Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, July 14, 1917, Image 2

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Kaiaer's Great War Plant is Keportrd
Badly Wrecked by Airmen
Men Killed
Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
One and possibly two French air­
E r ta ti o f Noted People, Government* planes dropped bombs on Essen last
Friday. The official German report o f
and Pacific Northwest and Other
the raid said only two bomb holes were
Thing* Worth Knowing.
The entente allies have decided to
hold a conference in Paris for the con­ Six Persons Killed When Magazine
Blows I'p at Mare Island.
sideration o f questions o f military and
political interests in connection with
Vallejo, Cal.— A searching investi­
the Balkans.
gation was inaugurated Tuesday night
The American steamer Massapequa to determine the cause o f an explosion
was sunk on Saturday by a German o f a black powder magazine at the
submarine. The crew was landed at Mare Island navy yard in San Fran­
the small island o f Zin, 28 miles south­ cisco Bay early Monday, which claimed
a total o f six lives and resulted in ser­
west o f Brest, France.
ious injuries to four persons and minor
C. H. Pinkham, o f N ew York City,
injuries to 27 others.
and Mrs. James Fullerton, o f Eugene,
Navy officers, headed by Captain
Oregon, brother and sister, met in the
Harry George, commandant of the
latter city Wednesday for the first
navy yard, 200 yards across the chan­
time in 48 years.
Mr. Pinkham and
nel, and federal agents co-operated in
his w ife are making a tour o f the Pa­
the probe. Arrests were expected, as
cific Coast.
it was believed, although not officially
Bodies o f six men have been taken confirmed, that the blast was the re­
from two lodging houses which were sult o f an organized conspiracy.
partially destroyed by fire on the San
The dead, the names o f whom were
Francisco water front between Wash­ officially announced, include Allen F.
ington and Merchant streets.
The MacKinzie, chief gunner; his w ife and
men were all suffocated, according to two daughters, Dorothy, aged 12, and
the police and coroner.
Mildred, 8; George Stanton, a gar­
dener, employed by MacKinzie, and N.
A dispatch from Copenhagen says
C. Damsteadt, civilian employe in the
food troubles gave rise to a demon­
ordnance department.
strative strike in large factories at
The list o f wounded, none o f whose
Cologne on Saturday. Both Socialist
injuries it was believed would prove
and Catholic unions took part in the
fatal, included non-commissioned offi
movement. An official report says the
unions decided to resume work the fo l­ cers, enlisted men o f the United States
navy and civilian laborers.
lowing day.
Commandant George refused to issue
The navy department announces that a statement as to the probable cause
the Ediz Hook submarine base site o f the explosion, which wrecked nearly
near Port Angeles, Wash., has been a dozen packing and shell houses in the
transferred by Presidential proclama­ vicinity o f the magazine and broke
tion to the navy department.
This thousands o f dollars’ worth o f glass in
was one o f the submarine bases rec­ Vallejo stores and residences, pending
ommended by the Helm-board. There the result o f the official investigation.
has been no action yet on the Columbia
river site.
to Be Made Available
for Foreign Duty by Proclama­
tion o f President
Work Stops.
Amsterdam Leo Nouvelles, o f Mae-
strich, reports that Dutch workmen
who were laid off at the Krupp works
on account o f the destruction o f build­
ings in the recent French air raid, as­
sert that a quarter o f the Essen plant
was destroyed. The material damage
is placed at millions o f franca, and it
is said that 100 employes were killed
and hundreds o f others, including 45
French prisoners, wounded.
