Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, July 07, 1917, Image 3

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Nix Deaths Reported, Compared With
Nsven Last Year
65.1 Injured on
r- i .
T¿ j
W f f f f f ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
ws S !
at Mtate Exhibit
College of Neurology and
Electro-Therapeutic«, Inc.,
i i 7 !J
« • » $135
lto<;$ 145
Tito Uehtoat and Strnnswt I> r ««5 U w mad«- VMM
baOparmtol bjr Una Man and Cantad br |T»u| Moo.
Kill All Files!
\ Hotel
Big Premiums for Poultry to He Given
o f Visitors Drawing Card.
Ott Timn, an employe In s logging
ramp at l/ondon, near Cottage Grove,
Chicago Fourth o f July celebra­ was killed Monday when a anag fell on
Olympia Premiums for poultry ex­
You corn pester««! men end women tions seam to have taken another long
him. He leaves a w ife and four chil­ hibits will be doubled at the State
need »o ffe r no loiiKor. Wear the »hoe» atridu toward absolute sanity.
Fair, according to Harry H. Collier,
that nearly killed you before, »a y » |Hirta of casualties received from all dren.
o f Tacoma, superintendent o f the poul­
this Cincinnati authority, berauae a parts o f the country up to e late hour
More than 40 visitors already have try department, who visited the state
few drop» of freexone applied directly
been In to the Oregon Caves near department o f agriculture here Thurs­
on a tender, aching corn or callua, the Fourth are so far below the num
Grants Pass thia month, although the day. The reason for this is that it is
■top» »oreu e»» at once and anon the her received at the aame hour last
corn or hardened callus loosen» so It year aa to Indicate that Independence season has not regularly o|>eried. The de#ired to stimulate the Interest o f the
can be lifted out. root and all. with­ Day In 1917 w ill establish a remark camp at the head o f Williams Creek, people o f the state in poultry raising.
where autos are left and the forestry
out pain
able record.
M. Collier stated that during the
A »tuall bottle of freesone costa
Hlx deaths have been reported com­ trail taken, la in operation.
campaign that Is being waged to in­
very little at any drug store, but will pared with a total o f seven for the
The Jensen shingle mill at Wheeler crease the supply o f food in the coun­
positively take o ff every hard or »oft
first night last year, and while that was destroyed by (Ira Monday morn­ try, the raising of poultry can play an
corn or callus. This should be tried,
as It Is Inexpensive and 1» »aid not number may be increased to the record ing; loss »10,000, no insurance The important part. It takes only three
o f 1916, it is the decrease in the num­ mill was o f three-machine capacity months to bring chickens to the stage
to Irritate the surrounding skin.
If your druggist hasn't any freexone ber o f injured which stands out as not­ and was shipping two to four cars o f where they may be useful as food.
tell him to get a small bottle for you able.
shingles each week.
An adjoining Any other meat producing animal re­
from his wholesale drug house. It Is
quires from 18 months, as is the case
Only 136 persona injuord, with just lumber m iltylan t was saved.
fine stuff and acta like a charm every a single case in Chicago, was the
with pork, to three yearn, the time
Paroled prisoners from the peniten­ necessary for cattle to reach their
wonderful answer to the campaign of
education for a sane Fourth celebra­ tiary earned »166,102.24 since July, greatest productive point, to become
W e e r l l W a n t o r l Man* oumiwm oiw.
w ceas w antea „.„n, ?, ,.,7 v. ,«,»„.1 tion which has been conducted through­ 1916, and »14,879.60 during May, food products.
lu»et. o. NsUonal l>ru« Ce., Nurth Ysklraa. Wuh out the counrty for a number o f years. when 216 reported, according to the
I f chickens can be used for the pur­
report o f Parole Officer Keller, just pose o f meat supply and will meet the
gCIKNTirtC AHI loiUMiK'AI. liiilrurtlAni: Last year the Injured Hat numbered
filed with Governor Wlthycombe. The demand in so much shorter time, the
Kurmutn. Ui-MIns«. II.«,ka, rl.
A senorsl furo 663.
•■MI for X
»lili «pedal Ih'lli-m luna f,,r I >«ai
Moat encouraging are advices from a average monthly earning was »62.03. raising o f them should be encouraged,
Uf «ny particular .|ui»tl,.n »ni. «,| , u.< l„r »I.MI.
