Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, July 21, 1917, Image 1

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    VOI,. XIII
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
♦ Only II Pcitained to Two J
Hersons Instead of
a Nation
In small «vents that we are shaping
our llvea. I often revert to flint plea»
mii I numiiier day when 1 took Into my
ailto for a lift a girl I had never seen
before, Inleudliig nt the start to set
her down where our path« dlreigcil,
how I resolved to make her my com­
panion for a ride; how »be com mun I
rated to me u brief atnlriiient ns to lief
social position
It was tinder the
warm sunshine, t«inpered by a Usll
clous cool breeze, while we rolled slung
through a beautiful country Hint I « a s
making history for myself us well as
the girl lieslde me.
deceived me she conic - e l tlit,t m the
morning I look lo-r Into my auto she
waa going to meet a lorcr for an elope
■ M l.
It waa then that I uuderati od her
words, "I dlnna ire to go there von."
Aud this Is why I have nutd that I was
making history more for her tb a V fo r
myself. Hlie < ii»n }isj tier Intended bus
band during our ride.
It turned out well for her that I In
vlted her lo ride und thnt the bunting
of Ibe tire delayed our rearhlng/.Med
bury as it did. lind she nt rived there
at the lime appointed »lie would not
hate found Ibe mini »tie b id ezpe- ted
to meet, for he bad n » Intention of
keeping the appointment. Some year»
after our marriage I learned through
friends o f m\ v. He tint the man with
whom she Intd expected to ci< pe bad
at tliut time u><-ady mot® w ive« than
the law allowed. He had been born
a gctilleniiiii. tout nun the Muck sheep
of the family. Tbe reason why «he
wouldn't lim e found him ut the up
pointed place ’ia«> that w ife No.
g it wind of his intention and had hud
him Jailed. I never allowed my w ife
luN know how serious a fate she es
In remembering the several small In­
cidents that were tending to divert my
life's path from wha! It bud thus far
been I have often thought that the
1 « uh driving ui.v auto slona a
mutter o f good rouds pluved uu luipor
country road, t'uJoyliiK U»' «' oum I u ii II j taut part. Hail the roads U-en stony
liiauKliix soMiery. Till* a|>rlni( hull <1® or tilled with hollows my attention
rtloped Into summer, lb * leaves on the would have been necessurlly tlxed on
(bem and my temper would have been
trees were full blown, birds were slug
sorely tried. Instead the roads were
lug In tin* trees, u railin' o f distant hills
perfect. For miles the dirt roads were
stood soft and mellow sgulnst the dry and hard packed. W hen we eti
horizon, light, tlee<y clouds sailed tt-ied upon the turnpikes they were
lazily over an azure sky.
either covered with the finest atone or
My machine worked
1 am our of those who love to ride were of uspbnlt
When thy ancient enemy sud­
slowly, that 1 may see eel'll vista, each to perfection Ou these accounts I was
landscape, near objects, enjoying them not only able to give uiy wholo atten
denly becomes over-friendly and
while I l<»sk 1 have uo imltcinc with tlou to uiy fulr companion, but in.v
evinces a desire to weep on thy
those who must be always tearing heart was free to warm to bcr.
bosom, relax not thy vigilence.
The history that I was making for
aloug so rapidly Hint no sooner does
Each side in any controversy
oue get ail eye on a green velvet slop« myself and my companion was In s
Neither allow flattery nor old
way more Important to her than to has its line o f defense in support
with cattle feinting upon It tliau. pres
wine distort thy vision or impair
to! It has mulshed and Its place Is myself. But why this was so I did not o f its cause.
The defense given
judgement. It is said that
taken by a ingg«d height covered with
scrub trees, past which the road may ing that eventful day I set her dow u as in regard to the strikes in vari­ the leopard can not change its
be so uneven as to require a three a most demure Scotch lassie In whom ous sections o f country is given
spots, neither do nations change
mile an hour gait. 8m h drivers will there was uo disposition lo act fur without comment as to its tiuth
their dislikes over night, unless
ludeed. she Impressed me ns
get over twenty mllea of I >eu nt If u I herself
or logic
scenery In a Jiffy, to drag and J< It barely having escaped from the uurs
it be for their own glorification.
In the first place labor unions
along beside a quarry or a street lined ary.
Refer frequently to the history
At noontime we came upou a grove dtnv any connection whatever
with hovels.
o f nations for thy own edifica­
On this summer morning of which I In which stood a cottage, with a sign.
with the bomb-throwing house­
speak my bcurt had been warmed by Wildwood Inn. There were rude la
tion, and that thou mayst learn
the beautiful flecked sunlight beside blea In the grove, and I Inferred that a burning agitator from Southern
their temper during the various
the road, and I felt cape tally char­ luncheon would be obtainable, so 1 turn
Europe, and that they are as
wars, and profit thereby.
itable toward all the world 1 was mo­ rd my machine Into the place. A wo
much interested in ridding the
toring along a narrow dirt road, but mini with a white cap and apron came
not ever-ready to believe evil
ettremely smooth, lined with u broad out, uud I irnked her to produce the country o f this element as any
reports o f thine enemies nor the
space of turf on either side to the best she lind III her larder.
one. They allege that there is a
praise showered by your friends.