M ilitia
Washington, D. C.— President^W il­ l paid in money, not In the m ere l ib e r a ­
tion o f the world. I t a k e It f o r gra nted
son appealed to the country ’a business that those who a r g u e thus do not stop
interests Thursday to put aside every to think w h a t that means. l>o they
mean that you must be paid, must be
selfish consideration and give their aid | bribed, to m a k e y o u r con tributio n, a
to the Nation as freely as those who c on tribu tio n that costs you n eith er a
drop o f blood nor a tear, when the
go out to offer their live* on the bat­ w h o le w o rld Is in t r a v a il and men
| e v e r y w h e r e depend upon and call to
■ you to b rin g the m out o f bondage and
In a statement addreased to the coal m a ke the w o r ld a f i t place to li v e In
' a g a in am idst peace and Justice?
operators and manufacturers he g a v i
" D o th ey mean that you w i l l exact
assurances that just prices w ill be a price, d r i v e a b arga in w it h the men
paid by the government and the public wh o ar e e n d u r in g the a g o n y o f this
w a r on the b a tt le fie ld , in the trenches
during the war, but warned that no amidst the lu r k in g d an ge rs o f the eeu
attempt to extort unusual profits will or w it h the b er eav ed wome n and p it i­
ful children, b e f o r e you w i l l come f o r ­
be tolerated.
"Y o u r patriotism,” said the Presi­ wa rd to do yo u r d uty and g i v e some
part o f y o u r
In easy peaceful
dent’ s appeal, “ is o f the same self- fashion, f o r the th in gs w e ar e f i g h t i n g
denying stuff as the patriotism o f the for, the th in gs w e h av e pledged our
men dead and maimed on the field of fortunes, our lives, our sacred honor
France, or it is no patriotism at all. to v in d ic a te and d ef en d — lib e r t y and
Justice and f a ir d e a lin g and the peace
Let us never speak, then, o f profits o f nat ions?
and patriotism in the same sentence.
“ O f course, you w i l l not.
It Is In ­
“ I shall expect every man who is con ceivable. Vour patr iotis m is o f the
p a t r io t ­
not a slacker to be at my side through
ism o f the men dead or m aim ed on the
this great enterprise. In it no man fields o f France, or e ls * It is n ot p a ­
can win honor who thinks o f him self.” tr io tis m at all. t w t us n ev e r speak,
The President declared there must then, o f profits and of patr iotis m In
same sentence, but f a c * facta and
be but one price for the government the
meet them, Ust us do so under b us i­
and for the public. He expressed con­ ness, but not In the midst o f a mist.
fidence that business generally would Man y u g r i e v o u s burden o f ta xatio n
be found loyal to the last degree and w i l l be laid to this nation. In this g e n ­
e ration and in the next, to pay f o r this
that the problem o f war-time prices, w a r : let u see to It that for e v e r y
which, he declared, w ill "m ean victory d oll a r th at Is ta ken fro m the p e o p le s
or defeat,” w ill be solved rightly pocket s it sha ll be poss ible to obtain
a d oll a r' s w o r t h o f the sound stuffs
through patriotic co-operation.
the y need.
In unmeasured terms, however, Mr.
“ L e t us tu rn f o r a moment to the
Wilson condemned the shipowners of j ship owners o f th e Un it ed States and
o th e r ocean c a rrie rs whose e x ­
the counry for maintaining a schedule
o f ocean freight rates which has placed am ple th ey h a v e foll o w ed , and ask
| them I f th e y re a li s e w h a t obstacles.
“ almost insuperable obstacles” in the I w h a t a lm o s t Insuperable obstacles, they
| hav e been p u t t in g In the w a y o f the
path o f the government.
I successful prose cu tio n o f this w a r by
The statement in full follows:
i the ocean f r e i g h t rates the y h av e been
“ M y fellow countrymen: The Gov­ e x a c t in g
“ T h e y ar e d o in g e v e r y t h i n g that
ernment is about to attempt to de­
termine the prices at which it will.ask | high f r e i g h t c h a rge s can do to ma ke
! the w a r a fa il ure, to make It Impos-
you henceforth to furnish various sup­ ! slble. I do not s ay that th ey realise
plies which are necessary fo r the i this or Intend It. T h e th in g has h ap ­
pened n a t u ra ll y enough, because the
prosecution o f the war, and various c om m er cia l processes which we are
materials which will be needed in the c on ten t to see o pe ra te in o rd in a ry
hav e w it h o u t s u f fic ie n t thoug ht
industries by which the war must be times
been c on tinu ed Into a p er io d w h e re
sustained. W e shall, o f course, try th ey h a v e no p ro pe r place. I am not
I a m m ere ly
to determine them justly and to the | q u e s tio n in g m otives.