■and full t.trlh Uala AH I 1(1 IIJ Kill'AÍ. HTtll>IO, number o f pointa that during the year
The stock o f Mra. Charles Greogry's said Mr. Collier. And for that reason,
1‘urtlaiMl. Ilrspifi, I*. O. lio«
ordinancea or other regulations against women’s furnishings store at Dallas, he added, the premiums w ill be raised
RTUtlY book Waaplns. ahorthand tol.srat.hy, the sale ami use o f fireworks had been was totally destroyed by fire Monday on exhibits o f them at the State Fair.
aalaatnanahlp. Knsitah branrha«. >1 »n K e n liM
The State Fair is an annual event
The fire was discovered at
Mbuul. »rito, or pluma Main Mu lar ratalana; put into effect, with the satisfactory night.
■raduatoa guárante*! pnallloea Itohnka Waikar result that no lives were lost ami few 11:45, and immediately reported to the and will be held in North Yakima from
llu.inaaa Cultos«. IS7 «Ui Hlwl. naar Murrlaae.
|>ersonB had been hurt.
night watchman, who was using the September 17 to 22 this fall. Mr. Ben­
Curtlatid. Onsiin.
Reports o f fatalities came from the fire hose to flush the street, but upon son, state agricultural commissioner.
ftprM d
following points:
breaking in the whole room was found Is o f the opinion that the fa ir w ill re
I/os Angeles, Cal. Ramon Castro, to be a mass o f flame« and none o f the ceive a better attendance from the
■ *>•!•* fly Millar altr. >* a/.<| k 11 la * 1 1
, artuuiMnigU, ouuw,.,, m «I «I
Sound territory thia year than ever be­
10 years old, both arms blown off by »10,000 stock was saved.
‘ esta!.
fore. The reason he gives for this is
explosion o f dynmite.
On their return from an inspection
that the Yakima valley is coming more
Endicott, Wash.
Alvona Schicr*
o f the Payette-Oregon slope irrigation
and more into prominence aa a pro­
man, 3 yearn old, burned to death when
D . ila y F ly K i l l e r
project on the Snake river, Attorney ducing center and ia making particular
• •>«»1 b. M M « , mt f saa| firecrackers set fire to her dress.
----------- ------—----
|l «.#.
General Brown and Superintendent of endeavors to entertain the visitors at
Detroit, Mich. - Dorothy l<ewis, 8
«AMOLO k O M C It», I • O O sk sia I h „ f ^ k l y a , N . V.
Banka Sargent were enthusiastic about
the fair in a cordial way this year.
yeraa old, fatally burned by fireworks.
the project. They went aa members
(Julncy, III.— One death due to pre­
o f the state bonding board to investi­
M a w lü! Murin» Is for Tired Eye».
mature explosion o f a bomb.
M O V lil Rad r.yaa— Sor# Uvas —
gate the land relative to the certifica­ GRAIN OUTLOOK ENCOURAGES
ilrarinlatod Nraiida lto»ta —
tion o f »226,000 worth o f bonds the
M fr e b M
Ü M ltir». Murlna U a Varurtla
Traatiuant fur Nr«a that f«al dry •nd «m an
CHINESE PRESIDENT FLEES district proposes to issue.
Bumper Crops in Walla Walla. Eureka
Utraruur B t.» a« much t.f y.ur lóala» cara
aa r o n r iw tt , and with ihaaam« r.«ufarity.
Flat and Yakima Sections.
With wood prices soaring at Salem,
cut i m m ie
TM cussi tut sis i n n
Sold al Orti» and Opusal Ktoraa or far Mail,
Refuge Found in Japanese lega tion ; the wood famine that confronts Port­
grain crop outlook in the Inland
tal Bufa, Ira SmaSi Co, Ckitaia. fat Iraa taoa
land promises to take hold in the val­ Empire, is reported by W. G. Paine,
«m im o in mu mu mm no mum imi Mioonotmmioo*
Was Reported Assassinated.
Except in a few isolated in­ o f Spokane, to W. C. Wilkes, assistant
Tien Tain— L i Yuan Hung, the Chi­ stances wood has not been purchased
Joffrr lo Aaaiat IVrshing.
general freight and passenger agent o f
nes« President, with two attendants,
Marshal Joirre has been designated esca|ied from the palace at 9 o'clock for much less than »6 a cord, even fir the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Rail
being out o f sight.
