eye region, cun he patched up *o
guarantee conditions o f the existence
as to make the |M>or wounded pre-
o f German empire upon the continent
H an dle P atients W ith Coolness and
aentntdo anti not objects o f horror
and oveseas," continued the chancellor.
R a p id ity U n der Constant Menace
to their fellow men.”
Dr. Michaelis' words on this point
of Death— W ounded Loud In
The records of the Grand Palais
required a careful reading the are cap­
Praises of Surgeons.
able o f various interpretations other
hospital show that Doctor Borsch, who
than the surface one. His German in­
was ono o f the first American sur­
By C. P. B E R TE LLI.
geons to graft the cornea, hns suc­
England Blamed for Canning War and dicates a willingness to make peace Transportation Problems Increase and
Paris.—The remaking o f the eye
only as victors.
cessfully transplanted skin, hone, cur­
region through thu transplantation of
It Appears U. S. W ill Have to
for Making Use o f Submarines
“ It must,” he continued, “ prevent
tilage and ntui-ous metuhrane to the
part o f the mucous membrane and the
nations from being plunged into fur­
orbit. In several cases ho hns pro­
Necessary Food is Scarce.
Build Whole R. R. Systems.
grafting o f eyelids and lashes are
ther enmity through economic block­
vided soldiers with new eyelids by
among the marvels of plastic surgery
ades and provide a safeguard that the
taking cartilage from the ribs, graft­
accomplished In France during the
league in the arms o f our opponents
ing It over the socket ami afterwards
Washington, D. C.— No attempt is
making an Incision In the new skin.
Copenhagen— W ith the statement does not develop into an economic
American oculist, who, since August,
made here to minimise the seriousness 1914, has beett chief ophthalmic sur­ T o the upper and lower edges o f the
that Germany's wish is to conclude offensive alliance against us.
“ W e cannot again offer peace. W e
peace as combatants who have success­
o f the situation ir. the war theater in geon at the huge Uraud 1'alHla M ili­ slit thus made he hns grafted fiesh-
have loyally stretched out our hands
benrlng hairs, which Is taken from
fully accomplished their purpose, yet once. It met no response, but with Europe. The United States is in the tary hospital In Paris.
the eyebrows. In this manner ftirulsh
admitting the severity o f the food sit­ the entire nation and with Germany, war and w ill go through with it ; but
lug new lashes, and has afterwards
uation, Dr. Georg Michaelis, the new the army and its leaders, in accord any hope o f a short struggle has gone
patched up the eye socket by trails
hospitals, which he tuude at the re­
imperial chancellor o f Germany, F ri­ with this declaration, the government glimmering with the apparent almost quest o f the ilepurtnieut o f health for plantations from the mueuous mem­
day made his first address before the feels that if our enemies abandon their complete collapse o f the Russian ma­ the purpose of advising us to the p o s ­ brane taken from the mouth.
lust for conquest and their aims at chine.
The development was not unexpected sibility of Improving existing methods
Dr. Michaelis declared adherence to subjugation and wish to enter into ne­
Aged W om an Teaches K nitting.
!>r. l'ollkseiin Srhnlschklna Ynveln,
gotiations we shall listen honestly and by many army officers.
When the o f­ o f treating woumla of the eye and
the submarine campaign as a means of
Cnuton, O.— Mrs. Amelia Brush, presldent «>f thè “ Defendera o f Wom-
readily for peace to what they have to fensive o f July 1 was started by the suvlng the vision of the thousands of
hastening the end o f the war, and
soldiers who in this latter phase of seventy, who knltt«-<l socks for soldiers nii'a Itlghta,” thè Hiisslnii brnneh of
looked lightly upon the entry o f the say to us. U ntil then we must hold Russian forces, the most frequent
In the Civil war. Is doing her Idt for thè Tnteruiitloual Woumii Suffragi* al-
comment heard here was that it was the wur are suffering from such lujur-
United States into the war, asserting out calmy and patiently.
the hoys who are going to France. She llnnre. Wheli thè wnr bmke olii Ih**-
the German fleet and the submarines
“ Three years o f constant dally ex­ Is teaching a Sunday si -I hhi I class at tur Ynveln ami hcr coworkers thr«-w
would master that situation.
the First Methodist church how to thè whole atreiigth o f ibis powerful
For the United States the Russian perience In the treatment o f eye
Meager reports o f Dr. Michaelis’ experien ced and in the month o f July
make socks.