! s t a t in g a f a c t and s t a t in g It in ord er
best advantage o f the Nation as a th at a t te n tio n m a y be fix e d upon it.
“ T h e f a c t la that those who h av e
whole, but justice is easier to speak
fix e d w a r f r e i g h t rates h av e taken the
o f than to arrive at and there arc most e f f e c t i v e means In th eir p o w e r to
some considerations which I hope we ! d efea t the arm ie s e n g a g e d again st
shall keep steadily in mind while this | G ermany. W h e n th ey realis e this we
j may, I t a k e It f o r granted, count upon
particular problem o f justice is being th em to re co nsider the w h o le matter.
It is h ig h time.
T h e i r e x t r a hasards
worked out.
Washington, D. C. -- The last step
necessary to make the entire National
Guard available for duty in France
was taken by President Wilson Tues­
day with the Issue o f a proclamation
drafting the state troop* into the
Army o f the United States August 6.
T a make certain that the purpose o f
the national defense act is carried out,
the proclamation also specfically de­
clares the men drafter) to be dis­
charged from the old m ilitia statu, on
that date.
In that way the constitutional re­
straint upon use o f m ilitia outside the
country is avoided and the way paved
for sending the regiments to the Euro­
pean front.
Prior to the application o f the draft,
regiments in the Northern and Eastern
section o f the country are called into
as National
Guardsmen in two increments to be
mobilized on July 15 and 25.
Many units already are Federalized
and presumably they will be mobilized
the other troops from their
The guard from the other
states will be mobilized on the day of
the draft. The arrangement was nec­
essary to provide for movement o f the
regiments to their concentration camps
without congestion.
The operation o f the draft law was
delayed until August 5 so that all regi­
ments can be taken into the army
simultaneously. Fourteen camp sites
for the 16 tactical divisions into which
the guard w ill be organized have been
selected already, and the m ilitary bu­
reau is preparing the railway routing
o f the troops to the camps.
Increase o f Billion Bushels Over Last
Year Shown in Report.
Capital of Galicia Doomed by
Advance of Russians.
General Korniloff Breaks 20-Mils Front
Between Halles and Carpathians
and Take 14,000 in Week.
Ismdon — Halics, the strategic key
to Lemberg, capital o f Galicia, has
been captured by th* Russians, says a
dispatch Wednesday from
Petrograd correspondent.
Halics, 63 miles southeast o f l<em-
berg, on the Dneister river, is *n im­
portant railroad junction and the most
important key to the Galician capital.
It la 18 miles north o f Stanislao ami
about eight miles north o f Jexupol,
raptured by the Russians under Gen-
eraly Korniloff on Sunday.
The fall o f Halics was presaged by
the success o f the Russians In break­
ing through the Austro-German tine
between that town ami Stanislau, ami
in driving the Austro-Germana to the
Iximnlca river, which enters the Dnsls-
ter a short distance above Halics.
Halles w ai the center o f much heavy
fighting laat August and September,
and the Russians had captured Huko-
wina and were attempting to reach
l^m berg.
Stanislau waa captured by the Rus­
sians in August, but they failed to
take Haiirz after engaging in furious
battles at Marianqiol and Monaaterzya-
ka and forcing the Auatro-Germana to
retire between the Zlota-I.ipa and the
Dneister. In September llaliez was
bombarded by the Rusaian artillery,
but attempts to storm the town were
The fall o f llaliez probably will
mean that the Auatro-Germana must
retire from the present line along the
Zlota-I.ipa from northeast o f llaliez
through Brzezany
and Zlochoff to
Brody, In order to protect l^nnberg.