Wood dealers de­
by the French minister o f war to con­ Wednesday night ami sought refuge In clare that but little wood haa been cut way company, aa follow s:
“ Weather clear, calm and cool. No
tinue hia work, begun in Washington,
and with the draft in sight there ap- rain, excepting scattered showers. Big
o f assisting to organize American par­ conisdering the urgency o f the case, |>ears little chance o f finding large
Bend w ill need rain soon.
No one ia al­ crews for wood cutting purposes.
ticipation in the war. He will, there­ granted him refuge.
country will not suffer for two weeks.
fore, be the representative o f the lowed to interview the President.
Determined that there shall be no Conditions reported fa ir as a whole,
French In roo|>ernting with the A m eri­
o f disaster like that wrought optimistic generally.
can commander. Major General Per-
“ Big Bend crops full o f promise.
shing. Lieutenant Colonel Fabry, as ceived here Wednesday by the Chinese by the breaking o f the Killimaque
No immediate danger from lack of
chief o f stsff, and Lieutenant I>e Tes- World, a newspaper, stated that un­ Lake dam, in Eastern Oregon, when
rain. No signs o f burning, except
san, as aide, both members o f the confirmed rumors persisting in all sec­ the town o f Rock Creek was wiped out
slight damage near Schrag. Bumper
French commission to the United
crops at Yakima, W alla W alla and Eu­
States, w ill continue with the mar­ Yuan Hung had been assassinated and ranchers along the streams that flow reka Flat. W ill be some threshing by
that former high officials o f the repub­ down the aides o f the Elkhom moun­
lic had declarer! allegiance to the mon­ tains, where irrigation reservoirs have August 1. N o general rain since last
Conditions in Palouse, Big
been built at the sources, have started report.
Too Much Gratified.
a movement toward protecting them­ Potlatch and N ez Perce not so full of
“ They say the ex-esar o f Russia ia
Heads are forming low .”
tmo|M o f the southern provinces, fight­ selves.
very fond o f fish.”
ing for the preservation o f the repub­
"T h en he ought to be satisfied with
Good Crop o f Alfalfa.
lic. and the northern forces o f the Roaeburg, says the first roads to be
the^pretty kettle o f it he's in just
North Yakima -The first cutting o f
young emperor, according to cable ad­ improved in Douglas county under the
now. ” — Exchange.
vices received by the Chinese Nation- state road bonding act w ill be those in alfalfa hay in Yakima valley is about
nlists league. The first clash occurred Pass Creek and Canyon creek canyons. completed and the growers report a
Tuesday, the officers o f the league Resides »350,000 to be obtained from good crop, and aay it has been put in
announce, who say the aource o f ita in­ the state and federal government, the stack in fa ir shape. The baling
formation ia unquestionable.
about »200,000 realized
from the season w ill soon begin and growers
Fits Men and Women for
According to the dispatches, the county bond issue w ill be expended in and dealers are jockeying for the open­
a life o f useful and profit­
soldiers o f President Li in the capital improving the
Pacific Highway in ing price. The dealers are trying to
able work as
are steadily gaining ground.
Douglas county. Work will begin this contract for »12.50 per ton, while the
growers are asking »15. A ll labor en­
DruglcMH Practitioner»«
Tokio— General Chang Haun, says b
tering into the production has in­
F. A. BR E W STE R . M. D., D EAN
Opening bids on the »418,000 port
dispatch from Pekin, asked Baron Ha-
creased over last year.
In most in­
721 State,
Salem, Oregon.
stances men in the hay fields have
22, whether Japan would support a
been paid »3 a day and board.
200 Rooms
N««r Roth
Absolut«!? movement for a restoration o f the and Newport.
100 Baths
monarchy in China.
W ith 24 applications on file before
Baron Hayashi replied that Japan the Public Service commission for in­
would adhere to its policy o f non­ creases in rates in the 15 per cent
Should the restoration intrs-state rate cases, it is expected
appear to succeed, it is believed it may that the commission w ill require at
Corner S iith and Hoyt Sts., Portland. O r«.
precipitate a decisive struggle between least 20 hearings before all o f the tes­ Wheat— Bluestem. .......................»2.20
timony and arguments are in. These F o r ty fo ld ............. ....................... 2.15
Thoroughly Renovated & Decorated the northern and aouthern provinces.
The opinion has been expressed here hearings w ill start July 9 In Portland. Club....................... ....................... 2.15
IX ) l ! HIM KM. M an n er.