suffrago unlt luto wur Service.
address, received Saturday, were sup- has been the worst. Drought has de­ collapse may have an immediate and wounds at the Grand Palais.” sal<l
lemented Sunday with more complete layed and want exists in many cases, direct bearing. It w ill, if the Ger­ Doctor Borsch on hla return, “ hns en­
but I can declare with glad confidence man general staff presses its advant­ abled me to wltuesa a very cimslder-
“ Although,” said Chancellor M i­ that relief w ill shortly set in and the age, release additional German forces I able Improvement In the methods etu
chaelis to the reichstag, “ English population can then be supplied more to bolster up the western front, where ployed, aud very gratifying results are j
American troops are to lie engaged. now being obtained. If we could have '
statesmen knew, as shown by their adequately.”
The German line in the west has not taken up our tusk In 1914 with the
bluebook, that Russian mobilization
been seriously impaired at any point, benefit o f the experience we hnve
must lead to war with Germany, they
since acquired, our results would cer­
«>• stay In die other night nnd drnppcd
officials here believe.
addressed not a word o f warning to
No Doubt About Poison Gas Tour
hoiiibs. Olio hit mi Ihc house in xt
It was noted, in fact, that the one tainly huve been mure thun 100 per
Russia against military
When Tabby Comes Hur­
(he olle Ilio ‘c h le f wus sleeplug In, thè
strategic advantage gained in recent cent better.
while my predcessor, in instructions
U n d e r Menace of Death.
rest u f«*w hundred feet frinii our
fighting was gained by the Germans.
July 29, 1914, to the Ambassador at
rying Back.
“The one grent lesson we have
Many officers here believe that when a
tenta. No «>ne wus buri. W e culle«!
Vienna, directed him to say that we
small sector o f the British line in Bel­ learned Is that our chunees of oper­
It thè lin k o f Kei-tion Seven. Strange
would w illingly fulfill our duty as an
gium was overwhelmed the Germans ating successfully In cases of eye
lo sny, thè uume of thè Street all thè
ally, but must refuse to permit our­
improved their weakest front mater­ wounds are enormously Increased
(Munti* fell uu la ‘rue de lu Bombe.'
selves to be involved in a world war
ially. That view is based on opinions when patients are brought to us Im­
through Austria-Hungary disregarding
“ I Inni sii Interestlug rxp«-rlcnce a
Washington, D. C.— Selective con­
that the only hope o f decisive attain­ mediately after they have received
our counsels. The man who wishes to
few duys ngo, lu fuet, ut tlie timo, It
scription was put into effect Friday, ments for the allies in the west lies in their wounds.
The same remark, of
kindle a world war does not w rite like
N orm an Lee, Am erican Am bulance was Imi Interestlug. I f I retuember
this, but a man who is laboring and when a national lottery fixed the order rolling up the German right flank course, applies to all wounds.
rlghlly ! elosctl hy Inst L tte r tip In
Hero, W rite s Interesting Letters
"llo w well the heads o f the French
o f m ilitary liability for the 10,000,000 where it reaches the sea in Belgium.
has labored fo r peace to the utmost.
order to gel n little sleep whlle 1 I i,
medical service realize this will be
“ The concentration o f the Russian young Americans registered for serv­
thè chance. Well. 1 hadu't bevo uale«-p
o f Section Seven.
that the U-boat bases could be stamped understood when I say that during
army compelled Germany to seize the ice.
more tinnì nn hour when 1 uni awuk-
To accomplish the result, 10,500 out and the only offensive instrument my Champagne trip I found many
ened by thè nolse o f 'arrlveea'-
“ There was no choice left to us, and numbers had to be drawn, one at a o f the Germans be eliminated entirely eases In which the wounded had been
New York.— Eliot Norton o f Now shells, but shrapnel,
Th«*re wus®u
what is true o f the war itself is true
brought from the trenches to the York city hns received u letter from batter)- uot fur frinii us nnd thè Bocln-s
It would require combined army and field hospitals, wash«-«! and operated an Amerlcau volunteer In France, Nor­
also o f our weapons, particularly the ing and lasted fa r into the night.
were trylng to Bilenco It by maklng tini
submarine. W e deny the accusation
The lottery was held in the public­ navy operators, for it would be neces­ upon, with all dressings completed, man Lee, eighteen yenrs old, son o f a gtiuuers take to cover; heuce, thè
that the submarine w arfare is contrary hearing room o f the senate office build­ sary to force a landing behind the Ger­ within four hours o f their receiving newspnper man. who hus been driving
shrapuel. 1 tulght reiuark thut thè en-
to international law and violates the ing, with W ar department officials in man line and force the whole right their Injuries.