Washington, D. C .— Reports that
the food administration w ill fix an ar­
bitrary price o f less than $2 a bushel
to the grower for the 1917 American
wheat crop drew from Herbert Hoover
this denial:
“ It is not the intention o f the food
administration to fix the price for
wheat, nor is it expected that it will
have any such powers.
I f the 'food
bill passes congress, however, we cer­
tainly w ill not stand for speculative
Mr. Hoover and his associates are
said to feel that the export price
should be maintained at a figure that
w ill be an inducement to farmers to
increase production.
" T h e r e f o r e I t a k e the l ib e r t y o f s t a t ­
in g v e r y c andidly my o w n v ie w o f the
situation and o f the principles which
should gu id e both the G o v e rn m e n t and
the mine o w n e rs and m anu fact ure rs of
the country In this d iff ic u lt matter.
" A Just pric e must, o f course, be
paid f o r e v e r y t h i n g the G o ve rn m e n t
By a Just price. I mean a price
which w ill sustain the Industries c o n ­
cerned In a h ig h sta te o f effic ie n cy ,
p ro vid e a l i v i n g f o r those w h o con ­
duct them, enable them to pay good
wa ge s, and m a ke possible the e x p a n ­
sions o f th eir enterprises, wh ic h will
f ro m ti m e to tim e bec ome necessary
as the stupendous u n d er ta k in gs o f this
g r e a t w a r develop. W e could not w is e ­
l y or reas ona bly do less than pay such
T h e y are necessary f o r the
ma intenanc e and d ev elo p m e n t o f In ­
d us tr y: and the m a intenanc e and d e ­
v elo p m en t o f Indus try ar e necessary
f o r the g r e a t .task w e hav e In hand.
“ Bu t I trust that w e sha ll not sur­
round the m a tte r wit h a mist o f s en ti­
Fa cts ar e our masters now
W e ou gh t not to put the acceptance
o f such prices on the gro und o f p a t r i o t ­
P a tr io t is m has n o th in g to do
wit h pro fi ts in a case lik e this.
tr io t ism and p ro fi t s o u gh t never. In
the prese nt circumstances, to be me n­
tioned togethe r.
It Is p e r f e c t ly proper
to discuss p ro fi t s as a m a tte r o f busi­
ness, wit h a v i e w to m a in tain in g the
In t e g r it y o f c ap ital and the effic ie n cy
o f la b o r In these
t r a g ic a l
wh en the lib e r t y o f f r e e men e v e r y ­
w h e re and o f Industry It se lf trembles
In th e balance; but It w ou ld be ab
surd to discuss them as a m o tiv e f o r
h elp in g to ser ve and s av e our country
" P a t r io t is m le av es p ro fit s out o f the
question. In these days o f our supreme
trial, when w e are sen din g hundreds
o f thousands o f our y o u n g men across
the seas to s erv e a g r e a t cause, no true
man who stay s behind to w o r k f o r
them and sustain them b y his labor
w i l l ask h im s e lf w h a t he la p er so n ally
g o i n g to m a ke out o f th at labor. No
true patriot w i l l p er m it h im s e lf to take
toll o f th eir heroism in m o n e y o r seek
to g r o w rich by the s he d din g o f their
blood. H e w i l l g i v e as f r e e l y and with
as- unstinted
s e lf - s a c r i f i c e
When th ey ar e g i v i n g th eir lives w il l
ho not at least g i v e his money ?
“ 1 hear it Insisted th a t m ore than a
Ju;t price, m o re than a price that w il l
sustain our industries, must be paid;
that it Is n ec ess ar y to pay v e r y lib eral
and unusual p ro fit s in o r d e r to ’st im u­
late ’
th at
n o th in g but
p ec un ia ry r e w a r d s w i l l do— rewa rd s
! are c o v e r e d by w a r risk Insurance.
