Joe Floria was In from Ron'I Doll (Socialist Valley) Wednesday He says the dry weather is injur­ ing the crops and the yield will la* Ira C. Mehrling has been re­ way below normal. Government L. W OOD appointed as postmaster at this cruisers are at work on the rail­ Publisher h l . r H » « m M M .1 «>• » « • '• " 'i * place. road land grant in that section of •t Fai* City. Pol* O h m . Or*.on. nw l« <*• country. Art of O n im i of l*.rr* ». Mrs. W. M. Black ane son An­ T t t e a h o « .-._________ drew left last Saturday on a ¡visit ______ _____ _ ; Onoronr. »100 rim month. Import a milion or .two Chinks to Brownsville. H o w h n . month. St con to. rin*W cot.». S cu. to the Pacific Coast and the Tongs j Advertising Rate»: SllfltJ. 1» contitDInchi Nettie Graham returned Satur- will have a jolly time. It wouki | •u*inaan Mollcas. 6 caata a linn; r o t Sal». Rant. I Bsehnnc*. Want and Fay SntMtaSnmonl No d a y f r o m a W e e k s V is it a t t h e not be surprising if the ranks of »e U -a lln a . CnrdolThnnkm » c u ; L n * p u d S a n ita r iu m . the Tongs would be recruited fas­ Mot tool Ire . l m'nn ___________ ter than the Army has been able It ¡s reported that Polk County to. and they wouldn't all wear at» ri r.u. cit, will not have to furnish any men "p igtails" either. ri* ’ — on the first draft. I s s u e d E v e r y S a t u r d a y M o r n in g DRINK PUGH’S LOGANBERRY JUICE SOLD EVERYWHERE EMPEROR PAUL I METHOD OF ENDING GREAT WARS ; Mrs. Al Gruham was stricken Mrs Hattie Wood and Mrs. S. with palalysis Friday of last week. G. Wood were visiting in Dallas At first she was unable to walk last Saturday and Sunday. or talk, but her condition improv­ ed until she was able to walk, but Harve Montgomery and w ife of still had difficulty with her speech. Sheridan were here Sunday visit* She was taken to Portland for ing Mrs. Addie Montgomery. treatment Tuesday. Fresh Bread, Cakes,Cookies,Pies The camp meeting at the Free and other bakery goods, every Methodist tabernacle. People of day, at the Falls City Bakery. other tows are gathering at the Cliff Smith and w ife o f Inde­ camping grounds in the south pendence were visiting with J. S. part o f town. There is one thing commendable about their services, S. Powell the first o f the week. they do not indulge in any o f the The "Lib erty Girls" appear to "classic” songs, but are content have been a greater attractien in with old-time gospel hymns. this city than the Liberty Bonds. Rev. Walters and family o f Woodburn are here attending the Free Methodist camp meeting. Rev. Walters was formerly pastor here. Falls City is quite a show town. Jerry Snider was seriously i'l N. Selig was in Portland Thurs­ last Sunday night, caused by eat- cherries and drinking milk. The day. acid in the cherries and the milk Mrs. Emma Hinshaw was in forming a poison. Salem Sunday. The saw mill resumed operation W alter L. Tooze, Jr., Lawyer Tuesday. The logging camp is D allas, Oregon. tf. working on one side only. The other side will start as soon as Oregon Champion Gooseberries the road is completed. for sale. F. K. Hubbasd. H. C. Ross, a ¡truck driver got W. A. Persey was visiting in his leg caught between a truck Salem last Sunday. and a pile o f lumber bruising it considerably. Fortunately no Don’t forget to call afwund and bones were broken. One hand pay up your subscription. was slightly cut. Carrol McDonald has gone to The members o f the Coart Artil­ Toledo to work in the mill. lery have been ordered to report for duty Tuesday, July 24, 1:00 Mrs. W. H. Estey returned o’clock p. m., at Eugene. Some Monday from the Dallas hospital. of the boys will leave Sunday and The Government needs Farmers others on Monday. as well as Fighters. Two million three hundred thousand Acres of Oregon & California Railroad Co. Grant Lands. Title revested in United States. To be opened for homesteads and sale. Containing some o f the best land left in the United States. Large Copyright­ ed Map, showing land by sections and description of soil, climate, rainfall, elcrat cna, ten .. crature, etc., by counties. Postpaid One Dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co Box 610 Portland, Oregon. I'll V S li'l AN GROCERIES F. M. IIELLWARTH PHYSICIAN ANI» HUlUiKON ( ulii'« ono door east nl l\ O. Today, tomorrow, or next week you will find tile best (hat cun be bought at any time or any place. ditti i< g n l m C. J. Pugh expects to begin op­ erating his loganberry juice fac­ tory next Monday, He says his crop o f berries are better than last year and a rain soon would make them immense. While we are hoping to hear o f a great uprising in Germany against the kaiser, doubtless the Germans are listening with the same eagerness for something to blow up in this country. Sunday Henry Rodgers was re­ turning from Black Rock and in passing a |K»int where the road was narrow an automobile came up suddenly behind frightening his horse. In trying to control the horse a stirrup broke causing him to be thrown to the ground with considerable violence. He was badlv bruised but no bones broken. ii ** i 11 with jfall&Gitçlbotcl R a m p i* R o o m * Unni A c c o m m o d a t io n * FALLS CITY LOGGING & LUMBER CO. » O r o .