Red R u ssian ........ ....................... 2.10
that should serious disorders arise,
A committee o f farmers along the
RA TK 8:—76e to t l . S P K C IA L — W m k or Month Japan and the allies'm ight be forced to
Oats— No. 1 white ..................... »44.00
route o f the Great Southern railway
take protective action.
r n r r d e v e l o p i n g and
has filed a petition with the Public Barley— No. 1 feed ..................... 42.00
Service commission at Salem against Cattle— Steers, p rim e ... »9.50((i:10.50
Rank Robbers Captured.
For a llttlo Roostintr amonir your friends with
suspending the 15 per cent increase o f Steers, g o o d .......... ........ 8.75@ 9.25
Conde, S. D. Two masked bandits,
Kodak»«. Band for information an to hnw you can
8.00® 8.75
rates asked by that railroad, and de­ Steers, medium . . . ........
aecure craditn and have Your work don«* FREE o f
8.25® 8.50
( ’ harm». Writ«« today, fir n«*nd us for trial a roll o f one o f whom was badly wounded in a claring that suspension o f such rates is Cows, choice.......... ........
film or negatives to bo print«*! and receive 40 per
7.50® 8.00
running fight with a posse led by the liable to cause withdrawal o f the line Cows, medium . . . . ........
cant off.
town marshal, were captured here on account o f the low rate and light Cows, fa ir ............. ........ 6.75® 7.25
PHOTO C RA FT SHOP. Plltock Flock.
Heifers ................. ........ 6.00® 9.25
P. O. Box 726.
Portland. Oregon Thursday
afternoon, after they had traffic.
entered the local bank and obtained
The question o f what disposition Ja- Bulls.......................
7.50® 9.50
between »6000 and »7000. The money son Moore intends to make o f hia lease C a lv e s ................... ........
was recovered.
on Summer and Albert lakes w ill arise Hogs— Packing . . . ........»15.25®15.90
The men are said to be “ M ike” Mc­ again at the next meeting o f the State Rough heavies . . . .
Bride and Iiouia Miles, who have lived [•and board. Secretary o f State Olcott Pigs and skips . . . .
here about a year.
received an inquiry from the City Stock hogs............. ........ 11.00® 12.50
The owner o f an automobile which Saftey Deposit company, o f Omaha, Sheep— W eth ers..
the bandits had commandeered was asking what has happened to the Jason Ewes ................... ___
found tied to a tree outside o f town.
Moore proposition and what steps must L a m b s ................... ........ 10.00®12.75
Flour— Patents, »11.40.
be taken to obtain a lease on the Sum­
Cossacks Endorse Duma.
M illfeed — Spot prices : Bran, »32
mer and Albert lakes for its potassium
” C. B .” M I N E R S & CO.
per ton; shorts, »35; rolled barley,
Petrograd The A ll Russia Congress salts.
UNIVERSAL REPAIR and MACHINE SHOP o f Cossacks has adopted a resolution
»48; rolled oats, »50.
W. D. Clark was Monday named
Hay — Producers’ prices: Timothy,
opposing the dissolution o f the Duma,
I . l n s . rrm ano sh un i t i
m o t ia s i , o
n too»' w h ich .it declared would be a violation railroad engineer by the Public Service Eastern Oregon, »26 per ton; alfalfa,
o f the fundamental laws o f Russia. commission, to succeed E. W. More­ »18; valley grain hay, »18@20.
Butter — Cubes, extras, 37c
I The congress declared that the state o f land, who recently resigned.
p i y i r ) Veal. Pork. Beef,
pound; prime firsts, 36c.
Poultry. Butler, Egg,
ants o f Ukraine is a menace to the sion, consisting o f John R. Walker, prices: Prints, extras, 38c; cartons,
fc- r* 1 1 1
and Farm Produce
| union o f the Russian state. The con­ Nelson C. Brown, A. A. Oxholm and lc extra; butterfat, No. 1, 38c; No.
to the Old Rellalile Kvcrdnuf houao w ith «
record o f 46 y a m o f Square iVnlingn, and
gress offered its support to the govern­ R. E. Simmons, accompanied by George 2, 36c.
be iMum d of T O P M A R K E T PRICES.
Eggs— Ranch, current receipts, 30c
ment in any action taken relating to M. Cornwall, o f Portland, and A. W,
the Ukraine.