" I k n o w and you k no w w h a t response
to this g r e a t c h a ll en ge o f d u ty and o f
o p p o rtu n it y the Na ti o n w i l l e x p e ct o f
you. and 1 k n o w w h a t response you
w i l l make. T h o s e w h o do not respond,
wh’o do not respond In the spirit o f
those w h o h av e go n e to g i v e th eir Uvea
f o r us on b lood y field s f a r a w a y, may
s a f e l y be l e f t to be dea lt w it h by o p in ­
ion and the law , f o r the la w must, o f
course, com mand those things.
I am
d e a li n g w it h the m a tte r thus publicly
and f r a n k ly , n ot because I h av e any
doubt o r f e a r as to the result, but o n ly
In o rd e r that In a ll our t h in k in g and
In a l l our d e a lin g s w it h one an o th e r
w e m a y m o v e In a p e r f e c t ly c le a r a ir
o f mu tual understanding.
“ A n d th ere Is s o m et h in g m ore that
w e must add to o u r th in k in g
T h e pub ­
lic Is n o w as much part o f the G o v e r n ­
ment as ar e the A r m y and N a v y t h e m ­
T h e w h o l e people In a l l their
a c tiv itie s ar e n o w .m o bili zed and in
serv ic e f o r the accom pli sh m en t o f the
l N a ti o n 's ta sk In this war.
I t Is In such
circums tan ces imp oss ible j u s t ly to d is ­
tingu ish b etw e en Indus trial purchases
made b y the G o ve rn m e n t and Industrial
purchases made b y the m a n a ge rs o f
Industries, and It Is Just as much our
d u ty to sustain the in du stria ls o f the
c o u n try w it h a ll the Industries that
con tri bu te to Its li f e as it Is to sustain
our fo r c e s In the fie ld and on the sea.
W e must m a ke p rice s to the public the
same as the prices to the Governme nt.
P ric e s mean the same th in g e v e r y w h e r e
n ow
T h e y mean the e f f i c i e n c y or the
In e ff ic ie n c y o f the Nation, w h e t h e r It
la the G o v e r n m e n t that pays them or
not. T h e y mean v i c t o r y or defea t. T h e y
mean th at A m e r i c a w i l l win her place
once f o r a ll a m o n g the f o r e m o s t f re e
nations o f the w orld , o r th at she w i l l
sink to d e f e a t and become a second-
ra te p o w e r a lik e In th o ug ht and In
action. T h is la a d a y o f her reck on in g,
and e v e r y man a m on gs t us must p e r ­
s on a lly face th at re c k o n in g a l o n g wit h
" T h e case needs no a r g u in g .
I as­
sume th a t I am o n ly e x p re s s in g yo u r
o w n th o u g h ts — w h a t must be in the
mind o f e v e r y true man w h e n he faces
the t r a g e d y and the solemn g l o r y o f
the prese nt w a r f o r the eman cipatio n
o f mankind. I summon you to a g r e a t
duty, a g r e a t p r iv ile g e a s h in in g d i g ­
n it y and distinction.
I sha ll exp e ct
e v e r y man w h o Is not a s la c k e r to be
at m y side th ro u gh o u t this g r e a t e n ­
terp rise
In It no man can w in ho no r
w h o th in ks o f h imself.”
Washington, D. C.— A billion bush­
els increase over last year's production
in the principal food crop* is the re­
sponse American farmers have made
to President Wilson's mid-April ap­
peal saying that upon them "rests the
fate o f the war and the fate o f na­
tions. ”
The extent o f the farmers’ response
was disclosed Tuesday when a produc­
tion of 6,093,000,000 bushels o f princi­
pal food crops was forecast in the de­
partment o f agriculture's July crop re­
port. It shows this year’s corn crop
Petrograil General Korniloff’a oper­
w ill be the largest in history except ations in Galicia along a front o f 20
one and that four and possibly five oth­ miles have broken the Auatro-German
er crops w ill make new high records.