The surgeons and nn American Bed Cross ambulance f o r t trance to our dugout having once been
charge o f the actual drawing and with flank back from the sea as a result.
rights o f humanity.
nurses work under the constant men­ the last nine mouths, und who has re­ German now fuced the wrong way—
The price o f such a victory against ace o f death.
“ England forced this weapon in our members o f the senate and house m ili­
I myself saw them ceived the Croix do Guerre. The let­ suld entrance being covered by a
witnesses. the U-boats and German shore batter­ working In first nld dugouts and In ter follow s:
hands *hrough a neutral
blockade. tary
blanket. Each sluit kept coining near­
England prevented neutral trade with Through the day there was a small ies probably would be appalling and the hospitals Just behind the lines
“ It's 2 a. m. I have Just returned er, and you can't Imagine a weirder
Germany and proclaimed a war of crowd o f spectators, but altogether there is nothing to indicate that the amidst never-ending showers o f big
from u trip und It's n good Uuie to souud thun thu whine o f bursting
starvation. Our faint hope that Am er­ probably less than 1000 people saw any effort is being seriously considered.
shells, yet they bundle their patients
Reports from France official and un­ with a coolness, rapidity und skill write. While I attempt this two men shrapnel.
ica, at the head o f the neutrals, would part o f the process.
B urst at the Door.
As a result o f drawnig, every regis­ official so far as known, give no cheer­ which cannot be surpassed In the are busily enguged In piling up trench
check English illegality was vain and
“ I ’retty soon It cumu so near that
the final attempt we made by an hon­ tered man receives a definite place in ing picture o f what must be done. operating theater of a Furls hospital. torpedoes Just outside of the 'dugout.'
I cull It u dugout— In reullty It's only you could bear pieces hitting the top
orably intended peace offer to avoid the liability-for-service list. Already There appears no doubt that the allied
“The wounded ure unanimous In
line A n stand against any force Ger­ their praise of the treatment they a cellar— but It serves Its purpose—- o f the dugout. The last one burst
the last extrem ity, failed.
have been ordered to the colors
Even the receive, and so thorough and efficient keeps the ‘eclats’ from hitting you—o f the nearest— right in front o f the door,
“ Then Germany had to choose this to fill to war strength the regular many can bring against i t
last measure as a counter measure of army and national guard and to consti­ Russian disaster doep not affect that Is It that I do not think It possible course, u dlr«*ct hit would be u differ­ Zowie I Ing! patter, hit, bang I They
self-defense. Now also it must carry tute the first increment o f the national situation. But the necessary strength to Improve upon the work o f the ent thing. The Bodies dropped a few ripped through that blanket like a
for a successful offensive w ill take field hospitals that we Inspected. We gns shells over uliout midnight. Have clown going through a paper ring at a
it through fo r the purpose o f shorten­ army.
ing the war.
The submarine war is
To obtain that total 1,374,000 men time, and ample sea transportation fa­ saw many wounded with severe frac­ you ever heard u rattlesnake? Well, circus. I held my breath and
accomplishing all and more than all it w ill be called for examination within cilities o f the United States is to fur­ tures o f the thighs and legs who a gas shell has the sume effect. No Fortunately, none o f us got hit V u t In
is expected to. I t impairs England’s a few weeks, officials estimating that nish the needed surplus o f men, air­ were walking about the wards In a one has to tell you what It Is, you the morning we picked pieces out o f
economic life and the conduct o f the two registrants must be called for planes, munitions and food.
special apparatus four days after know. It Just goes ‘put’ and lets out ull the walls. The hlunket fUsembled
certain now
that their being wounded; these men as­ a greenish vupor. That’s enough—• a huge pl«-ce of Swiss rhe«<ke. The
war month to month in a grow ing de­ every soldier accepted. These 1,374,-
gree, so that it w ill not be possible to 000 w ill be taken from the head o f the whole railroad systems w ill have to be sured me they had never suffered o down In the dugout— put on your gunners came down In the morning to
masks and wait until (he Bodies are look us over, and told us (lie Bodies
oppose the necessity for peace much liability list, every local district fur­ set up in France to g iv e the American moment's pain.
line the flow o f war materials and men
longer. W e can look forward to the nishing a fixed quota.