That luncheon tastes delicious w hen
fences, when 1 saw before me a femi­
world-wide, or at least a United
nine figure whose Hues and dress lndl- - ever I think o f It to the present day.
Beware o f all alliances that will
effort on the part of
rated that she wan n young girl. 8he
an insurmountable barrier
biscuits auch as were never made be­ organized capital to crush out
w us carry ing a satchel of ample dlmcn
to that freedom and independence
fore north of Muaon and Dixon's line,
shuts on her arm and used n stuff
labor unions that they may secure
When I came up with her I brought so light that 1 almost feared they
which is our boast.
For it is
That there is
my mu chine utmost to a standstill, sin- would fly up among the brunches of cheaper labor.
not the
turned her face toward me. slid I no­
much bunk given out by ' the
ancient landmarks, which thy
them to my mouth. Aa for the butter,
ticed that It was comely.
press in regard to destruction of
I doubt If It bad been churned an hour.
"Shall I give you a lift?" I linked.
fathers have set. ”
"Thunk you, sir. 1 line« fur to go and A heartier course was spring chicken property and threats made by
sm aweary.” she replied with that served with cucumliers, so Ihst the heat strikers; many o f the lawless
Hootch acceut which In a woman Is o f one wns nullified by tbe coolness of
acts are committed by men em­
especially musical, though from a mun the other, while both beat nnd coolness
tho wonts usually come like bullet» were enjoyable A cup o f teH smoothed ployed for that purpose by the
In a recent reading o f the
by tbo richest cream wus xvbat we operators.
from the muzzle o f a pistol.
That strikes are not
She was about to climb Into the rear drank; for dessert n great dish of
horoscope” which is a popular
incited by the I.W . W ’s. but are
scat when I opened the forward door, strawberries us large as walnuts. And
feature in the columns
all tbe while I was lOoklug Into a pair caused by operators refusing to
and she took the seat bcaldc me.
of brown cyee opposite me and listen increase wages in keeping with
“ Where do you go?” I asked.
o f some of our exchanges we
tug to a must -al voice
" I dlnna know at present,” she an
came across this prediction from
awered " I am to meet my brother at
One thing more o f a different kind
Mcdhury. Where we shall go from was needed for our history making. It you ask for better conditions or
the planets: “ The South should
there I cannn tell.”
wns uot Important except In n small an increase in wages you are
.1 got out my road map, asked the girl way; there was nothing heroic, scenic,
benefit greatly from public enter­
branded as an I. W. W that
tl jUnfold It and while I held the wheel lurid, romantic about It Indeed, It was
prises, especially after August.’ ’
vmh one hand held the map with the very commonplace. A punctured tire. public sentiment may be created
1 saw thnt Modbury was a Nothing more, nothing leas. Who
The stars indeed speak truly
matter o f ten miles as tho crow tiles, wou!-’ suppose Hint so unromanttc a
in this instance.
Soon after
but It was flfteen by road and nearly happening should have been tlie cap
thtrtv by such roads as would be suit. stoue of Incidents shaping the llvea of
August the great cantonments of
ahltfto an auto.
two human beings? Nevertheless It
the national army will be teem­
Qem Theatre July 21
what hour do you expect to meet waa.
your brother?" I naked
Never before hud 1 driven without
In these trying times o f National ing with drafted soldiers, whose
"This afternoon
maintenance will set floods o f
an extra tire. I would not have been
It was 0 o'clock In the morning. 1 without one this time had there not stress, no attraction of the theatre
public money swirling through
was not required to be nt any partlcu
been a delay in Ailing an order. I had can so satisfy and hearten as that
lar place at any particular lime. There expected one to be delivered to me o f D. W. Griffith’s “ The Birth of the communities where these
was plenty o f time to get the girl to that morning. It bad not arrived, and
cantonments are situated. These
her destination before she was due I was obliged to act out without It. a Nation.” that mighty drama of
cantonments number sixteen,
there. She was pretty, her voice was Thank heaven that It was uot forth­ American struggle, of American
nine o f them are fixed at
very nweet, and I saw no reason why coming! ,
dis-union—then of American re­
I should not enjoy her companionship
favorable points in the Southern
I hud barely started from the Wild
for the greater part o f the day Instead wood bin when one o f my forward union and final re-birth.
States, where our troops will be
tof riding ulone.