front between Halicz and the Car­
The com crop which, with favorable pathians and already the Russian cav­
weather from now on, may equal the alry has presaed forward for a distance
bumper yield of 1912, shows an in­ o f 16 miles.
crease o f 541,000,000 bushels over last
To the west o f the Dneister, as a re­
year, with a total o f 3,124,000,000 sult o f the western forward movement,
bushels. The acreage is 14 per cent Halicz has been hemmed in from the
larger than last year.
south and aouthweat, and the Russians
The combined winter and spring now are menacing the llaliez bridge­
wheat crop will be 38,000,000 bushels head.
more than last year, with a total of
From July 2 to 8, inclusive, General
687.000. 000 bushels.
Korniloff took 14,000 prisoners and 55
Barley, with prospects for the third guns, o f which 12 were heavy pieces.
largest crop ever grown, will exceed
last year’s production by 33,000,000
bushels, with an output o f 214,000,000 BARONS B O LD L Y F I X PRICE
Oats w ill exceed last year's crop by Coal Producers Tell Senate They Are
201.000. 000 bushels, the total produc­
Out for “ A ll Traffic W ill Bear.”
tion being forecasted at 1,543,000,000
D. C.— In light o f evi­
That is slightly under the record. dence brought out by the senate com­
Improvement between now and har­ mittee on interstate commerce, show­
vest, however, may result in a record ing "beyond question that the coal bar­
ons have been “ holding u p" the Amer­
ican public and extorting wholly un­
justifiable prices for coal, the adminis­
GERMA N U P H E A V A L IS S E E N tration must force down tho price or
admit its inability to cope with the
Clericals Swing Against Government - coal trust.
Kaiser Calls in Neutrals.
What instrumentality the adminis­
tration will use in attempting to fix a
Copenhagen — A Berlin dispatch
reaoanable price for coal wilt soon be
Tuesday to the Fremdenblatt, o f Ham­
determined, but it will not be the Fed­
burg, says the entire Clerical party in
eral Trade commission, i f congress is
the Reichstag, with the exception of
asked to name the regulating body.
three members, voted, Saturday night
In 1916 the coat o f producing bitu­
to support the stand taken by Mathias
minous coal in the Eastern fields was
Erzberger, who made a sensational
$1.50 per ton at the mouth o f the
speech in the secret session o f the
mine. This coal in June was selling
main committee, attacking the admir­
at $5.50 and $6 per ton. The coat o f
alty and Pan-Germans as the great ob­
production advanced during the pw.t
stacles to peace and advocating peace
year 25 to 50 cents a ton.
Y e t the
without annexations or indemnities and
coal barons have been charging $3.50
the introduction o f a parliamentary
and $4 a ton for their product, at the
form o f government.
mine, above what they admit to be the
* This action was taken, the dispatch
says, under the presumption that Chan­
From the same coal producers came
cellor von Bethmann-Hollweg would
the frank admission that they had put
up the price because they had deter­
The Clerical party is the largest in mined to get " a ll the tarffic would
the reichstag. Hitherto it has worked bear,” and had determined also to
with the Conservatives in givin g the make up during the war for "lean
years” during the past decade.
government a majority.
Mrs. H attie Nixon, 26, o f Waco,
Oregon Troops Arrest 30.
Tex., a student in the Marlin Airplane
North Yakima, Wash. — Oregon
school, was killed Wednesday while
28 making a practice flight over the troops, who arrived here Tuesday to
city. Her airplane struck some tele­ assist in dealing with the Industrial
phone wires and fell.
Workers o f the World situation, took
Seventy American mechanics and charge o f the Industrial Workers o f
bluejackets, commanded by Lieuten­ the World hall and arrested 30 members
ants Kenneth, W hiting and Griffin, o f the organization, including several
have arrived in Toulon to start an avi­ leaders o f the agitation that has been
ation school in connection with the carried on here. The men were placed
French naval air center at St. Ra­ temporarily in the city jail. Some of
them, it was stated, w ill be released,
but federal charges are to be placed
A German courtmartial sentenced to against others, who w ill be arraigned
death Mile. Grandprez and her brother, before the U. S. commissioner.