“ We also saw many German wound­ finished. But It's a ghastly scene, one hadn't succeeded In driving them froiii
further labors o f the brave submarine
The drawing was conducted with that it must have to press home an
W e all
ed, and there was not one of them who candle burning, and every one sitting their guns for n moment.
with complete confidence.
ceremonies as democratic as the ideal attack.
did not seem pleased to be a prisoner around with masks on— the cat hugs agreed with the braucurdler, who ru-
There is an old m ilitary rule that a
“ W e look without serious concern citizenship it embodied.
In French hands. They are treated the fire while Juines, the medicine marked, ‘Sale Boche.'
upon the optimistic sentiment in the
It was shortly before 10 o ’clock fortified position cannot be taken by
“ The same weather continues. Rain,
with precisely the same care nnd de­ dog, has his musk on, too— It's a spe­
entente countries caused by A m erica’s when Secretary Baker, entrusted by direct attack, but must be turned or
votion as the French wounded, whose cial one— and lie knows enough not to hall, snow and mud— Inches deep.
intervention. It is easy to reckon how the President with the carrying out o f isolated. Some observers here say the
Think of the poor wounded In It nil.
wards they share, and no distinction pnw It off. He's u r«-nl war dog.
much tonnage is necessary to trans­ the draft law, rapped for order. The allied offensive has consisted only of
But we do help them. With love to all.
Official “ 8nlffer” Appointed.
whatever Is made.
port an army from Am erica to Europe, congressional committees were in their direct attacks against fortifications
“ Near Holssons.
“ During these sessions there Is al­
“ Dangerous eye wounds, that In
how much tonnage is required to feed seats, and on a small table stood the stronger than any fort o f former days,
their treatment call for nerves of ways an oltldul 'sniffer' appointed,
such an army.
France and England lottery jar, sealed with brown paper in effect, a fortified belt from the sea
steel in the surgeon and a hand that who hus to '.rke off his mask, every 44it" t -F44'l'4441"l"H “f-l"H ,‘f iH ,i ,iH -
are scarcely able to feed and supply and showing through its transparent to the Swiss border that is perhaps
never deviates a hnlr’s breadth, ure once In a while, go to the door and
their own armies without influencing walls the heap o f number-filled cap­
It is the belief o f some m ilitary men tended amid the most hellish uproar see If the stuff is still around. The
the economic situation still further. sules that must be taken out, one, by
here that no breach can be made for
A fte r our previous success we shall be one.
4 1
I »
able to master this situation also
. ,
Secretary Baker briefly explained many months through the German line o f the eye magnet, for Instance, for threw the cat out. She - nine buck so 4 I
through our fleet, particularly the sub­ the purpose o f the drawing,
Columbus, O.— “ lilt the knlser • •
then o f sufficient width to permit such drawing out shell splinters from the quickly that no one had any doubt ; ;
marines. That is our firm conviction stepped forward to be blindfolded and operations in the rear as would force a region o f the eye socket has saved that It still wus there. Oh! It bothers !, — three throws for u Jitney.”
\ j
sight In thousands of cases.
me, the gas more than the shells. It's ; 1
and assurance.
We and our allies, draw the first number.
This Is the cry one now hearr * *
rolling up o f the entire German line.
“ Unfortunately beneath the cease­ a prelty rotten way to make wnr.
therefore, can look forward to any fur­
. , at street carnivals nnd will soon |
It was No. 258. Then, in quick suc­
Adm itting all these points, however,
"A Boche avion came over the town ' ' hear at county fairs, for n local ' *
ther development o f m ilitary events cession, other numbers were drawn, there is no sign o f discouragement less cataract of exploding shells the
with calm security.
!, carnival worker hns replaced the
while cameras and motion picture ma­ among American officials.
“ The burning question in our hearts, chines recorded the scene.