Cooper, secretary o f the Western Pine per dozen; selects, 32c.
4B-47 Front Strsst
Portland. Oregon
Poultry— Hens, 14® 16c per pound;
Manufacturers association, o f Spokane,
Railroad Earnings Gain.
spent Monday Instecting Bend lumber broilers, 19®22c; turkeys, 20c; ducks,
18® 22c; geese, 10® 12c.
Washington, D. C.— May reports to plants.
Veal— Fancy, 14i®15c per pound.
the Interstate Commerce commission
A. T. Donovan, o f W agontire, near
Pork— Fancy, 194c per pound.
from 72 o f the 186 principal railroads
Vegetables — Artichokes, 70 ® 75c
o f the country show an increase In Bend,|has gone to Portland to obtain
earnings for May, 1916. The net rev­ Pasteur treatment for rabies, which he per dozen; tomatoes, »1.86®2.00 per
for May this year were »48,134,- fears he may be subject to as the crate; cabbage, 2® 3c per pound; e g g ­
l D o Y o u r O w n P lu m b in g | enues
35(6:50; cu­
746; last year, »46,981,930.
result o f the bite o f a wildcat.
cumbers, 50c@»1.25 per dozen; pep­
By bnjrlnar direct from us at wholwwla price«
and «ave the plumber'« profits. W rit* us to­
Aliena’ Guns Confiscated.
Robert Ranks, o f the firm o f Kruse pers, 30®40c per pound; rhubarb,
day your need«. W * will * iv e you our rock-
Salt Lake C ity— F ive hundred guns & Banks, shipbuilders, o f North Bend, 2®8c; peas, 4(ft;5c; asparagus, 6 ® 6 c;
bottom "diroct-to-you’* priee*. f. o. b. rail or
boat. Wo actually savo you from 10 to 36 per
were confiscated from the alien resi­ announces the firm has been awarded spinach, 6@7c per pound.
co ot AH roods guaranteed.
Potatoes — Buying prices, »3.26®
dents o f Salt Lake county outside of six vessels by the govemmnet shipping
Northwest headquarter« for lea d er Water
Halt Lake City Wednesday by 135 board. The ships are to be o f the 3.60 per hundred.
Systems and Fuller A Johnson Rnginea.
Green Fruit— Strawberries,’ Oregon,
members o f the "hom e guard,” serv­ Hough type, 281 fe e t in length, 46-foot
ing aa deputy sheriffs.
Most o f the beam and 26-foot depth o f hold. These »1.3501.60.
212 Third S tre e t
Portland, Oregon
W ool— Eastern Oregon, fine, 47®53c
guns were taken from the mining vessels are the first awarded to Coos
camps where the population o f foreign­ Bay, but others are expected to be per pound; coarse, 58c; valley, 60®
constructed there.
63c; mohair, 60®65c.
ers is greatest.
No. 27, 1917.
P, N. U.
Corresponding Day In 1916.
M o to r W o r k
«,1 ma A
Mixed with Sulphur
Darkens ho Naturally
Nobody Can Tell.
K overalls
K e e p K id s
S tE fâ S B H S a
The old time mlxt ire of Sage Tea
and 8ulphur for darkening gray,
streaked and faded hair la grand­
mother's recipe, and folks are again
using It to keep their hair a good,
even color, which Is quite sensible, as
we are living In an age when a youth­
ful appearance Is o f the greatest ad­
Nowadays, though, we don't have
the troublesome task of gathering the
■age and the mussy mixing at home.
A ll drug stores sell the ready-to-uae
product, Improved by the addition of
other Ingredients, called “ W yeth's
Mage and Sulphur Compound’’ for
about 60 cents a bottle. It is very
popular because nobody can discover
It has been applied. Simply moisten
your comb or a soft brush with It and
draw this through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time; by morn­
ing the gray hair disappears, but what
delights the ladles with W yeth’s Sage
and Sulphur Compound, Is that, be­
sides beautifully darkening the hair
After a few applications, It also pro­
duces that soft lustre and appearance
of abundance which Is so attractive.
This ready-to-uae preparation Is a de­
lightful toilet requisite for those who
desire a more youthful appearance. It
la not Intended for the cure, mitigation
or prevention of disease.
to K ilo o » d e m
w 'a a a s ís
$ 1.00 th e suit
Belare rj f fiutatemi. Look for
• 8c C o , San Francisco
«wHMesAso mía «i tw r r.t t
Many Business Men Debauched.