Ex-Czar Would Buy Bond.
Petrograd — Ex-Emperor Nicholas
has appealed to the provisional govern­
ment to allow him and the members of
his fam ily to acquire stock in the
“ Loan o f Freedom.” The former em­
peror announces that the amount o f
their investment in the loan depends
upon whether the Russian state intends
to support his fam ily.
He adds that
o f his own property he now has only
900,000 rubles, his w ife 1,000,000, his
heir A lexis 1,500,000, his daughter
Olga 3,000,000 and his other daughters
between 1,000,000 and 2,000,000.
Sinn Feiner is Elected.
London — Prof. Edward De Valera,
o f Dublin university, a Sinn Feiner,
has been elected to parliament from
East Clare. He received 5010 votes
against 2035 for Patrick Lynch, the
Nationalist. Prof. De Valera is one
o f the Sinn Feiners arrested at the
time o f the revolution and recently re­
leased from prison.
Professor De
Valera w ill hold the seat in the house
o f commons made vacant by the death
to Major William Redmond, brother o f
John Redmond, a prominent member
o f the Nationalist party.
Rare German Wines Sold.
New York — Thousands o f bottles
o f rare German wines were suctioned
through sealed bids here Monday by
the collector o f the port, acting for the
United States government. The liq­
uors were seized along with the Ger­
man ships Vaterland, Hamburg, Presi­
dent Lincoln and President Grant,
when war was declared.
The wines
were sold duty free, but the collector
retained the amount o f the duty, reve­
nue taxes and other charges. The rest
o f the money will be held in trust for
Germany for adjudication after war.
Elks Elect Fred Harper.
Boston— Fred C. Harper, a lawyer
o f Lynchburg, Va., was elected grand
exalted ruler o f the Benevolent and
Protective Order o f Elks and Atlantic
City was uansnimously named as the
next convention city. Resolutions en­
dorsing President Wilson’s stand in
the war with Germany were adopted
by the convention.
Delegates re­
ceived a recommendation from tho
board o f trustees that there should be
created a war relief emergency fund.
The total membership o f the order for
the year was given as 474,690.
both o f Stavelot, Liege province, Bel­
Cable Address for U. S. Navy.
gium, and caused them to be shot
Washington, D. C.— Secretary Dan­
within 24 hours, says a dispatch from
Amsterdam. The accused were tried iels announced Tuesday that for pri­
vate cablegrams to officers and men on
at Liege on the charge o f espionage.
the American warships in the war
The new board o f education o f Chi­ zone the cable address w ill be simply
cago has awarded a contract for 40,000 “ U SN A V FO R C E LO N D O N ” with the
new spelling books to take the place name o f the person addressed.
o f the volume that contained an eulogy name o f the ship or station is not to be
o f the German emperor and caused included and the rank o f the addressee
considerable agitation there several should be used only when there is a
months ago. The new books will cost probability o f confusion with someone
o f identical name.
Eat Less Meat is Plea.
Washington, D. C.— To conserve the
nation’s meat supply, each person in
the United States is asked by the food
administration to cut down by at least
one ounce the amount o f meat eaten
each day. Recent studies, it is stated,
show the average daily per capita con­
sumption is nearly one-third o f a pound
o f beef and one-fifth o f a pound of
pork. The adoption of this suggestion
will, it is believed, relieve the demands
o f the armies at home and abroad.
Seattle Jitneya Stopped.
Seattle — United States
Judge Neterer Thursday handed down
a temporary injunction
drivers o f 5-cent auto buses from oper­
ating on the streets o f Seattle until
they comply with the bonding law or
until their case is heard in court upon
its merits. The injunction was issued
on petition o f the Puget Sound Trac­
tion, Light & Power company, which
has been engaged for a long time in
a legal struggle with the auto drivers.