* » . Proof Inter n A io .n i x n o r * W.H.Dorman,wife and daughter, and Mr. Ida M. Pike of Colorano, who is visiting the Dorman fam­ ily, R. VanDenBosch and wife, L L. Brooks and family, L M. Robertson and family, and Gus Elld and family went picnicing on Teal Creek last Sunday. Ice cream and an abundance o f good things to eat was taken along. C. E. McPherren and w ife strolled in on them and attested as well as testing the quality o f the \dands. Plenty for all and enough left for "Johnnie.” Everybody had a delightful time. Come to the M. E. church Sun­ day morning. Enjoy the Sunday school hour and join one o f the classes, if not attending elsewhere The preaching service is at 11:00 o’clock. The pastor will have a helpful message and will he very glad to meet you. A t the evening preachiug serv­ ice Mrs. Robert Irwin, M. D. will will speak on the work o f the American Bible Society in Siam. Dr. and Mrs. Irwin are mission­ aries o f this great Inter-denomi­ national society in that far-away land. Dr. Irwin is in Siam at the present time, while Mrs. Irwin is making her home in Las Angeles, California until a daughter com­ pletes her education there, after which she and her daughter ex­ pect to return to the missionary field. Don’t fail to hear her Sun­ day nigl)t at the M. E. church. An offering will be taken cover­ ing the apportionment o f this charge at this service. The Epworth League held a 13c social Thursday evening on W. H. Beard's lawn for the benefit of the delegate to the Epworth leagu e Institute at Jefferson, Ore July 23-29. Miss Elizabeth Deal represents the local society at this great annual gathering. The Junior League held a busi­ ness meeting Friday afternoon on the church lawn in preparation for the picnic to be given the Jun­ iors next Tuesday, up the river. The Boy Scouts meet Saturday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the M. E. church. The probationer’ s class will meet next Monday in the Epworth League rooms. , r a l l * C it y . O n g t n U h m )ou car |tl t 1km . Hair Cut. Ijlh •r 'thlnr Ai(, »I far Odila» '.l»»m Uundry M liuti Iva (orMaitUni I u vati a y e i«u lli« MOM M I X r* ELLIOT A S H E R M A N FILM P R E SE N T S C O R P O R A T IO N G . L. M O N U M E N T S Greatest— Most Successful AMERICAN PLAY TH E ONE THAT WILL FOURTH o. h < u Id Z h < 2 SEE ” If) in cm V o o S’ & lR T F j \ ■C Ü ONCE FUNERAL (V 3 O F A G AIN OUR A M E R IC A N > a c rt- A N atio N o <* M IA Ot o -4 U1 O r-a U> m < m DI REC Wo a'.t lo dll work promptly. D-illai and Falli City. Oro YEAR I c 01 R . L. C H A P M A N Ml t. ^ M A S T E R P IE C E t h e Oregon Kl ' NKK Al IM It M T o H FO REU ER CONSECUTIVE ■ O o Dall«», BIG O N E n l y H U E AND TH RIU E NOW IN IT S F I L D O M ’S 2 ~ o a n d H A W K IN S MARBLE AND GRANITE DAVIO W. GRIFFITH’S I » I ATK „M IC K A LS O N w fr " |t.*.ilr*r in i VI I IN S T A T E Kult* Oregon. z z o > H OiKliVN ; i : U Y ABSTRACT CO. » th \i 11 Mr*-, i l»nl*m. Orafen. f o i l N It MUI t í . M anear, oar aa.Yan.if m • t i- i it i» i " tr i «U«f? riroro lu 111 t trilli») It» t’UflU. CO -0 3 2 Notice lu \ t w s Subscribers H ER O ES LINCOLN. GRANT, LEE and SHERMAN THE T E R R O R OF OUR CIUIL S T R IF E THE AW FUL R E C O N ST R U C T IO N PERIO D THE BU RN ING OF A T LA N T A THE SO U TH BEFO RE THE W AR THE AVENGEFUL KU- KLUX KLANS i KNACTED BY M. E. CHURCH NEWS Bohle’s Barber Shop;» GEM r r JULY 21 CM SPEND OAY ON THE CREEK Falla i Ity» or«« pm »uotiicoo trnrC'o SHOES AND LOliCERS SUPPLIES Brices as low as consistent first-class merchandise. ocl'ar3 lt«i- ward for any ca o of Catarrh Umt cannot bo cured b/ ItaH'a Catarrh Cure. r. 3. cunrirv & cy. t dado. o. W e, lli-r undcrMgnrd. I n n known F J I In n ry f r the 1 vat If. yearn, nntl tvll**v <» I Ini p rr* ily lionorvbln In nil hualneaa • r-in3 :u tlen* n n l flnrinrlnllv nMi* to carry out c r y obligations marlo by bln llrm. N A T IO N A L B A N K O F COMMEHCE. Toledo, O. Ila tl’ » Catarrh Cura la taken Internally a ting directly upon the blood nnd mu- ro'.e urlnces o f the eyntern Testimonials • nt (. *• I tl< ¡j cen t« per bottln. Sold )•.* pit T 'n rt'leln . l a — - L a r i'; J. - u - V 1*111» l - r couatlpatloa. L B. W O N D E R B Y 'S SOUTHF.RN PACIFIC COMPANY Passenger Train Schedule ____ Effective July 16, 1917 161 l«7 i « i » I it not Ml a in. Hin. Salem . , . 7:00 9.35 Dallas. . . H. 15 10.57 Falla City. 8.45 11.30 Itl’k Rock 11:50 i tw IM RABTIIOrND am. pm. Bl’k Rock 1.00 j Falls City. 9.20 1.20 Dalian. . . 10.00 1.45 Salem . . . 11.00 3.10 pm. 3.45 5.15 5.45 7~T5ó W’» L 7.20 * A. t P o w i m . A u n