Profits made on a steadily rising
market based on inadequate supplies
seem to have debauched many o f our
business men and may force the fed­
eral government to ad pot emergency
measures that w ill bear hard on the
trade. It is useless to stimulate pro­
duction on the farm if middlemen skim
the cream and the masses are forced to
exist on short rations. High prices in
the last three or four weeks have
weakened the case o f those engaged in
selling foodstuffs.— New York Com­
An Objection.
“ They can’ t have prohibition in the
British army in France.”
“ Why n ot?"
“ Because they are using too many
tanks in it .” — Exchange.
Bowled Oat.
Representative Campbell was talk­
ing about a poitilcal dispute.
“ The falseness o f your opponents’
claims,” he said, “ was eaisly brought
out— as easily, in fact, as in the case
o f the orphan.”
” ‘ Lady,’ whined a husky young
beggar, ‘ can’t ye help me to a crust o f
bread or sumpn’ ? I ’m a poor orphan.’
“ ‘ Where do your father and mother
live, my boy?” said ¡the alert lady in
kindly tones.
“ ‘ Down that there alley, sniffed
the orphan.” — Washington Star.
R a safe,reliable
e s in o !
skin treatment
from a Bone Spavin, R in g Bone,
Splint, Curb, Side Bone, or ximilar
trouble and get* hone going sound,
ft acts mildly but quickly and good re­
sults are lasting. D oes not blister
o r rem o ve the hair and horse can
be worked. Page 17 in pamphlet with
each bottle tells how. $2.00 a bottle
Soothed and Healed by Cutlcura— de'ivered. Horse B ook 9 M free.
AB SO RB IN 'E. J R , the antiseptic liniment
Sample Each Free by Mail,
for mankind, reduces Painful Swellings, En­
Treatment for the face: On rising larged Glands, Wen«, Bruises,Varicose Veins;
and retiring smear affected parts with heals Sores. Allays Pain. W ill tell you
if you write. »1 and »2 a bottle at
Cutlcura Ointm ent
Then wash off k more
i l m or drUmed. I ibcral trial bottle for l i e — ■f
with Cutlcura Soap and hot water.
V. F. mutts. P D F , 401 Tsmst* St, SyringflsU, Rais.
For the hands: Soak them in a hot
lather o f Cutlcura Soap. Dry, and rub
in Cutlcura Ointment
Free sample each by mall with
Address postcard, Cutlcura,
D ept L, Boston.
Sold everywhere. «1 wwl a 7*a h n Writ* tar priest Md thppS| tap
T he H. F. N orton C o . p « iiml on.; Stans, n.
Women cf
M iddle ¿(ge
Many distressing Ailments experienced
by them are Alleviated by Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound«
Here is Proof by Women who Know.
Lowell, Mass.—“ For the last three years I have
been troubled with the Change of Life and the bad
feelings common at that time. I was in a very ner­
vous condition, with headaches and pain a good
deal o f the time so I was unlit to do my work. A
friend asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta­
ble C o m p o u n d , which I did, and it has helped me in
every way. I am not nearly so nervous, no head­
ache or pain. I must say that Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound is the best remedy any sick
woman can take.”—Mrs. M a r g a r e t Q u i n n , Rear
259 W orthen St., Lowell, Mass.
She Tells Her Friends to Take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Remedies.
North Haven, Conn.— “ When I was 45 I had the Change o f Life
which is a trouble all women have. A t first it didn’t bother me
but after a while I got bearing down pains. I called in doctors who
told mo to try different things but they did not cure my pains. One
day my husband came* home and said, ‘ W h y don’t you try Lydia &
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash?’ W ell, I got
them and took about 10 bottles o f Vegetable Compound and could
feel myself regaining my health. I also used Lydia E. Pinkham s
Sanative Wash and it has done me a great deal o f good. Any one
coming to my house who suffers from female troubles or Change of
Life, f tell them to take the Pinkham remedies. There arc about 20
of us here who think the world o f them.” — Mrs. L l o b e n c * I s e i . i . a ,
Box 197, North Haven, Conn.
You are Invited to Write for Free Advice.
other medicine has been so successful in relieving woman’s
suffering as has Lydia E. Pinkliem’s Vegetable Compound.
Women may receive free and helpful ad vice by writing the Lydia
E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Such letters are received
N o
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