Mr. Griffith's eternal production
wheels waa let down on the road. For
I Jogged along till vve came to a fork (unately we were bo neur tbe Inn thnt
was a revelation when it first prepared for the rigors o f life in
In the road, nnd ns I was about to turn my companion could go bnck there to
trenches o f Northern France
Into the right road the girl made a wnlt while 1 tried to extricate myself burst forth upon exacting New
■novo to alight, saying ttint her route from the dilemma. A short distance York and other great |centres of through the balmy air o f our own
Sunny South.
lay over the left road, which was only down the road was a house, whore I
the country; later it was the at­
a lane. I told her that I would take found a telephone, but I spent u long
In addition, the majority o f the
her to her destination over motoralile while before I could get a man to conic traction par excellence of the
camps for the feder­
toads, and she consented. Again I ex ­ from n garage with Implements to re theatrical world—now it is uni-
alized National Guard have like­
amined my road mop nnd laid out a pair the break. And It would not be
versa.ly proclaimed the drama of
course Involving a flfty mile ride, and safe to use the tire for nn hour or two
wise been established in South­
union—the spirit of these as
alnce I preferred a slow gnlt we would after lie had done so. It was 3 o’clock
States, and from these cen­
make Med bury at noontime. Aa wo before the patch was put on and half well as the trying times gone bye.
rolled along I led my companion to past 4 before I dared start uguln. Then
ters also there will well up
Lincoln's words and Lincoln’s
talk about herself, for I felt some cu­ I drove back to the Inn and Informed
lives today, as, perhaps, copious streams o f public money.
riosity concerning her. She was not Sllsa MacDownell that we were twenty
the lived before—and We have not hitherto taken much
dressed as a farmer's daughter, and, mllea from Modbury, nnd since I dare
although her accent was Scotch, It was not strain the newly patched tire we Lincoln’s is the guidirg hand —the stock in the daily “ horoscope”
not a peasant accent. I could not un­ should have to proceed slowly over all-prevading spirit--of the Birth as we have seen it from time to
derstand why so reflned a person such portions o f the road that were In­ of a Nation, the Nation’s play.
should be trudging along on foot, and ferior. It might lie (1 o’clock liefore we
This wonderful production ap­ time in the newspapers. But we
I did not consider the lonely roads a reached the place.
pears at the Gem —matinee and must admit that this particular
proper place for n young girl to lie un I "H ow long will It take to go home?"
night, Saturday July 21, 2:30 and prophecy has made a ten-strike.
she aaked.
8 P. M. and to say it will not be
During our conversation she gave
" I can get you back to where I over­ greeted by overflowing audiences
mo her name ns Gdltb MacDownell. took you In nn hour," 1 suid.
Bone-dry is alright for the poor
in Falls City, is to say that Ameri­
Her father nnd mother lind come to
“ Take me home I dlnna care to go
America from Scotland when she was
cans have forgotten their nation­ cus, but how could we entertain
to Medbury noo.”
about ten years old, which accounted
"W ill you be too late to And your ality.
the lords and lordesses. dukes
for her retaining only a portion o f the
For prices see advertisement and dukesses, jacks and,— o f the
dialect o f her native country. Her fa ' " I dlnna care to go there noo,” was
elswhere in this paper.
adv nation across the sea without a
ther had been a landed proprietor to a all I could get out o f her.
very limited extent In Scotland and,
We were fortunate In reaching her
little wine?
having been seized with the desire to home without further mishap. When
extend his possessions, had sold his w e came near the house my companion
property anil come to America, where left me nnd went en alone. Refore
Harvest will soon be here and
In saying that this phrase is
the proceeds o f the sale would pur­ parting I arranged for a call and nn
chase a more extended domain. Out II other ride. The call I made at nn early , being worked over-time is putting it is expected that Congress will
did not appear from what the girl told date, and after that we had many rides
it very mild.
The newspaper be able to control prices as to
me that he had utilized his American
acres except In devoting some o f them
fraternity, as a rule, are willing prevent the farmers forcing the
One matter turned up a mystery. It
In the cultivation o f fruit.
soon came out that Edith had no broth­ to do more than their share in a patriotic speculators to pay ex­
As w e do uot realize that we are
er. I ’ ppn my. accusing her eof having patriotic w a y ; but when these o r b ita n t prices for wheat.
tpnklng Jilstory, an we do not recognize
k f
solicitors for free publicity, arro­
gantly demand that the matter
they «end out for “ Immediate
Publication” he published as a
“ partiotic duty” it is time call a
halt. We do not imginae that
the Gentlemen sending out this
copy are giving very much of
their time as a patriotic d u t y -
been made that they might not
he handiepped.
There is a rumbling sound from
the newspapers over the country
that bodes no good to the space-
grafter, and indicates that the
newspapers have about caught
up with their “ patriotic duties”
and the “ open season” is at
N o. 48
Bargain Days
Summer Wash Goods,
Ladies’ Hats
Ladies New Up-to-Minute Style High
Top Two Tone Shoes; Canvas Shoes
Men’s Dress Straw Hats, were $2.00 to $3.00, Now $1.00.
\ arious other items reduced for quick Clearance.
SELIG’S, Cash Price Store,
“ Meeting and Beating Competition” .
The way to have a Bank
Account is to start one.
There must be a Beginning sometime. De­
lays are only a waste o f time.
One Dollar
will start. Every additional dollar wdl help.
This bank invites you.
We pay interest on time deposits.
Birth of a Nation
Charming Resort
by the Sea
Those who seek rest, and sea­
shore recreation, will find
abundant o p p o r t u n i t y at
Ample hotel accommodations,
cottages or camping arrange­
Low Round Trip Fares
Daily Tralns-.Eaoh Direction
Ask our nearest agent for folder "Newport,’ ’ or write
John M. Scott. General Passenger Agent
Southern Pacific Lines