“ First Lady” ia Worker.
Washintgon, D. C.— Four dozen suits
o f pajamas and an equal number o f
sheets and pillow cases, made by Mrs.
Woodrow Wilson and Miss Bones and
donated to the Red Cross, have been di­
vided among the Red Cross organiza­
tions o f England, France, Italy and
Canada. Mrs. Those R. Marshall has
organized weekly Red Cross sewing
meetings o f senators’ wives and Mrs.
Franklin K. Lane ha* organized wo­
men o f the Interior department.
Aviator Falls Into Bay.
San Diego — Lieutenant D. C. Em­
mons, o f the North Island Signal Corps
aviation school, fell 50 feet in a big
Martin seaplane into the waters o f San
Diego bay Wednesday when his ma­
chine went into a sudden side slip.
The aviator quickly unstrapped him­
self from his seat and climbed out on
the wings o f the machine, from which
he was rescued by sailors from a Unit­
ed SUtes war craft, anchored a few
feet away. Emmons was not hurt.
A bomb explosion which Wednesday
night destroyed the front o f the resi­
dence o f Uuncio Tarantino, a wealthy
sharehloder in the Western California
Fish company, was attributed by the
San Francisco police to black hand
activities. Tarantino had received ten
threatening letters demanding that he
pay $10,000 to his blackmailers, but
he repeatedly ignored the demands.
Chapin & Gore, o f Chicago, one o f
the largest whisky-making firms in the
United States, is going out o f busi­
ness, it is announced.
Charles H.
Hermann, president o f the firm and di­
recting head of the National Distillers
and Wholesale Liquor Dealers’ associ­
ation, made the announcement, which
comes as the first direct result in Chi­
cago of the recent National anti­
whisky legislation.
James W. Gerard, former ambassa­
dor to Germany, has resigned from the
diplomatic service and returned to pri­
vate life. His resignation was ac­
cepted some time ago, although the
fact was not allowed to become known
until this week. The resignation ter­
minates an ambassdorial career re­
garded by the State department as one
o f the most important in American
diplomatic history.
Emma Goldman and
Berkman, anarchists, convicted in New
York Monday o f conspiracy to obstruct
the operation o f the selective draft
law, started fo r prison in the custody
o f federal marshals a few hours after
the verdict had been returned. Berk-
man w ill be taken to the federal peni-
tenitary at Atlanta, Ga., and Miss
Goldman to the state penietentiary at
Jefferson City, Mo.
Each was sen­
tenced by Federal Judge Mayer to the
maximum penalty o f two years’ im­
prisonment and to pay a fine o f
* 10 , 000 .
Arrangements have been completed
to deport all Germans from Liberia, it
is learned in London. They will leave
in a few days, with France as their
L W. W. Organizer Says 50.000 Men
W ill Quit L'nless Miners Win.
Chicago— Threat o f a general strike
of 50,000 agricultural workers in the
wheat fields o f the Northwest was
made here by Frank H. Little, mem­
ber o f the general executive board of
the Industrial Workers o f the World.
He declared the walkout o f the harves­
ters was certain i f the demands o f
striking miners in Arizona and Mon­
tana were not granted.
L ittle had
charge o f organizing the miners who
recently quit work in those states.
“ We have no interest in the w ar,”
L ittle said. “ Our interest solely is
with the working class.
As I told
Governor Campbell, o f Arizona, we
w ill use the war just like the business
men are doing, to make a profit for
our class.
"O u r organization o f agricultural
workers has been under way for three
years and we have a membership o f
nearly 50,000 migratory workers who
w ill be asked to harvest the grain this
summer. W e are confident the farm­
ers cannot find strike breakers to re­
place them.”
Hoover Denies Report but Says Specm
lative Buying W ill be Stopped.