Wilson’s declaration that the nation,
; \ “ baby rack" with a human target ’ *
however, is how much longer the war
not merely an army, must be ready
. i dressed to resemble the German ! !
is to last. W ith this, I come to a
for war, is being carried out deter­
; ; war lord. One gets three cigars 1 ■
Siam Declares State o f War.
matter which stands in the center o f
. i for cracking thu "knlser” on the ! I
London— Siam has declared that a minedly and apparently with confi­
all our interest and all our proceedings
J [ head.
' •
state o f war exists with Germany and dence that in time men and supplies
today. Germany did not desire the
can be got to France in sufficient force
f + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ::
war in order to make violent con- Austria, according to a Reuter dis­ to make certain the result.
patch from Bangkok.
Nine steamers, aggregating 19,000
Seek L ife o f Kaiser.
Story o f Attack Re-Told.
tons, have been seized.
Amsterdam— An attempt on Emper­
H alifax, N. S. — British sailors ar­
The object o f Siam’s declaration is
W ages Range From Te n to Twenty-
or W illiam ’s life by two Americans “ to uphold the sanctity o f internation­ riving here who say they were among
F iv e Cents a D a y— Actresses
was reported Saturday by a person who al rights against nations showing con­ crews o f vessels in the vicinity o f the
Best Paid.
states that he knows the circumstances. tempt for the principles o f humanity transports which conveyed the first
According to his story, two men man­ and respect for small states.
American troops to France, declare
Tokyo.— That Jnpnncse women con­
aged to get near the kaiser at great
A ll Germans and Austrians, the dis­ they w ere credibly informed that Ger­
stantly are taking a larger part In the
headquarters on July 3 before the em­ patch adds, have been placed under ar­ man submarines made a concentrated
activities o f the empire Is shown by
peror went to Vienna. The men were rest and their businesses closed.
attack and were beaten off with a loss
recent Investigations. As In Europe,
seized by detectives, the tale goes, and
o f six U-boats, only one submarine es­
so In Japan, women nro filling posi­
w ere found to possess revolvers. It is
caping. The sailors say they were
England Sends Thanks.
tions formerly exclusively held by
said these men, both Americans, had
London— On behalf o f the govern­ within three miles o f the transports.
been promised a large reward by an ment, Lord Robert Cecil, minister o f The men were on three former Dutch ’
There are 4,000 women working un­
Am erican m illioniare for killing the blockade, asked the Associated Press vessels, which had been taken over by
der the railway bureau, moat of them
emperor and that they were shot.
to express to the American government the British government.
ticket aellers, cashiers and nccount-
and people the gratification and appre­
onts, anil 6,000 women find employ­
Camp Gets First Animals.
ciation o f the British government for
ment In the cigar and clgnretto fac­
Tacoma, Wash— The first carload o f the reception and assistance given to
London— The presence o f many se­
tories o f the government tobacco mo­
16,000 animals to be used at the army the British recruiting campaign in the cret service men in the house o f com­
nopoly. Their wages rnnge from 10 to
cantonment when the 46,000 men are United States.
The results o f the re­ mons Thursday was due to information
25 cents n day. Male clerks In hanks
the United that there was likely to be some im­
in training arrived Saturday from Fort cruiting campaign in
nnd mercantile bounce constantly are
Keogh, not fa r from Miles City, Mont. States have been a source o f satisfac­ proper demonstration, accompanied by
being replaced hy women, who receive
physical violence, in the strangers’
The shipment had been on the road 12 tion to the British government.
$5 to $15 n month.
gallery, it was explained.
One ver­
days. The animals w ill be brought to
Actreaaes receive the hlghent wages
the camp from many places in the Uni­
The first Amerlcnn contingent has been on the French front since May paid to women In Japan, hut their
Paris — Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, formed o f an alleged Sinn Fein plot to
ted States, but the major share o f
24. It Is commanded by Capt. E. T. Tlnkham and Lieut. Frtnceton Hcully clothca are expensive, and ao they ara
them w ill be gathered at concentration Jr., arrived from N ew York Saturday, throw bombs or discharge revolvers who won the Cross o f War before Verdun. The photograph shows the Ameri­
financially In no better position than
points in the west, such as Miles City, and was greeted by the prefect o f the from the strangers' gallery in the house can soldiers saluting the Start and Stripes.
the more humble workers.
French government.
Mont., and Tw in Falls, Idaho.
Possible Peace Terms Declared
by Chancellor Michaelis.
Collapse of Russian Army Had
Been Expected by Chiefs.
687.000 CALLED 10